• Published 26th Jun 2013
  • 4,181 Views, 465 Comments

Pinkie Pie's Fourth-Wall Breaking Variety Show - Alex Warlorn

Pinkie Pie with one camera and a TV studio all to herself invites her friends over for antics that can't effect the outside world and sneak some peeks at alternate timelines. What fun will the ponies have when anything is possible?

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Episode 2

Pony POV Series
Pinkie Pie's Forth Wall Breaking Variety Show (Again)
By Alex Warlorn

Pinkie Pie hopped onto a familiar studio stage. "Howdy Everypony and every brony! We're running into editing trouble of Shining Armor's next two chapters, and due to real life responsibilities the author is still writing the biiiig fight scene with poor Dashie and Twilight! Not to mention the troubles the authors of the Seven Dreams And Nightmares pieces running into! But don't worry! We're still getting big proud . . . . one-hundred and sixty nine-views page hits yesterday-?! That is one nasty drop! Not like that little fall Twilight took that my twitchy tall warned about first. I thought it it was weird when I got twitchy tail and nothing fell on Twilight! Whoa boy! Gotta do something fast so the audience doesn't lost interest!"

Pinkie Pie zipped off camera and came back on a unicycle spinning plates on her nose juggling rubber balls, torches, and Gummy wearing teddy bear pajamas. In her muzzle was a kazoo whistling the original My Little Pony Special opening theme and was wearing her 'crime against fashion' Gala dress.

She then did a triple flip tossing the various props in the air which exploded in a mass of fireworks, and a Gummy floating down holding am umbrella.

Pinkie Pie easily caught him. "Ta-da! And that should get us some . . ." She looked at the page view counter. "Or maybe not." Her hair threatened to straighten. "Okay! I know! What if scenarios always get the readers attention!! Get right back!" Pinkie Pie vanished off camera again, to the sound of search through various pieces of junk. "Candy. One of Dashie's feather's. Candy. Strand of Fluttershy's mane. Candy. Book I promised to give back to Twilight next week a month ago. Candy. Cupcakes. Flowers from Cheerilee's garden. Free rainbow samples from the rainbow factory. One of Rarity's eyelashes. More candy. Special secret stash of cider. FOUND IT!"

Pinkie Pie wheeled in an old fifty's era TV set with cheap costume alien antennas glued on the top.

"Okay! Now let's see! Hmm?" Pinkie finds a note on the floor and reads it, "From the author! Okay! Let's see now . . . ahem . . . 'What If Fluttershy wasn't given her talking to by Princess Luna or Princess Celestia and wasn't punished by them in any way after the Nightmare Whisper incident? And the really bad thing that almost happened did happen?'"

Pinkie Pie turned the TV screen to face herself and her face was illuminated in the glow.

"HANG THE NAG!" Snarled the voice of Mrs. Cake.

The voices of angry mares, jennies, cows, griffins, minotauresses, female diamond dogs, and lady DRAGONS roared in agreement.

"HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? She was safe in the castle!" Rainbow Dash's voice cried out in horror.

Rarity said in an emotionless voice, "Apparently somepony thought that the longer Fluttershy was turned over to the mob the more violent they were going to get until they outright rebelled on Princess Celestia and tried to storm the castle and punish Fluttershy themselves or died trying."

Rainbow Dash's voice form the TV hissed, "What heartless nag used that stupid logic?!"

"Fluttershy did," Rarity said her voice cracking.

"We got her wings and legs tied!" Said the voice of a pegasus mare who had been in her sixth month of pregnancy a week ago.

"Kill'er! Kill'er! Kill'er! Kill'er!" Chanted every mare, dragon, griffin, every sapient creature who had been with child within Equestria's borders when Nightmare Whisper had brought her eternal childhood upon every adult in Equestria.


"Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy's voice said. "Let them do it. If you try to stop them, I'll . . . I'll stare you away if . . . " Fluttershy broke down in tears.


The TV flickered to a new scenario, now visit to the camera.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WANT TO STAY LIKE THIS-?!" Rarity gasped looking at the Cutie Mark Crusaders, only, they were the wrong species of pony.

"I can help out on the farm a lot more like this," Said Applebloom fluttering her wings and lifting herself off the ground without trouble.

"And I'll have no trouble flying once I figure out the gossamer wing spell anyway so I don't mind, and I can even zap monsters now!" Said Scootaloo now sporting a unicorn horn.

"And it wasn't like I could do magic anyway and I don't tire out when working hard now so everything works out," Said an Earth Pony Sweetie Belle.

"I think I've enough," Pinkie Pie said as she tossed the TV into a garbage bin. She shook her mane, "Okay Bronies and Ponies! I think we've had enough of that. I know what can get our page count back up! . . . Ahem-"

Fireworks and sparkles went off as a banner unfolded.


"Alright Everypony! Remember the rules from last time? Well they got like this! You WRITE what happens next, not describe, actually write the scene, and it'll be copy and pasted into the story! The rules are first and foremost that I'm the only one who can break the forth wall. Second the camera can't leave the old studio I'm using to transmit! Third, the guests have to be from My Little Pony, but can be from any generation or comic or toy OF My Little Pony! Forth, everything that happens is non-canon in relation to the Pony POV Seres Verse! Alright! Everypony! Let's do this! Let's see what happens next!"

It's been a few weeks since the last time Pinkie Pie threw a party. This is truly unlike her as most of her friends know her as the kind of pony who'd throw a party for almost anything.

Strangely enough, she seems slightly quieter and more studious than usual. Plus, she's been seen often writing in some kind of book. What could it be that she's writing? A novel? A journal? Or maybe even an autobiography?

Twilight Sparkle almost spent the entirety of her morning routine today thinking about it even while washing herself and getting herself breakfast. After several days of holding back her curiosity to focus on more important stuff, she was finally more than ready to ask Pinkie Pie about the book she's writing in.
Derpy flies over to Pinkie and hands her two letters.

"Thanks, Derpy!"

"Let's see, the first letter is from Generic Pony Fan #12"

Dear Pinkie,

I was going over the Origins: Celestia again and found out that Mortis and Strife had three kids with each other. Do you know anything about their kids? Such as what they look like?

Pinkie looks up from the letter, "Sorry, you're going to have to ask Star-Catcher or Alex about that, because I honestly don't have a clue." Pinkie goes back to the letter:

I was also wondering if you refer to Twilight as Minty now that you know that Minty lives on in her.

"Nope, I still just call her Twilight. As far as I can tell, Minty is just a part of Twilight." She begins to read the other letter, "This one is from someone calling himself the Pony-Hater. Well, that's not very nice."

