• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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390. Dammed if you do or don’t pt. 5.

-Moon Cell Realm, one of the inner layers, ???-

“You guys are no fun, where’s the emotion?” I was a cool spiky halo wearing oni colored dude.

The two canines I was fighting certainly were persistent, but they weren’t going to deal with me so easily. I had range of them and Moon Cell summoned me to deal with them, unfortunately for me they were tough customers, but I had range on them.

I twirled my heavenly gun and a copy of a heavenly gun, took aim and… a large beam of light reached into the stratosphere.

Is that Excalibur… well darn… I never even had a chance in the first place…

The beam of light was swung downwards, for it was sword exuding a massive amount of energy I couldn’t even block. I tried to dash, teleport or do anything to get away from the attack. However the energy the sword was giving of prevented me from doing so.

“Guess this is it.” I said quietly as I grinned, the massive blade of holy wrath dropped onto me like a sledgehammer. Ah yeah, the pain was so good!

A minute later I saw some giant horse god thing, it seemed to grin at me as it sent me on my way. It was saying something about putting me where it put Gilgamesh and Enkidu just to see what would happen and me helping it get some form of payback on them by making them suffer my existence.

Sounds like two fun people I will want to get to know and toy around with, so I’ll take that as a suggestion as I’m sent on to my next life!

Here comes some happy times for a new world, all the emotions!

-Moon Cell-

Archer defeated, soul data reconstitu… soul data missing… summoning new servant.

Something had drastically changed in the system and when the two intruding canines destroyed an advanced PLANT several territories turned green.

This wasn’t good, as Moon Cell couldn’t tell how the two canines had acquired a territory or even summoned combat NPCs to aid them.

That werewolf thing just turned multiple areas worth of territory yellow, how fast was that creature? It didn’t seem mortal and might even be a real Beast that had invaded the system!

-Moon Cell, Outer Layer, Cape, middle path near center of the city, alleyway, Pom-

We had gotten in a meal and an hour long rest break while letting the APs deal with most of the defense, the defenses were definitely being tested by an onslaught of aquatic monsters that were weaker on dry land, but they were still trying with quite a ferocity.

I was still practicing my aquatic adaptation wool shift just at the edge of the enemy’s territory with Dormarch watching out for danger while I did. Said adaptation took five minutes to get down and it was taking much longer to get right.

While I was preparing for our dive into enemy territory we discovered at least four out of the five aquatic EPs we had to deal with that were attacking us from out of water. It’s been thirty minutes since the meal and we would have five more before we were to go into the rising depths outside our territories.

So far the mythical NPCs that could help us were inside the buildings throughout Cape within our territory, but Jeanne’s team haven’t found one that was particularly useful to us yet. They did find a shop that would sell us resources though, so if we could find a way to acquire currency that the NPC would accept then we’d be in business there.

First notable enemies were the Berserker Sharks, which were terrifying and will continue living on from ten seconds to a full minute after you kill them and they had really tough skin. They didn’t care if you were in water or on land, they’d come after you if they so much as see you.

Magic seemed to be an equalizer as Shanty and I could deal with them with magical attacks like magical wolf claws or cutting arcs, but we would have to do it quite carefully as those things were stupidly aggressive.

Thinking of aggressive, the only bark attack I could do safely underwater is Bark Breaker unless I want to expose my face to tons of water pressure. Maybe in an emergency or near the surface, but I was going to be hampered underwater when it came to combat. My thousand spears was going to be entirely used for propulsion when I need some quick movement.

Second were the Assassin Jellies, they were good at evading and their tendrils had paralyzing venom. Said venom wouldn’t heal via a Cheri Berry, but apparently Pecha Berries did heal the venom, which made the Pokémon wary of what that implied. The Jellyfish weren’t dangerous by themselves, they were fairly easy to take out in a fight, but with something like a berserker shark while you were freshly paralyzed? They would earn that Assassin classification if they succeed.

