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Rainbow Falls

*Rainbow's POV*

I was flying through the sky when I heard Azure call my name.

“Yeah, babe?” I asked as I flew to him.

Azure spoke "We should start practicing for the Equestrian Games."

Oh yeah! Almost forgot!

Gryph-Dash spoke "COUNT ME IN!!!"

Zipp spoke "Me too!"

“Really?” I asked in surprise.

Zipp spoke "Well yeah, there was no such thing back in my zone."

Gryph-Dash spoke "There weren't that many ponies though in my zone."

Celaeno spoke "I'm rather curious about it."

Jack chir-meows.

I spoke "I'd have to talk to Twilight though."

Twilight asks "*Showing up* About what?"

I explained to my fellow alicorn about the Equestrian Games tryouts.

Twilight spoke "I see."

Zipp spoke "Too bad Sunny can't take part though."

Twilight asks "Why?"

Zipp spoke "She's pregnant."

Twilight spoke "Aah. I see."

Ingot was stuck in a wall since he had the gall to prank Hitch.

Zipp asks "So, that's the idiot that always pulls dangerous pranks on others?"

“Yep.” I answered.

Twilight's ears were flattened since she had sensed Ingot was a nascent.

Twilight spoke "There is no way in Tartarus I'm ascending that idiot."

“Say what now? Tell me I didn’t hear that right.” I asked in dread.

Twilight asks "Remember the dynamite prank he pulled on Azure a month ago?"

I spoke "Oh right..."

Blue Flame appears.

Blue had a sad look on her face.

I had a bad feeling about this.

Blue sighs "It's not that... I miss my old life..."

"Oh..." I noted.

Blue spoke "My original name was Summer Hope... But round about 50 years ago... I had died in a terrible fire..."

Blue rests her forehead against mine to show me what had happened to her.

*Flashback to 50 years ago*

*Blue/Summer's POV*

Smoke and flames was all I could see since my house had caught fire and I was trapped under a burning log.

I think "{I guess this is it for me... Mom... Dad... Violet... I'm sorry...}"

I succumb to my injuries and passed away.

Next thing I knew, I was a ghost of my former self.

I spoke "Summer Hope is gone since she had perished in that terrible fire but only scars remain now."

Twilight spoke "How terrible."

I spoke "Yeah."

*Twilight's POV*

I spoke "I... didn't know that happened..."

Blue spoke "I never told Phantom about it though since he and I don't get along that well."

“I’m… terribly sorry that happened.” I apologized.

Blue broke down into tears but since she was a ghost, I couldn't hug her.

Rainbow spoke "Still… That’s pretty messed up."

Blue spoke "But I can't change the fact that I'm nothing but a ghost of my former self..."

The ghostly mare kept crying.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Emmy."

Emerald showed up. “‘Sup, you guys. Whoa, what’s going on here?”

I explained to Emerald about Blue's past.

Carrying a pink furred kitten in her arms, Roll spoke "That's terrible..."

Emerald spoke "*Wince* That is totally messed up."

I spoke "Yeah but we can't change the past..."

Blue spoke "And there's one other thing... Rainbow Dash, Emerald Aura... I'm your great aunt."

Rainbow asks …Say what now?"

Blue spoke "My sister was called Violet Rain... I never got the chance to say goodbye to her..."

I spoke "Rainbow, I think we should talk to your parents as well as Gusty Snow about this."

Emerald asks "My mom?"

I spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle teleports before reappearing with Gusty Snow as Azure pops up with Rainbow's parents.

Danyelle asks "Twilight, should I bring in Rainbow's grandmother?"

“Just in case.” I answered.

Danyelle teleported before reappearing with Violet Rain.

Violet Rain asks "Anyone wanna explain why I look and feel like a young mare again?"

I ask "Do you know what happened to a mare named Summer Hope?"

Violet froze with a cold sweat at that. “How… do you know that name?”

I spoke "Her ghost told me."

Blue Flame was invisible to all but me since she was too afraid to show herself to her sister.

Emerald stammers "G-G-G-Ghost?!"

Danyelle cuffs her cousin on the head.

Danyelle spoke "Now isn't the time to freak out Emmy. Besides, Phantom's half ghost due to an accident."

Rainbow spoke "Come on, Danyelle. You do know the mention of that gives Emerald the willies."

Though invisible, Blue spoke "Scaredy cat."

Emerald growls "*Tick mark* What was that?"

Blue spoke "You can't even hit me though since I lack a physical body so there!"

Blue stuck her tongue out at Emerald.

