• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,731 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

  • ...

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Your Bed is Warmer

It had been about four days since they'd left, and the alicorn found himself staring across his cabin from his bed. His guards were in rooms on either side, two griffons in one, two thestrals in another...

"But I'm cold!" Zelus whined, an enchanted blanket draped over her back. It was supposed to help her deal with the dropping temperatures as they headed farther north, but according to her it wasn't nearly enough.

"I said your not sleeping in my bed." Cimmerian told her, glaring at the pouting queen.

Looking around, Zelus ignited her horn, being consumed in a flash of changeling fire. The blanket fell, draping over her now much smaller form. The queen, now about the size of a young pony, popped her head out of her blanket, wrapping the warming cloth over her like a bag.

"What if I sleep like this?" She asked, her voice squeaking as if to match her much more childish size. "Come oooon, please? It's getting cold, and its going to get even colder before we get there!"

The weather wasn't having that much of an effect on him, actually. Be it the inherent power of an alicorn, or the pegasus magic flowing through him, the stallion found himself not even flinching during the cool days and cold nights. He was actually wondering if even a full blown blizzard would force him into actually wearing something, but he couldn't remember Tia or Luna ever needing an extra layer.

Changelings didn't have that protection though. Zelus explained it to him, saying most colonies are far enough underground that they're not effected by the weather. Either that or changelings, in emergencies, are capable of burning energy to survive the lower temperatures. For the most part though, they'd hibernate, most of the hive going dormant for the colder months and sealing the hive off from the surface to prevent discovery or raids from other hives. Others tried to keep to warmer climates, allowing them to be active during all parts of the year. Certainly it was noticeably colder at the Temple nowadays, but it was nowhere near cold enough to drive the changelings into hibernation.

The alicorn stared at the bundled mare, her large eyes watering with unshed tears as she attempted to break him. With a sigh he looked away, raising his wing in an admittance of defeat. Zelus squealed, her eyes instantly drying and causing the stallion to roll his own. Watching her jump up on the bed beside him and press as deeply into his side as she could, he lowered the wing, almost completely covering the mare. He pulled her in tight, actually feeling the icy cold chitin encasing her form as she attempted to get as close as possible to the warmth he was radiating.

'Maybe I was being a bit too hard on her about that. She was actually pretty cold.' Cimmerian realized. Slowly, he allowed himself to doze, drifting off into the dream realm. There wasn't much to do during the daylight hours but some aerial combat training or blade training with his other guards, so he'd taken to sleeping most of the time away. Luna would meet with him, and the two of them would go over more magic theory and world history to pass the time. Not this night though.

Floating about in the dream realm, he focused, pinpointing his target and dragging along the irritating queen. He'd awoken twice so far with her trying to snuggle him, so he had begun dragging her with him into the dream realm to keep an eye on her.

'Can't believe I have to babysit my bodyguard. What the hell, Din?'

Eventually he found his target, landing lightly in a well-tended field. Zelus looked around from her position beside him, taking in the sights and even snatching a single apple from a nearby tree.

"Put it down, ya var- oh! Mr Cinnamon, sir! Ah take it this is a dream?" Applebloom asked him, looking about curiously.

The stallion frowned at the butchering of his name, but continued regardless "It is. I'm going to be nearby, and Zelus and I will be in the Everfree before too long. I have some memories of the forest, but with how often it changes, any information you can offer would be helpful."

"Truth be told, mister, most o' the bigger critters are gonna be sleepin' or gettin' ready to sleep for the winter. First snow should be fallin' any day now, an' the Ursas and the manticores are usually in their dens by then. All ya gots to watch fer is the Timberwolves, an they shouldn' be too much trouble for ya." The farmer looked at the changeling beside him, frowning. "Scoots told me ya were with a changeling, but whoo-ee! She's a biggun! Reckon she's about half again the size of that one we saw at the weddin' way back when."

Cimmerian chuckled, opening his mouth to correct the mare when Zelus giggled, siddling up to him with a fanged grin.

"I can't help it, he's just so cute when he gets all worked up!" the queen explained with a fanged grin. "Not to mention, sometimes when he peaks his eyes cross."

The alicorn sputtered, face going a deep purple. "Wha-bu-How the hell would you know that?!? Din's my mate, not you!"

The farmer looked confused, but the shape shifter turned to the alicorn, still giggling. "Silly, we're sisters now. Changeling sisters share everything." Zelus leaned closer, nearing his right ear. "Including memories."

Cimmerian narrowed his eyes at the larger mare as she drew away, the changeling nearly prancing from the fun she was having.

