• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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388. Dammed if you do or don’t pt. 3.

-Moon Cell Realm, Cape, Dike Land, Cape Castle, Ocellus-

The set up for the castle was practically done.

“Come on Smolder, Pom needs us!” I can understand that Smolder was reticent, but apparently we could be a big help and quite frankly we would die here if we didn’t, this was a suicidal mission from the outset and we’re only on the furthest reaches of Moon Cell’s realm.

“Does she really?” Smolder mumbled with her arms crossed.

“Could you look at that for a second?” I pointed at the wall where a large metal whale was slowly trying to force its way through by wiggling through the hole it made, vast waterfalls of water was starting to spill out of the hole. “Do you really think Pom has any control of this situation? Do you have any idea as to how much worse things are about to get here?!”

“No…” Smolder wilted, her wings flexed reflexively and her tail got a bit shifty. I would want to see her try and tell me that I didn’t have a good sense for her body language at this moment, changelings would be interested in body language as much as verbal or emotional responses.

“Do you want us to survive all of this? You have to help… the reason Pom called for us is because we can do fire attacks which the enemy is weak to, you’re a dragon Smolder and this would be within your area of expertise given the fireballs you can spit are always going to be much hotter than anything I can do with my dragon form.” I didn’t feel a lick of emotions from any of the EPs. The APs might have had some vague inkling of emotions, even the Digimon had emotions even if they felt odd. “She needs us, we can’t sit here waiting to be swarmed. We don’t have the numbers or amount of friends necessary to win this without everyone getting involved. That includes a strong, loving, dragon who’s being silly about an inferiority complex while she was in a greed growth state. Rven you have to recognize that dragons are much stronger when they naturally grow to that age and any naturally aged dragon can easily beat a greed growth state dragon. You weren’t even in the right state of mind, why should it bother you?”

Dormarch’s emotions were stronger than ever, but I chalked that up to the odd things Pom had to go through to get him back. Pom deserved a vacation from doing anything for a year after the year we’ve had so far, if there weren’t multiple means of healing her then Pom would still be bedridden and close to death.

“I’m aware of that but…” Smolder tried and I can feel her pensiveness.

“You just don’t think we’ll make it home at this rate, I understand, since every single situation we get into keeps getting exponentially worse. Can we deny that Pom has proven to be competent in most of them, even with freeing you from a mad monster and she still doesn’t even blame you for that? I would think she blames herself that she let that happen to you and couldn’t properly protect us. She’s just happy that you’re alright after what she had to do and you’re the one acting cowardly. Mind you the metals and gems in Valora really brought you back on track to having a good healthy diet, so you don’t have that as an excuse.” There was a silence as I watched Smolder flinch, tried to stutter out a response or a denial about some of what I just said, but then didn’t say anything for a long time. I sighed. “Do you realize how much Pom has to put up with? She’s still fighting even now and the only way we have left is forward at this point, there is no way back unless we want to figure out how to open a portal back to the Digimon world or Ransei, both of which are going to become as dangerous and highly endangered soon even if we were to try and avoid the worst of it. Also, I don’t see how you can be ‘jealous’ of someone who’s been consistently scarred since our journey started and has come close to giving in to never getting up again after being knocked down. Even if Pom wasn’t constantly throwing herself at problems or is basically forced to suffer for others, it’s not entirely voluntary on her part as we well know now, she would still be trying and we should consider ourselves lucky that she loves us. She’s making the best of the worst anything can throw at her, In fact she resisted the urge to sacrifice while fighting that fish girl and I find it amazing that she’s still putting up so much of a fight now. She’s even fighting to live to the best of her abilities too now! If we weren’t here right now, Pom wouldn’t have a reason to fight half as hard to protect the plaza square as she is. She’s not strong physically… but her capacity for wild magic is getting kind of absurd and is proving to be incredulously hard to take out permanently when she’s far from indestructible. I’m even starting to get a sense of hope and am in awe just watching her withstand the kind of pressures being placed upon her and she’s starting to exceed and rise up. She’s never going to fully break while she is our caretaker and do you know why?”

