• Published 19th Jan 2022
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Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Cider Season

It was early in the morning, the barely risen sun providing a grayish-blue tone over the entrance path to Sweet Apple Acres. Big Mac had moved the apple cider stand out last night, Applejack now helping her big brother move along all the large barrels of cider. The duo had worked up a fine stack slightly behind and beside the stand. This season had been fruitful, with many of the apples obtained being of very ideal condition.

Applejack wiped an early sweat from her brow as she set down the second to last barrel, Big Mac placing one atop it to form a neat stack of the liquid filled drums. “That looks to be the last of ‘em.” the earth pony stated proudly.

“Ehyup.” Big Mac agreed, turning and heading back to the barn. “I’mma help Applebloom.” He stated in his deep yet restrained voice.

“Alrighty.” she replied, giving a curious look over to the neighboring stand. It opposed the cider stand’s sleak, carved wood design. It was simplistic, sporting a deep red paint and tackily nailed together planks.

The filly sat there, strangely staring off into nothingness as she waited patiently. Her eyes were bloodshot and wide open over dark circles.

Applejack brushed away the uneasiness she felt at the sight of her little sister as Big Mac helped place a barrel of apple-lava on the counter of the stand, a tap at the bottom of it. It took a lot of effort for the stallion to resist drinking in the fluid.

The country mare couldn’t help but correlate the two as she looked away from them, awaiting for ponies to arrive. She jumped a little at the sight of a pink, party themed tent right bam first in front of the cider stand. Applejack recognized the tent almost immediately.

“Pinkie Pie?” she questioned.

The front of the tent unzipped, a couple of balloons adjusting the flap of the tent open as they floated out. The pink muzzle of a familiar mare poked out. “Heya, Applejack!” she greeted, fully slivering her head out.

“Err, heya?” Applejack glanced up at the sky to try to assume what time it was. The sky had brightened ever so slightly, but it was definitely no time that the average pony would have awoken. “Dang, ain’t ya prepared for Cider Season?”

“Everytime!” Pinkie Pie did a little salute with her hoof, retreating her head back inside the tent and zipping the front back up.

As Applejack prepared for Granny Smith to awaken and come by, she leaned the elbows of her forelegs upon the counter of the stand, resting her head upon them and yawning a little. Often the Apple family would awake earlier than usual on the beginning day of Cider Season, mainly to get everything setup swiftly. More so around 4am to ensure everything is set by the time everypony arrives in line.

At this time, while awaiting for Granny Smith to come around, Applejack would find herself napping, to ensure she had enough energy for the rest of the day. So, the farm pony found herself drifting off in her hooves.

However, after a while of resting her eyes, she blinked awake to the sound of grass rustling a good distance in front of her. There stood the other two Cutie Mark Crusaders, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, sluggishly stumbling their way over to Applebloom’s stand.

The two looked just as worn as Applebloom. Their eyes were heavily bloodshot, their hair seemed shorter and less colorful and their coats seemed very light and faded. The two appeared very zombie-like.

“We’re here.” Sweetie Belle told her friend as Big Mac came back from the barn with another barrel of the apple-lava, placing it behind the stand.

“Hey, ya two. Could y’all help me out and grab some barrels from the barn?” Applebloom asked her friends.

The two nodded slowly, before heading off to the pink colored barn in the distance. Applejack sighed, closing her eyes in wait for Cider Season to commence.

A good hour had passed of waiting by now, the sun rising in the sky to start the morning. Many more ponies arrived at Applebloom’s stand than the apple cider one. It was strange to Applejack, everypony always loved the apple cider! But now they were all in that other line, ready to shell out some bits for that disgusting red stuff!

Applejack neighed in an annoyed fashion, looking across the apple cider line. If she had to guess, it had to only have been a good couple dozen ponies. Maybe thirty or so compared to the line that stretched all the way down the path of Sweet Apple Acres at her little sibling’s stand. Each pony in that line stood with a smile, waiting for Applejack to announce the beginning of apple-cider season.