Dear Pink Pony-thing,

Ponies are stupid and dumb and stupid!

Pinkie turns back to the camera, "Well Mr. Pony-Hater, everyone is entitled to their own opinion so I won't argue with you, but I do have to wonder; if you hate ponies so much, then why did you bother to send me a letter?"

Derpy flies out and drops one more letter into Pinkie's hooves.

"Thanks, Derpy!" Pinkie calls after her before reading the letter. "Ooh, this one is from Ardashir, and he wrote us before. Aww, it's great to hear from old fans! He's the one who suggested that we show off the pony suits..."

Applejack's voice came from offstage: "If he wants ta see more o' them, tell him ta go an' wear one! Ah'm still scrubbing Rarity's flowery perfume outta my coat!"

"Calm down, AJ!" Pinkie called back. "That's not what he wants. He wants -- oh." Pinkie's mane slightly deflated as she read, "We know that you know about that One Certain Story where you hurt Dashie. We all know that you wouldn't really do that, even if I had a nightmare from it where I got trapped by Evil Pinkamena and..." Pinkie gulped, shivered, and skipped over the next part, "but does anyone else in Ponyville know about the nastier stories that've been told about them? Or are they blissfully unaware? And we all still love you ladies."

Pinkie sighed and looked up. "Naw, nopony knows about them. I just wish I didn't. Sure, we," and she indicated herself before pointing her hoof outwards, as though someone stood there, "all know that they're fake in the Heart World, but maybe in Discord's world where I got all mean and the rest of the girls went crazy they happened there. And who'd want their friends to know that somepony who doesn't know them all that well thinks they could do stuff like that? So I Pinkie Promised myself that I'd never ever tell them." She sighed and looked down. AS she did her mane reinflated. "Oh, there's a PS! Hey, if you WANT more ponysuit fun, then maybe I can..."

Four voices came from offstage, Applejack and Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle and Trixie, all yelling the same thing: "TELL HIM NO!"

Pinkie winced. "Okay, I guess not." She looked off to the other side and saw a smiling Rarity standing there in the shadows with a few more fullbody ponysuits on her ponyquins. Pinkie grinned impishly. "Then again..."
Out of nowhere a letter hovered down to Pinkie Pie.

"I wonder how this shadow does that... I guess some of them just want to save the postage. Let's see."

Dear Pinkie Pie,

could you tell us how you use the power of montages?

"Oh! Oh! I can do it! It is very easy. I just need two things. First there must be some uplifting music in the background. Then I need to be fast, very fast, so blazingly fast that even the shadows have trouble following me."

In a sudden pink blur the earth pony is gone and reappears in a different spot of the same room.

"I'll show you with this book about hoof wrestling. I guess Twilight won't mind if I train a bit before the next round."

Suddenly "Eye of the Tiger" plays in the background as Pinkie Pie reads the first page, the twentieth page, the hundredth page, the two hundredth page and finally the last page. After that the music stops playing as she closes the book dramatically.

"Now I know everything about hoof wrestling! I would have even some time left to draw a bit on the pages but after my long nap I don't do that anymore. Before that I would often draw something next to funny sounding words. But Twilight didn't complain that much about it. The drawings did get some ponies to look at books they would have never been interested in. The Flower Trio suddenly started to like the books about Quantum Theory after I drew some flowers into it."

"Hey, here's one from one of the beta readers," said Pinkie, taking the letter from Derpy. She then smiled widely reading it. "Oh! How did I forget that!"

A few minutes later the rest of the group were pulled in as the entire place was decked out for a party. "Pinkie, what's going on?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"It's the anniversary of when this story started!...Well, it was about a week ago! Hard to believe some of our recursive fan writers didn't pic up on that! Oh well, don't think the author realized it either"

Twilight blinked. Fluttercruel just gave her a nudge. "Just roll with it! we get a party out of the deal!"

"Happy anniversary everypony!" Pinkie announced as the party started.
Pinkie receives another letter, "Let's see this one is from someone asking if there's any chance of me interacting with a human on the show." Pinkie looks up from the letter, "I'm glad you asked, because we have a very special guest for tonight's show. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the original series' very own Megan!"

Applause comes out of nowhere as a very confused young woman with blonde hair wearing an orange shirt, a brown vest, jeans, and cowboy boots walks on stage.

"Where am I? How did I get here?"

Pinkie ignores her, "Now Megan, I understand that this isn't your first encounter with magical talking ponies, correct?"

"Well yes, but..."

"Excellent! So what have you been doing with yourself since you stopped hanging around us ponies?"

"Well, I'm a kindergarten teacher, but I really want to know how I..."

"How would you compare the animation from the original cartoon to the animation of today?"


"I agree. There are some bronies out there that need to stop complaining about the art style on the original show. I mean of course it's not going to be as good, considering that they didn't have the same technology back then that we do now. And for what it's worth, I actually liked the original show."

"What are you talking about?"

"So, Megan, what would you say the chances are of you making an appearance in a potential special for MLP's 30th anniversary next year?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Yeah, I agree. The chances of that happening are pretty slim. Which is too bad, I kind of liked you. Although, I liked your depiction in Rescue at Midnight Castle better than in the actual show."

"Umm... thanks? I think."

"Well it was nice speaking with you Megan, but unfortunately we have to wrap on this interview." Pinkie starts to move Megan offstage. "Tell Danny and Molly, I said hi."

"Hold on a second! Who are you? How did I get here?" Megan is pushed back to where Pinkie got her from before any of her questions can be answered.

Pinkie turns to the camera, "Lets hear a round of applause for Megan everyone!" Applause comes out of nowhere again.
Another letter arrives.

"Okay, this one is from LZ0291... Oh, he co-wrote the Cute-Cenera didn't he? And he also gave me that incredibly dangerous gun! Why would you do that?! Why would you put an artillery piece in my hooves even if it was rigged for parties?! Why couldn't you have given me some FUN technology?"

"Pinkie, he's asking you questions, not the other way around!"

"Oops, sorry! Okay... His question is What's that behind you?!"

Pinke turns around. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are sitting at a small table.

"Oh, they're just having lunch just now. Looks like hay fries and potato fritters."

Pinkie turns around again.

"And that's the camera! Next?"

Derpy brings over a small box, with an attached note.

"Oh, a parcel? The letter says it's from... Shining Armor? Twilight's brother? Oh, that's odd, it's actually addressed to her too. Twilight! Your brother sent a parcel thing!"

"I'll be over in a second, Pinkie!"

"Wonder what this is in here. 'Dear Twiley/Pinkie, can either of you figure out how these things work?' Hm, wonder what's inside. Ooh, maybe they're presents but he lost the instructions? I know that he's on some kind of worldy tour thing being written... by..."

