• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,731 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

  • ...

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Dreaming of a Green Christmas.

The next morning was normal in many ways for Cimmerian. Pandinus was still beside him, as was-

"Zelus, I thought you said you were going to find your own mate?" Cimmerian muttered as he stared at the queen. The queen who was currently pressed against his right side as she'd done for the last...how long had she been doing this again?

She stirred, blinking as his question registered.

"I said I was looking for one. I didn't find one, so I came back here. I'm not going to interrupt your time with Pandinus, so I don't see the issue."

"The issue," the alicorn ground out in irritation "is that I currently smell like sex, and there's a female that's not my wife right next to me."

"And this is...bad?" Zelus asked, still not raising her head from the bed.

"Yes Zelus," he said. "Yes it is."

"...would it help if I shifted so I can't smell? Though I have to say I like the scent." Zelus said, a grin blooming on her muzzle.

"I'm going to strangle you, mare," Cimmerian growled. "I don't care how awkward it is with hooves, I'm going to do it."

"No strangling queens, Cimmerian," Din admonished him with a tap of her hoof from his other side. "We need her to keep popping out eggs. Once we find a replacement you can do that."

The stallion groaned, wrapping his head in his hooves in defeat.

"I'll never get you guys, I swear. Every time I think I have something on how you tick, it's whisked away by something else you do."

"Psh" Din hissed dismissively. "I've gotten past that part. I just try to adapt to your habits. The why's are beyond me, so I just deal with the what's."

Cimmerian stepped off the bed, ignoring the irritated buzzing of the queens as they were deprived of their heat source. Stretching a bit and now ignoring the giggles of the mares behind him, he tried to remember the things he still had to do that day. The season's holidays were approaching, so he'd need to make sure that went well. There really wasn't any better morale boost than a familiar and well-liked holiday celebration. The trick would be trying to get them all done for the perspective races that were living at the Temple and make sure no toes were stepped on, metaphorically speaking for the ponies and changelings of course. He was certain there was the possibility for some misconceptions or confusion during the different festivals, plus they had the question of which would be held first.

'Likely have to do something like a rotation or something if everyone holds the holidays in the same time-frame. I'll probably end up flipping a coin to decide on the order, put my holiday last because I'm the only one who will be celebrating it.'

Slipping out the door and passing by a few changelings with their alpha-queen's breakfast, the stallion quickly made his way upstairs and into the dining hall. It was almost always busy at this point, having so many beings using it. The line was almost constantly being resupplied with more food or new dishes as the day went on. Even the chefs were being changed out every now and again, Slop making certain to keep fresh cooks in supply and allowing others to take time off or swap off to other jobs if they wished. Approaching the line and grabbing a tray, Cimmerian grinned at the idea of finally getting a decent supply of deserts. The next week would likely be sparse on the sweets compared to what many were used to but decorations should be simple to come up with. That and he'd finally get his damn Christmas tree.

Finishing the meal quickly, he went about trying to find out where the acorn he'd bought ended up.

It turned out to be more difficult than he first suspected.

"I think it ended up with Machination." Gleam answered, not looking up from the war room's table. "It was a seed after all. I don't think they threw it away, as oaks aren't local and familiar wood would be nice to work with for the crafters."

"That acorn that they gave us when you came back from your trip? I think the orange mare you brought back took it out to one of the fields with a bunch of her apple seeds."

Machination looked up from his charts and graphs, a pencil stuck to his hoof as he kept track of the farms near the Temple.

"I think she said she and her brother were capable of increasing the speed of growth and the yield of trees, comes with working the land for a long time. Some earth ponies are just better at accelerating tree growth, some are better with annuals, or crops that are fully destroyed or collected during the harvesting process. It just depends on what you put your time into."

"Hey there, mister Simmer'on! Pleasure ta see ya' again!" Applejack greeted, approaching and grabbing his right hoof in both of her own forelegs. He'd seen enough handshakes to recognize one even if it lacked hands, but when the mare started vigorously pumping his hoof up and down, he almost lost his footing.

'Almost knocked me on my flank, and that's with three other legs to balance on. Good gravy!' he thought while shaking his hoof.

