• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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244. Tricky Trio.

-Airship Mauled, Bloody Maries-

“Fizzy can’t you do something about them?” Mara asked for us.

“Not really, they look too comfortable.” Fizzy stated as she looked at our back. “Besides Jade and I are going to be needed for the Tambelon mission. No matter how much I’d rather Jade stay out of it, she’s a brilliant tactician and we could use a mind like hers in Tambelon… so long as math isn’t involved. This is just her way of spending time with those most important to her.”

“Do they have to be sleeping on our back though?” Maria stated while turning her head to look at Silvers and Jade snuggled comfortable into our back, Jade wrapping around Silvers and Silvers curled up inside her mother’s embrace.

“Shouldn’t you know what cats are like given that two of you have lived with Mara all your life?” Fizzy stated with a fond tone. “Also you’ll be stuck with Silvers when we have to go outside of Equestria, if anything happens to us then you’re the designated parent.”

“Not going to lie, I didn’t get to do much cat things growing up, not with my sisters.” Mara responded and we all understood the reasoning of her statement. “We rarely did things that a cat would normally like.”

“Eh, fair.” Fizzy stated before moving over to pat Jaded and Silvers on their heads, getting them to start purring as they snuggled deeper into our back.

-Pokémon world, streets of Arbora Town, Ocellus-

“What happened to the town guard and why aren’t they hear about strange Pokémon jumping off roofs and making declarations to attack or thieve from people?” There was good reason for Pom to ask that as these guys were making open intentions to attack us and yet no guards were showing up.

“We’ve already dealt with them, poison types can take down grass types rather easily!” Announced Meowth. He didn’t look like a poison type, but I’m pretty sure Jessie and James were on principle of their appearances. I had several transformation ideas to handle poison because one of them was a snake and the other was an urchin of some kind.

Hopefully they would get that far, because I could do some pretty nasty things and biofeedback wasn’t hard for a changeling to do. Poisons, venoms, paralytics and plenty of other things shouldn’t have any effect on me.

Quetal, Favela and Shine moved forward in a disorganized fashion and were ready for a fight. The Sneasel seemed confident, Favela seemed uneasy because apparently grass types like her were weak to poison types and Shine seemed to be more calculating as she eyed the trio.

Behind them Pom created a second defensive group as the center, with Dolly on the left and Shanty on the right. Shanty tossed her bag and I caught it in my magic and looked over Dodo’s egg, still no changes.

Shanty wasn’t leaving anything to chance to happen to Dodo by leaving him back at Aurora like we did the machine parts Dodo was going to eat, so she was going to carry him absolutely everywhere. Pom always finds most trouble or runs straight into it for decent reasons, but that doesn’t mean trouble isn’t happening somewhere else like Aurora.

Smolder stayed in front of me and I made sure that I was at the back as the last chance to resolve things in a positive manner. That was if the self-proclaimed thieves somehow got past Smolder after everyone else, which wasn’t likely, even if there were probably Pokémon in this world that could do so these three didn’t look capable of beating Dolly much less, Pom and Shanty.

“We’ll try to stay out of the fighting, but if they attack us, we will defend ourselves. If you need help just call out for it.” It seemed Pom was worried about the three Pokémon who were looking to join us on our adventure in this world.

Favela was a foregone conclusion once she and Shanty started getting angry with one another, they were actually lot friendlier than they acted towards one another. Shine was a lonely Pokémon and just wanted friends as far as I could tell. As for Quetal, he needed us, I don’t know why that is and it was disturbing how much he threw his lot behind joining us.

“Let’s get this party started!” In fact Quetal he was more afraid than he appeared as he leapt forward and basically charged Jessie with his claws.

“Oh ho, you don’t think I’m ready for someone of your particular type? Rock Smash!” Jessie deflected his claws with her tail as she brought it down and knocked Quetal into the ground and onto his back. “If I recall, Dark and Ice type, exceedingly weak to fighting type attacks… say goodnight, Rock Smash!”

The snake raised her tail and sent it whistling down as both Jame and Meowth watched with grins.

Within a blink I saw the panicked looking Quetal appear where Shine was and Shine was suddenly in his place to take the attack.

It almost looked to us as if Jessie had whiffed with her attack, however from what I just saw… the attack basically passed through Shine harmlessly as she jumped backwards. It had hit her body, but didn’t seem to touch her at all.

Let me reiterate, the part of the attack that would have hit just passed straight through the living gourd Pokémon with a Nightmare Night theme.

Both Meowth and James look a little flabbergasted.

“Wha… what just?!” Queatal stated looking puzzled to find himself in a new spot.

“Don’t rush in without a plan... please.” Shine said looking back at him with worry. “That could have seriously hurt you.”

