• Published 19th Jan 2022
  • 3,501 Views, 183 Comments

Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Heart Over the I

Princess Luna sat in front of the war table, a blank face drawing across her head. Her body was slumped on the cold metal throne, marked with a crescent moon. Her magical twilight mane was low on her neck rather than flowing and her pupils small with stress.

The war table's system of holograms had disconnected from the Slayer's suit faculties. The last thing she could command him to do was enter the slipgate. It appeared some vital portion of his armor was severed by the vicious stab the empowered Dread Knight had performed on him.

Now, whether the Great Slayer still clung to life or had perished at the hands of that terrible arch-demon was up in the air for her.

The alicorn lowered her head, closing her eyes and wincing in an attempt to reconnect her magic to the Praetor Suit. Her horn lit with inky blue for a moment before sparkling in failure. "Ngh…" She groaned, resting her muzzle on the war table gently.

The room echoed with every noise made, magic swirling in its walls and the gray metal reflecting the more colorful pony. "Great Slayer, please refrain from the proposition of death."

She suddenly sparked with an idea. She may not be able to connect to his suit, but what if he could connect to his mind? Her head lifted with the thought. If the Slayer is capable of dreaming, and is dreaming now, perhaps I could form some sort of connection of command?

With a long breath, she steeled herself. Luna would require much intense magical ability for her to access the Slayer’s possible dream. Even if it did exist, he could be too far from Equestria for her to even access it. Her horn lit with dark blue magic, her eyes closing tightly as she rested back on the throne.

In mere moments she found herself in the dreamscape. Purple and black twilight swirled past her, several visages and glances into the dreams of her ponies. She kept her eyes averted from them. The dreamscape functioned as a hub of dreams, and where she was now were most of the visions the ponies in Canterlot were experiencing.

As she flew among the visions, they thinned out heavily. By the time her wings flapped outside of the range of Canterlot, she could only see a dream every hundred meters or so. This brought sadness to the heart of Luna as she passed a horrifying demonic nightmare a pony was viewing. How many more dreams could she not see due to the Hell energy? She halted her flight to turn and attempted to enter, but had to stop herself. Without the Slayer, nightmares will not be the ponies’ only issue.

After a long while of empty flight, she halted herself. If his dreams were here, they would have to be at the very edges of the dreamscape. The alicorn recognized this, her horn lighting with dark blue magic before she flashed to the outer rim of the realm.

Out here, the land was much darker and way less bright. She could hardly see, requiring a bright glow from her horn. It lit with lumination, the princess squinting through the area. She could just make out a shade of green among the darkness. Green was not a common color here, sparking confusion in the alicorn.

Princess Luna began flying towards it, head tilted. She lifted a fancy gauntleted hoof to the portal cautiously. Once she made contact with it, she descended into the vision.


He stared at a pair of beady, dark brown eyes. Cute and curious as it stared up at the largely-built man. All around him was comforting bright whites, reflecting the shimmering and buzzing lights from above. Several other pet containers stood on the same shelf the rabbit was held in, and the occasional child walked by him.

“Daisy.” He felt his heart skip a beat at the sound of the wise, feminine voice. She sounded determined and dead set on the name, as if it was on her mind this entire time. He wasn’t sure whether the beat-skip was from fear or interest.

He just stared at the rabbit, not having enough courage to reply to the lady. He had been crouching in front of the cage for a finer view.

She cleared her throat. “Flynn?”

He finally reared. The desert khaki cargo pants and dark green T-shirt wearing man looked up at her. She was beautiful, every bit about her. The hair that flowed like a golden sea, the eyes that pierced like a starry night, the small smile that warmed his heart and consumed every inch of his soul with comfort. The feeling though, it felt dull, surreal.

“Why Daisy?” He suddenly felt himself ask.

She nodded as the man rose from his squat, towering around a foot taller. “It's a funny story.” she scratched her shoulder, wedding ring glimmering on her finger.

The large man nodded slowly, asking her to tell silently. He was not the talking type.

The young woman, nearly the same age as the man, began telling the tale. “My grandma. You don’t know her, she died when I was around fourteen.” she recalled. “She owned a giant rabbit farm, loved them all to death.”

“And I guess the rabbit-lover gene continued?” he glanced at her shirt, presenting a picture of a sweet little bunny surrounded by beautiful reeds.

She dug her hands in her jean pockets, shrugging. “Who knows? Maybe it’d continue with Roman.” the wife joked back. “We’ll see when he gets her.”

He smiled slightly at the thought of his young, six year old son wielding the cute animal. That certainly would’ve gone up on the living room wall, frame and all. The vision melted away as an unfamiliar voice spoke.

It was the nasally voice of an employee, some scrawny looking teen. "Do you guys want the rabbit?” he asked.

He nodded. "Yeah."

"Bring her to the front desk, please." the nerdy employee turned and headed to the counter just down the aisle.

The man grabbed the handle on top of the cage, lifting it easily with his strong arms. The rabbit shifted in the cage as he carried her over with a single hand, setting the pen on the counter once he and his wife had arrived.

Flynn dug into his pocket, taking out a solid three twenties. As he offered them to the worker, he felt a gentle hand stop him.

"I'll pay." the blonde stated, placing a fifty and a ten. "I promised grams that I would buy her grandson a rabbit. Not let my husband buy it for me." her tone was light as a cloud. He returned the twenties to his wallet, the wall of a man simply smiling at the statement.

The teen produced shot papers and other documents for the rabbit, an empty slot where the 'Pet's name' portion sat. His wife took the pen, writing Daisy on the slot with pretty cursive and a fancy heart above the i.


The Doom Slayer awoke, feeling the cautious touch of an Imp’s claw. Vengeful fervor swarmed in his soul, fury drowning his eyes as he brutally jammed his Doomblade through the curious Imp’s mouth, slaughtering it viciously. It roared, then coughed, before letting out a final gurgle as the Slayer tore out his Blade, jumping to his feet.

Two demons stared at the Slayer in mortified surprise, a Hell Knight and a Gargoyle. He immediately met the Gargoyle with a blistering Flame Belch, the Equipment Launcher turreting to the left to bomb the Hell Knight.

He shot the winged demon in half with his Quad-Shotgun, armor repairing and resealing on his shoulders. Afterwards he met the Hell Knight with a staggering kick before he crushed his fist through the head of the large demon. He seethed with wrath as he stood from the viscera, growling with rage as he stared at his current surroundings, jamming a batch of shells into his Shotgun's chamber.

The new locale of the Argent Wells welcomed the Slayer. It was an eerie woodland, the metallic circle of a Slipgate point under his boots. Dark black bark stretched across the trees. It extended above the red energy filled clouds, so no one could truly tell. Piercing through the blueish-purple clouds was a giant beam of Hell energy in the distance shooting into the sky. The Argent Well.

Hell electricity crackled between the trees, driving through the trunks and into the dark soil of the lifeless forest floor. The giant trees occasionally were marked by sharp, spike-like branches. He could see pony-bodies speared onto them, blood pouring from the still groaning and living Unwillings. He recalled his past conquests in the realm. It was the Corpse Forests of Apollyon.

His armor and health were at a healthy 63 armor and 149 health.

"Great Slayer? Great Slayer, come in!" Luna's profile image appeared in his HUD.

He didn’t reply, only marching off, strong hands spasming with anger. Luna could watch him move, seething with anger as he stomped off to find another batch of demons to utterly brutalize. The urge to kill was strong in his essence, he needed to rip those things in half.

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