• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,731 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

  • ...

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Taking Census

"So that's one hundred and sixteen griffons, one hundred and fifty two changelings with fourteen true drones, a queen, a proto queen, and a behemoth, eighty six ponies divided into twenty four pegasi, forty earth ponies, and twenty two unicorns, thirty nine gnolls, fifteen thestrals, and seven zebra." Gleam said while levitating the most recent census to the alicorn. "This of course doesn't record the fact that I've heard a few mares complaining about morning sickness, so I'm fairly certain our numbers will also be growing the old fashioned way as well."

Cimmerian took the paper, looking over the numbers with a frown. "Missing two alicorns, Gleam, but otherwise it sounds right."

The mare went cross-eyed a moment before smacking a hoof into her face, a groan of irritation her only verbal response.

"Hey, don't worry about it too much. The fact that our little sanctuary has gone from less than a hundred various species to this in three months is something to be proud of, we just need to keep on top of our numbers. In fact, I want you to look for help. We need to start working on getting a governmental system set up here, something a bit more involved than 'Cimmerian is in charge, these guys are next, and then there's everyone else.' I love how everyone's willing to pitch in, but we're going to need to make a shift soon. I don't think this will work long term." He turned to the changeling queen, an earth pony stallion, and a griffon. "How are our supplies?"

Pandinus moved a few notes in front of her before turning to the alicorn. "Emotion stores are holding up to the current drain, and I doubt there will be much more of an increase in the hive's numbers by way of free changelings. The last few changeling drones to show up were from just outside of pony territory, and the Mad Queen's been quite thorough in her own country. About half the hive isn't even drawing from our stores, having made enough emotional connections with other residents to not need to use our stores. As for other resources? The hive has begun to survey the entirety of the area, both above and below ground for any deposits of gems and metals. Any possible mine locations are to be reported to the geologists." With that she motioned to the map in the middle of the room, having several annotated flags on possible mine locations.

"Crops are still being harvested, while the amount of farmland being used has been tripled." The black stallion by the name of Machination spoke as soon as the queen turned to him. "We've tried expanding the farm land a distance away from the Temple, and the changelings have also set up a few tunnels for subterranean mosses and fungus for even more food. Herbivores should be fine once the latest farm plots start producing, though I worry how some of our crops will handle the rainy season once it hits. Right now it's cool and damp, but that will change once summer nears. I suggest a few more plots for extra food and expanding the food store areas."

"I don't mind the extra farmland, but make sure additional storage rooms aren't connected to the first. It will be more draining on those who have to power and watch the cooling arrays, but I don't want to lose our entire food stores to a single mistake. No reports of fatigue from overfeeding by the drones on any of the locals. That's great news, but I'd still like to see an increase in the pony population a bit before the hive gets much larger." Cimmerian said while taking some notes of his own. The alicorn then turned to the griffon. "The port?"

"A storage shed and even a few smaller buildings have been repaired for fishing crews, and the boat was dropped off three days ago courtesy of Zarris. It's a mess, but repairs are going smoothly. Had to pull the shape-shifters off of it, though, as their repairs won't hold up to constant water-logging. Ocean washes the coating off after too long. Most of the griffons have chosen to live in the port. Pretty certain it's because of the lack of changelings there." Jurgan responded.


"Most of the ponies, thestrals and changelings are using the changeling communal sleeping areas at the moment; they're large, easy to expand, fit creatures of their size well, and generally give them a dry, clean, and relatively quiet place to sleep. The sleeping area of the Temple has become more of a place for herds to share some private time together, though that's led to a few fans being installed in the area and some windows installed to, uh, aerate the hall." Gleam said with a wince, pulling up a second scroll. "We're working on more permanent housing, but for now, many of the newer buildings going up around the Temple are simple changeling shelters. Not what I'd like to use, but our numbers have been expanding faster than we can build. We've also begun to survey a few areas for lumber, since we've uprooted most of the local area and we've only completed about half of the look out towers and a fraction of the city wall. It doesn't help that we've had to use some of the lumber for firewood was well, but one of the survey teams did report a few deposits of coal nearby, so as you requested we're going to try shifting to that for some of our fuel. I had a few unicorns suggest fire-rubies, but we don't know where to find them, much less enough of them to use as a fuel source."

