• Published 28th Aug 2018
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Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 - TDR

Chaos, bad dating advice, Apples, and more shipping. All in season 2 of TGaP

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Caspian and Weep, part 6

Twilight Gets a Puppy
Season 2

Caspian and Weep,
part 6


Princess Mi Amore Cadenza was not a happy pony. She was so not happy in fact she was referring to her self by her full name.

After the explosion she had been met by, and roped into helping, the Cutie-mark Crusaders in another attempt at getting a cutie mark. The foals would not take no for an answer and somehow their puppy dog eyes had bypassed her built up resistance.

Probably the fact they had mastered the lip quiver Luna sometimes used.

Scootaloo had also started calling her Skittles due to her coat and the paint she simply could not get off with any cleaning spell she tried, she simply wound up with clean paint.

The attempt had some how resulted in her being rolled out of town in a burning cabbage cart. Something that still confused her as they were trying to get cutie marks in macrame.

After that she was finally making her way back to the theater only to spot Shining Armor. He had left that morning claiming he was coming to Ponyville to see Twilight and she should enjoy her boating thing, as he called it.

The mint colored mare he was with however, was definitely NOT Twilight.

Prince's date could wait.

Things had gotten worse from that point. After stalking them for a bit she realized it looked very much like a date. Before she could rush forward and confront him Pinkie Pie zipped by screaming about a twitchy tail.

Ignoring the pink pony Cadence again moved to confront Shining only to be hit with a piano from the sky.

Once she recovered from that, she quickly set off after Shining again managing to tackle him by a music store to demand an explanation. At which point in time she realized the blue haired, white coated MARE she had caught, was not Shining Armor.

Nor was the gray earth pony with her thrilled about Cadence accosting her mare friend.

Princess or not there were some lines you did not cross and Cadence had evidently crossed one. As such she was not terribly upset about being shoved face first into a dumpster by the black maned mare.

She was however unhappy when said dumpster somehow caught fire and was rolled into the duck pond to be put out.

Particularly since said duck pond still had not been refiled with water and she was instead dumped out into about a foot of wet mud.

Making her way back into the town she spotted Shining Armor once again with a cream colored mare with a tri colored reddish mane and rushed over to catch him as he moved around a corner.

Once again she found herself tackling a rapidly becoming familiar white and blue maned mare.

This time her mare friend simply opted to kick open a fire hydrant and blast the offending mud pony away from the blue maned mare with a stream of water that embedded Cadence into a wall.

As she peeled herself out of the brick Cadence took note that Shining Armor was now across the street with a mare she recognized as Minutte, one of Twilight's older friends. It only took a moment to realize that the other two had been Lyra and Moon Dancer.

Cadence growled at herself at her own jealousy before focusing and sensing no real love between the pair, particularly not any sort of physical love

That always felt sticky.

Thus she realized he was probably just catching up with Twilight's friends.

Cadence felt rather dumb at this point.

Still now she could get back to the mission and rushed off towards where she had last seen Prince's chariot in front of a restaurant.

She had already missed so much, nothing was going to stop her now.

Princess Celestia was having a surprisingly good day all things considered.

Well after the bees and the squid any way.

Once she had gotten out of the lake, she had been given a flier by Pinkie Pie showing that Sugar Cube Corner was holding a cake tasting event with a large number of old and new recipes to try.

Celestia had considered ignoring it, but passing by the shop on the way back to the theater. The door had opened at an opportune moment to hear the sounds of a number of fillies and colts chattering as well as the smell of the cakes inside the shop.

Celestia felt her hooves dig into the soil as she stopped.

Looking one way held Prince and a possible disastrous date.

A date that obviously had some pony watching over it.

The Goddess of the Sun might have been born at night, but it was not last night.

Celestia rather enjoyed that statement, particularly the looks she got when she said it out loud, or when Lulu used the same term involving the day.

At any rate, clearly Prince was better protected than she had thought, and given she knew very few could cast a 'Fun house' spell with that level of control, let alone the Alicorn- B-Gone™ spell that she could tell had been cast.

So donning a large fake mustache Princess Celestia turned and walking in the front door of the shop before the foals gobbled up all the good cakes.

After all some one went to a lot of trouble to set this up. The least she could do would be eat some of the bait.

“Spike we lost Cadence. She's headed for the restaurant.” Shining called out on the glasses party line.

“Princess Celestia's moving again too, we didn't keep enough cup cakes in front of her to keep her distracted. “Pinkie Pie added.

“The dates almost done, can we stall them for another few seconds?” Spike asked sounding a bit panicked.

“Celestia maybe, but with the way Cadence looks right now, I seriously doubt it unless you want to find yourself in love with a park bench or something.” Bon Bon added.

“Woof!” Rahs chimed in.

“What?” Twilight asked. “ What do you mean you got this?”

“What I believe Mister Sparkle here is trying to say is that do not worry. This mission is a success and every one should depart before we are associated with the shenanigans by the Princesses.” Wooster added.” We have a secret weapon.”

“A secret weapon? What secret weapon?” Spike demanded.

“Well if we told you it wouldn't be a secret would it?”

“As such Mister Sparkle and Miss Fluttershy were invaluable in getting it together in time.” Wooster added “Please leave the rest to us.”

[Alice's restaurant.]

“ I am impressed Miss Dash. I was unaware when you said you could get anything you want here, you truly meant anything you want.” Prince Blue blood offered.

“Yeah no kidding I was impressed when I first found this place.” Rainbow Dash laughed. ”Also stop calling me Miss Dash, That sounds like some sort of spiced table salt or something.”

“Well as you wish Dash.” Prince smiled.” I am quite glad you enjoyed it. We did get off to a bit of a rocky start.”

“Well advice from several different sources doesn't help matters. “Dash chuckled nervously. “Still , this was fun. We should totally do this again some time.”

