• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,731 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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The Legends of Another World

He crawled into the bed even though it was nearly ten in the morning. The benefit of being in charge was he could sleep in if he stayed up to work on what was needed or there were no emergencies, his position not having actual hours. Besides, he had a few things to discuss with a certain queen. Pandinus was staring off at a wall, not even flinching at his arrival. He adjusted himself, and when she still didn't react he laid on his side and pulled her into his barrel with all four legs, nuzzling her. She still failed to react.

'Fine, be that way,' he thought, blowing on the top of her head. The shifting hair caused her to flinch and she gave him a stink eye. A kiss on the cheek and he was apparently forgiven, the queen finally responding by shifting further into his grip.

"Talk to me, Huggle-buzz."

"I don't know how to feel," she muttered, ignoring the jab "Mother would have a conniption if she knew I was allowing other queens into my hive like this, but with how few changelings we have even with such a beacon to my race? It scares me. Is this all that's left? Less than two hundred changelings left in the world that aren't under Her control. Even of those among the enslaved, how many more are actually sapient, and how many have died so far? Yes, as long as a single queen survives and can lay eggs, we can rebuild, but it's still scary. If something happens here, and the four of us are killed, the only queens left are under the Mad Queen's control, and she may kill them if she runs out of targets for their progeny. And that will be that, no more changelings. People may come across an abandoned hive or two, but some may not even recognize it as a place sapient creatures lived.

"What do we actually have? We've been focused on survival and keeping hidden for so long we don't really have anything to say we were here. Yes, that was kind of the point for some hives. Yes, the central spire of my mother's hive was beautiful, carved with intricate designs that flowed like water, but that was done over the years by changelings in their spare time. My mother never mentioned any other wonders, never mentioned places of beauty built by our race. The love fountain, it was built by changelings and must be cared for by changelings, supplied by changelings, but it was the dream of an alicorn. I just don't know, I'm scared of what might happen. It never mattered to me before, but all of a sudden I'm planning these things out and I can't help but want to be certain of our future."

The queen let out a weary sigh, "This is your fault, you know. I never worried about these kinds of things before. It was just survival I was worried about, not legacy, not the future beyond 'do we have enough food for tomorrow?'"

"I understand pretty well, actually. Yea I have some of Luna up here, but you saw what I was, didn't you? I was studying to be a guard, not a king. Some mornings I wake up and wonder if it's real, or if I went crazy," he smiled at her "Then a certain changeling comes along and bops me on the nose, reminding me that, no, it's not a dream. Jury's still out on the case of my sanity, though."

"What's your thoughts on the queens? I know they're probably different from when a drone joins, but you must have gotten something from the connection."

"I'm worried more about Zelus than Lestidae. The older queen is a traditionalist, but she's out of her element here. She's going to be off-balance for a while with how different things are here. From what I've seen she loves planning and management. She'd be a boon to Gleam and Shadow in their planning of the town. There's a few drones that recognize her, even three that call to her as their mother, but even those three are leaving her care to us, trusting my medically inclined changelings to see to her health. After all, she's one of mine now as well.

"Zelus will be difficult to place. She's older than me, but still young. She never actually managed to start a hive of her own, but she did finish her training for position of queen. She likes being out and about, though. Subterfuge, spying, that kind of thing; I think she'd like to be running those kinds of operations more than a hive. Mirage knows her, as does one other, but they recognize her as a sister, not a mother. Like Lestidae though, much of her training will work against her at times while she lives here."

"Speaking of killing, you and I are going to be working on your combat skills," the mare told him. "I may not have been an expert, but Zelus knows much about the topic, and once she's recovered she'll be helping as well. Your fighting skills are all over the place. Sometimes you're a prodigy, slaying all in your path, and sometimes you're a blundering fool, like you were when the queen lunged. You could have killed her several times, but you kept either missing or not reacting to her openings. I'd feel better if I didn't have to worry about my mate defeating a dragon only to be eaten by a simple bear."

The alicorn rolled his eyes, a bemused expression on his muzzle as he ran a hoof over her back. "Alright, I'll give you that. I don't have much in the way of actual combat training, just some self defense that was for a different body. I accept your request that I be a punching bag."

