• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,732 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

  • ...

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Marriage and Leadership


'I should be angry right now, even if that punch didn't leave so much as a bruise.' Ted thought to himself.


'I should be furious that she bit me again, this time using some type of muscle relaxant.'


'I should be smashing her face along every wall on the way to the door, then throw her out into the jungle before mulching her, just as I promised.'


'But I'll be damned if this isn't the best I've felt in years.'

The alicorn was lying limply on his bed, with the proto queen sitting between his wings, the loud buzzing of her wings the only sound in the room. The same buzzing that was giving a wonderful massage to his back. His physiology had long ago worked the venom out of his system, but the pleasant numbness the buzzing was leaving in his muscles took up the venoms job, leaving him capable of moving, but lacking the motivation to do so.

"Much better. Not taste so bad now. Not scare entire nest anymore." The changeling mumbled into his neck, apparently starting to doze herself. It really didn't matter to Ted, though. Nothing did at the moment.

As he dozed off to sleep, his last thoughts were 'At the very least, she's useful for back massages.'


The next morning was just all around better for the dark alicorn. Sure he still had a cloud hanging over his head, and didn't have much in the way of energy, but at least he was no longer in that downward spiral. Ted remembered reading about such things in psychology, but to actually experience it? Looking back at his fears, most of them were downright excessive. What the hell would he do if a meteorite hit the planet in the time he was gone? What would he do even if he was there? Jack diddly, except die along with everyone else. The major emotion that clouded him today was embarrassment. It had taken a still-recovering changeling that could barely speak full sentences to pull him out of his spiraling depression.

Eating a small breakfast, he watched the ponies in the dining hall chattering quietly, shooting him the occasional glance. The proto queen was right; his depression seemed to have spilled over to all of those he was watching over, leaving the normally chipper ponies in a somber mood. It left a bad taste in his mouth, a different kind of depressed. He was dragging everyone around him down. Luckily, it was a type of depressed humans learned to deal with. Finishing his meal, Ted stood up and addressed those still in the dining hall.

"I'll be heading to the ritual room in half an hour and will be there until lunch. I will take an hour or two break for said meal, then I will return to the ritual room for another three hours. Should anyone be ready, meet me there with your partner and I will perform any weddings or acknowledge herds. Please pass the news on to the others."

Saying his piece, the alicorn left the dining hall and headed to his room to freshen himself up. He still looked like he'd been to a battle ground, with blood on his hooves and the smell of ash and death faintly stuck to him. That was no condition to preside over weddings in.

"Swift. Humble. get your flanks in here!" He yelled, leaving a slight rumble in the stones of the temple. It worked though, as soon enough both ponies came rushing into his room.

"I look like shit and will be presiding over weddings shortly. I need a bath STAT, and would like to look and smell like I did not just roll through a graveyard. Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated."

Both ponies gave a salute, one hoof going over their chests, and the two set to work.


"Do you have the gifts?" Ted asked the couple before him. At their nod, he turned to the stallion and continued. "Temporal Flux, do you accept Brook Ballad into your heart, to guard and cherish not 'till her death, but your own? To love her and keep her and any you may bring into your family? To accept her counsel and provide her with your own in times of doubt?"

"I-I do, Father."

"And do you, Brook Ballad, accept Temporal Flux into your life?" Ted asked the mare. "Do you promise to love him and cherish him till death takes hold of you? Do you swear to treat him and any family you two may make or find in this life not with the love that is traded between friends, but an undying loyalty and love that inspires those who see it?"

"Yes! I do!"

"Then by my right as sovereign of this land, I ask that you exchange gifts, kiss, and be recognized officially as the Ballad Family."

There were many similarities between a pony wedding and the one or two religious weddings the alicorn had witnessed as a child. There was an exchange of gifts, in human weddings this was the rings. Being that the temple was in the ass end of no-where, he'd changed that to gifts, basically anything that could be exchanged(couples were promised the chance to have a redo at a later date if they wanted to use bangles or horn rings once things improved). There were a few witnesses, the best mare, and the exchanging of vows. But there were so many differences. The couple wasn't expected to stick around and chat, as they had business to attend to after the wedding, though a few did delay to be witnesses or aid in the weddings of their friends. There was also the fact that many of the families seemed to take the mares name. That had been confusing, till he remembered that ponies were matriarchal after so long being ruled by the princesses.

