• Published 19th Jan 2022
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Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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And Hell Followed

Rarity was amazed at what Pinkie Pie had done this time with the party. Despite the situation, she could see friends chatting, ponies smiling and delicious snacks glimmering by bright candle light. She even included some of the gorgeous tapestries that Rarity had repaired into the affair.

The unicorn spotted a group standing by the punch table. It consisted of three ponies, White Lightning, Dr. Hooves and Octavia. She headed by, deciding to join the conversation.

“So I said, ‘It’s not about where we are, it's about when we are’ and her mind was blown!” Dr. Hooves told the other two, them laughing at the tale. He stopped when he noticed Rarity come by. “Oh, hello Rarity! I see you’ve come to join us at the punch table.”

“Indeed.” Rarity replied with a nod. “I just thought it looked like a nice conversation.”

“Well it quite is. I was just telling everypony about the stuff me and Derpy get up to at times.” he explained, waving a hoof around. “Well, used to.” Hooves frowned a tad bit.

Rarity gave a comforting smile. “I am sure Derpy is doing just fine.” she patted his shoulder. “Let’s focus on having fun. Worrying won’t get us anywhere.”

Dr. Hooves smiled again. “You’re right.”

Octavia found herself looking at the tops of the walls where Rarity’s tapestries had been placed. “Your tapestries are just fantastic!” she complimented.

The posh unicorn nodded. “Thank you! I thought it would have helped to really liven up this dreadfully bare castle.”

“And give you a hobby or two to get your mind off of things.” Octavia stated.

Rarity was only a little glad someone else could understand. “Yes, that as well.”

“How’s your little sister?” White Lightning queried. “I’ve seen her around on occasion but I haven’t talked to her. You’ve gotta feel bad, she lost her best friends.” she sighed with sympathy.

Rarity looked around for her little sister, the short filly looking up at the large cake blankly. Her eyes were still bloodshot and tired looking however, and her coat was just as faded as ever. It was strange. “Perhaps I should go over to speak with her.” Rarity stated, watching her sister.

“That’s what I’d do.” Dr. Hooves replied.

The unicorn nodded, making her way over to the filly. “How are you feeling, Sweetie Belle?” the sanctuary of her surrounding friends fled as she approached her lone sister.

The young pony kept her eyes on the cake, staring emptily. Her cracked lips did not reply.

“Sweetie Belle?” she repeated.

The filly slowly swayed her head towards her bigger sister. “Oh. Hey, Rarity.” her loose and strawy mane hardly flowed, hanging dreadfully off her neck.

“Are you okay, darling?” Rarity looked at the disturbing sight of her sister. “You look rather… grey.”

“Mhm?” she replied groggily.

Rarity gave an uncomfortable look. “I-I said that you look rather grey.”

“Oh, yes.” Sweetie Belle didn’t really seem too caring about that fact. She turned her head back to the tall pastry.

Silence hung between the two. “...” Rarity inspected the cake her sister was eyeing closer, squinting her eyelids. She cleared her throat nervously and withdrew her head. “Erm, darling, would you like a slice?”

“Nah…” the filly responded.

The awkward stare Rarity drew remained as she slowly backed up. “Well, I will leave you to whatever you are doing!” she gave a nervous smile.

“Uh… huh…” the little unicorn replied.

Rarity slipped back to her group of friends. “There is certainly something wrong with her.” she stated worryingly. “What if she…” she began breathing heavily. “What if she drank the apple-lava?”

Dr. Hooves lifted… well, a hoof informatively. “Well, in my studies of the effects of the substance, it appe-” a white hoof was put over his mouth.

White Lightning, not wanting to make her friend so stressed, decided to comfort the posh pony. “Perhaps she just hasn’t been getting much sleep lately? Everyone’s been stressed and I’m sure your sister is no different.”

Rarity looked to the pegasus. “I hope so!” she shook her head, sitting down. “I don’t know what I would do if she was like one of those horrid things!” she repulsed in fear at the thought of the zombie-like appearances of the infected ponies.

The bow-tie adorning stallion gave a shrug as White Lightning placed her hoof back to the ground, not sure what would be the best option here.

“Perhaps I’ll keep an eye on her? If anything looks awry tomorrow, then I will ask Twilight or Applejack. I think they’ll figure something out.” Rarity explained.

“Maybe you should go talk to Twilight about it now?” Dr. Hooves said, lifting a hoof in suggestion.

