• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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227. Look to the stars.

-Equus, Airship Mauled (Airship Wemauliya), F. Pom-

Fœnum was my home, but Equus was pretty nice. Even if it was a bit scary to be away from home.

Apparently the native Pom to this world got into a whole lot of trouble, the Tianhuo of this world needed a wee bit of a hug and also support.

Fœnum was willing to aid in the Tambelon excursion if it happens. However, I wish that didn’t include me being dragged along with all the other Fœnum champions, Arizona roped me into it quite literally.

As I ate my rice and mixed vegetables brought to our table by purple wearing witch with a bright smile and great smelling and tasting food; I silently thought about the many differences between Fœnum and this world.

For one Fœnum Tianhuo was a vegetarian. This worlds Tianhuo ate fish

Fœnum Velvet was able to maintain a massive ice tornado she could attack from.

Equus Velvet created ice golems copies of herself and she can make a giant one she can pilot from the inside. Also there is the whole, “It’s not flying, it’s jumping in the air multiple times”, thing this world’s velvet can do.

Seriously both of them were equally quite terrifying with wind and ice, both had a condition and had a horrible nickname of “The Northern Backwind”. Both had a thing about their floof and they were volatile at the best of times, but they could both be sweet.

Fœnum Paprika could get super grumpy, when she did it took a powerful spine breaking hug to get her happy again. Usually we aim her at someone who wouldn’t mind

Equus Paprika was more talented at fluff manipulation and was apparently yet to be determined quasi-goddess married to local Arizona and Velvet. Our Paprika didn’t have the love at first sight of someone bound to be a significant other in your life thing.

Don’t know about Equus Shanty, but I’m sure there were similarities and ridiculous power differences to our bundle of trouble whenever she’s seen roaming around.

Equus Pom’s Canis Minor pups were definitely stronger than my sheep dogs, but my sheep dogs had their own anomalous properties with the hovering by their tails thing. She also had more variety in canines. I had more quantity in sheep dogs… in fact I had all the sheep dogs from my home town to protect me.

I’m almost afraid to go to sleep at night sometimes considering the giant sheep dogs tend to circle around me when I sleep. I always prefer the good puppies, because honestly… the big ones scare me.

Oleander… they were basically the same except I think Fœnum Oleander was friend zoning Fred. She was dating Cashmere though and Fred approved… which was a little weird for our side of the dimensional fence. Not that I was one to talk when I was our Paprika’s primary snuggle target… and secretly enjoyed it when she wasn’t being rough.

As for Equus and Fœnum Arizona… about the same really, hard to tell the difference between them except maybe the fact that our Arizona is a bit younger and not in a relationship. So there is likely some time discrepancies between our worlds. Both had tough skin, extremely tiny udders and were explosively powerful, our Arizona was more focused on earth shaking, Equus Arizona was more capable with rope magic.

Why was I going over all this in my head again again?

“Mach-It-Launcher!” Oh, yes… because apparently Fœnum Arizona just learned how to do all of Equus Arizona’s techniques… over the course of the last hour. “Mach Lefter! Rope-a-dope, slam! The Cow Kenpo stuff here is a bit more extreme than back home, but I’m loving it!”

“Yeah, that’s how we do it dimensional cousin!” Why, oh why, did this dimensions Arizona decide to teach ours how to do those physics breaking attacks?! And how did she do it in so little time?! In fact Equus Arizona seemed enjoy being a living punching bag, our Arizona at least reacts normally to pain and not like just getting slammed into the ground spine first was nothing after the crater that just created.

We were being asked to train with the local pony guard, I hoped they didn’t hurt me too badly…

-A day later-

“Come on, I’m the most pathetic thing in existence and my dogs are weaker than the Canis Minor you’ve been training with… how are you this bad?!” I screamed at the poor pony guards who winced and backed away from me, ME OF ALL SHEEP. “How did I even win against you in a six on one fight?! You had the advantage the entire time and I wasn’t even using my very good lovable puppies here, yes they are very good puppies’ yes they are, to win this fight!”

The puppies barked and frolicked around me in an adorable manner as I cuddled and petted them affectionately.

“To be fair this is the best our particular unit has done since… well forever. Still don’t know why we’re labeled ISUS squad forty two. None of the other forty one ISUS squads knows what it means either.” One of the pony guards admitted. “We were told to start off with you to help work our way up from being dirt, to worms in the dirt, to grass, to baby mice, to small rats and then finally something akin to a single unarmed brawler pukwudgies with all its limbs tied behind its back…”

Okay, they were admittedly still better than the sheep guardsmen in Fœnum being molecules on the horizon when danger happened, but still…

-Earth, Big Hero 6 Basemax Headquarters, 16 hours later, Dolly-



Ugh, my head…

Reaching up with a paw I massaged the side of my head through the bandages with tiny circular motions, Deepak was a good teacher in self-massage techniques. Some would be surprised I had the attention span for the lesson and didn’t just run off to hang with my wild friends or park buddies.

