• Published 19th Jan 2022
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Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Mission T2.Walls of Dead

Ropes of flames consumed Princess Celestia, the many guards along the walls of Canterlot watching as their fair ruler was eaten up by the fiery earth beneath. Her bloody, wingless and slumped over form slowly sunk, being grasped by devilish hands into a flaming portal beneath.

The Archvile had its arms lifted, hands filled with scorching dances of a spell. The ruler of Equestria was being devoured by the burning portal, her unconscious head soon being the only thing that rose above it all.

Incendium cackled evilly, watching his foe begin to corrupt. He grinned wickedly behind the skull-resembling helmet before it heard the repeating swooshes of sharp metal in the distance. A moment of confusion shifted to trying to handle the spasm of pain that surged through Incendium’s hand.

He watched as his hand, which used to be coated in armor enchanted by the Dark Lord himself, was brutally detached by a pair of blades so swift and sharp that it took a second for the agony to arrive. He tried his best to stifle a demonic roar of pain, holding his handless limb that sprayed magma-like fluids.

Tirek backed off cautiously as he witnessed the Soul Cube swoop to another demon, the powerful Marauder who had dealt the blow to remove Celestia’s wings being decapitated after he attempted to block the attack with his dual throwing axes.

Many demons backed off, scared of being swiftly slain by the artifact. A pony swooped down in front of the portal of corruption. The armored equine shoved a hoof into the vortex, gripping around for a grasp on the heavily beaten Celestia. She tore the leg out, feeling the sizzling burns char through her armor and down to her hide.

Twilight watched desperately as Celestia sank into the flames. Feeling further anger well up in her. The alicorn tried to plunge her hoof back in once more, tearing it away in a wince. The fire was lethal. She watched helplessly as her idol’s ears sank in, disappearing. As a last ditch attempt, her replacement horn, a spear of glimmering dark purple energy glowed brighter than before. She tried to grasp through the flame with her spell.

She felt hope squirm in her heart as she saw the battered white coat of the ruler slowly be dragged from the grip of the portal. It pulled with immense strength, but her magic commanded more. She lifted her head, wincing in struggle. Even with her more powerful horn, and almost pure magic flowing through her veins, she could barely contend with this hellish spell.

Just as she felt the other spell’s grip loosen, her armor was blasted with a furious blow, bursting a dent into it. A gasp, which turned to a rageful growl erupted from her muzzle as she saw Celestia fall under the fire again.

“Shut the vortex, Incendium!” she heard Tirek's command.

Just then, the fiery portal collapsed, sealing Celestia away into the depths of Hell. She stared at where the spell used to reside, ear twitching as she failed to muster a reaction to another tragedy. She simply turned, fury burning in all corners of her soul as she looked at Tirek.

The Soul Cube returned by Twilight’s side as the alicorn slowly stood up, swallowing her grief. It was just one more pony she would have to avenge. She glared around at the surrounding demons, them slowly seeing that the Soul Cube had stopped its assault.

I require a recharge, princess.” the Praeleanthor stated, returning to her side as she picked up a nearby rock, nearly a pebble with its small size.

She witnessed her HUD flare with a message as she readied for battle.

Analyzing combat environment…

Loading audio systems…

Creating track…

Battle track produced

Tirek sneered. “Twilight Sparkle.” he began as his tall demonic ally tried to fight through the pain, retreating slowly.

She turned to glare at him, furiously staring through the visor of her high-tech helmet. One of her armored ears twitched fervidly with rage.

“I see you’ve acquired a uniform for battle. Let’s see how it fares against my legion-” his speech was interrupted by a rock being thrown at his hooves.

He gave a confused stare as the stone pulsated with magical hearts. “Why is it-”

Suddenly, the lower ranking demons of the legion rushed towards the stone, Twilight flying into the air above the stampede as the many Imps, Gargoyles, Prowlers and more weak-minded fodder scrambled for it. A brutal scrap began amongst her foes, gnawing and slashing for the stone, unintentionally landing multiple blows on Tirek.

The demon lord yowled in pain, trying to tear away the infighting monsters by the dozen. However more and more flooded in as they saw the stone. The multiple Barons, Archviles, Tyrants, Marauders, Dread Knights and Immorans stared in confusion, resistant due to their armors and rank.

Her HUD scoured the crowd, picking out the most vital foes to defeat first. It locked in on three Archviles among the crowd of higher ranked beasts. Twilight unsheathed her Hoof-Blades, using the boosts on her wings to propel herself as fast as she could towards one of the tall demons.

The sheer force of the armored alicorn took the Archvile off its feet. She plunged her two energy blades into the shoulders of the monster, it roaring in agony before it met a swift end with multiple brutal plunges of her horn through its throat.