“Because she knows we need her and she’ll always be there for us even if it’ll hurt or kill her.” Mumbled Smolder who logically knew what she was saying and understood she was being a bit of an idiot, but she was still reticent even if she understood. Psychological issues are going to be a thing with us that we needed to work out, even if we’ve basically become family to one another. “Do you… think she’ll be okay?”

Smolder was at least willing to still worry about Pom, that’s a small win. She didn’t deny being jealous of Pom either, because Pom was quite tough and dragons saw the kinds of strength like what Pom has to be quite a laudable feature. So Smolder gained an inferiority complex for various reasons while Pom tried to remain unchanged after her mental state fluctuated drastically when she goes beast and she did worryingly eat some flesh like a predator without getting sick. It’s a wonder she’s as sane as she is.

“She’s… a little bit beyond being okay Smolder, but she’s actually rising above things when she really doesn’t want to. Sure she’s a psychological mess from what I’ve been feeling, but I think she’ll live with it for however long she has left for us and even herself now.” I certainly knew she couldn’t look away to even save her own life back on Cerebrum and she wasn’t even in control of her body at the time, Dolly was though and she couldn’t make Pom’s body move an inch further from said dangerous situation with Inky Due. Knowing Smolder would follow me, I needed to air this out a bit right now while we have a moment of peace. We didn’t have much time, the fighting going on in the city was likely to be quite brutal since we had the smaller numbers, the APs Dormarch brought out were hopefully making up the difference. “Come on, what happened to the brave and sweet dragon that would make me feel safe around ponies as myself and not pretending to something else other than the changeling that I am? The way you yelled at those mares for picking on me is still a good memory before we started dating, since you were there. So please, put you’re pride as a dragon in the right place here Smol.”

“I’ll… follow you, wherever you choose to go. This, this right here, it is all going to Tartarus and I’ll be there for you regardless of my feelings on anything else Ozzy.” Smolder was trying to meet me half way and I’ll take it, we moved towards the top of the stairs. “Pom really needs to get her head examined and I need to get mine too, I… I don’t think I can be near her. I can be near you though and if you’re near her, I’ll just put you between me and her…. and will stare at your cute butt instead of her.”

I blushed a little.

“I’d honestly say Pom should be the very definition of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or Anxiety by this point. The only reason why she isn’t is because Dolly is a bundle of sunshine which Pom appreciates more than she has ever stated out loud and having Dormarch back might be helping her mental state greatly too as they are both supporting her mentally. I don’t think she can stand to lose Dormarch again…” I still thought it was quite amazing that no matter the situation, Pom never panics to the point she can’t act on what she was seeing in front of her. “I really doubt Fluttershy would be sane if she had to do all of this. Sure Fluttershy could survive, but she wouldn’t have gotten us this far without even worse mental issues than what Pom has.”

“Yeah, imagine Fluttershy doing all of this.” Smolder said after a moment of reverie.

We looked down the staircase to see the APs, Pom and two of the nine Commandramon holding the square against some quite terrifying looking bipedal fish monsters that could spit water with insane pressure and they also wielded tridents pretty well.

Said monsters could make incredible leaps in an attempt to spear someone and looked physically strong, right up until they caught fire or were flash frozen by the two Commandramon weakening them with elemental attacks. When weakened their muscle mass noticeably disappears or shrunk almost instantly, they soon went down to the Saber Knight APs or Pom so easily afterwards with one or two blows.

Before they were weakened Pom was only defending and every time she landed a hit with her paranormal lance, it did an abnormal amount of good damage compare to the sharp looking swords of the APs almost bouncing off the flesh. Pom destroyed them outright when they were weakened, which explained why she took a moment or two to wait for the green fish monsters to be weakened as she fended them off.