Third were the Saber Knifefins, they were the weakest and smallest EPs we’ve seen yet, but they were still dangerous because they came in large schools and all their fins were razor edged. Imagine them flying out of a wall of water like a cavalcade of throwing knives and taking themselves out as soon as they made impact with anything.

They were likely to be more dangerous when in the water, where they could constantly swim by you and slice at you with their fins multiple times. In large schools that would be the equivalent to being stuck inside a large blender set to liquefy.

Fourth were the Krakens. No classification, but large enemy squid EPs were not something to be ignored when they can lash at you, grab you or try to spear you with their limbs. They were also attacking the APs on land, but the APs were holding fairly well considering that we were surrounded by a rising ocean. Said ocean would stop spilling in when it reached the height of the hole that large metal whale made.

The fifth enemy were the eels and we hadn’t encountered them to even get any data on them or even knew what they could be doing in the water, but they weren’t trying to come at us in our dry territory at least.

I poked my head into the wall of water and looked about, the lower end of Cape City had changed drastically. There was coral coming from the rooftops, caves that weren’t there before and a number of random aquatic life that weren’t EPs that simply swam away from us. I took a long inhale, fresh air, I exhaled and bubbles flew out of my oxygen making bubble of wool. I inhaled again and oxygen, I took a few sniffs and then I nodded and pulled myself free.

“So?” Dormarch asked while looking at my strange wool shift.

“I’m ready, let’s go.” I made a motion towards where the Commandramon were waiting with their land vehicle, apparently it could shift to be a working underwater glider. They really were prepared for most situations, but that quality of that preparation was always in question.

My aquatic adaptations were as follows, skin tight water repellant diving suit capable of handling massive amounts of water pressure and has a small back fin. Inside cushioned wool, outside rigid wool that wouldn’t absorb water and could slightly flex under pressure while not allowing outside forces to crush me.

Second part of the adaptation was a hydrofuge ‘hair’ bubble for infinite underwater breathing that pressed tightly to the sides of my face and top of my head, but still gave me full wide visual range if I ignore the tiny web like pattern I made throughout the protective bubble from the wool shaped to protect my face. It was similar to my glide mode protected my eyes.

Third was the wolf claw scoop paddles that I can change the shape of as needed on my front hooves. They flexed inward when preparing a swimming stroke, fanned outwards when pushed downwards or outwards I couldn’t do my back hooves as I was using that remaining wool for something else.

The last thing was a tail fin, again, with whatever remaining wool I had left to aid in keeping my swimming direction where I wanted to be going.

I had attached the paralance to my belly for ease of access and the underwater territory assault force was ready to go.

-Ten minutes later, (Insert TMNT Shredder Revenge ‘The Lost Archenemies’ music as the main underwater theme here)-

With a splash I dove into the wall of water and swam up slightly to look around, Dormarch soon followed afterwards looking quite natural in the water. He was still in his Dobermon D-Type form and I didn’t mind as he had been constantly using it since we pushed into the city, it didn’t seem to stressing him too much.

He nodded to me as we swam forward a bit and a little big higher in the water, but we didn’t swim above the rooftops into open the waters above them.

Soon the Commandramon slowly slid into the water on their vehicle and the wheels pulled inward and it started to spew bubbles out of its back. All the Commandramon had bayonets equipped to their rifles and their guns was going to be of limited effect underwater. They had masks over their face as they looked about at the pretty coral that had grown over all the buildings when the ocean water took over this region of Cape, they clung to their vehicle as it moved forward like a large flat sea gliding device.

The Dhelmise soon came through without a whisper and moved like ghosts as they floated through the water with such ease for Pokémon that were as heavy as anchors. Their typing of ghost and grass made a lot of sense, they could easily disguise as the entangling kelp growing out of buildings we were passing.

Then came Shanty and Dodo, surprisingly Dodo entered his airplane shape and shifted his legs about to look like a manta ray with a bird head at the front of himself and started to idly glide along behind the vehicle. Shanty was in his back and would come out of Dodo if we had to fight, she was sitting comfortable under a dome in the air pocket Dodo was generating.