Sitting up I looked around and the room was stark white and well lit.

“Dolly’s awake!” Announced Ms. Shuttle’s voice from around the room making me wince at the loudness. “Oh sorry Dolly.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m up, I’m up… now can you keep the volume to a minimum and tell me where my kibble is?” I groaned and thought about how I was left in a full sized bed of my own.

“Pom’s things are next to her, she’s still stable…” A shocking noise was heard. “… relatively stable.”

I tried to feel out for where Pom was and saw her floating in the stasis field completely still and barely breathing at all. I stood up and hopped down from the bed and made my way over to Pom’s pack, I pulled out my dog bowl.

“Where can I get some water?” I was never going to drink toilet water ever again unless I had to thanks to Pom, so I was making absolutely sure I knew where my water came from since I’m properly paranoid.

“I’ll have Roddy look into bringing you some fresh water Dolly.” Ms. Shuttle responded half cheerfully.

“While you’re doing, how long have I been out and where are we?” I reached out and was looking around for Dormarch.

What the…

I looked up at the ceiling blankly trying to comprehend where I was currently feeling Dormarch as being.

That… that was pretty far away, not going to lie, but that… the distance between us… that’s a wow.

What in the world happen for him to be that far away?!

I wouldn’t even begin to know the exact measurement to the distance between us, the most I know is feet and inches. Not that I ever went to school and my education came directly from my mothers and dad.

“You’ve been unconscious for a little more than sixteen hours. It was approaching evening yesterday, you woke up this morning… oh by the way, nice morning Dolly.” Not a ‘good’ morning? Okay now was I was alert. “As for what’s going on… a lot of things. For one the huge spaceship known as The Raptor escaped with Ocellus still disguised as Abigail, Dormarch infiltrated one of the Hunter Drones before they teleported back to the ship. Location… currently unknown.”

Okay now I know why it’s a nice morning, because good wasn’t in the cards if Ocellus got grabbed.

“Not from where I’m sitting, I know exactly where he is and he’s still healthy.” About as much as I was getting, he was a bit surprised to feel me tugging at our bond. He sent back feelings that sounded like warnings, worry and a little hint of fear.

As big sister of the Dalmatian Family I have never lost a puppy… I now knew why when it came to instincts, a good nose and possibly some family based magic that tethered me to all of them including mom and dad.

“Good to know, I’m assuming magical bond thing. The information will be useful in helping us track ‘The Raptor’ while it is cloaked. Most of the villains were detained by Mental Magnet and Big Guy. The ones still at large are as follows. First off we have badly injured Magica De Spell, she was likely picked up by someone and taken to the nearest hospital as there has been a duck of her description being carried into one recently. Shego and Drakken were picked up and evacuated by their minions before the Hunter Drones overwhelmed them and it was one of the few times they have been noted as being completely competent by Ron Stoppable given they actually took out a number of Hunter Drones without floundering around like a bunch of fish that can’t swim, his words not mine.” Okay interesting to know, but not really pertinent to what’s going on now Shuttle. I poured myself some kibbled and started munching away. “Oh and my shuttle body is in need of serious repair, but that is going to take some time. Until then I’m actually disembodied and in the systems of Basemax. Welcome to Big Hero Six’s secret headquarters by the way.”

“Okay, so the vessel got away, what happened after that and what’s going on with Big Hero Six, Bolts team and why does this mostly hairless rodent look familiar?” The hairless rodent had whiskers, but not much else on his body.

“That would be Rufus, you were there when you guys summoned in Team Possible in right? He’s with them. Speaking of teams aside from Leap Lambs, we also are currently housing The Mighty Ducks team of hockey themed vigilantes, as well as Penny’s Power Pets. The Mighty Ducks are currently using Basemax’s vehicle bay facilities to repair their flying vehicle known as the Aerowing.” After a pause, I looked around and saw that I there were others in the room as well. Notably Smolder, who had the use of her legs again because she just walked in from the bathroom and we looked at each other. She nodded to me and slowly crawled into bed near the door and carefully laid down. I saw Bolt laying in a bed across from me, he looks to have been through a bit of a scrape himself. “Currently, all members of Big Hero Six are plying themselves as civilians. Penny Forrester and the other Power Pets are here as well, they are busy looking up some things on the internet and performing recreational activities… that is to say that the cat named Mittens is bouncing Rhino off the wall like a tennis ball. As you’ve noticed Bolt took some minor injuries in the scuffle with Phantom Blot, he has already recovered almost fully.”

“That about sizes it up. Aside from Wheel Cat needing to repair her armor.” Smolder finally stated. “Everyone combined took down about two hundred and thirty or so Hunter Drones yesterday. It wasn’t a victory by any stretch of the imagination, at least Ocellus’s ruse paid off and hopefully still is.”

