• Published 19th Jan 2022
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Fuel the Eternal Flame | A DOOM MLP Crossover - NotAnEditor

Eons ago, in the trades of Nekravol, the great Khan Maykr sold away large stocks of worlds and planets that were once under their jurisdiction to the Dark Lord of Hell. Amongst these worlds being the peaceful land of Equestria.

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Mission 5. The Athergarrian Hunter


After purging Equestria from the demon’s main points of entry, you are called back to Canterlot to halt another attack from a much more mobilized force. An Athergarrian Hunter, hauling in some of the most powerful demons in its garrison. The Slayer must find his way into the ship and halt the offensive whilst whatever is stopping the demons from entering Canterlot does it’s job.

The Doom Slayer gripped angered gauntlets around the neck of one of the Imps among the horde, flinging it into the sky. He pointed Lucifer’s Bane at it, shooting the Meathook into the demon and propelling himself far into the sky above the horde of monsters.

The demon killer had been battling the unending horde of Hell for nearly six hours. They stopped at nothing to prevent him from approaching the Slipgate, even attempting to destroy the vortex’s gate. However, the blessed metals of the Night Sentinels were too powerful to be demolished by the demons.

Now, he had sliced through the hordes of Hell like a tempered blade through butter, only a minor gang remaining. He equipped Hellbreaker, lifting the hammer over his head before slamming it into the ground, flinging the numerous Gargoyles, Imps and Hell Knights away to remain stunned on the floor. Most of them perished on impact to the ground or turned to meat confetti from the energy blast of the melee weapon.

Once he was done, he holstered the Hammer to his back, approaching a Baron paralyzed by the energy of the Sentinel weapon. He jumped up a little, wrangling the monster’s head down before jamming his Doom Blade through the beast’s neck. He threw its head to the ground to let the monster bleed out as he used the blade to block an attempted surprise attack from a nearby Whiplash, one of its chain daggers clinging off his blade.

The Doom Slayer blocked the next one, equipping his Hellvolvers and blasting a duo of rounds into its face. Brains flew out of the demon’s skull, stunned before the third consecutive headshot laid the beast to rest.

He growled in pain as he felt a slamming hand of a Hell Knight crack into his back, the Slayer spinning around to fire a soul-propelled round in the monster’s torso. It flinched, before responding with a smack at his right gauntlet, flinging one of his Hellvolvers out of his hand. The Slayer clenched his now free right hand in fury, before hooking it in the face as hard he could.

He then hammered over its face, causing the Hell Knight to crumble to its knees. Before he could deal the finishing blow, the Slayer felt a fireball of an approaching Imp. The Slayer spun, unsheathing his Doomblade, which was on the same arm he held the remaining Hellvolver, before jamming the sharp steel into the abdomen of the small beast.

To add insult to injury, he shot his revolver through the monster’s stomach, a legion of organs blowing out with the huge round. He cocked the hammer of his weapon, spinning to blast the skull off the Hell Knight’s shoulders.

“SLAYER IDENTIFIED!” the mechanical roar of a Doom Hunter exclaimed as the Doom Slayer looked to see the remains of the force he was close to finishing off.

A single Doom Hunter stood between him and the portal. It charged him, swiping a chainsaw at him. Right before it could make contact with him, the Doom Hunter froze, consumed by the icey effects of the Ice Bomb. The Doom Slayer Blood Punched into the sled, dashing back to lock on with his Rocket Launcher. The volley of missiles erupted around the frozen beast, freeing it from the ice.

CRITICAL DAMAGE!” it exclaimed, detaching from the sled to be met by another trio of rockets before it could even bring its shield up.

The Doom Slayer equipped his Plasma RIfle, beaming the shield away as he dodged the numerous rockets being propelled at him. Once the Doom Hunter’s shield was gone, he equipped his Super Shotgun and shot right into the face of the Hunter, staggering it.

He equipped his Mobile Turret, blasting a huge volley of gauss-propelled machine gun rounds at the demon's head, detaching it as it screamed in pure agony. The head flung off from the numerous bullets, the barrels muting and spinning to stillness. The Slayer holstered his Chaingun back into his Inventory Systems, going over to the fiery revolver on the ground several dozen feet away.

