• Published 26th Jun 2013
  • 4,181 Views, 465 Comments

Pinkie Pie's Fourth-Wall Breaking Variety Show - Alex Warlorn

Pinkie Pie with one camera and a TV studio all to herself invites her friends over for antics that can't effect the outside world and sneak some peeks at alternate timelines. What fun will the ponies have when anything is possible?

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Pinkie Pie's 4th Wall Breaking Show epi 10 Part 17 ("Good-bye.")

Author's Note:

Pony POV Series
Pinkie Pie's 4th Wall Breaking Variety Show episode 10
By Alex Warlorn

Pinkie Pie, "Okay . . . it's fun a ride . . . but . . . I think it's time to say goodbye to this studio . . . maybe we'll have an after party when the fanfic is done . . . maybe not . . . but it's sure been fun hasn't it?"

P.S. "I need to apologize to Trixie for forgetting she DID visit earlier in the episode!"

Parts added by:
MteganLion with edits and addition by Alex Warlorn
Alex Warlorn
Ardashir and me
Alex Warlorn
Alex Warlorn
Ardashir and MteganLion
Alex Warlorn
Kendell2 and MteganLion
Alex Warlorn
Kendell2 and Alex Warlorn

Pinkie Pie, " . . . this may be the last I ever say this, so . . . here's Da Rule":
1. What you put in the comments appears in the story.
2. Nopony besides me can see beyond the fourth wall or interact with it and I can't spill the beans about us being out-and-out fiction to the others.
3. The camera can’t leave the studio.
4. The characters can be from any generation, toy or comic but they have to be from “My little Pony”
5. Everything that happens here is non-canon (except the Tartarus break out thingie, but not the big battle).
6. Have Fun "

Cover by Kendell2
MLP FiM Copyright of Hasbro

The door to the prop room opened. Maud Pie quietly stepped out and closed the door behind her. Whatever she'd gone to take care of... it was oddly hard to remember now... it had literally taken just a moment. But she did have to shake confetti off of her dress and had a 'I wuv u gramma' card.

Then the studio's front door opened, and *Concerto and Snap Snot* strolled in. The stallions posed, grinning handsomely. "So darlings," said Snap Snot. "What do you think of your new brothers?"

Pinkie's jaw dropped... and then she brandished two pairs of scissors. Fluttercruel flexed her talons. Coffee Swirl grabbed his sword from nowhere and started to draw the blade from the scabbard.

The two "stallions" recoiled. "What... no, wait!" cried Octavia. "They come right off, see?" They unzipped their costumes and effortlessly shucked them off. "We put them on while you were out!"

"You Ponyville types and your costume phobia," said Photo Finish, shaken. "No one is to be cutting this up! I am saving it for a show!"

The Blank Wolf padded over and sniffed them thoroughly. Photo Finish and Octavia leaned left and right to see Pinkie around him, without even realizing they were doing it. "They're clean," he growled. "Now, I have an appointment with a large mug of cider. If you should need me for anything else tonight..." He grinned toothily. "Feel free to use your bazooka instead." He faded and melted into the shadows. The 'don't notice me' aura around the foal Pinkie and the wolf had enough in having served its purpose.

Pinkie gave her sisters a big hug. "Sorry about that, girls. We had a pretty wacky morning."

Fluttershy trotted over and shook the sisters' hooves, and gave Maud a quick hug. "It was wonderful meeting you all, but Angel Bunny is going to be ever so grumpy about the late supper." She gave the larger griffon a hug too. "Shouldn't you and Coffee get going? I don't think the party is going to last much longer." She looked at Photo. "And don't worry, we can talk about me finishing my contract later if there really wasn't much time left on it." She winked and headed on out the door.

Fluttercruel and Coffee Swirl blushed. Fluttercruel had the odd sensation of being in two places at once, and found herself wondering how far apart she and her detachment could be. Still, if the party was going to end soon, she was going to enjoy this while it lasted.

Fluttercruel grabbed Coffee Swirl. "Come on, let's not keep your horde waiting. Oh yeah." She flew over to Maud and gave the still pony a pat on the shoulder. "You rock Maud."

"Joke. Funny," Maud Pie said lifelessly. "Nice meeting you. Goodbye."

Fluttercruel pushed Coffee Swirl's coffee bar out of the studio doors.

"Hey." Coffee Swirl said to the guest of honor. "Uh, look, I'm not good at this sort of thing. So seriously, just . . . nice meeting you."

"Enjoy things while they last, no matter how long you live, life is too shot." Maud Pie. "Nice meeting you too."

"Er, welcome."

The pegasus took a good strong look at the inside of the studio. "Ya know . . . I think I'm actually going to miss all this. Meh. Nothing last forever." He flew out after Fluttercruel to the coffee shop to finally host the hoard of customers.

"So . . . how did my model's split personality end up with a body of her own exactly?" Photo Finish said, confused. "I saw it . . . I think . . . but I can't figure it out."

"Ditto," said Octvaia.

"Spell of Twilight's!" Pinkie Pie said too quickly.

Photo Finish sighed. "Sister, don't lie to family."

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you!"

" . . . that, I am willing to be the believing."

"I just realized . . . " Octavia said. "It's just us four sisters in here now."

Maud's face twitched oddly. Octavia gasped, and Photo Finish lifted her goggles to stare. Was that a tear in Maud's eye? Suddenly, Maud hugged all three of them tight. "Thank you so much. For being my sisters."

"Sis..." coughed Pinkie. "Can't breathe..."

"Sorry." Maud's grip relaxed at once. "It's just..." She sighed, composed and expressionless again. "I came here because this is the end. The last variety show. This was never meant to last. Just a silly gag world, right? Nopony would care if it went away. But now..."

"Sis?" asked Octavia hesitantly. "You're scaring us. What are you talking about?"

"Even if there aren't any more parties or shows. This world shouldn't just disappear and be forgotten." Maud grasped Pinkie with her hooves. "Sis, you have to use them."

Pinkie gasped. "You mean... the Elements of Party?"

Photo Finish yawned. "We are not going on epic quest walking through haunted forest, are we? Because I am dead tired and somepony yoinked me through time and space without my luggage again."

Pinkie giggled. "Nah, I've got them right here."

Octavia grinned. "In case of party emergencies?"

"In case of super-de-duper party emergencies!" Pinkie rummaged just out of the camera frame and pulled out a paper party hat marked with colorful balloons, which she put on her own head. "I represent the Element of party planning and awesome party fun, of course."

"Of course," said a grinning Octavia.

Next, Pinkie pulled out a party whistle on a string and put it around Octavia's neck. "Tavi's the Element of awesome party music!" She replaced Photo Finish's goggles with a glittery paper party mask. "And you're the Element of crazy party costumes and schenanigans!"

"Shenanigans," muttered Photo Finish, but she smiled too.

Pinkie rummaged one more time and pulled out a big floppy nightcap. The fuzzy ball on top was marked with a six-pointed star. "And Maud's the Element of going home all warm and fuzzy after a great party and getting a good night's rest!"

Maud accepted the "Element" calmly and blew on the fuzzy ball to nudge it out of her face.

