• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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353. One large problem.

-???, Oleander-

“So everyone in this universe can eventually learn to generate bombs for no apparent reason at all?” Wrex seemed a little too eager to learn about Bomberman culture.

“Yes, THIS UNIVERSE IS FULL OF EXPLOSIONS!” Fred, why… why do you have to exacerbate things?! “Somehow that’s counteracting all the entropy this universe should normally have with the constant bomb force energy going on… IT’S AWESOME!”

“I’m sorry, but it appears I have now become Bomber Kityan after being in this dimension long enough...” Our bipedal kitty android stated with a little stem and a round blue colored bit at the end of it sticking up out of the androids head. “Apparently bomber-fying is a naturally occurring thing to all machines in this universe, intelligent or not, unless absolutely protected from it. Also there are these things called Bomber suits that allow you to do what the Bombermen do.”

“So… are we still on for a small bomb-astic vacation?” Even you too Buttina, are you really just going to ignore Kityan spontaneously becoming a bomb making robot?

“Fine…” I finally replied.

“Let’s go blow stuff up, explosive nutcase style woo!” Buttina immediately shouted.

I was surrounded by idiots… but they were my idiots and they would all help me rescue Pom.

There were so many screwed up things happening, that I doubted I could imagine Pom was having it any better than I currently did.

I sighed audibly.

“At least we didn’t bring the ‘Blue Bomber’ to this universe.” Because it would be kind of weird to see Megaman be bomberfied… also didn’t that world have a Bombman too? So why would Megaman be called the ‘Blue Bomber’ anyway when bombs weren’t his primary function.

“Did someone say Blue Bomber, where?!” A White Bomberman shouted as he appeared holding a cartoony round black bomb with a lit fuse in a pink mitt. “Oh and sorry about your bipedal cat android, our universe tends to have that effect on robots from other dimensions as well. Most mechanical things tend to turn into bomb spewing machines in this dimension really... usually added on top of their prior capabilities without really changing much, at least when coffee machines bomberfy they create explosively good flavors. Biological reactor before you ask, so yes I can eat and drink.”

“Don’t worry about it and before we talk about who I was mentioning, does this dimension have any robot dogs that count as bombers as well?” I was naturally kidding, but later would be saddled with the newest model of Bomberdog named Bomber Woof V2. That it farted and pooped out proximity land mines like nobody’s business, and could survive Fred, meant it was a keeper for Pom.

I’m not quite sure what Pom would do with a bomb spewing robot dog aside from freak out… at least it’ll be adorable to watch Pom freak out.

-Pokémon Realm, Ransei Region, Devastated top of Cerebrum City, Pom-

“I’ll give you some time to think about actually coming at me.” The Giant Gilgamesh with golden highlight lines all cross his body just stood there with his six floating massive claw hands crossed waiting for us to act or he was taking the time to gloat and just think about how quickly he wanted this go. He had a reason to be looking down on us given the kind of power he was putting off.

As if he wasn’t intimidating before.

“Sanosuke… you have to be the dumbest Psychic Type I’ve ever me to want to fight that…. that thing… I don’t think we can even think of him as a person anymore!” Everyone whether they agreed with my tirade or not was looking a little forlorn.

“Yeah, but you have to admit it would be very cool if we survived fighting him one thousand to one and actually win right?” Sanosuke stated jovially, was he… I looked at the gathering rebel forces that could still fight looking on in grim determination to fight the giant, gold highlighted, Gilgamesh monster.

They all couldn’t be serious right?! This was tantamount to mass suicide… which has been most of the battle up until now come to think of it, so why not take it a little further? Ugh, not like I’m already there as it is, but I at least wanted to survive to be able to talk to Tianhuo and it was probably that selfish desire that kept me from using Shock Ram immediately. The urge to do so might be proportional to how close to that goliath of a problem I was.

I’m basically what should be colloquially called a doormat, I preferred to be seen as one too, because I didn’t have any hopeful prospects of surviving this battle. As I might have thought and mentioned numerous times, I’d rather be making a home for Tianhuo to live in comfortably than be anywhere close to here.

Once again, for any deity that could possibly be watching my brain in the most invasive manner possible, I hate my life.

I liked being a home maker, this… this is not something I signed up for when I dutifully protected the girls with my very life. I was going to get home over what is looking to be my literal dead corpse.