"Pleasure, Applejack. I'm looking for that acorn I brought back from Silver City. Have you seen it?"

At the mention of the acorn the mare scowled.

"Yea, Ah know the one. Dern thang won't grow no matter what Ah do to boost it. Everthin' else we've planted has already sprouted."

The stallion chuckled at her irritation.

"It's likely because it's an enchanted seed. It isn't even an oak. It's actually a pine, one that I wanted for an upcoming holiday from my home. To get it to grow, you need to activate it."

Applejack stared at him for a moment as she processed the information, her eyes crossing before she fell heavily on her backside and pulled her hat down over her face.

"Magic. It's always gotta be magic, don't it?"

"It's fine, I got caught up in all the stuff happening and didn't keep track of the seed. I'll just...actually, I could pick a spot and I wouldn't even have to chop it down," the alicorn said, beginning to think out loud as his mind wandered.

"W-what?! Why would ya chop it down! All ya gotta do is move it, ain't like it's a tough thing ta do. All ya gotta do is get some unicorn ta lift it after somepony digs it lose and wraps it. Heck, I reckon ya could even get some of the changelin's ta move it for ya," AJ offered, looking strangely upset with the idea of cutting down a tree.

"It's just a tree, AJ. I'm sure we could let it grow long enough to get some pine-seeds or something, though I don't know how we'd get them pollinated. I don't even remember how pine trees work like that, just that the cones were sticky sometimes. There's also the issue of it not being native, would it need pollinators? Would the local animals or bugs even recognize it?" he mumbled, putting a hoof to his chin in thought.

"Just a tree? I-what are ya talkin' about?" the farmer asked, horror in her voice. "Those're our lifeblood! Without tha apple trees, Ah ain't got no farm, no product ta sell! What's a farmer without 'er farm?"

"Relax, AJ. Pine trees were farmed and harvested for this exact purpose back home. With how widespread the holiday is, they sold thousands if not millions of pine trees every year. In fact a lot of trees were used like that. Businesses would plant thousands of trees all in different areas and harvest them at specific growth levels depending on how big a tree someone wanted or needed. In this case though, I'll just stick the acorn over by the large field. There's a nice spot I saw earlier over there and since I plan on keeping this thing, it will probably grow pretty large.

"Come on, I'll show you the spot and you tell me what you think," Cimmerian said before stopping. Looking at the farmer he chuckled half-heartedly.

"After you tell me where the acorn is, of course."


The acorn was planted with little fanfare less than an hour later. The instructions were simple. Set the seed where you wanted your tree, touch your hoof to it and give small jolt of unfocused magic (which was why the Apples were having so much trouble with it; their magic was attempting to speed the seeds growth and thus it had a focus), then stand back and watch it grow. It didn't take long for the tree to sprout and begin growing, leaving the alicorn giggling and jittering in excitement. After about ten minutes the growth finally stopped, leaving the tree sitting at about four feet tall.

"You plan on making a tree similar to the one in your dream," Pandinus said as she approached, Zelus walking beside her.

"I do," the stallion affirmed. "It's something familiar and as I said it's nice to have something I can recognize. I have a lot of good memories attached to this sort of thing."

"We can tell," Zelus chuckled as she walked around the tree. "You're positively glowing at the moment. it's a nice change from yesterday."

"You ladies do realize it's not normal for someone to be happy all the time, right? It's perfectly natural for someone to cycle through different emotions," Cimmerian said with a shake of his head. "Most people would ask what's wrong with someone if they actually were happy all the time."

"'Ceptin for Pinks. That mare was nuthin' but cheer and smiles all day," Applejack said with a wistful smile. "She doin' better now?"

"It's not physical damage she sustained that must be healed. It's mental strain, so it's just going to take time. If she were linked Pandinus or I could rush the process by personally repairing any damage and inspecting her mind for any weaknesses, but such is not the case," Zelus explained. "For Pinkie Pie, it is simply going to be a matter of time as she rests from the strain. Even in her dreams she is tired."

The farmer nodded.