Emerald growled in anger at that.

Danyelle spoke "Emerald..."

Emerald spoke "Sorry, I just don’t like being made fun of like that."

Danyelle spoke "But she's right though, you do frighten easy."

Emerald spoke "Gah! My pride…!"

Danyelle spoke "It's bad enough my counterpart knows a cat and a wolf that are also scared of ghosts..."

Emerald whines "Hey! You know I can fight fiercely, right?"

Danyelle giggles "You want some cheese with that whine?"

Emerald almost snapped as she stopped her foot to calm herself down, leaving a deep footprint in the ground. “Don’t. Say it.”

Blue was laughing at what Danyelle had said.

Rainbow spoke "Whoa, Emmy has serious leg power."

Danyelle spoke "True and shut up Blue Flame."

Blue shuts up.

*During training*

Danyelle spoke "Jeepers, that is one big stallion..."

“Huh?” I asked in confusion before seeing what Danyelle talked about.

Blue spoke "That's just wrong...."

Emerald spoke "Talk about a double-edged sword…"

A silver-blue chakat with blue eyes spoke "Yeah..."

“Who’s this?” I asked.

Mistybreeze spoke "I'm Mistybreeze, Blizzardstar's sibling."

That was surprising.

I spoke "I didn't see that coming."

Twilight spoke "Me neither."

Blizzardstar spoke "Yeah, sorry about that."

Snowfire mewls.

Rarity spoke "Blizzy, I think something's wrong with Mythic."

Blizzardstar asks "Hmm?"

The blue eyed sphinx was playing with a rubber ball but shi couldn't hear voices.

Rarity spoke "Shi's deaf..."

Blizzardstar asks "…How?"

Twilight spoke "It's a common occurrence with white furred cats with blue eyes."

Rarity spoke "I.. didn't know that."

Twilight spoke "It’s okay. But…"

Danyelle spoke "It is what it is."

Jazz giggles since her brother was on Danyelle's head.

Danyelle asks "Is there a kitten on my head?"

“You could say that.” I smirked.

Danyelle giggles "that's just my nephew, Volt."

Volt and Jazz mewl cutely, causing the others and I to gush.

“Aww!” I say.

Danyelle spoke "It'll be a while before I have kittens."

Twilight spoke "Okay."

Flash chuckles "Hey Twi-Twi."

Twilight giggles "Heehee, hey Flash-Flash."

Flash chuckles "Ever thought about having another foal?"

Twilight giggles "*Smirk with half-lidded eyes* Only if you wanted to do something truly special with me."

Flash teleports with his mare to the Chuddle hotel.

“Well, I bet those two could be busy for quite a while.” I smiled.

Roll spoke "It's only a matter of time before my sister in-law decides to have kittens."

Danyelle spoke "Shut up Roll!"

Roll spoke "Make me!"

After Jazz and Volt were in Vince's arms, Roll and Danyelle were in a fight cloud.

Lan spoke "Oh boy, let’s just hope they don’t do a Challenge."

Maylu whacks her boyfriend on the head.

Vince spoke "Don't jinx it bro."

Lan spoke "Sorry."

Danyelle growls "That tears it Roll, I challenge you to a contest!"

Maylu groans "Oh great, see what you did Lan?"

Lan groans "Me and my big mouth."

Roll asks "Oh, THE Challenge?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah! You and Vince against me and Ben!"

Roll spoke "You’re on!"

Maylu asks "But uh sis, who will look after Volt and Jazz?"

Roll spoke "You and Lan can."

Danyelle spoke "But Ben's busy with work though, he's a royal guard."

Vera showed up. “Well, a one-on-one Challenge is okay, there’s just one less challenge in that.”

Danyelle spoke "Fair enough."

Vera spoke "Although, if there’s a tie, then there’s a tie-breaker."

Roll spoke "Right."

Danyelle spoke "And we’ll go through with it."

Roll spoke "You're going down Dany!"

Danyelle spoke "Bring it on, Roll!"

Roll spoke "Anything you can do, I can do better!"

Danyelle spoke "We’ll see about that!"

Vera teleported herself, Roll and Danyelle to somewhere for the Challenge.

Roll asks "Where are we?"

Danyelle spoke "Must be where the Challenge will be."

Vera spoke "36 minutes to get ready for the Challenge. I’ve prepared clothes for you two."

Roll spoke "No oil based fights, I'm severely allergic to oil."

Vera spoke "Duly noted. Thanks for the heads-up."

Roll spoke "As you found out with OC-verse Danyelle, oil causes me to lose my fur."


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