• Published 1st Mar 2014
  • 6,471 Views, 11,170 Comments

Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

  • ...

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On Your Mark, Get Set...

"You may wish to reconsider this, outsider," Sivrem said, clearing his throat. "The Raked Ravine is a treacherous pass even for the most expert ponies who live here and—"

"Pffft! Stop being such a pigeon, Sivrem!" Kitsune shot past him and skidded to a stop at the edge of the ravine. Her nostrils flared as she dragged a hooff across the stone ground and smirked into the gaping canyon. "She wants to prove herself, huh? Well, we can prove ourselves as well! I say bring it on!"

"Heehee!" Jagold giggled and flew down by the First-Born's side. "Yeah! Let's show her how real Durandanans gust!"

"Count me in," Smythe said, landing down beside the other two. "You want in on this, Rayvinne?"

"Pffft. I have better ways of killing myself." The pegasus turned and smiled coyly at Rainbow. "So, going to put your wings where your muzzle is?"

"Way ahead of you, sister." Rainbow Dash touched down, cracking her joints and stretching her feathers. "But, I have to warn you guys: being in mid-flight is the worst possible position for being blown away. You're liable to slam into something."

"What do you take us for?" Smythe scoffed. "Idiots who can't home?!"

"Hey, idiots or not... losing sucks." Rainbow smirked harder. "Just saying."

Sivrem chuckled long and maniacally.

Jerrio glanced at him. "I know that laugh quite well."

"Bet you do." Sivrem slapped the other First-Born's shoulder, then touched down beside Rainbow and the other three pegasi. "I can see that our pride is on the line. It'd be a crime for me to sit this one out."

"How did I know this was going to happen?" Jerrio said, rolling his eyes.

"Rules are simple, gull," Kitsune said, eyes glaring at Rainbow. "You don't fly above the canyon walls. First pony to make it to the northeast edge of the ravine—in one piece, mind you—wins the race."

"It's you against all of us!" Smythe chirped. "Think you can handle it?"

Rainbow stifled a yawn. "Nnnngh... nyup... sorry, what was that? I was too busy not being intimidated."

Several pegasi giggled and chuckled.

"It's... uhm..." Jagold fidgeted slightly. "It's not exactly an empty ravine. There are lots of stuff in the way at places. Maybe you'd like to know just what you'll be—"

Rainbow Dash waved a hoof. "I like surprises." She smirked. "I think I can manage."

"Whew..." Rayvinne smirked at the others stretching and flexing around Rainbow. "She's just asking to be feathered, isn't she?"

"You're certainly the best judge of that, eh, Rayvinne?" Kitsune said, and the others around her laughed.

Rayvinne blushed furiously and backtrotted.

Rainbow blinked at that—but turned upon feeling the touch of Sivrem's hoof on her shoulder.

"Ready to gust?"

Rainbow opened her mouth, hesitated, and smirked. "Tell you what." She grinned wide with glistening teeth. "You guys get a head start."

All of the ponies did double-takes.

"Excuse me?" Smythe stammered.

"You heard me," Rainbow said, smiling. "You guys start first. I'll give you... mmm..." She tapped her chin. "... twenty seconds! Yeah!"

"Why twenty sec—?"

"And then I'll start flying myself."

"Wow..." Smythe shook his head, grinning stupidly. "You just want to lose, don't you?"

"Actually, buddy, I'm trying to make it even for your guys."

"Pffffft..." Kitsune rolled her eyes. "Yeah. Fine. Whatever." She smirked at Sivrem. "Let's get this over with, boss guy. I'll be the one to carry her—limp and crying—to the Gray Feathers."

"Heh..." Sivrem cracked the joints in his neck. "This should be most interesting. Jerrio—?"

"Yes yes yes..." Jerrio groaned, trotting over to the ravine's edge with a weathered smile. "Whenever you need a time-keeper, you always come to me."

"Give up the gull moans and count already."

"Rainbow, step back and give them room," Jerrio said, gesturing with his hoof. "You decided to do this, after all."

"Hey..." Rainbow shrugged and backtrotted from the cliff. "I'm not about to argue with myself."

Jerrio cleared his throat. While everypony watched, he stood facing the line of fliers, his hoof raised. "On your mark. Get set." His ears twitched, and he shouted: "Go!" His hoof fell.

Sivrem, Kitsune, Smythe, and Jagold soared deep into the canyon. The sheer force of their combined wing-flaps sent several ponies flailing backwards in the air. They plunged deep into the ravine, one or two of them flipping. The air echoed with whoops and warrioresque shrieks.

When the thunder ended, Rainbow heard Jerrio's voice through the ringing in her ears: "Four one thousand... five one thousand... six one thousand..."

"You know, you're good," Rayvinne said, forcing Rainbow to glance over. "But you can't possibly be that good."

"What do you mean, girl?"

"Sivrem's the best there is," Rayvinne said. "And Kitsune's nothing to shake a stick at either."

"Hmmm..." Rainbow smiled, her eyes thin. "You just watch carefully." Her eyes wandered to the group as a whole. "And promise not to get too freaked out."

"Freaked out?" Rayvinne blinked. "By what?"

Rainbow saluted, turning her flank to the ravine. "You'll know when you see it. Heh."

"...eighteen one thousand... nineteen one thousand... twenty!" Jerrio signaled.

"Zoop." Rainbow backflipped, plunged, and rocketed eastward through the canyon. She accelerated, her mighty wings producing a vaporous burst of air that rocketed up and out of the canyon, sending leaves and pebbles of earth flying sky high.

Jerrio had to steady himself, wincing.

Rayvinne stumbled, breathless. "...whoah."

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