"Ah understand, Miss Zelus, it's just with how things were goin' fer a while there, hearin' about Pinks being under tha weather was just about more than Ah could stand. Shy was hurt, and we already knew Twi was basically foalnapped, it's just gettin' ta be a mite too much."

"Crap," the dark alicorn knocked a hoof against his head at the reminder. "I completely spaced that. Applejack, I want you to get your friends together in the war room after dinner. This includes Celestia. I have something to give you guys. Din, I may need your help getting it all onto physical paper. Before that, I've got a name to check into with the minotaurs and then I'll speak with you about the thing for the bearers, Celestia and Spike. No, I'll give the information to Heart, and she can give it to Spike. I can't believe I spaced that."

"I will, Cimmer. I'll be overseeing the hive until you're ready and have a few changelings ready to put whatever you have to paper," Pandinus answered even as the alicorn took off for the Temple. Watching him go, she spoke to the farmer.

"Do what you wish to keep the tree healthy. I'll see about getting your friend to throw together some additional decorations for it for now. I'm certain we can find some ways to replicate his 'Christmas tree' in most ways. The lights may be beyond us at the moment though. I don't know if we have enough gems to enchant for such a large number of lights."

Before the mare could ask what she meant by additional decorations, several changelings approached with boxes and began flitting about the tree, laying simple gold chains around the tree.

Sensing the farmer's confusion, Zelus grinned.

"Changelings are quite industrious when it comes to digging. Normally we have no use for gold and merely stock it as something that looks nice. Other times we give it to infiltrators to trade for the local currency. It also holds magic decently and is often found in higher concentrations than gems so we can use it for inlays when we have the energy to spare on enchantments. That's not been very often the last century or so, however."

Applejack nodded as she turned her attention back to the tree. It already had a bit of a holiday look to it, and a pony had just attached a few simple ornaments to the lower branches before a few more pegasi showed up, one bearing a cloud. Several unicorns were discussing cold spells before Celestia herself noticed the commotion and approached.

Seeing the tree and cloud, she giggled in a way that honestly left many there a little uncomfortable. It's not everyday Celestia of the Sun starts giggling like a foal, after all.

The white alicorn moved between several unicorns and whispered them instructions before lighting her horn with power. The unicorns around her did the same, channeling the power into the older mare to help power the spell. Celestia unleashed the spell at the cloud, causing it to crackle with energy before a single snowflake fell from the dark fluff.

"Thank you, Celestia," Din said as the first few snowflakes began to fall onto the tree. All would fade after a while due to the ambient temperature being so high, but the effect was still beautiful. The queen's smiled happily as the residents of the Temple began to gather, chatting excitedly and emitting emotions the changelings had come to associate with nostalgia. They couldn't wait to taste the stallion's shock when he saw what they'd been preparing.


The dream realm was still a bit...sticky for lack of a better word around the area the minotaurs resided in, but even as he passed by the effects were lessening. Easily slipping through the lingering tar the artifact had left over the area Cimmerian quickly focused on his target and entered the dream. He was starting to feel doubt about targeting this minotaur. A seer, a witchdoctor, a sage; whichever she may be this woman could very well be the first dreamer he faced that may be openly hostile and had prior dream-walking training. As such, he'd been certain to don his armor before heading to the ritual room and surrounding himself with a few defensive runes to better protect himself while dream-walking.

'Likely the easiest way to kill someone who's as physically durable as myself, actually,' he thought to himself even as he neared the dream. Surprisingly it had more shape to it than the other dreams he'd encountered so far, even having a distinguishable top and bottom somehow.

'She's expecting me...'

The alicorn gingerly set down on the grassy plains of the dream world and quickly took note of the large tent nearby. He approached it, watching every step for any traps or anything that may seem dangerous. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, he stopped just shy of the entrance and spoke.

"Crone Ravendraft, I need to speak to you."

After waiting for about a minute, the tent flap opened slightly, revealing an older minotaur female poking her head out to scowl at him.

"Well, you have some manners. Better than I can say about most of the beings I deal with these days."

Taking a moment to look at him, her scowl soon shifted to confusion.

"You're not the Dream-Warden."