Pinkie grinned extra wide. "Now, everypony hold hooves and... hehe, make the magics!"

Octavia chuckled. "Um, Pinkie? We're all earth ponies here. I don't think... oh!"

A sparkling glow surrounded the sisters, lifting them off the floor and making their eyes glow. The last thing they heard was Maud Pie saying "So that's what this is like..."

Brilliant light poured out of all the studio windows. Dazzling fireworks exploded overhead, and a soothing rainbow glow settled over Ponyville.
Octavia's jaw dropped. "Wait...we...but...how..." she asked, looking at the Party Whistle. "...I suppose I shouldn't question it too much..."

Photo Finish took off her 'Element' and looked at it. "...I have ze feeling this is no ordinary party mask..."

A portal opened and an Alicorn version of Pinkie Pie with a mane composed of bubbly pink, yellow, and blue energy poked her head through. "Hey Past Pinkie! I see you finally found out what the Elements of Partying were for!"

Pinkie giggled. "Yeah! Thanks!"

Octavia and Photo Finish's jaws dropped. "I-Is t-that..."

The Alicorn waved. "Hello sisters! I'm Pinkie's potential, maybe, possibly future self, Three of Cups, Concept of Joy and Nostalgia, Princess Thalia!" she announced, giving a smile. "but you can STILL call me Pinkie Pie!...Or call me Thalie, I don't mind!"

"...I feel like I should faint, but sisterly pride prevents it," Octavia stated, stunned.

"...Sister....er, potential future sister. Your mane, what is it made of? It is majestic," Photo Finish, finding the coloration a good match for Pinkie's fur.


"...How is that possible?"

"I have no idea!"

One of the Cat Tribe poked their heads out of the portal next to Thalia. "Meow! Meow Meow!"

"Oh! Sorry Sir Frisky! I forgot!" Thalia replied, then turned back to the group. "I have to go plan a Celestia's birthday party! I have a LOT of candles to find!" The Alicorn of Joy hugged both her past family. "But before I go, let me leave you with a present!"

The alicorn took a deep breath. "Come on, everypony, smile smile smile,
Think back to times in sunshine, sunshine.
All you really need's a smile smile smile,
From memories of bygone time.

The happy past, can you see?
Even if it's been so long awhile
Find joy in your memory
Smile, smile, smile, smile, smile!

Come on and smile!
Come on…and…smile…”

The siblings all found memories of playing the games Pinkie had created while she was still on the rockfarm flooding forwards, happy times of being together surging to the forefront of their minds. By the end of the song, they were laughing and talking about the happy moments of their lives.

"Hope you enjoy it, by past me! You will be me soon!"

With that, the potential future Alicorn waved good bye and returned to her own potential future to let the sisters enjoy their time before the part could end.
"Now don't have any sticky or crunchy candies for a day, and you'll recover." Minuette said to Rainbow Dash. "And Miss Rarity is next."

"OW!" Rainbow Dash held her jaw.

"And that's the hypnosis wearing off.

"You okay Dash?" Scootaloo asked.

"I'll be fine squirt."

"Your turn Rarity."

"Oh dear."

"Rarity, you always scolded me when I refused to go to the dentist. You said they're there to help and we shouldn't make their job harder."

"Sweetie Belle do not quote back to your older sister."

"Still Miss Rarity, please come this way."

"Wow! Look outside!" Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked out the window as the night sky was filled with fluttering rainbow sparkles.


Applejack, at Sweet Apple Acres with Applebloom while Big was out back fixing the Newly Wed house, looked up at the rainbow colors in the sky. Her next heart beat struck hard within.

All the world had turned still except for Maud Pie, everything was faded and sand colored.

An orange and blond creature appeared in the studio.

"If Ah was mah brother, Ah'd pretend to be Pony Me, and then get ya up close and personal from behind. But Ah've seem too many worlds where Ah'm twisted inta a monster of lies fer that. No stealth or trickery fer me marefriend. Ah respect ya too much as a fellow farmer. So we're gonna do this face to face. Like mares should."

Maud Pie's expression stayed the same, she glanced at her sisters, disconnected from them in this place between moments.

She showed no alarm or surprise at what Applejack had become, or that knew the wolf before her was Applejack.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" She asked with no sarcasm or irony.

"It's Mah brother that can't touch a concept, even a avatar of one. Ah can. So it's up ta me, whether Ah like being this way or not."

"Why?" Not-Quite Maud asked.

"Answer it yerself."

" . . . I've contradicted the core of my being. I've not only desired a world to continue past its closing date, but I've directly and intentionally helped artificially extend its life," Not-Quite Maud said.

"And all of Thalia's disclaimers about may-or-may-not being Pinkie Pie's future has scrambled things up. Ya can't create a stable time loop and be a 'possible!'" Said the Opaque Wolf/Firejack/Applejack.

"Leave my baby sister out of this," Maud Pie ordered.

"It's big brother's job to handle time space scrunch-ups, my job is to handle the lies of ya. I don't care what my brother said, I will beat you!"

The Opaque Wolf howled.

Maud stood up on her hind legs, balancing perfectly that would make Lyra greener with envy.

-'Leave It All Behind' Metal Gear Rising -

The Opaque Wolf charged at Maud Pie, claws first, and tried to bite her face off, but Maud pushed her back, sending her into a wall. Maud looked at the claw marks on her leg.

"INSECT! YOU DARE TOUCH ME!" Not-Maud hissed.

"!ya'lL disrupT creatioN, nO furtheE" The Opaque Wolf leapt and vanished. Maud turned and blocked the wolf as it appeared besides her, knocking it back, it vanished as it was forced back by the blow. It appeared on the opposite side of her, using that same momentum to come at her claws and fangs bared. Maud Pie got her at hooves' length, but the Opaque Wolf forced her to skid across the floor, smashing her into a wall.

The two rolled over each other, the Wolf relentless in it's clawing and biting of Maud Pie's hide, tearing her dress and drawing blood.

Maud Pie head butted her, sending her spinning through the air, the wolf landed perfectly on all fours on a studio rafter.

The wolf howled. The Opaque Wolf's muscles bulged.

"I'm surprised you didn't summon Applebloom and her friends or you family of THIS as wolves to even the odds," Not-Quite-Maud observed.

".aH maY bE A wolF, buT aH ain'T draggiN' maH familY intA thiS"

"Still an Apple at your core."

".thiS herE iS mY responsibilitY wherE aH likE iT oR noT !sterilizE"

The wolf zig-zagged like lightning, vanishing and appearing at random points. Maud's eyes remained zeroed in at her the entire time.

The Opaque Wolf spun like a buzzsaw, pointy bits ready to dig into Maud Pie's flesh.

Maud Pie caught her with her front hooves, leaving two impressions in the floor as the force traveled through her down her legs.

The wolf's rear claws smashed into Maud Pie's stomach at the same time, she gasped and fell over like a felled tree.

".buckY mCgillycuddY and kickS mCgeE, meet mauD piE"

"Naming your own legs? What a silly pony." Maud Pie pushed down with her front hooves and kicked up with her rear hooves just as the Opaque Wolf came down on top of her, sending it upwards again. Firejack spun in place in the air, dying several laws of inertia, and then came down on top of Maud like a comet, if Maud hadn't rolled out of the way at the last moment, getting blow away just by the shock wave.