Pinkies pupil's shrink to pin-pricks and her mouth opens in a silent scream.

Twilight approaches.

"Okay, Pinkie, what is it?"

"Scan this box for guns!"


"Itmightbefullofguns! Evilauthor! Sendingguns!"

"I'll scan it but I don't understand you!"

Twilight's horn glows.

"Okay, it looks like... Uh, guns..."

"Aaaaah Spike! Burn it burn it burn it!"

"....Water guns. And little party flag guns." Twilight clarifies, opening the box and removing a bright orange super-soaker type watergun, complete with a trigger designed for use in the mouth and a pump for hooves to use.

"Oh... OH, okay! Phew, I should have known it would be mostly harmless if your brother sent them. Silly Shining Armor, these are easy, you just pour water into the tank here, push the pump a few times, then you use your horn or you mouth... wike dis..."

Pinkie picks up the water gun in her mouth, and sprays Spike as he runs over. Twilight rummages around in the parcel box more.

"Ghaa! Pinkie, what are you doing?!" Spike protests and flees.

Pinkie drops the water gun.

"And you spray Spike like that! The party guns are easier, you just push the flags in, then fire them with your mouth or horn again! You can even load a little glitter or confetti in before you fire too!"

Pinke demonstrates, waving the "bang" flag about. Twilight meanwhile examines a wood and metal object she has removed from the parcel.

"Okay, we got those two working, but I'm not sure about this one though. This writing on the side is Deer Cyrillic script. 'Avtomat Pistolet-Pulemyot Makarova Four-One slash Four-Seven'..."

"Oh, there's a note, Twilight! 'Twiley, first, keep this away from Pinkie. Second, the banana-portion bit inside fell off and we can't get it back on and that seems to make it work... Oh, hey, Twilight, I was reading that!"

Twilight pulls the item away, holding it high above her head.

"Uh, no, Pinkie, the rest of the note says, this is, uh... for me! It's a... scientific thing! But not a gun! Harmless, completely harmless!"

"Oh, I think the banana bit he means is this and it goes here!" Pinke says, picking up and attaching the metal banana shaped object to the item Twilight holds in her magic.

"AHH! I, mean, Ah! That's great, Pinkie, but I should go and... do science... to this gu...fiin. MacGuffin. Yes."

Twilight quickly leaves

"Ha, silly Twilight, there are no lions in the Scottish highlands, so there's no such thing as a MacGuffin! Wait, what's that? Spell check in the word processor says MacGuffin isn't a real word. It suggests... MacGregor, muffin... machine-gun?!"

Pinke stares for a few seconds before blinking.

"I'm sure it's just a coincidence. Next letter!"

"Hey, Pinkie, you want some hay fries?" Rainbow Dash then shouts.

"...Okay, give me a minute, and THEN, next letter!"

And and Pinkie waved at the camera, "And remember folks, don't be scared to build up on other pony's postings."

Pinkie received another letter. "Okay, this one is from Jarkes, who asks: How did the events that surrounded Shining Armor and Princess Cadence's wedding differ here than it did in the Heart World? P.S. Check out my own fanfic, Shining in the Darkness. It was partially inspired by this series."

Pinkie grinned. "Well, it's great to know that we inspire bronies to write their own stories! But to answer your question, all I can say is, you thought it was crazy in the Heart World? You should've seen what happened here!"

An unknown voice was heard from backstage. "Pinkie, I thought I told you not to discuss plot points that I haven't gotten to yet!"

Pinkie sighed. "Sorry, Alex..."
-Fluttercruel and Rainbow Dash, both completely full after eating most of the hay fries and potato fritters on the table, looked at each other. Rainbow Dash began to talk.

"A human as a guest, applause out of nowhere, letters, presents, guns...

"It is most definitely not a gun!" Twilight's voice could still be heard inside the studio.

... and a strange voice talking about plot points. That might be her weirdest party yet." Rainbow finished.

Applejack and Rarity tried hoof wrestling next to them.

"Best o' seven!"

The other ponies signed.

"Nah, the 'Guess which meme I am' party is still the strangest thing I remember. And that is saying something."

Fluttercruel shifted back to Fluttershy who nodded in agreement. Shy was the one who did remember that party but since Cruel had her memories she knew that as well.

"I still can hardly believe that Twilight was actually able to guess a few of them. Who knew that the green spiralling eyes meant 'Welcome to the Herd'..."

Seamlessly Fluttershy switched back to her other half.

"... or her talking deep with the voice changer about ruining the gala stands for some 'Magneighto' guy?"

"You two finishing each other's sentences did become less creepy over time. And I still think the human was just Lyra in one of these suits." Dash added dryly.

"We live in a normal world with talking colourful ponies, humans seem sooo strange."

Rainbow ignored the biting irony and took a look at the new guest. Shortly after Pinkie had read another letter somepony had arrived. At least this one seemed more normal in comparison to what had happened before.

She was a blue earth pony with a pink, orange, yellow and green mane and a Rainbow between two clouds as a cutie mark.

Sure her proportions were a bit weird but as long as she made Pinkie Pie smile like that, Dash didn't mind that at all. She decided to walk a bit closer to meet the newcomer.

"... said I should use an alias and then I found myself in this dashing place. May I assist you a bit with the decorations, Pinkie?"

"Oh, Dashie meet erm..."

"The name is Spectral Rush. I adore your style, did you ever think about adding more glamour to your movements?" said the blue earth pony with the sophisticated aura.

Dash took a few steps back. She opened her mouth to say something to the new pony but closed it again before any cynical remark came out. Whoever this Rarity clone was, she was Pinkie Pie's friend. After living with Scootaloo for such a long time Rainbow had learned, that she should not always say the first thing that came to her mind.

"No, thanks I prefer my own style. My name is Rainbow Dash."

The pegasus expected the newcomer to whine or try to convince her to change. Instead she looked surprised but pulled herself together very quickly.

"Of course, that is what makes you what you are. I like it when ponies stand up for their own style."

Dash blinked twice as the smile of Pinkie Pie became even wider. Rainbow decided that the new guest wasn't so bad after all.

"Do you want some hay fries or potato fritters? You better try them before Fluttercruel eats them all."

Pinkie watched grinning as Rainbow Dash and Spectral Rush walked offstage, chatting together. Then an envelope appeared in her hooves in a puff of green fire.

"Ooh, I didn't know that Spike was offering his services cross-dimensionally!" The party pony opened it and read, "Another one from Ardashir! He asks, 'When Princess Luna appeared as Nightmare Moon on last Nightmare Night, how did she do that? Did she shapeshift?'" Pinkie looked up. "Gee, I've kinda wondered about that one too. Twilight? Do you know?"

