• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,732 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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Their Love Gives Him Strength

Entering the world of dreams once more, Ted watched the twinkling forms of his follower's dreams. It was calming to him, watching the shifting colors in the empty expanse. He was so engrossed in the mesmerizing display, that he didn't notice the Princess of the Night's presence until it literally shoved him, prompting him to return to his own body and create a dream for them to converse in.

"Hello Luna." Ted greeted. "Ready to answer some questions yet?"

"Hello Cimmerian." At his angry stare, she giggled daintily. "It is your name surely as Theodore, there is no reason to avoid it. Besides, any who are connected to magic and learn it will prefer it over any other name you may use." Luna grinned maliciously. "It would be a shame if some of your dreaming subjects were to hear it, would it not?"

Before Ted had a chance to tell her off, the lunar alicorn changed topics. "Unfortunately, though teasing you is entertaining, we have more important things to discuss. I notice you are much more calm tonight. How do you feel?"

"Better than I have in the last, forty years? I don't know what I should call it, time didn't really flow for me in the armor." He responded.

"Good. I wish to teach you something before we discuss anything else. I trust you have begun studying magic yourself, correct?" At his nod, she smiled. "Excellent. Think of the partition you hold in your mind, you should see a new array there."

"I see it, two smaller arrays in the center of a larger mess, right?"

Luna frowned at his choice of words. "That mess, as you call it, will allow you greater control of your ability to access my memories." Summoning a dream-diagram of the array before them, she explained. "Each array is easily activated by pushing energy into the one you wish to use. The array in the nine o'clock position is the full seal. Only what you have personally learned or natural abilities will be usable in this state. The three o'clock array allows full access to the memories, with all the boons and dangers inherent in such access."

"Right, so don't use it." Ted said, turning to the princess.

"This is serious, Cimmerian. The memories come with a price, it's true, but I saw the dreams of your subjects this night. You guard them jealously. I have no doubt that if you had to, you would dive headlong into those memories once more." Before he could protest, she raised a hoof. "There is nothing wrong with that, Cim, and should you fall, I will be here. So will your ponies, should you let them."

After a brief moment, Ted just nodded.

"Good, now, before we begin I wish to show you something. If you could, please shift the dream to represent the dream realm."

Curious what the princess was getting at, Ted did as he was asked, looking around at the twinkling dreams that surrounded them once more. Luna looked around, before she raised a hoof, pointing towards the distance.

"Over there. Do you see them?" Ted gazed in the direction she pointed, and noticed a few faint glimmers in the distance, almost unnoticeable at such a range. "An alicorns powers do grow naturally over time, Cimmerian, but such growth may be supplemented by the love of our ponies. Subjects, in your case. Your following increases, and thus so does your sphere of influence. Tia and I are known globally for our works, but our mana is currently stunted by the arrays of the second nightmare. You however face no such limitations. As your following increases, so too will your power. You have noticed it, have you not? More strength throughout your body, perhaps an increase in your physical size. Even simple spells may end up being easier to use, or much more effective. Because of this, I will warn you. Should your name become public knowledge, watch your power carefully. Where one day you have one thousand followers, the next day five hundred more may choose to place their faith in you. Not to mention should your name become too common, the Mad Queen will notice you, no matter how well your powers shroud you. You have great potential, but you are nowhere near ready to face her."

Seeing as the princess was done, Ted took a moment to digest the information, before asking if she would field a question he had.

"Certainly, Cimmerian. What do you wish to know?"

Scratching his arm uncomfortably, he decided to bite the bullet, getting the question at the forefront of his mind out of the way first. "Preening. Is it, uh, normal to have others do it for you?"

Luna once more adopted an almost predatory smile, giggling immaturely at his discomfort. "Ah, such wonderful followers you have, willing to go to such, intimate lengths for their leader." She said. "I suppose hygiene is as good a topic as any to start our lessons on."


The lesson was like his Health class from high school, if said class were taught by a magical pony princess that giggled and laughed at any mention of genitalia whatsoever, and seemed to revel in his discomfort. The fact that she was more than willing to show him examples of any action, no matter how intimate, through her memories only made it more unbearable for Ted. He knew some of this was probably buried in his head somewhere, but some of it belonged in the depths of his mind, buried beyond his reach. The new alicorn had no desire to know the sensations that went along with, well, sex. Especially when they originated from a female. That was a can of worms best left in the closet.

"And be certain that you watch the grooves of your horn, as well. I understand that it too can be sensitive, especially when magic is channeled through it, but such discomforts are the price of magic, I'm afraid." Luna stated, finishing the lesson for the night. She'd been horrifically thorough, though it was probably something that would be important to know, since he would be stuck as an alicorn for who knew how long. "I must ask, have you adjusted well enough to notice your subjects?" At his confused stare, she chuckled once more. "Yes, Cim, I mean that way."

Ted flushed slightly, already having had enough of the lessons for a year. "No, I haven't. I can't really look at them like that, I mean, they're like kids to me, and well..."

"Yes?" The princess prodded, waving a hoof to indicate he should proceed.

"I'd be worried of, well, breaking them."

Booming laughter was his response, Luna clenching her gut even as she rolled over on her back, tears flowing as she rolled around the dream-world, much to Ted's chagrin.