“Correct, Abigail Callaghan and Wendy Wower were successfully escorted to safety, defensive protocols for all guests running correctly. Our guests have yet to be informed of the truth to the subterfuge, but they will be told soon enough.” Said a different voice a pair of eyes appeared and seemed directed at me. “Hello, I am Basemax. Your hero headquarters companion.”

“Of those completely destroyed, at least seventy damaged Hunter Drones were recovered by The Raptor, estimates have them at least two hundred plus normal Hunter Drones and at least fifty of the heavily armed variants reported and possibly rising if the ship has manufacturing capabilities.” Wait… wait, wait, wait a minute there Shuttle, there were more of those huge things that knocked me out?! I could barely come close to handling just one! “It is sad to say, but all the parts to the heavily armed variants of Hunter Drones were successfully recovered by The Saurians, the lizard aliens who want to take over this world and more. Their current effective forces would still be in the range of three hundred hunter drones and the aforementioned fifty plus heavily armed variants.”

Lizard aliens, was that where all those robots came from? Yikes, conspiracy theorists nutcases on TV might have been right for once about something… like a broken clock is right twice a day.

“Team Possible is currently asking for permission to visit the infirmary, also their master hacker Wade Load is attempting to subjugate my systems. They are curious as to what Big Hero Six has hiding in the infirmary, which is why Rufus is in there with you. Wade is not doing so well in accomplishing this task, but I need to ask… do I have permission to let them in?” This Basemax guy sounded slightly smug, but that could just be my imagination. “They will quickly discover Leap Lamb’s current state anyway, I do not want to cause them undue stress when it comes to worrying about why Rufus has yet to let them in.”

“Yes.” Smolder stated and then looked to me.

“Eh, sure.” I noted that Rufus was looking at Pom and the heart monitor worriedly.

“If the visitors be bringing good food or rum, then yes.” Shanty answered from her position. “I just be losing a lot of blood, I’m not being that bad off… really!”

“Wait, before you open the doors, can I ask how Smolder is walking again?” Because she was a paraplegic below the waist the last I saw of her.

“Nerve damage was repaired via surgical ingestion of tiny machines controlled personally by the healthcare provider Baymax, until specific sections of damaged tissues were successfully restored or repaired. Said ingestion or injection in a similar vein thereof will not help Pom, not for another three months of estimated waiting time at least for her to recover enough for the process to be of some actual use. At which point it ‘might’ be survivable for her.” Okay, that’s understandable Ms Shuttle. Also the stress on the word ‘might’ means we’re so not doing that. “Pom’s body would attempt to cannibalize the microscopic machinery and it could lead to self-inflicted poisoning, she is still successfully absorbing all nutrients and is in need of more nutrient packs soon. Also if you were wondering energy signs from the egg of Dodo continues to be minimal yet increasing in frequency.”

“Just let them in already, they seem like they are smart enough to keep a tight lip about Pom’s injuries.” Smolder was the designated leader of our group and we agreed to let them in.

The door eventually opened and we heard a voice.

“I think I almost got it…” The voice on the red headed fox’s handheld device stated, the fox just looked at the open door then down at Wade.

“I don’t think you do Wade, their security is actually top notch and we’re being let in… now let’s see what was… oh…” Taking three steps into the room, Kim Possible paused and then slowly made her way up to Leap Lamb. I growled in her direction when she went to touch her, she looked at me and nodded before backing off paws raised where I could see them. “So yeah, that’s a lot of drama and a pretty big secret, I can understand why they wouldn’t want just anyone walking in on this sight. That patched hole in her neck…”

Kim shivered and wrapped herself in a hug as well as her tail around her legs.

“Is that Leap Lamb?! I knew something was up when we weren’t let into the infirmary!” The blond ferret received a glare from me, Shanty and Smolder.

“Ron, quiet, people are trying to rest.” Kim looked in my direction and she crouched down. “Caper Canine?”

I nodded while glaring at Ron with a paw to my head, I probably grunted and grumbled something in a growling tone to them. That Ron better not shout again because I felt sore and had a headache.

“She also goes by Dolly Danger Dalmatian of the Dalmatian Family, one of ninety nine puppies in various age ranges, two parents. No owners, or in their words no pets, looking out for them.” At that statement a halfway smiling rabbit face appeared on a nearby screen to look on as both Kim and Ron shuddered while looking at each other. “They are dogs bordering on animalistic tendencies, but are still functionally animals.”

“I can barely handle Hana, imagine handling ninety nine puppies… eugh.” Ron quivered while sticking out his tongue.