"Sorry, Pinkie," the purple unicorn said as she came out from stage left, "but it's a mystery to me. I was busy trying to help Princess Luna, right after you got everyone scared to death of her..." Pinkie grinned and blushed, "And I never did think to ask her."

"That's okay, we'll ask her now!" Pinkie jumped for joy. "Besides, I bet she'd love to be here!" Twilight paled.

"Pinkie, I'm not sure that's a smart idea..."

Pinkie ignored Twilight and called up into the sky, "Hey, Princess Luna! We need to ask you something!" A pale silvery light exploded overhead. When it dissipated, Luna descended to the stage, landing lightly on her hooves. She looked at the two mares and smiled.

"Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle," she said, "My greetings. I was on my way back from a visit to little Pipsqueak when I heard your call. I have but a little time before I must be off. What question did you need to ask?" Pinkie simply repeated the question from the letter. Luna nodded gravely. "While I can indeed transform the body of myself and other ponies, that night 'twas an illusion you saw. I can demonstrate here, if Twilight would be so good?"

Both the Prussian blue alicorn and the pink earth pony turned expectantly to Twilight. She just sighed and rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath, "I knew something like this would happen when I heard who wrote it." Aloud she simply said, "Okay, if it's just an illusion."

Princess Luna nodded and grinned as pale moonlight shone along her horn before it covered Twilight. Twilight cried out once, sounding surprised, and when the light faded there stood before Luna and Pinkie a graceful unicorn with a coat that mingled midnight black and the dark purple of deepest night. Onyx-set silvery barding set atop her head and across her chest. Twilight's mane hung down past her withers, ebony save for her usual purple streak. Her eyes were green with slit draconic pupils and brilliant purple eyeshadow covered her eyelids.

"Oooh, you look ready for Nightmare Night, Twilight!" Pinkie said, and Luna added, "Indeed, Twilight Sparkle. You do not wear this form badly."

"Do I even want to know what I look like?" Twilight asked, her voice sounding somehow odd coming from that darkly magnificent form. Luna looked as thought she agreed; she frowned in concentration and a gleam played around Twilight's mouth. When the unicorn next spoke, she sounded nothing like her normal self. Her voice combined sophistication and royal hauteur. "Is, is that my voice? Princess Luna, what did you do to me?"

"See for thyself, Twilight." A full-length mirror slid out from offstage to stop before Twilight. The mare yelled in surprise before she looked closer.

"That's me?" She blinked and frowned. "What's with all the eyeshadow? Wait, we're ponies, how do we even get the stuff on over hair?"

"Magic, of course." Luna smiled at Twilight's exasperated eyeroll. The Moon Princess looked skywards. "Ah! I did forget, my duties require me elsewhere. My thanks for asking me here, Pinkie Pie, and apologies for having to leave so swiftly. And fear not, Twilight. If thy altered appearance has not returned to normal within a few days, contact Us at the royal palace and We shall restore thy normal appearance." She took to the air, the air turning darker around her.

"So long, Princess Luna, and thanks!" Pinkie called after Luna as she soared off into the sky. A horrified unicorn nightmare ran up beside her and stared into the sky.

"A few days?!? Princess, wait! I..." Luna was already a rapidly vanishing dot in the sky. "Oh, darn it," Twilight stomped one of her hind hooves. "Now what do I do?"

"Aw, come on, Twilight," Pinkie wrapped one foreleg around the mare's shoulders. "What's the worst that could happen -- oh, hi, Fluttershy!"

"Girls," Fluttershy asked in her soft voice as she walked on stage, "Have you seen Rainbow Dash? I was going to ask her if she wanted the rest of my hay fries, and..." Twilight turned around and Fluttershy's eyes went wide. "EEK! Nightmare Moon!" She gave a shiver and when her eyes opened again, it was Fluttercruel looking out from them. "Hah! I heard all about you from 'Shy; you don't look scary to me! And I'll make sure you don't hurt anypony!"

"Fluttershy, I mean 'Cruel, don't! I'm not a Nightmare, I -- ahhhh!" Nightmare Twilight turned and fled at top speed with Fluttercruel winging after her in hot pursuit. Both mares vanished from the stage, with Fluttercruel's dire promises and Twilight's frantic protests echoing back.

"Oops," Pinkie said as she looked after them before turning outwards and giving a big grin. "Okay, what's next?"
"Get mah lasso," Applejack immediately replied. "This is gunna get ugly."
Pinkie walked towards Spectral Rush as Rainbow Dash flew away, "Hey Rai... I mean, Spectral, how's it going?" Pinkie asked.

"Oh, hello Pinkie, darling" said Spectral Rush, "Everything's going splendid."

"How were things with Rainbow Dash?"

"It was positively dashing. Although, I have to admit, when you first told me about this other Rainbow Dash, my first impression was that she was a jerk. I can now see that I was wrong about her."

"Glad to hear it."

Just then Post Haste arrived to give Pinkie two more letters. "Ooh, some more fan mail." said Pinkie.

"Well, what do they say?" asked Spectral.

"Let's see. The first one is from someone wishing to be anonymous who says that he (or maybe it's a she, I'm not sure) is really big fan of Friendship is Magic."

Pinkie looks up at the camera, "Aw, thanks!"

She goes back to the letter, "It goes on to say that he respects the original cartoon for starting the franchise in the first place and that he hasn't seen enough of My Little Pony Tales to really have an opinion on it."

Pinkie looks up at the camera again, "You should give Tales a chance. It may lack the fantasy element that the other MLP cartoons have, but it's still quite enjoyable. Also, the original cartoon technically didn't start the franchise. The cartoon was made to promote the toys, so technically it was the toy line that started the franchise. And if you want to get even more technical, then it was the My Pretty Pony toy that preceded My Little Pony that actually started it. That's right all you fanboys and fangirls out there, My Little Pony is a spin-off!"

She goes back to the letter, "His opinion of G3 however is that it... oh." she looks at Spectral, nervously.

"What is it, darling?" Spectral asked.

"Um... It's nothing." Pinkie lied.

"It doesn't seem like nothing. What does it say in the letter?"

"Nothing important" Pinkie tried to hide the letter, but Spectral was able to grab hold of it.

Spectral begins to read the letter, "Let's see, ah, here it is. His opinion of G3 is that it... sucks." she looks at Pinkie, "So that's why you tried to hide it from me."

"I'm so sorry." said Pinkie.

"That's okay, darling. I don't blame you. Ever since you told me about these bronies I've known that a lot of them don't really care for my world."

