• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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The Return of Har-meow-ny Part 5

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

The Return of Har-meow-ny
Part 5


A trail of rainbow fire ran down the center of the road through town. Some ponies understandably panicked at this, though most simply wondered what Rainbow Dash had managed to pull off this time.

A few of them wondered where the screaming had come from as what ever this was blew through town.

One pony, who read too many sci-fi books, wondered if Dash had just come from the future or the past.

Some were arguing whether the cart was red or blue, though that argument was found to depend on whether the watcher had seen it coming or going.

Some even took note that the fire trail was leading up the road to Sweet Apple Acres.

The majority however, were rather concerned at the sudden appearance of pink clouds in the sky around the town.

The Flower Trio, were already in their dooms day bunker.

Not that that would help.

Pinkie Pie glared angrily down at Rainbow Dash as she leaned over the edge of the wagon that was stuck in an apple tree. Rainbow Dash simply hung from the harness limply her head spinning from the impact.

“Consarnit Dashie, when I say whoa, I mean WHOA!!” Pinkie Pie shouted, a large collection of apple leaves plastered to her face making it look like she had a awesome beard and mustache.

The others were all already on the ground waiting for Twilight to disenchant the spell.

Fluttershy and Rarity were strewn out on the grass trying to make the world stop spinning.

Twilight was trying to focus enough to cancel the shrink spell.

Spike was laughing and going on about how awesome the ride had been.

Rahs was hugging the ground having used two of the air sick bags on the way over.

Applejack had already recovered, and had chosen the large stick she was going to use on the rainbow colored pinata that had crashed into one of her trees. She was just waiting to get big enough again to wield it and reach the dangling pegasus.

“Okay, every one ready? I think I have this now.” Twilight stammered, her horn glowing bright. The spell quickly popped every one back to their proper sizes, though Fluttershy pouted a little as the tiny Rahs had been like an adorable puppy when he was shrunk even smaller than they others were.

“Thank yah kindly fer that Twilight.” Applejack grinned, swinging her stick over her head. With one hard thwack, Rainbow Dash let out a yelp. The stick slapped the harness clasp popping it open and dropping the dizzy pegasus to the ground with a thud.

“Ow...” Dash muttered.

“Sorry AJ, I put on the brakes and they broke.... I didn't think they were supposed to do that.” Pinkie Pie chimed up as she hopped down out of the tree, shaking the leaves from her face.

“Alright, every one okay?” Twilight asked getting a chance to look around now that her head stopped spinning. “ And Dash when I say no loop de loops or barrel rolls, I mean no loop de loops and barrel rolls.”

“I will be fine in a moment darling. But remind me never to do that again.” Rarity chimed in.

“Sure Rarity. Don't do that again.” Pinkie Pie chimed in getting a glare from the white mare.

“Right, if we're all good we need to hurry to get to the library. I have an idea where the Elements may be, but I need to make sure so we can end this.” Twilight stated.

“Really? End it? But it's just getting started.” Discord stated softly in Twilight's ear.

The purple mare shrieked, shooting straight up in the air and whirling in place to land facing Discord.

Standing before her was a creature that towered over the group, including Rahs.

It was mostly brown furred, with the sandy brown head of a horse and a long darker brown serpent like body that made Twilight shudder. It's tail turned into a red scaled dragon tail with pink spines and a white puff of hair on the end like a feather duster. It's left leg was a light brown hooved limb like a donkey, while the rear right leg was of some sort of green lizard. Two wings sprouted from it's back, one seeming to be from a dark blue pegasus the other from a purplish thestrial. It's right foreleg was some sort of large tan cats and it's left was a yellow griffon claw. It had a black zebra like mane running up the back of it's head and neck and the odd head was capped off with a white deer antler and a wavy sky blue goat horn. A pair of missized yellow eyes with red pupils sat under two different sized bushy white eyebrows and a pair of rabbit like ears sprouted from either side of the head. A grin crossed the creatures features showing a large snaggley tooth poking out of the right side of it's mouth, and the whole thing was topped off with a scraggly goatee of white hair that barely seemed attached to his chin.

“Oh wow. Princess Celestia has really weird taste in stallions.” Pinkie Pie commented.

“Now that's just rude. I'll have you know I am a very handsome example of my kind.” Discord pouted putting the griffon claw to his chest as if he had been wounded.

“And what exactly are yah?” Applejack questioned.

“I am a Draconequss, thank you very much. Don't they teach anything in schools now a days.” Discord pouted his gaze darting around the small group. “And all this from a group who decided to run out on my game. I really shouldn't be surprised. For shame. That too was very rude you know.”