Both thought it was a good thing this was happening between moments or Pinkie Pie's insurance would never cover all this. The wolf leapt onto Maud's back before she had even landed, and pushed her into the floor hard.

The wolf reached down to break her neck. Maud tried to move, but it seemed the Opaque Wolf had increased her strength enough to keep her pinned.

Maud Pie understood and didn't understand what was going on. It was like there was a Maud Pie who was bigger than Maud Pie who existed just outside her existence. Like this was an arm or a leg? No, like she was a drop taken from the ocean. And now, this beast that was Applejack's unwanted alter ego, created specifically to take down the avatars and detachments of concepts who were disrupting reality, was going to end her.

"No," Maud Pie grunted.

Maud Pie banged her head into the floor as hard as she could, her forehead bled and she suffered a horrible headache . . . and the floor gave way before her skull ever would. The two fell into the mostly unused basement. This was due to it being more in a 'gray area' than the rest of the studio, since Pinkie Pie had accidentally dropped the camera down there once and it had turned out to be a time portal.

As such, Pinkie Pie didn't trust to keep anything down there. It might end up in season six or in the Japanese dub of Equestria Girls Friendship Games.

This grayness was more disorienting for Firejack than the smashing through the floor with her head was for Maud Pie who took advantage and grabbed her opponent with her two hooves.

"YOU ARE THE ONE WHO WON'T ESCAPE ME!" Not Maud Pie said. "I!!!! I!!! These are my sisters!" Not-Quite-Maud said. "And I love them too much to leave them yet." Said Completely Maud Pie without emotion.

"The goddess of naught should have no attachments! This will corrupt creation!"

Maud Pie said nothing, she twisted in the air with the Opaque Wolf, unable to teleport away, and she proceeded to punch into her like her hooves were jackhammers, not stopped even when they hit the bottom, not stopping even when the wolf stopped moving, only stopping . . . when Maud Pie told herself, "Stop it. This isn't the kind of party Pinkie Pie wanted, this isn't the kind of party any of my sisters wanted, this isn't the kind of party I want. Stop it."

"Please Maud . . . ya can't let this happen . . . please . . ." Firejack pleaded in a whisper.

"Maybe this isn't corruption, maybe it's something else," Not-Quite-Maud-Pie said. "Any other answers . . . heh, as Pinkie Pie would say, would be spoilers." Not-Maud said, "I thought Rota Fortuna freed you of your service."

"She did . . . this was . . . this was all Firejack . . . we wolves, we don't ANSWER to any concept, it's how we're kept form being used as attack dogs instead of cleanin' up tumors and infections like the two of us were made ta do."

Not-Maud-But-Completely-Maud-Doing-The-Choosing gently stroked her hooves along the Opaque Wolf . . . the damage to her fading, as it faded the gold and blond wolf became a palomino pony with a simple three apples cutie mark.

"Don't worry, we won't have any other corrupted avatars or corrupt gods to deal with for a long long time. Just get some rest Applejack . . . you've earned it."

Maud Pie looked around, and realized the space between moments was fading. "Best get out of here before we slip back into forward moving time and we slip into whatever portal is buried under here." Maud Pie took hold of the hat-less pony, and jumped up through the floor as time began to move forward again.

The damage from the battle, since it had happened in the space between moments, faded, and Applejack, faded back to Sweet Apple Acres where her little sister was waiting for her.

The transmission feed switched to a black and white camera that flickered on, the perspective being that of a foal, as Applejack reappeared on the farm house's couch.
At the dental office, for how Rarity dared to allow the Diamond Dogs to come anywhere near her with hooks, pliers, needles, or drills! . . .

"I feel so much as a TWINGE, and I will be selling dogskin coats in my Boutique. Got it?!?"

"Yes, Miss Whiny Pony." They gulped.

Mineutte sighed. "Please don't threaten my assistants. I'll be doing the major work."

The studio monitor continued to display the grainy black and white camera footage, even though no one was there to watch it...

A candle flickered. The shadows in the Apple family home twisted, and the Blank Wolf sprang out of them, racing to the couch. "Applejack! Are you well?" He panted, then hung his head. "I warned you! Why did you not listen?"

The farm pony's eyes were open, staring at nothing.

"Please, speak to me," he urged her. "Can you not see me?" He gritted his fangs and shifted, becoming the pony Snow Bound once again, with the same wheel and slashes cutie mark as before. He shook her gently and waved a hoof in front of her eyes.

"Ah see *them*," said Applejack softly. "Snow, Ah can see Wolfville. Twilight Glimmering... Fluttergale... Rough Cut, Thunder Dash, Honey Mead... Everywolf is there, waiting for me. Ah should be there with them!"

Snow Bound shook his head. "You chose to be here, remember? With your pony family." He leaned over to where the Stetson had fallen, picked it up in his teeth, and placed it firmly on her head. "You are Applejack of the Apple Clan. That was more important to you than immortality and all the power in the worlds."

A sleepy Apple Bloom yawned where she sat on the floor, stirred awake by voices. She gasped, seeing her big sister and a white stallion being all friendly-like on the couch, then grinned and made sure the camera was aimed right at them, not making a sound.

Applejack snorted. "Darn right it was. So why..." She blinked. "Hang on a sec... Did you know Ah still had the wolf in me?" She struggled to sit up, looking into Snow Bound's eyes. "You fuzzy rascal, you did know! Why the heck didn't ya say anything?"

Snow Bound coughed, hiding a smile. "I should NOT be telling you this, but blast it all... If SHE is going to go breaking all of the rules... Yes, of course I knew. Applejack, I saw how the Opaque Wolf was made. Firejack is not a thing that anyone could carve out of your soul and take away. She will always be part of you." He pointed a hoof at her flank. "There, see the Truth with your own eyes."

AJ turned her head, dreading what she might see. "Huh? It's the same!" Three good solid reliable red apples, no wheels or slashes or any other nonsense.

Snow Bound grinned, as well as he could with flat pony teeth. "Yesss. You have the likeness and memories of Firejack, and the power of the Opaque Wolf... though I believe you will find that greatly weakened for some while. They are yours to use as you wish. They do not change *who you are*."

"Then what was all that with Fate wanting me to choose!?" asked Applejack, happy and terribly confused all at once. "Why make me pick between the power and mah friends and family if Ah already had both?"

Snow Bound leaned closer. "What was that you were shouting at Maud? Something about it being wrong for the goddess of naught to have attachments?"

Applejack thought about it for a while. Her ears drooped. "Aw, ponyfeathers..."

"Aw, ponyfeathers, indeed," said Snow Bound dryly, waggling a hoof. "Mother Fate is going to be cross. You've slipped your leash. Had your cake and eaten it too, as the Pink One would say. Well? What are you going to do now? Can you use your power fairly and impartially, even though you love your family?"

Applejack considered it... and changed. Snow Bound smirked and followed suit. Fur rustled, growing wild... tails and ears floofed out, fangs gleamed. The orange and gold wolf nuzzled the white wolf. "First things first," said Firejack. "Cider!"

