• Published 19th Jan 2022
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Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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War Table

The war room of the Athergarrian Hunter was large, tall for the huge demons that often entered it. The flesh of the Hunter beast that hauled the ship crawled between the cracks in walls, yellow and red demonic lights lining the crimson metal. Two Immoran Troopers stood on either side of the doors, energetic spears in hands.

The door’s red lights that lined its seams switched to green, the Troopers turning to the right and standing to attention. The entrance split open, making way for the demonic trio. The huge centaur demon, Tirek walked between the much shorter Kronos and the nearly as tall Incendium.

They approached the huge black and red table in the center of the room. There were three thrones made of the same Hell metal that the table was produced from. Two were diagonal to the table while one was at the front of it.

Incendium took a seat at the head chair, Tirek on the right and Kronos on the left. “Now, we shall begin. We have decided that in only 6 hours we will commence our final invasion of Canterlot. And it will be final.” the Archvile began. “It will be difficult to supply a force against the Slayer with the lack of argent wells. The only way to introduce further demons into Equestria now is a complex spell only I, and the most experienced Archviles could attempt. Now is the time, while the Slayer is being held off in Hell by near infinite legions."

Kronos stared at the centaur demon in confusion as his friend explained. “Incendium, before we start our planning, I do not believe you have properly introduced me to… whoever he is.”

“How could you not know me? Have my feats not been spread through Hell?” Tirek growled, pride hurt.

“Ease yourself.” Incendium began. “Kronos has been a relatively recent addition to the infernal armies.”

Tirek nodded, fury subsiding.

“Tirek is an old friend of mine. Long ago, he escaped Hell to invade Equestria for his own taking with his brother. He would have taken it, if not for his brother’s betrayal.” The Archvile explained.

Kronos snickered. “So you’re telling me we’ve decided to put this disloyal, impatient demon who could hardly handle those little ponies, on our council? With us? Hand-picked by the Dark Lord himself?” he couldn't help but laugh. “Maybe we wouldn’t have had to rescue him if he wasn’t so impatient in invading this world.”

“You underestimate those ponies too much.” Tirek angrily slammed his hand on the table. “They are way more powerful than they appear.”

“Kronos, if any demon knows about these equine, it is Tirek. Even if he was beaten by them, he would only improve our army’s efficiency and our strategy.” Incendium stood, crossing his arms.

“Hm.” Kronos grunted, unlatching his meathook and pulling it from the wrist device. He fiddled with the chain absent-mindedly as the other two arch-demons continued.

“It is especially dangerous now that they have the Marine with them.” Tirek added.

“Even more, now that he is the Slayer.” Incendium nodded. “We are only one step away from concluding our objective of resurrecting Davoth. And that step is Twilight Sparkle.”

Tirek grinned. “She is my nemesis. I assume you all are trying to consume the elements for yourself as well.” he began. “Well, it is much more difficult than you’d think. Especially with that pesky alicorn.”

Kronos pulled out a rag, beginning to run it along the bloody chains of his meathook. “She was light-work.” the Marauder stated casually.

Tirek glared an annoyed look at the fellow demon.

Incendium shook his head. “She was caught off-guard. I’m sure in Tirek’s current state, he could battle her no issue now.”

“Excuses.” Kronos’ speculation about his strength was strong.

The centaur demon glared a moment, preparing the wording on his plan. “If I know anything about Twilight, then I know she is planning something. If not, enacting it now.”

Incendium gave a confused look. “I am not sure how Twilight Sparkle could be using any plan to significantly change the odds in her favor.” he said. “We have almost all cities under control, the only bastions for the ponies is Canterlot, which will soon fall, Cloudsdale and the Crystal Empire.”

“And even then, combat is far from their expertise.” the Marauder agreed.

Tirek thought for a moment. “They are keeping their ace.” he realized. “Have any of you seen anything about a draconequus?”

Incendium grumbled. “Yes, Discord. We have seen him in one of the pony’s dreams.”

Kronos growled. “And the Wretch was no figment. He was enjoying a pleasant time with the pony via spell. Filthy traitor.”

“As long as he is alive, he is a threat. His magic is very powerful, even able to penetrate your armors if they are not familiar with Hell magic as Discord is.” Tirek informed.

“That is where you’re wrong.” Incendium responded. “My magic is far superior than his abilities. Every elite soldier in this army is adorned with armor enchanted by me to stop any Equestrian or Hell magic.” he said proudly. “I learned the spell from the Dark Lord himself.”

“And your fodder?” Tirek questioned.

The Archvile shook his head. “They are not worthy of armor. Too savage to adorn them most of the time.”

Tirek nodded. “Then bring a batch of elite demons. Ones we can spare. Our supply is limited. Do you two know of anyway into the chaos realm?”

Incendium shook his head negatively. “I will have my best mages on it however.”

Kronos spoke up. “Tomorrow we will confront Canterlot. They will stand no chance.” the commander gazed at Tirek. “You will lead the army. Incendium remains on the ground among Tirek’s ranks. I will remain aboard our ships.” he gazed at Incendium.

“Too cowardly to battle in the frontline?” Tirek challenged.

Kronos glared, setting a hand on the table assertively. “I know what these ponies think, and especially what the Slayer plans,” he began. “The Hellwalker will find some way to break into our ship once he breaks through our stalling forces. If anyone would be capable of confronting him, it would be I. Incendium, if you hear my reports of the Slayer, join me in battle. Two will surely overwhelm him.”

“I would be shocked if he could handle our combined powers. Tirek, you are a strong commander. Keep our ground force’s ruthless.” the arch-demon stood. “Does everybody understand?”