We were going to try and take the other part of central. The left and right side paths might be a bit dangerous thanks to that metal whale being around and being next to the actual open waters of the ocean where hundreds of enemy aquatic EPs could be waiting to swarm us.

The groups looked to me and I motioned us forward, not seeing any enemies around, I calmly placed my right hoof on Dormarch’s back and he dragged me along as we moved forward through the altered central path of Cape City that now looks like an aquarium theme park.

We were being careful and slow to not attract attention. The city streets look so alien and different and all the coral around us had more harmless fish moving through it, but I was paying attention to them to look out for Knifefin attacks.

We couldn’t alert the enemy to our presence until we found the PLANTs and had enough of them or one with enough time for Dormarch and Sami to modify them to take the territory.

Thinking of Sami, she was looking at the digivice in her claws and trying to find our first target. We would slowly meander around and hopefully not draw too much attention to ourselves as we moved forward into enemy territory, we stuck to the alleyways large enough to fit the Commandramon’s vehicle. We didn’t want the vehicle to go out into the open or float too high.

After we got far enough forward it started growing dark and the sunlight that never moved disappeared thanks to all the flood water overhead. To that end the Commandramon tapped their helmets and they lit up our surroundings, the vehicle also lit up, it was a necessary problem that the lights would attract our enemies.

Dormarch brought us around to the right and we slowly swam down the alleyway towards the more central part of the central path, we were keeping an eye out for any inactive PLANTs in the area.

Suddenly after a moment of swimming slightly at rooftop level with several of the Commandramon lights on us, Dormarch made a motion for us to be quiet and looked to the Commandramon while tapping his head.

They suddenly they shut off their lights, the lights on the vehicle went out and even Dodo’s eyes dimmed drastically as we came to a dead stop, Dormarch quickly brought me down to the waterlogged, kelp encrusted cobblestone street where we hid among the long green weeds.

A massive shadow passed overhead and we heard the wailing of the metal whale that made us all shiver. A large bright red light shined down towards us and swept through the area Dormarch and I were in, it thankfully didn’t see us among the kelp and we avoided being touched by the light itself.

If it had swept its eyes even a few feet to the right towards the others, we would have been caught.

It scanned a few alleyways as it slowly swam by and then continued on patrolling. Scanning around with its eyes giving off two massive beams of red that gave off a highly threatening glow underwater, the large metal whale finally started swimming back towards the far side of the ocean flooded portions of cape.

Said whale had been surrounded by hundreds of Berserker Sharks, Knifefins and Assassin Jellies. I swallowed dryly and shivered as I watched the horde of monsters swimming with the large PLANT continued on its way and some of the sea monsters peeled off to go attack our territories. We were definitely ‘deep’ behind enemy lines now and I don’t think it would be a good idea to fight that whale quite yet.

Once it was far enough away that we could even see a shadow of its sweeping lights in the water, Dormarch tapped his head and the area around us lit up once more via the different methods we had to give us sight in the dark sea water. That had been a rather tense moment that could have ended our hidden sea bound operation quite poorly and quickly.

Dormarch continued forward and I looked back at a shivering Sami who was gripping her Digivice tightly and staring at it, looking for a sign of a PLANT we could use to take this territory.

With something that big watching the territory of the entire ocean, they really didn’t need to worry about defenses much.

Dormarch carefully drew us into moving forward once more and his left tentacle wrapped around my leg and gave it a light, but highly needy, squeeze.

It didn’t take us long before we came out into a large open space that was the central path, we could see what was once a street… it was now more of a complex reef. We could see a few EPs loitering around, but they weren’t being very active. Still it would be a good idea to pay attention to them.

I turned and gestured to the Dhelmise, I pointed to where my eyes were and then to the Assassin Jellies nearby hovering around and eating random fish by sucking them up into their bodies with their tentacles. There were a few Knifefin’s too, but not enough that we’d have to immediately evacuate the area.

