• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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The Return of Har-meow-ny, Episode 2 Part 6

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

The Return of Har-meow-ny,
Episode 2
Part 5


“APPLEJACK, WHEN I SAID WE NEEDED TO DISTRACT IT I DIDN'T THINK YOU WERE SIMPLY GOING TO RUN UP AND KICK IT!” Rarity shrieked as she darted among the flailing roots, her magic grabbing and flinging the multitude of smaller attackers out of their way as they approached the trunk.

“Ah want it's undivided attention and it seems far too focused on fighting that lumber jack fella.” Applejack darted to the side avoiding another root swung at her. “ If'n yah hadn't started screaming at me ah might have gotten closer before it noticed!”

The pair of them noticed a pink blur sliding down one of the major roots before Pinkie Pie dropped into their midst.

“No good, all the windows are shuttered and Dashy can't break through them before they close back up.” Pinkie Pie yelled. “She's circling looking for any holes or anything.”

“Well that is just perfect, there's got to be a way inside did you find anything at all?” Rarity sighed smashing a pumpkin filled with nine inch nails into a pony with a radio head who was screaming about nirvana.

“Well I checked the front door because that would have been the obvious bit, but it's locked. Then I checked the eyes, and they're just painted on. And then I looked in it's mouth. The mouth is just a carved out section of wood with teeth and no throat or tongue, it was horrible, how can it taste cupcakes with no tongue?” Pinkie Pie ranted. “Also one of it's canines was loose.”

Pinkie Pie held up a very confused looking Diamond Dog before tossing him aside with a yelp.

“Nothing, everything's boarded up.”Rainbow Dash snarled landing atop of a fog horn with legs and arms that had been turning it's own crank to wail like mad. “Gahh been wanting to do that all day. That thing was loud!”

“Right, retreat then!” Rarity shouted.

“One dang moment.” Applejack growled finally having reached the base of the tree by running up a root. She quickly planted her fore hooves and spun about smashing her rear hooves into the trunk of the tree.

The impact was odd, there was no sound of hooves striking hard wood, the sound was more like the squelch of hitting a balloon. Despite the odd sound the entire tree shook from the blow, wiggling a bit like a wacky waving arm inflatable towering tube pony. As the tree shook the six Elements burst out of it as if they were flung from the tree, spinning in place as they fell to the ground and bounded away from the tree along with a large number of very large bit coins which also slowly spun on the ground. After the impact the tree froze in place and a timer appeared over it's head with another icon allowing the timer to run out if thirty red gems were paid.

“What in tarnation....?” Applejack demanded though she quickly took off as Dash and Pinkie rushed around snatching up the expelled Elements.

“Right, now to Fluttershy's.” Pinkie Pie called before the four of them froze as a massive beam of light shot through the air taking out a portion of the air borne river and most of the pink cloud cover around town.

“My word that looked like it came from near Fluttershy's house!” Rarity gasped.

“Then what are we waiting for!?” Applejack demanded taking off to catch up with Pinkie and Rainbow Dash who had already bolted towards the shy pegasus' home.

[Fluttershy's cottage, or what was left of it at least]

Fluttershy winced looking at the angry purple unicorn standing where her couch and the front of her home used to be. The air around her crackled with energy as she panted heavily, her horn glowing and a few of her mane hairs singeing as they brushed against the heated horn.

Spike was embedded in the wall behind her and Angel Bunny had his arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

The remains of the rubber snake, that Pinkie Pie had stashed here just in case of rubber snake emergencies, was little more than melted slag scattered across her front yard along with the rest of the front of her house.

“Any pony get the number of that train that hit me?” Spike groaned kicking at the air as he tried to dislodge himself from the wall.

Twilight whirled at the sound looking back at the three of them.

“YOU THREW A SNAKE AT ME!!!” Twilight shrieked turning to glare at Fluttershy.

“Umm, actually Angel Bunny did.” Fluttershy muttered hiding behind her mane.” And it was a rubber snake.”

Twilight whirled on the bunny, her head lowering to glare eye to eye with the rabbit who seemed unphased by her murderous gaze.

“I do not like you.” Twilight deadpanned

Angel Bunny responded with a rude gesture.