"If you've been through her memories, you know my opinions on the subject."

Zelus nodded, "I have, which is why I'm still looking for a different mate. Depending on how Din's pregnancy goes though, how her second turns out, and the state of the other queens, we may be able to work out some sort of schedule. Every other night or something? Although, I've heard some herds involve all members on a nightly basis."

Even as the alicorn attempted to sputter out denials and objections, the apple farmer looked to him with a bemused expression.

"Ya got some queer friends, mister Cinnamon."

"It's Cimmerian," he corrected, rubbing his muzzle with a fetlock. "and it's likely because no one else will put up with them."


"Your Highness!"

The purple alicorn jumped, spilling ink and sending papers scattering throughout the room. Looking around her at the mess, she schooled her expression before turning to the soldier.

"This had better be worth two hours of research, Wrench."

The guard looked over to the mess with an expression of fear before stuttering out his explanation.

"A-apologies Your Highness but I was just going over some anomalies we've been experiencing with our mapping spells. We were looking over all the areas that are near the locations of wrecked Equestrian ships, and I was correlating it with other occurrences and I may have found something."

The alicorn was on him in a literal flash, having teleported from her desk. "Explain."

"W-well, we were looking over the jungle's near one of the wrecks, and one of the technicians noticed the leaves weren't changing, so he tried rescanning the area..."

"The one that was near the Kharazi jungle, right?" the mare asked with a scowl. "Fool, the climate there is temperate enough that the leaves don't change."

Wrench nodded in agreement, "That's what we told him, but his focused scans brought up another issue. Our scryers are having a difficult time scanning the area, as if there's some type of shroud over it, some magic that's dispersing any spells that try to enter the area."

At his queen's silence, he continued "I also went back and noted any odd occurrences in the area for the last few weeks, and noticed the arrays lost track of a pair of wild nymphs in the area. Ma'am, it's completely possible that our assumptions that those nymphs are dead was incorrect, especially if this magic layer can interrupt the tracking arrays."

The mare was silent for a while. She turned from the soldier, grasped a scroll and a quill with ink in her magic, and noted a set of coordinates she'd saved. She then walked up to the guard and dragged him with her in a blink of purple magic.

Almost as soon as she arrived in the war room she was moving to the map. "Where was the aura?" She asked quietly, levitating the coordinates near her. The soldier lit his own horn, highlighting a large portion of the jungles on the far side of the planet. The queen looked at the area, noting the dot that marked the disappearance of the pair of drones as well.

slowly, she looked over the map, noting the coordinates she carried with her and marking the location as well; the dot appeared well within the shroud that had appeared over the jungles. She swore silently, only now remembering how over the last few days she was tracking the other alicorn's link it was becoming increasingly difficult, as if the other mare had entered a fog. Seeing the marker for the Equestrian naval ship near a second marker on the map, she pointed to the shore.

"What's that, where were they headed?"

"The ship was headed to an abandoned port. They reported capturing a fleeing griffon ship that had dropped off several criminals at the abandoned port. The shipmaster's report said the griffon told them it was an black alicorn with slit eyes, but considering the confession was likely under duress, we assume it's a thestral, albeit a large one."

"This port, why was it shut down?"

"I checked up on that. It seems there was a temple nearby built in the honor of Nightmare Moon. The cultists foalnapped several townsponies, likely for sacrifice, and the fear drove most away from the town. One gold mine and a few exotic ingredients in an area swarming with cultists and predators isn't worth the military resources they'd have to pour into the venture, so it was shut down."

The queen was silent for a moment, a hoof under her chin.

"This thestral, this supposed alicorn, do you have a description?"

The guard looked at her for a moment, slightly confused by her interest in the ramblings of a mad griffon before he levitated the report to her.

'Almost black fur, dark blue mane, slit eyes, feathery wings.' She read, her frown deepening. 'Are you still alive somehow? Are you the source of my troubles? No, Nightmare Moon was a mare, she was the Nightmare that had possessed Luna, Celestia said it was a he that was moving against me. Then tha-'

The mare's eyes widened as she read the next line in the report.

Griffon claims unidentified alicorn/thestral was male, possessing a voice too deep to be feminine.

'There's no way... the Nightmare was destroyed by the Elements of Harmony.'

There was a commotion by the entryway, the being thrown open by two more guards, Both entered at the same time, saluted at the same time, and unfortunately for her, started reporting at the same time.

"Quiet!" she yelled, pointing at the one on the left. "You give your report first!"

