• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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Something to be Watchful For

I haven't put much thought into what waits for me at the end of this journey. I don't know how many of the other Jurists have. I guess—for us—the voyage has always centered upon Rainbow Dash. She's been the one to inspire everypony on board, after all. Her goals have been our goals, and her conflicts have been our conflicts.

I'm certain that—by this point—we are determined to reach Val Roa. So long as we have full knowledge of Chrysalis and her presence there, we owe it to the rest of the world to put a stop to her infamy once and for all. How long it will take us to get to the kingdom she's nestled in, I'm not entirely certain. The skystone will undoubtedly get us there quickly—or, at least, quicker than the average air vessel. I don't even know if airships are common over this continent.

But what about that which lies beyond Val Roa? From the sound of things, the Grand Choke isn't exactly mana-friendly. There's no telling if the enchanted tome in Propsy's engine room—or the skystone for that matter—will survive the trip. But, then again, there's no telling if Rainbow Dash would either...

I can't be the only pony who worries about her. Surely Bellesmith and Pilate have their hearts full of dread whenever the topic comes up. Who's to know what Eagle Eye or Propsy think... or Josho or Floydien or Zaid for that matter. Or Roarke...

Rainbow may be courageous, stubborn, and mule-headed at times, but she's no idiot. She wouldn't have survived as long as she has and against as many obstacles as she's encountered if she didn't have a level head on her shoulder. Surely the questionable nature of the crew's future has crossed her mind. Her loyalty isn't exempt of thoughtfulness and empathy, one would think.

She's not a pony to go down fighting, Mother. That quality in and of itself has saved the whole lot of us on countless occasions. I just hope she takes the not-too-distant future into careful consideration. I hope she does what's best not just for herself... but for the ponies who love and care for her.

I think the time has come for Rainbow Dash to realize that everypony's journey can't go on forever. So, then, the choice is hers. Does she stay with the ones whom she's come to love? Or does she fade off into the eastern wasteland, preserving herself forever as merely an awesome memory? I honestly do not know which of the two is the better choice, and I certainly don't envy her position...

"Certainly you've all heard of the Churning Line," Josho said as he paced to a shuffling stop. He faced several other crew members across the Noble Jury's top deck under starlight. "Well, according to Boxer, it's the eastern extent of these jagged bluffs. Beyond, there's a steep series of mountain ranges—known to most Alafreons as the Sky Stabs. Most vessels aren't capable of scaling the altitude required to pass over them."

"But Nancy Jane isn't like most vessels," Floydien said, almost bitterly. Props giggled off to the side, causing the elk to grumble.

"Right." Josho nodded, then turned to face the others. "Because of the Sky Stabs, most airships don't even bother to venture into central Alafreo. They typically take the winding ravines to the south. But—according to Boxer—the quickest way to Val Roa means scaling the Sky Stabs directly."

"Does he know what's beyond these peaks?" Pilate asked. Kera lay against his striped coat, curled up and yawning from the throes of an exhausting day. "These turtles don't exactly strike me as avid pilots."

"Yeah, well, Boxer's lived long enough to catch word of mouth from everything that passes through Abinadi," Josho said. "Central Alafreo is apparently lush, not to mention heavily forested. Fir trees for days, from what I hear. There's a very large valley that stretches across most of the continent, before ending up in the Polish Mountains just west of Val Roa and the Grand Choke." He cleared his throat. "However..."

Eagle Eye blinked. "However what, old stallion?"

"There's an area in the northwest corner of the valley that's separated by a smaller mountain range east of the Sky Stabs. A curved mountain range. The landscape makes a perfect circle, according to most travelers, and it's vastly unexplored."

"What are we talking about?" Bellesmith remarked. "A plateau?"

"More like a crater," Josho said. "And a very large one at that. Over two centuries ago, a group of ponies and turtles tried scaling the southern heights to explore what lay beyond, but a blizzard struck the expedition. They lost several members of their party and had to cancel the journey. No one has tried venturing into the crater since, and most pilots east of the Sky Stabs simply avoid it altogether."