“Well it seems one of you is going to be tricky to deal…” A series of leaves struck out as Meowth was talking and hit James with a lot of force pushing him back. “Hey I was talking here twerp!”

“Talking is not a free action, we’re in the middle of a fight here!” Favela announced as she sent a more sharp angular leaves flying at James from her body only for Meowth to intercept.

“Fury swipes.” With each swing of his claws, Meowth deflected the leaves out of the air before they could hit James.

“Hm… this is going to get bad.” Mumbled Shine as her emotions were as south as Quetal’s were, but Favela had a positive attitude despite the circumstances with her facing two Poison types she was apparently weak to. I’m assuming Meowth was a Normal type which is why he didn’t attack Shine. “Favela right? Continue attacking at range do not get close to them, especially avoid the Mareanie. Quetal if you have a ranged attack you should use that too, I can deal with the Meowth.”

“Deal with this, Metal Claw!” Meowths claws took on a metallic sheen as he charged Shine.

“He’s not the only one you’re dealing with Poison Tail!” Jessie tail glowed as she shot for Favela who was continuing to pressure James with those leaves that seem to hit with a force far more than leaves should be able to.

James seemed to be the slowest Pokémon here, he was the smallest and didn’t seem as dangerous as Jessie did.

“Toxic!” James, apparently finally having had enough of enduring the leaves as he hunkered down, decided to launch his own attack and fired a ball of pure purple liquid towards Quetal.

“What is Shine planning to do?” Huh, what did Pom mean? She was paying more attention to Shine than Favela or Quetal. Emotions were starting to run high, but out of all of them Quetal seemed the most emotionally invested.

Jessie lunged into the air and brought her tail around for Favela who was looking panicked.

Quetal managed to dodge the ball of dangerous looking purple liquid.

Shine dodged Meowth and then suddenly swapped places with Favela place to take the hit meant for her dead on.

“Aghhhh!” Shine went down and whimpered as she took a nasty gash across her body.

“You may not have been my target, but you aren’t immune to Poison Type attacks.” Jessie stated haughtily.

“Well I needed to even the odds… and you’re the most dangerous one here.” A white sphere popped out of a weak looking Shine and one popped out of a surprised Jessie, Jessie’s was orb larger than the smaller orb. “Let’s see how you feel… when you know the pain you’ve caused…”

The two white orbs collided with one another instantly and the smaller grew in size as the larger shrunk until they were equal in appearance and then the orbs went back to the respective Pokémon.

Shine’s injury was far less painful looking having miraculously healed quite a bit and Jessie suddenly had a moderate injury as if she had struck herself with her own tail.

“AAIIEEE!” Jessie screamed in pain as an injury appeared on her body and she slithered backwards in a blind panic.

Shine didn’t fully heal from her injury, but she looked to have healed enough to stand back up.


While Ocellus was watching whatever was happening with Jessie and Shine. Favela looked confused to be in a new position, but she quickly capitalized on it as she was out of range of Meowths attack by slapping him across the face with a vine.

“So what if she swapped with you, I can take you on easily enough!” Meowth continued swiping at Favela with his metallic claws as she pulled back her vines and dodged his attacks.

“How about if Favela wave’s goodbye to your supposed victory?” Favela stated with a grin as a massive amount of water surged up out of nowhere from underneath her and then the mass of water that was slightly wider than her body slammed down on top of Meowth with a painful amount of force and sent him sputtering and flopping past James.

Grass Types can do water based attacks? Well that would have put out a dragons fire at least.


This is being nuts. That Quetal guy be firing exploding stars out of his mouth and James be having a hard time moving forwards as he be having to hop to move about, he is not being very fast but he is proving to be tough to stand up to the constant barrage he’s been taking since the fight started.

I be thinking his only ranged move be that ball of curious liquid. Also did Favela just be creating a small tidal wave in the street? These Pokémon are being far stranger than I first be thinking.

Also why did Favela be turning to Jessie? Shine seemed to be having trouble with avoiding the teeth and tail swings.

“Hey, ugly snake lady, leave her alone!” Why did Favela be glowing as she said that and why was she moving in a strange manner like that?

“Did you just call my magnificent visage ugly, you little brat!” Jessie turned about and surged straight for Favela.

While Jessie was distracted, Shine turned towards Meowth and two white orbs erupted between them and Shine’s was being smaller. I think I be understanding what the orbs were doing.

Shines injuries lessened as Meowth looked to be mildly hurt and grunted in pain that stopped him from going after Quetal while he was busy dodging and attacking James taking a few scratches from James but didn’t seem to be in any real trouble.

“Jessie, you need to take out that evolved dame!” Instead of listening to Meowth, Jessie wildly swung her tail for him making him back off in fear and she continued on to try and attack Favela with wild abandon.

I be thinking there are moves that can be making someone blindly angry at you from what I just saw…

Wait… did she be using that on me?!


