• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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332. The Very Definition of Subtle.

-Pokémon Realm, Ransei Region, high above Central Illusio, Cerebrum City, Lower Tier, Ninjask-

The lower tier of the city was near the bottom of the landmass, the docks weren’t in use anyway so blowing them up slightly and setting them on fire wasn’t a bad thing. What was bad was the attention it drew to all of us.

We were now on a small floating continent with a city that filled it’s innards as much of covered the top of it and was over central Illusio.

The investigation into what is going on continues and my wing is still healing, the Araquanid Artillery Pokémon have already proven entirely useless in dealing with the Sigilyph at range and will at least still be useful against other Psychic Types.

The Araquanids could deal with Sigilyph up close easily enough, but Araquanids were quite slow and would have to be under constant fire to even close in… not to mention Sigilyph could fly being one of the reasons why they would be problematic to deal with.

We saw a patrol of Starmie entering the dock to put out a fire that had ended almost by the time they showed up, just had to deal with the burning ink that had splashed all over the docking area where they airship’s balloon went up.

Psychic types of all kinds will be around, I wondered what was stopping the patrols from actually finding us by scanning around with their psychic abilities? There was some hope that the Ponyta Prowlers were drawing more attention than us at the moment, at least as far as I know… the Sigilyph were line of sight detectors and they were everywhere down here in the lower tier of the city.

Said city had miles of streets, windowless buildings made up of strange materials with a texture of clay, but the hardiness of metal. Our location was iffy and I was of the opinion we had no actual idea of what to do now besides get our bearings at the moment.

I sat here watching from the corner as a Sigilyph floated up to the other Sigilyph they stared at each other and the other Sigilyph moved on. After a moment, a visibly sweating Ocellus returned to her base form and shivered.

“Those things are quite scary…” At least Ocellus managed to pull off mimicking a Sigilyph despite how weird its body was. “Also I think I’m partially capable of adapting to psychic powers fairly well, though I’m never going to be nearly as good as a Psychic Type. To the point I can at least feasibly fudge being a Sigilyph correctly. Even if I can’t use Pokémon moves, I don’t seem to have the capacity to manipulate or generate pocket dimension energy and my magic can’t mimic that kind of raw power. So at best I wouldn’t rely my ability to transform working very well against these guys if one of them gets smart enough to look a bit deeper into my mind. How are your injuries Pom? I told that guy I’m watching this area and that he should continue to patrolling for the intruders. Also that I didn’t spot any intruders in this dead end and I am making sure they don’t hide here with my presence.”

Ocellus quickly morphed back into a Sigilyph in a burst of strange mystical fire and went back to floating in position. The alleyway we were in was surrounded by buildings on all side, the area we were in between all of them was like an empty yard or lot that children would normally play in.

I likened Ocellus to being something akin to a Ditto, but with more intelligence and slightly better capability to adapt multiple species at once than just turning entirely into a singular species. Also I don’t think she’d appreciate hearing what Ditto are normally used for.

Currently didn’t see any civilians here, which was rather worrisome for the state of the city as the only ones I saw so far were the Starmie that showed up to put out the fires. Said fires burned out fairly quickly after the fairy wood volatilely exploded and didn’t need much water to put out aftwards.

“Still feeling sore even with the heal pulse help Ocellus! The entire thing with launching the wagon from the deck of the airship that violently exploded doesn’t help my current disposition in the slightest. Much less our situation of being stuck at least a mile in the sky surrounded by monsters mostly immune to ranged attacks and working for Gilgamesh.” As Pom just dully said with a hint of resentment, likely towards Cotton Murkrow for causing such a kerfuffle. “I don’t know how long Ocellus can keep them from thinking something is up, you’d think all the Sigilyph would be part of a connected mental network like the Hypno or would know each other by sight as much as mental signature like a magic signature on Equus. I’m assuming that’s a thing.”