"I've drafted Buster and Smoke to help with the training." Amald announced as the circuit reached his seat. "We've discussed a lot, even had the three of us working against several larger groups of trainees to test a few ideas out. It's been interesting, learning the ins and outs of our racial abilities; changelings being able to detect emotions even through walls and cover, gnolls being able to track several day old trails, griffons eyesight picking out targets well beyond the visual range of the other races, and we haven't even gotten through all the possibilities with pony magic. We've started trying to develop split patrols to guard the area, and are currently working with about twelve three person teams. It's not much, but it gives us something to work with for now. In the meantime, we have at least two changelings and a griffon to a watch tower to watch the perimeter at night. Not actual guards, but we don't have enough trained bodies for that kind of coverage yet."

"How's our magical protections, Weaver?" the alicorn asked, turning to the unicorn and last member of the current council.

"The anti-wildlife wards will be active for at least another month before they need to be refreshed, and the supplies needed aren't that rare. As for the array you recovered from the Equestrian ship, I've been going with the amulet idea that the Talons suggested. A few of the unicorns here are strong enough to be walked through the method, so I've gotten just under one hundred of them. They won't last long, but it's better than nothing."

Cimmerian nodded, making special note of the lack of medical requests lately. The changeling pods scared a lot of the residents, but they were often able to heal skin breaks and dermal issues better than pony magic, though spells seemed better for broken bones while the gnolls knew local poisons and diseases and their cures. The patrols were carrying poultices and bandages with them as well, something Amald wasn't going to drop from his own military's standard operating procedures. Barring a pandemic, their medical supplies weren't doing to badly. He frowned, double-tapping his hoof against the table. No need to jinx himself.

As for the port, the griffons seemed fairly proud and wanted to run it on their own. They still reported to him though, the port acting as more of a smaller town for his growing 'country' then an independent state. He cocked his head in thought. Could the hive be split up like that? He'd have to check with Pandinus, but it would be beneficial for the changelings to be able to spread out like that, sending emotion convoys to the other hive locations. Din could channel to her hive, but it didn't have a good range, especially with the amount she was often pushing.

He also had managed to get a copy of the Equis calendar. It was strange, the planet actually having a longer yearly cycle than earth. He smiled, having worked out a decent idea of where his own holidays would fit in the local calendar. Many of the races also had their own holidays, and he'd managed to start grabbing those and combine a few of them with matching holidays. For instance, many of the cultures had a similar spiritual holiday to all hallows eve, and he'd managed to put an order in with the caravan for a large shipment of candy for the crossed Nightmare Night/Halloween/Night Flight that was approaching.

It said a lot about the changeling race to him, though, that they were the only ones who didn't bring in their own holidays. In fact, the Temple of the Shadows was the closest to a changeling city the planet had ever seen. He'd asked Pandinus about holidays or observations and the closest they had to a holiday was the queen's birthday or a quick celebration for the hive's founding. Even those weren't really celebrated in the literal sense, just remembered.

'That's going to change.' Cimmerian thought to himself. 'The ponies have Canterlot as their city as well as all of the usual forms of art, griffons had High Talon and kept the weapons of famous griffon warriors or smiths as art, even the gnolls had wall paintings and stories. Now the changelings have a monument to their race, something only they can build and maintain.'

The fountain was actually done, many having been awed at the sight and many more having tried to taste the love themselves. It was a running joke for most residents now, having new people try the love and getting a chuckle at the victim as they sat there in a daze, the pure emotion overloading their minds for a few minutes. The queen also had a small reservoir of emotions hidden deep underground, as well as a small pool of love she'd pulled from him over the last few weeks. That had been something. She'd made him go through a ridiculously thorough decontamination before she'd let him see it, the queen also being scrubbed down as well. He'd found out why they were being cleaned moments later when she shoved him into it and jumped in after him, wrapping the alicorn in a death-grip of a hug and proceeding to try and remove his tonsils. Apparently it was the equivalent to bathing in the finest wine to the queen.

'Euphoric Shadows, bottled in forty-three After Luna's Return. Why did they call it that? Well, it was better than Cimmerian's Afterglow.' he thought jokingly.