The Slayer picked up the weapon, clicking out the chamber and loading four more rounds into it. As he approached the pedestal the slipgate resided on, he holstered that one and began loading the second.

The Slayer holstered the second Revolver, looking into the portal that led him back to Canterlot. He took a step forward, leaving Hell once again.

The Doom Slayer walked into the eerily empty planning room of Princess Luna. He gazed across the pony-absent table. Usually, she would be at the desk watching through his helmet video. He stepped towards the table, hands strongly by his sides in balled fists.

His camera’s feed echoed as he stared at his own helmet video. The footage repeated endlessly as he stared at it, before turning away. It was strange, her absence from commentary. He growled, in all likelihood, that huge force of demons was meant to slow his return. The demons were plotting something.

He moved towards the elevator on the other side of the Sentinel-structured library/planning room/teleportation room. The Slayer set a hand on a panel next to the elevator, calling it down. He entered the platform once it slowly lowered, detecting his presence and raising back up.

The Slayer exited the castle, walking through the panicked streets full of the multi-colored equine. As he heard their calls of fear, hiding their loved ones in the numerous houses, the Doom Slayer felt an aura of familiarity. The invasions of Sentinel cities numerous centuries ago… the destruction of his home city, dozens of innocents lost.

He shook the memory away. Although he hardly swore an allegiance to these people, they were innocents being prowled on by the legions of Hell. He had difficulty to bear the sight of innocent creatures being slain by the demons.

Noticing the panic, he began rushing through the streets, weaving between panicked ponies to make it to the walls where he assumed the combat resided. It wasn’t long before he spotted the flowing dark blue mane of his associate. Princess Luna watched the battlefield as the Slayer continued up the stairs to the top of the wall.

The sounds of demonic suffering and torture were enough to remind him of his own escapades as he began surveying the battlefield. There appeared to be a quadruped form, moving swiftly on flapping wings, so quick it was almost a blur. The most he was certain about was the pile of corpses the quick thing was forming.

It would murder a demon brutally, like a Mancubus by aiming its cannon to its head with telekinesis to blow its own head off before it would teleport the corpse away to ever growing piles along the walls.

Luna turned, noticing the Doom Slayer as his feet rumbled the floor beneath him. “Oh, Great Slayer. I see you’ve returned.”

The Doom Slayer looked at her a moment, before gazing up at the huge behemoth Hell ship above. He gave a hard glare.

Before Luna could even inform him of the situation, he was already making his way to a nearby cannon mounted on the wall. Several guard ponies around it gave him confused and scared looks as the demon-murdering creature approached the barrel of the cannon.

“W-What are you doing?” Luna queried as the Doom Slayer climbed into the barrel. As she deciphered the Slayer’s thoughts, looking between the large Slayer-loaded weapon and the giant ship in the sky, she began to understand.

The confused and frightened royal guard jumped at the sound of Luna’s commanding voice. “Aim the cannon at the ship.” she commanded, the ponies beginning to work as the Slayer crawled deeper in.

Once the weapon was loaded by the trio of artillery-ponies, it was hoisted to be aimed high to land its projectile into the ship. The leader with a particularly stylish moustache saluted loyally once it was all setup

“Fire.” Luna commanded, confident the Slayer knew what he was doing.

Analyzing combat environment…

Loading audio systems…

Creating track…

Battle track produced

The Slayer bursted out of the cannon, speeding towards the ship at incredible speeds. He broke through the bubble shield surrounding Canterlot, rocketing at the strong metal of the ship. He slammed through the metal armor of the ship, shard landing all around him as he broke a huge hole through the wall and into the hellship.

“By Davoth!” he heard an Immoran exclaim, standing beside another man in his patrol. The Slayer brought out his Destroyer Blade as they began to run away, charging it up by one bit before blasting away a short but powerful horizontal line of destructive energy.

The two running humanoids were bisected, killed in an instant by the Ballista’s weapon mod. A Mancubus and Revenant blasted onto the T-shaped hall the Slayer had crashed into, roaring to prepare the battle.