Sigilyph were relatively immune to most forms of long range attacks if they had the Magic Guard ability… provided they didn’t have a large amount of physicality to them. Explosions worked if they were big enough and you needed something larger and solid like a cannonball to do any damage to them with a ranged attack, like the psychic crystals the Ponyta Prowlers from Titania were launching at them to little more effect than any energy based attack would have.

“It is.” Confirmed Shine who was checking Pom over, she was not a true medic, but Pain Split was better than nothing and it didn’t look like it was needed at the moment.

“It’s a good thing they apparently don’t.” The large Psyduck like outsider, known as Canard Thunderbeak, crossed his arms as we quietly took stock of our situation and supplies. “As I said before I know how to work behind enemy lines and stealth is the most important part of that, until we have an idea of where we’re going or what we’re doing, we lay low until we can find a chance to move to somewhere a bit more secure than a quite literal ‘dead end’ if those Sigilyph find us. They present a huge problem to moving around the city safely and unless we can get the drop on them, we’re not liable to deal with even one of them safely if several are alerted to us taking just one of them down in anything other than an instant knockout. Better to avoid being spotted entirely and we only try to take them down or attack them when necessary.”

“I wonder if Abby actually made it all the way up here through all of that… wonder what kind of headache she’s feeling about the disaster that’s going to happen here if she is around.” Fleer was worried about her friend, the fluff dog was looking a little out of her depth. “I’m starting to feel the portents of disaster myself and I’m not specialized in detecting it like she is. Her head must have a hole burning in it right now.”

“That was an awesome way to make an entrance at least.” Charjabug stated jovially as he started nibbling at bits of magnetic floating rock he snagged with string shot as we were on our way to Cerebrum. He’d need quite a bit more than that to eventually evolve into a Vikavolt, the magnetic iron was good for his diet.

“Who can we send to scout around here?” One of the Morpeko brought up.

“I can do it.” Quetal volunteered, guy had a chip in his shoulder about Dark Types and I saw the look of loathing he sent Cotton when she gave away our presence and caused that whole debacle at the airship dock when we could have gotten in quietly. The guy clearly did not like or accept the stereotypes that Dark Types tended to be known for and it must have really rankled him that Cotton just lived up to the whole ‘will stab you in the back at an inopportune moment’.

“Quetal can’t go alone.” Pom turned and looked to the Shine who seemed to be on a constant form of alert since we got here, heard she had the title ‘ninja’ and with Phantom Force that was quite an aptly acquired title. Makes sense she’d be on point in this situation as much as the Trickster who doesn’t seem to do any tricking outside of combat situations. “Shine how resilient are you to Psychic energy?”

“Neither weak nor strong to it, but I’m pretty sure I have a strong enough mind to not be driven crazy by it very quickly. I would suggest we take at least one Morpeko with us if we’re going to scout out the lower sections of Cerebrum and try to work our way up to finding a way into the Castle of Illusion.” Yeah that was more of a goal for Pom and those allied to Team Harmony. Our goals were slightly different if similar in nature. “We’ll scout around to try and find any civilians in the area we can talk to. Of course we can’t ignore the psychic energy around here possibly driving us mad and should try to keep the Morpeko unit mostly together.”

“That’s basically why we can’t go anywhere else aside from where you go, at least where the Morpeko go. That or if we can find enough Dark Types that can shield us from being driven mad again we’d gladly take safer arrangements.” The male Leavanny spoke up looking terrified of the prospect of losing his mind again.

The male and female Leavanny were at least friendly and could make clothes if given some materials to work with, they were also supportive of our cause given their forest home was no longer safe place to be and here they could at least do something.

Leavanny were known to be artisans with cloth, but they weren’t bad battlers either in a pinch so we had some extras with us that could be of some use in any capacity. Though I wouldn’t force civilians to fight alongside us unless absolutely necessary, I would at least put them on rear guard or being with the other civilians we had with us in keeping their heads down in a fight.