"Alright, I think we're done here. Thank you all for showing up. We'll try and make this a quarterly thing at least, though if something does come up that requires my direct intervention, make sure to either grab me, or have a drone pass the message to Queen Pandinus. Yes Din, you have my permission to punish someone for continuously bringing up stupid issues that are either out of our hooves or not important." The queen grinned maliciously at the comment, causing the griffon beside her to scoot away. "Just make sure you warn them of why it's not a big issue before you pursue them. I don't want to hear about you draining a griffon because they asked you a stupid question once or twice. You're supposed to be approachable, remember?"

The meeting having adjourned, most of the participants left. Ted would be getting a report from Slop's number two first thing in the morning on spice stores and possible needed foods. Head Trauma was, surprisingly, still the only individual that was certified to run the medical operations, even with the actual surgeons and medics they'd picked up.

"We've already nearly passed Zarris in size, and we're only going to get bigger." he muttered, looking over the map a few more times. As the last person, Queen Pandinus walked towards the door, the queen took a moment to swat him with her tail, a playful smile on her muzzle as she walked out.

"My room tonight." She whispered, before picking up speed and heading out the door. Her expression caused him to shudder in anticipation. He had no regrets about picking up the queen even if it did cost him a veritable fortune. None at all.


'A few baked tubers, a spoonful of fried veggies, and a nice helping of clam chowder.'

The dark alicorn made his way to his table, the thrones having been removed earlier to storage until they had the space to construct some sort of throne room or maybe even a separate building for the ruling alicorn and changeling. Despite what Din said, he wasn't keen on having a court set up in the hive. Yes it would have been simpler, but he wanted something a little more open for such a thing. Actually, he'd thought about converting the roof into a receiving hall of sorts, and maybe change his own room into a guest suite. He wasn't spending all that much time there anymore anyway, and while tub was certainly nice, the bed was getting too small for the two of them. Especially when the kids decided to stop by as well. That left the only real solution as the changeling's bed, Din having expanded it to hold everyone comfortably. He sat down next to the queen, noting her oddly large proportion of food she was tearing into with gusto.

"Geeze, Pandinus. Save some for the rest of us." he chided her as he made himself comfortable.

The queen looked up from her plate, a rib bone held in her teeth as her tongue was removing every bit of sauce from the morsel. She giggled sheepishly, using her magic to drop the gnawed bone to the plate and licked her lips.

"Sorry, I just liked the flavor. I had to have it."

"It's fine, just take it easy." He was about to take a bite when he noticed the size of her plate. "Since when did you start eating full meals?"

"Uh, a few days ago. It shouldn't be any problem, right?" she asked him cautiously.

Cimmerian shook his head. "No, just thought it was odd. I suppose I'm just not enough for you anymore, huh?" the alicorn leaned in, nuzzling her neck before licking a bit of sauce from her muzzle. "Not bad. Slop and his aides get better every day."

"How's Cadance?"

"She's doing better. Amare still clings to her like a shadow, but that's to be expected, and actually helps keep the alicorn calm. She panics every now and again, but nothing too bad. The biggest concern is the drones think there's something out there lately. Something large. I think it may be another proto queen or full on queen, but it's keeping its distance for now. It knows we have food here, but it's also aware we know it's around. I'm a little worried about it, sorry, her."

"Worried she may make a move on me?" He said with a smile. "You know I won't be duped that easily, Din."

The mare shook her head. "No, that's not the issue. The thing is we can support another queen here, and the hive would grow even faster once she settles in, but I don't want to share. This is my hive right now. But we could use her. We could have her act as a governess of another town, or even helping me sort all of the messages drones try to relay to me."

"I though queen's don't share power? Isn't that what Mirage said?" Cimmerian asked her.

"We don't but her other options are starvation, moving against a much more powerful hive, or attempting to infiltrate a large community that has many residents who could detect her the moment she stepped into the open. Even if she tried challenging me for rule of the hive I could ignore her, as I doubt she has anything to bid against my position except for a few trinkets. Against a pool of love, that doesn't even start to pay her way in. Technically, I could easily buy out any drones she's captured, maybe even her whole hive if it's in bad enough condition." Pandinus took another bite of her meal, chewing thoughtfully. "We will have to deal with her, though."

Just as she was resuming her meal, her eyes widened and she started choking, pounding on her barrel with a hoof and laughing.

"What? What's so funny?" the stallion asked her.

"You, y*cough* you could draw her out easily." the changeling sputtered. "Oh by the stars, a changeling queen seduced by a stallion, I love it!" She laughed. "We need to do that. It's just too perfect!"

