• Published 19th Jan 2022
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Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Mission T3. To Freedom

Twilight finished her final pile, the last inch of the shield’s exterior laced with a seven feet tall fence of death. She cut the throat of an Imp, flinging it onto the corpse pile. Blood puddled and dripped around the wall.

The alicorn felt immense satisfaction from the proper defense. She slowly turned to the bloody battlefield, now empty. Tirek must have retreated. She gazed up at the ship, the flying beast beginning to move away from the kingdom. They were running.

She flexed her metal wings, the jets propelling her off towards the Hunter. Wind buffeted past her faceplate, exposed eye stinging a little before she bursted through the wall of the Aggertharean Hunter. She landed on her hooves in a hallway, in front of her stood a squad of Immoran Troopers, alerted.

Analyzing combat environment…

Loading audio systems…

Creating track…

Battle track produced

Quickly she dashed to one of the four, jamming her Hoof-Blade through his helmet before facing another gun-aiming foe and casting Energy Slice. She drew a shimmering violet X, releasing it as she blocked an energy ball shot by the Trooper.

The Immoran was knocked back into the wall, unconscious. The armor barely saved it. Another round of plasma was shot at the alicorn, Twilight flashing out of sight before appearing behind the demon. She swiped a blade across the back of its neck, decapitating the Trooper.

The last demon aimed his weapon shakingly. It didn’t seem to fire, frozen. Twilight descended off of her wings, metallic hooves clacking on the steel below. She could detect the fear in it, the demon trembling backwards, tripping and dropping its weapon. Despite it being a feet or two taller than the pony, it still cowered before the alicorn.

She unsheathed her Hoof-Blades, before diving at the helmet and stomping its head in brutally. More gruesome crimson was plastered across her gray armor as the gruesome cracks of skull and metal busting in echoed down the hall.


Eventually, she removed her hooves from the remains of the helmet, sparkling with blood-covered electronics. She felt a sadistic grin wreath across her muzzle at the kill. Twilight swayed her head to the unconscious demon on the wall, an idea forming.

As she walked over, she heard the gentle floating of the Soul Cube fly through the hole in the ship. “Greetings, princess.

Twilight didn’t reply, giving the wall-bound Immoran a thoughtful look.

“What are you doing?” the Soul Cube rumbled with speech.

She grabbed the base of the helmet, lifting it away. “Interrogating.” Twilight replied simply, tearing the helmet away forcefully.

Beneath the helmet was the face of a human. A creature unfamiliar to the alicorn. His skin was a dark tan, the young looking soldier looking far less ghastly than most of the demons she had encountered. He had strawy dark hair with a couple scars on his gently resting face. Whilst she inspected the beast, the Soul Cube began absorbing the souls of the enemies she had slain.

The more she looked at the demon, the more she felt bad. These creatures felt different from the others. Her eyes trailed down to the fleshy weapon it wielded in one of its open hands. She touched it with a hoof, pushing it away.

How do you plan on awakening it?” the Soul Cube now floated in front of the Trooper.

“I’m not sure.” she muttered with a low voice. Twilight knew knocking him with her hoof wouldn’t get him out of unconsciousness any faster.

She unsheathed her Hoof-Blade, lowering a blunt side down onto its hand. The armor began sizzling, and after a moment, it awoke to scream in pain. Quickly, she put a hoof over its mouth, the demon struggling with a horrified look in its eye. The muffled words it shouted were incoherent.

“Where are you holding my friends?” Twilight growled. Her horn lit, floating the Reaper gun the demon was wielding to aim at him. “Tell me, now.

Its brown eyes averted to the gun, quaking furiously. “The-the horses?”

“Who else?” Twilight asked with frustration.

“I promised Kronos! I-I promised I wouldn’t tell anybody outside of the ship.” his armor clanged together as he began shaking.

Twilight looked at the Praeleanthor. The floating cube nodded, before Twilight signaled to the Immoran with a movement of her head. The razors within the cube expanded out, beginning to rotate at incredible speeds as it slowly drifted towards its neck. The sharp artifact would hover closer and closer, preparing to slice through arteries and vertebrae like butter.