“Hardly, we solved your game and we're on our way to win it!” Spike snapped.

Discord whirled. Bending over to look Spike in the eye.

“Really boy, you think this is some sort of game?” Discord questioned while Spike glared back at him.

“You need to work on your intimidate skill. And you said it was a game.” Spike stated crossing his arms.

“Spike, stop trying to anger the chaos god!” Twilight hissed.

“Please, I stared down Nightmare Moon, and he's just an over grown chimera. That's a challenge rating 6 at best. I'm a dragon, a CR 8 , I got this.” Spike smirked.

“This isn't O&O.” Twilight growled face hoofing.

“Ahh perhaps if I was a normal one, but what happens if you add awakened, mythic, and most of the Tome of Deitys templates to a normal chimera?” Discord grinned floating on his back nose to nose with Spike as the Draconequss slowly spun in the air like a rotisserie chicken.

Spike considered a moment. “That would put your CR at least at a twenty, just from mythic.”

“Still think you got this?” Discord grinned flicking one of the dragonlings head spikes..

Spike met his eyes and grinned back. “Probably not, but that was if it was a head to head challenge. I'm just the distraction.”

“BORK!” Rahs snapped leaping over his brother at Discord, only for the creature to poof out of existence and leave a large kiddie pool of banana pudding for the Moon Dog to crash into instead.

“Ooh good try. “ Discord cackled appearing on the other side of Spike before pushing the small dragon into the kiddie pool of pudding as well. “But that is far from a new trick, and I know all the tricks. The game is still on Bearers. Only now I think I'll just use your little town as my challenge grounds.”

Discord slapped his hands together and a wave of multicolored energy flooded out from them flowing over everything before arching off into the distance.

The group winced, though looking around there didn't seem to be any sort of change.

“Ummm...... What the heck did yah do, ain't nothing changed around here.” Applejack asked. “Not that I'm complaining.”

“That's because I don't plan to do anything to this farm. After what your Granny did at the gala I figure I owe her enough to leave her property alone... at least until I get a hold of some of that Zap Apple cider.“ Discord admitted. “ But everything else..........”

Discord spun suddenly as Rahs lunged at him again, the Draconequss suddenly dressed as a matador with a red cape that he whirled before Rahs as he moved. The sound of tearing brought his attention down to the cape as Rahs passed , the whole thing torn to shreds.

“BARK!” Rahs ordered as he whirled on Discord again.

“Don't have to tell me twice!” Pinkie Pie shouted shoving Fluttershy ahead of her as Twilight grabbed Spike out of the pool before starting to gallop off.

The three who didn't understand the order to run still followed suit catching the meaning easily.

“Oh dear, how noble. But I didn't plan to include Lulu's pet corgi in this little game.” Discord whirled dodging another lunge before popping up right in front of the Moon Dog as he turned to go after the Draconequss once again.

“Boop!” Discord grinned poking Rahs in the nose.

The effect was immediate, Rahs sat down hard, his eyes going vacant and his ears drooping as his navy fur turned more into gray scale, his amber eyes unfocusing as his tongue slipped to dangle out of his mouth rear legs going akimbo while his forepaws dropped to the ground before him keeping him upright.

Twilight immediately collapsed as well crashing to the ground and dropping the pudding covered Spike who rolled across the road before crashing into the grass and laying on his back.

“Heeeee, fun....” Spike muttered with a drawl that would make even Snips and Snails pause

“Twilight come on we've got to go!” Applejack rushed back to help her friend up.

“What's the point …. he's going to win any way....” Twilight grumbled not bothering to try and get up , her coat having adopted the same gray scale as Rahs.

“Spiky are you alright?” Rarity asked looking over the pudding covered Dragon slightly reluctant to touch him.

“Hmmm pretty.” Spike babbled looking at Rarity.

“Oh dear.” Fluttershy flinched.

“What did you do to my friends!!!?” Dash screamed out at Discord only stopped from charging him by Pinkie Pie grabbing her tail.

The Draconequss looked as stunned as the others that Twilight and Spike had also changed. He quickly booped Rahs' nose again and the Moon Dog snapped back to his senses and took a swipe at him only to be booped in the nose again and to fall back into a stupor.

Spike sat up suddenly at the first boop.” What the heck was that?”


“Oooh pudding...” Spike stated, licking his arm.