The Dhelmise seemed to get what I was imply and blinked and seemed to tilt forward in understanding.

This place wasn’t the marketplace we managed to take before half the city became flooded. The buildings here did make for an interesting network of coral caverns though and there was light coming from said glow in the dark coral, so I wasn’t entirely relying on the Commandramon or their vehicle for sight.

In fact it looked more and more like the city was slowly transforming into a trench the further we go on while looking for one of the inactive PLANTs.

Dolly asked me how we were doing and I sent her the last five minutes where we came face to face with that metal whale and all the monsters following it around, she froze up in fright. Yeah that was the expected response to have to a monster generating large metal whale that could move around in water so swiftly. It had almost caught us and off guard at that, so far we didn’t have any combat to…

The Dhelmise took out the various Assassin Jellies around with flashes of Chain Shot that quickly turned into less precise Vine Whips and while that was happening three of the Commandramon and Rokusho managed to take out the few Knifefins around before they had any idea what was happening.

Never mind, combat was had and all the enemies in the general area were taken care of swiftly, but I’m afraid that might alert someone.

Dormarch reassured me the only way the enemy could be alerted is if an enemy was around long enough to do so, that was a relatively quick take down all things considered.

We continued down the streets in the direction of the far side for a minute, we didn’t want to go too far on the chance that we might run into the whale sized threat and continued looking until one of the lights flickered, Sami was signaling something.

Dormarch and I turned to Sami, as did everyone else Dormarch swam me over and down the the underwater glider vehicle. When we approached, Dormarch was surprised when his Digivice vibrated or was it making a pinging noise?

I looked at the device around Dormarch’s neck and an arrow popped up and pointed in a direction. Also I saw the words on screen that said that the active locator ping had unfortunately attracted attention, but it gave us the location of an inactive PLANT for our needs.

That didn’t sound very good, I motioned for us to move and the driver Commandramon turned the underwater glider in the direction of the arrows as we clung to the vehicle and followed the two arrows pointing in the same general direction that would lead us more towards the left path and some alleyways than the far side of the city where Rider Totsugeki was likely resting for a rematch.

I couldn’t hear anything or sense motion very well in the water, but Dormarch was far more sensitive and alerted me to something coming our way when he looked off to the side as we slid into some coral pathway.

A fast swimming shadow went overhead of a building that has mostly turned to coral. Berserker Shark, they were much faster in water.

I let go of the vehicle and motioned for them to go on as I calmly pulled the Paralance away from being stuck to my wool, I turned my head left and right and counted on Dormarch to watch my back until the danger was out of the way.

Dormarch floated next to me and was looking quite alert, his eyes darted upwards and he quickly back stroked out of the way as I turned and opened the Paralance into the path of the jaws coming at me.

The Berseker Shark, after getting its teeth on the canopy, immediately started thrashing me about and tried to ram me into the wall of a half cave and building hybrid, the back end of the lance stopped me from slamming into it bodily.

That’s when I saw something large come streaking for me as I continued to fend off the shark. Dormarch quickly intercepted with a quick burst forward at the long snake like thing before it could ram it’s dagger like teeth into my neck and they went out of view.

The shark continued to try and fruitlessly bite through the paralance and swing me around. It wasn’t even damaging the lance and I think it knew that as the shark started trying to pull it away from me.

I didn’t see what was happening with Dormarch, but I could feel he was okay if a little surprised by something.

Holding onto the paralance for dear life was my current goal as the shark threatened to rip it from my hooves so it could get at me, which is why I glued my wool to the weapon as I didn’t want to get snapped up by this shark.

Frantically looking around for any other threats while making sure to breathe calmly, I saw a few Assassin Jellies had noticed the commotion we were causing as my body was being used to hammer the surrounding coral to pieces or some bits of entangling seaweed got immediately ripped up by the Beserker Sharks strength.