Said fish monsters also lacked emotions like most EPs, but these guys looked so lifelike in their movements compared to the basic bipedal ‘golem thing’ that most of the EPs had going. It was more horrifying to me than it would be for anyone else to be near them.

“Come on…” I held out my left hoof, Smolder took it with her right claw and looked me in the eyes. I felt a shine of friendship between us and a bit of love sparking at the warm touch.

“Alright, but you’ll be the one to talk to her...” Smolder said with a serious look on her face. “I’ll try to get Dormarch to talk to you. We’ll work through this together.”

“We’ve been a good team so far, so why stop now?” I said happily as we made our way down the stairs. “Besides, I’m not doing this without my favorite space heater and magical love battery.”

That made Smolder snort loudly and giggle a bit, since she knew I saw her as more than that.

-Cape, plaza square, Pom-

Okay, we had to do something, the others were likely stalled on taking other territories and we need to take more soon or else the flooding will make it hard to take enough territories to really draw Moon Cell’s attention. Since it didn’t seem like we properly had it yet, I was expecting at least three times the numbers and threats to my life.

At least Dormarch assured me the taken territories would be safe to stay in, but I don’t think he meant we could do it forever. Not with that whale soon going on the offensive as soon as it cleared the dike walls surrounding this place.

I really needed Ocellus and Smolder here so I could do something about getting at least one more territory. It didn’t look like…

A Lancer Sahagin was blown out of the air by a fireball that immediately tore it into a patch of floating cubes. I turned and looked to see Ocellus spitting a fireball a second later to assist the two Commandramon in downing another one.

I was almost excited, until I saw Smolder back away from me and her wings twitched aggressively, I didn’t approach her and let Ocellus come to me. Smolder meanwhile focused on spewing fireballs into the Sahagins as the APs pressed forward to defend the area.

“It’ll be okay… eventually. So we just hold this area right?” That’s all that was needed of you Ocellus, you and Smolder would go a long way to holding this territory. “Since you’re about to do something dangerous.”

Ocellus could read me like a book at this point, here I thought she could only know my emotions and not my thoughts.

“Yes, that’s it exactly. I’m going to push up the left path by myself.” The Paralance was proving to be effective when the monsters are apparently resilient to physical attacks and Dolly could see Shanty magical cutting arcs ignoring that resiliency entirely. This let me know that dealing with Sahagins wouldn’t be as much of a problem if the EPs were out of the picture, they were attacking in sporadic smaller numbers. I was just going to be getting us more reinforcements by taking a bit of territory. “I’m not going to be doing much fighting actually… I’m going to just rush down or target any PLANTs I see exclusively and avoid danger while I’m at it to the best of my ability.”

“Shouldn’t be too hard for you then, you’re one of the fastest beings I know.” Ocellus stated pleasantly, possibly happy to know I wasn’t trying to endanger myself unnecessarily.

If only she knew about the blue hedgehog named Sonic on the planet of Mobius. I could maybe follow him and move at that speed in short bursts, but constant full out high speed running like that… yeah I’m not liable to be supersonic without Haste applied to me by Dolly and in a Shock-Ram ‘completely limit broken’ state.

I nodded and then quickly ran towards the nearest, slightly damaged from the recent scuffle, building to the fountain and climbed up for the rooftops. Notably the Lancer Sahagin were the only ones bothering with leaping onto or across the buildings, I don’t think the EPs had any form of agility to come up here to get me unless they were Assassin Reapers and I haven’t seen many of those yet.

Moon Cell must not be really paying attention to our counter invasion quite yet, the servant Rider Totsugeki didn’t seem to know me aside from the fact that I have a priority kill order on me. Maybe it was a good thing that we were under the radar at the moment, it’ll give us a chance to build some momentum and really become a problem… provided we survived the current situation.