She took flight just fast enough to dodge the waves of flames being propelled by the two remaining Archviles. Twilight flashed in magic, blinking behind the next enemy. She drove one of her blades through the back of the Archvile's neck. It screeched an alien agony, trying to reach behind it as she stabbed the blade profusely.

Princess, behind you!” the Praeleanthor exclaimed.

Twilight propped a magical shield behind her just as a Marauder’s weapon was hurled at her. It diffused in the shield as she finished off the Archvile with a swing of her Hoof-Blades. She felt her muscles ache as they sliced clean through the spine of the demon.

Use us.” the Soul Cube said.

Twilight spoke lightly as she weaved through the numerous projectiles being flung at her by the high-ranking demons. “Get the Archvile.” she commanded. She was thankful for the knowledge of demons she had thanks to the Codex.

The Soul Cube flung off, slicing up the targeted demon. As she dodged another fireball, she returned a brutal blast into the face of one of the Barons. While she did, she felt a large shadow descend on her. She looked up, gasping a moment as she saw a Baron diving to catch her.

The huge demon snatched her right out of the air, forcing her to the ground. Twilight screamed in angered pain, scratching and slicing into the hard, armored flesh of the Baron of Hell. It roared back, continuing to hold her down as a Marauder swiftly sprinted over. Its knightley blood red armor reflected its argent hammer’s glowing green light. It slammed the weapon down at the alicorn, Twilight catching at last moment right above her face with a magical spell.

With her levitation spell, she removed the hammer from its grasp with a wince of effort. She used it to slam the Baron away, the demon stumbling back. She flung the weapon into the Baron’s chest, double-tasking as she ducked under a punch from the Marauder. Twilight, while crouching, sliced its shin, blood seeping out.

Twilight felt a punch strike her helmet, her jabbing a Hoof-Blade back into the chestplate of the Marauder. She felt it make contact with the flesh, but not deep enough to deal any lethal damage. The Marauder shouted in agony, before going in to slam its fist into the alicorn once more. A tiny portal erupted where its fist would land, rerouting the punch straight into the armored demon’s helmet. It was dented as he stumbled back from his own attack.

Seeing its ally be stunned by the alicorn, a Tyrant aimed its cannon at Twilight, laser pointing right at the gray adorning pony. Missiles propelled out its arm speedily approaching her. Explosions ripped and tore through where Twilight stood, the noises loud enough for those in Canterlot to hear. The pig-faced demon looked in confusion as Twilight was gone once the smoke cleared of the blast.

Its Marauder ally was knocked off its feet by the blasts as the Cyberdemon looked down at its mechanical cannon arm, curious if it was really powerful enough to eviscerate a pony so terribly that she’d be gone with no trace she ever existed.

The thought was quickly denied as it heard a flash teleport behind it. Before it could slowly turn to look behind itself, it felt two magical chains wrap around both of the demon’s enormous horns. It roared in pain as the alicorn demanded the chains to be yanked down from behind. The monster was slowly bent backwards, back muscles snapping and breaking.

All while this occurred, the merciless slams of the Marauder’s stolen hammer didn’t let up on the Baron that had attacked her, eventually ending once the movements of the Baron ceased. The weapon fell from Twilight’s magical grasp.

With a brutal snap, the Cyberdemon’s spine was broken as it was broken into a lower case N shaped position by the merciless magical chains. Twilight couldn’t help but feel a sparkle of giddiness at the noise.

Twilight’s twitching ear perked a moment, hearing the calm voice of the Soul Cube. “We’ve kept it distracted as long as we could.” they stated as Twilight weaved through more projectiles on her new dexterous pair of wings.

She looked at the scarred Archvile, wounds which bursted with flame covering its body. Twilight expanded her wings, letting the engines launch her at full speed to the demon. She jammed her Hoof-Blades into it, damaging its head further and forcing it to the floor.

Before it could recoup on the ground, Twilight lifted her horn, slitting its throat brutally. She retreated her head to stare into the demon’s eyes as it painfully faded. She couldn’t help but feel a maniacal grin grow over her muzzle as it gasped for air, moving a hand to hold its throat.

She lifted a hoof in front of her, flexing it to extend the Blade before driving it straight into the demon’s eye, feeling all activity in the beast’s body cease. The flame-blood tore out beside the hoof-blade, the princesses inner turmoil dissipating like the magically dancing fires across the beast’s body.

As she savored the kill, it was interrupted by a breath removing pile-drive straight into the alicorn’s side. She felt her armor dent slightly, her rib-cage rattled and her breath sapped. Twilight rolled a dozen feet away from the culprit, coughing through the breathing vent on her helmet.

