• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Serval of my Excess, part 2

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

Serval of my Excess,
part 2

[Ponyville, seven AM, Golden Oaks Library.]

The Element bearers, plus the CMC and Rahs stared up at Spike.

The small building sized dragon stared back at them looking a little ashamed at the trouble he was causing.

Twilight had taken him to the vet, with much protesting, after a less suicidal doctor had taken a look at him at the hospital. The vet had brought up he was healthy looking for a reptile, so it wasn't any sort of sickness. That hadn't calmed Twilight or Rahs any, but they let him be because he at least tried. They had even gone out to see Zecora as well, though she hadn't had a clue aside to make sure that the vials she sent were still sealed and put away. Everfree thyme might do something like this by super aging him, but upon getting home the flasks Applebloom had delivered were still where they were in the basement lab unopened.

About that time they had noticed Spike had gotten bigger and was no longer speaking in coherent sentences. The rest of the town was starting to notice too.

The CMC had shown up to walk Spike to school and the trio had freaked out a bit, drawing more attention than Twilight and Rahs had wanted, and soon the whole student body plus a number of other ponies had been woken up and were starting to freak out over a large dragon being in town.

Comet Trail and the other Guards who responded to the calls of 'Dragon' were briefed by Twilight of the situation and they set out to try and calm every pony down. The other Element bearers were gathered just in case and Rainbow Dash had been sent off with a letter for the Princesses. The Element of Loyalty was still in Canterlot any way.

Twilight was going through all her books with the other girls helping out as Rahs stayed with Spike and the CMC, to stop them for trying for a dragon slayer or dragon rider cutie marks.

By nine they had found nothing, and when they came back outside Spike was now the size of a small building and barely speaking in monosyllabic words.

He was also trying to eat Sweetiebelle's gem encrusted saddle bags and ignoring Rahs who was hanging off one of his shoulders fussing at him.

“AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Sweetiebelle screamed as she was swung around, still wearing her saddlebags.

This of course made a number of ponies who were watching start to freak out that Spike was attacking a foal, which started the usual panic and screaming that Ponyville was known for.

Which of course confused Spike who barely seemed coherent of what was going on into starting to get caught up in the panic. He let go of Sweetiebelle to call out to ask what was wrong, only for a massive roar to come from his muzzle, which caused even more panic , and caused him to panic and try and run off from what ever made the roar, that he just made.

Rahs screamed out as he tried to remain clinging to his now much bigger brothers shoulder, while Pinkie Pie some how now rode on Spike's other shoulder cheering like it was a roller coaster ride.

This was still an acceptable result as Spike was dodging most things as he ran about, scaring himself with his own roaring as Rahs tried to calm him down and Pinkie enjoyed the ride.

At least until he rounded a building and came around the other side as a nearly full grown dragon in a full fear filled panic rampage.

That was when the real screaming and property damage started.

It still might have been fine if they could get him out of town, but some of the Guards started acting to try and keep him out of the more populated areas that he was running towards.

A few blocking spells and a stun bolt or two didn't go over well.

While they were later commended for the effort at trying to save ponies who might still be at home from a rampaging dragon, they were also instructed to keep away from Twilight and Rahs for a while.

“Well at least he's not smashing any buildings intentionally...” Rarity sighed watching with the others from the Golden Oaks balcony


“My Cabbage stall!”

Twilight glared at Rarity.

“Well I mean at least he's not setting anything on fire.” Rarity added quickly.


“Ahhh, I only had two more payments left!!!”

Fluttershy and Applejack now were now glaring at Rarity as well.

“Well at least he's not quietly moving off to sit down and think about what he's done until the Princess gets here.” Rarity stated once more before waiting a moment expectantly.


“Noooo not my cans, my priceless antique tin cans!!”

“Well it was worth a try.” Rarity shrugged.

“JANE STOP THIS CRAZY THING!!” Pinkie Pie screamed as Spike thundered past them smashing into another building amid more screaming and panicked growling.

“Stop the ride, I wanna get off!!”

“What is keeping Rainbow Dash?” Twilight demanded.

[ Canterlot]

“No one gets in to see the Princess without an appointment!” Starched Collar stated flatly standing in front of the rainbow maned pegasus trying to push her way into the throne room.

“Seriously ? You again?” Rainbow Dash sighed.


“Guys... we gotta figure out a way to stop this, or Spike's gonna be grounded …. like forever!” Applebloom flailed.

“He tried to eat me!” Sweetiebelle snapped. “Groundings too good for him!”

“He tried to eat your saddlebags. And he does that even when he's not a giant rampaging monster.” Scootaloo sighed. “ But yeah. I want to help, dudes one of us, but I don't even think he can see us with as big as he is. He's not listening to Rahs or Twilight either.”

“Yeah what can we do?” Sweetiebelle

Applebloom pondered a moment as more flames and explosions happened in the town behind them.

The youngest Apple let her gaze wander as she tapped her chin, taking note of the library and the open door leading in. Her eyes light up suddenly as she gets an idea.

“Ah got it! We fight fire with fire!” Applebloom grinned.

“Wait didn't we already try for our fire fighters cutie mark?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yeah, and Big Sis Luna said we couldn't build any more flame throwers after we set that ice sculpture competition on fire.” Sweetiebelle pouted.” I didn't even know snow could burn.”

“No that's not what...., just come on!” Applebloom shouted, running off into the library. The others shrug and follow hot on her hooves.

Author's Note:

And the reason for the rapid fire chapters is i want to do the Hearts and hooves chapters on and around valentines day.

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