• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,731 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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Jobs? Give me a List of Names, and Some Darts

It was like the Temple of the Shadows had come alive overnight. Everywhere Ted walked, ponies talked excitedly to one another, sharing the dreams they'd had the night before. Some spoke of memories of home, others of hopes of adventure. Some even dreamed of finding that special somepony they'd spend the rest of their lives with. All in all, the ponies were ecstatic. All but one, and he made sure Ted knew about it.

"Your darkness, what madness is this?" Shadow Weaver raved, rushing up to Ted on his way to breakfast. Yes breakfast in bed was nice, but so was being around other people after being locked in armor. Ted turned to the cultist, confusion written across his face.

"Is there a problem, Shadow?" The alicorn asked.

Slowing to keep pace with Ted, Shadow Weaver was fuming. "Dreams! We had dreams last night!"

"And the problem is?" Ted asked leadingly.

"Dreams! Where are the nightmares? Where are the wails of despair carrying through the night? Why are ponies not cowering under their beds? Why do they laugh and converse about their dreams?"

The dark alicorn turned to the unicorn. "Shadow, the ponies here are running on fumes, if you didn't notice. As fun as it would be to torment everyone here, I would like to recover in relative comfort. Sowing nightmares amongst my followers would be like stabbing your own hoof because you thought it would be fun."

The two arrived at the dining hall and Ted, rather than waiting for a server to bring him breakfast, headed to the meager breakfast bar, much to the shock of the dining ponies. Gathering a plate and adding a few pancakes and some of the fruits that were gathered the previous day, he made his way to the throne. It wasn't that it was where he wanted to sit, but it was the only seat in the hall big enough for his flank. about half-way to the dais, he stopped, sleepily looking out at the cultists that stared at him.

"You think I want to wait for my breakfast? Screw that." Walking up to his chair, he sat down heavily, absentmindedly spreading some fresh jam on his pancakes. Some of the cultists hid smiles in their hoods, others chuckled, despite their best efforts to keeps straight faces.

"But sir, the tales told of-"

"Weaver, what have I told you of legends?" Ted asked, turning to the persistent pony. "Speaking of followers, who's in charge of staffing?"

"T-that would be me, sir." Shadow said, caught flat-hooved by the sudden change of topic.

"Good, I'd like to see what jobs you have everyone assigned to later on. Who is the quartermaster?"

"The what sir?"

"Quartermaster? The one in charge of supplies?"

"Uh, Slop is in charge of rations, but other than that we really don't..."

The alicorn sighed. "Weaver, how many ponies are in the temple?"

"Uh, I believe about twenty six?"

"Weaver, there are thirty three ponies in this room, including you and I." Ted countered, staring uninterestedly at the pony. "I want you to either do this yourself, or find someone who is good at this sort of thing. I want you to get an individual in charge of general supplies, and I want a list of everything we have that may be useful, even if it's a bed. If we don't have enough beds find out if someone's good at woodcarving or basic craftsmanship. Do we have a... what's the term, war-room?"

The cultist's ears perked up at the question. "Oh, yes sir, based on the one in the Castle of the Two Sisters!"

"Good, when you find the pony, bring them there, along with Trauma and Slop. I will also want you to send any books on construction. This is our home right now, and I'll be damned if I'm going to be stuck living in a hole in the ground."

"But sir, why not just attack Equestria?"

"I already tried that, Weaver, do you know how well that turned out? Not well at all. A new strategy is needed. We will fortify here, recruit who we can, and learn of our enemies and their weaknesses" 'If there's one thing I know, it's never rush in blindly. Not only does that never end well in most cases, Nightmare already tried that, and ended up getting its shadowy butt kicked.' Noticing the unicorn was still hesitating, he refocused on the cultist. "Any other questions, Shadow?"

"I, why do you care which pony does what? I've always just picked a pony at random. They do the job, we move on."

"What is this?" Ted asked, holding up a fork.

"Uh, a fork, sir?"