She rose to her hoof for a second, before they gave out, Twilight falling back down. She felt a duo of shadows overtake her. Twilight glanced up to see two energetic weapons being slammed down, a green short sword and a light blue colored battle axe.

On the left was a Marauder of acidic theming. It’s hefty looking armor oozed green acid between the cracks, long and stringy hair flowing out the back of the round helmet. Its battle buddy on the right adorned a more frosty outfit, thick armor with furs between the creases of metal and a long fluffy cape. Its face was adorned with a long beard on its decaying face with a light horned helmet atop its head.

Twilight swiftly deflected the attacks. Whirring her horn to fire a staggering blast at the two Marauders in front of her. The duo stumbled away from the purple blast the size of the average pony. Before they could recoup, the armored alicorn was already rushing one of the Marauders, cutting into the acidic green armor with a sizzling strike from her Hoof-Blade.

The demon backed away further, holding the damaged shoulder. Its ally attempted to rush Twilight from behind, being stopped as it crashed into a wall of crystal. The Marauder looked around in confusion, seeing the magical gem it was surrounded by. It growled, the ice-themed Marauder beginning to tear its axe into the thick material.

The acidic demon dived in with the duo of ooze-dripping short swords. Twilight dodged, going to her wings to weave between the attacks. She took flight, exploding a burst of energetic blasts. The Marauder blocked them, hurtling one of its weapons straight at Twilight’s head.

She felt pain rake across her face as the section of HUD over her left-side of vision was torn off by the weapon. Her eye pulsed with agony, but it remained as she looked through the new hole in her helmet. Twilight shook her head furiously, dashing at her enemy and grabbing its leg to sweep it out from under the demon.

Once it fell to the ground, Twilight spun on her wings to face it, commanding the Praeleanthor to her hoof. The Soul Cube floated gently above her gauntlet as the staggered demon got to its boots.

Her violet eye shimmered with hatred through the hole in her helmet. “Kill.” Twilight commanded, the Soul Cube flying forward with full charge from her previously slain demons.

She watched as the Soul Cube eviscerated the Marauder, armor clanging, bone cracking, flesh snapping. Eventually, all that was left was a bloody skeleton. She felt strength return to her body, the demon’s energy being siphoned through the Soul Cube to repair her many injuries. She felt the magic of the Soul Cube communicate to her armor, the demon’s soul energy sealing the dents and holes in it. Her health raised from the previously shown 91 all the way to 150, her armor maxing out as well.

Hearing the cracks of the spell-casted crystal behind her, she turned her attention to the Marauder. Her horn lit, Twilight drawing a sharp, striking X in the air. Her horn left a trail of purple energy, roasting with sharp magic that could pierce nearly anything.

Twilight shut her eyes in concentration as the Marauder broke out, grunting in effort as she unleashed the spell in all its might. Just as the demon left the Crystal Trap, it was barraged by the X slicing across its body, removing its limbs and slicing away into the monster’s body. It crumbled into a pile of fleshy remains from the merciless blast.

The alicorn breathed heavily, worn out from the spell and all the battle. She watched as Tirek and his ally fell back slightly, commanding more demons towards her path while the Archvile retreated back to the ship. Once Twilight caught her breath and the Immoran Troopers encroached even closer, she couldn’t help but smile cruely.

These monsters destroyed her home, friends and family. All while she could only watch. Now… she lifted her Hoof-Blade. She would make them regret it all.

She dove forward on her sharp, mechanical wings. Twilight spread them out wide enough to slice two of the armored humanoid’s heads off. The dozen in the group stopped once their heads landed. Before they could get a shot off, she teleported behind one and summoned a magical spear, driving straight through the man’s back.

They looked at her in shock, beginning to fire. However it was too light, Twilight dashing off at a speed their Reaper weapons could not keep up with. What they didn’t note was the magical spear flying off at a similar speed as the princess.

Two more Immorans were decapitated by the speedy Twilight, their bodies being impaled on the same spear the last foe was. She flew past another, slicing his throat before including him on the spear as well. Another demonic soldier was speared by Twilight’s Hoof Blades before being included on her flying weapon.

With their forces now cut to half the six began panicking. Some dropped their weapons, beginning to flee behind a wall of Mancubi. Three stood, slamming their arm cannons together in a challenge of battle. Coming between the gaps in their formation were a duo of Pinkies.

Twilight’s shishkebab of numerous demonic corpses was still propelled at ludicrous speeds as she took high into the sky to avoid the Pinkies and fireballs. She planted a swift portal in front of the magic javelin, having it appear beside the Mancubi to collateral two of them.

The force it was sent at killed the first in line, piercing and severally injuring the second. She drilled into the skull of that one to finish it off, hopping onto the shoulder of the next one over and slicing one of its tusks off in a sloppy slash, comboing a swift blast to the face to stun it.

