• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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267. Blood Bathory pt. 3.

-Prison Castle, Pom-

“So this magical castle is a prison where Bathory died and it’s preventing us from using the Rescue Badge from teleporting anyone out to Helper’s Hamlet.” I shivered at the idea that we were all trapped in a magical castle full of extremely lethal traps, closing Bathory’s diary I looked it over. I had been reading it for the last five minutes in concentration. “Bathory is apparently some kind of dragon with illusionary and mental sound powers and vampirism. How did we end up in this position again Dolly?”

“Motochika asked us to rescue the people trapped in here and you being you, you didn’t say no.” Dolly stated with an amused tone as she glanced about warily. “Normally I wouldn’t be afraid of some spooky haunted castle like this, but in this case, it’s quite literally a ‘magical’ spooky haunted castle that you can feel led to the deaths of various people. That blood filled hot tub wasn’t something that one person could make alone Pom, how she got that much blood in there is something I’d rather not think about. In fact, it’s something I’d actually expect from Cruella De Ville given her history with my family… which was something that actually came up with Splatter Phoenix come to think of it, so that’s a horrifying validation on the thought.”

“According to the journal or diary, whichever you want to call it, from what little I’ve read so far at the back of it… Bathory’s legend is what gave her the power to summon this castle and how she is the demon she currently is, that and some magical space time shenanigans involving something called the Holy Grail wars and magical wishes. A holy grail doesn’t sound like much, there are plenty of those in Equestria and all they do is freshen water, but wishes sounds like a whole huge mess of trouble.” I stowed the journal away in my bag and motioned for Dolly to make some noise to gather the others waiting patiently near the entrance to the cells and circular room. “If you ever get a wish Dolly, be extremely careful with what you wish for.”

“I’d just wish Dormarch was revived and healthy if I ever get another one.” Dolly said earnestly as she adjusted the board on her back. “Already got one wish where I’m living the dream.”

“That’d be two wishes, even if you frame it as one. One wish to revive and one wish to make sure he was healthy… we’d need a third to bring him to us I’d bet, because where would he be revived at and how would he get to us from there? There’s also the fact that anything that has ever been named Dormarch or any variation thereof might be revived and not necessarily or specifically ‘our’ given Dormarch that we know for certain. If I was given a wish, I would wish for something so stupidly simple, that the wish simply can’t be interpreted in any other way.” I would kind of want to wish that nothing would ever happen to all of my friends, but if nothing ever happened to them then how would they grow or experience new things? They’d hate me for that, pain and suffering is something you have to live with existing. That along with having a finite life span in a given world you love, before the next great adventure. “Okay, everyone, we have to find out if any of the towers around here have anyone in them and check all the rooms, then we have to leave and make sure this place gets destroyed. Also I would like to admit that I feel kind of sorry for Bathory.”

“Why would you feel sorry for that monster?!” The Primarina we were going to rescue had reasons to be upset with Bathory, she of course was clinging onto Quetal for dear life and he looked very uncomfortable.

Given his life prior to ending up traveling with us, Quetal wasn’t very touchy feely and he had reason to keep his distance from people, but he was trying to rise above the nature of his dark and ice typing by not having a cold heart. This was still very awkward for him.

“I think she started in this world alone, she’s never going to have any true friends because of who she is as a person and she’ll never find real happiness as all she seems to know is causing and receiving both pain and suffering. Elizabeth Bathory, Carmilla, is basically living in a delusion that what she is currently doing makes her strong.” It didn’t beyond her having personal strength, but we knew Bathory was still a terror and a half with the kind of power she got from being a legendary figure in life on some other world we might never see. Makes me wonder what the legend of the Shadow Fighters would do for us when the six of us all finally perish. I’m aware I’m progressively getting stronger, not that I liked it or appreciated that worrying fact, but it was something I seriously needed to continue forward. That I’m on par with someone like Arizona was a bit mind blowing for me. “Bathory is truly a nightmare made real by the people around her growing up and by the legends that came after, but how she became that nightmare is sad… enough so that she wrote her memories in a diary trying to force them all out of herself in an attempt to forget who she is, was and might continue be without pause. I’m going to read her entire diary eventually and learn all I can about the person she was, because from what I’ve seen… she might never get the chance to be anything other than a villain in someone else’s story. Even when given the chance to reincarnate into a world anew and starting fresh, it sounds like her memories will always follow her like some form of curse. At least that’s all of what I can understand of her situation thus far, so really… there’s some room to pity her. Bathory is actually strong in some ways, but others… well one person fighting an entire war ‘alone’ by themselves…”