"You mean Luna? No, I'm Cimmerian. Theodore Cimmerian Fredson, ruler of the Temple of the Shadows and likely your biggest supporter during this problem with Queen Twilight and her Changeling swarms," the stallion replied while giving a slight bow. "While Luna and I are fairly close, I am not the same being as her. In fact, I didn't even know her until recent- no wait, I've been... sorry, my timeline's a bit skewed. I spent a lot of time in a, a compromised state of existence. I was recently freed, and have been working to help both those who helped me and the world at large. I supplied the Talons with the runes and asked them to give them to you."

That last bit seemed to draw a reaction out of the cow.

"So it was you who gave the griffons the key to her armies...why would you stand against a fellow alicorn?"

"Twilight Sparkle is infected" he responded. "She's host to a parasite that's controlling her actions, the same type of parasite that brought Luna to madness and nearly made her destroy all life. I've spoken to her, both of them, actually. Both Twilight Sparkle and the Nightmare that even now masquerades as a mare. Twilight is sickly at the moment and I believe it has to do with the parasite that has been feeding off of her misery."

The old cow stared at him for a few moments before asking him a single question.

"How long have you been dream-walking?"

"Uh, about two, four months? It kind of happens when I go to sleep whether I try or not," Cimmerian explained.

"You were not taught dream-walking?" Ravendraft asked, her confusion only deepening.

The alicorn shook his head.

"It was something I've been capable of from my release. Luna taught me a trick or two when she had the chance, but she's no longer available. She had other things to teach me as well."

"No formal training in dream-walking...I suppose it makes a bit more sense in that case. Very well, enter. I will teach you what the Dream-Warden has neglected."

Even as Cimmerian's jaw dropped at her comment, the minotaur stepped back and held open the tent flap. Not feeling a particularly aggressive mood being given off by the minotaur he followed her, entering her tent and sitting down across from her.

"I was certain one would be coming to visit me this night," the cow explained. "Had you attempted to breach the tent without my permission, you would have found yourself both ejected from the dream and subject to a rather painful defensive spell. My magic is not as instantaneous as a unicorns, but do not doubt that it exists.

"Dreams have been fleeting for the last decade or so. When Chieftain Cairne came to me speaking of demons and nightmares I had to refresh my memory on old spells and laws. Tell me, have you heard of the Dream-Accord?"

When he shook his head, the crone did as well.

"Before one is taught how to use such abilities they are often taught the rules associated with them. The Dream Accords are a set of rules that govern the use of dream walking. Included in these rules are promises to not invade another's dreams to attack them, with the intent to steal information, or to remain after you have been asked to leave. I'm certain you can guess how this pertains to your current situation. You have broken several of the Dream Accords laws and will be held accountable for-"

"Your going to yell at me for not following laws I had no idea about? And expect me to listen when Cairn is talking about enslaving those I'm working to free?" Cimmerian asked in disbelief. "I came to him in peace hoping to learn the fate of those who fled to the plains, as well as possibly finding a way to coordinate our attacks against the Nightmare's forces. I understand that he has the right to refuse hosting a dream walker, but I'm not going to cripple myself by dropping one of my best ways to communicate from the other side of the planet because some laws say I need to ask permission ahead of time when I have no way of doing that, nor am I going to allow someone to punch me in the face after threatening those I'm working to protect do so without consequence.

"Lives are at stake, in fact according to Cairne your people will be attempting to conquer everyone else. I need to know if this is in fact how it's going to be, Crone Ravendraft. I'd be more than happy to work with you and yours, but I'm not going to stand back as innocents are enslaved. I don't want to fight more people, but Cairne is putting me in a very bad position. I don't know what he expects, but I'm not going to just stand around while he does whatever he pleases to people who have already lost their homes."

Eyes narrowing at the minotaur, he spoke in a low tone.

"I'd like to add to my allies, but I'm not afraid of making another enemy."

"And what of your destruction of our people's artifact?" the minotaur shot back. "By what right do you destroy something that has been in our possession for so long?"