My orders were clear cut as far as working alongside the Morpeko and investigating Illusio were concerned. We were a little bit well beyond our orders at this point in the terms of just being an investigation, but we would stick with Team Harmony as they were going our way anyway. I would just take this as an opportunity for a more in depth investigation with our allies into what the problem, Gilgamesh, was actually doing around here.

There was also the fact the Ponyta Prowlers from Titania had their own goals in mind even after the loss of their airship, which is why I had Shedinja watching them as much as assisting them if they needed it to find out why they originally wanted to come here.

A lot of spy skullduggery was going on around here and I was probably the only spy here for a less volatile and more benign reason.

Cotton Murkrow was someone to look out for while we were here, she tried to either get us killed or tried to keep us from reaching the city. Whatever she was tried to do, she painted a target on all of our backs.

What were we in for with our backs to the wall here? Were the walls even safe with Psychic Types having the ability to teleport?

If my wing weren’t busted I’d be doing more than riding around on the back of an Araquanid and delegating tasks to the Chrysalia unit. That is to say, I didn’t want to miss being part of the action as a spy and scout.

One thing was for certain, Gilgamesh knew we were here and so did the people he controlled, the people who were rebelling and whoever else was here to mess with what was going to quickly become a cluster if someone had their sights on taking over Illusio.

Chrysalia didn’t want Illusio’s territory, but Yaksha might want to take it if Cotton was actually from there.

-Ten minutes later, Pom-

Until Quetal, Shine and the Morpeko that went out found a better spot to hide in, Ocellus was busy guarding the entrance of the alleyway and we were doing a little camping and eating small snacks. I was chewing on a few cashews as Dolly padded her way up to me, I looked her way as she wanted my attention by pinging me in our heads.

“While we have the time, why can’t I do any of that floating slash with a wind sword or firing wind bullets from my paws thing?” We were in kind of a tense situation Dolly, was now the time to try and distract me from my surroundings. “Yes, also I’m fine and mostly healed, completely raring to go and get your device back from that grinning Giles Arrest even!”

“Well okay then… it’s because we were in our minds. You were mentally doing that stuff, but doing it in reality would be much harder. I really doubt you could create chains of wind to bind him in place unless you work on your magical efficiency.” Which I knew Dolly barely had any for the limited amount of magic she had. “The more you do with less energy, the better your abilities will become that you might be able to do that.”

“I’m not exactly on par with my little brother Deepak in the focus department… then again maybe I don’t have to be. Maybe I could take a page out of Tigerball W, Turtleball X or Phoenixball Y, and just yell a lot until it works and I’m glowing with power while flying around out of sheer force of will.” Uh Dolly, wasn’t that a series of interconnected cartoon show with the ridiculous characters traveling around while gather magical spheres similar to the four animals symbolism from Po’s world… actually it’s not so ridiculous when you are living a life similar to a show you’ve watched only a few minutes of once at best in a hotel room. “Skateboard with wind sure gives my board a bit of a kick, makes me more agile on it and everything, but I’m not good at it. I’m trying to imbue myself here and doesn’t seem to do anything like what it did in my dream.”

“Exactly what you just said Dolly, dream, it’s not reality Dolly.” I didn’t doubt that she could make it reality.

“Oh I’m definitely going to want to make those skills reality, really helped me out against Gilgamesh! Don’t rightly know about the wind chain and portals thing though. That seemed more like an ‘us combining our talents’ kind of thing, also there was that weird green energy that flowed between us.” Trying to make dreams a reality was harder than making reality into dreams. “Kind of want to do that Ally Swap thing too, still can’t do Dancing Flame because nobody wants to teach me and I’ve been watching you and Shanty do it over that week.”

“What Shanty does is technically more like water, she’s creating more of a flow and somehow cloning herself out of her own sweat through slow long inhaling and exhaling… where my breathing is even or use in powerful burst.” It has now come to my attention that I’m now just as capably insane as my friends back on Equus are in a fight and just as much outside of one. I now had a control over my canine aspect that I could actually lean into it enough to physically transform and it wasn’t just my wool changing shape that time. “… Just how weird are we?”