Trailing off I looked to the Primarina who didn’t say anything, she simply looked away while crossing her flippers over her chest and began to lightly hug herself. I trot up to her and give her a hug and she returned it softly with a bit of hesitance.

“Come on, enough resting let’s try to take the stairs and see what’s changed around here, because something big happened to this castle and knowing us, it probably won’t be anything good.” We all went to the circular room before the cells and towards the stairs, I stopped when l heard something behind us.

Turning around I saw something oozing from the wall and hissing as it dropped to the floor. The lit candles, which never wore down, fell off the far back wall as a green oozing sludge started to fill the torture dungeon and began melting the metal of the cells. In fact the flow was coming towards us and if we had to run up the stairs with traps while being chased by rising acid goo…

“Dodo, path, stairs, now!” I didn’t need to elaborate as Dodo started moving up the stairs. “Follow him!”

When Dodo tried to go up the stairs they immediately turned into a slide and he quickly popped out the claws on his blocky talons and managed to stay on the slope, but he looked back us and warbled sadly.

I looked at the staircase and saw some slick black substance flowing down it, probably oil to prevent us from climbing up the spiral slide down into the acid that was quickly fill the cells down here.

Shanty, Dolly and I could climb up along the walls, but said walls have traps. Favela might be able to pull herself up with her vines by stabbing them into the brick work and pulling herself up. Quetal might be able to claw his way out of this. Dodo was already showing he had an idea of how to climb up himself.

The problem was that the Primarina was large and already doing poorly health wise. There’s also Shine to worry about. The traps wouldn’t affect her if she phased through them, but she was carrying our healing supplies.

If we had some rope… Favela… if we had defenders… like Quetal and Dolly.

“Favela, quickly wrap vines around me and Shanty! Ms. Primarina and Shine start hugging Favela tightly. Quetal, Dodo and Dolly will protect us from the traps as we climb up!” My orders in the middle of a growing panic were met with instant action.

Favela’s left vine whipped out and wrapped around my waist, I leapt to the left wall. Shanty jumped onto the opposite wall understanding where I was going for this. The captive Primarina got to the where the oil was and rolled onto her back and Favela clambered up her tail and onto the mermaids belly so that the Primarina would wrap her in a hug, Shine clung to the small end of the tail.

“Ready, move carefully now, go!” I started to trot along the left wall at the same time as Shanty did so on the opposite wall as we climbed the spiral. We were using the oil slick to help us drag the Primarina up the steep slope as we walked along the walls that weren’t coated. We would use the oil trap to our advantage.

Quetal Clambered onto the wall behind me using his claws and Dolly was on Dodo’s back, as he climbed ahead of us, readying to jump at any trap wielding her board in a defensive measure. Dolly couldn’t stay on the walls without moving, but she’d be capable of getting up by herself if she fell. Dolly was only riding on the smaller Dodo to conserve energy.

We started really pulling the poor Primarina up the slope as the green sludge splashed at the bottom of it.

“Come on Shanty, pull!” We were moving up the spiral at a good pace, a spear on a chain flashed out at me from the upper wall on Shanty’s side.

Only to be hit back and broken by the exploding energy stars that Quetal spewed forth, he crawled the wall with a look of concentration in his eyes. He sprayed another burst in the defense of shanty as bladed stars shot at her.