Rarity looked at him thoughtfully. “...perhaps.” she glanced away from the group, looking around the place for Twilight. “But I don’t see her anywhere!”

“Maybe she’s in her room?” Octavia suggested.

Dr. Hooves nodded in agreement. “That seems right. I have not seen her since you and your friends went to talk to her about everything.” he smiled for the alicorn. “I’m glad she’s gotten better.”

“Yes. I do as well.” she responded, heading towards the stairs to meet with Twilight. “Thank you all.”

Twilight sat in the bed of her room, staring down at a book she had splayed on the mattress. It was the aged pages of the Codex she was reading through, wrapping her head around the old Ponish translations and absorbing more ancient information.

The bedroom was dreadfully dark, the windows covered with curtains to make light more absent. Books and pages were spread all across the floor along with her saddlebag that Rainbow Dash had returned. The only source of light was a dim horn-glow, being utilized to aid the princess’ vision in reading.

There has to be something here! Some kind of weakness to these demons to exploit, something to help my friends! What about Spike? Maybe there’s something that mentions dragons? Her mind flooded with guilt for her little dragon assistant.

She searched drastically for a page that could help her find Spike and save Ponyville. She had done so much for them before! If she had beaten Tirek and Chrysalis, and all those villains, she could do this as well. At least, that was what she hoped.

Her ears rose as she heard the sound of knocking from her room’s door. She looked over with wide eyes, another row of hooves knocking away. “Come in?” Twilight replied curiously.

The door creaked in to reveal Rarity. “Twilight?” light beamed from the much more illuminated central hall of the old castle.

Twilight squinted her eyes, vision still off even after physical recovery. “Eh-Could you close the door, Rarity?” she put a hoof in front of her eyes. “M-My eyes aren’t that great with lights right now.”

Rarity understood with a polite “Oh,” before walking in and closing the door behind her. “Are you feeling well, darling?”

The alicorn’s ear twitched at the sound of the ever so familiar question. Twilight’s ears relaxed once the door was closed and the darkness returned. “I am alright, Rarity. Just… my head still hurts.” she rubbed next to her horn.

Rarity walked closer to the bed. “That is good to hear. Not your head still hurting but, you understand.” she looked across the messy room. “By Celestia, this place really needs a clean up!”

Twilight watched as the unicorn went around her room, using her horn-light and sorting the pages and books across the place with her magic. “So, what did you come in here for?” she asked.

Rarity sighed. “It's Sweetie Belle. She looks sick.”

“How so?” Concern filled Twilight, closing the Codex.

“Her eyes are all red and her coat looks horrendously grey!” Rarity stated dramatically. Although, the drama was justified.

A rumble came from the nightstand near her bed. “I believe you understand what this means, Princess.” the Praeleanthor said ominously.

“She has just been very out of it lately! Like she isn’t all there.” Rarity continued. “Darling Sweetie Belle is never so deathly exhausted as she is now! Not on such a consistent basis.” she continued to discuss the many issues with her sister.

Maybe it's different this time? Twilight suggested, half thinking to the Soul Cube and half-listening to Rarity.

Twilight watched blades slowly rise from the cube, refraining from the loud SHINK noise thanks to its slow pace. “It is not. She is a risk to all those within this Castle. If you do not do anything about her, she will lead to all our deaths.”

“I am hoping that it is just her being stressed out about all the things? I don’t blame her! She’s lost a lot of ponies. Especially the Cutie Mark Crusaders. By Celestia! I feel so bad for her!” Rarity frowned sympathetically for the poor filly.

And what if she isn’t? What do you plan to do? Guillotine a foal hardly past ten moons? The alicorn queried in her mind, glaring at the slaughter-prone artifact.

Yes.” it responded dryly.

The white-coated mare looked at her friend hopefully. “Don’t you have a spell for this perhaps? M-Maybe you could find out if she is actually… erm, what is the term?”

“Corrupted?” Twilight asked.

Rarity nodded. “Yes, corrupted. Would you happen to know a spell that could tell if she was?”


Yes you do.” the Soul Cube corrected.

What? The purple pony questioned.

The multitude of voices replied. “It is rather simple. An average detect magic spell could be used to decipher what type of magic is coming from the pony. If you detect a magic that resembles death, then they are corrupted.

How do you know all that? She asked.

Experience.” they summed.