“The weirdest and greatest, there’s nothing wrong with that!” As enthusiastic as you were about that Dolly, I didn’t like everything I could do. I didn’t like the level of lethality I had in my hooves and bloodied mouth. I’m not about to tell anyone I actually ate a small chunk of one of those Hypno’s, thank goodness I didn’t enjoy it, but it still happened horrifyingly enough.

“What’s wrong is you trying to learn Dancing Flame, it’d tear you’re body apary, the way Shanty Does it doesn’t have the threat of that and will only badly dehydrate her.”

“My ears be burning, what is being the conversation here?” Shanty said as she came to sit with me and Dolly.

“Dolly wants to learn a new technique, but I would rather she didn’t try Dancing Flame given how frail her body is and how much permanent damage she could do to herself.” It was strange that I didn’t hear Dolly taking offense to that and just pawed at one of her ears with both her front paws looking slightly conflicted before smiling at me with a wagging tail. “Speaking of Dancing Flame…”

“Water Rondo, I be figuring out how to be cloning myself and I still want to be creating a flying cut attack… so I don’t have to be relying on water so much.” Yeah, singing was more of a theme for Shanty whereas dancing was something I was decent at considering how fighting helps with coordination. “However ranged attacks are being a bit useless here right? At least I can be giving myself a full acapella when needed… even if my clones can’t actually be singing.”

Given our track record I expect Dolly to start throwing lightning bolts, spewing ice and then somehow start setting things on fire as much as manipulating ‘gravity’. Speaking of… why didn’t the Sigilyph use the Pokémon move Gravity on us?

Oh right, Cotton confused them before they could after alerting them and the others were probably too far away to drop us out of the sky. Still concerned that Cotton might have been working for Gilgamesh incidentally.

“I don’t have the spirit for martial arts like you two.” Smolder mumbled as she sat with us eating something. “I’m decent at ribbon dancing combat, but aside from that I’m still just a brawler and haven’t really improved much in that area.”

As she said this, I watched Smolder shape the combat ribbon in the air with rather specific set of movements into the image of a dancing dragon with an opening and closing mouth.

“That is being okay, at least Ocellus is improving her abilities by leaps and bounds.” Wonder what Shanty meant by that, I knew Ocellus was at least working on mimicking Favela’s Vine Whip in any form to gain extra limbs and making sure they were safely detachable before using them in combat. “Kind of hard not to think I’m slacking with what you guys are becoming increasingly capable of.”

“Wish I didn’t have to be this capable.” I grumbled, because I’m taking my designated caretaker job seriously.

“I don’t mind being this awesome!” Dolly stated with a cheeky grin and pumping her right paw in the air.

“Heh, so cute, so how long do you think it’ll take them to find a better place to hide than here?” It would probably be a while I’d think Smolder.

“What… WAHHH?!” The shrill panicked scream drew our attentions to Ocellus who quickly floated out of the way of a Pokémon leaping at her with a large two handing massive sword and tried to carve into her.

One would assume anyone with a sword that large and actively attacking a Sigilyph would have to be a rebel, they were odd looking, highly muscular and were what I recognized as a Medicham. Psychic and Fighting Type.

“One of you dullards actually managed to dodge me, oh yeah, this is going to be fun and what are you hiding back there?” Said idiot of course is going to draw every Sigilyph in the area to us unless we knock him out quickly. “Oh ho, some outsider buddies of that big bastard Gilgamesh, this might just be my lucky day!”

He also thinks we’re with the very monster we were here to investigate and likely stop, oh joy and I’m betting he’s stupidly tough too and would have to be to be carrying a ridiculously large and heavy double edged Zanbatou sword around and wielding it one handed as he pointed it at us with a wild grin.

If we’re truly as unlucky as I think we are, he’s a blood crazed berserker judging by the injury patterns on his body. That was on top of just seeing his demented grin, what is our luck today, no really, WHAT IS IT?!

