• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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Lux Be a Lady Tonight

"You still there, Unky Prowsy?" Props stammered, nervously fumbling over the controls to the engine room's communications array. "I think you're breaking up!"

"Snrkkkkt! No, I'm still here, lassie."

"Squee!" Props hopped in place while Pilate, Zaid, and Kera looked on. "So, go on! Like you were saying so sexily?"

"I swear. Everything's all confetti and arse sparklers over here! You'd never have guessed that a bloody long war just ended!"

"Are you actually inside Ledomare proper?" Pilate asked. "At this rate, in a ship as fast as the Tarkington, you could easily have passed beyond the demilitarized zone."

"Laddy, we've practically pole-vaulted past all that rubbish. Right now, we're in a place the locals call 'Blue Peak.'"

Kera glanced up, blinking. "Say. I've heard that name before."

"As well you should," Pilate said, nodding in the direction of her voice. "It's southeast of Blue Nova, not far from the eastern front." He faced the communications array. "Did any of the guards give you trouble for arriving from the east?"

"No. That's just the thing. It's warm welcomes all around. Everypony's pissed drunk with happiness over this war being over. But that isn't the half of it. I looked for those ponies that Rainbow Dash asked for..."

"Yes, and?"

"Well, maybe it's best that one of 'em does the explanation for me. Hold on a tick..."

There was the sound of shuffling hoofsteps and microphone scratches. After a brief whine of manafeedback, another voice crackled into being.

"H-hello? Rainbow Dash? Are you there?"

"Heyyyy..." Zaid smirked. "I know that sultry tongue."

Kera gasped with a little bounce. "Zetta! Zetta!"

The voice giggled on the other end. "Glad to know you both are doing well! We split ways under such chaotic circumstances, I wasn't sure you'd make it past the Xonan front!"

"Oh, we made it past alright," Zaid said, though he fidgeted slightly. "Mrmmm... for the most part."

"Such a remarkable device you have here, Mr. Prowse. Usually you need government tech in order to build something that communicates over such a range."

"Heehee! My Unky Prowsy knows how to spit a cosmic loogey!"

"Miss Zetta," Prowse spoke up. "Rainbow Dash is busy visiting the local township here in Alafreo. Still, any of us would be happy to know that which you've got to share about the continent."

"Well, there have been quite a few changes to say the least. Just this week, the New Council has been preparing the first of several long-term peace accords with the Xonan Empire."

Props blinked back at Pilate.

The zebra cleared his throat and leaned closer to the microphone. "I beg your pardon. Did you say... the New Council?"

"Yessir. Ever since the incident on the eastern front and the ensuing cease fire, a huge investigation went underway to determine the extent to which the higher echelons of both kingdoms have been infiltrated by shape shifters. However, the Council of Ledo under the Queen herself wasn't complying with established investigative protocols. This led to a great deal of civil unrest, with several city governments voting to replace the Council altogether. Although the majority of votes necessitated an election of new Council members, the current administration was refusing to comply."

"Great Spark..." Pilate grimaced. "Please don't tell me that Ledomare fell into civil war!"

"Oh no! You won't believe it! This actually has a good ending!" Zetta continued, "Before anything could happen, there was an inexplicable event that took place about a week and a half ago. Several hundred shape shifters appeared all across the continent. They were frightened, confused, and—above all—non-aggressive. This also included over half of the members of the Council of Ledo alone!"

Kera gasped, staring wide-eyed at the others. "The changelings! Rainbow Dash stopped them, didn't she?!"

"Must have been around the same time we were all farting around Stratopolis," Zaid thought aloud.

"Huh? Wh-what was that?"

"Uhhhh..." Props cleared her throat. "Basically, this isn't exactly a major surprise to us. But we're happy to hear it anyways!"

"Well, that's good. Because I'm certain it's changing this nation for the better."

"Do tell..." Pilate said.

"The shape-shifters who were exposed gave themselves up freely without posing any more harm. It's almost as if they were completely different ponies! What's more, they fully complied with military questions, exposing years upon years of abuses committed by the executive powers, even crimes against the citizens that were made before the shape shifter incursion!"

"So all the crazy bad stuff that Ledo got away with..." Kera blinked. "...it's finally coming back to bite them?"

"So much has happened in so little time. But, to make a long story short, Ledo found herself with a lot to answer for, and none of her explanations have made anypony happy. As a result, the provincial governments have enacted Vote of Monarchal Reform."

"The Vote of Monarchal Reform?!" Pilate's jaw dropped. "But... th-that hasn't happened in centuries! That must mean..."

"Yup!" Zetta's voice cheerfully exclaimed, "Ledo has been forced to step down from the throne! Over the last few days, a New Council has been established, and are preparing to crown a new Queen. Already, the prime candidate is a pony who's very popular among the citizenry, and she supports the New Council's peace accords with Xona. So, in a month's time, you may very well be speaking with a proud defender of the Luxmare Confederacy!"

"Weeee!" Kera hopped up and down. "Hah! Take that, fatso!" Kera turned to blink at the others. "Ledo was fat, wasn't she?"

"I can imagine another fatso who'd be enthralled to hear this," Zaid said with a smirk.

Josho stumbled into the room. "What would I be enthralled about, exactly?"

"Did you hear the good news, Josh Josh?!" Props spread her forelimbs with a bright grin. "Ledomare is now Luxmare!"

"Hrmph..." Josho tossed his mane back and grumbled, "Different name, same morons."

"Awwwwww..." Props pouted with drooping ears. "Do I have to be the only pony who's excited?"

"I'm always excited when I'm around you," Zaid said.

Prowse's voice crackled through the speakers. "Huh?! Who in the bloody hell said that, lass?"

"Oh. Uh. Uhhhhh..." Props slapped at the dials of the array. "Crkk-Crkkk! Oh noes! Crkkkk! You're breaking up, Unky Prowsy! Crkk-crkkk!"

"You're makin' that sound with your bloomin' mouth, aren't you?"

"Sorry! Crkkkk! Gotta get back to you! Crkkkk! Thanks a ton, Zetta! So happy to hear back from you! Crkkkkk! Bye bye!" Flip! She slapped the machine off and spun towards the others. "Well, that was fluffy!" She smiled. "No more Council of Ledo! Why, Pilate, that means you and Belle could fly back there and live without the fear of being whipped to death or something, r-right?"

"Hmmmm..." Pilate smiled. "Not even if you gave me a million working eyeballs."

"Bleachkkk!" Kera faux-vomited. "I'm with the zebra of awesomeness."

"Yowsers." Zaid smirked. "You guys really know how to hold a grudge."

"Yes, well, the blood of the innocent will do that." Josho said, then turned towards Pilate. "You may wanna head upstairs, copper bottom." He glanced at the array. "You too, blondie."

"Oh?" Props blinked.

"Rainbow's back," Josho said. "Turns out the local yokels are crazy enough to offer fixing the Jury for free."

"Oh!" Props swung her legs and bounced off the stool. "Coolie Crispies! I'll be up in a jiffy!"

"What do you need me for?" Pilate asked.

"You and Dr. Bellesmith are super close to Elma," Josho said. He paused, glanced at Kera, then glanced at the zebra again. "Rainbow and Company just got back from seeing a few members of the Boreal family. Elma... uh... she may need some coaching on this one..."

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