The Immoran closed its eyes as the sound of the Soul Cube filled its ears dreadfully. Finally, it broke through in a fearful scream. “I-I’LL TELL YOU!”

Just before hitting the soft-looking flesh of its neck, the Soul Cube halted. The dread of the ancient steel cooling on his throat was all the demon could focus on before the Soul Cube retracted its blades. The concept of his soul being consumed by the Praeleanthor was too ominous for even the most loyal demons to sit through.

“Then talk.” Twilight urged, gun still pointed at his head.

He caught his breath for a moment, before beginning to speak. “My memory shall not be perfect, but I believe it is down the hall, to the left, take the next right, stay forward until you r-reach the fourth left, and finally one more right and you will be there.”

The murderous alicorn seemed satisfied for the moment as her body eased away.

The Trooper lifted a hand toward his neck.

Quickly, Twilight put one of her Hoof-Blades near his throat cautiously. “Be very wise on what you’re about to do.”

“I-I’m getting a key.” He gulped nervously, fumbling around with a necklace that went under the plates of his crimson armor not so differently shaded from the ship. He pulled out a strangely shaped artifact the size of her hoof that glowed bright yellow.

Twilight consumed it in a telekinesis spell, ready to walk away from the demon without another word. Slowly, as she took a couple steps back from her enemy, excitement began fizzing up in her like cider in a cup. It was true. Here friends truly were alive! The doubts in her head were getting speared similarly to the legion of damned she had slain outside her former home’s walls.

She turned, a small walk beginning to turn into a hopeful hop as she followed the instructions the Immoran gave her. Twilight dropped the Reaper gun that once belonged to the Trooper, trotting off with a new-found hope.

Until she heard the agonized screams of the demon behind her. Desperate cries of agony from the cause of an unbearable torture. She spun around, looking at the blazing Immoran wailing on the floor. She had no sympathy for her enemy, but last she checked none of them seemed to spontaneously combust like that.

“Tirek believed you would have a plan.” The voice came from no audible source. The psychotic speech rumbled in her mind with a burning flame, a scorching migraine forming in her head. She began scouting around for the source, finding no demon. “It was no surprise when you swooped down at me to sever one of my hands.”

With that statement, Twilight began to understand who it was speaking. “Although I cannot weed you out personally, I do know of someone who may.” it punctuated the sentence with a cackling laugh of heat, before continuing. “Or rather, somepony.”

Twilight’s ears perked to height. Flame burst from behind her, the pony spinning back around to see an inferno on the floor, sort of acting as a vortex as a familiar shape rose from the ground. Twilight Sparkle couldn’t help but gasp at who arrived. “I believe you two have met before. But not quite like this.”

Rising from the flames was a pony she knew well. An alicorn much like herself, but now different. It was Princess Celestia, in the gold battle armor she had adorned last she had seen her, holding the demons off from home. However, she was way more different. The most striking variation being her eyes. The whites of her eyes were now entirely consumed by darkness, amber cat-like pupils within the darkness gazing at her with a lust for power.

Her mane, no longer the welcoming tri-color of magic, was now pure hellfire. Flowing and crackling like the sun on her head. Her tail was similar in consistency, burning righteously. Twilight could feel the fiery mane from the several meters away she stood.

“Meet Daybreaker.” the Archvile cackled as the corrupted Celestia lowered on her hooves, preparing for flight.

"Greetings, apprentice." her voice spoke in a verbose tone, rather than the more casual and friendly vocabulary she often used. She projected a flaming spear and shield from her horn. That was not Celestia.

Twilight propelled away from her as fast as she could manage, flying swiftly around a corner down to the next hall on the left.

"Next right." The Soul Cube guided.

As she turned the corner, she felt a heating fire lap around her hind leg. She was torn to the ground by a hand made of Daybreakers magic. Twilight tried to tear out as Daybreaker began gaining on her. She was slicing the magic grip, the Soul Cube joining in to assist.