It was fairly apparent this was not going to be quiet by any stretch of the imagination and was going to draw a lot of attention to us.

“Smolder go pull Ocellus back, don’t get hit that thing was made for killing ponies the size of Celestia. Shanty prepare the wagon to move, Dolly with me.” Even as I belted out orders and got up from where I was sitting and quickly ran forward and hurriedly shouted out. “Can we talk this out, PLEASE, you are creating a huge misunderstanding here!”

“Talk with a Gilgamesh stooge, no can do, the names Sagara Sonosuke and I’ll be beating you within in an inch of your lives today!” I believed he could do that too, stupid, impulsive and had the wrong idea about us being present and watched by a transformed Ocellus he took another swing at and barely had to stop in mid swing from tearing Ocellus in half by a fireball to the face that only stunned him. “Okay, ow, that burns. This might be more trouble than I thought, but I’m in it to win it!”

“Can we at least keep this quiet and not attract the attention of every Sigilyph on this level of Cerebrum?” Of which there was a lot that could pound us into dust at range.

“Why thank you, you read my mind, so let’s make this quick and if we can’t, then it becomes a real party!” Sanosuke, it really didn’t take me very long to identify you as a certifiable idiot if you were working for the rebellion and supposedly the same Kenshin that Mentalis mentioned. Also a dangerous martial arts expert from what I could read on him as he charge at me as Smolder pushed Sigil-cellus by me, because Kenshin was probably in dire need of an enforcer this stupid.

At least his movements were easy to read, I told Dolly to back up and let me take the blow. I locked my hind legs to the floor and stiffened all my wool before the massive sword slammed into me.

“AGGGHHHH!” I felt the ground ruptured under me as I was lifted straight up into the air by the blow and felt my ribs crack from just the pressure of the blow going straight through my wool. This was just from my wool mitigating a majority of the cutting force applied to me.

I hit the ground on my back next to Dolly and realized that I wasn’t going to be able to block break this weapon with my wool. Also he was absolutely stronger than I first initially thought, what kind of hysterical strength does this guy even have?!

“POM, WHY YOU… AERORA!” Dolly blasted wind at Sanosuke, only he managed to block the horizontal tornado with his large blade by planting it to hold himself in place and split the tornado into two halves.

Wind attacks were supposed to be effective, but he was strong enough to split a fully focused Aerora funneled by the alleyway by stabbing his blade straight into the floor.

Sanosuke was grinning at us quite ferally, I’d assume at finally finding a good fight opportunity… at least right up until I thrust my hooves up into the tornado and smacked them together creating a spark that created a powerful explosion wave heading right at him.

That was neither subtle nor laying low, but it would have at least… wow… he only moved about six inches and was barely injured by that. At least Kenshin, if this guy really worked with him, has good taste in people to have on his side even if they weren’t currently on ours.

“Oh yeah, now that’s the kind of stuff I’m talking about!” Sanosuke shouted aggressively, it would probably be a good idea to quickly find a way to disarm him.

He was promptly hit with four streams of boiling hot water from the Araquanids. Once their fire died down, he was still standing and even seemed to have enjoy it.

“Ah, that felt good, been a while since I’ve been to a hot spring, you goons are real nice you know and I’ve been meaning to bathe for a while. Just for that, you can die now!” Sanosuke swung his weapon with incredible force.

I quickly kicked up my hind legs into a left legged hoof stand, inhaled quickly and then exhaled as I grabbed Dolly with my right leg and pushed off the floor to avoid it being shredded by the volatile pressure wave of rending winds he launched at us and clung to the wall on our left.

Thankfully Shanty had the bright idea to have the wagon out of the way as the pressure wave tore a hole into the back of the building creating a new entrance into the alleyway or more importantly, out of it. Nobody had been hit, but the hole created was ridiculous.

“Huh? Looks like you’re cavalry has arrived and I’m good at destroying cavalry!” Nobody was doubting you Sanosuke, considering you just blocked a psychic beam from a Sigilyph without moving and inch and had something like a glowing eye marking spotlight focused on your body signifying what I’m sure to be Miracle Eye locking onto a single target.