“My my! It looks like that apple-lava stuffs a big hit for all ‘em ponies!” Granny Smith exclaimed from behind, looking at the long line that the Cutie Mark Crusaders would have to manage.

Applejack felt an ember of jealousy within her. “Yep.” was all she replied with at first. “When do ya think we should begin?” she finished.

“Whenever yer ready.” The elder pony replied, hoofing the megaphone to her granddaughter.

Applejack took it, inhaling a deep breath before shouting, “Everypony!” The numerous small, candy-colored horses in the lines looked towards the country mare. “Cider Season is now officially open!” Her voice echoed out of the megaphone. She immediately saw Pinkie Pie bounce out of the tent, bags of coins in her muzzle, enough for a good dozen.

The country mare poured a cup for her, sliding it towards her friend. She took it, drinking it swiftly, reveling in its flavor. “Thanks, Applejack! 12 more, please?”

“Ya bet!” She replied, pouring more mugs for Pinkie.

The party pony grabbed all of them once she was done, balancing them in her forelegs as she somehow managed to walk off bipedally. The next pony came up, asking for two mugs as she placed some bits on the counter.

Applejack nodded in reply, filling a mug before sliding it to the pony before she turned and walked off. She entered a sort of rhythmatic loop as she did so, occasionally glancing towards her little sister’s stand.

Applebloom handled the bits, Sweetie Belle handled pouring the mugs with her magic and Scootaloo helped move around the barrels of the stuff. The tremendous line stacked much longer than the apple cider one, each pony happily taking a mug of the stuff before immediately asking for more. Already, bags of bits were beginning to form at the stand.

Each pony that drank it froze up a little in shock at how fantastic the taste was, mane’s sticking up a tad from the jolts within it. It can’t be that good. Applejack thought.


“Are you sure we can’t just get the apple-lava?” Spike pleaded beside Twilight Sparkle. “It was so delicious when I tried it!”

Twilight groaned, looking down at the baby dragon. “No, Spike! We are still not sure that stuff is safe.” Well, Twilight was 100% positive that it was bad for him. The artifact that still sat in the saddlebag across her back informed her so, and the wretched stench sure didn’t aid its case.

“But, everypony else is drinking it! It looks like they love it!” He pointed at the hundred pony long line, an annoyed look growing on his face.

The book loving alicorn sighed. “Well, I’m sure the apple cider will be just as good.” She tried to give a small, convincing smile.

Spike shook his head. “It doesn’t even taste remotely the same! Apple-lava is just on a whole different level!” he flailed his arms out.

“Do you see how long that line is, Spike? It’d take centuries before you’d get it!” Twilight pointed out, displaying the line with a hoof. “We’re lucky so little ponies are going for apple cider this season. We might actually be able to get a good amount this time!”

“Well, Twilight.” Rarity interjected, standing behind the two in line the whole time. “If he really wants some, I think we should let him! Even if it smells horrid to us.” she defended, advancing in the line.

Twilight squinted back at Rarity with an annoyed look, before turning back to Spike. “Just, stay h-” she stopped, looking at the sight of Spike running down the line towards the end to grab himself some apple-lava. “Nevermind…”

“Why is everypony so googly-eyed about that stuff anyways?” Rainbow Dash asked, her standing and waiting in front of them. There were dark circles under her eyes and she yawned a bit after the sentence.

“I’m not exactly sure.” Twilight replied. “But I know it’s not good.”

“How?” the cyan pegasus questioned.

The princess of friendship glanced back at her saddlebag, thinking back to the relic. “Err, just a feeling.” if they knew that she could hear the “Decapitation Square” as Spike had so lovingly titled it, they’d probably think she was crazy.