The soldier saluted again before speaking. "Your Highness, we have reports of a minotaur force striking Camp Star, the nearest camp to the Equestrian/Minos border. The reports were garbled, but they struck quickly and even managed to cut off the report mid-transmission. We have no idea what kind of numbers we're dealing with, nor do we know how they managed to get past the changeling screens. There were over four thousand drones in that area."

The second soldier winced at the report before giving her own "Your Highness Twin Pines, a settlement to the west was sacked by griffon raiders. As far as we know, they burned the town to the ground. Survivors are reporting most not wearing any particular armor, though a few looked like they had the emblems scratched off or removed. Last report before I came to tell you said the griffons were moving into the woods in a scattered formation, making it impossible to pinpoint where they are regrouping, or even where their next target may be. Nearby towns are calling for additional guards in the event their towns are targeted next."

The Mad Queen stared at them for several seconds, her fury boiling over. She finally had a location and species for her tormentor, finally had something to work with and the minotaurs decided they'd strike now? And the griffons, didn't they know when they were beaten? Their country was hers now, they had nothing. Why were they still fighting?

With a scream of rage she launched all three soldiers from the room, turning back to the map and highlighting the area that was being obscured with her own magic. She focused, noting all the curves the aura followed, attempting to pinpoint the exact epicenter of the aura so she could teleport there and remove the threat. She grinned manically, flaring her magic when a soft laugh from the back of her mind interrupted her.

'Yes, teleport to the other end of the planet. In our current state, you'd be lucky if you didn't fall short, ending up embedded in solid rock or in the planets core,' the mare said with a giggle. 'Even better, he's been collecting followers. Do you think you can take him on while suffering that recoil and hold off his followers?'

The mare ground her teeth in sweltering fury, having nothing to vent on. She'd always been able to reach the target of her anger, always had something to vent on. It was not so this time. She'd need to deal with this as a ruler would. She'd need actual ponies to fight his followers, possibly even him if he was as powerful as an alicorn normally is. In impotent rage, the alicorn launched the table out the window, screaming obscenities and shattering pictures and pottery alike.

All the while, the voice in her head taunted her, just as she had done to it years ago.

'It's only a matter of time, dear friend. He leads them against us, and soon he will come for us. This Nightmare will soon be over; one way or another.'


"...mostly hangs around Froggy Bottom Bog but it's been known to wander into the Everfree from time to time. If ya can confuse its heads it's not much of a threat though, specially if ya can get them arguin' over which head eats ya." Applebloom explained, the trio taking a walk through a dream-version of Ponyville for the stallions benefit.

"I'll keep that in mind, though I doubt the Hydra's going to be hanging around since it's getting colder," the stallion said. He turned to look for the queen, spotting her flitting around the stalls and inspecting the different wares as the farmer remembered them.

Applebloom poked his foreleg, drawing his attention, "If'n ya don't mind me askin, why do ya let her talk like that to ya? T'ain't proper for a mare to be talkin' dirty to another mare's stallion, even if she wants to join them."

"The biggest reason is because she doesn't know better." The alicorn told her softly. "She may be older than you, but she hasn't exactly had time to, mature socially. Thrisha taught Pandinus a lot about proper etiquette and understanding how the way we act impacts the opinions of others, but for the most part queens don't really think about it. They only ever need to deal with drones, though sometimes they'll talk to other queens through envoys or letters. It's just not something they're taught as they grow up. However, now that I know they're sharing that kind of thing, I'll have Din teach Zel some manners. At the very least it should help keep her from causing an international incident. Right now though she's a bit high on her newfound freedom. I don't know if anything anyone tells her would stick."

The yellow mare chuckled at that, "Ah think ah understand; it's a lack of experience kinda thing. Sweetie told me her sister had ta help Twi understand some things about heats and relationships when she got ta Ponyville. Mare knew exactly what was goin' on with her body, but had no experience goin' out with her friends during such a time and the silliness that can happen. Dash thought it was hilarious, though. Do the queens go inta heat?"

Cimmerian blanched at the prospect, "God, if that wasn't their version of it, I hope not. Din was clingy as a limpet when she changed to a queen, something about needing a mate for her clutch. I think that for queens it's a bit different then it is for mares like yourself. Pandinus isn't sneaking into my room every night anymore, not that she needs to, and Zelus and Lestidae never really looked at me like that. This is the first I've heard of Zelus looking at me, actually. It's kind of odd. I would have thought Din would forbid her from that, that I wouldn't have to worry about it."

"But Cimmy," Zelus whined, wrapping her forelegs around his neck from behind and nuzzling his cheek. "Din and I are talking the future of the changeling race here. You wouldn't leave us hanging, would you?"