Almost immediately he blasted the cannons off the Revenant’s shoulders with a swap between his Ballista and HMG, each sniping the weapons off. As the Revenant was stunned by the combo, he equipped the Paingiver and locked onto the Mancubus, launching his rockets before lowering the weapon in his left hand to bring out the Super Shotgun.

He launched the Meathook to approach the Mancubus closer, dealing a killing blow before sheathing his Shotgun, turning and Blood Punching the approaching Revenant’s torso off its legs. He clenched his bloody fist in front of his visor furiously as he tossed his Rocket Launcher into his inventory.

“WARNING: THE SLAYER HAS ENTERED THE FACILITY.” a feminine voice alerted across the ship.

He cracked his neck, equipping his Super Shotgun before continuing down the right hall. The Slayer needed to find a way to destroy this ship.

The room he entered was a huge area surrounding a giant bridge. The bridge had to go on for a hundred meters in front of the Slayer. Beneath the bridge was tons of flesh and organs lining the walls and ceiling. They shook, expanding and retracting. He was in the ship's lungs. The warship was composed half of a beast named the Athergarrian, the rest of cybernetic metals and technology.

He spun around at the sound of a Maykr's roar, seeing the spear aiming angel. The Slayer dodged backwards, out of the way of the landing javelin. The metal bridge sparkled around the landing point of the weapon.

The Slayer switched to his HMG, clicking the mod switch to activate the Precision Bolt firemode. As the Blood Maykr rose into the sky on her energy wings, the Doom Slayer squeezed his weapons trigger.


He pulled the trigger, the bullet not firing. The Slayer already knew the source, turning to see a Maegus standing beside an Armored Baron.

He ducked under another flying spear, equipping his Hammer to see an absence of energy in the weapon. He growled in frustration, holstering it on his backplate. He rushed toward the Maegus, the Baron moving forward to protect it. The Slayer cracked a punch into its armor before grabbing its horn to lower the head and knee it in the head.

Before the Baron could respond, he felt a missed shot to its face from the Blood Maykr. The large demon stumbled back, spear stuck through its armor. The Slayer didn't hesitate, shoving the beast off the bridge. He turned and rushed to the Maegus, dodging the energy shots from the staff of the Blood Maykr behind him.

He grabbed the zombified unicorn by the neck as the Maykr readied to hurl its staff, energy armor falling away. The Slayer hurled the pony at the Maykr with such force that it tore into the exposed head of the angel-demon. The horn pierced right through the skull, it screeching before plummeting off the bridge.

The Slayer couldn't hold back a snicker at the realization that he just murdered a demon with an unicorn.

"What is happening? I've only just now arrived back in the war room." Princess Luna asked, the Slayer continuing down the bridge in the pace of his usual ruthless sprint.

The Doom Slayer was silent as he entered the next area of the warship. Long, thin hallways weaved around the ship. Numerous statues of the Dark Lord and other demonic leaders. The walls were a metallic crimson much like the structures of Immora. He equipped his Super Shotgun, dual wielding it with his Hellvolver. As he prowled the demonic halls.

"I assume you are attempting to destroy the ship. There has to be a fuel lodge or some other way of destruction." Luna spoke. "Check your map."

The Slayer opened the Map in his HUD, looking across the portions of the ship he explored. There was an objective marker right on an Automap station.

He would have to continue down the hall until the next left, go down and take the next right, then a left and finally it will be by the wall. The Slayer shut off his map, turning the next left.

Numerous roars echoed down the hall. Pale demons stood down the other end, white with stoney skin. Four Stone Imps readied for battle. Turning the corner behind them was a huge Cybermancubus, nearly the size of the hall.

The Doom Slayer dug into his inventory, forming the Chainsaw in his hand. He yanked the starter cord, the blades roaring viciously. A Stone Imp screeched, curling into a ball and surging at the Slayer. He swiped his Chainsaw through the approaching enemy, bisecting it before bringing it down on another assaulting Stimp. The blades clacked and clicked through the stone greedily, blood exploding from the head of the monster as he drove it through its skull.