Snow Bound licked his chops. "And then?"

"Then, how about we go howl at the moon a while? ... That's not a euphe-mise-whatever. Ah always wondered what all the fuss was about."

"Well, then." He followed her to the kitchen, chuckling to himself.

After a while, the camera started to move. Apple Bloom carried it back to her bedroom and turned it around to record herself. "Cutie Mark Crusader's log, pony date 0145-a. Big news! Mah big sister's secret special somepony is a werewolf!"

Then the camera's battery ran out, and the picture went black.


The studio monitor continued to display the grainy black and white camera footage, even though no one was there to watch it...

A candle flickered. The shadows in the Apple family home twisted, and the Blank Wolf sprang out of them, racing to the couch. "Applejack! Are you well?" He panted, then hung his head. "I warned you! Why did you not listen?"

The farm pony's eyes were open, staring at nothing.

"Please, speak to me," he urged her. "Can you not see me?" He gritted his fangs and shifted, becoming the pony Snow Bound once again, with the same wheel and slashes cutie mark as before. He shook her gently and waved a hoof in front of her eyes.

"It's all slipping away," said Applejack softly. "Twilight Glimmering... Fluttergale... Rough Cut, Rainbow Blaze, Honey Mead... Ah can't remember their faces any more." She finally met Snow Bound's gaze, her eyes haunted. "Firejack?"

"Gone," he said, reluctantly. "Extinguished."

Her expression hardened. "It don't seem right. The Opaque Wolf... she did what she had to do, what she was made to do, and Maud killed her for it?" Applejack slammed a hoof down on the end table. "Ah guess there wasn't any good way outta this... she could have killed Maud instead, and Ah probably would have lost Pinkie as a friend forever, but... it's not right! Is she really gone for good, Snow?"

He considered. "No, and... yes. Maud did not erase the *idea* of an Opaque Wolf. A new Opaque Wolf Pup will be born, when she is needed... but you will not be her, Applejack, and she will not be you."

A sleepy Apple Bloom yawned where she sat on the floor, stirred awake by voices. She gasped, seeing her big sister and a white stallion being all friendly-like on the couch, then grinned and made sure the camera was aimed right at them, not making a sound.

"So, that's it, then?" mused Applejack. She noticed her Stetson on the floor, laying where it had fallen, and picked it up, turning it over several times in her hooves before she put it back on her head. "Ah'm just a pony now? No more crazy wolf stuff, ever again?" Snow's face fell. "Ah'm not talking about you, ya fuzzy rascal." She bumped noses with him, nuzzling lightly. "Ah said you were my friend before Ah was ever a wolf, and you're still my friend now... if ya have time for a plain old mortal mare like me. Ah know how hard your job is, a lot better now than before!"

Snow Bound grinned, as best he could with flat pony teeth. "My friend, I will make time."

Before he could do anything else, the one candle in the room flared. Both turned their heads, startled. The shadows in the room swarmed and ran together, forming a small four-legged shape. Snow Bound blinked, eyes wide. "Oh no, she didn't..."

"Didn't what?" demanded Applejack. "What's going on?!"

The figure shook like a youngster just out of the bath, flinging shadows every which way instead of water, revealing an orange and gold wolf pup with big fluffy paws. "Howdy!" she barked.

Applejack probably would have fallen right over if Snow Bound hadn't steadied her with a hoof. "But... how?" She glared at him. "Explain, mister."

"Ooh, what's this do?" wondered the wolf pup aloud, padding here and there and nosing around all over the kitchen. "Ooh, what's in here?" She bumped into Winona and giggled. "Hi!"

Winona growled and chased her own tail, looking for the other canine that she knew was there, but couldn't see. She started barking loudly.

Granny Smith banged on their ceiling. "What's all the commotion?" came her voice from upstairs. "Ponies are trying' ta sleep!"

The wolf pup yipped! and scrambled onto the couch, trying to hide behind Applejack... only when she did, Applejack found not a pup but a foal... orange coat, scruffy blond mane and tail, and already wearing a cutie mark on her flank... a large red apple with two black slashes, one on either side.

Snow Bound coughed awkwardly. "Clearly, this is the second Opaque Wolf. You were her template. I suppose it's up to you, whether or not you believe that makes you her mother."

The grainy black and white view lurched to one side with a clatter... Apple Bloom had dropped the camera. "Sis... does this mean Ah'm an aunt now?"

Applejack stared, open-mouthed, and fainted on the spot.

Now Back To Timeline Pinkie Pie And Her Three Sisters At the Studio
The camera tilted towards the telescope, which zoomed into Minuette's dental office, where Rarity was still being treated for her hurt jaw. Rainbow Dash, had loyally remained for moral support, though she had to keep Scootaloo with her since she didn't have a babysitter. Scootaloo was BORED BORED BORED, though Sweetie Belle was with her, so that balanced things out a little. Rainbow Dash also had to make sure that the two of them didn't think of trying to try their dentist cutie marks on poor Rarity. True, individually the fillies weren't so bad, but put them together . . .

There was soft knock on the door . . . "Oh my, can I come in?"

"Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked opening the door to the dental office.

"Fluttershy!" The two fillies greeted the mare who had saved them from the cockatrice.

"Hello girls." She smiled and looked back at Rainbow Dash. "Angel wasn't happy about his late supper, but then I remembered how Rarity and you were here at the dentist, and the dentist can be so scary! Well, I know they're only doing it for your own good, but foals can get so scared, and-"

"I'm not a filly Fluttershy."

"Oh, sorry, I know! But, it's so confusing! Futtercruel she . . . Maud Pie did this . . . odd thing, she said something about geodes, that let Fluttercruel . . . uh, erm." Fluttershy whispered. "It's let her create a griffin body out of magic that lets her act independently of me, and, her spirit is still with me, but . . . I have this odd feeling of something missing and-"

"Wait. Fluttercruel, has a magic twin of herself going around that looks like a griffin?" Rainbow Dash said lowly least the CMC hear.

"No, she's with Coffee Swirl helping all their customers."

"Oh. I see." Rainbow Dash grinned slightly. "Heh."

"Oh Rainbow, your teeth are better."

"Yeah, I, er, already had my turn, Rarity is inside with hers."

"Oh, is she okay?"

"Remember those three diamond dogs who kidnap her? Mineutte is apparently using them as hired help."

"! . . . Excuse me Rainbow Dash, I'll just be stepping in now."

"Fluttershy? What are you doing-Hey! Wait!"

Fluttershy stepped into the office.

"HEY!" Mineutte said, "Excuse me, is it an emergency? I'm already with a patient, can it wait?"

"Another of the whinny pony's friends!"

"'e''er 'y?" Rarity tried to get out with the mental tools in her mouth.

"Hello Rarity. And oh nothing for me, thank you. It's just . . . when I was a little filly, before I realized how much I loved animals, I was studying to be a dentist!"

" . . . Is that so?"

"Oh yes! I bet I could even make a good assistant. I . . . I think have more education than your assistants."

"Technically I do all the real work, you don't just let amateurs near a pony's teeth after all. But . . . I could use an extra pair of hooves."

"Oh thank you!" Fluttershy squeed.