"Our world." Pinkie corrected her.

"Right, our world, and I honestly don't care what they think. I'll live my life whether they like it or not."

Pinkie hugged her, "I just want to let you know that no matter what, I'll never hate you."

Spectral Rush smiled, "I know darling, I know. Um... Pinkie, aren't you forgetting something?"

"Hmm? Oh right, the other letter. Let's see, it's from Sherlock-Holmes18. It says:

'Dear Pinkie,
I just wanted to say that I am a huge fan of the Pony POV series, and I'm happy that I was able to contribute to it.'

Pinkie looks up from the letter, "Aw thanks! It's great to have you be a fan. And I'm sure Alex is also happy that you were able to contribute to the story, right Alex?" she asked some unseen person.

"Huh? Oh right, sure whatever." said a mysterious voice.

"Who was that?" asked Spectral Rush.

"The author" explained Pinkie.

"I swear, no matter how many times you explain these things to me, I'll never fully understand." said Spectral.

Pinkie went back to the letter, "Where was I again? Oh, now I remember:

' I would also like to say that I have recently started on a new MLP fanfic called Hearts, Hooves, and Hands in which Lyra ends up in the My Little Pony Tales verse. This is definitely not a shameless plug.
sincerely, Serlock-Holmes18
P.S. When you mention the part about it not being a shameless plug, make sure you use sarcasm.'

Pinkie looks up at the camera, "You know, I've heard of that sarcasm word before, but I've never bothered to find out what it means." she turns to Spectral Rush, "Do you know what it means?"

"Don't ask me." said Spectral, "We've never had much use for sarcasm in our world, so I'm just as lost as you are."

"Hmm... maybe Twilight knows what it is. I'll ask her as soon as she's done being chased by Fluttercruel."

"Hey, it looks like there's something else in the envelope." said Spectral.

"You're right, it's a notice." Pinkie begins to read it, "It seems that Sherlock has gotten a message from the MLP History fan club asking for fan artists to draw more pictures of Bonnie Zacherle, no matter if it's as a pony or a human."

Pinkie looks up at the camera, "Hey that's a great idea! For those of you that don't know, Bonnie Zacherle is the original creator of My Little Pony. She encouraged kids to use their imagination and said that it was okay for them to have adventures." A rainbow with the words 'The more you know' appears over Pinkie's head, "We have plenty of ponified fanart of Lauren Faust (which is nice, don't get me wrong), but hardly any of the woman who started it all. So fan artists, get drawing!"
"Darling the magic box in the trash bin is flickering."

"That's a TV Rainb-Spectral. And I thought I threw it out."

The image on the TV to an image of a trim and fit Pinkie Pie in an 80s work out outfit. She also had broccoli for her cutie mark.
"That's it ponies! Stay in shape! And EAT HEALTHY!" Cheered the Pinkie Pie on the screen.

"GAAH! NO! NO! NO!" Pinkie Pie shouted hitting the TV with a wifflebat.
A shriek rang out offstage. Spectral Rush fled with a neigh of fear. Pinkie looked to see Twilight, still in her illusionary Nightmare disguise, come running out in a panic. Hot on her hooves came Fluttercruel, wings flapping furiously. And behind her and hanging on to 'Cruel by a lasso was Applejack. The palomino Earth Pony gripped the end of the lasso in her teeth.

"Oh, hi Twilight!" Pinkie said cheerily to her. "Say, I was wondering where you and Fluttercruel got off to..."

"She chased me right through Ponyville, and the Flower Sisters saw me and started a panic! The whole town thinks Nightmare Moon is back!" Twilight dove to hide behind Pinkie Pie, her dragon-eyes staring at 'Cruel. She pleaded in her new and majestic voice, "For the last time, Fluttercruel, I am NOT Nightmare Moon!"

"I know you're not!" Fluttercruel's wings beat fiercely as she sought to get away from Applejack. "You're Nightmare Eclipse, or whatever the egghead is going to call herself now that her OCD finally took her over!"

"WHAT?" The look of relief on Twilight's face turned to fury. She stalked out from behind Pinkie, head thrust out on her long neck, the light rippling over her glossy ebony and deep purple coat and making her look more like Nightmare Moon than ever as she said, "I do NOT have OCD!" Pinkie coughed and AJ just rolled her eyes. Twilight darted them both a look. "Oh, not you too! Look, just because I try to encourage ponies to be organized..." All three of the other ponies flinched back as her magically-altered voice boomed out. Twilight squeezed her eyes shut before she roared in fury. "ARRRGH! PRINCESS LUNA! CELESTIA! Someone get me out of this illusion! I need my normal voice back!"

"That is your normal voice, now that you're a nightmare!" Fluttercruel yelled at her. She tensed for a sudden leap. Applejack got on her back and held her down. 'Cruel struggled against her uselessly. "Darn it, you crazy hayseed! Let me go!"

"Now jest simmer down, sugarcube!" Applejack said to her before she looked at the seething Twilight. "Now, Nightm -- I mean Twi," she swiftly added the last part when she saw how purple light began gathering along Twilight's horn at her gaffe, "Why don't ya try an' break the spell yerself? I mean, ya are the Element o' Magic. And ya did see how Princess Celestia removed those pony-suit things Rarity 'n Ah got stuck in," AJ broke off and shuddered, "th' last time, so shouldn't ya be able ta cast that spell again?"

"Up till now I've been too busy running," Twilight grumbled back, but she gathered her power and cast the spell. Purple light spilled from her horn and flashed brilliantly. Something like an obsidian cloud gathered itself up and flew away backstage. Pinkie, Applejack, and 'Cruel all blinked against the dots filling their vision. And when it cleared, they once more saw Twilight as her normal self standing on the stage. Fluttercruel snorted and gave a shiver.

"Oh! Oh, dear, Twilight, I am so sorry!" Fluttershy ran to her friend and began apologizing. "I think Fluttercruel has been feeling bored lately, and she feels so upset about what we did when we became a nightmare. Maybe I need to let her out more often..."

"Ya think?" Twilight snorted, and then sighed. "Ah, my old voice, my old me. But what happened to that illusion?"

"Didn't you make it go explodey and get rid of it?" Pinkie asked. Twilight shook her head.

"No, Princess Luna's magic was too strong. I felt it go away from me but I don't know where..."

"Hey guys!" All four ponies cringed as an ebon pegasus flew out overhead. Her mane and tail were streaked black and purple. The silver barding was changed into a set of manacles crossing her chest. She cast her rose-red eyes over them all, slit pupils agleam, as she said in a slightly scratchier version of Nightmare Moon's voice, "One second I was minding my own business, and then BAM and this black cloud flew over me and now I look like this! Isn't this great? Best Nightmare Night costume ever!" She strutted in midair. "Ohmigosh, I bet the Wonderbolts will faint when they see this!" With a wild whoop 'Nightmare Manacle' Rainbow Dash flew out the window, flying off towards Ponyville. As she did more panic-stricken neighs rose.

