• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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Skip, Skip to the Lounge

“Mmmmfff…” Rainbow’s muzzle stirred as she lay on her side across the granite floor. “Gnngh… don’t… d-don’t stick around here for too long… it’s t-too dangerous…” Her tail flicked as her eyelids stirred. “Mmmmff… so what? Leave the hair clip on, Gold Petals. It looks fine…”

A five-finger’d gloved hand raised her hoof to a blade, then sliced a tiny slit in her flesh.

Aaaaugh!” Rainbow Dash shot up, bucking the cloaked body off her. “Friggin’ stop it, ya melon--Oh.” Her ears drooped from where she hovered. “It’s you guys.”

Razzar stared at the red blood dripping off his blade, then tilted his mask up towards her. ”Do you realize what you’ve done?” his voice crackled through a grimacing mouthpiece.

“Ugh… yeah…” Rainbow Dash brought her hoof up to her mouth and suckled on the shallow cut. “Had another friggin’ dream about a blonde.”

Other Lounge members strolled behind him, examining the lengths of the rubble-strewn control room while their leader leered up in her face. ”Well, this is no ordinary nightmare you’ve caught us all in! Because of your arrogance, you’ve endangered your crew and mine! Now we’re stuck in a purgatorial place with no chance of--”

“Whoah whoah whoah whoah whoah!” Rainbow Dash frowned, waving her hooves. “Hold the sound stone, buddy! All I wanted to do was protect my friends--”

”From what?! Razzar’s suit glowed brighter in the seams around his mask. ”You had an imposter with you the entire time! A treacherous fiend whom you should have given up to our custody when we asked--”

“You knew, didn’t you?!” Rainbow Dash frowned. “The way you came rushing in, zapping all those bug-ponies off my back like it was regular hunting season?! You knew that Prowse was a changeling the whole time!”

“It did not change the fact that he was wanted by several concerned parties throughout the Wastes--”

“The least you could have done was friggin’ told us instead of being all mystifying and threatening from the get-go, pal!” Rainbow jerked. “No, I take tht back! The least you could have done was not chased us with pew pew death lasers into the storm!”

”You gave us no choice.”

“Like you gave us one?!” Rainbow Dash’s voice cracked. She bucked at a crumbled piece of stone with a grunt. “Grrgggh! I swear! Is Equestria the only land to warm-blooded creatures of sense?!”

To that, Razzar merely sighed. A device attached to his belt flickered, and he tapped it with a pointed finger. ”What’s your report, Vaughan?”

A deep voice crackled on the other end. ”I’m still having difficulty with the skystone core, Razzar. In theory, I could utilize a lightning rod to channel some electricity into the engine, but that will depend on both time and luck.”

Razzar nodded. ”We appear to be in short supply of either.”

”Then I will have to work with great diligence.

”Do your best, brother. We are depending on you.”

”Understood. Vaughan out.”

Once the frequency ended, another Lounge from the fringes of the room turned towards the leader. ”No sign of the shape shifters, Razzar,” he hissed beneath his mask. ”Knowing them, they could be blending in with the walls and floor.”

Rainbow’s ruby eyes bugged. “They can do that?”

Razzar ignored her, turning instead to the other figure. “Load extra crystal charges into your rifles, brothers. We’ll have to perform manasweeps of the hallways as we make our exit. Alternate rifles so that we can equally conserve our ammo.”

”Yes, Razzar.”

“Wait wait…” Rainbow Dash squinted. “The heck are you guys planning?”

Razzar turned towards her. ”Nothing, thanks to you. We’ve never been inside the eye of the storm before, for fear of how inescapably turbulent the winds are. The act of sabotage you did on our vessel stalled it on one of the lower temples. We were lucky not to be in one of the structures destroyed recently by the shape-shifting hoard. Until our engineer Vaughan can get the skystone drive back online, we are stranded here--and even then we have no guarantee that the winds won’t slice the hull of our ship to ribbons.”

“What do you mean you’ve ‘never been inside the eye of the storm before?’” Rainbow blinked. “Did you know about this place too?!”

”We know enough about it to realize it’s a dangerous, inescapable trap.

“Balls to that!” Rainbow frowned. “Stratopolis has claimed dozens upon dozens of airships for nearly two decades! I’m willing to bet that most of them happened on your watch, bucko!”

”Call this place whatever you wish,” Razzar said. ”We have endeavored to protect the passengers of the Strait to the best of our ability.”

“Pffftchyaa… and what a fine job you’ve been doing at it, too!”

”A job that will be accomplished by no one now that you have thrown your crew and mine into jeopardy!

“What?!” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “For crying out loud! If you had just had the good sense to--”

”It matters little.” Razzar trotted past her, eying the tomb of Commander Hurricane through his mask. ”Perhaps this turn of events was somehow predestined.” He tilted his head up towards the rain-slick stained glass above. ”Judging from both the architecture and the corpses that define this place, it would seem as if it has a common connection with you.”

“Just what are you going on about?”

With a jagged finger, Razzar pointed at the corpses along the barricades, then at Rainbow Dash. ”Winged ponies. If you ask me, it is too much of a coincidence.”

“That’s a freaky trend I’m noticing a lot lately,” Rainbow Dash said with a wary gaze. “What’s it to you?”

”Must I state the obvious? Your group and mine have our differences, but there’s a far more dangerous threat that needs to be met. As much as I hesitate to suggest it, working together is our best option.”

“And what makes you think I can trust you?”

”Please…” His voice hissed as his gloved hands formed dual fists. ”I am risking enough by even suggesting I put a fraction of my brothers’ lives into your hooves. As chaotic as this place may look, it stands to reason that somewhere inside is a key to controlling it and the weather around it. And now that I find that you may have some connection with the ponies who populated this place before…

Rainbow simply hovered in place, her muzzle clamped shut.

Vapors exhaled out of the yellow light of Razzar’s suit. ”Perhaps there are others surviving in this place who would be more willing to assist us?”

Rainbow flew down, glaring at his level. “What are the odds that you chased them in here as well?”

“Not as slim as our chances of surviving separately.”

“Heh…” Rainbow Dash smirked. “Why is it that I feel that’s the only honest thing you’ve told me since I woke up?”

”Would you rather deal with the shape shifters?” Razzar cocked his neck. ”And on your own?”

Rainbow Dash bit her lip, avoiding his masked gaze.

”I would give anything for the sanctity of my crew,” Razzar said. ”We’ve both seen what can happen to a pony as strong as you on your own. Please, at least let me help you reunite with them, and then we can work out a plan from there.”

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, then hovered closer to the ceiling. ”Fine. But only because I’m worried over their safety more than anything.”

”As I’m sure you do,” Razzar droned coolly.

Rainbow squinted at him, then cleared her throat. “It’s a nasty journey to the Hold where most of the survivors are hanging tight. I’ll take you there, but it’s up to them if whether or not they’ll shake… uh… hands with you.”

”Perfectly understood.”

“And it’s not gonna be an easy trip on foot,” she said, flapping her wings for emphasis. “Just saying…”

”I do believe we can adapt.” The speaker in his mask clicked as he turned and gestured towards his cohorts. In perfect synchronization, all six Lounge members pressed a button on their wristbands. The backs of their cloaks flared out, revealing twin shafts that vented out yellow manadust. With a low hissing sound, the six figures levitated side by side.

Rainbow Dash blinked, then sighed. “Now I know why all the pegasi outside Equestria died off…” She frowned and floated down the nearest corridor, followed by the Lounge. “They all got shown up by freakjobs.”

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