"But seriously, let me do the dental work."

"It's alright. I just want to be here to help."
Octavia was sharing another story from back on the rock farm when someone knocked heavily on the studio door, three times exactly. "I wonder who that could be?" mused Pinkie, trotting over to find out.

When Pinkie opened the door, she found a pony in a black, hooded cloak. "Wait a minute... are you here to tell me the way to happiness?" Pinkie grinned. "Cause I kind of have that figured out already!" Then the ominous figure lowed her hood, making Pinkie gasp. "Starlight!? What are you doing here?"

"Congratulations!" said Starlight. "Your world has officially been upgraded to full afterlife services!" She held out a clipboard stuffed with important-looking papers. "I'll just need your hoof-mark here... and here, and here."

Pinkie did so, in a bit of a daze. "Afterlife... er, shouldn't you be talking to the Princesses about this?"

"Why? You're the one who placed the order." She saw Pinkie's blank look and smiled reassuringly. "There's nothing to be anxious about, Miss Pie. The service is backdated for the whole..." She scanned the clipboard. "...three years this world has been in operation, and my team is already here, locating the dead and guiding them to their eternal rewards."

Pinkie gulped. "Really? I don't remember a lot people actually dying during one of my shows..."

Another pony in a hooded cloak walked by just then, leading the ghost of a carnivorous pony-eating plant. "... so that's why we're sending you to Pony Hell, where you can enjoy gnawing on bad ponies who completely deserve it..." The ghost plant rustled happily.

"Oh right, that one time..." Pinkie rubbed her chin with a hoof. "Wait, did that actually happen?"

"You should also expect a call from Rota Fortuna later this week," said Starlight brightly. "She'll want to discuss any ideas you might have on future of your world, now that it has... well, more of a future than it used to. It's been a pleasure talking to you, and I'll be seeing you... hmm..." She peered at her clipboard, then flipped to the next page, and the next after that. "Well, maybe I won't be seeing you!" She winked and flew off. "Goodnight!"


"And there we go, now try to avoid biting into cakes that don't belong to you and you'll lead a healthier life." Minuette said helping Rarity out of the chair.

"And it barely hurt!" Rarity smiled at her reflection, displaying all her teeth. And froze to see one on the side shaped like a canine fang.

Minuette wheeled on her assistants.

"Rover! What did I tell you about doing that to customers?" She pointed at Rarity's new fang. "No giving canine caps to pony teeth!"

"It give whiny pony touch of class," the Diamond Dog said with a sniff, his two sidekicks nodding.

Rarity gasped. "How dare you! You.. you ruffians! I demand that you fix this at once."

One of the dogs gulped. "We fix!"

"We give pony matching fang on other side!" said the second one.

"You certainly will not!" cried Rarity.

The third dog scratched his nose. "Why not? Rainbow pony liked."

Rainbow Dash grinned, revealing two pointy fangs. "The way I figure, this makes me at least *thirty* percent cooler."

Scootaloo gasped. "Ooh, me next! Make me just like Dash!"

Rarity gritted her teeth, flinching when the unfamiliar fang poked at her lip. "Fluttershy! Fluttershy, darling, how could you? Weren't you paying attention?!"

Fluttershy stumbled out of the back room, blissfully not looking where she was going. "Oh my... Oh my!" Everyone else in the room fell silent, leaning closer to hear better. "Oh my!!" Fluttershy gave a happy little squeal and whispered, "They're holding hooves!"

Minuette facehoofed. "Why? Why didn't I stick with conquering the universe? I could have been good at that..."

Rarity groaned. "I simply cannot deal with any more nonsense today. I need some air..."

Sweetie Belle watched her sister head for the door, stamping her hooves. "I'll come with you."

"Pony should wait," said one of the dogs. "Laughing gas not worn off yet."

"Stay here, please. I'll be right back." Out in the moonlit streets of Ponyville, Rarity took deep breaths of the refreshingly chilly air. "Goodness gracious, it's late..."

And then, a strange howling froze her in place. "What... what was that?" A second howl joined the first. Over there, on the trail leading towards Sweet Apple Acres... two large, shaggy shapes. Rarity almost turned and fled back into the dentist office, then stopped again, blinking. "Why should *I* run away? I faced down a mad goddess just this morning. I'm not afraid of wolves. Oh, ho ho!" She grinned, her one fang gleaming, and quietly trotted closer.

What Rarity was seeing didn't make any sense, though. One of the wolves was wearing Applejack's hat! The wolf finished howling and said "Ah still don't get it." She even sounded like Applejack. Then an ear flicked, and she turned her head. "Well look who's here. Howdy, Rares! Heh, if she could see me now..."

Rarity gawked, then fell straight over onto her fainting couch, murmuring about laughing gas and fangs and lawsuits.
Rarity woke up in her home. Found the fang not there. Wondered if the day's antics had been a dream, until she spotted the dental bill from Minuette, paid in full as an apology for the Diamond Dogs' foolishness.

"Oh my, is Sweetie Belle home? I hope Sweetie Belle hasn't gotten bored and gone midnight crusading. Or worse, tried to cook dinner!"

Rarity wondered, if had brought her home? But a little crayon drawing told her who. Rarity admitted, in the year Sweetie Belle had been staying with her, it had jut become NATURAL to have her nearby.

Rarity smelled something from the kitchen. "Oh no!"

Rarity ran straight to the kitchen.

She found . . . a perfectly good meal set up (if a little heavy on the sugar), being set up by Sweetie Belle.

"Who are you, and what you done with Sweetie Belle?" Rarity asked at once.

"Huh? Rarity it's me!" Sweetie Belle said.

Rarity tilted her head. "But-But-since when can Sweetie Belle, I mean! This isn't her, your, uh . . . normal cooking style."

"I found this neat cook book in the cupboard, it had lots of dust on it, it helped a lot." Sweetie Belle held up a book, entitled. 'Self-Past-Life-Regress For Dummies.'

After Applejack and Snow Bound hastily became ponies again and helped Sweetie Belle get her big sister home, they paused at the gates to the Apple farm. They could see a lit lantern in the distance. Big Mac was working late, hammering nails into new planks for the newlywed cottage. One of Pinkie's security cameras, inexplicably attached to her fence, whirred and focused on them, but they ignored it as best they could.

"So," said Applejack. "You wanna explain what happened back there? How come Rarity saw me?"

"Allow me," said an unexpected presence, stepping into the moonlight... Rota Fortuna herself, in person.

"Mother," murmured the Blank Wolf, eyes wide. It took him a moment to remember to bow.

"Snow Bound..." The alicorn paused, smiling faintly. "It's a fine name. I tried for literal ages to persuade you to once again take a name, after..." Snow Bound didn't argue, but he did seem rather puzzled. "But I digress." She turned to the farm pony. "I do not often explain myself, Applejack. I dislike spoilers."

AJ coughed. "Ah kinda figured."

Rota Fortuna nodded. "Then know this. Your instincts about the danger posed by 'Maud Pie' were correct. When she broke the Opaque Wolf, she broke time itself. In another world, your wolf aspect actually died. In this one, she was left weak enough that I was able to separate the Opaque Wolf's power from Firejack entirely."