"Dashie wait! We're gonna need you for another act!" Pinkie yelled after her. A crooked smile crossed Fluttershy's face before she shook herself.

"Oh no you don't, young lady!" Fluttershy said, suddenly looking stern. "You have caused enough trouble for one day!"

Applejack and Twilight just looked at each other and sighed before they began heading for the door.

"I'll get my spellbook."

"Ah'll get mah lasso."

And watching from the roof, Luna smiled. "My sister spoke truly. A few lighthearted pranks do indeed lighten one's day!"

Pinkie Pie turned on the overhead light and spoke into the microphone, "Attention everypony, Dark World Chapter Fifteen, The Duel Of Tears, will be uploaded in a hoof-full of hours. Please enjoy the show. Hmmm, I wonder how much a 'hoof-full is . . . well, guess it's time to find out huh?" Pinkie Pie smiled.

"It'll be nice to wait to see if they get Dashie back into the studio or not in the meantime while we wait."
Spectral Rush had returned to check up if Pinkie Pie was alright, just in the same moment as the pink pony wanted to search for her scared friend.

Rarity and Fluttershy eventually decided to leave to help the others to bring back Rainbow Dash before somepony would call the Wonderbolts to take care of the latest "monster attack."

"Tell me darling, is life here always so... hectic?"

"Oh we do have calm moments like when Applejack was nearly working herself to... bad example... how about the Grand Galloping Gala... that ended in disaster... or Hearts and Hooves Day... which had the love potion incident...

"What is Hearts and Hooves Day?"

"It is basically Valentine's Day. It is nice to see that the Alicorns did keep a few ideas around.

"Do you still have Christmas?"

"Oh yes, that is now called Heart's Warming Eve. And the last celebration was a nice calm moment, sure the story of the play itself had its dark parts but besides that we all had a wonderful time together."

"You really have great friends here."

Both noticed that the panic-stricken neighs from Ponyville had become less.

Then the "Nightmare Manacle" version of Rainbow Dash floated back into the studio. The lasso was wrapped tight around her and Twilight Sparkle moved her back inside with her telekinesis.

Everypony from Applejack to Rarity looked exhausted. But somehow the mane of the white unicorn was still in perfect condition.

Fluttercruel helped by pushing the fake Nightmare inside, knocking Rainbow against some of the equipment of the studio.

"You did that on purpose!"

"Hey, at least I didn't scare Ponyville half to death! What were you thinking?"

"Don't be so harsh on her 'Ruelly, it was all non-canon anyway," Pinkie tried to defuse the situation.

"Maybe this dreadful makeover spell does make it harder to think clear?" Spectral added innocently.

Fluttercruel looked like she wanted to say more but eventually decided to let Fluttershy take care of the rest. If Rainbow could stop herself from talking herself into trouble, she could do that as well.

"Maybe, but this time you do need to be more careful with the spell, Twilight."

"Princess Luna's magic is still too strong; we need to contain it somewhere."

"Oh! OH! I have a plan!" Pinkie Pie hopped up and down.

Twilight concentrated her power and casted the spell. Light spread from her horn and with a brilliant flash the cloud of magic again left Rainbow turning her back to her normal self.

This time it rushed at Pinkie Pie but she merely smiled and pulled out a vacuum cleaner out of nowhere.

Spectral Rush accidently walked against the music equipment of the studio and the "Ghostbusters" theme began to play.

Without hesitation the pink pony used the machine to suck up the cloud before the Nightmare mess could repeat itself. Afterwards Pinkie Pie struck a pose while the music ended.

"Another win for Team Harmony! Yay!"

Instantly the shy pegasus switched back to her cruel half.

"Hey! That is Fluttershy's line!"

"Hello, aren't you forgetting somepony?" asked a very trapped Rainbow Dash

Soon everyone was busy untangling the still trapped blue pegasus.

"Say, I heard about your Sonic Rainboom. Would you mind to show me that move? I love all kinds of rainbows. Wait... that came out wrong." Spectral Rush looked slightly embarrassed.

"Er... sure, I will do that once I am free. AJ how many knots did you add to this... Where is the vacuum cleaner anyway?"

Pinkie Pie smiled a contended smile.

"I put it where nopony will ever find it again."

"Is it in the garbage bin?"

"How did you know?"

Both Rainbow Dash and Fluttercruel facehoofed in perfect sync.

Pinkie Pie blinked as the TV in the waste basket flickered on.

"Hmmm? It's turning on again. I wonder what it's going to show now. Hmm, looks like a reference to something. I wonder what."

"Who are you?!" Starlight gasped. Lancer stood ready as Bright Eyes stare confused. The highschool hallway suddenly felt a lot darker.

"I'm rumored pony, The Jester!" Said the pony wearing a paper bag over their head with a red scary face that looked drawn by a foal. But the red stuff didn't look like paint. "The mystery pony who slays other ponies by request! Just like the rumors say!"

Lancer gasped, "You have to be kidding!"

"Does it look like I'm kidding?" The pony laughed holding a large led pipe. Suddenly a ghostly pony appeared beside the masked pony, it was white, and the entire room began to be covered in frost.

"This is impossible." Lancer whispered.

"Memory coming back yet Starlight? Lancer, Bright-Eyes, I know about you from the 'Other World' as well!"

"You're---you're crazy!" Starlight gasped.

The ghostly white pony kicked Lancer in the gut sending him back.

"Now Starlight! PONYSONA! PONYSONA! Call Out Your Ponysona!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"Better do it now!" The Jester said like it play yard teasing. "Or say goodbye to your bookworm buddy!" A Manitcore appeared out of thin air behind the three ponies cutting off their escape rout and it was closing in on Bright Eyes.

Lancer gasped, "DON'T--DON'T YOU DARE--DON'T HURT HER!" A circle of light appeared around Lancer as a ghostly image appeared above him in the shape of a white unicorn with blue hair.

"I am Shining Armor, The Guardian Of Family And Those Dear. Thee who would wish to protect those around thee, I shall be thy shield and thy sword."

Jester put a hoof to their muzzle, "Well, a Ponysona user is supposed to awaken here, just like In The Other World, so I guess my job here is done for now. See ya! Have fun with the monsters before they eat you! And remember! There's no running from fate!"