"Do you even know where that thing came from? It was a gift from Luna before her banishment to your ancestors," the stallion said with a snort of disgust. "You claim it as a priceless artifact of historical importance to your people, then go and enslave the very race that gave it to you as an offering of peace? I'm certain Luna and I could reconstruct one given a bit of time, in fact I plan on making several of them and use them as a defense against further incursions by the Nightmares. Until I find that you're willing to work with me though I'm not giving you any more support besides further distractions for the Nightmare. And you can tell Cairne that if he tries to attack Canterlot once we've taken it back, you're going to find out what happens when an alicorn that's not afraid of tearing up the countryside cuts loose."

"Are you threatening me even after I offered to teach you what the Dream Warden failed to? I am offering to enlighten you in ways she neglected to. One of your abilities should have been taught these rules from the start to prevent you from breaking the laws of-"

"I'm not threatening, Ravendraft. I'm telling you. I'll leave, and I promise not strike your people through dreams. That I swear. I will not sit idly by though. You can be certain that I'll be heading towards Canterlot in the near future. Tell Chieftain Cairne that if he continues to treat those around him like so much waste, him and I are going to have a problem. Once this world is stabilized again and people have a chance to get back home, both the ponies and the griffons, I'd be happy to learn the rules. Until then, I have more important things to worry about. Like the lives of those who are currently having their bodies stolen by the Nightmare."

The old cow stared at him with a look between anger and irritation. She took a breath and gave him a smirk.

"I look forward to seeing what comes of this. At this rate we'll get to see who stands above the other. I'm certain that if you take Canterlot first, Chief Cairne will challenge you for the city. Now leave. Unlike you, I will abide by the Accords and not harm a being that is not presently hostile."

Cimmerian opened his mouth to argue, to say that Cairne started that fight. He thought better of it though, deciding it would only sound childish and that he should take his leave while he could. He'd never had to fight a talented dream walker in their own dream and until he was properly trained he'd like to keep it that way. Without further words he left her dream, irritation coloring his mood. He'd need a more hooves-on approach for checking the minotaurs. It would be something he took care of later though, when he went to back up Heart and the griffons. The Nightmare was at its weakest in a long time. If he were to strike her at any time, it would likely need to be soon.

He stopped by Heart's Dream-hive, handing over a small dream-construct scroll that contained Twilight's message to the drake and told the proto-queen to wish Spike a happy Hearth's Warming.

"I'll be heading your way after the holidays, Heart. We're going to need to finish this soon. The minotaurs are looking to take Canterlot. Pass it on to the griffons as well, would you? And ask Spike or one of the ponies about holiday foods. If you can spare the resources, the boost to morale will be amazing. Not to mention you should try some as well. I think I've got Din and Zelus hooked on it."

The queen waved farewell as he left and the stallion made a beeline back to the Temple. Looking about the dream realm near his home he quickly found Din and entered the dream-hive. He wordlessly passed a few drones copies of the notes Twilight had given him to transmit to their waking counterparts. The awake drones would write down the notes on separate papers to be given to the intended recipient.

"I take it contacting the minotaurs has once more ended in failure?" Pandinus asked as the drones worked.

Cimmerian nodded.

"They seem pretty dead-set on causing us problems. Crone Ravendraft was a bit more personable than Cairne but she was still giving me flak for breaking some ancient laws I've never heard of even as her people engage in slavery. Granted they may not see it as such, but I have better things to do than argue who's right with minotaurs."

"They will be dealt with. You are correct though, we have other things to deal with besides a minotaur with delusions of grandeur," the queen said dismissively. At his raised eyebrow, she shrugged.

"Changelings have had to resort to enslaving other beings to survive until recently. I won't fault them for that. I do wonder what use for such slaves they could possibly have though. It seems wasteful."

"Sometimes it's not about efficiency, Din," the stallion replied. "Sometimes it's just about power."

"Yes, well I'm certain he'll be happy to know he can be our slave next. That's how it works right? He takes slaves, so we make him a slave," Zelus said with a fanged grin as she approached them.

"No Zelus, that's not how it works," the alicorn replied. "We make sure they don't have any of ours slaves, then we either beat them back, preferably with the biggest stick we can find, or we teach them what happens when you pick a fight with a few alicorns, a few changeling queens and all the subjects those beings rule."