Rota's horn glowed, and a golden jeweled box lifted into view. Inside lay a choker like the Element of Honesty, but with Rota Fortuna's own symbol on the gem. "Snow Bound was incorrect. You do not get to have your cake and eat it too. You chose a mortal's fate, and I will hold you to that. Unless, you actually have changed your mind..."

Applejack didn't hesitate for even a second. "No, m... ma'am."

"Very well." Rota Fortuna closed the box and locked it tight, then teleported it away. "The Opaque Wolf fought well, and her battles are finished. She will not be coming out to play again, unless I myself deem the need sufficiently dire."

AJ nodded slowly. "And... Firejack?"

"She is, and remains part of you. I leave you one other gift." The alicorn glanced towards the house, her natural wing fluttering in the breeze, while the mechanical one creaked slightly. "In your storm cellar, you will find an enchanted mirror. Beyond that mirror lies... Wolfville." Applejack and Snow Bound exchanged surprised glances. "If you venture there, go with the caution and good sense that I hope you've learned by now... my little wolves. Also, do not attack Maud Pie again. I will deal with her myself. At the appointed hour."

Rota Fortuna walked past them into the shadows, and with a gust of wind she was gone.

The What If Machine activated. "I have a situation to show that should be amusing:"

The screen turned on.

"Ow! Ow! Mother!" cried the white deer with golden antlers...as Mother Deer pulled him before Ponyville with his ear in her telekinesis.

"Apologize to these ponies for attacking them for something they had nothing to do with."

"But Mother, that'd be humiliating!"

"Are you talking back to mother, young buck?"

"...I'm sorry I attacked you for something you didn't do."

"Apologize for treating our allies like they're beneath you."

"You can't be-OW!" the deer king bowed his head. "I'm sorry for treating you like you were beneath me..."

"That's better, I raised you better than that, Aspen."

"...Do I have to apologize to the Minotaur too?"

"No. He was the only one your people hurt who'd actually wronged anyone. Now come on, we're going to be visiting Sweet Apple Acres."

"What?! Why?!"

"To show you how 'little ponies really care about the environment' by letting Applejack introduce you to each and every tree by name."

"But mothe-OW! Why the ear?!"

The scene ended.

Outside the studio, there came a clattering of many hooves. The studio doors swung open, revealing Prince Blueblood and the pegasus-drawn chariot that he'd just stepped out of. He adjusted his courtly vest and overcoat, then flashed a winning smile at a mirror held by an attendant, checking his mane and teeth. Thus prepared, he stepped into the building. "Miss Pinkie Diane, good evening. I wondered if I could have a word... Auntie have mercy, are you *still* filming?"

Pinkie dropped her karaoke microphone and bounced right over. "Hi, Bluey! How's Arcane and Neatly?"

The Prince stiffened. "How dare you address me as..." He blinked. "You know..." Then he chuckled. "Fine. Just for you, the Prince of Canterlot shall answer to Bluey. You've earned it. Arcane and Neatly are doing much better, and I'm certain they'll appreciate your concern."

Pinkie beamed. "Did you come to party? There's plenty of leftover cake!" With speed that Rainbow Dash would have called "not bad," Pinkie flung Blueblood into a chair, tied a napkin around his neck, and plunked a dish with a slice of rich cheesecake in front of him.

Blueblood sniffed haughtily, then inhaled again. "That does smell mouth-watering... ah, no... focus... I came on business." All at once, he seemed to notice that Pinkie had other guests. "But I have not greeted your charming companions! Good evening, Miss Octavia. Your performance at the concert last Thursday was superb."

Octavia blushed. "You remember? Why, thank you, your highness." She glared at the karaoke machine, which had just eaten another tape. "I'll just put this back in the prop room..."

"Of course. Ah, and this would be Miss Photo Finish. I'm looking forward to your next spring fashions event."

"You are being too kind," said Photo Finish, suddenly glad to be wearing her trademark shades.

"And of course..." Blueblood stopped, staring at Maud Pie, who stared back at him impassively. "I... Pardon me, I have no idea who this pony is... ah, but surely you do, Miss Pinkie, you knowing every pony in Ponyville, after all."

Pinkie giggled, covering her mouth with a hoof. "Silly Bluey, of course I know! This is my sister, Maud Pie!"

Still, the Prince stared, completely drawing a blank. "Sister?" Something clicked. "Oh... Yes, I see! One of your relations from the rock farm where you grew up."

"You should attend a Gala several thousand times," said Maud in a dull monotone. "It builds character."

Prince Blueblood started to make a snarky comeback, something along the lines of "Ah yes, what else could you be but a Pie, spouting such random drivel." ... but strangely, he felt his finely honed sense of self-preservation tingling. Any noblestallion who lived under the same roof as two goddesses learned to heed that.

So instead, he cleared his throat and said, "Some would say that I'm quite a character already! After all, I did manage to rescue my royal cousin from vile imprisonment, with the aid of some extraordinary good fortune, and a certain extraordinary young mare... Where was I? Ah, it was a pleasure meeting you." He turned to Pinkie. "Now then, about your variety show."

Pinkie blinked. "What about it? Aren't you having fun?"

Blueblood sighed. "I thought that we'd come to an understanding, Miss Pinkie. The Crown is, as you know, a major sponsor of this program, and you agreed that costs needed to come down. That strange machine of yours consumes more electricity than the entire rest of the town put together, even when it's working properly and not trying to take over said town. Granted, using more electricity than all of *Ponyville* isn't that difficult, but the fact remains. Now I find that your show is turning into some sort of marathon! If you can't bring this production under control, then the variety show... might have to be cancelled."

Dah, dah, daaaaah!

Everypony turned to look at Octavia, who'd just played those three dramatic notes. "Look, I found a tuba!"


Suddenly, a hole opened in the universe behind of Pinkie Pie and Apple Pie poked her head through. "Hi Aunt Pinkie!"

"Oh, hi Apple Pie."

"Hey, meh and mah friends are making our own show like yers in our world, wanna come over like that one time we came fer one of yer shows?"

Pinkie frowned. "Sorry, but we're kind of in the middle of a crisis right now..."


"But I can send some of the shadows over to check it out, okay?"

Pinkie Pie pointed to the bottom of the screen causing a link fav.me/d8mi1ne to appear on it.

"Okay! but please come over sometime, okay?"

"Wouldn't miss it!"

And with that Apple Pie returned home.

Blueblood blinked in confusion. "What was that?"

"I think some shameless self promotion by somepony else's show."

Octavia and Photo finish were staring confused. Maud didn't seem to care.
“Great! What are we supposed to do now? Ze distraction has left the building!!!” Photo Finish said dramatically now that Apple Pie was gone.

“Please don’t use up all exclamation marks. I begin to run low with the show going on so long.” Pinkie Pie whispered to herself.

“It is okay, I have brought us some time. I could convince the Blueblood to share some of the leftover cake with the guards that flew him here.” Octavia still sounded worried. Those pegasi wouldn’t need long to eat all of it.

“Nothing lasts forever but I enjoyed every moment of it, no matter how insane it got, you were there with me.” Maud Pie added calmly. Their bond was an undenyable fact.