The five of Jellies started surging at me with a Kraken in tow, okay this was getting fairly dicey and the force of the blows of being swung about was bruising me through my wool when I got slammed against the cobblestone floor or brick wall.

Dormarch what’s the problem? We got more incoming and I’m not having a good time with this shark!

The problem was that he found out what the Eels did and the commentary on something called a Caster Eel was simply that it was trying to do something to him with magic and was failing quite horribly at it.

Which was rather unfortunate for the eel, as Dormarch just finished destroying it with his two tentacles and began extracting data to get an idea of what it had attempted to do to him.

One of the jellies got close and tried to fire a stinger into me, I quickly let my left hoof off the lance while bracing myself to it with my left hind leg while saving my right for maneuvering.

Swinging out with my left spork like scoop claw as quickly as I could, this got a rather odd reaction when the magical claw fired off. I apparently sent out a spiraling wave of slashes that compressed into a sphere and tore the jellyfish and the one behind it apart in violently churning energy.

Three more were closing in and the kraken was going to be a thing, Dormarch please hurry up!

Dormarch told me to wait just a second, I didn’t exactly have one of those as the Berserk shark started pushing me in the direction of the enemies and bashed me against the wall of a building that hadn’t converted into coral yet.

The three jellyfish spiraled in a tight circle at me and they all raised all their tendrils, preparing to fire the barbs in them into me. The barbs would hurt if they pierced my wool, but the Pecha scarf would prove useful once again in this situation provided I missed one of their barb nicking me.

Dormarch slammed into the back of the Berserker shark and he jammed his tentacles into it, soon the shark let me go and thrashed around. I detached my hind legs from the paralance and quickly swam to the side avoided the stingers firing off and bringing it around to defend.

Suddenly shooting by me while riding the shark, Dormarch somehow got the wildly thrashing shark to bite into the three jellies in rapid succession in a rather messy display gruesome display. The shark after a moment started trying to swim upwards and Dormarch was trying to pushit back downwards, it was trying to fight him and speaking of fighting…

I quickly brought the paralance to my right and swung the blade edge of the canopy forward to stop a grasping tentacle from the Kraken and cut a bit of its tentacle off. The tentacle quickly regrew before my eyes.

Ah, like a hydra then, if you wanted to kill this Kraken, then I would think to aim for the body which was easier said than done with the tentacles getting in the way. I closed up the Paralance and quickly bashed away two more attempts to grapple me and started to swim backwards.

A burst of electricity blasted the Kraken from behind and its attention was drawn to Pepper Cat glaring at it and flexing her plug claws. It immediately turned its tentacles on her and I quickly turned around and swam at it with full speed and then fired off some coiled wool on my hind legs to burst forward and ram the Paralance into its body, impaling it on the blunt weapon and I started to claw at it with several magical claw strikes.

Pepper Cat was clawing it from the other side and with enough damage the Kraken eventually dispersed into cubes of information, the blue eyed Pepper Cat struck a victorious pose make a V shape with two of her plug claws.

Dormarch eventually swam down to us looking a little green from his ride, he pointed in the direction the others went and we were about to go catch up with the… only to look up to see a large shadow in the distance coming this way with a subtle shift in the water.

That whale had quite a presence and it was terrifying.

I motioned for a nearby building that has long since lost its door and we all swam for it the pair of massive sweeping red lights swept through the area as we took cover.

The red light passed by the doorway and we stayed very still for a moment, a few Berserk sharks swam by and looked into the buildings. One poked its nose in here, but we swam up towards the ceiling carefully as it only bothered to look left and right.


Okay whale guy is back, but we had secured the PLANT to the vehicle. We just had to stay out of that things sight or else it could total us right now. We needed some time before we can actually face that face to face.

“Find us a hiding spot fast Driver, I do not want to be spotted by that PLANT!” I called out in the radio in our masks.