We just went through all of that effort of fighting a bound Gold-Gamesh and only after managing to get him on the losing side of things did we find out that we not only failed to kill him in time, we didn’t even manage to slow down his unbinding.

The massive monster with a torso hole in its body and six arms, with what I’m assuming to be access to twelve portals of pain and suffering, was the end result that was looking down on all of us without a hint of worry.

I had no access to my ‘true wolf’ mode thing I can barely control, I had a pretty good handle on it except for the Chrysomallus energy really messing me up, the best I can do is a wool shift into Sheep’s Clothing. My front right leg can’t wool shift and it’s still inert and feels like lead, plus I’m sure if I took the bandages off my leg it would make things worse.

We barely got refreshed by the green bird version Inky Due and I had little idea what was going on with their being two Gilgamesh’s. Sure their voices and personalities were different, but they both obviously had huge egos.

We’ve been fighting all morning and now we have to battle a giant?! Goodness knows what the rebels just put themselves through to get to this point and they were willing, if definitely not able, to put themselves through more to fight the unbound Gilgamesh?

How do adrenaline junkies get off on this kind of stuff?!

“I don’t think we’re adrenaline junkies.” Dazzle quietly said poking her index claws together, I had said that last part out loud and I just dragged my left hoof down my face.

“Without fear!” Sanosuke boldy pronounced a second later while pointing his oversized sword at the behemoth and then began charging forward through the grass to the right side of the bridge from my perspect.

Sanosuke barely managed to block the palm of the claw that came out a portal a second later at speeds that I could hardly keep up with even when inhaling to speed up my perception of what was happening.

We just stood there watching as Sanosuke was buried up to his waist in the dirt from the constant pressure of a single large claw pressing down on him from above, his body was holding up miraculously well even if his oversized sword was starting to crack under the pressure.

Okay, I had to be careful here, I shifted most of my wool so that I had the look of a wooly wolf again and my right leg didn’t so much as budge as the rest of my wool morphed. I did this while carefully making sure not to jostle Dolly, her skateboard or the device I just recently got back.

At this point defense wasn’t going to help if I was hit by something that massive and even a portion of the shockwave went straight through my wool… it was better if was going for full speed and whatever extra strength my wool can boost me with. Again my front right leg is kind of continuing to be a bum factor even if I can move really fast on three wool paw covered legs.

“Squeak!” Lit raised his front right leg to the sky with a determined look as he hopped off of Dodo onto the fallen heavily damaged bridges stone guardrail that now lay across the top of Cerebrum City.

That adorable little fuzzy yellow lightning spewing bug was an entire lightning storm unto himself really. So it was of no surprise to me that Lit, of whom could easily fit in my hoof, was far braver than I when facing a monster that outsized him exponentially.

Lit glanced to me and Dolly before leaping forward into action, as thus far Gilgamesh only seemed intent on crushing Sanosuke with a single claw, I really had no clue how Lit could face such odds and still be willing to fight. Given how strong Sanosuke was by himself and how nobody else was moving to help him, I think the collective terror was getting to us and causing bystander syndrome.

As far as size comparisons went… Golden Gilgamesh was now gargantuan, previously Lit might was the size of one of his mitten hands. Now the size of the Golden Gilgamesh’s three digit claws were basically the size of the Team Harmony wagon and that wasn’t accounting for the arms connected to them increasing their overall mass.

The fact that he could still move those massive arms and claws at insane speeds was horrifying, the only way we could do anything is if his body was exponentially slower than the rest of him. It was likely he gave up the speed of his smaller body for increased offense prowess.

While Lit firing off a massive lightning bolt barely did damage to the claw crushing Sanosuke, it did cause it to let off some pressure and might have stunned it for a few precious seconds. Since it allowed the Medicham to get out from under it by quickly pulling himself from the ground and rolling away before the hand slammed down creating a crater.

Note to self, do not get caught under one of those.

“Right, well, everyone do what you can!” I stated before zooming forward towards the colossus by running along the bridge wondering where my brain went and if I could squeeze more speed out of my three good legs to go in the opposite direction.

I leapt over two hands slamming together and barely cleared them, they were terrifyingly fast for free floating arms that could basically teleport without the use of portals.