Rainbow Dash nodded slowly. “Same here, I guess.” she thought back to earlier in the morning, rubbing her eyes sleepily. “I came across Scootaloo a couple days ago and she was all weird-acting. Like some robot.” she furrowed her brow as the line advanced

Rarity thought back for a moment as well. “Hm, when I saw Sweetie Belle this morning, she was rather similar. She couldn’t get a wink of sleep and when I tried to talk to her, all she’d talk about was the apple-lava!”

The rainbow-maned pegasus looked over at her with a relatable feeling. “That’s what she was talking about too!”

Twilight gave a thoughtful look, absorbing the information and piecing stuff together. “Maybe apple-lava is messing with them in some way?”

“But how? I’ve only ever heard Applejack talk about it. How would they have gotten their hooves on it?” The sleepy pegasus queried.

Rarity spoke up. “Last night Sweetie Belle told me that they were having a meeting. Maybe they had some there?” she queried, shuffling up to follow the advancing line.

As they speculated, Twilight watched as Lyra and Bon Bon passed them, walking home with an entire barrel of the stuff next to the line. She felt the scent of it wafe over them as they made their way down, Twilight forming a disgusted face.

“My, Rainbow Dash, why do you look so… dreadful, darling?” Rarity questioned her friend as soon as the barrel passed, suddenly changing the topic to something much less pressing.

Rainbow Dash tilted her head. “Hm? Oh, well since the whole ‘House got destroyed by a giant meteor’ thing happened, I picked up another job and-” she yawned loudly. “It’s been a little hard to triple-shift.”

Twilight looked over at her friends’ brief conversation, then back at the wretched barrel that had just passed them. She sighed, deciding to keep the question for the artifact.

“Could we focus on the matter at hoof?” The alicorn pleaded with her two friends.

Rainbow tilted her head. “What was it about again?”

Rarity piped up. “Oh! The apple-lava.” she recalled, moving up with the line.

“Yes, now-are they working at the stand?” Twilight asked with a confuzzled look, staring at the red apple-lava stand just ahead.

The three could just make out the Cutie Mark Crusaders working with the apple-lava, moving barrels, producing mugs of, handling bits. They were the ones hoofing out the stuff to all these ponies.

“They look ghastly!” Rarity exclaimed, looking at the three fillies.

Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement. “It’s 100% the apple-lava.”

“But how do we get them away from that stuff?” Twilight asked as they moved up.

“Three mugs, please.” Rainbow said to Applejack, the country mare nodding and sliding forward a trio of cups. The pegasus placed the appropriate amount of bits, taking them with a smile. “You know, even if this apple-lava stuff seems to be all evil and mind-controlling, at least I can get my apple cider because of it.” she commented.

“Oh, Applejack! Do we have some time to talk?” Twilight asked, moving in front of Rainbow. She doubted the apple-themed pony could thanks to the line, but it was worth asking.

“Yup.” the country mare nodded.

Twilight tilted her head slightly, ear flicking. “Really?”

“Yup, don’t got much of a line right now anyways.” she gave a disappointed look to the “line” behind them. The only pony behind Rarity was Fluttershy, who had been remaining silent the whole time, them not noticing her at all. Bandages and patches still covered her flanks from the attack but they were no longer bleeding the green puss.

“H-Hey everypony.” She waved shyly as eyes sat on the only member of the ‘line.’

Applejack sighed. “Everypony’s all crazy for that apple-lava my sister and them are workin’ up.”

Twilight thought for a moment, looking across her four friends. “Wait, Fluttershy, have you tried the apple-lava yet?”

Fluttershy shook her head, shaking a bit at the thought of it. “It smells horrifying! I wouldn’t even want to touch it.”

“And, would anypony know where Pinkie Pie is?” the bookworm asked everypony.

Applejack shrugged. “Last I saw her she was heading to the back of the line for apple-lava. I guess she wants to try it.”

“Bleugh!” Pinkie exclaimed, walking away from the end of the apple-lava line. “Eugh! That is the worst thing I’ve tasted in my life!” the party pony stated, walking away from the line, dropping a mug of what was apple-lava on the ground. “How could anypony drink that?!” she hadn’t even noticed her friends still at the other stand.