"Is it dangerous?" Eagle Eye asked.

"Meh. More like annoying," Josho said.

"Hmmmm..." Kera smiled deliriously, nuzzling Pilate's side as she yawned. "M-maybe it's full of pillllllowssss..."

Belle rolled her eyes with a smirked. "Somepony needs to hit the hay."

"Yeah!" Props snorted. "She can count tortoises hopping a fence!" Eagle Eye giggled.

Josho glanced left and right. Clearing his throat, he leaned forward. "Has anypony seen the paint bucket around?"

"Rainbow's been speaking with Celestia all day," Belle said.

"It's night now," Josho droned.

The mare shrugged. "Perhaps she's gone to sleep. The Alafreons finished polishing up the observation room this afternoon."

"That's so neato keano of them," Props said with a warm smile. "Don't you agree?"

"Is something the matter, Josho?" Eagle Eye asked.

The obese stallion sighed, plopping back on his haunches. "All this Chrysalis business..." He narrowed his eyes at the group. "Just what are we even going to do to her once we get to Val Roa?"

"What else?" Floydien inhaled, eyes twitching. "March up to insect boomer's face and give her the hoof hoof."

Josho's brow furrowed. "I'm serious." He clenched his teeth. "We damn-near chopped off our heads and tails to get out of the trap that her broodlings set for us over the Wastes."

"Yeah, but she doesn't have her broodlinglinglings anymore!" Props exclaimed.

"Doesn't make her any less powerful," Josho said. "According to what Rainbow Dash has told us, she's old as sin and has connections with the dark side of the world." He gestured with a meaty fetlock as he spoke. "What's to say that she's not going to spring an even bigger trap for us when we arrive in the Val Roan Capital City?"

"It's okay to be worried, Josho," Eagle Eye said. "I'm not exactly thrilled about getting into a grunge match with Chrysalis either, but this group has been through crazier straits before." He smiled gently. "I have every bit of confidence that we'll figure something else! Besides, we've got Rainbow on our sides!"

"Yeah, but we're not gonna have her on our sides for long."

Pilate said, "She's proven to have greater fortitude than the rest of us combined—"

"But not forever," Josho firmly said. "Please. Let's be real here. You guys know this better than the rest of us."

Pilate opened his mouth, but he had nothing to say. He hung his head while Belle's hooves squirmed against the top deck.

Josho's gaze washed over the group, finally settling on Eagle Eye's melancholic expression. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and said, "Look, bad things are going to happen in this world. That's a given. We've all seen it for ourselves. But, we've also seen a lot of that bad stuff get kicked in the rear. Rainbow Dash has done a lot of good for almost every ass-backward place she's flow through. Plus, she made me sober." His eyes opened dully. "I know that I'm both the first and the last pony who should be saying this, but... I think it's high time she considered retiring."

"Her journey is an epic one, Josho," Belle said. "Not to mention a necessary one. It goes beyond what any of us can comprehend."

"And just where is that written in stone, huh?" Josho frowned. "As far as I'm concerned, all this Austraeoh prophecy stuff is a bunch of hooey. Never mind what an enchanted book and a bunch of freaky cultists think. Hell, just take one look at Zaid. Morons will believe in anything given enough idiocy and dedication. Or if somepony just promises them grilled cheese."

"The role of Austraeoh and Eljunbyro is quite clear," Pilate said. "My beloved and I have not only witnessed it—we have lived it. Embodied it."

"Won't make a damn difference once death and chaos catches up with Dash."

Belle exclaimed, "She's had every reason to die already! But with each peril she's faced, each beacon of the machine world she's touched—she's miraculously lived on!"

"And you think that'll make her go on forever?" Josho raised an eyebrow. "It didn't work for Hurricane. And from what I hear, they both had the whole 'Austraeoh' thing going for them... up until the end at least."