"Yes, a fork. Do you eat soup with a fork, Weaver?"

"No sir."

"Then why would you make a pony that loves sneaking around take care of the alchemy lab, when you need scouting done?"

Shadow Weaver started to respond several times, before Ted put an end to his floundering before returning to his own meal. "Get yourself some breakfast, Shadow, and then get these things done."

The pony begrudgingly left, mind a whirlwind of confusion. The Nightmare was supposed to be an unmatched horror, what had changed?


Ted walked into the war room, levitating a plethora of scrolls, maps, and tomes, as well as his own notes, behind him. The war room was spacious, with a large table in the middle that had a map of equestrian currently displayed across it, complete with markers on several larger cities. Making sure nothing was being done with it currently, he swept the map and markers off the table, holding the markers for a moment and rolling the map up for storage. Waving his hoof in front of him to dispel the dust that had come off the map, he placed the map of the Kharazi jungle on the table, before placing a large marker on the Temple of the Shadows. He placed smaller markers to the south and east of the temple, a cross by the healing spring and a wheat sprig by the glade. Then, pulling two troop markers out, he placed them in two locations. As far as he could tell, they were the locations the other dreams had been. One was actually within an couple hours walking distance to the east, just north of the glade, if he translated the dream realm distances correctly. That was the one he wanted to check first, as there seemed to be an injured individual there as well. The others were near the location described in the note, so it seemed most had arrived at the meeting place, besides the unfortunate individual that had run afoul of the giant snake.

Just as he was familiarizing himself with the local area, Shadow Weaver, Head Trauma, and a pegasus wearing a chefs hat walked in. 'Slop, if my I had to guess, though where the hell did he find a chefs hat here, and why is it the cleanest thing around?' "I assume this is Slop? Nice to finally meet the one responsible for that fantastic brisket last night. I was worried you wouldn't be able to work with meat, being an herbivore."

The heavy purple Pegasus smiled widely at the praise "It was truly a challenge, sir! Never before have I had the pleasure of working with such an exotic ingredient. Meats of all kinds are banned in Equestria, and they lean heavily on any country that does not comply with their own standards. It has put them at odds with most of the carnivorous races, as you can imagine, but the queen wields enough power that she tends to walk over any who cause problems."

Ted was confused by the revelation. 'She won't let carnivores eat meat? What kind of idiot are we dealing with here? Alright, she's on my shit-list. You don't deny someone bacon.' He paused a moment. 'Are pigs sapient here? Damn, I don't think I could eat something that could ask me how my day was... even if it was bacon.' "I take it you're here as the provisions quartermaster, and Trauma is the medical quartermaster. Shadow, do you know anyone who would be good with staffing and equipment?"

"Yes sir, I told her to come here as soon as she was able to."

As Ted was about the ask who it was, there was a thunderous approach from the hallway, followed by a muffled "I'm first! I win!" Pulling the door open with his magic, he found four foals outside the door, a breathless Gleam running after them.

"I'm sorry sir, I came as soon as I heard you needed to talk to me, but the foals have just been bouncing off the walls this morning."

"There he is!" the alicorns legs were suddenly besieged by the foals, all four looking up at him, Rose actually trying to climb up his back to get closer to him.

"It was so cool! You said to have pleasant dreams, and we all had dreams! I've never had a dream before!" Rose said. Her energy was reflected in the other foals, as well, a colt and two other fillies.

"Neither have I, I dreamed I was in a pool of ice-cream!"

"Was it chocolate?"

"Ew, no, strawberry is better!"

"Is not!"

Levitating Rose off his back, he lifted the other three with her, and looking at all four he addressed them. "I'm glad you're all having a blast, but we're busy here. I need you to let us work for a bit, ok?" He put the four foals in a corner of the room with a few pony figurines and house markers, leaving them to play for a while. Turning back to the gathered adults, he looked at Gleam.

"I'm glad you want to help, Gleam, but if you're going to do this, try to find someone to help you with them. Head Trauma, do you keep a running tally of medical supplies?"