The next Stimp successfully slammed into the Doom Slayer. He grunted in pain, lobbing a grenade from his Equipment Launcher. The frag exploded as he reached over and grabbed it by the neck brutally. It scratched its arm viciously as it felt its spinal cord crack and break as he put extra effort into his grasp.

He dashed out of the way of another pool of goo, his health rehealing while he broke the neck of the demon with one hand. The Slayer hurled the demon at the other Stone Imp once it attempted to charge another rolling attack. He quickly swapped to his Full Auto Shotgun, mowing the singular demon down before jumping onto the Cybermancubus’ shoulder to Blood Punch the armor off its body.

The Slayer dashed off, propelling dozens of shotgun shells into the face of the demon brutally. Once it was staggered, he unsheathed his Doomblade and uppercutted it into the roof of the green Mancubus’ mouth viciously. He growled in brutal satisfaction as he withdrew the Doomblade, unsheathing it again to wipe the blood onto his right gauntlet before sheathing it once more.

Seeing his close-quarters, he equipped his Super Shotgun, replacing the Meathook with a more directly powerful Quadruple Barrel mod. He loaded the two extra barrels before continuing off.

As he marched, the Slayer would encounter many-a-demon attempting to stop him. However only so many could find him in the chaos of the huge ship. An Imp would attempt to surprise him from around a corner, its head would be sent flying down the hall. A duo of Hell Paladins turn the corner to find the Doom Slayer? Bisected by the wall of lead produced by the glorious weapon.

A Whiplash screeching in horror at the sight of the Doom Slayer rushing her, stunning it with a vicious wave of flames, the demon murderer stealing its chains and decapitating her with its own weapon. It was lightwork for the Doom Slayer.

Finally, he reached the divot in a wall where the Automap resided. It was Immoran in design, crimson and black with glowing red projections of the area. He placed a hand on the glowing panel, downloading the data into his HUD.

“Hrrmm…” Princess Luna pondered, looking around the new information provided by the new data. “Found it.”

On his HUD, the Slayer saw a marker appear down the hall to the right. “I will be placing markers at every turn that lead to the fuel sources. Follow them, and you should be able to destroy this dreadful ship.”

He rushed through the halls, towards the next marker, turning to the left to follow the numerous markers. A Prowler teleported in front of him at some point, ready to attack. The Doom Slayer grabbed its throat before it could react, slamming it to the ground, setting a boot on its chest, and tearing its head off.

The Slayer hurled it at a charging Revenant, the demon screeching a war-cry before being interrupted by the head of its ally. The Doom Slayer equipped his Hellvolver, sniping a shoulder cannon off and bisecting the Revenant with a blast from his Quadruple Shotgun.

He marched off, dreadfully loud footsteps stomping through the ship. It wasn’t long before he encountered a huge door, a large hunk of steel with a glowing seam in between, shimmering with maroon energy. A button on an anciently designed pedestal stood just beside the door, the Doom Slayer lifted a gauntlet, preparing to press the button in.

Quickly he spun around, aiming his Super Shotgun with one hand behind him. Something was off… he sheathed his weapon back to his hip, lifting his hand once more.

A shocking surprise of an attack rippled through his spine as he felt the poisoning claw of a Cursed Prowler jam through his back. A warning bolded across the front of his HUD with a symbol of a withering away demon skull just above it.


His Equipment Launcher’s AI bursted the demon with flames before it could teleport away. The HUD enabled him to see the demon through the walls and halls of the ship, however it was very distant. He felt his fingers constrain, paralysis setting in as he felt the use of them diminish.

He clenched them in determined fists, he could use no weapons now. The Slayer would have to hunt the Prowler. Before he could stomp off, he heard a legion of strange sounds occurring from around the corner down the hall. Like a million stamps on paper, hundreds of clickings on demonic steel.

The Slayer felt the floor rumble beneath him. A legion of contorted bodies slamming down the hallway. Hundreds of contorted pegasi, their wings contorted to a third pair of legs, with one of their legs split into two smaller sets in the back.

The Equipment Launcher lobbed one final Ice Grenade at the pack before malfunctioning due to the disabling poison of the Prowler. The Slayer watched with slight dread as he saw his health tick down to a 100, no armor.