“I’m looking…. ahah okay, found a good spot!” We quickly turned into an alleyway with a dead end and turned off the power and lights to wait quietly as the large mass passed overhead in the open water above.

The red sweeping beams miss us and we could see the red light play across the wall of the alleyway above us, but it never went into the large alleyway personally.

“How are we going to deal with that huge submarine CO?” One of the Commandramon asked me.

“We’re going to need something bigger than what we have available. Given that it didn’t stop to attack, it didn’t spot Pom, Pepper Cat and Dormarch, so they must have dealt with the problem.

“It didn’t stop to attack, but it did let loose a lot of searchers in the water, Knifefins… they look to be checking the alleyways and Assassin Jellies are watching the open waters above us.” One of the commandramon was panicking. “We’ve got nowhere to hide!”

I looked at the vehicle and an idea came to mind.

“Or do we?” My mind quickly came up with a way to hide us from the searchers, if any of them went missing the enemy would be on us in seconds. Dormarcjh, Pepper Cat and Pom were likely laying low already. “Flip the submersible mode upside down, turtle us!”

There was a pause for a few moments.

“Brilliant, that’s why you’re our CO Sami Soldier!” ‘Driver’ said as he got to work.

“Tell the Dhelmise to not attack when it gets close, we have to let it go and avoid attracting attention while that big whale is around!” One of the other Commandramon relayed my order to let the Dhelmise in on what we were going to pull off here.

-Knifefin unit A113-

The orange and white stripped fish looked into the alleyway and didn’t see any movement, it saw a large pile of inert metal and a few rusty anchors attached to ships wheels with chains wrapping around everything haphazardly. It swam around them a bit in curiosity, but didn’t see anything out of place.

As it was swimming away, something shifted making it turn around and look to see a piece of seaweed spawn form one of the anchors. A small glitch in the matrix perhaps, but nothing more than a mild bug.

It finished its scouting, after double checking the area to be sure and then started swimming back to the whale to report in that there were no sights of what was causing the loss of the units in this region.

This information would have to reach Rider Totsugeki and she would personally have to come out if any more incidents happened in the area to find the culprits. They didn’t really have many defenses around here.

It soon joined up with its scouting comrades PS42, WA11A1BYWA7 and 5YDN3Y. It didn’t have enough intelligence to find its grouping numbers odd or suspect.


The vehicle was quickly turned back over by the Dhelmise and I noticed something missing. Shanty and Dodo were with us a while ago right? So where is she now?


“Do you be having a good grip on it Dodo?” I heard Dodo warble that he did as he spread his wings to use the underwater jets to pull the damaged PLANT free from the rubble of a building, we be needing as many of these things mostly intact as we could be getting right?

Now all we had to do was find Pom and the others.

“Can you be letting me out?” After I be asking this, Dodo slowly pulled back the dome around me and I quickly created a Bounding Bubble to quickly float out and start sensing around the water for movement as I grabbed the PLANT using my ability to control the liquids in my surroundings.

Where were they being now?

Seeing a huge shadow nearby, I quickly got Dodo moving and took shelter in a nearby building and I be dragging the PLANT along inside with me as Dodo be watching my back.

A red light be looking our way, but not be seeing nothing it didn’t need to be seeing. That whale be having quite a terrifying presence to it. The red light soon swept away in the opposite direction.

I felt something behind moving behind me that wasn’t Dodo and was about to be attacking until I felt two soft pats on my left shoulder and saw Pom reaching into the bubble with her right hoof. She was looking at the damaged PLANT I found with a smile, with a flick of her head Dormarch be sticking a tentacle into it and be getting to some work.

While that was happening I be looking out the entrance I saw some Knifefins coming this way. I was about to be attacking, when Pom be stopping me and shaking her head no and putting a hoof up to where her lips would be under that wool mask.

Right, we be needing to do this quietly! That is being a good idea, but they were going to be checking in here, how would we be avoiding their gazes?