“Why is it always being ninja with me? Pirate, Pi-Rate!” Thus was Shanty’s grumbling at being assaulted with throwing stars.

A cutlass, lacking handle or hilt, came spinning at the vine wrapped around me and Dolly swung her board up into its path with her strap. It was easily deflected up and over and then went sliding down the spiral slope.

“Oh, come on, that was a perfect one to be sending at me!” Shanty stated with more grumpiness.

“Shanty… don’t ask the bleed happy murderous castle to attack you any more than it already is, it’s already doing that enough.” Blithely aware that the castle was somewhat alive, I continued to clamber along the wall avoiding the trap holes that would either cause me to get skewered or would cut into Favela’s vine.

“Knives!” Shanty announced and both Dolly and Quetal deflected the projectiles that spewed forth from the walls at us. Dodo even had to catch a knife in his beak before it could hit either the Primarina or Shine. “Well that is being more like it at least…”

“Stop encouraging this place!” The Primarina had found her spark and voice, it just took her getting angry to do so. “Acidic goo rising up behind us, remember?!”

“That’s not much to worry about, we’re almost to the top.” There was something I noted about Shanty, she wasn’t losing energy or getting tired at all… she had gained quite a bit of stamina and I was proud that she was getting stronger alongside me. At least I wasn’t so alone in my unusual rise in strength.

Once we did get to the top, after deflecting a series of very insistent throwing axes, Shanty spoke up.

“Stop!” Shanty shouted before we climbed through the entrance and I looked to her, I took a glanc behind us at the bubbling goo rising and the fact that it was now tinged red. “Up!”

I looked up from the entrance and saw something that hadn’t been there when we passed through previously. A chandelier now hung near the entrance, one covered in an absolutely excessive amount of sharp crystals, blades and thorns.

“...” I didn’t say anything. The chandelier would get in the way of us pulling straight out of the doorway. It was placed precariously and precisely so that it would crush us if we tried to pull the Primarina and Shine the rest of the way up.

Unfortunately it was also poorly placed as I grabbed onto the side of the entrance to the basement dungeons and looked at the walls to our immediate left and right from the entrance. As if seemingly in response to my looking, the walls spun around and produced pillars with spinning blades and chains that moved back and forth along tracks in the wall, so we couldn’t go outward from the entrance to avoid the chandelier.

The only way was up then, I quickly climbed up the arch, with Shanty mirroring my actions and then straight up above the entrance. This pulled the Primarina up enough that she could get her flippers on the floor around the entrance to the basement and pull her and Shine the rest of the way up, which was a surprising show of strength given her poor health.

“What no flames traps to keep us off the walls?” Shanty… well actually…

“I don’t think this castle can kill us in ways that isn’t conducive to ruining its ability to bleed us out.” I’m quite sure the acid was specially made to rend our flesh and bones, but leave our vital fluids untouched. That was on the basis of the bloody color it turned as it rose. The reddish ooze stopped a foot below the basements entrance. “Guys move carefully, don’t trust what we knew coming in!”

Favela released us and sighed as she finally wasn’t stressed with acting as a pulling rope for us. We all regrouped up near the dungeons entrance, but not under the highly obvious chandelier trap like complete idiots.

So far this castle was just mentally exhausting, this could be worse we could be fighting our way through controlled Pokémon trying to escape and they could be getting skewered on these traps. Thankfully enough, Bathory had most of the controlled on the battlefield… or maybe there was even a small part of her is being vaguely merciful by not having them patrol her castle.

Since we kind of promised to get Primarina out we needed to head back towards the entrance before searching for more.

“Dodo scout ahead, let’s head back for the entrance.” Nodding back to me, the lovable living metal familiar started to circumnavigate the room and we followed him back towards the room with the blood bath and fountain.

When we entered the room Dodo was waiting patiently and warbled with worry, he had reason to be as the room no longer feature what was previously here… we couldn’t actually go back through this room safely either for one reason.