“Dolly can imagine, because she did it for years before joining patient Pom Lambchop, who is Leap Lamb, as a sidekick and super hero in her own right. However Dolly’s body is still very much as fragile as any other dog, barely any sturdier thanks to her magical abilities. Among her abilities includes the most useful one being the ability to locate her errant little brother Dynamo Dog, who is also known as Dormarch Lambchop Dalmatian adopted into his big sisters family and by Pom Lambchop.”

“Well now…” The brown feathered duck leaning against the doorway idly checked over his weird looking sword. Both Kim and Ron entered a fighting stance, but he didn’t seem phased or even looking for a fight. The swords blade seemed to shrink into its hilt. “Did I hear you right? You know how to find wherever The Raptor ran off to this time, even though its cloaking system makes that nearly impossible for just about anyone.”

The ducks voice was a bit gruff and he was missing an eye, but he seemed calm and collected individual… I had him pegged as a...

“You be a thief, a spy or a ninja, possibly being all three.” Has anyone ever told you that it takes one to know one Shanty? “It be okay because you are not going to be killing anyone here, you be a good person no matter your history.”

“So one of you can read people, useful, keep that skill well trained kiddo. Duke L’Orange at your service.” He tipped his head towards us, he also glanced at Pom for a second before looking away.

“Correction, Dolly knows how to locate The Raptor precisely because her little brother infiltrated one of the Hunter Drones before the mass recall happened, but she would have to be present to give you directions as The Raptor could be in constant motion.” As Ms. Shuttle spoke to Duke, he curiously put the sword away on his left shoulder. “While it may be rendered impossible to find through normal means, she would be able to locate it so long as her brother is onboard.”

“Good to know, but not why I’m here, I just wanted to ask about what you meant when you said we have plenty of time as Abigail being in the hands of those stinking lizards wasn’t going to be an issue?” He narrowed his left eye on the half smiling visage of Ms. Shuttle.

“Well it was going to come out eventually, like how Big Hero Six has Leap Lamb on life support.” Grumbled Ms. Shuttle. “The Abigail Callaghan the Saurians took was a fake.”

“Looked real enough to me and that certainly wasn’t Chameleon acting as her, they would have offed my friends after they shot them down if it was a trap.” Dryly commented duke, the guy was now looking in my direction.

“There are reasons for that that we will get into soon enough once everyone has finished their many obligations for the day.” Basemax responded. “Until then you are welcome guests of Big Hero Six, please do not abuse our trust in letting you know the identity of our members.”

“Most of your members are machines.” Duke said dully.

“While that is correct, we do make up a decent support base for the actual heroes.” Basemax stated and Duke chuckled.

That’s when a bear in overalls came in and placed a bowl of water down for me, he softly patted me on the head and left.

-An hour later-

They just finished going over a lot of stuff I already knew, some I didn’t and I got to see the rest of these Mighty Duck guys. We were now on the same page, though the Mighty Ducks were a little iffy on the fact that they would be saving a shape shifter from the Saurians given how much trouble Chameleon gave them in general.

“Well why don’t we just ask her?” Tanya Vanderflock, the nerd of the Mighty Ducks that had a thing for purple and high tech goggles pointed to me just sitting here in a chair of my own and resting my head on the table bored out of my mind, my paws idly hugging my skateboard and while I would rather be skating about… this meeting was kind of important to sit in on. “Where would you say your brother is right now?”

I felt out for him and then pointed up at an angle, one clawed digit held aloft.

“Yeah, real useful that.” Snorted Nosedive sarcastically while shaking his head. “It’s almost like she’s pointing out that he’s in heaven.”

“I’d tell you how far away he is, but you wouldn’t believe me.” My speaking was unlikely to be understood.

“Dolly just implied that they are in space.” Ms. Shuttle paraphrased me pretty well there, because it certainly felt like there was an ocean of distance between the two of us. “So of course she will be pointing upwards when asked.”

“I’m kind of with Nosedive on this, lot of good that will do us knowing what direction it is in.” Mallory slapped her hands down on the table and stood up. “How will we even get up to them without a ship?! The Aerowing still needs to be repaired and all its holes sealed before its space worthy again!”

“I might have an idea as to where we could get some help with that.” This drew our attentions to Kim. “To start off with my dad is a rocket scientist...”

“I also have an idea, Ms. Shuttle contact Gyro Gearloose. I’m pretty sure that the McDuck family has a few working Moonlander ships.” Interrupted Smolder currently representing Team Leap Lamb now, she was clearly uncomfortable with the idea of being our representative at the moment. Unneeded responsibility was still something like my anathema. “I think you’re going to need some of that oxy-chew gum stuff too. In fact… I think we have several ways of getting to and inside The Raptor, but we don’t exactly have the kind of fire power to actually deal with all those robots.”

“Quick question, how long can this Ocellus hold a given form under duress?” Asked Wildwing, the golden magical hockey mask wearing guy was wearing some cool armor with grenade puck launchers.

Author's Note:

How many ISUS squads does Equestria need really?

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