"Good," she said, resting her head on his neck. "Now I request you be a pillow, and pillows don't make me worry about the future. They lie there being soft, and this one keeps me warm."


Gleam shuffled through the documents she'd written up concerning several issues that had cropped up over the past week. More griffons arriving, a request for supplies to be delivered to the port, and the results of the most recent fishing attempts that had been delivered just an hour ago. The griffons were currently using the dive method for fishing, spreading out over the ocean and grabbing a few fish before returning either to the shore or a small dingy they were using to cut down travel times. One of the fools even managed to catch a shark, earning several lacerations that required stiches and a poultice to fix. Still, the catch had rallied the village, many looking to make a second such catch. The result had been several injuries, two lost limbs, and the loss of a griffon which in turn had led to a call from Lady Thrisha that they stop being immature fools.

The unicorn couldn't fathom what would drive a griffon to attempt to fight a shark, but then again they were predators. Maybe it was normal, maybe it was just foolishness of the young. After all, she'd heard of many ponies wandering into places that were known to be dangerous for no other reason than idle curiosity.

'Maybe it's not just a griffon thing. Maybe it's a stupid kids thing.'

Things were going surprisingly well for the Temple barring a few difficulties, but even those weren't life threatening. Most supplies were in a surplus. What wasn't covered by the farms could be harvested from the jungle, or worst case scenario bought from Zarris. Fishing was becoming a bigger source of food, with the repairs to the fishing boat being a milestone that would help even more. Somehow even love was plentiful despite the large number of changelings feeding off the reserves.

'And that's just the focused love of one being supplying most of that, imagine what would happen if changelings joined a herd or two around here.' She mused.

All that was left was letting things fall into place and making sure it went smoothly. She was still confused about that letter Father had her send to Herrick. It was meant for the thestrals leadership, or what was left of it. She was curious why he trusted such a message to the mercenary leader but not regular post. Sure Herrick was more than happy to help after the copy of the array Father had provided him, but wouldn't it have been faster to send it by post?

The unicorn mare took a glance at the window, noting how high in the sky the sun was. Father was likely back in bed, though she knew he'd been up and about earlier for some reason. The two, Cimmerian and Pandinus, both slept like dragons. She'd need to send a runner to make sure they were up.

A drone flitted up to the table, giving a quick salute by pressing a hoof to its chest.

"Two queens are to be added to the census. They were picked up earlier today by Father and Mother and are currently in the medical room undergoing cleansing to remove the over-processed emotions from their systems. They should be healthy in about a week by Mist's estimates. Mother returned to her room afterwards to rest from the joining as well as combat with an unnamed entity, and Father is currently with her. Last report had them in the queen's chamber, and that was around ten."

'Two hours ago,' she realized. Two more queens. Part of her worried about possible infighting between them, but she'd welcome a second set of eyes and hooves to help her sort through this mess. She was able to make this work, but the scale of the projects was quickly growing beyond her ability to handle.

Gleam turned back to the drone, "I want you to wake them. Mo-Pandinus and Father, I mean. They'll sleep until the end of time if we don't drag them out of bed. If they don't comply within ten minutes, execute plan B. Their aren't any eggs in the room, so the water won't damage anything."


Pain was the first thing she was aware of. Lestidae's return to consciousness was unpleasant, though she did feel better than she did the day before.

'Not say much,' she thought bitterly, looking around the medical room. It was recognizable, but seemed almost cobbled together; a strange mix of medical beds and changeling pods in the room. The idea of ponies willingly entering changeling pods seemed completely ridiculous. Then again, the entire city or town that the two of them had stumbled upon when tracking down the large source of love seemed to be one big joke. Everything she saw from her scouting flew in the face of everything she'd been taught as a hatchling. The most insulting thing however, was that it worked. Not only did it work, it seemed to work well, the ponies relying on changelings for quick construction and scouting while the ponies provided food for the changelings. Other races were a part of the strange symbiosis as well, griffons and gnolls both relying on each other for protection and hunting, and both protecting the ponies who planned permanent defenses and provided large amounts of food.