Rarity stepped a hoof closer. “Do you?”

“Yes! Actually.” Twilight smiled in an anxious manner. “I will just need to see her directly.”

The unicorn gasped. “Really?! Thank Celestia! You are a real friend.”

Her nervous grin turned to a genuine one at the statement. “Where is Sweetie Belle, by the way?” she blinked multiple times, knowing she’d have to prepare herself for the bright lights in the main hall. She got up, grabbing the Soul Cube and shoving it into her saddlebag before putting it on.

Rarity headed for the door, opening it slightly. “Why, she was just near the cake! She’s bound to be in the ballroom somewhere-” her voice trailed away once she looked past the railings and down at the gathering.

Twilight put a hoof over her eyes, blinking frequently to get used to the blinding brightness. “What?” she winced.

Worry tugged at the unicorn’s heart as she stared at the party, the only foal being completely absent. “She isn’t here!”


You must find it.” a dark voice demanded in the back of Sweetie Belle’s mind.

The filly trudged through the dungeons of the abandoned castle, hoofsteps echoing in the metallic gray underground. She dared not protest against the voice, its messages arriving with the feeling that it was being spoken from one of the most powerful beings she would know.

“Yes sir…” she muttered, zombie-like. The young unicorn found no strength to break from half-sleep, just following what the voice had said.

Her legs felt like they moved with thousands of weights tugging them down, but she felt that if she were to disobey, grave punishments would arrive.

The voice crackled with what sounded to be flame. Its speech was incendiary and sizzled through her mind. “There is a hidden room under here. Within, there must be a crystal with a magical blue.” it informed the pony.

Sweetie Belle nodded mindlessly, slogging about still.

Do not just stumble! Worthless Unwilling.” it growled. “Press upon stones, bricks! Discover a source. Kronos is not a demon of patience. He is waiting on us now.

The unicorn lowered her head to the ground, crushing her eyes shut as a burning agony sizzled through her mind. “NNGHHAAH!” the poor unicorn suffered, internally begging for the burning to stop. She slammed a hoof into the wall, beginning to limp along and gently interacting with the many bricks with as much force as she could muster.

Hm. It appears they call you Unwillings for a reason.” the demon commented as the now obedient zombie followed its orders.

Eventually, with a rumbling slide, a stone brick was shoved in by the unicorn. Her dead eyes moved to a wall nearby. It split in half, sliding to either wall ever so slowly before revealing a room within. A heavenly light blue light seeped out.

“Sweetie Belle?” a posh voice echoed down the halls of the basement.

It growled. “Hurry, pesky Unwilling! Quicker.

The unicorn limped in, putting some pep in her stumbles as she looked up at the shining light blue crystal which floated calmly above an ancient pedestal. It seemed to have been crudely chiseled from a much larger bit of gem, however it shimmered and shined with the refined magical energies within.

She jumped towards the pedestal with all the might she could muster. Despite the weak feeling within the foal, the crystal was knocked straight out of levitation by her hoof, flying towards the wall and cracking. The brightness flickered inside it weakly.

“Sweetie Belle?” the sound of a worried Twilight echoed down the halls, hoof-steps getting much closer.

Stomp it out! They could repair it in this state.” the fiery voice encouraged.

The unicorn slogged by, rearing both hooves up and crushing the crystal with all she could muster. Even if she felt weak, her effects of strength were surprising, the gem crushing beneath both her hooves. The humming energy within fizzled away and the crystal dimmed to transparency.

Good.” the voice fizzled out of her mind with one last burning crackle, before the sound of her sister’s voice bounced through the outside hall.

“What in Celestia’s name are you doing down here?” Rarity asked her sister.

Sweetie Belle’s white furred ears stood up swiftly. “Oh, Rarity.” she turned slowly. “Hey… sister.”

Twilight looked from the unicorn to the several shards of the magical crystal on the ground. “What was that?” she asked, worried.

“Nothing.” Was all she could find the strength to say.

“What was it?!” Twilight asked again, feeling like the young unicorn was hiding something.

Sweetie Belle breathed tiredly, legs cowering in weakness. “I-I don’t know.” she winced, before falling down with a grunt. Rarity rushed to her sister’s side worryingly.

“How could you not be sure?” Twilight asked angrily. “For all we know, that could be powering the shield around the castle!” she seemed a little panicked as well, assuming from the similar flickering color of the broken gem being the same hue of the bubble shield that surrounded the ancient castle.