The alicorn chuckled along for a moment before his expression sobered. "As funny as it would be Din, we need to be better than that." He turned back to the queen, a sad smile now on his face. "We're making this a home for everyone, right? I'd rather talk to her before she tries to hurt someone out of desperation."

The changeling sulked a moment, the thought of pulling one over what was likely an older queen or proto queen being too delicious a thought to throw away. Still, he had a point. As much as she wanted to be able to lord her hive's success over another queen, that wasn't the way they worked.

"Fine, we'll find her tomorrow. You know she's going to pursue you, right?"

"And I'll have a wonderful wife who will be sure to shoot her down at every attempt. After all, if you had that much trouble getting me to finally bed you, what hope do you think she has?"

Pandinus giggled lightly at the joke. "Still, I don't like the idea. She's not going to like playing second fiddle."

"We'll discuss it later." Cimmerian said as he finished his meal. He sighed with contentment, pulling the queen closer with a wing. "I have something I want to do tonight." At her hungry stare he rolled his eyes. "Dream world, Din. I want to introduce you to someone. Rather, several someones. We're meeting up for poker, so ask around your hive for the rules."


The two large creatures soon stood outside a small cottage, the mare looking around in confusion as a pink mare brought them to the door.

"I have to say, Scimitar, you were right when she said she was different from Queen Meanie!" Pinkie observed, hopping backwards while leading the way. "I'd normally introduce myself as soon as I saw you, Mrs. Cimmerian, but I want to watch my friends freak out as soon as possible."

The alicorn chuckled at her antics, the hyper pony only getting more excitable the more new ideas for pastries, candies and games he fed her. Even when the other girls were still weary of him despite Luna's stamp of approval, the mare had warmed up to him for the low price of a few Earth party games, even though she already knew equestrian equivalents. Her reasoning? No one who knew how to party could be all that bad.

Cimmerian and Pandinus followed Pinkie into the house and into the game room, the loud sounds of explosions and shouting echoing from the room. They walked in to see Applejack and Rainbow Dash playing a game of Battlefront on a large TV, the mares having been caught up on the idea of the game system when he'd mentioned it. He'd had to meet Pinkie in the dream realm to show her the full extent of the games available, but she'd memorized a few games fairly quickly.

'The look on her face when I mentioned Kirby.' he chuckled to himself as he walked in.

Luna was already there, engaged in a game of chess against Fluttershy, the pegasus apparently being quite the strategist when she was properly motivated. Rarity was currently enjoying a game of solitaire, a cup of tea floating by her muzzle as she puzzled out her next move. Suddenly one of the characters on the screen was sniped, Applejack crowing her victory and the colorful pegasus immediately tackling the other mare before the two began to roll around the room.

"He's here girls, and he brought a friend!" Pinkie announced, drawing the attention of all occupants. Even the tussling ponies on the floor stopped, Dash having her forelegs around Applejacks neck even as the farm mare had the pegasus' tail in her teeth.

Cimmerian took a seat next to the door, waving a hoof in the queen's direction.

"I'd like to introduce you girls to Queen Pandinus. Din, these are the Element Bearers, all accounted for except Twilight, the Mad Queen."

The queen gave a respectful bow. "An honor, to be certain. I remember hearing of your victories over Discord and Tirek years ago."

The Bearers were silent for a few moments, most staring in shock and confusion at the changeling. Rarity recovered first, trotting over to the changeling as if in a trance. The unicorn walked around the queen, even ran a hoof over one of the larger mare's legs before speaking.

"Such light coloring, I'd only seen black changelings till now. Oh and the chitin. Not so much to weigh you down, but enough to draw the eyes. Yes, a dangerous look that still retains a sleek form. The mane though, it needs something more. Perhaps curls? No, curls would clash against the dangerous look. Perhaps a shorter mane?" The fashionista muttered, cocking her head to the left as she tried to check every angle of the changeling.

Pinkie shoved the unicorn, offering a hoof instead. "Hi there! I'm Pinkie Pie. We're in my head right now. I'm glad you could make it. Do you want a snack? I don't think I have any love cupcakes, but I do make all my food with love. Does that count? Oh! Congratulations on the colt and fillies!"