Belle bit her lip. Her eyes moistened slightly.

"Don't get me wrong. I care for the gal," Josho said. "She's changed my life in more ways than I can count. It freaks me out to think that I ever once tried hunting her down like she was a rabid winged dog in Foxtaur Forest." Her looked at the others. "But someday, her journey's going to end. She... is going to end. And I think we all owe it to her—I think the whole dayum world owes it to her to make it a good end. Good... relaxing... and p-peaceful." He swallowed.

The Noble Jury was silent.

Clearing his throat, Josho continued, "Or... y'know..." A sigh. "We just... play along with her until she can't go on any further. I dunno if that means beyond the Grand Choke or what... but if you can't retire the hero, then at least you can help warm up her blaze of glory. You feel me?"

"We... we f-feel you, old stallion," Eagle Eye said with a sniffle. "I just... d-don't really like what I'm feeling..."

This has been a happy week. A joyful and prosperous week. And yet, I can't shake this unsettling feeling that—at some point far from now—things will stop being this joyful. And, as silly as it sounds, I'd much rather have it happen tomorrow as opposed to constantly hanging over our heads for an insurmountable time.

I love these ponies. They are like family to me. I adore Propsy and I cherish Eagle Eye. But, without a shadow of a doubt, Rainbow Dash is at the center of it all. And once she goes away—be it to a grave or to the east beyond—I fear for what will happen to this family. I fear the idea of being ungrounded... of being lost.

For I have been lost before. And it was not a pleasant feeling. It still haunts me... tears at me in the dark of night. And for all of the warm comfort of the Jurists' companionship... for all the loving things that Eagle Eye says to me...

I'm still scared, Mother. I'm scared that I'll forever be lost, searching... searching for you... searching for myself.

But, who knows? If Elma Boreal's found herself, then maybe there's hope for me.

Maybe there's hope for all of us...

Rainbow Dash finished attaching a knotted rope-end to a bulkhead. With a satisfied sigh, she leaned back and blinked blearily at her hoofwork.

A newly knitted hammock hung neatly across the port side of the Noble Jury's refurbished observation room. The metal framework of the bubbled window had been repaired completely. The room looked like it had never been trashed by zombie pegasi to begin with. Even new glass panels filled up the webbed frame, peering out into mountain mist and starlight.

Stifling a yawn, Rainbow Dash trotted across the room and braced the Sword of Solstice against the corner. Dimming the lights, she spread her wings and prepared to leap into the hammock. On the final heave, however—

"Uhm... Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow tripped, pratfalling onto her chest. "Ooof!"

"Gah!" Elma winced, biting her bottom lip with a pair of fangs. "S-sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"Nnnngh..." Rainbow Dash stood back up, teetering slightly. "Naw, it's alright..." She brushed herself off. "The day isn't complete until I've crashed into something or another."

"Still, please forgive me. I didn't mean to startle you—"

"Elma, it's alright." Rainbow turned to smile tiredly at her. She slapped a nearby lantern with her prismatic tail, brightening the observation room slightly. "What's up?"

"I haven't seen you around that much lately."

"Well, that's to be understood. You've been catching up with your family." Rainbow winced. "Erm... Elma's family, I mean. Ungh..." She face-hoofed. "I'll never get over that, I swear."

"Eheh..." The changeling gulped and nodded. "You're not alone..." She paced about. "I spent all afternoon with the Tundras."

"The whats?"

"Distant relatives of the Boreals," Elma said with a smile. "I used to fish with two of their elders when I was a hatchling—er... I-I mean Elma..." The shapeshifter sighed. "You understand."

"If you insist."

"So many memories..." Elma shook her head, gazing into the bulkhead in thought. "And so many turtles to catch up with. And that's not even the half of it." She looked up, bearing a perky smile. "I keep remembering all of these... these projects that Elma left in limbo..."


