• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

  • ...

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Let's Get These Whinnies Rolling

Dawn brought with it a golden glow that glinted off the arctic seas below. Flakes of frost drifted in the high winds, scattering across the open deck of the Noble Jury. Elma's green eyes followed the streams of snow listlessly. Then, with a sigh, she clutched the blanket around her figure and turned around.

"I've lost all contact with her," she murmured. "Although... I-I never really had much contact with the broodling queen in the first place." The changeling fidgeted. "I s-suppose that is how she meant it. Who knows how many other turt—" She winced, then continued, "How many shapeshifters out there are like me, stripped of all they can possibly remember so that they might serve as better tools for the hive..."

Arcshod and Seclorum exchanged glances from where they stood on the Noble Jury's starboard side. They glanced over their shoulders to where Prowse stood in the open doorway of the Tarkington floating closely nearby.

"But you know for a fact that she's changed?" the pale stallion asked.

Elma bit her lips with fanged teeth. "Mrmmm... the hive has changed. I'm almost entirely certain she's lost grip with the entirety of her broodlings. That's most likely why I lost contact with her so swiftly... even as she was just starting to find me again."

"I think we all know who we can think for that," Josho said, then glanced aside at where Rainbow Dash stood alongside Roarke, Eagle Eye, and Pilate.

"Pffft. It wasn't me," Rainbow Dash said. "I'd tack that onto dumb luck."

"Hmmm..." Eagle Eye smiled rosily. "I'd try another 'l' word."

"Also dumb," Josho muttered.

Eagle Eye glared at him.

"And do you have any idea where Chrysalis is?" Seclorum asked.

Elma slowly shook her head.

"I do..." Rainbow trotted over and rested a hoof on Elma's shoulder as she looked back at the others. "Val Roa," she said. "She made it pretty clear." A slick grin. "The mare has a thing for monologuing, it seems."

"Val Roa..." Prowse scratched his chin with his prosthetic and spoke above the high winds, "A monarchy. Full of wealth and rich ponies. But that's about all I bloody know..."

"It's the last bastion of civilization before the Grand Choke," Elma said.

Everypony looked at the changeling.

She winced slightly. "I mean... th-that's what my memories tell me..." She rubbed her dark head. "Supposedly, that's what every resident of Alafreo knows. Val Roa is famous across the entire continent..."

"It's a peaceful kingdom?" Seclorum asked.

"Mmmm..." Elma nodded. "From what I can tell."

"Which makes it perfect for diabolical metamorphs to sow destruction and chaos," Roarke muttered.

Elma flinched.

Roarke exhaled while her copper lenses retracted. "...nothing personal."

"Of c-course..."

"But Chrysalis is on her own now..." Pilate tilted his head blindly towards Rainbow Dash. "...right?"

"It's our best guess." Rainbow leaned back and flexed her wings with a sigh. "Though, knowing her, she's probably trying to build an army back up again."

"We have any way of knowing that?" Eagle Eye asked.

Rainbow shook her head. "Still, Val Roa is totally in the dark, and that isn't cool."

"Well, I certainly wanna get to the bottom of this whole mess," Prowse said. "But I'm afraid that just can't be done. At least not from our end." The stallion gestured at the hulking body of the Tarkington. "Aatxe's baby here is barely hanging on by a thread! I can get her back to Xona no problem, but then it's gonna need an arse load of repairs."

"That's the least of your concerns," Pilate said. "You've got many ponies who need to return home."

"I'm on board with that," Seclorum said. "I've spent the last few years fighting battles that weren't even mine to begin with. And from what I hear, I had a double of myself wreaking havoc halfway across the continent. To think of all those mares and stallions who... who could be living now if it weren't for... for..." His words trailed off a grimacing expression.

"You get your ponies home, old friend," Josho said. "And if it helps you to know, fruit basket and I totally cleaned that moron's clock."

"Erm..." Eagle winced and pointed at Josho. "It was m-mostly him! Honest!"

"Hrmmm..." Seclorum smiled crookedly. "I don't know if it's a sign that I've lost my marbles, but that almost actually makes me feel better..."