Creating waves of water, firing exploding stars, turning parts of your body into metal and instantaneously switching places within the blink of an eye, spitting blobs of dangerous to touch poisonous liquid that harmlessly evaporates ten second after striking the ground and offloading a portion of grievous personally injuries onto an opponent… these Pokémon were very weird creatures.

James closed in on Quetal and he lunged high and all the tendrils on his head pointed all their barbs at Quetal, who continued to spit stars at James as he came down on him.

“Ha, got you!” James shouted as he dug all his barbs into Quetal’s chest in a painful and, if James was as dangerous as he appeared to be, lethally poisonous manner.

“Do you now?” Quetal said from behind James, how did he… when did he… what the?

The thing James had impaled on his tendrils suddenly stopped looking like Quetal and appeared to look like a green stuffed toy with bright white cheeks and belly. It even had a funny looking comical smile on its face.

“I will when I…” That’s when James tried to free himself, all he ended up doing was wiggling and wobbling about as his tendrils were stuck in the stuffed toy. Being stuck upside down on the stuffed toy left his body quite exposed. “Uh… oh no…”

“Let me show you my ace in the hole against fighting types, since most of your tendrils are currently occupied!” With a forward leap and a flip, Quetal fly by James almost hovering off the ground and a slash ripped across James exposed body making him cry out as he was launched upwards. “With Aerial Ace, I just have to be faster than a fighting type.”

“Heh, you weren’t the only one to land an attack.” James stated as he got up.

“Ngh… darn it…” Despite having landed a painful blow that left James barely able to sit up straight, Quetal had a small gash in his side from where James managed to get a tendril free and raked him with it as he passed by. Quetal grunted, he started sweating and looked to be suffering. “I’m poisoned…”


This… was… insane. Oh dog, was it ever!

Still didn’t regret being here with Pom, but if this was the kind of brutal stuff we were going to have to deal with... I would seriously have to up my game in this world. Pom doesn’t want me relying on my ‘Haste’ magic and I can understand why it would quickly become a crutch from watching this spectacle.

Favela looked to be having problems with Jessie and had taken several nasty looking cuts as she tried to avoid Jessie’s more dangerous and wild attacks. It didn’t seem like Jessie was even focusing on what attacks she was doing.

“How long have you been with these outsiders to be this tough?!” Making his way for Favela’s back Meowth’s claws were glowing, but not in a metallic manner. He rapidly struck Favela across her butt and right flank with his claws.

“We all literally just met them!” Stated through her clenched teeth, Favela ducked back and to the left and Meowth took a face full of Jessie’s tail.

“Seriously?! Just meeting outsiders is enough to be this strong?!” Meowth stated as he sat up with a large rectangular mark across his face and watched Favela narrowly avoid Jessie’s wildly flailing poisonous tail.

“We were already strong before meeting them, you guys are just weak!” As she said this I watched her dodge backwards rhythmically and give off a strange energy that seemed to enrage Meowth just as much as it had Jessie.

“I’m not weak!” Meowth lunged for Favela and she rolled to the side and Meowth rapidly clawed up Jessie’s face before she smashed him back with her head.

“Stop getting in my way Meowth, I have a twerp to shred!” Jessie and Meowth were now mad at one another and looked confused as they started attacking each other in anger.


“Why haven’t you used your fire attack yet?” Quetal asked of Shine as he avoided another spike from digging into him from James hopping at him, but he was slowed down immensely from the poison.

“A fire type move in a town full of Grass Types and with so many flammable objects nearby, are you nuts?!” Shine responded before suddenly swapping places with Quetal and ducking under a reaching out tendril and slapping James across the face with her hair limb sending him flopping backwards.

Pokémon didn’t always have to use moves to do some damage apparently.

“How do you keep doing that?” Quetal asked as Shine ran towards him and reaching under her hair at her nape she pulled out a heart shaped berry that I quickly recognized as a Pecha Berry and tossed it to him. Quetal quickly took it and consumed it without question. “Thank you… for saving my sorry backside several times now.”

“Yes, but can you save hers?” We all turned to Jessie who was wrapped around Favela and the blade of her tail was on her throat. Meowth looked a bit battered, but he was grinning victoriously. “We’re at least not leaving without that money. Don’t make any sudden moves.”

The folds of Jessie’s body tightened around Favela making her wince in pain and whine for help with what little air she could get in her lungs

James and Meowth formed up with Jessie looked battered, but not beaten.

Quetal wasn’t looking too good and he was a storm of angry emotions, most of which were directed at himself and there was quite a bit of worry for Favela.

Shine had taken some hits, but she had recovered through her unique abilities.

Favela was both injured pretty badly and being held captive by Jessie, she was struggling and was quite frightened to be in the position she currently was in.