She felt a hot fire blast into her armor, flinging the alicorn off its fellow Mancubi’s shoulder. Twilight rolled away, about to get back to her hoofs until she felt a brutal pair of jaws clamp onto her rear right hoof. She was shaken around in the gnashing teeth of one of the Pinkies.

She was thrown about like a ragdoll, before being flung out of its jaws thanks to a loose bite. Twilight felt herself land into a sizzling blade, crackling into her shoulder. She gasped in pain, before growling in fervor, blood boiling out of her teeth. Twilight grabbed the sneaky Dread Knight with her magic, tearing herself off the demon’s blade.

Time began to slow for Twilight as the agony screeched through her. 13 health appeared at the bottom left of her HUD, the symbol in the center warning her of her lack of vitality.

“Grr-AAAH! I’LL KILL YOU!” she felt herself scream as she swiftly spun to her wings, facing the Dread Knight. Her voice was an unhinged rumble that desired for murder.

She tore the beast from the ground with a telekinetic spell, holding it off its feet as it roared whilst trapped in place. Twilight put extra emphasis on the spell around the demon’s neck, twitching her head to the side before its neck was brutally snapped. She twitched her head upwards, the beast's body contorting brutally before the spine was detached monstrously.

Twilight spun to face the other charging Pinky, jamming the spine and head of her foe in the mouth of the monster. It tried to clamp down on the object in its mouth, thinking it was Twilight. However, in its effort to crush its foe in its jaw, it forced the vertically oriented object up through its maw and into its brain, killing it instantly.

“Kill.” she demanded from the Soul Cube, facing the distant Mancubus that had its tusk removed. The Soul Cube spun out its blades, rushing to the beast to end it as Twilight approached the other Pinky on her wings.

She shook away the pain as she landed on her hooves, hardly able to stand with her front left shoulder stabbed through and her back right hoof almost broken. The Pinky, believing she was down for a rest, roared a war cry before charging in. Last second, she teleported behind it, blasting a Lethal Energy Blast into its most vital section, the tail.

It bursted into numerous vital organs. The Pinky bled out and died on the ground, she felt her health be rejuvenated, watching the bar on her HUD tick to 131, 19 away from max. The stab wound resealed, same with her broken hoof. Armor joined over the wounds properly thanks to the Soul Cube’s magic.

With the remaining Mancubus, her horn glowed as she dodged two fireballs it shot. She drew the X she had before, launching it with a searing screech. It cut through the demon like a hot blade through butter.

The quadrisected beast collapsed back next to the skeleton Mancubus the Praeleanthor had created. Looking across the battlefield, no new wave met Twilight. The numerous demons stared wearily, knowing of their limited numbers on this plane. As she gazed, a horrible idea crossed her mind. She couldn’t help giggle eerily at the thought as she flew idly. Her horn glowed with an intense telekinetic spell.

First, it was the bodies of the Immoran Troopers that lifted, the spell the Dark Lord had casted now gone thanks to their demise and the deactivation of their suits with the death. Next was the Mancubi, floating away in front of the shiny shield casted by her brother. It wasn’t long before the Pinkies and the Barons began levitating into mass piles.

She stacked the first wave all together. A huge group of the three dead Marauders, three Archviles, the broke-back Cyberdemon and a Baron with a caved in chest. The large assortment that amassed right in front of the doors to Canterlot was nearly as tall as the wall itself.

Next, she began floating the huge pile of fodder away from the rock she had casted the Want It, Need It spell on. They flowed right behind the armored pony, the bloody hill sitting proudly to the left of the first.

Finally, the twisted princess rounded together the four Mancubi she had slain, the two Pinkies and one Dread Knight being placed to the right of the first. She gazed at the magic spear she had left in one of the Mancubi, tearing it out to look at the six Troopers.

Twilight levitated the spear back over to the two headless Immorans she had forgotten to shishkebab, stabbing them with their brethren before throwing the javelin back into the third group, driving it into the Dread Knight’s broken neck.

She flew gently atop the center pile, standing on the head of a Baron, a former guard of the Dark Lord. He stared at the reserved horde, waiting for their move.

The princess stomped her hoof, crushing the skull of an Archvile. “The more corpses you bring me, the more walls I make of your dead!” Twilight screamed, sounding nothing like her usually kind and innocent self. “I will rebuild my home from your vomiting, spewing viscera!”

The stamped on Cutie Mark she had on her armor was covered in blood, much like her legs and her face. Her violet eyes burned righteously, relishing the suffering and death below her hooves.

Twilight was no longer the friendly, overstressed bookworm that loved to make friends. The star that was Twilight had collapsed into a void. A black hole that desired to consume one thing, the blood of those who stole everything from her.

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