Rarity looked at Twilight. “I’m sure she was just fooling around! I don’t think she meant any of i-”

“I-I had to.” Sweetie Belle claimed, resting on the cold ground with a regretful look.

Before the two ponies could ask what that meant, the sound of alarmed fear shook from above.


“The shield?! The shield, where is it!?” Carrot Top exclaimed in questioning, looking outside one of the large, formerly tinted windows which was now faded and near see-through once more.

Applejack looked outside in horror as well. “It just vanished!”

“How do we bring it back?!” Nurse Redheart spoke up.

All inhabitants of the Castle of Two Sisters crowded near the window, seeing the severe lack of light blue magic that formerly protected their home.

“Does anypony know where Twilight went?” White Lightning queried. “She’s the magic expert.”

Fluttershy swallowed, filled with anxiety. “I-I’m not sure?”

“I never realized that the sky was so red.” Dr. Hooves realized thoughtfully, staring at the gray and red clouds that were once discolored by the shield.

A door suddenly slammed open, echoing through the large fortress. Every pony reared their heads, two ponies coming out. Rarity had her head to the ground, sadness in her usually sparkling eyes.

Twilight looked determined, going over to the group. “Is anything wrong with the shield?” she assumed the color of the crystal and the color of the bubble meant that they were correlated.

Pinkie nodded. “Uh yeah.” her tone was nonchalant and broody. “It's gone!” she exclaimed, shifting her manner into one of alarm.

The alicorn's brow furrowed, the crowd splitting as the princess walked up right in front of the window, glaring out for any dangers. Twilight knew better. The corrupted Sweetie Belle was sent to do this, and she knew the demons wouldn’t hesitate for a sudden assault just after.

“W-W-What is it, Twilight?” Fluttershy questioned, horror shrilling her voice.

One of her ears twitched wildly, picking up a sound described within the details of the codex. A magical swoosh filling high above the air. A particular red stream flashed through the clouds in a blink.

She turned, heading off towards the doors. “Everypony stay inside.” Twilight mustered her courage, setting a final hoof in front of the double doors.

“What in tarnation are ya doin’, Twi?! You’re gonna get killed out there!” Applejack exclaimed in worry.

She reared her head to look behind her. Her group of remaining friends stared back. “I need to finish what I started.” Twilight shoved the dual doors open with her magic, walking across the dark green field. She squinted, raising a hoof to block the sun from her eyes for a moment. Her ears rang as she adjusted to the bright light of the outdoors, the weight of the Soul Cube in the saddlebag wearing on her back.

High in the sky, glowing crimson through the fluff was what appeared to be a giant Hell ship. Twilight mustered a determined look towards the massive floating vehicle. She watched as a red beam of light lowered to the ground swiftly. It reached the earth far ahead of the alicorn.

Twilight felt her heart race at the sight of a giant demon lowering in the gravitational pull of the red lift. Dropping down was a tall monster several ponies high. It's tough, hide-like skin was a sickly pink-ish red and its eyes sizzled with green. It’s body form was muscular with hoof-feet and two giant horns piercing into the sky from its head.

Blue energy swirled around the standard Baron of Hell, a Spirit empowering the demon with incomprehensible speed and durability. Her violet eyes adjusted to a notable figure that stood on its shoulder.

The ground shook as the giant demon stepped forward towards the princess, a familiar Marauder standing on the shoulder of the Baron. He hung on comfortably with a strong grip on his ally’s horn. “So we meet again, princess.” the archdemon greeted. His helmet armored his head strongly, distorting his voice just slightly through the grainy speaker.

She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, mustering her courage before forcing a confident hoof forward and glaring up at him. “You are not getting to my friends!”

“Are you sure?” he replied, reaching a bony hand behind his back.


The Marauder cackled hoarsely through his helmet speaker. “Perhaps this may change your mind?” His hand grabbed something, before he lifted from his belt the writhing form of her little dragon assistant.

Twilight froze up, her formally determined look dissipating as Spike was held by one of his green spikes. “Let me go!” he tried to break free of the grasp desperately, punching at the wrist and heavily scarred hand of the archdemon to no avail.

The alicorn couldn’t form a reaction as the writhing dragon spotted her. “T-Twilight! YES! Help me!” he pleaded.

She stood there, frozen, unsure of what to do about the young dragon being held hostage.

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