"Ge'nuulien th'rekkunu Lasairfion Xon-Nagu'n viulen saan'arloot ba'lassa thremm," Arcshod said. "Diulen Xon. Rekkun ral'anna messul thiulen braatu Val R'oa frem'uklannan."

Rainbow squinted. "What's the big guy sneezing about this time?"

"Errrr..." Seclorum turned to look at the others. "He says he's spoken with his Queen already about the situation, and as much as Lasairfion would like to lend a hoof—"

"It would be foolish to initiate a crusade towards a far-away kingdom when your own is still recovering from so much turmoil," Roarke said with a knowing nod. "I understand. It's how I've come to accept the fact that nopony from Searo has come to claim my head."

"Well, there was that one pony," Pilate remarked. "'Terra,' I believe?"

"Mmmmmm..." Roarke was scratching an itch behind her neck. "Who?"

"Well, seems like we all have our paths set before us," Prowse remarked. "Still, seems like a bloody shame to leave you ponies alone on your trek east."

"You kidding?" Josho smirked. "You couldn't hold us down even if you hammered our bladders to the ground."

"Josho, think about this." Seclorum gestured wide. "The war is over. Everything we've ever butted heads with is history now. Even those tattooed freaks aren't quite so bad once you get to know them."

"Dreet drenna," Arcshod grunted.

"Love ya too." Seclorum turned back to Josho. "Why not hang a ride on the Aatxe Express here? Two old stallions? Returning home? It'd be like old times... only without all the killing and explosions."

"Yeah, well, one of those I don't miss," Josho grumbled.

"Honestly?" Seclorum raised an eyebrow. "It's peace time, Josho. Don't you feel that a couple of old soldiers deserve something like this? Happens once in an age..."

Josho took a deep breath, then trotted over to stand before Seclorum. "I know what I deserve and don't deserve. And believe you me, if I had something back in Ledomare, I woulda thought twice about ditching it all in a blaze of glory."

Seclorum stared at Josho, then glanced over his shoulder.

Eagle Eye blinked innocently.

"You're a lot different from the stallion I flung mana with." Seclorum's eyes darted back to Josho. "But be honest with yourself," he murmured in a low tone, leaning forward. "Do you honestly think you'll live as long as him? Or the rest of them?"

"Probably not." Josho smiled wearily. "But I'll live..."

Seclorum stared back. Slowly, his ears drooped. "Dumbass..." He sighed and drifted forward, forelimbs wide. "I'm gonna miss ya, pal—"

"Please." Josho held the hug back with a firm hoof. "Not in front of the Xonans."

Arcshod raised an eyebrow.

Seclorum glanced aside at him, then rolled his eyes. He saw an outstretched leg ahead, glanced up at Josho, and smirked. The two former enforcers bumped hooves, then shook. "Beats kicking the shit out of each other."

"You say that as if we won't meet again," Josho said.

"Pffft. You have to make me really... really pissed off at you for me to hunt you down that far east."

Josho patted Seclorum's shoulder and murmured in his ear: "You haven't seen your bar tab back in Green Slope."


But Josho was already trotting away. Rainbow Dash watched him, then turned towards the others. "Right... so this is how it's gonna be..."

"Did ya set up the communications array just like I told ya, lass?" Prowse asked.


Prowse glanced across the Tarkington. "And you turned it to the frequency I gave ya?"


Prowse took a breath and glanced down. "And can ya stop drooling on my chest?"

"Mmmm-mmmmm..." Props leaned back from nuzzling her uncle. She wiped her eyes and stared up at him with a sad smile. "You sure I can buzz you whenever I want?"

"Mmmmhmmm..." He caressed her golden mane. "I'm just a turn of the dial away. There was never a communications signal too faint that my bloomin' tech couldn't pick up!"

"Even when you're busy transporting the ponies west to their families?"

"Yup. Even then."

"Even if you're being chased by giant mutant flying squirrels?"

"Especially so in that case." Prowse grinned. "I'd need some flesh and blood to help me flush out the insanity."

She grinned, her little blonde tail swishing. "You're the best uncle I could ever have outrun evil melting zombies with..."