"Seriously, I'm like three times their size, Luna! I want to lead my ponies, not snap them in half!"

The princess stopped to listen to his outburst, before she continued with a renewed bout of laughter.

"I, I'm sorry, I just remembered my sister's reasoning, for not taking a pony as a consort. I believe she said something about a wheat sprig blowing down a hallway? " Luna said, giggling madly, trying to contain herself and failing utterly. "I, I've always used disguises or transformations when the mood struck me, but Tia isn't as good at such arts. She tends to favor power, much like the celestial body she guides."

Wiping tears from her eyes, the lunar princess bid him farewell. "Oh, I've always loved hearing the embarrassment of younger beings over such topics. It has been a pleasure, Cimmerian, but I must be going. I will not be available for the next week or so, as the Mad Queen will be visiting us soon, and I must cleanse my aura of your influence. My sister must as well, so please do not seek her counsel in the coming weeks. I will let you know when it is safe."

It certainly wasn't what Ted wanted to hear from his best source of information, but it didn't surprise him. Murphy still liked to mess with him... Did the ponies have their own version of Murphy's law? He was pulled out of his musing by Luna one last time.

"Cimmerian, should you find the time, I ask that you keep an ear open for news on, on my niece." She said in a much more somber mood. "Neither Celestia nor myself have heard word of her since the Nightmare told us of the fall of the Crystal City. Should you hear of anything regarding Cadance, please, do what you can to help her. Of the three of us, she has been hurt the most by the newest nightmare's actions."

"I'll keep an ear to the ground, Luna. I promise, and thanks."

With that the princess left him once more, to watch the twinkling lights of his followers. He would investigate the new lights tomorrow, the dawn was too close. He could feel it.


That morning Ted put his new knowledge to the test, practicing his preening in front of the mirror with the door locked. It still felt weird, and looking closer at his horn he could see dirt in the grooves as Luna had predicted, despite his bath the night before.

"Yet another thing to get used to in this form." He mumbled to himself. "I still can't believe she asked me that."

Breakfast was once again a simple affair, and before long the gatherers were ready to leave. The entire journey was absolutely mind-numbing, with the only things of note being Amald catching several snakes and dressing them in the field. Ted paid close attention to the griffon's movements, asking questions and even trying some of the techniques himself, to the warrior's surprise. It was messy work, but the idea of once more enjoying a slab of meat was more than enough to drive the alicorn on. Shadow Weaver spent most of his time surveying the previous battle scene, the corpse of the serpent reduced to bones by local scavengers already. Many ponies seemed to perk up after seeing the bones, despite the danger they represented. After all, they also represented the strength of The Nightmare.

The supplies were gathered, one unicorn even pointing out a strong type of leaf that Ted and his ponies had missed during the previous expedition. It turned out the leaves could be used as makeshift covers, bandages, or even roofs of shelters if prepared properly. Knowing the need for such things, Ted himself ended up carrying a large bale of them, bound and strapped to his back by nearby vines. Before long the expedition had returned to the temple, this time finding not a twig out of place. The supplies were distributed, and Ted took the last few hours left in the day to clear the rest of the area on the west side of the temple of underbrush. Mentally he was already drawing plans for the area. A smithy, a storage building, possibly even additional housing. As the night came upon the land once more, he checked the abandoned storage room, now almost completely torn up to reveal a gently sloping tunnel into the ground. It wasn't deep, but it also wasn't even close to done. Hopefully the new changeling stuck around long enough to help with the digging, since Mirage was now Head of the Nursery, having had previous experience with young and no further reason to avoid the nymphs.

Dinner was served and finished, with Ted watching several groups of ponies walking down to the ritual room even as he headed up the stairs to his own quarters. He knew where they were headed, as Blur had taken off as soon as she'd finished eating, the elated pegasus practically, no, literally floating out of the dining hall in a cloud of bliss. He lost himself in his thoughts on his way to bed. Nightmare, Father, Cimmerian, Theodore. All names he currently held, though some more grudgingly than others. He was tempted to take Luna's advice on this one. She'd been right before, and had so much more experience with this sort of thing. Personally it almost felt like abandoning who he was prior, but was that really the case? Carefully, almost fearfully, he took a peek through the princess' memories on the topic, even as he pulled himself into bed.

Princess of the Moon, Dream Guardian, Silent Blade, Mistress of Illusions, Star Mother. All titles the princess held, all different names from that which she knew was her own. Yet she answered to them all. Why? How could she be so unconcerned about her name?

Then another thought struck him. Why was he so protective of his own? Why did he fight the name given to his new form, even as he withheld his birth name? Why was he so scared of new titles and names?

Such thoughts clouding his mind, the dark alicorn drifted off to an uneasy sleep.

Author's Note:

I think we all felt a little awkward during Health, Physical health, or whatever that class was called. I've also learned I'm really bad at rapid, uneventful periods of time.:pinkiesick: I feel like I need to note it, but I'm not certain how. Se la vie, I suppose. Next chapter things will start up again. In the meantime, I'm taking up NetherWalker's offer, let me know what you guys think of his cover. I got a kick out of it, if nothing else. Tell me what you guys think, and give him a pat on the back if you like it.

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