“GAH!!! The book Pinkie found when we met look there!!!!” Twilight screamed out as her color returned before collapsing again as her color faded.” Or don't .. not like it matters....”

“By the stars it's a three for one sale!” Discord cackled …” Oh wait a moment there's another link in this chain.”

Pulling a mirror out of a pocket he didn't have, he took a look at what was going on back in the castle fun house.

“SHINING ARMOR YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!”Cadence screamed as she and a plethora of other mares, maids, and noble mares tore down the hall after the white unicorn stallion.

Said stallion was wearing a bit of lingerie on his head in a failed attempt to mask his grayed out features and a massive bag was being carried on his back that seemed to be filled with stockings, underwear and other naughty undergarments the castles mares tended to wear.

“What a haul what a haul.” Shining Armor sing songed as he pronked past a few other maids and female guards, his magic either flipping up skirts or pulling off certain parts of the armor as the perverted rampage continued.

“Colt works fast.” Discord nodded impressed.


Discord flung the mirror off to the side where it shattered into a few dozen butterflies. The butterflies fluttered away from the impact quickly passing by some flowers and kicking up pollen. The pollen wafted through the under brush brushing over the nose of a snake sneaking up on a mouse for lunch making the serpent sneeze and causing the mouse to run off. The sound of a snake sneeze startled a group of nearby grazing cows. The cows panicked and ran off inciting a stampede. The stampede kicked up a massive cloud of dust that hid the sun over the Everfree resulting in a low pressure system which began forming a storm front as it moved over the Everfree. This created a massive thunderstorm that drifted over Las Pegasus, which caused Trixie Lulumoon to have to delay her show due to inclimant weather.


“This is the greatest thing ever.” Discord cackled tapping Rah's nose like he was channel surfing watching how Spike was going from smart to dumb, and Twilight was flipping from motivated to not, in seconds.


The other mares were glaring at him, though that anger seemed to quickly turn into fear. Clearly they were starting to grasp how out classed they were in this game.


Of course he was going to win this, and he was going to show Celestia she shouldn't have turned him to stone like that.


Seriously as if the break up wasn't bad enough, she had to make sure he couldn't even try to date any one else by making him a rock.


Maybe if she had talked to him he wouldn't have needed to go to such exstream lengths to get her attention again, instead it was the cold shoulder and ignoring him. Sure maybe he went a bit too far, but still totally not his fault.


Wow, those five were really scared now, absolutely terrified, the yellow one was even crying ….. seriously they shouldn't be that scared, he'd never killed any pony... directly.


Wait, they weren't looking at him, they were looking behind him.


Chomp? What happened to the cartoon like boop? There was supposed to be a comedic boop. Twilight and Spike were still grayed out so that meant Rahs was as well. Discord frowned, also noting his hand felt odd.

Bringing it up in front of him Discord looked down to notice something peculiar about his hand.

Which was of course, that it wasn't on the end of his arm where he had left it. The lion paw ended in a nub that had teeth marks like some pony had taken a bite out of a cheese block.

He blinked turning to look back and noticed his gaze was level with a gray furred chest.

A super buff gray scaled chest in a partially shredded green long coat.

His mismatched gaze rose up a bit more to a maw filled with immense sharp teeth, teeth that were currently chewing on his former hand like it was taffy before it was quickly swallowed in a flicker of chaos magic. Traveling up a little more he was met with glowing red eyes.

The creature behind him had been one he had been much taller than to start with, though at the moment it was bigger than he was. The fur on it might have once had a blue tinge but now it was faded more towards a grayish purple. The beast was bulky and all of it looked like muscle, Discord expected the creature could have bench pressed Canterlot. It's fur seemed some what matted and rose into spikes along the back of it's head and and neck giving it a horned and hedge hog spiked look about it's hackles. The maw of it didn't seem to close properly as there were far to many teeth in it and the muscles of it's jaw had hardened up and become more prominent giving the creature more of a bully box like head. The long ears were flat to the back of it's head and it's much longer tail whipped wildly behind it snapping the air like a whip. the little balls of light at the end of each ear and the tail the only thing unchanged about the creature.

The low rumbling growl came from it's throat, the sound rattled fillings in Discord's teeth that he didn't even have.

“This is new.” Discord commented to himself as the mares had grabbed Spike and Twilight and had already run from the Witch Wolf.

Author's Note:

And thus we hit the end of The Return of Har-meow-ny Episode 1 Part 5
Episode two starts after i find out if i'm gonna be killed by this massive hurricane coming right towards me.

Hell of a cliff hanger if i never post again huh?

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