I like my odds considering everything I’ve done up to this point, but found it oddly disturbing about how brave I was getting to actually go out on the offensive. Should be able to get close enough to the bark blast, breaker or buster the PLANTs without getting swarmed at least.

Once I was on a roof the wool coiling around my hind legs was ready and I crouched down to leap across the rooftops with incredible bounds.

-Right Pathway through the city, Dolly-

I turned my head to the left when I felt Pom start moving incredibly fast. I turned back and saw some more of those spear wielding fish monsters leaping and were struck down by Shanty with that cool scythe staff thing.

“Aerora!” I called out and created a massive wave of hot wind that caused the fish guys to dry up and shrivel out, they were quickly blown up by the seeds spewing from Favola’s back. I let out a bark and got Shanty’s attention.

Sitting up on my hind legs I made several hasty gestures with my paws.

“Pom be moving up the left pathway? Well I do be hoping she knows what she be doing.” Shanty took a break and let the apps take care of the episodes for the moment and backed up a bit in defending this area.

“Squeak?” Lit asked and… you know I should question Lit following me more, but he’s just too adorable to really be angry at. He was rather protective of me and he’s been a big help in keeping us from being completely swamped.

“Dodo be detecting something up, aside from the whale in the wall.” Shanty gestured at the large metal fish thing that was wailing pretty annoyingly at a pitch I could hear as it wiggling around like a worm in an apple. Shanty covered her left eye with a hoof and shouldered her weapon across her right side and back. “One of the PLANTs be moving between territories on the enemy’s side of the field? Huh, Sahagins be appearing around… we be needing to take that one out immediately, it is being the source of them! Can you be doing that for us Dodo?!”

Dodo let out a barely heard warble from above and flew slightly higher. I gave a slightly worried whine about Pom being out there on her own, but I was definitely needed here.

“Don’t be worrying, I’m sure Pom be having a decent idea of what she be currently doing.” Though Shanty did show some concern and understood where my headspace was at as she was equally concerned. “We can’t be moving further along this path through the city quite yet until that unusual PLANT is being taken care of, we’ll be holding position here until Dodo be taking care of it.”

“I, Favela, think I can live with that. My back is kind of raw from firing so many Seed Bombs, I really need to change out that move.” Favio did look a bit tired and we had to hold the area we recently acquired.

“Lil, bro you better step up taking the central place, because Pom is making a move up the left by herself.” I whispered and took a rest while watching the apes and epas fight similarly. “Also there’s something about a moving vegetable that Dodo needs to deal with.”

-Central path through the city, Dormarch-


I heard Dolly loud and clear, I tapped my bond to mom and took in her health, mild bruising… recently ingested an Oran Berry for some light healing before setting out. She’s doing well so far, I’m just waiting for the medical emergency to occur. Also mom seemed to be in a bright and abnormally aggressive mood.

I looked to the left and felt Pom moving quickly, currently leaping across the rooftops and was trying to use her ears to locate the humming given off by the active PLANTs as they floated in a given area.

The servant obviously summoned that whale sized PLANT and it was going to be a huge danger to us eventually, but taking more territories would make it easier to deal with it later when it became a threat we had to worry about. Even right now as we were kind of swamped.

We only had two PLANTs as far as the digivice could detect in the current territory left, as it had updated to scan for the specific bits of code that the PLANTs were made of. It couldn’t give us direct locations, but if we got close enough it’ll be able to get a more general direction on where the floating metal jellyfish are, any closer and we’ll actually hear the humming noise easily enough personally.

There were far more PLANTs on the enemies side and we’d only be getting one for taking this territory, whereas if they recover this territory they were going to have all the PLANTs we’ve painstakingly took down in this territory again.

This was an uphill fight for sure and we were starting to flag with the Elite Lancer Sahagins taking to the field, goodness know Jeanne was trying her best to rally us and was actually doing an excellent job at it.