The queen put her own hoof against the pink pony's, a look of confusion clouding her face. "How did you know I was carrying nymphs?"

"Silly, I just know these things!" Pinkie leaned closer to the changeling, cupping a hoof to keep others from reading her lips. "That and Cimmerian can't stop talking about it. I think he's excited."

With that she bounced out of the room, declaring her quest for additional snacks to the gathered group. Everyone took up positions around the table, the game system being turned into a music system and playing a few tunes the alicorn had introduced to the party mare, along with a few of her own songs in the mix for kicks. The alicorn barely held back a laugh as the first song started playing, the pink mare having zipped back to the table with the snacks and now wearing a green visor while she shuffled the deck.

"Okay, fillies and gentlecolt. Poker's the game. Each pony starts with fifty chips, buy in is two chips." Pinkie said, dealing the cards like a professional.

With that the game was on. Quiet conversations were shared, the other ponies introducing themselves over the first hoof. By the fifth hoof, it had devolved into gossip, Luna providing the mares with more than enough to think about while Cimmerian was elsewhere. By the time the last hoof was being dealt, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were back on the game system, the queen watching in fascination of the other planets being shown.

"She's certainly not what I expected." Rarity observed as she tossed in her chips. "The wedding wasn't too long ago for us, so to see a changeling queen that's so different from the other one, one that looks so, so..."

"Healthy." Fluttershy quietly supplied. "She also sounds very happy to be near you, Mr. Cimmerian. If it's not too much trouble do, do you um, could you-"

The stallion rolled his eyes at her nervous mumbling "I'm not going to bite, Shy, you know that. Do you want me to keep an eye out for something? Maybe check in on someone for you?"

"Oh, well I'd appreciate it if you could, if you're ever near my cottage. You don't have to if you don't want to, but there's a safe. If you could open it and flip the coin inside, I'd appreciate it. To open the safe, you actually just need to say a password." The mare shuffled quietly.

"I will assume Discord enchanted the safe for you? And likely the coin as well?" Luna said, raising an eyebrow. "Do you know what became of him? I've not heard from him for years."

"Oh, he um, he wanted to go exploring. Outside our world. After he heard about the mirror, he wanted to see where else he could end up, said he was using the coin as a beacon so he could come back. Something about new ideas for what chaos could be." The yellow pegasus explained. "He said if I needed him, to flip the coin. I took it with me whenever I went somewhere I thought could be dangerous, but before Twilight-I mean the Nightmare trapped us, I didn't think I'd need it."

"Fortuitous. If you'd taken the coin with you, it would either be trapped in stone with you, or in the Nightmare's possession." Luna said.

"So, that's what that safe was for." Rarity said with a grin. "Tell, me dear, did you keep your chaos calendar in there as well?"

The pegasus cheeks grew pink at the mention of the calendar. She looked ready to say something, but all she managed was a squeak as she nearly ducked under her mane. Rarity tittered happily at the successful jab.

"A-at least he n-never used me as a shield." Fluttershy finally managed to retort, leaving the white unicorn to impersonate a fish for a few moments. Both then started laughing, though Pinkie looked like she'd bit into a lemon.

"Did you have to bring up the Gala?" She asked. "That was the worstest, most boringest party in the history of ever!" Pinkie's head hit the table a second later. "Oh my goodness, I'm going to be sooo behind on my parties when I get out of here, it's going to take me forever to catch up!" She slammed her hooves on the table, staring at Cimmerian. "Do you have any idea how many birthdays I've missed?!? Not just birthdays either, but, but... I don't know what happened to Gummy. I've missed a lot of his birthday parties too." she said, her mane deflating.

"Don't worry too much about your pet, Pinkamena ." Luna comforted. "I have heard of such creatures living quite some time. He may very well still be in Ponyville, under the care of the Cakes."

"You picked a good pet in that way, Pinkie." Fluttershy said softly. "I'm sure he had many baby bunnies, but it's not likely Angel is still alive. Opal and Winona are likely gone as well."

Luna looked around the crowd, smiling softly. "I'm certain it won't take much for you to rebuild your kingdom, Fluttershy. In fact, I'm sure many animals will either remember you, or know of you from their ancestors. I would not be surprised to find your home still standing after all these years, under the care of your friends." She looked at Pandinus and Cimmerian, her smile fading. "The hour grows late. We should be leaving soon. I would also like to speak to you later, Cimmerian. Something has happened. Something important."