Daybreaker slammed on top of Twilight, her front hooves forcing the armored princess to the ground. "You may have your fancy little armor, but your mentor has a lot more to teach you!" She sent her javelin towards Twilight's head, the alicorn moving it out the way.

The Soul Cube grinded its blades in the face of the powerfully hell-princess, numerous bloody scars appearing on her muzzle. With her focus destroyed, Twilight broke free of the now disintegrating hand. She flew off, taking a right as the Soul Cube followed along.

"Her hide is too strong to pierce!" they exclaimed. "Fourth right." The alicorn turned just as guided.

Upon turning the corner, she rammed right into the back of an unsuspecting Arachnotron. It turned slightly, confused. "I don't have time for you!" Twilight exclaimed, focusing her magic a moment to encase the enemy in a Crystal Trap.

She flew past it, making the next right to find a large door. Above it was a pair of words spelt in demonic language. She would have to hope these were the correct chambers. Twilight quickly gazed at a panel to the right of the gate, lifting the key in front of it. The panel shimmered green, opening the door for her.

Twilight rushed in, turning to the panel in the interior and flashing the key to lock it. Just as Daybreaker turned the corner to find the door, she was locked out. Twilight took a quick breath of relief, being interrupted by a huge bang slamming into the door, the metal denting.

“You can’t run forever, apprentice!” Daybreaker screamed in rage from the otherside.

Twilight turned, looking around at the numerous pods. “Is this where they are?”

It appears like it.” the Soul Cube responded in their usual ghastly way. It floated between the many pods, gazing into the windows.

Twilight joined, putting some pep in her flight as she inspected each window of the pods. The orange glow within each of them was absent of any forms, until finally she was shocked to see the face of Rarity. She felt her ears raise, joy overflowing her soul as she inspected the other futuristic cells.

They were alive! Safe and alive. It looks as if the demons had not laid a finger on any of them. The floating multi-color manes of her friends gently levitated in the strange liquid they were resting in, breathing masks around their muzzles. The question of why the demons did not harm them would grace her mind if not for the happiness bursting within her chest.

She hopped onto Rarity’s pod, lifting a hoof and smashing it through the glass with her newly optimized strength. After the glass was shattered, she quickly lifted the unconscious unicorn from the cell using her magic, removing the mask and the numerous needles from her body.

As the metal clangs of Daybreaker rung through the room, the door remained steadfast. Twilight took a quick glance at the gate holding her off, before staring back down at Rarity on the floor. She walked near her, setting a hoof gently on her eyelid and lifting it to get her awake.

Rarity blinked, muttering something about her beauty sleep.

Twilight snickered. It didn’t seem like her personality had changed much. She did the act again, causing Rarity to blink once more and speak far clearer.

“I’ll make you breakfast in… five minutes, Sweetie Belle. M’kay?” her posh voice stated half-consciously.

Twilight considered giving a light smack, only to shoot the idea down. She could break her neck with a hard enough knock to the head. She looked at her cybernetic hoof for a moment with somberness.

A gasp of breath expelled not too far behind her, as Rainbow Dash removed her mask, climbing out of the pod the Soul Cube had just sliced the glass off of. Twilight turned to watch the pegasi escape the pod, much more conscious than Rarity.

Rainbow Dash looked around, confusion and fuzziness filling her mind. Where was she? Why was she covered in orange gunk? She froze as she gazed over to Twilight, the armor adorning alicorn looking threatening in the emotionless, maroon dripping suit. “W-Who are you?” she began taking steps back.

Twilight closed her eyes, mentally commanding her armor to remove her helmet. The layers of metal that made up the mask folded back, revealing the short purple fur of Twilight Sparkle.

The confusion grew in her stare, before falling into excitement. “Twilight? Twilight! I-Its you!” Rainbow laughed in her realization. She took numerous hoof-steps forward. “I thought you died!”

“I thought the same for you.” her stoic and mellow voice responded.

