• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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Something to Look Forward To

There've been times, Mother, especially lately, where all I had to look forward to was the next second spent alive. There was no point in dwelling on tomorrow, because—between changelings and prime enforcers and tattooed warriors and chaos dragons—there was no assurance of a morning after.

I want to say that all of that has changed, but—the truth is—it's always been an adventurous pursuit of the next dawn. We've all been galloping to the beat of Rainbow's drum since day one. Sure, there was a lot of mess and mayhem in the way, but so long as we followed Rainbow's example—and put our muzzles to the grindstone—then fate would eventually unravel itself straight once more.

And what a fortuitous dawn it was that awaited us...

"If I didn't know better, Your Highness, I'd say that a little piece of Equestria was dropped here along the western shoals of Alafreo."

Rainbow Dash smirked from where she perched high up on a rock outcropping just beneath the burning brazier of Abinadi. With a rag from her saddlebag, she polished the Sword of Solstice to an immaculate shine, even as it glowed in her hoofed grip.

"Everypo—er... everyturtle here is just so kind and selfless and gracious," she said, staring down at where the Noble Jury was reaching full-repair. From afar, she could even spot where Elma spoke with a crowd of Boreals and other Abinadi locals. "I think Boxer—the elder—can be thanked for a lot of their attitude. But it's somehow more than that. These guys just... are happy to be alive. There are no crazy politics or bickerings or any of that other stupid stuff."

"It is rather difficult to imagine a completely blameless society," Celestia's voice said.

"Oh, for sure, Princess. But compared to what I'm used to running into, it's certainly a breath of fresh air."

"You've since learned of a startling revolution in the lands you've already crossed, correct?"

"Yeah. Apparently Ledomare is no more. According to Prowse and Zetta, the place is being called 'Luxmare' and is voting to end the years of war with Xona altogether."

"With their long-lost monarch back, I would imagine Xona is happy to embark upon an era of peace and tranquility."

"From what I can tell, Lasairfion was a pretty sweet Queen. She's got nothing on you and Luna, though," Rainbow said with a wink.

Celestia's voice chuckled in the frosty winds. "Is it not clear to you now, Rainbow Dash, that in spite of all of your trials and tribulations, you are still a sower of peace in this world?

"Yeah, well..." Rainbow Dash sighed, staring at her ruby pendant in the golden sword's reflection. "It certainly could have taken a lot less deaths to get to that spot."

"In over ten thousand years of faithfully guarding Equestria, Luna and I have thought the same thing to ourselves more times than even an alicorn can count. And yet, every morning we see the sun rise over the emerald landscape of this kingdom, we can live with the realization that our labors have been worth it."

"I wish I could have your kind of confidence, Your Majesty."

"Don't you? Rainbow Dash, you are but a mere mortal—and a very vexxed one at that. And yet, in only a smattering of months, you have gone farther and done more for this world than Luna and I have accomplished in eons."

"Pffft. Please. Princess, you and Luna have to stick to one place and control the sun and moon. Without that, the rest of the world wouldn't even tick."

"Mmmm. Yes. But would it prosper? Would it thrive? Would justice and retribution make themselves manifest so swiftly on their own?"

Rainbow was silent.

Celestia said, "From a land ravaged by dragons to an entire continent bloodied by endless war to a wasteland haunted by a damnable city—you have carried the spirit of harmony with you, and you have blessed millions, Rainbow Dash."

"I've just been... y'know..." Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Following the sunrise."

"Rainbow, do not pretend to be a mere servant of light. For you are the beacon. Our pride in you knows no boundaries, and I'm certain my sister and I can speak the same for your friends... if th-they were still here to smile upon you as well."

Rainbow took a deep breath. She sniffled and smiled crookedly into the sword. "Friggin' princesses... why can't you just be ballroom gowns and tea parties?" She wiped her eye dry and cleared her throat. "Why you gotta be so friggin' wise all the time?"

"We've lived long enough to be enlightened by brave souls such as you..."

While Elma continues to socialize with her extended "family," the rest of the Jurists are already preparing for the next leg of our voyage. It's amazing how swiftly we can operate at this point in our sojourn. We're like a well-oiled machine, and certainly the expedient repairs by the Alafreon populace has helped give us the enthusiastic boost that we needed.

I've been granted access to a veritable cornacopia of vegetables, fruits, and spices. At some point, I think we started to feel a little too fortunate for the influx of bounty, and we opened trade with some of the outlying townships, bartering some of the metal tools that Roarke was willing to part with in order to get some scrumptious ingredients for my kitchen.