At least we quickly figure out the Sahagin’s weaknesses, Dazzle’s flame whips took them out immediately in an astonishing displays of dancing and twirling while Frizzle protected her from any of the ones in mid leap or just simply blowing the larger crowds of EPs in the way.

“Look out!” Krosserdog moved forward and fire four alternating shots from his rifle barrels on the backs of his arms that took a Sahagin out in four explosive blasts. “What’s got you distracted kid?”

“Mother is making a move on the left side by herself, we’re effectively drawing the largest amount of the enemy forces. She’s sneaking in to take out the PLANTs there while trying to avoid directly fighting or drawing attention to herself.” I lashed forward a Surge Projector to chain lightning a few enemy Saber Knight, we were actually getting some support APs from the plaza. There were so many alleyways to check on the central path through the city, every PLANT brought down is one less group of enemies being spawned back onto the field of battle. “She might be able to take left lane by herself, but it’s still going to be a big ask that we take the central city as the enemies left, right and middle lane territories are still flooding at all of us constantly.”

“Yeah, we’re kind of running ourselves a bit thin here, good on her for making a move if she can do it and I truly believe she can.” Oh trust me Krosserdog, the bipedal blue gun armed digi-bot with the green visor, she can do it. Despite not looking like a mode changing dog digi-bot like Sideline the Sidekicky, he had an apparent interest in mother and I was curious as to why. “There’s just something about her that I like.”

“You don’t look like much of a dog compared to a Sidekicky Digi-bot.” I commented as we continued to fight side by side.

Krosserdog occasionally assisted Pepper Cat who was going quite wild with her electric claws. It was like they had the opposite of personalities of Metabee and Rokusho. Pepper Cat was the violent wild one and Krosserdog was the calmer collected one with excellent sniping ability. Krosserdog was not so great on the reload rate, but Pepper Cat made up for that with enthusiasm you wouldn’t associate a cat to normally have.

“My operating system is a ‘Dog medal’ and I’m not a floppy eared canine true, but I certainly bark with my guns.” It was notable that he aimed his shots more than Metabee did.

Metabee’s fire and reload rate was far more frantic by comparison, but he had to cycle ammo so often it was like he couldn’t wait to get all the ammo out of his body and then he’d be stuck for a few seconds relying on kicking or punching. Still Metabee’s capabilities spoke for themselves with how fast he was dealing with the enemy numbers in closer ranges than he should be getting into for a notable gun type digi-bot, probably had to do with the differences in weaponry.

Pepper Cat had far finer electrical energy manipulation than one would expect of her. Whether she was forming a blade of energy or firing off ball lightning attacks. She was seemingly openly competing with Rokusho and Metabee.

“So what exactly are you to the digital world?” I asked as we pressed forward and Metabee spotted the next Plant in an open square space in an alleyway, so that was one left that we had to find and it wasn’t behind us and the flow of EPs from the left path through the city was making it harder than it should be.

“Digital danger troubleshooters, we digital robots are around to prevent the complete collapse of the digital realms run by the local Yggdrasil System and she really wanted the digital world to be a lot friendlier to the local reality and actually work out this time without any huge problems. Unfortunately we’re dealing with an enemy computer that’s quite alien even to Yggdrasil System and it is stupidly powerful to boot! Explosive rounds cycled and loaded…” Taking aim with both his arm rifles and crouching down so that his pipe tail pressed against the ground to keep balance, Krosserdog fired two shots simultaneously and the PLANT in the open space down the nearby alleyway blew apart in a spectacular fashion after his shots pierced the coding and exploded inside of it. “One left right? Well let’s hurry up and take this territory. The more we have the better off we are right? I want us to survive long enough to really become a problem for this Moon Cell!”

With a pump of his right rifle, Krosserdog started forward again and I started using the digivice I have to scan around for the last one in this area. No directional arrow yet to point us in the general direction.

-On top of a building overlooking the left pathway, Pom-

My ears, stilled tied at the back of my head in my wool, twitched and I looked below me, there was the PLANT hovering above the cobblestone alleyway below. Aside from the medieval castle, I’d swear this city had a Prench style of design to it.