I didn’t even get three paces away before a palm was coming at me head on and I dodge to the left onto the stone railing while continuing forward, a fist immediately came at me from above and I stopped on a dime as the section of the destroyed bridge I had been running along was torn apart and sent into the air to float for a bit.

Right, the fact that this section of the bridge I was standing on was floating meant physics was likely being screwed up just by Gilgamesh existing now. That and he was firing another section of the bridge at me from a portal in a vertical orientation.

I didn’t know if anyone following me to start an attack on Giant Gilgamesh and I really didn’t have time to worry about anything else as I leapt up and ran up the vertical mess of stone sent at me from the remains of the castle.

I leapt forward from the top of the vertical section of the bridge that continued sliding along without me and it eventually toppled over onto the section of the bridge I had been standing on.

While in the air, as I inhaled I saw hundreds of attacks surging at Gilgamesh from the surrounding Pokémon. When even multiple Hyper Beams weren’t doing much to Gilgamesh, he seemed to have an unstoppable amount of power give how fast he was punching Pokémon into the dirt with twelve portals two for each arm.

His portals were much more massive now, but he was still only confined to the twelve, my guess was the gaping hole in space that Red-Gil came out of had something to do with why Gilgamesh had lost the ability to affect most of Ransei… so at least I could hope the friends I made in this world were okay and survived the bombardments.

As I landed on a bit of stone, I exhaled and burst forward bouncing and rebound off of bits of floating landmass that were floating upwards from the destruction Golden Gilgamesh unleashed upon his surroundings. That or it was that Cerebrum was falling and the floating bits of landmass was matching the falling speed of the city to make it seem like there was floating landmasses. Hard to tell really, I’ve been in a lot of absurd situations that it could be either way truthfully.

Stopping to rest on a small patch of grass and dirt in the air, I saw a large massive boulder get fired my way. It seems even now Gilgamesh wasn’t going to ignore me or at least wasn’t willing to. My eyes darted about as I looked for a place to jump to.

“Pom!” Huh, Shanty? I quickly found myself encased in a bubble of water with Shanty as she bounced us upwards and the landmass I was standing on was decimated by the burning boulder that caught fire from friction, said boulder disappeared into a portal to probably be sent at someone else. It seems Shanty was sticking with me then and I made sure Dolly’s face wasn’t stuck drowning in water while she was unconscious. “My head still be hurting quite a bit and I be forgetting a lot of what was being stuffed into it, but I am still being able to help you with a Bounding Bubble.”

As she talked a large tendril of water lashed out and swung us off another bit of floating landmass and brought us around to onto the edge of another bit to look towards the large monster lashing out at everything in his general surroundings, sending chunks of Cerebrum City Floating upwards all over the place.

Looking down I could see Cerebrum was beginning to break apart with the destruction of the top layer and quite a few of our friends were moving on the pieces of landmass trying to just find a safe place to start attacking from or take a moment to think. I too thought this was a major problem worth thinking about, mind you Gold-Gamesh was almost attacking indiscriminately.

We even saw a few of the remaining active Claydols firing Hyper Beams to the best of their abilities before being decimated.

“The fact that Hyper Beams can even touch him is concerning, I’m pretty sure he was a ghost type before now. Not that it was really has worth mentioning, aside from having used Swift to blind him slightly… then again a burst of light in the eye would do that to just about anyone.” We turned to look at Quetal who landed next to us and Shanty retreated the bubble from covering our heads for some fresh air. If I recalled right Quetal did that to give me an opening with throwing a spear at Gilgamesh. “At least we can all sense it, we can tell that Gilgamesh has become an abomination in this world.”

“Can Pokémon change their elemental typing during battle?” I asked as a saw large psychic energy beam tear through a number of rebels below.

“Some can yeah… he felt like a Ghost Type previously on top of being Psychic Type, yet we still managed to do physical damage to him prior to this. Considerably weird concerning his ability to break what would be considered normal by our standards… but then again breaking the norm probably goes both ways. It’s because of that oddity that we could even hit him before now.” Well that was certainly good to know Quetal, but how would that help. Quetal glanced at us. “Now that he’s unbound, he’s a Dark Type.”

“Psychic Ghost to Psychic Dark?” I asked just for clarification.

“Yeah… he’s not going to be weak to too many things if that’s the case.” Quetal grumbled with his claws cross in front of him and tapping a foot. “He’s only weak to Bug Type attacks and Fairy Types now, especially Bug Types… goodness knows we don’t have nearly enough Pokémon present with Fairy Type attacks of enough strength here to bring him down.”