The things I have to cook with now are amazing. I haven't felt this stocked up since the days of working the restaurants in Gray Smoke. There's no doubt I can feed the entire crew for a month and a half... maybe two. What sort of ground could we cover in that time? I shudder to think... and yet I find myself actually excited for once, intead of frightened.

"Yes, I am very well acquainted with the ponies of Val Roa," Boxer said with a wrinkled smile in the torchlight. "While I may not have been blessed with venturing to their kingdom, I did entertain their ambassadors on several occasions over the last few centuries."

"Is there anything you can tell us about them?" Josho asked. Roarke stood in the shadows, gazing from afar while the obese stallion trotted closer to Boxer. "For example, just how large is their kingdom?"

"Oh, it's hard to say," Boxer remarked. "Unlike the rumors I hear of the land west of the Strip, the Val Roans aren't exactly territorial." His jaw clenched and unclenched in thought. "I've seen a few illustrations of the countryside. Most of Val Roa is outlying farmsteads and a few mining operations. However, at the heart of the kingdom? Upon the eastern crest of the Polished Mountains?" The elder turtle smiled. "Their capital city lies, and it is a veritable jewel of a metropolis, with beautiful architecture that will put most other kingdoms to shame."

"It's just on the border of the Grand Choke, right?" Josho asked. "We've been told it's the 'last bastion' of civilization or some other fartsmoke..."

"Ah, yes, indeed. Val Roa is a lush and beautiful countryside. But not that far east of its valleys, the landscape turns arid... lifeless. It is said that magic and the elements do not function in the Grand Choke like they do in the rest of the world. That is why very few creatures have been known to ever cross the desert... or the rumored waters that lay beyond. For that very reason, Val Roa exists in near-perfect isolation. Its citizens within the capital city live in tranquility. They are affluent—yes—but they do not hog their wealth. Above all else, they appreciate art, luxury, and the equal opportunity to enjoy life's bounties. If they weren't so isolated, it's difficult to believe that such a pinnacle existence could be achieved."

"Do they have a military?" Roarke asked. "Are they fond for using weapons of war?"

Josho squirmed awkwardly.

Boxer raised his head, squinting at her across the way. "A most interesting question... from a most interesting pony."

"I simply wish to know what we may have to contend with if we were to accidentally offend these 'affluent artists,'" the metal mare said.

"No doubt you wish to engage in some vile target practice," Boxer said coolly.

Roarke's lenses immediately retracted. "I beg your pardon?"

"You are obviously a mare bred for death and carnage," the elder continued. "If there's any chance of bloodshed—even in a land of peace—you will immediately sieze it."

"That..." Roarke grit her teeth. "That is not the purpose of my inquiry..."

"Admit it, child. You've been anxious for setting scaled flesh on fire ever since you got here. It's a wonder you haven't already assaulted any of my hatchlings."

"You misunderstand me," Roarke said, her voice rising slowly before turning into a heated snarl. "My motivation is not bloodthirst!" She angrily stomped her hooves against the metal floor, making the nearby guards flinch. "There are ponies in my party who—compared to me—are ill-equipped to deal with insurmountable threads and I simply demand to know if my friends are running into anything too—" She stopped in mid-sentence, breathing heavily.

Boxer was smiling at her.

Roarke's brow furrowed. "What are you trying to do here...?"

"I knew I smelled something deep inside your rusted shell, child," Boxer said calmly. "You may think that it betrays your character, but I'd say that it exemplifies it." He stifled a raspy chuckle. "Perhaps it would do you well to exercise your passion among your friends instead of reserving it for strangers."

Roarke merely frowned. She heard a rattling sound. Glancing down, she realized she was trembling through to her metal braces. She gripped herself and stared aside.

Josho turned and blinked at her. "You think I'm 'ill-equipped?'"

"Just get this over with, breeder," Roarke grunted.

Josho turned back to Boxer—but paused. He squinted at Roarke's brown coat, detecting a slight rosiness. Shrugging it off, he faced the elder once more and said, "So, unless you're gonna go on a tangent to troll my fat flank over visions of pasta, would you mind telling us a bit more about who exactly runs the show in the Val Roan capital?"

"It would be my pleasure, good sir. And perhaps when we're done, we can enjoy a little bit of red wine. I do believe it matches your companion's complexion right about now."

"Grnnnngh!" Roarke kicked at the wall and stomped angrily out of the domed building.

Boxer smiled after her. Once she was gone, he uttered, "I've always found that a soul is most precious when it's on the virge of shedding its outer shell." He turned to face Josho. "What do you think?"

Josho smirked. "I think I friggin' love this place."

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