"I thought you were going to be looking for your mate while exploring. Wasn't that your tertiary objective? After guarding me and seeing the world?" the stallion grumbled.

"Of course it is. If Din's second clutch is the same as this one, we'll need a different source of eggs, that different source being me and a different mate. If her second clutch proceeds at normal speeds though..." Zelus trailed off, snuggling into his neck. Leaning closer, she whispered into his ear. "If it makes you feel better, Din said I can take her form. Some of the ponies were doing similar things, allowing a changeling into their herds for such things; apparently its a common fantasy among both stallions and mares. You didn't think you were the only source of all that love, did you?"

Even as he sputtered denials, the queen grinned at the pony. "He says no, but I can taste his emotions. I think that deep down inside he likes the idea of twins waiting for him."

"How, Din said she can't taste my emotions through dreams! Why is this different?" he demanded, turning an exquisite shade of purple.

"While Din couldn't taste you when you from the dream realm while you were in another room, I can taste you just fine." The queen told him. "After all, if I were any closer, I'd be physically bound to you."

"What's she mean bah that?" Applebloom asked with a frown.

Not even looking at the queen he grit his teeth. "She doesn't function well in the cold, and has been, well..she's-"

"He's keeping me warm right now." Zelus said with a smile.

The mare looked at his strained expression, covering her muzzle with both hooves to suppress her laughter. Closing his eyes, the alicorn took a deep breath, his shoulders slumping. "Let's go Zel. We have one more stop tonight."

"You could leave me behind, you know" the queen said, snuggling even closer to him and apparently reveling in his discomfort. "Pandinus was right, you taste funny when you get all uncomfortable."

"I am not leaving an amorous queen in the same room as my unresponsive form while I go dream-walking" he told her. "We're going to see someone I should have talked to a while ago, actually. I was just a bit pissed at her and so was Luna, so I thought it best to cool off before I visit her again. Enjoy your night, miss Bloom. If you notice you have dreams over the next few days, don't be afraid to try calling out to Luna or myself. I'm kind of curious how far my aura reaches at the moment, and who it impacts."

The alicorn and changeling faded from the dream, Zelus' grip becoming ethereal but no less tight. The alicorn pulsed his target, pouring his magic into her and allowing her to form a dream once more. Flowing towards the newly formed orb and being certain he didn't lose his hitchhiker the stallion stepped into the dream.

"Hello Tia," Cimmerian greeted tersely. His mood dropped soon after he spotted her though, the alicorn curled up in a ball and whimpering apologies.

"I'm sorry I told her, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to I just wanted to be certain. I'm sorry, please don't leave me here again. I'll do whatever you want. Please don't leave me here again! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..."

Even Zelus flinched from the mare, the misery being obvious even without tasting it. Approaching her, Cimmerian poked at her a few times, attempting to catch her attention.

"Tia? Aunt Tia, come on, talk to me. Tell me what's wrong."

"...I'm sorry, I know your mad, I didn't mean to give you away. I, I-"

The alicorn swept her into a hug, shushing her and holding her close. "I was a little upset, but I didn't stay away to punish you. I stayed away so I didn't say anything I'd regret. It also kept Luna from saying something she'd regret."

The explanation did little to comfort the mare, her tears falling freely no matter what he said. A second presence soon called his attention to Luna as she joined him, her irritated scowl soon giving way to concern. The lunar alicorn swept her sister away from the stallion, leaving Cimmerian to watch from a distance as the two spoke in hushed whispers, Luna continuously attempting to comfort her sister. Eventually Luna had calmed the other mare down a bit, calling the stallion and changeling over with a wave of her wing, though she motioned for silence as they approached. The four spent the next few hours in silence, Cimmerian and Luna pressing into either side of the white mare while Zelus fidgeted awkwardly, finally settling on curling up on the other side of the larger alicorn.

It was Luna who spoke first, breaking the silent companionship. "We won't abandon you Tia, you should know this by now. We will return in a few days. I'm sorry this caused you so much grief."

The dark stallion nodded in agreement "You know I'm trying to help you two in any way I can. Relax, Celestia. No one will leave you trapped here forever."

The three bid the mare goodbye with hundreds of promises to return shortly before leaving the dream, the stallion quickly dragging Luna back to his own dream along with Zelus. As soon as they'd landed on the beach he was before the smaller mare.

"What was that? I thought you two were fine!"

"Fine? We're stuck in cells that continuously drain us of our power and prevent us from stopping the coming apocalypse! We are far from fine!"

"No I, that's not what I meant, I mean why is your sister suddenly so, so fragile!"