“Everyone… through that building he opened up!” I called as I kicked off the wall as a massive hole opened up in it from another air rending attack. We can’t wait for Quetal, Shine and the Morpeko that went with them to come back, we had to move. “Go, we’ll catch up!”

“What she said!” Canard agreed readily as the wagon turned and started entering the hole blown in the wall large enough for it to pass through.

Dazzle fire a Dragon Pulse out the back of the wagon before they moved out of sight beyond the hole as Sanosuke was busy blocking another psychic beam from one of the Sigilyph and actually physically deflected the powerful purple energy dragon upwards.

He deflected an energy attack with just physical strength, my goodness that sounded so dumb that it would be something Arizona would do on principle just to make physicists cry.

“Not going to lie, that… was really cool.” In a bit of a stupor after seeing such a thing, Dolly started clinging to me tightly as I ran for the hole on three legs.

“Get back here!” Sanosuke shouted and started into the alleyway as Dazzle’s Dragon Pulse finally hit a part of the ceiling and wall high above and collapsed a mass of rubble behind the guy and onto a pair of Sigilyph aiming at his back. He came charging for us a second later with his sword like it was a spear holding it by its oversized handle in both hands.

“Can I just say that we are not with Gilgamesh?!” I called back.

“Then why are you running, that seems guilty enough for me, you’re probably one of those spies trying to suck up to him or your one of those groups making secret deliveries to his castle!” Gee Mr. Sagara, I too am wondering why anyone would run from a giant sword wielding maniac that just started attacking you on a completely baseless assumption. “You can’t fool good old Sanosuke of the rebels that easily!”

“I wasn’t trying to in the first place!” I shouted back before inhaling and exhaling to blur out of the way of the sword he threw at me, after going through the hole he made earlier it spears through the opposite not as destroyed wall in the hallway that used to be unblemished until that moment.

I felt sorry for anyone who had to repair the damages of all this as I continued down the hallway after spotting Lit sparking up to signal to us to follow him.

Lit leapt up onto my nose when I turned the corner and heard a roaring noise of effort and the sounds of destruction, I stopped in place and then Sanosuke burst through the wall in front of us and continued on through the opposite wall.

Dolly and Lit looked to me and then Lit simply poked me twice to get my attention, he pointed his leg to continue going in the given direction down the hallway towards a T-junction. I quickly galloped that way and the sound of my hooves turned Mr. Sagara back in our direction.

“Wha… how did you get behind me?” Strong enough to hurt me even if I do block and dumb enough to be issue to anyone he’s friends with, that’s not exactly a good combination Mr. Sagara. “Will your trickery know no end!”

Lit pointed left and quickly turned the corner using my front left leg to pivot and nearly avoided being skewered by Sanosuke and he slammed his sword down behind me launching me up into the air, I flipped and started running along the ceiling.

“Your being ridiculous here!” I called back.

“I’m Ridiculous, you’re the one running on the ceiling, get down from there and face me like a warrior I feel you are! I can smell the immense potential on you.” Ah so Sanosuke had the same kind of sense that Arizona, Tianhuo, Velvet and even Paprika had when in concerns with me having a hidden potential for fighting and being a Chrysomallus.

“Did it ever occur to you that we’re running because you’re trying to kill us?!” I dropped from the ceiling as he threw his sword up at me, he leapt up grabbed the handle of the sword and swiftly pulled it free from the ceiling to try and bring it slamming down on us. “We’re not even with a group of Psychic Types at the moment!”

“Likely story, I’ve seen Pokémon of other types working with Gilgamesh and I’m actually planning to take you alive!” Nice to know and very informative, now how were you this darn fast Mr. Sagara I was running at full tilt short of entering Dancing Flame because of Lit and Dolly.

“Could have fooled me with the way you swing that thing around!” I felt Lit poke the right side of my nose and nodded as I ran. My ribs were in agony, but I wasn’t going to let him hit me with that thing again.