The entirety of the floor was now taken up by what looked like the world’s largest wood chipper, given the horizontal body pulping blades taking up the floor. I wouldn’t want to attempt carrying Primarina or Shine over that and I don’t think Favel can stretch her vines that far. Speaking of Favela she look stressed by us outrunning that acidic ooze the way we did, I would not ask her to use her vine whip to help us across this.

“Okay… let’s try a different path! East or west people?” I shuddered at the idea of us trying to circumnavigate that death trap. “We still needed to check the towers for any other survivors anyway… first come first serve direction.”

“Let’s head east first!” Dolly shouted before anyone else could speak up.

“East it is!” We turned and left the body chipper room and back through the hall with the chandelier and towards the eastern corridor. “Wait… stop… an idea has just occurred to me. Shine give me your backpack.”

“Okay… but why?” Taking the Sitrus Berry loaded bag from Shine, pointed down the hall.

“Phase, then run as fast as you can through the hallway, I need you to test something. Also here’s a reviver seed just in case.” I whispered to our ghostly gourd friend, she took the reviver seed and tucked it into the hair behind the curling stem sticking up from her the top of her head. The hallway was full of iron maidens, slots for swinging axes and beyond that was the back eastern corner of the castle.

“Right… excuse me everyone, but Pom asked me to do this… YAHHHHHHHHHHH!” Shine charged down the hallway and the Iron maiden came to life with shining yellow eyes and tried to skewer her with two spears from above two axes from the side and tried to stab her from below with six arms. One of the iron maidens launched forward open two doors outward and tried to close them on Shine who kept going as swinging axes, stabbing blades, and puncturing spears all passed through her ghostly form and arrived at the other end of the corridor after passing through an iron maiden that tried to close in on her.

I looked to the ceiling at the hanging lights in the corridor leading to one of the towers.

“Let’s go, Primarina stay in the middle of us. Shanty, Dodo take right, Dolly with me on the left and Quetal bring up the rear and help those of us who get into trouble with your Swift move.” We’ll move at your pace.

Aside from being a bit slow and quite scared the Primarina made it to the end of the hallway and everyone avoided injury.

The swinging axe traps didn’t activate and only two of the Iron Maidens came at us. Dodo and Shanty fended of their weapons easily with bladed hoof and deflecting metal wing. Dolly blocked the spears and knives while I held off the axes by breaking their wooden shafts.

The two that activated were the ones near the end of the hall, the traps had a limited amount of time of being active and had to act on the principle of being trap. The Iron maidens for instance couldn’t hound us or leave the area they are trapping.

“Everyone wait here for me here.” I made sure that the floor wouldn’t suddenly drop out from beneath them as I gave Shine back her healing berry loaded pack and started up the stairs.

“Hey Pom, I’ll…” I looked back at Dolly and shook my head no, she laid down on top of her board. “Well okay then.”

I carefully and quickly made my way up the stairs… no traps… strange, very exceedingly strange.

Once I got to the top of the tower I noticed several things out one of the small openings. There was a magical purple barrier around the castle and I thought I heard some movement.

Nothing here, but lights, a table, some chairs and a chipped teacup with a design that looked oddly like… it was a ghost type wasn’t it? No way would a teacup have a face like that, strange purple liquid that was refusing to spill onto the floor from the chipped portion and a part of the handle was made up of the same purple liquid stuff poking out of a different hole on side the handle would be trying to look like a handle.

“Excuse me, but you can’t stay here, we’re going to destroy the castle as soon as we leave and no one should be here when it collapses.” The liquid rose up revealing a spooky ghost thing as if it were a part of the tea cup, a tea cup that was notably floating. “Also can you do me a favor and check the other towers to see if anyone is in them, then come back here so we can leave together?”

“As long as the scary bat lady isn’t around… okay.” He said after a moment and left through the stone wall and floated towards one of the towers, he came back a few minutes later. “No one else in the other towers.”