Next there was the lack of many religious overtones. Most weddings he'd heard of had something related to spiritual oaths. It was for that reason he wanted the Till Death Do Us Part in the wording, even if it wasn't verbatim. Next was the fact that the one presiding over the wedding was apparently supposed to rattle off whatever came to mind during the vows, as there were no set vows to exchange. Then there was the length of the weddings. They were wonderfully concise, usually taking about an hour each, instead of the full afternoon affairs that some human weddings turned into. Some of that could be explained away by the fact that there would be no receptions and families were not around to dote on the couple, but Ted took it as a blessing.

Another difference was the fact that sometimes there were multiple ponies forming a herd. Out of 14 weddings, he'd acknowledged two herds, both consisting of two mares and a stallion. The wording for them were the same as regular weddings, but the vows and exchanges went three ways. He'd wondered if there should have been something about avoiding favoritism, but it turned out even mentioning it was taboo, as the family was not only supposed to avoid it, avoiding favoritism was expected in a herd setting.

The weddings were also strangely fun to preside over. Ted expected to be bored out of his mind doing this, but each pony was either terrified and nervous, or nearly hopping around the dais with excitement. Then there were the looks he was seeing shooting around the room. He'd probably look into some type of sound dampening spell tonight, and make sure the nursery had one over its wall as well. Don't need those poor kids getting kept up all night, as he was almost expecting would happen if he did nothing. Ted grimaced at the thought. He had no desire to explain to Rose, Adamant, and the others why the older ponies were wrestling in bed.

As the last new family walked out the door, the poor stallion almost being dragged out by his tail by two mares, Ted found his mood properly lifted. It was the main reason he set this up. A nice distraction, and a mood booster for both him and his followers.

'Mission accomplished. Probably head out tomorrow to restock. Slop said the supplies were starting to dwindle again.'

The dark alicorn had avoided buying food from the port( aside from seeds for crops), knowing that the money would be infinitely more useful being used for other things, things that his followers couldn't make or find out here in the jungles. Trotting up the stairs from the underground ritual chamber, he was met by two creatures. One was the largest of the gnolls, leaning against the wall waiting for him. The other was the changeling that had been given to him by the pack as tribute. The changeling stepped forward first, bowing and delivering a message.

"The proto-queen requested that you visit her in her nest after dinner. She said she needed to discuss something with you." Afterwards, the changeling, whose name he still hadn't learned, took off.

'Blast, I still don't know half the ponies here. Now I also have gnolls to learn about. I can only guess how odd their traditions and rules are. One way to find out, I guess.' Ted thought to himself, turning to the large canine patiently waiting for him.

"Are your pack-mates doing well?" He asked.

"Yes, thank you Dark One." The gnoll muttered. "I Buster, current Alpha of Swift-paw pack." The gnoll hesitated for a moment, before dropping to all fours, ears splaying to either side. He drew a club and placed it on the ground in front of Ted. "Seek home for pack, but not know how to lead. Ask pony Alpha if he help. I not leader. I guard, warrior, scout. Follow orders, not know how to give."

Ted just stared at the gnoll for a moment. It took stones to admit that, and he could empathize with the guy. Leadership wasn't something everyone could do. Hell, the only reason Ted was leading was because none of the ponies seemed to have the foggiest when it came to it, barring Shadow and Gleam, and even those two only seemed to come up with short term goals. There was no vision, no dreams of where they would go in the future. A leader needed more than charisma. A leader needed to give his followers a reason to get up in the morning. To give his followers hope that tomorrow would be better, even if they had to wait through many bad tomorrows to see the improvement.

"So you wish to join us here? What does the rest of your pack think of this decision?" the alicorn asked.

"Not ask yet. Not sure how. How tell them not good enough, tell them not strong enough to help? Pony Alpha smart, yes? Tell Buster, how tell pack not good as Alpha?"

