• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Caspian and Weep, Part Radish

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2
by TDR

Caspian and Weep
Part Radish

[ Stop that]

[ No]

[Ponyville, Saturday]

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHhHHHHH, ow” Rainbow Dash wailed until Spike kicked her in the leg.

“ Thank you Spikey. Now are you done?” Rarity asked with a sigh.” Prince should be here any minute and we really don't want him to hear you screaming in panic.”

“I know, but I'm not good at this froo froo stuff. And I thought you were gonna make me a simpler dress!” Rainbow Dash protested.” And isn't white like bad luck or something or at least putting forth context that I really didn't want brought up?”

“By the stars. It's cream with light bronzed trim, it is not virginal white!” Rarity growled.

The pegasus in question wore a simple dress that covered her flank, and thanks to Wooster's input clung to her form enough to show off her tone form, something he recalled Prince bringing up a few times in the description of his mystery mare. Her mane and tail had been evened out and adjusted in a some what smoother cut. She grudgingly allowed a few mane extensions to be put in to make sure it stayed more or less even at least, though this required the heroic sacrifice of a number of extension kits that then had to be modified and reworked with her multi colored hair.

Through it all Spike and Rahs stayed around making sure to add their two bits every so often. The pair surprisingly offering good advice from time to time. Rarity found it odd that Rahs was familiar with some of the older designs she had, but Spike pointed out knowledge of costume was part of the theater.

The hair do was the last thing to be done and in the end every one but Rainbow Dash was satisfied with the result.

“Not bad. There was a surprising amount of proper mare to work with under all that. Though I still cannot get rid of the smell of pumpkins.” Rarity sighed.

“Ehh it's a naturey sort of fragrance. It's not bad, just odd. It'll be fine.” Spike shrugged.

“Indeed. I think perhaps we have done all we can and it is now time for Miss Dash and Master Prince to see if they actually like each other.”” Wooster added.

“Oh crap, what do I do what do I do!!? What tha heck do I even talk about?” Rainbow Dash pranced in place.

“To be honest , at this point I am going to say I have no idea.” Rarity sighed. “ Every time I think I might know what he might want I am proven wrong and therefore I am not going to get involved in this discussion.”

“I dunno just talk about what you like, I mean there's that cart thing you were excited for, that's a start. “ Spike shrugged.

“Woof.” Rahs added.

“Right, you're going to see a movie first. Worst comes to worst talk about that.” Spike translated.

“Miss Dash simply relax and be yourself. The goal of a date is to enjoy it and see if you and the one you are on a date with are compatible romantically. You already have the advantage in he is interested in you.” Wooster considered. “ I would advise you not to crow on your accomplishments too much. But I dare say I'm not sure if that is what he wants. If he speaks of his..... 'adventures' I doubt there will be fault for you doing the same. You be you, is the best I can offer.”

“Just remember to chew with your mouth closed and wait until after you swallow before trying to talk.” Rarity added.

“Bork.” Rahs grinned.

“Protection? Make sure she has protection from what?” Spike questioned as Wooster and Rarity glared at the Moon Dog.

“Pfft, yeah, not on the first date.” Dash chuckled.” Ooooo kay ready as I am every gonna be.”

“That is good because I believe the carriage just pulled up.” Rarity stated looking out the window.

“Craaaap....” Dash whined.

[Inside the carriage]

“Alright, be yourself, and be careful with boasting of anything. We just got over a rather large kerfuffle with that and it might still be a sore spot.” Twilight explained.” Bringing up that wing suit thing of yours right off the bat might not be good, save it for later.”

Moon Dancer and Fluttershy were double checking over Prince, the stallion looking more or less like he always did with immaculate mane, tail, and a suit. They had talked him into one that didn't cost as much as Ponyville's monthly disaster budget. Applejack had fainted when told the price and even Twilight felt woozy. There was money and then there was TOO much money.

“Right we got a couple of tha local Guards pulling tha carriage, this fancy enclosed thing'll give yah privacy tah talk.” Applejack added. “Twi ah'm headed out tah git in position. Jus relax there Prince, Dash ain't that complicated of a mare. All else fails yah ken talk about tha show or that shiny wagon thing a yours.”

Applejack nodded hopping out of the carriage as it rolled down the path towards Carousel Boutique.

“The goal is to find some common ground. From what I've heard about Rainbow Dash from Twilight, you two have plenty of that.” Moon Dancer smirked vanishing in a flash of light as she teleported out of the carriage as well as it turned a side street.

“Umm try to have fun. And if you hurt her, they will never find all of your body.” Fluttershy offered before hopping out to flutter away from the carriage.

Prince blinked looking at Twilight who either hadn't heard her friend or was trying to forget she heard it.

“Right. Just do what you did during our date and it'll be fine. Still the less tense you are the better. Spike says Dash is nervous too.” Twilight smirked.” All you two have to do is enjoy yourself, the rest of it is our job.”

“Thank you for this Twilight....” Prince managed.

“Don't mention it. What are friends for if not setting up awkward dates that require them to plot against two deities, and an entire town, all while managing to do it with just enough chaos for it to work and not wake up an irate chimeric god again.” Twilight stated before smirking far more evilly than Prince liked. “Besides, this could be fun. So you have fun too.”

“Yes alright.” Prince let out a sigh to try to calm himself.” I shall try to remain calm after what you just said and the fact that this a chance to properly meet the only mare who has captivated my interest in the last few years. And that I have this one chance not to blow it. Particularly with all that against me, it seems a million to one chance of this working out.”

“Don't worry, a million to one chances happen nine times out of ten. Statistically.” Twilight offered.

“That doesn't make sense.” Prince protested.

“Pinkie said it.” Twilight shrugged.

“That doesn't help.” Prince smirked.

“And this is my stop, have fun.” Twilight grinned vanishing in a pop of magic.

The carriage rolled up in front of Carousel Boutique.

Inside of the carriage , Prince took a last deep breath to calm himself and stepped out.

Inside of Carousel Boutique Rainbow Dash took a last deep breath and stepped out of the door.

Greetings were shared, minor compliments were offered from hesitant mouths and the pair both entered the carriage to head to the theater.

Plunked perfectly on a pearl painted palanquin parparat, a pink pony princess plot perched.

Princess Cadence regarded the pairs words with a small frown. This would not do, the pair of them had such potential, and as the goddess of love she was going to make sure it blossomed properly.

As the carriage started up again she happened to glance over and spot the three younger Sparkle siblings with rather large grins on their faces as they watched the carriage go by. They must have known who was in the carriage, no surprise there.

Still Cadence could help but think the trio were looking at her atop the carriage, but surely they couldn't see past her spell, particularly not with those ridiculous sunglasses they were all wearing.

Author's Note:

And thus the date begins

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