"Well that's no fun," the armored queen responded.

"It's not supposed to be. I'm trying to be a good guy, that means no slavery," Cimmerian explained to the larger queen.

"I don't want a bunch, just one. Please?" the larger mare pursued. "You can't tell me they'd notice a little one just disappearing. It happens all the time, right?"


"So when are you going to tell me what's going on?" Cimmerian asked in a mixture of irritation and amusement.

The queens had started shuffling him back outside the moment he was done with his meal. He figured that with their giggling and knowing glances they'd set something up for him, but considering what they considered 'nice' he wouldn't be surprised if it was another queen they wanted to add to their 'family' or something equally odd. As he approached the door, he saw Pandinus snatch an offered cloth strip from Rarity, the unicorn's knowing grin the last sight he saw before the queen's magic had wrapped the cloth around his eyes. Now blindfolded and stuck between the two changeling queens who were still directing him forward, he sighed.

Unless he wanted to either try to go through a fully empowered and armored queen or the mother of his kids there wasn't any getting away. He could have taken the cloth off of course, but if even Rarity was in on it, it must not be too bad.

'At the very least I don't think she'd be accomplice to either an unwanted binding marriage or something weird.'

"Okay, we're just about there. Are you ready?" Zelus asked, surprisingly sounding more giddy than Din had moments ago.

"Ready as I'll ever be," he answered. "If it's not interesting, I'm going to take it out of your paycheck."

The queens just laughed at the threat, though whether it was because they understood the joke or were just reading his mood he'd never know. His ears flicked as he was led ever forward. There was a crowd here. A big one, by the sounds of it. They were all strangely quiet though. As if they were expecting something. Anticipating something.

"Stop," Din commanded, using her neck to hold him back. "Tell us what you think."

With that the cloth was pulled back. He blinked a few times as his eyes adjusted to the light but noticed something in front of him. It was green, a familiar green shape that smelled faintly of pine. His tree.

The details become more clear as his eyes adjusted and he was soon tracking over it, noticing the golden chains that were draped over the entirety of the tree. Each shimmering golden ring was crafted personally by either the smiths Sterling and Spot or perhaps one of the new thestrals. Hand, hoof, or talon-crafted orbs that hung from the branches, each sparkling, gleaming, or shimmering in the afternoon sunlight. Some were glittery, others were simply glass or metal that had been colored for the holidays. A few gems twinkled brightly with contained magic from their positions inside the needles, giving the tree a pseudo-Christmas tree light effect. Finally, a fluffy cloud was suspended only three feet over the tree, slowly releasing snowflakes onto the tree that would stick to a needle for a moment before melting.

He stared for a long while, in fact he was uncertain just how long he took in every detail. He circled the tree, committing every detail to memory. This was the first, as far as he knew. He'd need a star later, or perhaps an angel. Still, recreating the decorations they'd only seen once in their lives? Yea, he'd give it Din and Zelus, as well as whoever else helped out on this project. There was more here then he'd hoped to scrap together on his own.

He turned to the giggling females that were whispering and grinning amongst themselves. Din was nearly jittering with happiness at this point, just repeating 'he likes it, he likes it' over and over again while Celestia was being strangled in the pregnant mare's forelegs. Zelus was giggling as well, but it was more of an energy at a job seen to fruition. Approaching the group that had likely set this up, he pulled Din into a hug, coincidentally crushing an already squeezed Celestia between them.

"It's beautiful Din. I love it."

Looking out over the gathered crowd, he gave a more general praise as the white alicorn escaped her prison.

"It's beautiful, everyone. Thank you for the work you put into it. I hope that this is just the first of many holidays celebrated here."

"We're going to continue building, we're going to keep making this place a better place to be. We're going to be the best not because we've existed longer, or because we have more people here. We're going to be the best because no matter what heads our way, we can find a solution. A solution to not only circumvent the problems we face, but to turn some problems into strengths. We had no way to mine for the materials we needed but we've taken in changelings, some of the most natural tunnelers I've had the pleasure to meet. We live in a dangerous area so we took in the griffon refugees and made their strength our own. Our population grew so the earth ponies stepped forward, harvesting in weeks what would normally take months to grow to maturity, let alone harvest. Now the thestrals lend us their strength, a group that will find themselves welcome in a place where we don't ask what an individual is doing here.