I looked at the sand covering the floor and wrote out a message for Pom, she be looking it over quickly and then is being very thoughtful. I poked my head out and saw some Knifefins closing in at a slow pace.

They not be seeing me yet and I be ducking back and making a motion for Pom to be hurrying with an idea as I wrote ‘getting closer’ in the sand using the water around us to manipulate it.

Pom just stared blankly at the sand and then sent me a look as she pointed at the sand.

I wrote the word ‘what?’ and Pom be answering by drawing a wall and the word ‘sand’ with an arrow pointing to it.

That… is actually being a pretty good idea really.

-Knifefin Reef2Deep2-

“?” One of the buildings looked to have been completely filled with sand, which was odd as Moby Dick had scouted the area earlier and the building looked to have been empty then.

It continued its scouting mission and determined that nothing was wrong with a building suddenly being full of sand, it was likely a minor glitch in the system.

It didn’t notice a small hole opening in the wall of sand or the eye that carefully watched it as it left.

It didn’t need to bother with digging through mounds of sand. This was obviously not the trouble it was looking for. It would carry on.


I be dropping the sand wall and sighing with relief, using water to move sand around wasn’t being easy in the slightest. It was even being really quite hard to do!

Pom wrapped her hooves around me and gave me a hug as she be sticking the front half of her torso into my bubble.

Praise from Pom always be feeling good, she be proud of me and I am being happy to make her proud. She be teaching me quite a lot and she be feeding me, the feeding me part is being the most important bit of course. That and I be finding lots of good rum because of her.

Soon we were being joined by the Commandramon and they drove us to a building the vehicle could fit into and I be popping back into dodo for some fresh air and enjoyed a nice Raspberry flavored Tiger Tail donut. Some would be saying that it is being the sacrilege flavor of the donut world for the particular donut style, but I be thinking it tastes pretty good personally.

I be watching as Dormarch and Sami be working over the two PLANTs we be getting and was waiting for something to happen around here.

It was feeling like it was going to be being a while.

So wrote something in the sand…. it was just being an idea.

“Can we use the shockwaves against the whale?” After seeing the message, Pom motioned to Dormarch and he got Sami’s attention.

They looked at each other and then the question again and then turned to me, Dormarch was grinning.

Rokusho eyes smiled, he be picking up what everyone else down here has about what we were going to be doing next. We probably be needing more of these PLANTs though, a lot more.

Fighting something that big directly wasn’t in the cards for us… but if we could be messing it up a lot with a bunch of shockwaves before having to fight it and be making something equally big of our own like it with the PLANTs to deal with it? That… we could actually be doing if we created one big AP.

“Can we make a large PLANT out of the smaller ones doing it too?” I wrote next and that got Sami rubbing her claws together, she definitely had a devious grin behind her mask.


Since all the PLANTs around the enemy territory became deactivated once the whale created one large territory using the sea, as they were functionally no longer needed… well they were no longer needed by Moon Cell with the whale in the area, but Shanty was full of clever suggestions all of the sudden and we could actually make it work!

What should we design the AP this will generate to look like though? Form and function were important in coding after all.

Mom, any ideas where we can find a lot of material to make an AP of a size that will compete with that whale?

Yes, we can do that, no problem at all!

I had a skill labeled 'Territory Creation' from my spirit core, so I might as well take that to the logical extreme even if 'C' was the best I could... did it just update to 'EX' and why is my classification now Shielder 'Caster' Beast? Wish I had someone that knew what was wrong with the core and could explain to me what was going on with it.

Still that gave me an improvement on digital design philosophy for territories and APs, even if I didn't entirely understand all the knowledge that just got shoved into my head from out of nowhere. No wait that was the hospital data, why would my... oh... huh..

Anyway, I was going to need every digimon's help to even code that quickly enough though and we still had to get all the PLANTs around here and maybe the ones in the territories we already took.

Author's Note:

Dormarch absorbed a Caster Eel's data, it had unusual side effects to say the least.

Final Fantasy summon and a big battle incoming.

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