Tirek nodded with a huff at Kronos. "Should we not have a contingency?”

“Contingency?” Incendium queried. “We would not need one, they are already on their back leg.”

The marauder thought a moment, before nodding begrudgingly. “Never underestimate your enemy. No matter the point.” it was heavily emphasized in his strategy lessons before he was demonized. “Especially now, with our limited force.”

Incendium thought a moment, before folding his huge hands on the table. “Yes, a contingency plan would be smart. We would lose nothing but time coming up with it.”

Tirek grinned as the demon pondered his already thought-out idea. It had been concocted in the depths of Tartarus as he waited for freedom. “I am sure you all are well aware of the ancient device. The Unmaker.”

The other two arch-demons froze at the name of the dreadful weapon, glancing at each other nervously.

“Tirek, the Unmaker, it is too risky to utilize.” Incendium replied, tapping his fiery fingers on the war table nervously.

Kronos stood, letting his meathook retract back into his gauntlet. “It has not been used correctly in eons. The last time it was touched, the Slayer slaughtered hundreds of thousands. And that is without the knowledge of its true purpose.”

Incendium shook his head. “To even think of using it would be foolish. If it is activated, the remaining piece of the Elements will perish and we will have no way to resurrect Davoth!” it appeared the plan was so terrible and wretched as to shock the duo of archdemons themselves.

The centaur-demon laughed. “Calm yourselves! I do not plan on truly activating it.” he cackled cruelly. “It will be a token. A threat, and the only choice Twilight Sparkle has to preserve her race is come to us.”

As Tirek explained, Kronos sat back down. It was worth consideration.

The heavily armored Archvile still disliked the plan. “How would the pitiful alicorn even know what the Unmaker does?”

Kronos pondered the plan a moment, gauntlet to his decaying face in thought. “The Praeleanthor will tell her. That bundle of sharp souls knows too much for their own good.”

Incendium still appeared worried. “I still think it is too risky.”

The Marauder leaned to his friend. “If there is an event where they make a comeback,
somehow, some way. Then this will put them in the dirt.”

“Grmm… I will ponder upon it until the time comes.” Incendium responded.

“Grand.” Kronos began. “Any further word?”

The other two demons remained silent.

“Then prepare yourselves.” Kronos stated. “For the glory of battle awaits us. Tirek, visit the armorer. He has a set waiting for you.”

The new coming leader stood affirmatively, the group dispersing from the room.


“Y-You lost Twilight?” her sister’s voice was shrill and cracking for her apprentice.

“She ran.” Luna’s tone was low and emotional, similarly scared for the fellow princess.

Princess Celestia turned to the window that displayed the shielded Canterlot from her personal room. “Where would Twilight even run to?”

The fellow alicorn pondered, thinking of what the fellow said before she left. She froze.

Celestia observed her nervousness. “Are you alright, sister?”

“The Embedding Device.” she realized, muttering.

The white alicorn froze at the name. “Sister, what do you mean?”

“She spoke about going.” Luna informed. “I spoke with her after she returned and was placed in her room.” the alicorn looked at the ground in worry. “She talked about saving her friends from the demons.”

Celestia’s heart felt like it was under tons of weights, pounds of worry. She felt her throat go dry at the thought of Twilight out there with the demons once more. Especially in the dreadful location of the Embedding Process Device. Her spine shivered. The “gift” the Sentinels had given them, attempting to inspire war into her people.

“No… not to Twilight.” Celestia’s usual cheery demeanor was demolished by the news.

Luna’s head lowered as well, thinking back to the terrible experiments of the EPD. The limbs torn away, the minds contorted, the terrible whirring of mechanical arms. The ponies that left that Sentinel outpost did not return the same as before.

“It is just like her to sacrifice everything for her friends.” Luna realized.

Celestia looked back up to her sister. “What can we do?”

The shorter alicorn frowned. “All we can do is wait, and hope she hasn't changed too much. P-Perhaps she will remember Canterlot.”

Celestia cleared her throat, changing the subject. “And the Slayer. How is he doing?”

Luna’s shoulders raised. “He has completed his destruction of the argent wells. You can already see the skies clearing.”

The white princess gazed out of a window, seeing the usually black and dreary clouds now slightly more gray with a lack of the alien red sparks. “So he is doing good?”

“Indeed.” Luna responded. "He is being held up from his return by many demons, but he may arrive in due time."

A glimmer of hope shimmered in Celestia. “Do we have any reports from the Crystal Empire? What about Starlight Glimmer?”

Her sister sighed. “Communication has been lost with her since the beginning of the invasion.”

“Should we send the Great Slayer to check on the Crystal Empire?” Celestia suggested.

Luna denied, shaking her head. “We require him here. With the demon’s knowledge that he is not in Equestria, now would be their best time to invade.”

Her optimism crushed further at the reminder of Canterlot being assaulted. Celestia’s mind pondered on the screams of her people, many of whose families were destroyed by swarming monsters. Millions of her citizens were decimated by the monsters that were coming to the capital next, and all she had done was sit and let her sister command. The words that Twilight spoke of her lack in action weighed on her shoulders heavily.

“I’m going to fight them.” she decided after a long look at the pristine floor and a nervous swallow.

Luna would have protested, warning her sister how unwise and unsafe it would be. But the little sister knew she would not give in. They had this conversation before. “Sister, I know your mind is set. But know, one wrong move could doom your kingdom.”

A determined, on-set look grew in her eyes. “Then I will make all the right moves."

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