'Prey species feeding three predator species willingly, get protection and shelter, predators either eat other things, or feed on prey without hurt them,' the queen realized, a grin spreading across her face at the idea. It was ridiculous, silly, insane, and she wished she'd thought of it years ago. Unfortunately, she was always told that even a single pony learning of them could end their hive, or even their race.

A quick flutter of insect wings brought her attention to a drone that began inspecting her, his horn glowing as he used a pencil to mark a small paper attached to a clip board. It wasn't a medical form but a series of notes, detailing actions taken so far and suggestions for further care. The medical changeling checked the seals placed on any breaks in her chitin, measured the holes in her body, then finally began tapping on her elytra, silently requesting access to her wings. Instinct told her not to grant such a request, but her situation didn't leave much choice. Carefully, Lestidae opened the cover and felt the medic inspecting the diaphanous wings with a studied familiarity. Normally only her own drones would be granted such access, but she didn't have any right now. Tartarus, she was part of another queens hive, not much higher than a drone herself.

The queen cast a glance to her right, the next bed occupied by a still-sleeping Zelus. The two had joined up after barely surviving an ambush and had been working together ever since. How long was it? She couldn't remember, but it was a decent stretch of time. The two had only each other to rely on, and Lestidae was not ashamed to say she'd trust the other queen with her life. That didn't mean she agreed with her in what amounted to surrendering to another queen.

She was jostled slightly as a drone landed on the bed, drawing her attention forward. Her eyes widened, recognizing the drone as one of her own brood.

"Kris," she whispered in her own tongue, leaning forward to nuzzle the drone even as he wrapped his forelegs around her snout. The drone was almost in tears, starting and stopping several times. He took a deep breath, and spoke at last.

"I betrayed you. I'm so sorry, I couldn't wait anymore. I joined her hive. I, I just didn't want to be alone anymore. I should have looked longer, you were so close but I-"

"Stop," she clicked, cutting off his rant. She brushed against him with the link. The connection Pandinus had given her was weak but she could touch him if she concentrated. "Feel."

His eyes widened in shock as she continued, "Not betrayed, made way for. Good guard, keep safe while heal, keep healers safe."

She pulled back from the contact, happy to know at least one of her hive had survived. "Others?"

"Yes mother, two others. Both-" he was nudged by the changeling nurse, this time carrying both a bucket and a small jar of white emotion-gel. Lestidae grimaced at the items, knowing exactly what unpleasantness she was about to experience. While normally regurgitating emotions was easy, replacing her current reserves was a chore. She'd likely have to go through this several more times before she was clean, but once she was and was given access to some of the love they had, her healing would accelerate tenfold.

The medical drone knocked back about half the jar, then touched his horn to her own, transferring the emotion directly to her system and allowing her to begin forcing more of the toxic mess she'd been living on to her spare stomach chamber. Her body was quicker to respond to even the diluted emotion this time, but even as she emptied herself into the provided bucket she gagged at the taste left in her mouth. She frowned at the bucket, knowing much of the emotion she'd just been granted was being used to carry the mess out of her system. After the third expulsion she sagged back onto the bed while her son made himself comfortable at her side. It would be a long week, but just seeing some of her children again would make it all worth it. Maybe she wouldn't beat Zelus into the ground for this after all.


A pink alicorn watched from the far side of the room. She still held a smaller changeling like a stuffed doll but she was calmer now. She could hear the voices still, but they didn't yell at her. They were gentle, kind, concerned, they wanted her to be well. The big changeling wanted her to get better, too. From what she could see and hear, the big changeling and Not-L, no, his name was Cimmerian. The big changeling was Pandinus, and he was Cimmerian, and she was Cadance.

She'd started thinking again, letting her mind wander. Sometimes the thoughts were happy, and she shared the happiness with Amare. Sometimes the thoughts were bad, or scary, and Pandinus or Cimmerian were willing to let her cry by their side, the queen even searching her out if she became overwhelmed while she was alone. Safe wasn't a word she'd have used to describe the m-changelings a few years ago. Now she couldn't think of a safer place in the world. She was never abandoned even in the dark of night. She was never alone even if she went off and sat in one of the towers on the Temple's roof.