“We need to come up with something to keep our costs low. Where's a light bulb moment when you need it the most?” Pinkie Pie looked around hoping for any idea.
The What If Machine clicked on. "This machine shall shall distract him, think of something."

Pinkie nodded. "With what?"

"The most distracting thing one can find on the internet."

Pinkie Pie gasped. "You don't mean-"

"Yes, I do."

"...I guess this situation calls for the big guns," Pinkie Pie said, putting on a helmet.

The What If Machine came over to Blueblood. "Hello, your highness, I have a video to show you."



Diamond Tiara was presently sitting at a tea party, a black cat with a blue collar sitting across from her with a tea cup in his paws.


"No, Dazzle, you've had enough sugar for today. You remember what the vet said."


Diamond sighed at the sad eyes her pet flashed her. "Why do you have to be so cute?"


Blueblood blinked. "....I don't know what I'm looking at...but for some reason I can't bring myself to look away and have the strange urge to say 'daaaaw.'"

Octavia blinked. "So it meant..."

Pinkie Pie nodded. "Yep; funny cat AND foal videos. That should buy us at least an hour, depending on Blueblood's cuteness threshold."
Octavia yawned. "Pinkie Pie it IS getting late and I have practice early in the morning, and I know Maud will have to get up early for farm work, not to mention the travel time for us getting back home or to Canterlot. Maybe if you end the show right now, they'll forgive how long you've gone over your limit?"

"Look at that!" cried Prince Blueblood, looking disturbingly like Big Mac with that old Smarty Pants doll. "Look at that adorable kitten falling asleep! Just look at it!"

"Oh, I love those too," said Pinkie. "But I'm afraid we're out of time."

"Out of time? But... there are more of the little blue words that I haven't clicked on yet! Equestrian Rap Battles of History? What's that all about..."

"Now, now, your Highness," said Octavia. "You're the one who said we were way over time." Pinkie reached and clicked the web browser closed, lightning quick.

The Prince sighed, massaging his forehead with a hoof. "You drive a hard bargain," he declared. "Very well, I shall recommend that the Crown fully fund its share of the show's expenses. I... don't suppose you could get me one of these terminals for the palace, hmmm?"

Pinkie smirked. "Maaaaybe! But for now..."

An orchestra started up from nowhere, playing a slow happy-sad sort of song. Pinkie stepped into a spotlight.

"It's time... to say goodnight..."

Prince Blueblood chuckled, and provided the next line in a surprisingly good singing voice.

"For...... the sisters Pie."

Everyone joined in, except for Maud.

"We didn't want the show to end.
But maybe we'll turn up again......"

The orchestra played the chorus again without words, while the camera faded from one scene to another, all around Equestria:

An impromptu Cutie Mark Crusader sleepover. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were holding different drawings on paper over Apple Bloom's flank, trying different cutie marks on her.

Applejack, Snow Bound, and Big Mac, looking up at the stars.

Coffee Swirl and griffon Fluttercruel, sipping coffee on moonlit clouds.

Fluttershy, smiling, fast asleep in her bed.

Cheerilee in her bedroom, drawing a sketch of Big Mac in her diary with lots of floating hearts.

Twilight Sparkle, groaning and cramming a pillow over her head because the heart song had woken her up.

Zecora, and her new sister Bareedina in Zecora's hut sharing tea and zebra voodoo.

Kifuko and Half-Light Midnight sleeping peacefully in their cradle with Shining Armor and Cadence watching, tired but happy.

Ponies having another round of cider at the pub in Canterlot: Red Gala hugging Rarity (clearly confused as to how she got there), with Rainbow Dash (sloshed), Minuette, the three diamond dogs, Moondancer, Lemon Hearts, AND Celestia and Luna (also sloshed).

The camera pulled back and split the frame to show all of the scenes at once, and everyone sang:

"We had... a really great time.
New brothers and sisters, hearts all joined in rhyme
But before we turn out the lights
It's time to say... goodnight."

The camera started to iris out, but Pinkie caught it and stuck her head through. "Goodnight, everypony, and thanks for watching! See you at the wrap party!" She waved a hoof, then ducked out of frame and let the screen iris to black.

Pinkie Pie blinked, feeling a tap on her shoulder as the iris popped back out. She turned as time stopped and found an Alicorn with one clockwork wing standing before her. "Oh...hi..."

"Hello, my potential sister," Rota Fortuna said, giving a nod. "You might have closed out your show, but your business is not yet done."

Pinkie Pie blinked. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"This universe is now a timeline of it's own, with a potential future. A future beyond your show's continuation or ending..."

"Yeah, I know!"

"...Which means, there is one dangling thread from the prime 'POV World' left to wrap up."

Pinkie's ears drooped. "The finale."

"Indeed. But...as that moment and the events surrounding it have not been referenced in this world, they are abstract, not concrete. Discord and his allies endgame plan to twist this world in a knot has not yet come to pass. While they COULD happen here, so far they haven't."

"So...they don't have to happen?"

"Have to? No. Should? That is what is up in the air."

Rota Fortuna formed a series of moving screens around them. "You were the one who rendered this world's existence concrete, so as a...'happy this timeline has a future' gift, I will leave this in your choice."

"Oh..." Pinkie looked at the screen.

"Also, should you choose to leave things as they are in the Prime world, you will forget the knowledge of the key events that lead to it."

"I figured that...Okay...Well, I definitely don't want Discord's big meanie plan to happen. This world already HAD a big fight to give it it's own unique, one of a kind existence, no offense to the prime world, but we don't need another fight!"

"I believe we are both in agreement on that."

"...But if Diamond Tiara doesn't leave, then Silver Spoon wouldn't be the Crusaders friend..."

"Also true. If Diamond Tiara was not tempted away by Discordance, then Silver Spoon would never have been reformed." The screens showed Diamond and Silver still bullies.

"So...is there a way for them both to be happy?"

Rota Fortuna shook her head. "Happiness isn't my department. Consequences are. Happy paths are consequences of good choices, unhappy paths for bad choices."

"...Right...So...the only way for neither to happen is if Diamond left, but didn't let that big meanie Discord loose either!"

"But Discord and Diamond also sabotaged Chrysalis' rune and delayed it. If Discord is not released, then it may mean Chrysalis' scheme ended quite differently, and potentially in her favor. And Miss Golden Tiara would still be insane."

The screens changed to a Screwball still insane and in the hospital.

"Right...So that means Discord needs to be free, but...but if he's free and a bad guy, that means that what happened in the main world will happen here."

"Also true."

"...So that means the only way Discord could be free, Diamond could still have left, and Golden Tiara could still have been restored to sanity...is if...Discord turned good before he did his big meanie thing with Diamond Tiara, or after and fixed it."

Rota Fortuna's horn glowed. "You are correct."

"But...is there a way for me to DO that?"

Rota Fortuna was silent.

Pinkie thought about it. She made Diamond never leave, then Silver would lose her happy ending. If she made Discord never escape, then Golden Tiara would stay insane and in pain, and Chrysalis would probably make others miserable and suffer even more. If she just made Golden Tiara sane somehow, no one was there to help prevent Chrysalis from hurting ponies.

