• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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Off to See the Lights

"You will certainly love Central!" Sivrem said with a smirk. "It's a magnificent city, run by the Gray Feathers and built by the Gray Feathers before them and the Gray Feathers before them."

"Yes, and plenty of fruit and leatherback milk to go around!" another pegasus exclaimed.

"Wait..." Zaid tilted his head aside from where he stood on the Jury's top deck beside Props. "You mean to say you milk those giant floating devil ray thingies?"

"Yup!" A winged mare said with a smirk. "They provide us with nourishment and we provide them with protection from Durandana's elements! Symbiosis with nature is the Valkyrie's way, after all..."

"Plus," a stallion nodded and said, "The milk is delicious." Several other pegasi chuckled and whistled in approval.

"I see..." Zaid rubbed his chin. "So... ahem... it stands to reason th-that—"

Before he could finish his sentence, an enormous gong echoed across the Crater.

"Oh come on!" Zaid spun, frowning. Props giggled as he spat, "What now?!"

Sivrem produced an eagle's cry, lifting himself up high with a serious expression. "The Tower Rises."

"The Tower Rises" Every pegasus lifted up, their faces as serious as the First-Born.

"What is this, now?" Zaid frowned. "Batmare?"

"Zaid, shhhh!" Ebon insisted, squinting nervously aside. "They're going someplace—"

Every pegasus flew over the edge, soaring down towards the jungle canopy below.

"Where are they all going?!" Kera's voice cracked.

"Hrmmmf... good riddance, Floydien says."

"Handsome, please," Props said while trotting down the now-empty deck. "Something must have spooked them! They're not used to seeing the likes of Nancy, after all."

"No, I-I think it's something else," Pilate muttered. "Did you hear the seriousness in their voices? It was a completely different tone."

"Speaking of tones..." Josho rubbed his chins, blinking. "What was that loud noise just now?"

"A dragon farting?" Kera squeaked.

"Don't even g-go there," Ebon said with a shiver.

"Uhhhhh..." Floydien twitched, blinking high towards the eastern mists. "Don't every boomer glimmer inside out, now..."

"Why? What is it?" Props turned to look, then threw herself into Zaid's forelimbs with a shriek. "Aaaackie!"

"Whoah..." Kera cooed.

Out of the jungled basin to the east, an enormous wooden structure spiraled its way skyward. It rose at first like a drill, growing thinner and thinner as several helixes of wooden architecture locked in place. At last—when the tower was at its thinnest—it ended in a bulbous egg-shaped hollow, with large gaping holes carved into its east and west sides. Once it had reached its maximum height, the lantern-like structure swiveled ever so slightly, rotating its open sides in swaying motions.

After staring so long, the Jurists could make out a pulsing beacon emanating from some distant position east of the tower. At last, the golden beam made its way into the hollow at the top of the structure. The light made contact with something deep in the center, and suddenly the light intensified, leaving a fiery bright laser of gold light shooting due west, slicing the air above the heads of every crewpony on board the Jury.

"I'm at a loss," Pilate murmured, fidgeting. "What is everypony murmuring about?"

"Some sort of focused light is being funneled through the top of a stupidly tall wooden tower," Josho said, still blinking with wide eyes. "The source of it appears to be due east."

"Due east?" Pilate's ears twitched in thought. "Like... the Sun?"

Floydien nodded. "The walls of this mist hole are high enough to catch the glimmer shine at this time of day," the elk said.

"Well put, handsome..." Props climbed out of Zaid's grip, gulping. "But why? What for?"

"Because it looks cool?" Kera remarked.

"Pffft! We all know that, adoracuddles!"

Suddenly, the pegasi flew back up, hovering around the jury. Their lips moved as they finished a collective mantra under their breaths.

"...to secure and to protect the Gold Lights forever," Sivrem said, his grin slowly returning across the relaxed muzzle. "So promise the—"

"—foals of the Valkyrie forever," Jerrio and Kitsune murmured the loudest while the pegasi all around them gradually stood back up. "From First-Born to Last."

The rest of the winged ponies ended the mantra with several whoops, chirps, and cheers.

Belle and Eagle Eye were gawking at the peak of the brightly-lit tower high above them.

"At least now we know that they treasure something," Roarke said.

"Huh?" Rainbow glanced aside.

Roarke gazed at her. "A society that values something stands to lose that something." Her brow furrowed. "It's a key weakness we can exploit the moment they feel inspired to turn on us."

"Roarke!" Rainbow winced, glanced over her shoulder at the cheering pegasi, then leaned in to whisper. "Will you keep your friggin' paranoid bounty hunter delusions to yourself for one bucking day?! These ponies are not going to turn on us!"

"It helps to be prepared, Rainbow," Roarke droned. "After all, the predominating pattern of contact made with cultures during our flyby's have consisted of a fair shair of explosions."

"Yeah, well, these guys aren't gonna explode us!"

"And just how do you know that?"

"They're pegasi for crying out loud! They're not going to tear us limb from limb! Life's too awesome to spend it with empty skies!"

"I think you're making gross assumptions."

"And I think you're a poo poo buckethead!"

"Hey!" Rayvinne craned her neck, grinning. "What are you two lovers bickering about over there?"

Roarke and Rainbow immediately spun, shuffling a foot-and-a-half apart. "That gold! It sure is... golden! Yup! Totally!"

Bellesmith pointed up at the bright beam of light slicing through the misty air. "Is that the gold lights that you speak of?"

"Mmmmm..." Jerrio shook his head, smiling. "That is First Light. In four hours, there will be Mid Light. Then, eight hours from now, there will be Last Light."

"That's qu-quite the schedule you Durandanans have made for yourselves," Eagle Eye said. "Very elaborate."

"It is not a construction of ours," Kitsune explained. "The Gray Feathers before us built the towers, yes, but it is all to honor the Lights From Above."

"Lights From Above?" Rainbow asked.

Jagold giggled. "The Sun, ya silly gull!"

"Nothing other than the Righteous Lights that the Valkyrie and her foals owe their lives to," Jerrio said. "The Gold Lights try to emulate the Lights From Above, but the Gold Lights are fragile and require the constant protection of the Valkyrie's children."

"Oh really..." Belle turned and gave Rainbow a silent look. "How interesting..."

Rainbow gulped. She shook her saddlebag, causing the hilt of the Sword of Solstice to sink in deeper. "So... uhm..." Rainbow Dash squinted. "There's more than one tower?"

"Oh, totally!" Rayvinne and Jagold flew up high, grinning in one accord. "Would you like to go see them now?"

"Don't forget about Sivrem," Smythe said.

"Hey, enough standing around here!" Rainbow Dash said. "How about we kill two birds with one st—" She instantly winced. "Er, I mean, let's meet Sivrem and check out the towers along with my friends all in one go? H-huh?"

Eagle Eye face-hoofed while several pegasi laughed and chuckled. Belle smiled, her giggles joining the fray.

"Let's gust!" Jerrio said, taking off with Smythe and Kitsune in tow.

"There's no way we can catch up with them," Belle said.

"I doubt they'd let us even if we tried." Rainbow flapped her wings. "I'll go on ahead and follow them to the Jury." She turned and glanced down. "Roarke? Whizz it up?"

Roarke groaned, her ears folded. Motioning to Eagle and Belle, she turned around and trudged back towards where the Lounge sphere was parked. "Whizzing away, Rainbow..."

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