“Was that an invitation to a second date?”Prince smiled.

“Huh, I guess it was. Sure, we'll go with that. Maybe something a little less classic than a show and dinner though.”

“I will be sure to entertain some new ideas then. Perhaps rock climbing.” Prince smirked.

“Not much challenge there as a pegasus.” Dash smirked.

“Really not even how Daring Do did it in the film?” Prince smiled.” One wing behind her back.”

“Yeah I can see that being fun.” Dash nodded with a laugh as the pair of them headed towards the entrance.

The pair both drew to a stop as they saw the two figures standing there waiting for them in the front lobby area.

Rahs and Wooster smiled slightly as the pair noticed them before Rahs made a gesture for the two of them to head back into the restaurant.

“I do hate to interrupt Sir and Madam, but if you would please head this way with us?” Wooster offered before trotting towards a fire door in the back with Rahs following.

“Why the heck are you here?” Dash asked Rahs who only grinned.

Dash and Prince looked to each other before following after them. Wooster pushed open the door and Rahs held it open for the pair as they entered into the small dirt lot behind the restaurant.

Sitting before them was a cherry red wagon that only had three small wheels to aid in movement and landing. A glass canopy covered the top of the cart and the whole thing looked like a stream lined wedge. A pair of long bars came out of the wedge point connecting to a harness. The only way it seemed a pony could fit in the wagon was if they were lying down.

“What?” Rainbow Dash blinked looking over another THUNDERHEAD.

“Wooster what...?” Prince asked only to have a flight suit presented to him and another to Rainbow Dash.

“Miss Rarity sends her regards and apologies for her previous behavior as well as the flight suits. If you wish to change Mr. Sparkle has set up a small tent there by the THUNDERHEAD you can use.” Wooster began. “While I do hope you will forgive me for being more forward with this sir we have some issue with the chariot and I presumed that this would do as a replacement? Particularly for a end to the evening such as this?”

Rainbow Dash and Prince Blueblood looked at the flight suits then at the old butler, then over at the Moon Dog and his smirk, before looking at each other both of them starting to smile a bit wider than they had been.

An irate Cadence and a slightly miffed Celestia stared up at the rainbow colored streak that had erupted from behind the restaurant and into the sky in less time than it took for either of them to blink. A moment or two later the boom hit the pair and sent them tumbling plot over head to crash into a wall on the other side of the street.

Oddly none of the windows of the restaurant or any nearby buildings were broken.

Mostly because all of them had already been shattered from the earlier musical assault.

After a few moments the slightly pudgier Celestia and much more colorful Cadence pulled themselves off the wall and stumbled forward with a pair of groans. A moment after that they finally noticed each other.

“Cadence what are you doing here?” Princess Celestia asked eyeing the mare up and down. “ Better still, what happened to you?

“Errr, wait, why are you here auntie?” Cadence tried to redirect.

“Free cake tasting day at Sugar Cube Corner.” Celestia answered quickly with a smile. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either, and most importantly Cadence seemed to buy it. Celestia did not need a repeat of what happened when Cadence found out she was spying on Prince the first time.

“Shining is here and I figured to surprise him.” Cadence offered after a moment. Celestia didn't think she was lying but at the same time she expected there was something being left out. Of course if she admidted to knowing Cadence was here to spy on Prince, she would have to admit to knowing Prince was here, so Celestia simply nodded. “And I think the color was from the CMC doing something...”

“Cady what are you doing here?” a voice cut off any further conversation leaving both Princesses more than a little relieved as Shining Armor and his siblings trotted up interrupting them.” Oh and Princess Celestia is here too? What's going on?”

“Oh wow Cadence.. what happened.....” Spike smirked ready to laugh before his expression dropped.” Wait is this another prank war? Count me OUT!”

Rahs shuddered, though reluctantly got closer to help Celestia up, clearly he knew the right side to be on during a prank war.

Shining helped Cadence up running a hoof across her back taking note that the color wasn't coming off.

“I... never mind. I'm just ready to go home and take a bath now.” Cadence sighed glancing up at the trail of rainbow fire before trotting off with Shining following on her hooves after bidding his siblings goodbye.

Celestia blinked and smirked slightly, Cadence had missed a few things.

She however had not.

Celestia had learned quite a long time ago what to look for when it came to the Sparkles. Cadence had as well, though she was clearly a bit distraught. Celestia was full, not distraught..... though perhaps she had best try another sample of that strawberry cheese cake to be sure.

Still when suspicious of the Sparkles you did not look to Shining Armor. His training for the Guard had given him a poker face that would rival the best card sharks.

You did not look to Rahs Sparkle. The Moon Dog was an actor through and through, he could convince some pony he was suffering from some great tragedy on the best day of his life, and vice versa.

One did not even look to the youngest, Spike Sparkle either. Despite his age, the Dragon had developed a GM face that he could hold through even the silliest or stupidest acts of his players without cracking in a game of O&O.

No. If you suspected the Sparkles of something, you simply looked to Twilight Sparkle.

This is what Celestia did and the obvious tells she had expected were there.

“I suppose I should get back as well,” Celestia smiled as she looked to Twilight then her brothers. “ though perhaps I will stop by Sugar Cube Corner on the way out. There are a few samples I think I might have missed.”

The Sparkle Siblings watched the Solar Diarch walk off as if she hadn't just been flung into a wall, nor been denied spying on Prince.

“We are so dead.” Spike offered.

“Bork.” Rahs agreed glaring at Twilight.

“I told you to leave me out of this.” Twilight snapped. “But noooo, unified sibling front and all that. There's a reason I don't play cards.”

Author's Note:

And thus ends the first date of Prince Blueblood and Rainbow Dash.

oh wait i have an epilogue.....

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