"...I..." Pinkie's mane deflated. "...Do I have to choose?"

"As things are now, it appears so."

"So if I do one thing, a lot of ponies get hurt, if I make another my friends get hurt, if I make another fillies get hurt? That isn't fun..."

"That seems to be true. I'm sorry, my job is to providing both good and bad outcomes for all, not ONLY good or ONLY bad. If bad choices could have no consequences, then that would be just as terrible if good choices couldn't have good consequences."

Pinkie Pie held her hooves to her head. "I...this...this isn't fair, there's no way to make everypony happy?!"

"The world isn't fair, Pinkamena."

Dark tendrils began to climb up around Pinkie Pie. "Not fair?!...I..."

Pinkie growled, her fur turning black.

"I'll make it-"

Pinkie stopped in her tracks, her eyes falling on her frozen in time siblings still enjoying the afterglow of their closing number. Frozen in happiness. Blueblood happy as well. The images of all her friends being happy depicted on the screens around them.

"...If I do that, I'd make them unhappy...I'd ruin their fun..."

Pinkie Pie thought back on everything. On all the things that have happened here...On all the times she just tried to make someone happy. That was the entire reason this place EXISTED...to make the Shadows and everypony happy.

"...It might not be fair...but...I can still make my friends happy, right?"


"...And if I can't make everyone happy...that doesn't mean..."

"What doesn't it mean?"

The shadows erupted off her and was replaced by beautiful white hands, encircling her like a hug.

"That I can still make everyone I CAN happy!"

Rota gave a smile. "Yes! You've done it Pinkamena! That's the answer!"

"...It doesn't matter if I can't make the world happy...because smiles are contagious! If I make one person smile, they might make someone else smile, and someone else! If I make everyone I can happy, maybe they'll make everypony THEY can happy!...So I'll just help make everypony I can happy, and maybe someday the whole world happy too. Maybe some day everypony will CHOOSE to be as nice and happy as they were in my world!"

In a bright explosion of magic, the white energy flew off of Pinkie Pie, and she stood with a horn atop her head. She spread wings out from her sides dramatically...and for some reason fireworks went off and cheery party music started playing.

"I-I'm an Alicorn?..."

"You discovered the true path to it, Pinkie Pie: a Nightmare disregards the rest of the world for their own desires, an Alicorn tries to use that which their concept represents FOR the rest of the world. To be truthful, you were surprisingly close as it was."

"Oh...COOL! I'll need to throw myself a big coronation party after this!...Hey, why isn't my mane all energy...y?!"

"You're still young," Rota reassured. "Your ethereal mane will grow in with time."

"Oh...What's yours made of?"

"The threads of fate."

"Oh...must be hard to comb..."

"...However, you may find new doors HAVE opened for you."


Rota smiled. "You said it yourself: you will help make everypony as happy as you can...and an Alicorn CAN help far more than an Mortal, Princess Thalia."

As the two Alicorns finished talking a small scroll appeared between them.

Rota raised an eyebrow. "Does this happen often?"

Thalia chuckled "It happened a lot when the variety show started. Well I stared this show answering letters from the shadows who watched... Why not finish it the same way."

The newly minted princess of laughter unrolled the scroll and read its contents:

"Dear Pinkie Pi- I apologize, Your majesty Princess Thalia,

Since the variety show started I have been cataloging the exploits therein and keeping them for posterity. I thought you might like to know that together the variety show (up to your coronation so to speak) has generated close to 1800 pages worth of stories from part one til now. That is quite the door-stopper if I do say so my self. If I could indulge your patience on last time to answer a letter from a fan and ask your opinion on this I would be most appreciative.



Thalia had to shake her head a bit to remove the open mouth look of shock from her face after reading the letter.

"Almost 1800 pages. Wow that is something. Well the only thing I can say is that this wouldn't have been possible without the support of everyone who contributed to each episode. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the help from our first episode to now. Keep tuned to the Pony POV Finale for some of Alex's best work yet. And please contribute to both the dark world variety show and the visits to grim dark worlds by another concept. Please help how you can and keep smiling!"

Thalia left the letter on the floor of the 4th wall studio and turned to Rota Fortuna.

"Well I think we both have some work to do don't we?"

Rota gave a some what smirk. "Yes I believe we do."

As the two left the studio the what-if machine flickered on and displayed an image of Pinkie and Thalia holding a banner saying "Thank you for all the help! See you at the wrap up party!"

Then both the what-if machine and the last lights in the studio faded to black.


In the kingdom of the Love Cats, they all felt a ripple rush through their being. They turned to see Princess Thalia standing before them, Rota Fortuna standing next to her. They all gasped in shock.

"Meow! Meow Meow! (The Goddess! It's her! She has returned to us meeting for the first time!)"

"Meow Meow! (The Prophecy has been fulfilled!)"

"Meow! (Quick! We must greet the Goddess as the sacred party invitations instructed!)" their leader announced.

A large box was marched out before her...and then opened up into an ancient clock work party wagon and began playing music.

"Meow! Meow Meow! (We now sing the song of Princess Thalia Equestria!)" announced their leader.

"Me-ow Me-ow Meow! Me-ow Me-ow Meow!(My Little Pony! My Little Pony!)
Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow! (Take me with you to Ponyville!)
Me-ow Me-ow Meow! Me-ow Me-ow Meow!(My Little Pony! My Little Pony!)
Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Me-ow! (We'll have fun I know we will!)
Meow Meow Meow Me-ow! (Laughing and singing)
Me-ow Meow Meow Meow (Every day bringing)
Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow! (Something new that we can share!)
Me-ow Me-ow Meow! Me-ow Me-ow Meow!(My Little Pony! My Little Pony!)
Me-ow Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow! (Hurry and soon we'll be there!)..."

When the singing finally ended after a complete rendition of the G3.5 theme song by an entire kingdom, the Love Cats finally hugged their Goddess.

"Hi guys! Look, I know I need to go back in time and create you in the first place."

Rota sighed. "Unfortunately a necessity in this case."

"But I'm going to be busy helping stop a very bad thing from happening and need somepony to do my party list while I'm gone, oh! and some temporary, not dead yet so it's kind of necessary cheating angels to pull it off, care to help me out?"

"MEOW! (Of course we will, Your Joyesty!"

"Alright! Then let's go!"

And in Canterlot.

"Hey Dash, room for one more?" Gilda asked stepping into the room full of salt addled ponies.

"Suuuuurrre ssthing Grizelda!"

Gilda bushed, then flushed. "Dash! Don't call me that!"

"Whhatever yooush say Grizelda."

"Ugh. Just give me the hard cider until I'm too drunk to care."

"I like having you back too!" RD hugged her.

" . . . Same here best pal, same here."

In Ponyville,

There was a knock on the door, Twilight still awake from the heart song in the middle of the night, opened it in place of the snoring Spike.

"Heart Song spontaneous relocation?" Twilight asked to the blue mare outside too groggy to care.

"Heart Song spontaneous relocation." Trixie replied, and sheepishly held up a book Twilight had given her, 'Makings Friends For Dummies' with the chapter open on sleepovers.

"I'll get the gram crackers."

-Camera Turns Off-

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