“Then maybe we can be of assistance in that?” Turning we blinked as we saw a familiar unit of Beedrill, specifically the leader of the Beedrill Scouts had a glare in his eyes. “Don’t honestly know the situation in Chrysalia, but we’re not taking our earlier loss to this guy lying down. Flutter like a Butterfree…”

“Barrage like a Beedrill, hoorah!” The five other Beedrill announced while raising their gleaming lance stingers in unison.

“We will provide support, starting with wearing him down with our Pin Missile attacks.” The Beedrill leader stated, while pointing to me. “If you can get your Salazzle friend to poison his main body somehow, then we can start doing some real damage with a rapid fire chain of Venoshock moves. Until then we really don’t want to get close to be slammed by the attacks that guy is dishing out.”

With that they took off and Quetal looked over the side to below us, so far it seems Gilgamesh was busy picking off a large portion of the Rebels with rapid fire fists. He eventually pointed his left claws to where Dazzle was, she had gotten off the destroyed chunks of bridge and was trying to get a Toxic move off on the hands and was taking cover wherever she could feasibly do so.

Gilgamesh’s attacks came fast and fierce being basically impossible to dodge if you weren’t already out of the path of them by the time they came at you, the claws were moving way too fast for the poisonous liquid Dazzle tried to spew onto him and even if she did it would only effect the one arm when she needed to tag his main body.

There was a large moat made by the destruction surrounding Gilgamesh who still stood in his spot upon the rubble of the destroyed illusory castle where it landed. So approaching him from the ground was going to be quite hard without jumping onto the floating landmasses being created by his constant attacks that was breaking up large chunks of Cerebrum.

Even if Cerebrum City didn’t hit the ground Gilgamesh was going to end up destroying it anyway.

“How should we be approaching this Pom?” Shanty stated as she looked to me.

“Well… you might have to drop me and carry Dazzle close enough to poison Gilgamesh’s body.” The protective look Shanty sent me was pretty much saying she didn’t want to be far from my side, probably since Dolly was up and aware to watch my back.

“I don’t be liking that idea.” Of course you don’t Shanty, because you wanted to help me specifically and I’m fairly certain it was because you wanted me to not die. I actually appreciated the sentiment if we didn’t need Gilgamesh poisoned like yesterday.

After what happened to Chaosdramon X in becoming Skull Chaosdramon X… yeah… I don’t even think Dazzle’s poison would actually kill Gilgamesh so much as just slow him down. Hundreds of attacks were all landing on Gold-Gamesh, God-Gamesh at this rate, but they weren’t doing too much and thus slowing him down would probably be a good thing overall at the very least.

While we were thinking or concerning ourselves on a floating platform, Gilgamesh was continuing to rip Kenshin’s Rebels apart and Kenshin was in the thick of it trying to get control of the situation or at least convince the rebels to retreat while he was all but willing to continue the fight by himself. It was a good thing Psychic Types could float, levitate or fly, because otherwise this would be considered a complete slaughter with how many were being sent flying over the edge of the city from quick swipes of two of Gold-Gamesh’s claws.

At most Gold-Gamesh was only using three claws to devastate an entire militaries worth of Pokémon.

“Look Shanty, I can understand why you wouldn’t want me to be on my own… but I’m not going to actively try and get myself killed.” No, but I was going to be driven to it and I’m fairly sure Shanty already knew that given the look she just sent me. “Can you just get quickly Dazzle in and out?”

“You can’t be gliding without the use of your right leg can you?” Well, Shanty was quite suspicious and had right to be.

“I can still glide using my scruff, just not very well as entering full glide mode.” Fanning said wool out around my head and neck into a fixed wing shape to show that falling from this high up wouldn’t be a problem, I just couldn’t float or do anything complicated unless I swap out of my current wool shift.

“Okay… but please be being very careful.” Shanty, when was I ever not careful… aside from pushing my body to the point it was killing me outright. I still think my overuse of Dancing Flame was necessary at the time.

“I should she be saying that to you. Don’t know where Ocellus and Smolder are in this mess, but I’m sure they could use some help.” I was poked in the side by a worried Dodo who had managed to fly up here, that or he just jumped and used his jets to assist his movements like a longma would. He didn’t have too much flight capability yet.