Luna made to retort viciously, but bit her tongue. "Tia did spend over a millennia waiting for me to return from my exile, but for as long as either of us can remember she has been surrounded by ponies. She's trying to be strong, but this most recent event, this perceived punishment for giving the Nightmare information on you, I think it scared her. It drew attention to the fact of just how dependent she is on you for any contact.

"Tia's a planner, Theodore. She makes plans so deep, so complex, and so far reaching it would put the best chess masters to shame. But she did not see this coming. She did not foresee it, and it caused those around her immeasurable pain. Worse still is the fact that even as Chrysalis held her captive, even as Tirek locked us in Tartarus, Tia was never alone. She is immortal, and never before has she been so alone. It's not something she knows how to handle, and it has left her desperate for contact. I believe that is why she reached out to Twilight."

"Your sister is falling into loneliness-based depression." Cimmerian stated, raising an eyebrow.

"Do not make light of this!" she snapped. "Tia has never had to deal with this, and she's older than this country. I fell to depression, but spent many years fighting the loneliness. I have methods to combat it, and even without them I can speak to your citizens to pass the time. Tia doesn't have that!"

"I'm sorry, Luna. It's just difficult to reconcile the mare I remember with what I just saw. She's stood before armies, faced Discord without showing any hesitation, I know she had her moments of weakness as we all do, but that was just..."

Luna huffed "I know, this is a strange situation we find ourselves in. Do not disregard the pain of others though. It is the first step to becoming a true monster."

Her face slowly morphing into a smile, Luna looked over to the queen "So Zelus, you finally managed to worm your way into Cimmerians bed? It took you much longer than I figured it would."

The queen giggled, thankful for the change in topics from one she had no way to help in. "It was a long battle, but it was worth it. He's warm, and he tastes funny when ponies tease him."

Cimmerian groaned "I'd leave you two to go off by myself, but I don't know if I trust you two alone like that. How long have you been plotting against me, Zel? What kind of bodyguard does that?"

Zelus stuck her tongue out at him, the action almost reminding him of a snake flicking its tongue. "I have to keep you healthy. Luna said it was a good idea to help you with stress after the meeting with the thestral council."

"This is your doing?" The larger alicorn demanded of Luna, looming over her.

The mare chuckled abashedly, scuffing a hoof in the sand "Well, you know what they say, sometimes we need to give foals goals to work towards, it keeps them occupied." Seeing her words did nothing, she turned to bolt, momentarily forgetting she could just leave the dream. Before she could get away however, she felt a hoof come down on her tail, along with the solidification of the dream around her.

"Silly little Luna, you may be a lot better at remote dream manipulation than me, but this is my dream." Cimmerian told her with a wicked smile. A squeak of surprise drew the smaller alicorns eyes to her comrade in trouble, the queen now shrunk and stuck in a glass jar. Fearfully, the mare turned back to the stallion, swallowing loudly.

"My turn" he said with a wicked smile.


"I said I was sorry!" Zelus, still in her pony-sized form said as she followed the alicorn on his way to the galley.

Cimmerian had spent the last few hours just letting them struggle in their bonds, Luna stuck in a large hamster wheel and Zelus trapped in a glass jar that didn't budge no matter how large she made herself. That had brought a smile to his face; Zelus squished and twisted about in a small glass jar, continuously whining about how unfair he was being. Luna had eventually attempted to used the ball to ram him, so he'd set it on a small set track that just went in circles. After going about fifty rounds of the track as she attempted to jump the rails, the mare was too dizzy to continue trying to escape, merely collapsing in place. Unlike the queen, the alicorn took her punishment with silent dignity. That or Luna was speaking too low for him to hear.

The alicorn didn't look at her as he responded, "I don't appreciate what you did, Zelus. I've bent over backwards to help changelings, and you pull something stupid like that. I told Din I wasn't comfortable with that kind of relationship, and I expect you to understand that."

The mare huffed, returning to her normal size in a flash of magic. She trotted past him, flicking him in the muzzle with her tail as she passed by.

"I've had to change my entire life philosophy these last few weeks, Cimmy, even accepting another queen as being my alpha queen. What changes have you accepted lately?"

Watching the mare trot ahead he scowled after her, muttering "My fricken' species. My understanding of the universe in general, too. Give me some time and I'll write you a list."

Author's Note:

So fallout has been taking up a lot of my time, but that doesn't mean I don't love you guys anymore.

But I do really really love fallout.

Also, looking over the mods on Nexus, and already spotted a moon changer, adds the Mare in the Moon. So it begins, and magic seeps into the radiation-scorched hell.

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