Rainbow Dash looked at her armor. The cool metal wings! The epic magic horn! Twilight’s new, flattened out mohawk manecut! “You look awesome!” the soggy pegasus commented.

“Thanks.” she responded, the Soul Cube floating beside her.

“I can’t believe you saved us! Where did you get the armor?” Rainbow asked. “The red’s really cool!” it appeared she assumed her suit’s red color was its own paint, and not from drilling through the insides of numerous demons.

Twilight looked at the ground with a mellow stare. “I’d rather not say.”

Rainbow gave a concerned look for her friend. “Are you alright?” the attention to the question was interrupted by the huge dent blasted into the door to the Holding Chambers. “What was that?” she lifted her head in worry.

“A demon we don’t want to mess with.” she replied sternly. “Get the others up, we don’t have much time.” Twilight said, heading to the pod belonging to Applejack.

Twilight lifted her out with her magic, Rainbow Dash heading to Fluttershy’s tank and removing the fellow pegasus. Rainbow set the pegasus on the floor, giving a light smack to her face whilst Twilight tried to find a way to awake the heavy sleeping earth pony.

Fluttershy screeched in surprise as she woke up, sitting up and setting a forehoof on the ground behind her. Rainbow Dash had to cover her ears in fear that she would begin screaming, but Fluttershy simply laid there, hand to heart breathing heavily. Fluttershy didn’t say anything as Rainbow Dash took a couple steps back.

“Are you okay?” Rainbow asked.

“I-I… I met Discord again.” That was all Fluttershy could say.

Before any questions could be asked, Twilight awoke Applejack with a light yank on her ear. “Ow! Twi, next time ya wake me up try not yankin’ mah e- Twi-light?...” it appeared the memory of them getting captured was not fresh for Applejack.

The scarred alicorn stood before her. A healed over gash next to her right eye from the battle outside Canterlot’s wall interrupted her purple fur. A bit of a smile was beginning to form across her muzzle as more of her friends awoke. “Welcome back.”

As the memory’s began reforming for Applejack, she slowly began to realize that Twilight was the sole survivor of their capture. “You saved us? You came back and actually saved us! How? Them monsters are so strong!”

“I’ll explain later.” she walked towards Pinkie’s chamber. “Soul Cube, do us a favor and make an exit.”

The Soul Cube drifted towards the end of the hall, its circulating blades beginning to razor along the wall, making an oval shape for them to escape through.

“Go get Rarity up-” Twilight dodged back as Pinkie jumped out of the interior of her holding jail, removing the face mask. She stood on her hind-legs, stretching with a huge yawn.

Pinkie looked around, hopping down onto her four legs. “Good morning demonic hellship! Oh, I like your new style, Twilight!” she stated, stepping close to her. “Thanks for saving us.”

Twilight couldn’t help but exert a small laugh at her goofy friend. Suddenly, a cold voice echoed throughout the ship, warning all residents of the impending event.


“I don’t like the sound of that.” Applejack said. “Pinkie, help Rarity on my back. We ain’t got time to wake her up!”

Pinkie Pie walked over in a hurry to aid her friend. Eventually, the metal plate the Soul Cube was cutting through was finally razored away, a hole leading to the outside.

Suddenly, the demon Twilight told them about finally burst through. Everypony stared at the entrance as the monster that presented itself was no horrid beast, but an alicorn everypony in Equestria looked up to.

“C-Celestia?” the hopelessness that scourged Fluttershy’s heart was opened further as Daybreaker presented herself to the six.

“Greetings, Elements.” she grinned monstrously, jagged teeth lining her muzzle. “Davoth calls for your service.”

“Everypony get the hay out of here!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

The six turned, rushing as fast as they could out. Twilight stayed a moment longer for Dash to hurl herself out of the ship, not wanting an unarmored pony to be the last one on. When all left, Daybreaker was still rushing at the other alicorn.

The helmetless Twilight stared at her former mentor with a look of hopelessness, before turning and hopping out of the hellship.

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