“Hey, Pinkie!” Applejack called, the pink mare rearing her head to them.

“Oh, hey everypony!” she waved, bouncing towards the rest of her friends, waving still.

“What’s up, Pinkie?” Rainbow greeted, offering a hoof for her to bump.

Pinkie Pie returned it. “Not much! I was just trying out how the apple-lava stuff is. Tastes pretty yucky. Smells bad too.” she glanced back at the line.

Twilight was holding a hoof to her chin, deep in thought as her friends caught up with each other. Everypony else besides the Elements appears to love the stuff. Not us though…

E̴̺̿l̵̢̐ḙ̵́m̶̤̊e̶̡̕n̷͈̽t̴̫̄s̴̲̀?” The cube rumbled within Twilight’s saddlebag.

The alicorn jumped a little, looking around for a moment before realizing that it was the relic resting in her bag. Oh, it’s you.

Yes.” they answered, before continuing. “What are these E̴̺̿l̵̢̐ḙ̵́m̶̤̊e̶̡̕n̷͈̽t̴̫̄s̴̲̀you speak of?” it asked, hearing the magical force with the title of them.

Twilight thought for a moment, thinking of some way to explain it to them. They are the most powerful objects in Equestria. The Elements of Harmony. Me and my friends are the only ponies that can really control them. Apparently we’re compatible in some… way? It’s complicated.

It gave a thoughtful “Hmmm…” Before continuing, “So, you are telling me some strange authority thought it would be wise to leave the most powerful objects in your world to you six? Beings barely past beyond two decades of age?”

Twilight nodded, blushing a bit in embarrassment. You know, now that you put it like that it does sound a little stupid. Say, would you know anything about if that apple-lava can mess with pony’s memories?

I haven’t heard of it. Although, I wouldn’t be surprised. It is known to manipulate beings to its will.” The cube answered, its telepathic connection cutting as Twilight lurched back, spotting a pink hoof going back and forth in front of her eyes.

“Twilight? Are you alright? Hey! Snap out of it.” she urged.

The bookworm blinked, bringing herself to the occasion. “Oh, sorry, I just got caught up in my thoughts.” she looked at her friends, ruffling her mane in embarrassment.

“What were ya thinkin’ about?” Applejack queried.

She sighed before answering. “Everypony else besides us loves that apple-lava stuff. Maybe it’s correlated with the Elements in some way?” Twilight suggested.

Rarity thought for a moment. “That would make sense, but what would the apple-lava have to do with the Elements?”

“Maybe it’s some kind of corruptin’ thang? Applebloom’s been acting strange ever since she laid her eyes on that stuff!” she suggested. “Her hairs been fallin’ out and she’s been forgetting her bow constantly! Not ta mention her coat losing its color.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “That would explain why Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are like that too!”

“We need to do something.” she watched as all her friends slowly nodded in agreement. “Applejack and I will bring some of that stuff to Zecora. She’s the only pony I know that could know anything about it.” she looked at the orange cowpony. “Go get your hooves on a sample, Applejack.”

The country mare nodded, turning and galloping swiftly to the barn.

“What about us?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“You and Fluttershy will fly around the Everfree Forest. Keep an eye out for any more pools of that stuff and make sure no pony drinks from them. The same goes for you, Rarity and Pinkie.” Twilight pointed to the two, before gesturing to the ground. “Both of you stay here and make sure no more of this apple-lava sells. Got it?”

“Okie-dokie-lokie!” Pinkie saluted.

Applejack quickly galloped back to everypony, vial of the fluid in jaws. “Got it!” she mumbled around the sample.

“Alright, everypony ready?” Twilight lifted a hoof to the center of her friends, them forming a sort of circle.


“You bet!”

“Ready as ever!”


“Of course I am, darling!”

They all said, lifting hooves to Twilight’s.

“Alright, everypony split in three, one… two… three!” all six spread out, heading to their selected objectives.

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