"She was a cartographer and an enviromentalist," the changeling said. "She had all of these expeditions and operations set in motion. They've all been cut off because of her untimely demise, of course. And yet... it's like... it's like they haven't." She looked at her own porous forelimbs. "They're right within reach of my hooves. And I remember everything about the parts where I—I m-mean where Elma left off at. There are hundreds if not thousands of turtles waiting on these expeditions to go underway. Lots of money is just floating around... turtles' livelihoods. And... and..."

"Hmmm?" Rainbow squinted. "And what?"

"Just... just seeing my—I mean Elma's hatchlings again..." She gulped. "There're so many things I want to learn about... to know about. Cousins and nephews I haven't seen in ages. Promises that were made to them and to their children and their children's children..."

"I'm guessing it's a lot to take in."

"You have no idea." Elma slowly shook her head. "And... and all this time, the Boreals have been extremely welcoming. The Tundras as well. But that's not all. I think... no, I'm pretty sure that this is helping them as well." Elma nodded at her own words. "I think something about me being here is helping them come to terms with the fact that the matriarch of the Boreal family is gone."

"And she is gone, right?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Elma looked at her.

"Who you were and who you are?" The pegasus shook her head. "Two completely different things, girl."

The shape-shifter gulped. "How do you even know that I'm a girl?"

Rainbow stared blankly.

"How do you know that this is my real form?" She flexed her dragonfly wings. "Or that it's the real form of any broodling hatched from Chrysalis?" She stared at her own hooves. "Or that this is what I truly should be beneath it all..."

"I... I guess I don't know."

"Neither do I, Rainbow," Elma murmured. "All I know is what Chrysalis made me into... what she robbed the Boreals of. And, yet, it's like they've never been robbed at all. Because... she's still here. She's not alive... she's not even a soul... but she's a gift now... and a talent." She clenched her jaws. "Something that I'm not about to take for granted."

"Elma..." Rainbow Dash chuckled. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were almost wanting to—"

Elma looked pointedly at her.

Rainbow Dash stopped in mid-speech. She blinked.

Elma stared at her. She exhaled and smiled weakly.

Rainbow's ears folded. She glanced down at the floor, then gulped. "Oh."

Elma slowly, slowly nodded.

"Have you... uhm..." Rainbow ran a hoof through her mane. "...have you told anypony?"

"I'm telling you," Elma said.

Rainbow glanced up at her. "Why me?"

"Because you're the reason I'm here, Rainbow Dash. You're the reason I'm alive... why I still believe in myself..."

"Pffft... bite your tongue..." Rainbow chuckled awkwardly. "It was Pilate who showed you compassion in Stratopolis. And then Belle single-hoofedly carried you to safety—"

"But it was you who saved me through them, Rainbow..." Elma stepped quietly towards the pegasus. "It was you who whisked them away from their troubles. It was you who inspired them to be courageous and to show compassion and to never give up." She stopped and rested a hoof on the mare's shoulder. "It was you who brought the Noble Jury together... who led them my way... who helped them bless my life when I didn't know I had one to call my own."

Rainbow gulped and murmured, "And is it your own, Elma?"

"It will be," the shape-shifter said. "Thanks to you... and thanks to Elma." She smiled, her green eyes tearing. "You've both been foundations... stepping stones toward where I need to be."

"I..." Rainbow Dash shuddered, forcing a smile across her muzzle. "I wish I could take you there faster, Elma. I really... really do."

"I know that," Elma said with a nod. "But for some of us, the quickest way to finish a journey is to stop moving."

Rainbow Dash blinked at that. Eventually her voice cracked, "I don't know if I can even understand that." A weak smile. "But I have full faith that you can."

"Good..." Elma nodded, sniffling. "I'll take that as a blessing."

"Sure." Rainbow leaned forward, smirking devilishly. "Just promise me one thing, at least."

"What's that?"

"You darn well better pick yourself a name," she said with a wink.

Elma did a double-take, then broke into giggles. She leaned forward as Rainbow Dash hugged her gently in the starlight.

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