She stretched her wings, watching each feather being realigned as she ruffled them. The motions set the hatchling in her hooves giggling and reaching for them. Cadance knew better than to let a foal touch her wings though. She'd learned that it hurt long ago. Colts and fillies she'd watched over the years, even a purple filly that often sent her into fits every now and again. She was getting better though. Pandinus helped her with that, communicating that it wasn't Twilight, that something was wrong with her. Not-Twilight hurt her just as it hurt everyone else, even Twilight.

Happiness and love. She could see the love between the new mon-changelings even though it looked weird. She knew some of them loved the new arrivals, and she could see the new arrival loved the one at its side right now. She was seeing love again, and it made her feel light, made her feel better. Amare always led her to groups of ponies who were happy, letting the alicorn watch them laugh and play. It was good for her.

That was what Cimmerian said, and she believed him.

The pink alicorn levitated the nymph onto her back before trotting out the door. She wanted to try something. It scared her to death, but she needed to do this. She walked up the stairs, passing the war room where Gleam was dropping off papers for Cimmerian and Pandinus to go over, the three discussing things she didn't really understand at the moment. She probably could have joined in if she wanted to.

She stopped before the door, her hoof almost shaking as she reached out and knocked softly. It opened just as slowly, Amare's presence likely telling the other changeling who it was that had knocked. The chubby changeling smiled kindly at her, managing to keep its fangs in its mouth. Cadance slowly entered the room, focusing heavily on her breathing. She felt Pandinus pressing against her now. The queen whispered soft reassurances to her mind; she was safe, they wouldn't hurt her.

Across the way sat the children. Foals, nymphs, chicks, and pups, all staring at her with interest. She was visibly shaking now, despite the reassurances from the link and Amare pressing against her. One of the fillies approached nearly causing her to bolt, but Din told her to hold still. The filly reached her and sat down while reaching both hooves out for the alicorn's foreleg. Cadance closed her eyes and whimpered, bracing herself for a bite, a buck, any of the things the last filly she'd cared for had done. The injury never came. She opened her eyes to see the filly hugging her leg, a bright smile on the foal's face. Another foal approached, then a chick, then a pup, all pressing against her, all sensing her fear but not understanding it. None understood how an adult could fear them.

Soon her shaking lessened, and she turned to leave. She accomplished her goal and needed to rest now. Her path was blocked, however, by a large being. Two large beings, actually. Cimmerian and Pandinus both sat in the doorway, blocking any possible retreat. The two rose and walked into the room, the queen calling through the link for her to follow. Cadance did so, resting against the queen uneasily as the children made themselves comfortable, eyes eager as they looked upon the dark alicorn. He said he wanted to tell them a story, a story about heroes and monsters, a story about hope, and how even when things were bad, the hero would triumph.

The alicorn grinned with his eyes closed, the light fading from the room except for around him. Another spell, and a cheery tune began to resonate throughout the room, setting the stage for the story. Finally, an image formed in the air, a strange creature garbed in green, with a golden mane and piercing blue eyes. Every eye was on the image, even the queen and chubby changeling looking at it curiously. Then Cimmerian began speaking.

"In a far away world, where magic was faint but still known by all, there was a young human who lived in a forest. He lived among others, but he knew he was different. After all, every other human in the forest had a guardian fairy. Some were his friends, others teased him. Time passed, and he grew strong. One day, his dreams for a guardian fairy were answered."

The image faded, a strange creature of light and wings being displayed in its stead, "A fairy came to his home and told him the guardian of the forest requested his presence. So the young boy stepped out of his home, never knowing just where that first step would take him."

Author's Note:

First off, the crowns from last chapter Tuna joked about were
cardboard: The burger king crowns.
Booze bottle: Crown Royal liquor.

I think I'm going to have a blast with the new queens. They're easy to deal with now, but once they start moving around? Hoo boy, and Tederian thought Din was difficult.

Finally, who wouldn't skip work to play with kids?

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