“Come on then, also what are you?” I’ve been learning of many Pokémon, this wasn’t an entirely odd one being a living teacup full of ghost stuff.

“I’m a sinistea… also I touched the barrier, I can’t go through that.” Motioning for him to follow me, I moved down the stairs.

“Good news, this is the last Pokémon left in the castle.” I said as my group were relieved to see me. “We just have to get out of here now.”

“That’ll be easier said than done Pom.” Shine stated looking at the corridor.

“Rush down the corridor so we can see what we’re dealing with, also stay phased.” Our new friend nodded and didn’t think twice, the teacup ghost immediately shot down the corridor which filled with barbed chains, whips and flails. “Go!”

We got through the corridor before the traps could reset, even the wary Primarina who had to avoid some of the barbed chains as she moved forward.

“Thank you for assisting us in getting out of here without asking for anything, still… do you want a berry?” I offered. “About as much as we safely can offer right now.”

The Sinistea nodded eagerly.

Shine pulled out a berry and offered it. The Sinistea took a look at the berry Shine offered and he calmly took it, he apparently liked that berry as he began eating it immediately.

“Sitrus Berry goes great in tea…. I would know!” The Sinistea grinned. “Since you say this place won’t be around in a while and we need to get out of here, I don’t mind helping where I can. You didn’t have to offer that, but you still did anyway. You also looked around to see if there were any Pokémon left in the castle too and came to warned me it was going to be destroyed. So we’re evenly kind!”

“We still have to get down that corridor to get to the entrance and somehow find out how to shut down the barrier keeping us in here.” Quetal was keeping us on point and I looked at the Corridor and my eyes narrowed a bit.

“Sinistea you’re up, find out what kind of traps this hallway has.” The teacup ghost shot down the corridor and looked about curiously when nothing happened when he got to the other end. “The traps in this corridor are either not working or… they are based on touching the floor. Dolly Skateboard, full speed.”

Dolly threw me a salute and then kicked off and into the corridor leading towards the entrance. The reaction as immediately, the floor fell out beneath her and she went into a slowly falling hover while looking downwards.

“Heh, just spike pits so- scary hahaha.” Dolly went to hover closer to a wall and I saw the ceiling shift slightly.

“Above you!” Getting an image from me as to what was happening above her Dolly angled her board forward and kicked off the wall to gun down the corridor at a high speed glide as ceiling smashers slammed down behind her rapidly trying to push her into the spikes.

The last ceiling smasher slammed down as she was under the middle of it.

“Ack… oof… agh!” Dolly made it to the other side only to have the back edge of her board get hit by a ceiling smasher that sent flying upwards to flop onto the floor at the entrance room on her face and belly before her board landed on the floor next to her. “Bow-whacka-whoa that was a close one! One of my better wipeouts even, didn’t break a leg this time!”

“Dodo, under the Primarina’s front, use you’re wings to help lift her.” I got under Primarina’s midsection and lifted it up.

“Wait… you can’t be thinking of…” Primarina said with her glossy blue eyes widening in fear. I slowly moved my hind hooves to the wall.

“Match my pace Dodo!” I started running forward along the wall once the trap reset with a struggling Primarina on my shoulder, we made across without issue as Dodo and I ran Primarina along the wall. “Quetal carry Shine! Favela stretch your vines as far as you can and grab the corners of this side of the corridor and retract yourself forward, you can do it!”

Shine hopped onto Quetals back and he clamped onto the right wall and slowly moved claw over claw to the left towards us and they managed it. The only one left was Favela who had been stretching her vines forward, but couldn’t quite reach.

Favela narrowed her eyes and burst forward into a gallop while keeping her vines extended until they could reach the corner of the entrance side of the corridor, the ceiling smashers activated as the floor fell out beneath her.

With a hard yank Favela retracted her vines and came flying forward, but she wouldn’t be fast enough.