"That's what family's all about, lass." He leaned down to nuzzle her and murmured, "Now move yer arse. I don't want my Propsicle asleep on the job."

"Right..." Props backtrotted from the cockpit, sniffling and smiling, smiling and sniffling. "I'll be thinking about you... while I caress the walls of Nancy Jane's womb!"

"Now there's a promise you'd better keep!"

Props bit her lip, then forced herself to turn around. She quickly shuffled past Rainbow Dash. "Let's go now before I kerplunk in my own k-kerfluffle!" she whimpered.

"Right. Just one sec." Rainbow turned towards the ponies on board. "When you come into contact with the Ledomaritan army, look for a mare named Zetta. She should be located not that far from the former Eastern Front."

Seclorum blinked and blinked again. He exchanged glances with Arcshod. "Uhm... y-you might wish to give us more to go by. It's kind of a common name."


"Ungh..." Rainbow rolled her eyes and exclaimed, "She'll be with a huge friggin' stallion named 'Basso.' You can't miss him. He's like a steamroller with fuzzy ears."

"And what do you wish us to do when or if we find them?"

"Tell them that the crew of the Noble Jury is okay. We... uh..." Rainbow sighed. "We ran into a few nasty... nasty bumps along the way. But... we're okay." She smiled faintly. "We're okay."

Arcshod nodded, squinting. "Oh... kay..."

"Yeah, he's got it." Rainbow turned to exit the Tarkington, but found a tall, elegant unicorn standing in front of her.

Lasairfion's eyes narrowed. With a neutral expression, she said, "It has agreed to keep the traveling, though it has the uncertainty ahead?"

Rainbow slowly... slowly nodded.

"Hrmmm..." Lasairfion exhaled calmly. "Then it is the Austraeoh..."

Rainbow gulped. "You... uh... you had your doubts?"

"No more than it did." A regal smile.

Rainbow's muzzle curved. "I don't suppose you... uh... have any wise, matronly advice concerning Val Roa and the rest of the lands ahead of me?"

Lasairfion leaned in and narrowed her eyes. "It must not water on the burning dogs."

"... ... ..." Rainbow raised her hoof with an open mouth. "... ... ...Propsy!" She side-stepped and grabbed the mare's flank. "Time to go! Say good bye to all the background ponies!"

"'Good bye to all the background ponies—' Eeep!" Props' golden mane flounced as Rainbow dove out the side of the Tarkington and glided towards the Noble Jury. Once landed, the two joined the rest of the ship's crew as they turned to wave at the vessel.

"Ach! How do I get this bloody thing into gear? Oh! Right..." Prowse's voice wafted out of the door for the last few seconds that it hung open on its hinges. "Whelp, time to get this show on the clouds! Ha! You get it?! That's a sooter joke! Bye—" CLACK! The Tarkington's door clamped shut, blotting out the images of waving Ledomaritans and Xonans. Tilting about, the ship roared over the Noble Jury and soared its way west on burning engines.

Belle, Kera, Pilate, and Zaid turned, waving at the ship until it became a distant speck. Eagle Eye and Ebon stared silently, leaning against each other. Elma, Josho and Floydien poked their heads out of the cockpit while Roarke stoot closer to the stern in silence.

"They... they are gone, right?" Pilate asked.

"I really need to get O.A.S.I.S. working for you again," Belle muttered.

Pilate smirked. "Not sure it would do the moment justice."

Kera covered her nose. "Their ship's exhaust reeks..."


"I-I couldn't work on it in time..." Props sniffled, slapping her goggles over her moist eyes as she bowed her head to the deck. "I wanted Prowse's ship to be full of love... not farts..."

"Blonde boomer did her best best," Floydien said.

"Yeah, Propsy..." Ebon trotted over, along with Eagle Eye. The cook smiled and placed a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. "I know this has been very hard for you, but I'm so glad you decided to stick with us. I'm not sure how I'd feel without my best gal pal from Gray Smoke along for the ride—"

"Mmmmmmmmmmm!" Props pounced, hoisting both Ebon and Eagle into a strangling embrace. "Quick! Drown me with flufffffffffffff!"

"Gaaaie!" Eagle wheezed and tried to calm Props down. "We... grkkkt... h-have to breathe first...!"