“Oh my. I didn't teach him that.” Fluttershy winced. “I tried to get you back by being gentle, but I think he got annoyed.

“Never mind, I'm back, tired, and cranky, what happened? I feel like I missed something important. Last thing I really recall was Discord poking Rahs in the nose.” Twilight muttered rubbing her head.” Oh and … sorry about your house. I think we have enough in the disaster fund to cover it.

Spike finally pushed himself out of the wall landing with a thud on the ground.”Gah I feel like I've spent the last six hours with Snips and Snails. My brain really hurts.”

“Holy carp, what happened to your house Shy?” Rainbow Dash asked as she flew into the hole looking around.

“FLUTTERSHY!!” Pinkie Pie screamed plowing through Twilight and sending the mare tumbling over herself to the ground as the pink mare glomped the yellow pegasus.

“Don't worry Shy, I'll protect you from the evil unicorn who blew up your house!”Pinkie Pie growled glaring at Twilight who remained face first on the floor.

“Evil? Wow and she's not even in her lab coat this time.” Spike smirked. “ Sooo any one wanna tell us what happened?”

“No I'm fine, don't bother to help me up, I'm quite unhurt from the impact with that runaway cart.” Twilight muttered from the floor.

“Well Discord booped Rahs' nose and then you kinda turned dumb and Twilight turned mopey and Rahs turned into a big snarling monster of death and carnage that started using Discord like an all you can eat magic buffet and we went to get the Elements and now we're here.” Pinkie Pie smiled. “ That's just the abridged version cause this stories taken too long already.”

“Wait what happened to my brother?” Twilight lifted her head up off the floor only to be trampled again as Applejack and Rarity rushed into the building.

“What tha hay happened here!?” Applejack demanded looking to the ones clustered around Fluttershy.

“Oh my, your house..... Spikey?” Rarity blinked.

“Yeah?” Spike questioned.

“Oh wonderful you seem alright now.” Rarity sighed..” Where's Twilight?”

“You're standing on her.” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

Rarity looked down to see that the rather fluffy carpet she thought she was standing on was in fact glaring up at her angrily. Really if Rarity hadn't been in such a rush to check on Fluttershy she would have noted how tacky that color rug was for Fluttershy's usual ascetic.

“Oh... sorry darling.” Rarity hopped off Twilight quickly helping her up and brushing her off.

“Rrrggghhhhh.. it's fine... completely fine.” Twilight let out a long sigh.” Now that we are all here. What happened to Rahs?”

[Sweet Apple Acres.]

Something had changed.

Well besides the massive beam of light that smacked the sun in the face and finally shut it up. Really he didn't know why he thought that would be funny.

Discord blinked and opened one eye. He had been trying to take a nap and just hope that the monster would get bored of him and leave, but evidently self perpetuating magic that grew stronger the more chaos was about was a talent that attracted a Moon Dog like a moth to a lamp.

Though for the moment the hurting had stopped.

Lifting his head he looked around noticing the Moon Dog in question over to the side seemed to be coughing or choking......


...or vomiting up a hairball. Eeew... wait were those his hands?

The navy furred canine was already starting to shrink back to his pre Witch Wolf size and was clearly lamenting the loss of his coat, and the fact that it looked like the Infragable Krunk had borrowed his pants.

Discord smirked wiggling over the ground like a well chewed snake, while the mutt was distracted he could get away .


“Eeep.... ummm. Hello Rahs whatever are you doing here?” Discord smiled politely looking up at the Moon Dog now standing on his much gnawed on tail.

“BORK!” Rahs growled.

“Pay for what I've done? What ever do you mean?” Discord smiled batting his eyelashes.” What did I do?”

“BORK!” Rahs snapped again.

“Oh right, the boop thing … yeah.. forgot about that..... guess you could consider that an attack on your family.” Discord muttered before screaming out as Rahs started to maul him again.

Author's Note:

For those who do not get the joke with the tree. A while back a company called Gameloft made a MLP Ponyville building game. While fun every little thing you needed to do cost red gems , which were purchased with real money.

When you tapped a tree in the game it made an odd noise and spit out coins or Element shards.

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