"I'd be happy to help you, Buster. It's a very hard thing to do, telling others your not fit for a position. It sometimes takes a special kind of strength to do something like that. Are there any other pack-mates who you would follow, who you would prefer lead in your stead? If so, I suggest nominating them and stepping aside."

"Only other strong pack-mate be Auto. He not, not right in head. Not think like Alpha, always want to fight. Get pack killed."

Ted nodded, he'd seen the other gnoll, and Auto did seem very aggressive, baring his fangs at anyone who looked him in the eye like he was looking for a fight.

"I think I have a solution for you Buster. Tell your pack-mates to meet me in the courtyard."


There were a total of seven adult gnolls that showed up in the courtyard following Buster, two more still not allowed to move under Trauma's orders. Soon, they were all seated before Buster and Ted. Watching them looking at him with a mixture of fear and hope, he smiled.

'My allies will look to the shadows with hope, and my enemies morale will fall with the setting sun.' He thought, before frowning.

'Where the hell did that come from?' Shaking his head, he took a final glance at the gathered canines before speaking.

"Buster has asked me for advice and I was more than happy to provide it. He claims to be unworthy of his current position, something that is difficult to admit. However, his reluctance to lead leaves you all in an odd position, so this is my offer. If any of you wish to stay here, you will follow my orders as Alpha. If any of you object, you are free to leave at any time. If any of you harm my followers, I will not only kick you out, I will leave you in the jungle tied up like a nice little snack for whatever predator finds you." Ted said to the gathered canines. His gaze lingered on several of them, though he ended up staring at the smaller male identified as Auto by the end, watching the little gnoll seethe with rage at his words.

"No, not listen to stupid pony. Challenge Buster for Alpha." The raging gnoll yelled.

"Buster is not the Alpha, as you'd know if you were listening. Your challenge is useless. If you'd like to leave, you may. However, if any of the pack wishes to stay here, they are welcome to." The alicorn said calmly, fully expecting the outburst after Buster's warning. "Those of you that stay will follow my orders as you would an Alpha, as you will while you stay here."

"No! Pack follow me. Pony not Alpha, pony weak. Challenge big pony!" Ted only stared in confused silence at the angry ball of fur. Had the gnoll really just challenged him after the alicorn not only wiped out their raiding party, but offered them shelter? He sighed and turned to Buster.

"So what are the rules for a chal-"

Before the words were out of his mouth, he felt claws digging into his barrel as Auto latched onto him, biting and clawing anything he could reach, but barely breaking the alicorns skin. Giving off a burst of energy that threw the pest off of him, Ted watched as the gnoll picked itself up and quickly rushed him again. As Auto prepared to launch himself at his opponent once more, the alicorn fired a small explosion between them, similar to those he used to chase predators from the fields during harvest runs.

The gnoll staggered, shaking the stars from his eyes, and looked up to see a tail. He barely had time to bring his arms up in a block before a single hoof bucked him into the jungle underbrush. Turning to watch the area he'd launched his attacker into Ted shot a question to the gnolls.

"Is this an 'until one side yields' fight? Or am I expected to kill him?"

"C-can be either, Dark One." One of the females answered. "Alpha's usually leave injury on pups that attack when not ready to lead, discourage stupid attacks. Auto have many, but ignore each one."

"So it may be best..." Ted shook his head. More blood isn't what he wanted right now, but he wasn't going to leave an insane mutt to stab his followers in the back because he didn't have the stones to put the damn thing down, nor was he going to let a rabid gnoll with a score to settle wander off and direct a larger force to his followers just to spite them. The alicorn's ears flicked, and he formed a single shadow blade. Auto burst from the jungle in a frenzy of teeth and claws, rushing his target with fangs bared and drool running down his fur. Just shy of his target, the gnoll collapsed, his body bleeding freely from the horrific gash in his torso, his right arm nearly entirely disconnected.

The gnoll had run straight into the shadow blade Ted had formed between himself and the jungle, the spell almost invisible in the growing shadows cast by the trees in the setting sun. It was not the outcome the alicorn wanted, but it did emphasize the problem the pack would have had with Auto as the leader.