The larger alicorn nodded, stretching even though it was a dream/hallucination. "Bad hand anyway. You ready to go Din?"

"One moment, Cimmer. I must teach these mongrels who wish to conquer my planet a lesson they will not soon forget." The queen said, never looking away from the screen. The others drew closer, watching as the queen attempted to wipe out the invaders.

"Look out! He's a sniper!" Dash shouted, jumping up to the screen and pointing out a particular enemy. She was immediately shoved aside by a grey aura.

"Out of my way, you pest! I need to see!" Din yelled, her horn still glowing as she glared at the pegasus.

It was too late, though. The distraction was the last straw, her character being overwhelmed and gunned down. The bold letters 'DEFEAT' were displayed on the screen, causing the queen to fume and launch the controller across the room.

"This is your fault, you blasted eye-sore!" She shouted, chasing after the yelping mare.

Just before the queen could exact her vengeance, she was grabbed in a black aura and pulled to the door. Her struggling stopped almost completely the moment Cimmerian's hooves wrapped around her, the hug and nuzzle causing her to go limp and just mutter darkly.

"We need to take off, Din. You can kill her later." Cimmerian told her.

Dash nodded with a grin. "Yea, you can kill me- hey, wait!"


Luna, Cimmerian and Pandinus were soon on a familiar beach, the rolling waves providing a nice background noise for their conversations. Luna sighed, knowing the queen's presence was more of a sign of trust by the other alicorn than an insult to the smaller alicorn. After all, he already trusted her with much more sensitive information. Not to mention his heart.

"My sister told the Mad Queen about you."

The queen's response was immediate. "What?!? Is she mad? The Mad Queen could crush us!"

"I think she made a gamble. The Nightmare attempted to draw more out of me, but her interrogation fell apart rather quickly, ending with her ranting about how she was in control, and how 'he' wasn't going to save us." Luna said simply. "I don't think Tia mentioned you by name, but the Nightmare knows someone is successfully working against her now. On a positive note, I believe my sister's gamble has impacted Twilight. She once more resists the Nightmare's influence. The parasite will be looking for you, but she is also hindered by Twilight's resistance. She is also likely going to be distracted by her current plans, plans which you have complicated by giving both the griffons and minotaurs the key to her greatest weapon and her strategy. I have no doubt she would come down on you like an iron-clad hoof if she could, but she has already started her campaign and were she to attempt to seek you out she would leave herself open to retaliation by either the griffon resistance or a minotaur first strike."

"So we just need to keep giving her other targets while we build up, and continue to reinforce her other targets." Cimmerian said calmly.

"That could work." Luna giggled at the memory. "It was quite distraught, mumbling to itself and yelling at Twilight almost constantly while in my presence. I'm not certain if it was because it thought I already new, or it was attempting to draw a reaction out of me, but I do know that Twilight would not have forgotten to check my aura. She did not do so, otherwise she would have seen all the ponies I've come into contact over the last few weeks. She's getting sloppy."

Cimmerian breathed deeply, closing his eyes in thought.

"We'll have to work with it. I'd rather keep quiet, but if she's as unstable as you say, she's going to start tripping over herself. The more we push, the more she'll stumble, true. But we also need to be careful. The parasite doesn't care about those around it, and if it blows up things could get very messy for those around it, enemy or ally."

The smaller alicorn's giggling stopped, her eyes going wide. "Oh. Oh dear. Twilight did overreact to things, according to Tia. Explosively so, sometimes."

"How wonderful, we have an unstable and xenophobic psychopath who is not above murder on the throne of the strongest country on the planet." The queen muttered.

Luna nodded, turning to the stallion. "Tell us, Cimmerian, did Earth ever encounter unstable psychopaths in leadership positions?"

Author's Note:

All persons wishing to submit death threats to the author are hereby required to submit an additional form, the ID-X-T form (It's the updated version of the ID-VII-T form) with their threats or they will be ignored. Thank you for your cooperation.

No, I didn't mention the second queen because I'm giving him a harem. I just find the idea of only a single queen surviving the pony inquisition unlikely. While the drones under the Nightmare may sense the emotion, they're slaved to a computer and don't know to report that kind of information. The good/bad thing about computers; they do exactly what you tell them to.

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