"We don't ask why a changeling, a gnoll, or a pegasus wants to stay here. We don't ask because we're better than that. We've learned that each being here has their own gifts to bring to the table. I appreciate what you all have done, both here today in giving me this gift, and in what each of you do every day to make this place home. I'll be speaking to all of you later on, before a few of us begin preparations to head out to Equestria and support both the Equestrians, the freed changelings, and the griffons in ending this threat. It is one of my greatest hopes that this entire conflict will be spoken of in past tense in the very-near future. Right after your continued safety and happiness."

Looking to the queen still pressed against his side, he gave her a kiss before adding one more addendum.

"And the healthy birth of the kids, but that goes without saying."

As the crowd began to dissolve, some returning to their duties while others talked with friends or family, the queens, Celestia, Cadance, and the Bearers all stayed nearby.

Cimmerian smiled brightly at the gathered Bearers of Harmony as well as Celestia.

"You girls have been doing well and staying out of trouble, for the most part at least. Celestia, thank you for your help, both with the tree and the nursery. Heaven knows those kids deserve every moment of attention they can get. I'll be doing a dream-thing for them tonight, so give them a heads up please.

"Now onto business, or at least what I was calling you for. I have a bit of an early Christmas/Hearth's Warming gift for you all, I hope you enjoy it."

Without needing prompting, a changeling flew up to the group bearing a small stack of scrolls. He checked each name before giving the scroll to the correct mare, leaving a final scroll at Din's hooves before giving a short bow to his rulers before leaving.

As Celestia, the first to receive her note, began to read it, her eyes widened in shock.

"Th-this is..."

"Ah don't believe it, you mean, ya managed to find her?"

"Oh my goodness, I had no idea the poor dear was..."

"Oh that's it. That nightmare's gonna be eating out of a straw by the time I'm done with it!"

"Oh, oh my. This is, this is..."


"I know this is big for you ladies," the stallion said gently "but please don't worry yourselves about her too much. I've given her a job and she's accepted, so I'm not worried about her looking to self-harm too much. I will ask that if all goes well, you keep an eye on her. She's going to be scared and riddled with guilt and not everyone will accept possession as a viable excuse."

"I understand, sometimes my little ponies allow their fear to blind them to the truth," the white alicorn responded.

"I'll also likely have her help me research trans-dimensional magics. I really have no idea where to start with that stuff," Cimmerian admitted sourly.

"I thought you'd given up the idea of returning home?" Din asked while pressing tighter against the alicorn, her tone between fear and hurt.

"Not going home, per se," he explained. "At the very least I'd like to know that my family is okay, or that the first nightmare hasn't blown the earth up. If I can get a message to my family back home saying I'm still alive and kicking it would be wonderful but I'll honestly settle for 'Earth's still there, it wasn't scoured of all life in the nightmare's mad attempts at genocide.'"

"I'm certain Twilight would find the challenge acceptable. Cimmerian. Thank you for giving us this. Be certain that Pinkie gets hers when she's felling better. I'll let the foals know about tonight, enjoy your holiday."

"Oh, we will," Queen Pandinus said with a fanged smirk.

The dark alicorn gave en exaggerated sigh of disappointment.

"Is that all I'm good for to you, Din? A boy-toy to keep you satisfied?"

"No, you're also decent to look at and your emotions are delicious" she answered with a laugh.

Not wanting to be outdone, Zelus made certain to put her two cents in.

"I'd keep him in the throne room if I was still queen of my own hive. Or maybe in the bedroom. Yes, tied to the bed, ready to serve his queen at any time. He's certainly soft enough to sleep on. Warmer too. Much better than my old bed."

Even as the stallion blushed deeply at the mental image, the queen at his side put a hoof to her chin, humming in thought.

"I think I know what I want to do tonight."

Author's Note:

Kinky queens are kinky. I pity the fool who Zelus nabs.

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