“Shanty, Dodo, Dolly!” I called as I ran for her left vine and they went for her right, we grabbed the vines and pulled as hard as we could. Favela barely cleared the last smasher and I leapt up to inflate my wool and take the impact, to slam into the floor on my back.

“You… okay Favela?” I asked slowly after having caught her.

“Yeah, I think so. That was terrifying and my blood is pumping after that, don’t know why Skiddo like being quiet and gentle normally, that was amazing!” It seemed Favela was okay.

“Amazingly close.” Shanty stated while rolling her eyes before she moved up to Favela and rubbed a hoof against her forehead affectionately.

“Okay we just need to go out the… oh…” Everyone else looked to where I was staring, the front entrance door and spiked bar trap were gone. The door itself was also gone, I wanted to curse so badly right now. “The entrance… it’s gone… heh… we’re doomed.”

“We could be trying upstairs or we could try breaking the wall?” Well if there was as good a time as ever.

“Rrrr…yip!” The stone wobbled and didn’t crack. I turned away and then clenched my right hoof. “Are you okay…”

I thrust forward assisted by wool springing from my rear hooves, I thrust my right hoof forward into the wall with a solid impact and a point blank thousand spear. I then place my left hoof on my right leg to brace and…

“Buster Wolf!” Despite putting my all into it, the end result of the upward explosion was a slight scorch mark and me being blasted backwards by everyone from the recoil. I laid there on my back for a bit as everyone came over to me and looked down at me, I slowly sat up and looked at everyone who had equally worried faces. “We can’t escape can we? The castle has magical properties that make it immune to the kind of damage I can do…”

“Not right, we can at least get outside.” Sinistea gestured to himself and Shine.

“What good would that do? You said you couldn’t get through the barrier out there.” This magic castle had us trapped inside and who knew how long it would be before someone realizes that we were in dire trouble.

At least we saved most of the captives... now who’s going to save us?! My most recently created devastating form of attack and it was useless here!

“Maybe not the barrier, but if there is a nearby Pokémon outside maybe we can alert them to the problem and they can get help or help us somehow?” The purple ghost sticking out of the teacup at least had an optimism I just currently didn’t. He was such a bright little guy for being a ghost, kind of like shine. “I can go outside and look for a way to get someone’s attention from inside the barrier… or find a way outside from the upper floors of the castle? The towers didn’t have anything in them, but I think I saw a balcony upstairs with an open way out…”

“So we just need to get up the…” Something clanked loudly. Oh no… I looked to the staircases and where we all were sitting. To large holes opened up in the ceiling and two large metal balls fell at the top of the staircases and looking at their design…

“Everyone move!” We all dove away as the two railings of the staircases acted as guides and sent the two metal balls smashing together to create a shockwave that knocked us all to the floor, even the poor Sinistea whimpered as his cup struck the floor harshly. “Oh what next, tons of holes in the floor opening up to… yep.”

Sections of the floor shifted revealing holes leading up to the metal spheres between the staircase and I got up and ran towards the two large metal boulder sized balls as spears sprouted up from the floor in a wave behind us.

I helped Primarina up onto one of the metal balls, her heart shaped tailfin nearly getting nicked by the blood rusted blades, with a heave. Favela lifted herself up and got Shanty with her vines. Dodo hopped up on his own. Quetal tossed shine up and made the leap himself with aerial ace. Sinistea was fine as he started phasing to avoid any damage.

“This place be trying very hard to kill us…” Shanty noted blandly.

“Oh is it now?” Followed Quetal sarcastically.

“Sinistea, check outside and see if that balcony is still where you remember it being?” It didn’t take long for Sinistea to come back.

“Yeah, there’s a way outside the castle, but there’s not a way out of the barrier though.” Good enough for me Sinistea, because I didn’t want to be inside this insane castle for much longer!

“Good, we need to get out of here before the castle somehow succeeds!” I looked towards the quiet and seemingly innocent staircases. “We’ll take our chances with the staircases and the upper floors.”