"Yeah..." Ebon hissed, blue in the face. "What h-he said. Gaah!" THWOMP! The three collapsed onto the deck.

"Tch tch tch..." Zaid stepped over them, shaking his head. "Not quite a threesome, but it'll do." He came to a stop beside Rainbow Dash. "Head in the clouds?"

"Just wondering..." Rainbow sighed, staring west. "...if sending them west on their own was such a good idea."

"I know, right?" Zaid scratched his mane, staring at the horizon along with her. "Hundreds of miles. No bread. No cheese. No toasters?" He sighed. "That's a long trip, girrrrrl."

Rainbow glared at him. "Thanks for broadening my horizons."

"Hey!" Zaid shrugged with a smile. "If we can dream it, we can do it!"

"I wouldn't be too concerned about their journey, Rainbow," Pilate said, smiling in her general direction. "We all know that the landscape is far less perilous now."

"Yeah..." Josho nodded. "Beside, danger is almost always in front of you, not behind you," he said.

Rainbow twitched, but said nothing.

Floydien quietly slapped a hoof against Josho's knee.

"Augh! Dammit..." Josho retreated downstairs with a slumping trot. "So it's gonna be like that for the rest of the trip?"

"If fat boomer is lucky..."

In the meanwhile, Elma hung her head with drooping dragonfly wings.

"Elma...?" Belle trotted over with Kera and Pilate. "What's the matter?"

"What's the point in asking?" Elma sniffled. "What's the point in anything?" She looked up, her green eyes moist. "I have nowhere to go. I... belong to noplace."

"There is always Alafreo," Roarke droned from the distance.

Pilate and Belle winced.

"How could I possibly go there?" Elma muttered. "That isn't my home..."

"It's all you remember, though, isn't it?" Pilate remarked.

"But that doesn't make it real!" Elma hissed, then deflated low to the ground. "It doesn't make me real."

"Well, what is it that you want, Elma?" Belle asked.

"I... I..." Elma grimaced, but eventually squeaked forth, "I want to see the mountains I grew up in. I... I want to know what happened to my hatchlings..." She sighed. "Elma's hatchlings..."

Belle knelt down and tilted Elma's chin up. "If that is what you really want, we can make it happen. Or if not, you can come with us."

"Come with you...?" Elma's eyes darted between the different ponies. "Come with you where?"

"Wherever you need to go before you feel that you're home," Pilate said with a smile.

Elma was silent. Her gazed turned to the rest of the jurists, then at Rainbow Dash. "Is that what this is all about... this ship... this journey...?"

Rainbow smirked. Eventually, she nodded. "Pretty dang much. With a few exceptions."

"Seriously, couldn't we have given them a toaster oven?" Zaid muttered into the cold winds.

Rainbow rolled her eyes.

Elma looked back at the ponies directly in front of her. Her gaze fell on Kera. Bending her head low, she stared the filly in the face. "And you... are you home, little one?"

"Mmmmm..." Kera bit her lip and clung slightly to Belle's forelimb. "Almost... th-thanks to you..."

Belle and Pilate smiled at each other.

With a tender breath, Elma nodded. "Alright..." She gulped. "First Alafreo... and after that, we'll see..."

"As you wish," Belle said.

"Ya hear that, Floydien?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes yes yes." The elk was already yanking at the controls of the ship. "Paint bucket doesn't need to bark bark." The ship hummed loudly as its skystone engine above came to life. "Enough with the frosting and the snowing. We've got land to land."

"Whoopsies!" Props galloped to her hooves, knocking back Ebon and Eagle with a grunt. "That's my cue!" She flew down the crawlspace. "I'll be in the womb, handsome!"

"As well you damn should be!" Floydien hollered. As jurists quickly trotted to the cockpit, he initiated the skystone drive. "The wastes can kiss Floydien's flank-flank!"

"Heh..." Rainbow Dash kicked off the ship's hull and glided off. "I'll scout ahead."

"Good luck with that."

Then, with a vaporous blast of disrupted air, the Noble Jury fired east like a bullet, following closely behind the prismatic blur piercing the clouds ahead of it.

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