Just then, he felt the poison clear. The Slayer gazed back down at his health bar as the numerous Arachnids began to thaw. A solid dark blue bar froze the poison. A heavily breathing, tired sounding Luna spoke.

“I-It worked. I countered the Prowlers poison, but it will only work for a short time, and I fear the ability of your rapid healing.” Luna informed the Slayer.

The Doom Slayer nodded affirmatively, thanking her in his silent way as he felt the faculties of his suit return. Just then, the Arachnids broke from their icey prisons. The Doom Slayer readied both fists, now charged with Blood Punches before tearing through the crowd with two devastating hooks. That still left another crowd of twenty to assault the Slayer.

He equipped his Plasma Rifle, swapping the mod to Heat Blast and began to burn through the hordes with the extremely hot projectiles. As he tried to shoot all the quick moving enemies, they began swarming him, climbing all across his armor and stomping and biting between the cracks in his suit.

He tore them off with one hand, still mowing down others with his Plasma Rifle. The hallway was a lightshow of energetic fire as the plasma sizzled through the demonic hide of the former equine. The Slayer growled in pain as more swarmed him, many dents in his armor.

Finally, a grenade recharged in his Equipment Launcher, the Doom Slayer sending out a Frag to eviscerate the group of Arachnids. They all exploded from the shrapnel, the remainder now dead. Blood dripped and trickled off the ceiling from the amount eviscerated from plasma and explosions. Most of them were now just meat confetti around the hall.

Princess Luna felt ill from the event, the contorted and corrupted bodies of her people now nothing but dripping sinew and flesh.

The Slayer witnessed not an inch of his health rise in his HUD. No physical relief was brought to him from the slaying of the demons. The weakened demon hunter took a long, injured breath before planting his hand on the button.

The door opened, the Slayer stepping in cautiously, equipping his Sentinel Hammer in his left while holding his Super Shotgun in his right. Huge vats of Hell energy sparkled and electrocuted, mounted on the walls of the giant room. In the center of it all was a strange demon the Slayer had not seen before.

It was skeletal, with very loose skin hanging off the bone, melting into the metal underneath. Its snouted head resembled that of a pony, its equine ears molding down into its head. A horn towering from the mass of baggy flesh and bones.

A disturbed tone dug into Luna’s voice as she spoke up. “I-Is that a pony?”

The metallic clang of two pairs of covered hooves slammed down beside the Sapling. A pair of Armored Barons landed from a higher level. He looked up to see a bridge that went over the huge chasm that was the fuel room. The two roared as a glow emanated from the strange pony demon’s horn.

A yellow defensive bubble formed around the equine monster, before expanding to surpass the two Barons. Whilst inside the perimeter of the bubble, energy surrounded the demons, buffing their speed and strength whilst inside the shield.

“You would h-have to slay the Sapling.” she stated, with a stutter of sympathy for her former subject.

The Slayer slowly lifted a gun, firing at the shield. It didn’t falter, remaining strong. He lowered the Shotgun to jam a new squad of shells within its barrel, ducking under a launched morning star and rushing towards the shield to enter it.

The other Baron joined in attacking range, the Slayer sliding under the attack and through the shield. While still sliding, he sweeped a leg out from under one of the Barons with his Hammer. As he got to his feet, he shot at the Sapling. Sadly, the lead didn’t pierce a secondary shield that it had around itself.

The Slayer groaned, equipping his Plasma Rifle and mowing down the armor of the floor-bound Baron. Its armor was cracked off by the burning heat whilst getting up, allowing the Slayer to finish it off with two vicious blows using the Sentinel Hammer. One to the leg, completely slamming it off, and the other straight into the head, that too flying away.

He staggered forward, feeling the full weight of a haymaker from the enemy Baron behind him. The Slayer fell to his chest, flipping over to his back to block the next attack with his Hammer. The huge monster growled robotically before it was kicked back by the strength of the Slayer.