"A berserker is a terrifying thing to face on the battlefield, but even more horrific is a leader with those kinds of ideals." He said, turning from his expiring opponent and facing the pack. "Buster knew this, as did many of your elders. In fact, I'm sure some of you at least had the idea that Auto being Alpha would have been a bad thing." Some of the gnolls nodded, others merely staring at the alicorn who seemed unfazed by the trickles of blood flowing down the front of his barrel. "The offer stands. We could always use fighters, and I'm sure Amald would be willing to work with you during your hunts. If any of you wish, we will be going out gathering tomorrow. Bring a bag and a weapon, and we'll get you supplied with some decent food. In the meantime I ask that you treat those also living here with respect, and I ask that you deal with Auto's body as you see fit. I've no experience with your people's customs, and have no idea where to begin with burial and death."

With the gnolls situation seemingly handled, albeit not in the way he'd have liked, Ted headed to the dining hall for a small meal, though he'd make a quick stop at the infirmary on the way. The scratches were tingling, and there was no way he was risking an infection from a mad gnoll. Then he'd find out what that proto-queen was up to. Maybe sometime along the way he'd decide if he was going to smash her through a wall or hug her.


After picking at his meal for a good ten minutes, Ted made his way to the newly constructed nest. The death of yet another gnoll on his ha-hooves left a bitter taste in his mouth, despite the creature's apparent insanity. Arriving at the tunnel he'd given the larger changeling, he was surprised at just how much she'd accomplished.

The tunnel now had a lip at the entrance, presumably to keep debris in or out, and the entirety of the chamber had been covered in a strange black hardened material he'd seen in the shape shifters' nest by the port. Wandering into the nest, this time also watching the ceiling, he found the proto-queen sitting in the back on a raised platform that was covered in a blanket. Though at first she seemed asleep, as he approached, her eyes opened and she raised her head to watch him approach.

"You here, good. Finish while making ponies happy, nest ready at last." The last statement came out almost as a giggle, the excitement she was feeling obvious.

"Need one last thing. Come close." She said, beckoning with a hoof.

Ted just stared at the changeling. "Do I have stupid written on my forehead? Each time you've gotten close to me you've either hit me or bitten me."

The changeling seemed to deflate at that jab, before allowing her wings to float her off the bed and onto her hooves before the alicorn.

"Promise to not hit or bite." She said, making an X across the front of her carapace with a hoof. At Ted's raised eyebrow, she rolled her own, and added to the list. "Also promise not hurt or incapacitate in any way. Have need. Want to visit during next few days, keep full. Queen that has much food becomes stronger after final molt from proto-queen." She stepped closer to him, almost cuddling against him. "Keep link safe, yes? Stronger alicorn make stronger queen, stronger queen make stronger alicorn. Help each other, both get stronger."

"And what believable promise can you make that you'll still help me after you become a queen?" Ted asked.

Suddenly she giggled, bouncing back onto her bed. "This." She said, sticking out her serpentine tongue, with had-

Ted whipped his head to his side, using a hoof to raise his mane to his eyes, before looking back to the proto queen. She'd taken a small clip of hair from his mane while sitting by him even after promising... alright. Technically she didn't hurt him, so she didn't lie, but she seemed to love skirting the boundaries.

"Why did you steal my hair?"

She pulled the hair into her mouth. "Secret. Promise it not bad. Think you like. Mother mention this before, before she went away." She giggled once more before swallowing, smiling mischievously at him.

"Not get back now, yes?"

Ted rolled his eyes. He'd ask Mirage if changelings had any weird hair voodoo that he should worry about, maybe ask Luna if such magic even existed on this world. Otherwise the proto-queen was still valuable, and if things worked out he'd have a loyal and powerful ally. Surely putting up with her shenanigans over the next few days would be worth that, right?

Author's Note:

"They thought we were food. I have taught them otherwise." -Yoda, from The Hunger in the Galaxy of Fear series.

No excuses, only dreams.

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