A circle of light appeared around Jester and a transparent black unicorn in armor with vicious eyes appear above him that fired a blast of magic at the three that Lancer's 'Ponysona' blocked.

Pinkie Pie blinked dully at the screen. "Okay, a free cupcake to whoever can figure out what THAT was supposed to be a tribute of! Why can't there be any happy or nice tributes anymore?"
Pinkie Pie took a letter from Derpy. "Ok, oh, one of the Beta Readers asks 'dear Pinkie, why is it you can't meet your Discorded verse self when AJ met hers? And five other versions of her for that matter? And Nightmare Mirror was about 40 or so Applejacks merged into one. And Rainbow Dash is interacting with her G3 self."

Pinkie looks to the camera. "Good question. I wondered that too, so I asked the Father of Alicorns and He said it was because I was already kind of out of place in reality as it was, in both worlds, and it's more two timey whimy balls coming in contact with each other than just two alternate versions of the same pony meeting each other. I can't meet that Pinkie Pie because we're the same pony, but I can do this-"

Pinkie Pie reaches into a hole in the fourth wall and produced a goth version of herself. "And nothing bad happens because her world diverged from ours before the experiment that caused the G3 world, so she's not a timey whimy ball like I am."

Pinkamena blinked. "Pinkie? What are you doing outside of my head?"

"Oh, well I'm from a world were you were one of my split personalities, not the other way around...Oh! another question from Godzillawolf 'Why was it bad for Pinkie Pie to have multiple personalities but good for Laughter!Jack's world's Pinkamena?'"

"Good question, and the difference is I used mine to suppress things I didn't want to feel, Pinkamena's split personalities aren't her suppressing things she doesn't want to feel and she allows them to come to the surface while I kept mine bottled up."

"It also came in handy dealing with the Stallions In Black, since me and my personalities talk to each other a lot," Pinkamena added.

Twilight walked in with a small black, Alicorn Filly resembling Nightmare Moon following her. "Pinkie! Will you please get this filly back to her world? Her mother probably misses her-" Twilight said, looking to Pinkie and Pinkamena. "...You're not going to throw some world shattering Mega Party, are you?"

"Nah, she's not a version of me who does that," Pinkie explained.

"One of my personalities is, but she's having an imaginary party for my other personalities right now."

Twilight blinked. "Ok...Multiverses are weird..."
Pinkie receives another letter, "It's from Sherlock-Holmes18 again. Let's see what is says."

Dear Pinkie,
I was wondering about something. I know you're descended from Surprise, but are you descended from her through Baby Surprise or through some other family that she started?
Sincerely, Sherlock

Pinkie looks up at the camera, "That's an easy one. When Surprise left to go work on a rock farm due to Discord using his swirly eyes on her, she got married and started a family. That's the family I'm descended from. As for Baby Surprise, I'm not sure what happened to her." She turns to someone that only she can see, "Hey Alex, do you know what happened to Baby Surprise?"

"Huh? Baby Surprise?" said a voice out of nowhere, "Um... let's see. You know that one member of the Wonderbolts that everyone likes to say is Surprise?"


"She's Baby Surprise's descendant."


"Yeah sure, why not? Unless, of course, the real me can come up with something better."

"What do you mean the real you? Aren't you the real you?"

"No, I'm just some other writer's interpretation of Alex Warlorn."

"Well, by that logic, you could say that I'm not actually here, and that I'm just a bunch of text on a screen. Wait a minute... I am just a bunch of text on a screen!" With that Pinkie drops on the floor into a fetal position.

"Um, are you okay?" asked Pinkamena.

"No, I am having an existential crisis right now!" said Pinkie.

Spectral Rush sees Pinkie on the ground and rushes over, "Oh my gosh! Are you okay Pinkie, darling?"

"She's having an existential crisis right now." explained Pinkamena.

"Will she be alright?" asked Spectral.

"Well, if she's anything like my Pinkie then the answer to that is yes." said Pinkamena.

Pinkamena's coat becomes brighter and her mane becomes poofy while her frown is replaced by a smile, "Don't worry folks!" she said looking into the camera, "The Pinkie you know and love will be back on her feet in no time!"
Pinkie hopped around her friends. "Alright, so I got a letter from Godzillawolf that gave me an idea! He said 'wouldn't it be nice if *censored for dramatic effect here* got to meet your Fluttercruel since she inspired him to save his Fluttercruel?'"

"Who is 'he', Pinkie?" asked Twilight tilting her head in confusion.

"Let me just poke my head into my hole in the fourth wall and call him and his daughter in!" Pinkie promptly sticks her head through her hole. "Alright! Come on!"

To everyone's shock, Discord emerged from the portal, though to their shock, his expression was devoid of malice, even as he gave a bow. They also noticed his wings were considerably larger than their Discord's, actually large enough to sustain flight.

"Pinkie! Are you crazy?!" Twilight yelled as the girls took battle poses.

"Calm down, Twilight! This isn't OUR Discord, or the Dark World Discord," Pinkie stated. "This is Chaos Verse Discord, he's a good guy!"

"Yes, I am a good guy...now..." said the Discord, his expression seeming genuinely saddened. He then rubbed his head. "Look...I'm not good at this and I know I'm not the one who needs to say it...to you, I need to say it to my versions but I can't, because I'm kind of stone (can't say I didn't deserve it) and can only be here because it isn't canon to either world...I'm sorry for what I did..."

Rainbow Dash growled while the other's jaws dropped to the floor, minus Pinkie and Pinkamena. "How can we be sure you're not lying?!"

"You can't, unless you happen to have a lie detector on you...And I know you have no reason to trust me either, I wouldn't trust me if I were you," the Draconequus said, managing to manipulate enough chaos to make a rocking chair to sit down.

"Well...we kind of do have a lie detector," Rarity admitted, looking to Applejack.

Discord's eyes widened. "I meant that completely metaphorically...But I'll go ahead, I am ready."

Applejack hesitantly approached Discord. "How do Ah know yah ain't gonna just brainwash me?"

"He can't," said Pinkamena simply.

"She's right, I technically am still a statue in Celly's garden, this is kind of just an Avatar, and it only has a minute faction of my power, I can't really do much more than a few parlor tricks. I don't have power to brainwash you even if I wanted to. Not that I do." Discord actually shuddered at the thought.

Applejack looked to Pinkamena, then up to Discord, looking him in the eyes. He didn't flinch. "He's tellin' the truth, Ah can't see lies in his eyes but Ah see truth." In fact, she was amazed at how much truth she did see, it was...familiar.

"Alright...Discord..." Twilight said, still feeling anger looking at the draconequus, even if he wasn't THEIR Discord. "What did he mean our Fluttercruel inspired you to save yours?"