“Dodo can be looking for Smolder and Ocellus to drop off our friends.” At Shanty’s words she dropped me from the bubble with reluctance and dropped off the floating landmass and Dodo took off to search for the wagon.

I turned to look at Quetal still standing idly by.

“I’ll be at your side for the time being.” Even Quetal was watching me rather closely with a concerned look.

“Right.” I looked towards Gold-Gamesh who seemed to be just enjoying himself in his rampage, I was looking for a good way to approach this problem or maybe I could spend my time moving injured to safety.

Red-Gil was at least proving to be useful by flying around and attacking him directly, but the only defense Gold-Gamesh needed from the bug was his large lizard like tail to swat at the muscle mosquito.

Crouching down I prepared to jump, only to be interrupted.

“You’re dying aren’t you?” Quetal suddenly asked out of the blue with slightly narrowed eyes. “That’s why they are so worried about you.”

“My thing… is not as immediate a worry as that… it’s only something that ‘might’ kill me eventually provided I live long enough for it to become a true problem. I already told them what the problem was, it’s not exactly something they can do anything about.” At this rate it wouldn’t be a problem in the long term if I didn’t live long enough, it also didn’t seem like I could convince Quetal it wasn’t too bad. I really didn’t want to bring up the dangers of being a ‘sacrificial lamb’ or the meaning behind what I was keeping a mental stranglehold on near constantly. “Look, I’m not going to drop dead from one breath to the next or anything like that Quetal, but it is a problem that we can discuss at a later time when people are not getting hurt out there… or worse.”

I self-consciously rubbed at the blood soaked, rusty colored, bandages covering my right leg and Quetal glanced at it and then to me. I wasn’t going to bleed out, but it was fairly painful even if nothing was broken with my leg as it wasn’t so much a physical injury right now...

“… That healing energy didn’t heal your leg… and you know why… it has to do with you actively using that golden energy you used to save Smolder doesn’t it?” Quetal gestured at me with his left claw. After ten seconds of me not responding, he sighed while crossing his claws and after a moment he then pointed his right claw forward. “Alright, I can understand you not wanting to worry the others. Set the pace Pom, I’ll be right behind you.”

It was nice that Quetal was worried about me, probably the only reason Shanty was okay with leaving me behind, because I at least had a friend with me that might prevent me from doing something that might be more… permanent.

I kicked off the floating landmass and started my descent forward into the combat zone.

-Airspace around Cerebrum City, Canard-

“… Here I thought Dragaunus was bad… Sami, how’s it coming?” I had an eye on the situation below, Seer Xatu was piloting the ship because he apparently had plenty of foresight when we would be needed to alter the course of things.

It was looking quite nasty down there and the casualties were mounting, as if there weren’t enough of those when Gilgamesh started attacking everyone on Cerebrum… even his own people! I’ve never thought there would be monsters on par with anyone from the Saurian Empire.

“Araquanids have gotten their energy back up!” Sami reported as she came up on deck, the orange Commandramon threw me a jaunty salute. “We’ll have some artillery raring to go for attacking Gilgamesh soon, mind you I don’t think I can help much in this situation… my digital attacks aren’t really going to have much effect on something that big with actual solid mass to it.”

“Hrm…” I didn’t like feeling so useless here, but I wasn’t dumb enough to try jumping onto that monster to attack him fruitlessly with my bare hands. “Is there anything I can do?”

“Aside from spotting for us… not right now… at least until Gilgamesh starts getting more handsy with this ship. Even with the barrier we’re not going to be able to hold him off if we aren’t prepared.” Xatu stated as he steered us lower and the Araquanids started crawling up onto deck. “Sami tell the Morpeko to come up to the deck, we’ll need them for defensive purposes.”

Sami went to do so and the Morpeko team came up to stop those claws from grabbing onto the ship even if it was shielded. Sami and I would be helping with that too when it became a problem, since Xatu could only see so far into the future his piloting the ship was going to be useful since he can react to things that have yet to happen.

“Nyan… that guy is scary.” I turned to look at Captain Skeeball and her Skitty Squad riding on Wilhem’s back, Wilhelm had several comically large novelty bandages covering his body that looked like tarps. Aside from being afraid for a few moments Skeeball perked up not a few seconds later. “Still, we’re Skitty Squad with great justice in our hearts and my hubby still willing to put in the work despite how battered he is, we will continue to do our best in this fight!”

