• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Hairball Fluttershy

Twilight Gets a Puppy.
Season 2

Hairball Fluttershy

[Ponyville, start of Fall]

Twilight Sparkle sat at the table rubbing her temples with her hooves. Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy sat around the table with one empty chair for Rainbow Dash. The blue pegasus had a open invite to these gatherings, but thus far had yet to show up.

“Okay.... so they made.... a water spout....” Twilight began.

“Tornado.” Rarity corrected.

“It was over water, it's a water spout.” Twilight protested.

“One can hardly call the frog pond a large enough body of water to make it a water spout. It was simply a tornado formed over a pond.” Rarity returned.

“Do you have any idea how deep that pond is?” Twilight rolled her eyes.” Deep enough that it has it's own giant squid. It's also fed from a underground waterway that no one can figure out the source of.”

“Oh the water flows from the north. The under ground ocean there flows all the way up to the Frozen North where it's melt off from a glacier.” Fluttershy offered.

The others stared at her for a moment.

“Overfiend came from the north. Squids are very smart. And he says it's very cold at that end of his territory.” Fluttershy offered.

“Tha squids name is Overfiend?” Applejack questioned.

“Oh yes, He's not the only one who lives down there, his sister, La Blue, lives further south under the badlands. His parents came to the area from the Eastern sea. He said it seems like a vast underground cave system that flooded after a glacier melted centuries ago.” Fluttershy offered.

“While this is fascinating and I really should be taking notes..... perhaps later, back on topic, the water spout...” Twilight stated.

“Tornado.” Rarity corrected.

“Oh fer tha love of... call it a twister and be done with it that covers everything.” Applejack snapped.

“Right the twister..... why?” Twilight accepted.

“Why what?” Fluttershy asked.

“Why did they need a wa.... twister, to take the water to Cloudsdale?” Twilight demanded after a glare at Rarity.

“Oh, to fill the weather reservoirs to be ready for the coming snow season.” Fluttershy offered.

“What about evaporation, the water cycle... why this... ridiculousness?”Twilight waved a hoof.

“The what?” Fluttershy asked.

“Water cycle. Water evaporates into the air condenses at lower temperatures, returns to the ground as precipitation......” Twilight explained.”There's more to it than that when you take into account condensation wind sheer and the like but that's the basic water cycle.”

“News to me.” Pinkie Pie offered.

“Wouldn't everything always be dry if'n that water all floated away?” Applejack commented.

“It may explain the humidity during the summer at time.” Rarity considered.” That plays havoc on my mane.”

“Can't say I've ever heard of this before Twilight. I mean I've never worked with the weather bureau, but they always draw up a water every year.” Fluttershy added.

“It's a scientifically proven thing...” Twilight grumbled. “ I mean it's how things work in the Everfree, and how it still rains and snows in other nations that don't have pegasi controlling the weather.” Twilight explained and frowned. “ I need to talk to Cheerilee about her curriculum.”

“Wouldn't it be like raining up if the water was sucked into the air like that?' Pinkie Pie asked.

“No because the particles of water are too small to be noticed, Rarity was close when she said humidity.” Twilight flattened her ears. “ I mean you've all seen evaporation, it's why when you have a cup of water and leave it in the sun for a while the water goes away. What did you think happened?”

“Some one else drunk from tha glass.” Applejack stated flatly.

“Most likely Opal or Sweetiebelle, despite the fact the first has perfectly good water in her bowl, and the later is perfectly capable of getting her own drink....... well not orange juice..... “Rarity frowned.” But the less said about that the better.”

“I always just thought the sun was thirsty being as hot as it is all the time.” Pinkie Pie chimed.

“Umm magic?” Fluttershy shrugged as Twilight planted her face into the table with a thud.

“Moving on, so what's tha deal with Spitfire. Why'd she sit off to tha sidelines tha whole time?” Applejack questioned. “Don't sit right that yah only had a bit of wing power short an a Wonderbolts just sitting by watching.”

“I was kinda curious about that too. So I asked Fireball afterward.“ Fluttershy stated.” She says her sister was ready to help, but was holding back due to Rainbow Dash seeming so determined. The moment she was asked she was ready to help just so she could get back to Scootaloo. Poor things going to miss the first few days of school. Seems she was one of the first to catch the feather-flu. Honestly I didn't know Spitfire was Scootaloo's mother.”

The others nod having learned of Scootaloo's parentage from their younger siblings a while back. Pinkie Pie nodded along because she knew every pony any way.

“Well with that out of the way there's another thing I want to bring up since every ponys here.” Twilight offered her horn glowing as she took a newspaper from the main library desk dropping it on the table before them.“ Does any pony know what's going on with this?”

Looking at the paper the group of them all shift around to stare down at the Manhatten publication reading the front page.

“Is that?” Applejack questioned.

“Mare-Do-Well. Yeah.” Twilight acknowledged.

“So which one of us is running round Manehatten?” Applejack queried.

Every pony looked over at Pinkie Pie.

“What?You think I've been able to do anything but work with how close Mrs. Cake is to giving birth? She looks like a blimp....” Pinkie waved her hooves in the air. “She's also driving Mr. Cake crazy with requests.. all sorts of weird foods. I mean, oatmeal? Are you crazy?”

“I'm not sure how i could do it any way , I don't have the costume any more.” Fluttershy offered.

“That's right.. Rahs took them all before he left in a huff.” Rarity frowned. “ But that really is not his figure. It is decidedly a mare... though perhaps she could lose a little weight....”

“Rahs has um? Where is he any way? Thought he came back couple days ago.” Applejack questioned.

Before Twilight could answer the front door opened and the Moon Dog in questioned walked in grumbling. He looked like he had been roughed up as his training coach had not been thrilled he vanished for a couple of weeks and decided to make up for lost time.

Setting paw inside the library however and realizing there were now five mares all staring at him gave him pause. The paper on the table drew his eyes and the looks on the mares faces suddenly spoke volumes. And none of it good.

With nary a bark the Moon Dog reached back behind him, pulled open the door again and stepped back out of the building.

“Rahs get back in here and explain this!!” Twilight shouted


Author's Note:

I work retail, just survived the blackest of Fridays. Also i started writing a new Fallout Equestria fic.

This stories gonna crank up again soon, though I'm mostly mapped out on season three. Sorta dumping useless episodes atm.

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