Okay, I couldn’t use Ally Switch on her in that position, which was bad. I doubt pain split would do much unless I was in terrible pain or weaker than any of them.

What do I do, what do I… well… that could work. She’d have to trust me to use one of my more unique utility moves on her.

“It’s going to be okay, I’ll get you out of this.” Please say yes to what I’m about to ask, I don’t think I could help you otherwise. “First I need to ask, do you trust me?”

The Skiddo managed a nod despite Jessie tightening her coils on the poor dear.

That was good enough for me.

I muttered my moves name, chose my target and it took effect. Yet nobody would know what that effect was until it was too late to do anything about it.

“Trust? What is there to trust, there’s no way you’ll attack me while she’s bound like this.” Jessie held the blade of her tail close the Skiddo’s throat. “We have the advantage here, now give over your money or else.”

“Taking a kid as a hostage, how low of you.” The Sneasel said with an honest distaste for these three, I could certainly feel it too and I try to not have a bad opinion of anyone until they reach a point like this.

“The lowest.” James stated proudly while swiping a tendril across his face.

“You can’t get lower than perfect hostage situations.” That Meowth stated with clear glee. “We’re at least getting a decent payday today for our troubles, just think about what we can do with all that Poke.”

“If you can manage it, Swagger her again!” Having shouted this, I hoped she listened to what I said. Hopefully Jessie lost all sense and did a regular attack or any move that wasn’t poisonous.

I received strange stares, but there was a good reason for her to Swagger this Jessie again.


Swagger… in this position, but why? Also something felt very odd here, but I just couldn’t quite place what.

I said that I trusted her and I was going to prove it, ma didn’t raise no liars.

Managing to wiggle the front half of my body upwards through the folds slightly before they squeezed down on me again. I managed to get enough room to get some air in me. Quickly taking in said ragged gulp of air, I proceeded to say the absolute worst thing I can ever imagine actually saying in this given situation.

“So you’re entire group is made up of ugly, incompetent and stupid, but you in particular are all three in one. It’s little wonder your group is weak what with an old hag like you running things into the ground constantly.” I waggled myself and my brows at the snake and waited to see what the Gourgeist had in mind. “I mean I heard witches were ugly, but I’m sure they are far prettier than you will ever be.”

“Old… ugly… stupid… incompetent? Nobody calls me a hag and gets away with it!” The fury on the Sevipers face was getting increasingly worse. She raised her tail and began to slash it towards me without activating a move. “I’ll show you who’s ugly after this!”

I closed my eyes, I heard a scream shock and agonized pain.

I personally didn’t feel any pain until my backside hit the road and I opened my eyes, I was up and quickly running to everyone else and safety.

Looking back I could see that the Seviper had stabbed herself and she reflexively flung me free of her coils in the process, but why hadn’t I been injured?

“Trick-Or-Treat…” Mumbled the Gourgeist quietly with a faint smile as she hid her eyes behind her pink hair, whatever that move was it just saved me from getting hurt.

The Seviper Jessie wasn’t as lucky as she writhed around on the ground bleeding after pulling her bladed tail free from jamming it straight into her own body.

“Arrgghh, you’ll pay for that!” Jessie was angry and both James and Meowth were glaring.

“I think not…” Uh oh, ma was angry and her eyes were glowing bright yellow with power, it was a very sunny day today so it was very understandable that she was about to let them have it. “You did just threaten my daughter after all.”


We all backed away from Vetali as she was glowing brightly, she moved forward.

“I think that’s quite enough of a show for one day. Your new companions showed what they are capable of and they didn’t ask for help when they actually needed it proving to you that they need to work on that.” Opening her mouth, energy was glowing at the back of Vetali’s throat as she took aim at the trouble making trio. “Now let me finish off these thieving ruffians for you!”

What happened next solidified our need for the three Pokémon companions, especially if Favela eventually became capable of it.

A brilliant golden beam of raw power erupted from Vetali’s mouth and struck the trio dead on and slowly Vetali lifted her head angling the beam skywards. Once it stopped firing from her mouth we saw a sparkle in the sky from the trio being launched into the horizon.

“Eh, they’ll live, but at least those thieves won’t be bothering anyone for at least a couple of days until they recover from that.” Vetali turned to us and we gave her incredulous looks. “Oh trust me, Pokémon are far tougher than we look. That… that wouldn’t kill those three. They’ll probably hunt you down again if they are insistent on bothering your group.”

“We’re here what happened!” Geoff announced as he showed up with Chansey, Jiri and a covered cart that seemed to be loaded with recently purchased medicine.

“A lot of things, which I’m going to be completely worried about in the near future.” This was just another in a line of dangerous worlds. “In any case, we made some friends.”

Author's Note:

Another million words is surpassed and my writing has been relatively consistent at least.

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