“Darn you’re a fast one, how about a Force Palm!” I pretended to try and turn left at the cross section, but I was taking a book out of one Dolly’s evasive maneuvers.

I planted my left hoof and started to pivot to the left in the intersection and then tapped into Dancing Flame with a quick breathe and pushed myself backwards in a blur while locking Lit and Dolly into my wool trying not to hurt them while moving at insane speeds.

If I did that right, then I blurred my movements well enough that he…

Sanosuke turned left and continued down the hallway as the three of us held our breaths.

Didn’t see me going backwards instead of forwards.

Lit tapped me and pointed behind me. I carefully turned around, hopped and covered all my hooves with wool and started running for all I was worth, my hooves silenced by the covering of wool.

After several thirty seconds of being directed by Lit, I exited the entrance of the building through a door, Psychics probably had buildings or rooms without doors, but air vent for privacy since they could likely teleport in and out of things.

Once I was on the street, Dodo warbled worriedly and gestured at the wagon. I hopped for the entrance breathing heavily with wide eyes as my friend grabbed me in the air and pulled me.


“Go!” Canard ordered and we were on the move, Sanosuke burst out of the building a second later next to where the door was. Why did he go through the wall, there was a perfectly good door there.

Sagara Sanosuke glared in our direction and I be turning to Dodo.

“Be going much faster!” I added on and Dodo started pulling us away. “Slide right!”

A blur of cutting and rending air passed us by, I was being quite jealous that he be capable of doing that. Why couldn’t I be throwing cutting air slashes that powerful?

“Left!” Dazzle called and then blasted a Toxic out the back making the guy block the fluids with his blade in a panic as we moved out of the path of another blasts of rending winds.

“Darn it, you won’t get away from me that easily!” It was around this time that several Sigilyph started converging on him, because he was being far louder than we were and stopped to start fighting them off. “You want a go at me, then come on!”

Dodo stopped at an intersection and be looking around and started pulling us to the left and towards the inner portions of the city. We be getting away.


“Out of my way!” I leapt up and slapped away the Cerebrum City guardians that become stooges for that bastard Gilgamesh as the wagon was getting away.


“This looks like it will work for us…” I was still debating whether it would be a better spot when I heard sounds coming from the direction of our previous spot. I then noticed the Sigilyph passing by with a cold feeling in my gut. “What was that?”

“Sounds like someone saw through Ocellus’s disguise.” Morpeko said fearfully.

“Quetal we have to… never mind. Over here quickly!” Shine waved her beautiful hair fronds and got Dodo’s attention and he started coming our way very quickly.

“Gyeh-heh-heh~ have a present for you!” Cotton flew by and then out of sight and this left a quickly oncoming Sigilyph who spotted us immediately.

“Lucha Mundo’s ‘AMAZING’ Flying Press!” Lucha Mundo slammed down on top of the Sigilyph from above crushing it into the ground and instantly knocking it out. “My friends have you found a good location yet? We seemed to have attracted some rather unwanted attention.”

“Yeah, no thanks to Cotton again.” I grumbled angrily, was that bird trying to get us captured or killed, or was she actually working with ‘them’?

“That is not what I am talking, do you have an idea of a place to hide?” Mundo asked as the wagon pulled up next to us.

“Yeah, it’s about a block or two away near the pillar to the next tier up, let’s go!” I hopped onto Dodo and pointed my claw forward. “I’ll give you directions to our new hiding spot Dodo, start moving!”

“Before you ask, no we haven’t found any civilians to talk to.” The Morpeko reported as I started giving some careful directions to Dodo.

-Thirty minutes later, Sanosuke-

“Woo… now that was a workout.” Now to find that wagon of supplies that got by me!

I was leaving twenty seven downed Sigilyph in my wake, even I recognized that the thirty more coming at me was a bit much and decided it was time to get a move on.

Author's Note:

-Insert Sagara Sanosuke Theme Music here-

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