I looked around to make sure there were no Sahagins on the roof with me or nearby. Still no signs of Archer Seraphs. So we were being underestimated and rightfully so, as we barely even had a measly quarter of the city under our control and were already heavily outgunned.

“Rrrrrr…yip!” I tried a Bark Breaker. Digital entities weren’t exactly made of solid matter, but I figure with it looking as solid as it did that I’d still at least try.

The PLANT cracked and started to shudder in the air and tilted slightly as it sparked and started to let out a small plume of disappearing square shaped smoke. I had actually managed to have an effect on it, I needed to ask Dormarch about my Bark Breaker working on it later.

It was surprising that there was something solid enough about it for me to break it, but it wasn’t as effective as I could have hoped for. I’ll try a Bark Blast first on the next target.

I spat a Bark Buster into the cracks and once the liquid magic seeped into it, I detonated the magical energy and it caused the PLANT to blow apart in a spectacular fashion. I quickly vacated the area with several leaps as some of the EPs that were heading toward the plaza stopped and started to gather in mass in the area where the PLANT just exploded. They looked almost confused about what had just happened as they gathered around the scorch mark I left behind.

Several more rooftop leaps later, one of my ears twitched. Using my canine enhanced sense of hearing I found another one hovering out in the open of the middle of the left city pathway and not off to the side or between buildings.

Quite a number of EPs were leaving it open for destruction, most likely they were distracted by the one I destroyed prior. I looked at the whale and it was still slowly pushing forward from its hole, a hole that was spilling neighagra falls worth of water and the cracks were getting humongous. If the water level was rising around the city, it would be finally be noticeable within the next hour or so. We had started at the highest point of the city at the castle and everything was generally sloped downwards away from there.

I wondered what that servant was doing, if anything aside from healing from the damage I dealt to them. They could talk and interact, so they were a person, but one entirely dedicated to Moon Cell’s life eradicating goal if what we know about it to be true… Rider Totsugeki even said they didn’t have a choice in the matter.

Sending a quick query to Dormarch to think about that, since servants were odd entities… ones that could actually bleed. Maybe we could turn them to being our side and against Moon Cell? It would be certainly nice to have more allies.

I crawled down to the wall from the roof and looked up at the hovering humming device, I hadn’t been noticed yet. Coiling the wool on my hind legs I blasted off almost like Shanty does when she does her flying kick thing, still don’t know where Shanty gets all the momentum for that to fly perfectly horizontal even with magic.

Time slowed down as I unleashed a Bark Blast with my exhale. I watched in slow motion with narrowed eyes as my wobbling sphere of destructive energy struck the PLANT, dug into it and promptly exploded, destroying the troublesome thing instantly.

I turned my head forward and inflated my wool as time sped back up to normal slowed myself before planting my hooves and quickly scampered up the wall of the building across from the one I had been on.

Where were the EPs coming from this time? I saw a large group of EPs swarm the location of the suddenly destroyed PLANT from a given direction and I leapt away in the hopes of finding the next one where they came from. My Bark Blast might have a short range, but it was still cost effective for my needs and a lot easier on my throat than Bark Buster or Bark Breaker were as long as I didn’t charge it up.

-Far side of Cape, Rider Totsugeki-

Another PLANT was destroyed yet the area was full of programs, there was a sneaker and I bet it was that Wily E. Ewe! Hm… not enough road runner to be that guy, what servant was she?!

The view from the last seconds of that particular PLANT, before it got destroyed, bore witness to an indistinct white blur, blue flash and a loud barking noise.

Definitely ‘priority kill’ target that Moony wants gone and the one that bit my arm into uselessness.

There was a lot fighting going on in the city and I couldn’t wait to show the rogue programs my might, Leviathan would be the last thing I summon if needed. So far we had things will in hand and I even report to Moony as much.