I don’t know how something that small and pink could be so ferociously optimistic, not to mention the curiosity of how that hat was still on her head after all the fighting her squad recently went through. They were fairly insane to drop into the middle of an active battlefield, you had to give it to them though they knew how to put up a fight.

Hearing a slightly distressed warbling noise that was familiar, I turned and saw Dodo the biomechanical ostrich come in for a stumbling landing on the deck of the ship and immediately began sitting down.

“Ocellus a little help up here, Sami, help me out!” I called out, because had some unconscious people that needed to be taken off of Dodo, I was already picking up Shine, she didn’t look too injured.

“Mi… ster… Ca… nard?” Cleffa stated dazedly as she worke up and I had passed Shine to Sami and picked her up. “Happy… to see you…”

Cleffa started glowing brightly and then she started to grow within my arms as I hefted her out of Dodo’s back.

“Huh, she became a Clefairy…” Seer Xatu stated that like he didn’t see it coming and that was kind of worrying. “Supposed it makes sense, seeing that you’re alright after a harrowing experience made her happy enough to evolve. Quick question, does anyone know where the Team Harmony Rescue Team Badge is? We’re going to need it.”

Cleffa yawned and snuggled against me before dozing off, Sami sent me a smile and shook her head before carrying Shine into the ship and I soon followed afterwards.

“I got it!” Ocellus stated as she held up the Rescue Team Badge that could teleport Pokémon to safety, too bad it couldn’t work on outsiders as well.

“After you’re done helping. I suggest you take Dodo down to the battlefield and start rescuing as many Dark Type Pokémon as you are able and anyone else that is too injured to fight anymore.” From what I was seeing Seer Xatu, it wasn’t so much a battlefield as a one sided massacre.

-Destroyed Cerbrum City topside, Shanty-

A massive claw be grabbing the bubble before I can be landing and I be immediately thrust my hooves forward, the water around me be spiking out into the claw and it quickly be dropping me.

I be flick the bits of red off the bubble of water around me as I looked around for Dazzle and eventually be spotting her hiding behind a pillar and started rolling the Bounding Bubble for her.

I don’t know what Pom be doing right now, but I really didn’t want to be being too far away from her in this situation.

Getting the bubble out of Giglamesh’s sight, I be looking up to Dazzle after she blasted a furious Dragon Pulse into Gilgamesh and ducked back behind the pillar. I watched from around the pillar as the purple dragon shaped beam hit and did very little damage, but it was something as the monstrous giant be shredding through hundreds of Pokémon with minimal effort.

Taking the bubble from around my head I looked up to her and am being very succinct.

“Dazzle, Pom wanted me to be helping you get close to Gilgamesh!” Despite shivering as she looked at my bubble of water Dazzle still be dropping into the bubble of water with me, my water bubble wasn’t being that… oh right she is being a Fire Type. Opening up a pocket of air around her, I had to be asking. “Are you going to be being okay?”

“Not really, I don’t like water like any sane Fire Type, Frizzle has been beaten down to her smallest form and we can barely make a dent in that monstrous powerhouse after having almost beaten him… if you can get me close enough to poison his body then a little discomfort will be worth it.” Dazzle, you be looking more than a little upset about being in a ball of water. “Please get moving quickly… I don’t know how long I can spend in this ball of water before I really start freaking out about it.”

Not saying another word, I be getting my Bounding Bubble bouncing towards the monster.

Soon two claws were focused on tearing apart Kenshin’s forces, two others were trying to take out Pom hopping between the floating land masses above and she is being frantic in avoiding the attacks, then there was the last two trying to be focusing on me and the needle nosed muscle bug.

I be suddenly having to drag us to the left as a powerful beam of energy be firing out of the large hole in Gilgamesh’s new form, it be tearing a hole through the top of Cerebum.

Dazzle be placing a shivering claw on my back to be steadying herself and I be giving her a confident grin as I patted her arm with an equally shaky hoof and continued to roll the bubble towards Gilgamesh.

The bigger they are being, then the harder they be falling right? Well nobody said how hard it was being to begin toppling something so large in the first place. I didn’t be believing it was impossible, the guys sword be basically telling me that we just needed to keep fighting and so we simply will be doing that.

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