"Course Ah do, sir! Got a spare list here!" The Earth stallion pulled a list out of one of his bags. The list was dismally small, considering how many were in the temple by his estimate, and the number could be higher. Some bandages, a few doses of antibiotic, and the plants he got the day before. Oh, and his leeches. A list of all his leeches. Individually accounted for.

By name.

Barely suppressing a shudder, he turned to Slop. "How is the pantry doing?"

"Not as terribly as it was yesterday, sir, but the gatherers are supplying all of us for 3 meals a day, so we will need another supply run in two days at the latest. With more supplies coming in, I've been able to relax the ration Shadow Weaver had in place, but we're still not doing all that well."

"Has there been any activity, like enemy patrols?" Ted asked.

"No, sir, not that we've seen. I assume the ponies that tried to follow us met a terrible fate, as have several of our own." Shadow answered.

Nodding, the ruler started leafing through a book on basic infrastructure. "Can we clear out the area directly around the temple?" At the unsure looks of the ponies around him, he asked. "What? What's the matter? We need room for buildings. We can't all live here for ever, and we'll need crops. Foraging is well and good but it only works for so long."

Shadow answered him. "Sir, the forest here, it's like the everfree. It's terrifying, honestly."

Ted quirked a questioning eyebrow.

"Sir, the forest, the clouds, the animals, they all move about by themselves. This land, it's not something ponies can survive in, it can't be beaten. We've pulled plants out of the temple, only to find them growing back a week later! The clouds outside? Nopony is moving them, they drift as they please!"

The alicorn sighed heavily to himself. This is something that scared them? If he was honest with himself, the world Shadow just described was not only scary in its own right, it was downright boring. Who the hell had the free time to move clouds and control grass? "Weaver, let me tell you a story. There is a world out there, an entire planet that is like this jungle." At the horrified looks of the cultist, he rolled his eyes. "From deserts, to oceans, to tundras, to jungles, no one creature can exert anything but physical or mental influence on another, as there is no magic. On this planet, there are creatures as smart as you and I. They don't have fangs, or claws, or scales, or shells or anything like that, and yet they managed to dominate the entire planet. There is almost nowhere on that planet you can go that will not have a few of these creatures scraping a life out of whatever they can manage. They have nothing but their intelligence and a stubborn refusal to die. If they can conquer a planet that's done its damnedest to wipe them from history, we, with magic and some ingenuity, can figure out how to survive in the jungle." Facing the others in turn, he addressed them once more.

"We are not as bad off as you seem to think. For one, we have no political enemies near us, none that would bring an army to our doorstep, at least, so we can direct all of our attention to the wildlife. I'll be going out later with a group to start clearing the area around the entrance so that there will be no ambushes there, and I want someone to organize an inventory of all the supplies we have. As I told Weaver, I don't care what it is, if we can use it for something, it gets added to the list. While we're clearing the area, we'll see if there's anything else edible nearby, too. No need to waste food when we're so short. Weaver, you're good at spells, I know that for certain. Are there any wards that you know that you can use to keep out enemies? Even an early warning system would be nice." Ted chewed his lip, thinking. "Anyone else have any ideas?"

At Trauma's raised hoof, Ted clarified "Something that doesn't have to do with leeches?" Trauma's grin fell, as did his hoof.

With no ideas being put forward by his ponies, Ted dismissed them, before turning back to the map. It would be best for all involved if he had a chance to memorize the local area. Sparing a quick glance at Head Trauma as he departed, He found himself humming an old tune.

"...In the Temple of the Shadows he's the finest doc by far. He got his degree by watching House and Scrubs and E.R...." He chuckled to himself. Yes, the first chance he got, that guy was going to be placed under someone who knew what they were doing. If he could find someone like that in the middle of this god-forsaken jungle, at least.

Author's Note:

Wanted to get this out before I left for work today, seeing as I haven't updated in the last few days. Enjoy.

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