When Moby Dick got through the dike, things would change drastically in our favor.

-Ransei Region, a short while ago before the counter invasion force entered Moon Cell's realm, Violight, Ginchiyo-

“So we've finally confirmed what is happening in Valora and the local digital realm…” I said quietly as I contemplated our next move. “Can we send aid to where Rescue Team Leader Pom is currently?”

“I of the Mirage Collective would like to assist, but the current pathways in Violight are shut off by the local digital realm Calumon and Sir Sideline hail from.” The one simply known as Mirage Mew stated, a version of an already existing legendary Pokémon that 'could' specialize in digital threats. How quite fortuitous for us that 'Arceus plans ahead'. “We would need to find a way to open a portal there directly and we can’t exactly ask Hoopa from what I know of the rules that the legendary Pokémon abide by. I as a mere mortal creation am not beholden to said rules though, so I am much more free to act and will at least be able to assist when the time comes for us to do so.”

In the throne room was Sideline the Sidekicky Digi-bot in his dog form, the playful foreign dignitary Calumon and a number of digital entities that are Digital Pokémon, otherwise known as the Mirage Collective, that were similar in nature to a Porygon like Professor Pong.

I didn’t take the digital realm dignitary Calumon seriously at all… Sideline was more of the true dignitary than he was. Still, Calumon had to be of some grave importance if Sideline deferred to his childishness as often as he does.

It seems Arceus wasn’t idle on the threat to this world he brought upon us all in his attempt to save the souls from the so called 'Holy Grail Wars' slowly destroying another realm and this 'Moon Cell' monstrosity that apparently committed omnicide of an entire world multiple times. Of course it had help there in doing so previously that it normally summons to cleanse the world, but here it does not 'currently' have those omnicide capabilities according to Mirage Mew the leader of the Mirage Collective.

Arceus was certainly ready for a variety of scenarios where he could finally take action and the field, however he couldn’t face this threat personally without Ransei coming to unity first and that was going to take some time.

Time we might not have.

At least to that end, King Evan was already working on acquiring Cragspur and Avia’s aid in uniting Ransei. Yaksha was going to be a difficult ask, as was Viperia, but otherwise Dragnor would be the last real effort… interacting with Lord Nobunaga was like pulling your own teeth out, putting them in a bag and trying to bash your own brains out.

“Lady Ginchiyo, we have word of an emissary from Titania of the Fairy Dust Island, he says his name is Sir Mik!” A Eelektross stated as he flew into the room. Okay, the dragons were less of a problem now, especially if Lord Oberon is willing to beat Lord Nobunaga into the ground for the sake of the realm as whole. "They wish to meet with you about some prophetic dreams that the Fairy Type's have latched onto that your graciousness would be able to help with. Apparently it involves performing some form of prank on Lord Nobunaga?"

A feral grin crossed my face.

"Let him in to come state his case, he is a honored guest of the highest quality indeed." I stated solemnly with a friendly nod, Fairy Types definitely couldn't help themselves if they smelled blood in the water when it comes to pranking. "I believe it'll be quite a fruitful interaction between us in many ways."

"I think I might be able to get us direct access to Moon Cell's realm if it is required or needed... set up time would be approximately three hours if current calculations persist." Professor Pong had been silent for quite a while and his eyes just fluctuated in thought the entire time, by that I mean they changed sizes randomly, before he finally drew attention to himself. "I'll need my recent assistant, a particular Rotom, present before I openly make the suggestion and explain how we would go about it. So it'll be fine for me to wait, but not everyone would be capable of using this method I'm going to suggest."

Professor Pong was now idly looking at the Mirage Collective contingent in the throne room, hmm...

"I'll hear Sir Mik first then, before we hear what I'm currently assured is going to be a positively brilliant idea Professor Pong." I paid Professor Pong to be an innovator and he was quite good at it, I'm quite sure he had thought of something fairly impressive.

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