-Bathory Battle-

Motochika singing his song had rallied his civilian and military units, alongside rallying Evan’s makeshift forces that weren’t his core military units and volunteer civilians.

“We still need to wait for them to… there, they did it! Now we need to cross the battlefield and take this fight to Bathory!” Grit was smiling as he took aim and fired on Bathory hitting her in the right hit from all the way across the battlefield with an insanely accurate shot. Looking beyond their enemy he saw something that might be a problem. “Guys, problem, the castle has a barrier around it for some reason…”

“Okay now we really need to take the fight to Bathory, she’s got Pom’s team trapped in the dark castle!” Evan growled. “Maiden Jig, Motochika and I are taking to the field. Pick a good moment to Dynamax, but do so only after Bathory does!”

Just because Grit made them aware of the problem of the glowing barrier now covering the castle, didn’t mean they could do anything about it… aside from using the wood chucking ballista.

“We’d have to move the ballista forward close to the shore if we’re to even hit the barrier to weaken it.” Grit looked to Evan and Motochika.

“Like I said, we’re going after Bathory. We’ll meet up with Jiri, Skeeball and Teeth’s units.” Evan was proud that the rattata unit were doing far better than they had during the Riolu and Lucario in the battle at the northern bridge in Aurora. “You need to move the ballista units forward, we’ll make room on the battlefield.”

Sure Teeth’s unit was spending a lot of time coming back to the backlines for healing, but they were doing almost as much fighting as Jiri’s unit and Jiri’s unit was getting hammered from all sides trying to keep an open path of retreat for Skeeball’s unit dug into the middle of Bathory’s side of the field. The Skitty Squad and Skeeball had been stalled out before they could reach Bathory, but they were still fighting tooth and claw to get an open shot at the stage Bathory was on.

The Riolu and Lucario that King Evan brought in were a big help in turning the battle around. The problem was that the rest of their forces were fighting haggardly and getting exceedingly tired even with the Miltank backline holding and getting Pokémon back into fighting shape in the middle of all the battling going on as multiple units were down over the course of the last few minutes.

“Bidoof!” Evan called out, drawing the attention of the bidoof keeping the fort standing through constant repairs under the vicious attacks from Bathory’s side. “You know very well that we can’t rebuild Fontaine if we lose here, do you want to build? Then come out with me and help everyone in the fighting wherever you choose to, so that you can ‘build’ a better future for all! Bring Pokémon back for healing, beat down the enemy, do something constructive like you are all well known for, let's go wild!”

Evan charged out of the gates of the fortress, following him was a determined Motochika and the fifty Bidoof keeping the fort standing all had equally determined looks as they charged for the center line of the battlefield.

“Artillery units, get those Ballista loaded and moving, we need to start hitting that castle like yesterday!” Grit ordered behind Evan and Motochika’s reckless charge.

"Be careful out there Evan." Maiden Jig was worried for her king... that and she would have a hard time finding a better one to work with.


“Mission accomplished, but do you think she is immune to poison personally?” I asked of Dazzle and Smolder.

“If she can control the blood in her body, then yes, but she can’t use the blood in that pool from all the injuries going on in the battle without having to take time to cure herself of the poison every time she uses it.” Good news then Dazzle. “Skeeball’s Skitty Squad could use some back up down there… what else can we do from up here? I don’t trust my aim with Toxic from this high up aside from hitting a big target and I don’t want to get lower near all those water Pokémon or poison anything or anyone else unnecessarily.”

“I have a good idea to follow up poisoning Bathory’s blood pool.” Smolder spoke up with a grin. We watched as Bathory used the pool for an injury she took from Grit and she grimaced after a moment, she then forcefully started vomiting up some purple liquid, of the Toxic attack they dropped into her blood supply, onto her stage. “Here’s what we do…”

Author's Note:

Dynamax Battle of the century, Bathory's true form is revealed and more.

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