"Well long story short, I was bored, being imprisoned in stone is quite lonely and boring you know," Discord explained, clearing his throat and manifesting a podium to speak at, though it was painted with pink and yellow pokadots. "So I sent a piece of my spirit out to look into something I'd been...hesitant to look in before, I believe you call it the Truth. In it...I saw so many worlds...but I saw one where I won..." Discord became somber. "...I guess you could say that scared me straight...seeing what I could become...Anyway, this isn't about me, after alternate Twilight gave me a little bit of hope to stop me from Discording myself...I saw your world...I saw your Fluttercruel turn into something better thanks to Fluttershy...that's when...I kind of got a different power than AJ here looking into the Truth, I sometimes see glimpses of the future...It showed me my world's Fluttercruel was in danger...so I braved Oblivion to save her and now she's my daughter. We're happy together...well, until our Big Bad showed up but saying anymore would be spoilers, if the Shadows want to find out what happens they should go read it themselves."

Fluttercruel just listened silently. "...You actually...care about your me?" she asked in near disbelief.

Discord nodded. "Yes, we're having a lot of fun together...I think she and our little world I made in limbo are the only things I've made I'm proud of...thank you for inspiring me to save her."

Fluttercruel seemed a little unsure of how to respond. "Well...it was more Shy than me...but I guess you're welcome...I know you seem a lot nicer than my Old Man."

Discord put a lion paw on her shoulder and gave a genuine smile. "I'm glad I am...that means I'm not the equus I used to be."

After a few tender moments, Pinkie poked Discord. "Um...Discord, could you maybe..."

Discord gave a grin. "I suppose I have enough power for it," he said, snapping his fingers and a cotton candy cloud appeared above Pinkie's head, raining chocolate milk.

Pinkie smirked ear to ear and began catching it in her mouth.

"See you next time," Pinkamena stated, waving to the audience. "And the author tells me we are NOT doing the 'taking letters' thing again! It really discourages interactions between posts, so we can just have more fun next time!"

Pinkie watched the Alternate Discord and Fluttercruel sitting nearby, talking. "Isn't that sweet...even if it involves alternate universes."

"Now, time for a little seriousness," said Pinkie, looking to the camera. "Now, I know what you're thinking, 'for all the talk of free will, you're just characters in a story', right? Well there's a simple answer for that. Our characterizations effect how the author writes the story, some entire plotlines have had to be scrapped because they no longer fit our characters at all. We influence the writer as much as he influences us! That's how we have free will while being characters in a fanfic!"

"And how you got past the existence crisis of being text on the screen," Pinkamena pointed out.

"Yep! And if you don't believe me, ask the author!"

"That's correct, which is sometimes why these chapters take so long to write!" a voice called from off-screen.

"Aww, sorry," Pinkie said, her mane going straight.

"No, don't be sorry Pinkie, it just means the story is alive," the voice called back.

"Yay!" Pinkie called, mane returning to normal. She then looked back to the camera. "And there you have it! We still have freewill!"
Overall it was a very entertaining anniversary party for everypony and everyone. Pinkamena and Pinkie Pie had begun to collect all the letters the pink pony had gotten from the shadows in a book. Both knew that it was all non-canon but they had enjoyed the time with their friends. Not everything went like they had hoped it would go and terrorising Ponyville with a fake Nightmare (two times in fact) was definitely not part of the plan but in the end it turned out alright.

Applejack had left for a short time to get a bottle of her best cider for the party and besides Fluttercruel and Discord, who were too busy with talking, everypony had enjoyed their drink.

But eventually it had to come to an end. Pinkamena had already left for her world but before she did that, she shared a few tales about the Applejack of her world with the farmer. Nopony had ever seen their AJ that red.

Nyx had spent most of the time playing with Twilight and the unicorn enjoyed having the role of the older sister for once. Soon enough the Alicorn filly was sent back to her own world to meet her real mother again. Nopony wanted to make her worry.

The Alternate Discord mostly had talked with Fluttercruel the entire time and created a few party games like hit the stick with the piñata (which caused both items to spread candy all over the place).

Rarity and Spectral Rush had a very long exchange about fashion and the earth pony had to admit that her own style of fashion was so outdated that it was already current again. Rainbow Dash also kept her promise and did show the newcomer a Sonic Rainboom.

After drinking his cider and his glass Discord was about to leave through the hole in the fourth wall when Fluttercruel seemed to struggle with herself. Then she changed back to Fluttershy.

"I wanted to say... Farewell and take good care of your daughter."

The Draconequus stopped in his track and merely smiled back. It was so strange for them to see a smile on this face that was not sadistic.

"My little angel would have loved to meet you two. But unfortunately we ran out of space. At this point we have already 56.5 K."

In the background Pinkie Pie nodded like the last two sentences made perfect sense for her.

"So in case she doesn't get the chance to meet you later in one way or another, let me just say that she is also very grateful for what you two have shown her. You were a real inspiration. Hey look there! Rainbow Dash is approaching your glass of cider."

Instantly Fluttershy shifted back to Fluttercruel and rushed after the other pegasus to defend her precious cider.

The alternate Discord took another good look at the entire group and left through the portal.

Both Pinkie Pie and Spectral Rush hugged each other.

"It is okay Pinkie. You can say it."

To her own disappointment the pink pony found herself sobbing.

"I wanted that the last thing you would see from me was a smile but ... it is not fair. I wish so much that you could just stay with us."

"Pinkie Pie, darling... I have to go back. And never forget that I am so proud on who you have become. When you miss me, just look at her."

The pink pony focused on Rainbow Dash dodging Fluttercruel's attempts to catch her with a very familiar grace. Then her smile returned to her.

"A part of me will always watch over you, my dear."

After another heartfelt hug the earth pony walked through the hole in the fourth wall without hesitation.
In an alternate universe:

Megan looked over the story she had just written. It was about a strange pink pony that had summoned her to another dimension for an interview. She was no stranger to magical talking ponies, and had written about all her adventures with them. This story, however, was rather short compared to the others. Although she was confused at the time; looking back, Megan wished she could have stayed a little longer.

"Oh, well" Megan said as she leaned back on her chair, "maybe next time."

Author's Note:

Posted between the episodes of Dark World Part 15 and Shining Armor Part 5 of the main storyline.

New Parts Added By:
ME The Author
Sherlock-Holmes18 ( )
Sherlock-Holmes18, AND ME! :-D
Alex Warlorn
Alex Warlorn ("Ponysona! Ponysona! Call out your ponysona!")
Kendell2 (again)
ItsFromPeople (So long Guy!!)
Sherlock-Holmes18 (And good night.)

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