• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Caspian, and weep, Prologue

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

Caspian, and weep,

[Ponyville, winter. The day after the start of cider season, Wednesday]

“Rainbow Dash! There you are.” Rarity exclaimed, her magic flaring as it encircled the blue pegasus mare who was walking along looking some what pensive with a fair sized cask held between her wings.

“What? Shards Rarity what!?” Rainbow Dash flailed grabbing the cask before it fell.”Don't shake this I want the cider not just the foam!”

Rarity ignored her carrying the mare and her cask along with a large collection of bags full of fabric.

“What do you mean what!?” Rarity scoffed. “I have been looking for you all week. You're running out of time for me to coach you.”

“Coach me? “ Rainbow Dash questioned. “On what?”

“What do you mean on what? You came to me for help preparing you for a date, and despite my great personal anguish and four tubs of mint chocolate chip ice cream, I shall do what you asked because I am your friend. Thus I am helping you prepare for your date with Prince Blueblood.”

“That's still nearly two weeks away.” Rainbow Dash protested.

“Dash, it is Wednesday. Your date is THIS Saturday.” Rarity corrected.

“What? Seriously? A week and a half is gone already!!? It only felt like three, four days tops since I agreed to that! “ Rainbow Dash shouted clearly starting to panic.” I still freaking smell like pumpkins.”

“Yes well your personal hygiene is something we are going to address as well as to make you out to be a proper lady fit for a noble.” Rarity stated dragging Rainbow Dash into her shop. “ I shall not rest until you are perfectly ready to sweep him off his hooves as it were or he shall die trying.”

“Don't you mean we'll die trying?” Dash asked.


[ Golden Oaks library Thursday.]

Twilight Sparkle sat at the table, her hooves steepled under her nose as she considered what was asked of her. The purple mare was in shadow as standing on one side of her blocking the light was her 'bigger' brother Rahs Sparkle. He stood with his arms crossed, wearing a burgundy long coat with black trim. His ears were perked as he regarded the one at the end of the table the small glowing points of light at the tip making his feline amber eyes glimmer.

Her little brother, Spike Sparkle, sat in the chair next to her. He too had his arms crossed over his chest and was kicked back in his chair with his feet up on the table and a pair of sunglasses that seemed to reflect more light than they should, covering his eyes.

She'd yell at him later about his feet being on the table, but this was more important.

“Are you sure you want us to do this. Things tend to get a little.... interesting when we're put to a task you know.” Twilight explained.

“Given who and what I'm up against, you are the only ones I can reasonably turn to. I would not bother you if this was something I could deal with myself.” The pony at the other end of the table stated. “ This has to be perfect, I expect I will only have this one chance.”

Twilight sat back with a sigh, her brothers looked to her curiously before turning to look back at the one at the other end of the table.

“I know what the three of you can do working together. It's the only thing that may stand a chance.” the stallion sighed.

“Alright. Ill do it because you're both friends of mine.”

“Woof.” Rahs agreed.

“Rahs wants his usual fee of a bit of magic.” Twilight added.

“I want a Neightendo.” Spike added.

“Easily done.” the stallion chuckled.

“Then we'd best get to work.” Twilight stated as Rahs slid a folder across the table to the stallion.”This is all the new information I've got as well as the information I didn't send you before as I didn't think it would be relevant.”

“Because you didn't realize what I was going to do at the time.”

“No, had I known we would have helped sooner.” Twilight sighed, as Rahs and Spike nodded.

“Yes, well, it was something I truly didn't want to get out. And if you had started investigating specifically, some one would have noticed.”

“True.” Twilight nodded.”I want the full plans for what you are going to do so I can plan.”

“It's not that different than our first encounter, only everything will be here in Ponyville.” the stallion smirked.

“So a show then dinner. “Twilight considered.” I will warn you, Ponyville just got a cinema, so I don't know how it is yet. But the dinner should be easy I've made a list of places Rainbow Dash likes to eat in there. Reservations have been set at all of them already and tickets for the showing of a action show she might like are in the folder.”

“I hope you know what you're doing Prince.”

“It should be fine. I mean after all with you three to keep the paparazzi at bay and to make sure none of the princesses get involved, this should be perfect.” Prince Blueblood smiled.

“No plan survives first contact with the enemy.” Spike offered sagely. “But, they don't often survive first contact with us either.”

Author's Note:

okay two things.

First is the title pun. Caspian Tigers were declared extinct in the late 70s early 60s. So Caspian, and weep as a tragic thing.

Second was this entire chapter was some what rushed , just for Rainbow Dash's comment about it only feeling like it was 4 days ago since she was asked out. Because that's how long ago i posted the Luna eclipsed epilogue.

yes this chapter was split up and short just for that joke.

I do not apologize.

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