As he got to his feet, he holstered his Hammer to the backplate and once more pumped the hundreds of plasma rounds through the armor of the beast. He swiftly broke it with a fully charged Heat Blast. With that, he swapped to his Super Shotgun, fired his four shells and quickly moved to use his Rocket Launcher. He locked on, firing the trio of rockets before firing a fourth for good measure. To finish it off, he forced a blast from his Ballista and charged a gnashing Destroyer Blade.



The wave of slicing energy bisected the Baron, leaving the remaining enemy to be the Sapling. He walked over, unsheathed his Doom Blade with a satisfying sching and decapitated it. Luna couldn’t help but flinch as the melting pony slumped in its mass of flesh and bone.

“G-Good. Now we must destroy the fuel tanks.” as the Doom Slayer walked over, he felt the ship rumble beneath his feet, ominous creaking emanating from the walls and a distorted gurgly cry coming from the carrier body of the ship. “The quicker the better.” Luna added.

As he stepped forward, he heard the gravelly voice of a Marauder speak.

“Long time no see, Great Slayer.” a taunting voice spoke behind him.

The Slayer glared behind his injured shoulder, glaring back at the sight of the huger than average Marauder. The growl of a chainsaw blade crackled, electricity sparking from the Hell energy.

It was Kronos. One of the leaders of the Dread Legion, and an old associate of the Slayer’s. He turned to face him fully. The former Night Sentinel, meant for the throne of Warrior King presented himself. It was going to be him to win the throne, if not for the display of the Slayer’s abilities in Taras Nabad so long ago.

Kronos still held this grudge. “I’ve been waiting eons for this duel.” he let his Meathook gently sink from his gauntlet, slowly circling the Slayer like a cougar to its prey.

The Slayer remained in his position. His body only moved from his heavy, angered breaths. His armor was severely dented, a crack in his visor and a hole in the back of the suit where the Baron had cracked a ruthless punch earlier. His health had not raised at all, now resting at an uncomfortable 70. He was not confident in the fight with this Marauder.

He was larger than most Marauders, but if one thing was constant in the Slayer’s journey was that size didn’t matter. Except with guns. His eyebrows raised in realization.

As the ego-filled Marauder continued his annoying speech, the Doom Slayer checked his inventory. The BFG-9000, one round. It was overkill, but this Marauder was no risk he’d be wishing to take.

“That throne was meant for me, Great Slayer! You tore it from my grasp.” he scoffed. “Just an outlander with a hint of luck, jumping spots in line for the Divinity Machine because the Seraphim was depsera-AGH!” a quadruple barrel shot bursted into the armor of the Marauder, stunning him before the Slayer equipped the BFG. The weapon, double the size of the Doom Slayer, was point-blank fired at the Marauder.

The sugar-coatless attack propelled the Marauder out of the room, blood exploding from his surprisingly still intact body. The only thing missing was a loose horn now resting on the floor. The Slayer couldn’t help but cackle viciously as he lay unconscious outside of the room in the hallway. He clicked a button next to the door, sealing Kronos away.

He turned, returning his BFG to his inventorial systems and equipping his Chaingun. He unfurled the numerous barrels, mowing down the fuel tanks surrounding the room.


The noise of the Chaingun’s continuous fire sounded more like a vacuum cleaner than a gun firing individual bullets at a quick rate. It was not long before all six fuel tanks were demolished in the room.

“WARNING! WARNING! SHIP FUEL LEVELS CRITICAL, DESTRUCTION OF SHIP IMMINENT, EMERGENCY WARP PROTOCOLS INITIATING!” the elevator-voice spoke loudly over the intercom. The Slayer noticed several plates beginning to fall off the inside of the beast, its armor falling away as the monster began roaring in agony from the lack of “fuel.”

Suddenly, he felt the poison of the Prowler return. His health began to drain. 70, 60, 50, 40. He coughed up green blood onto the interior of his helmet visor, his breathing beginning to grow difficult once more. The warning that he was cursed returned as Luna’s spell wore away.

“Oh no, Great Slayer, are you okay?” she asked hesitantly, trying to get the spell to function again.”Come on, work.” she grunted, trying to cast the spell to cure him. However it refused to work. She was missing the components she had used before.

As the Slayer crumbled to the ground, weakness consuming him as his health ticked to 10, he felt his vision blur and darken.

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