• Published 26th Jun 2013
  • 4,181 Views, 465 Comments

Pinkie Pie's Fourth-Wall Breaking Variety Show - Alex Warlorn

Pinkie Pie with one camera and a TV studio all to herself invites her friends over for antics that can't effect the outside world and sneak some peeks at alternate timelines. What fun will the ponies have when anything is possible?

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Episode 5 Part 1

Pinkie Pie's Real 4th Fourth Wall Breaking Reality Show
Non-Canon with the "Pony POV Series"
Opening written by Kendell2

The camera opens up to the stage…and no one was there.

"Huh? Wait!" yelled Pinkie, jumping on stage. "Sorry! The author didn't tell me I was on!"

"Sorry! The real author is busy right now! I didn't know until last night I was doing this either!" called a voice from offstage.

Pinkie sighed and cleared her throat. "Welcome back to Pinkie Pie's Fourth Wall Breaking Variety Show! Long story short, the next 7 Dreams/Nightmares chapter is kind of in Developmental Pony Hell right now due to some real life issues."

"Don't worry! Alex is arguing with Havoc to get it out!" called the voice from offstage.

"…and the Dark World Chapters can't be posted until they're done! But don't worry, we're on track with the next Shining Armor chapter! That should be out soon! But until then, we're going another episode!"

Pinkie stares at the camera for a few moments blankly… "Uh…Oh! I'll get the What If Machine to show you something while I think up material!" she called, pulling the What If Machine out of nowhere and putting it on the table (still looking like a worn out TV with some doodads glued on). It sprung slowly to life.


"Hahaha! Why don't you give up, Pony Rangers!" yelled Gildar in her new, improved Grifclopsys as it blasted the Ninja Mega Pony Falcon Zord. "Now that Lord Havoc has upgraded Grifclopsys, nothing can stop me!"

The Rangers struggled to get the robot to its feet. "We need a plan," said the Red Pony Ranger.

"I think I have one," said the White Pony Ranger. "Gildar! Is this really how you want to defeat Rainbow Dash?!" she called. "Where is the honor in that?!"

"Wait wait wait! Trixie, why are you dragging me into this?!" asked the Blue Pony Ranger, looking back in surprise.

"Trust me," the White Ranger whispered. "Come on, Gildar, is this your honorable victory? You call yourself a warrior, letting a MACHINE do your fighting for you?! I thought you were better than that! What a loser!"

Gildar snarled. "Loser?!"

"If you want to prove me wrong, why don't you get out of the giant robot and fight Rainbow Dash yourself?" asked the White Ranger in a sing song voice.

"What?!" asked the Blue Ranger.

"Roll with it," White whispered.

"Uh, I mean…yeah, come on, Gildar! We're our test of strength? Where's our Mareliness?! Let's settle this! One on one! You and me! Let's speak like adults with our hooves and our claws! Our fists which pierce the heavens!"

"Fine!" yelled Gildar, leaping from the cockpit and landing on a nearby roof. "Come on! Bring it! The north star itself has judged you guilty! We are the gods of destruction! These claws of mine are burning red! They tell me to gasp-"

She was greeted by the sight of the Ninja Mega Pony Falconzord taking flight and descending with energy flowing into its fists, punching Grifclopsys. The robot was sent flying and exploded on impact with the ground. "That's cheating! What about honorable warriors?!"

"Did you think our robot was called the NINJA Mega Pony Falconzord for nothing?" asked White.

"Remind me to have Celestia shorten the name somehow when we get back to Canterlot," the Violet Ranger asked. "That name is just garish."

"Ninja are honorable to their master, but fighting fair? No, not known for that. We couldn't beat your robot with you in it, but I knew we could if you weren't."


Discord, looking like he was wearing a rather good Lord Zedd cosplay, snarled and kicked the wall of his moonbase. A laugh came from behind him.

"Now Son," said Havoc, or rather a reasonably powered Avatar that could function in this reality. It was suitably frightening with plenty of skulls and snakes. "I Thought You Liked Not Fighting Fair."

"Only when I do it!" the Draconequus roared. "Why aren't you mad?! It was your robot!"

Havoc laughed. "Yes, That Was A Fun Game, Wasn't It?"

"A game is only fun when you can't lose!"

"Oh, I Beg To Differ. After All, How Is It Even A Game If There's No Possibility You'll Lose? I Like An Unfair Game As Much As The Next Cosmic Horror, But If You Already Know You‘re Going To Win? Where‘s The Fun In That? It's Predictable, and Predictable Is Boring. Why Do You Think I Have A Casino In Pony Hell Where You Always Win As Punishment For Those Who's Gambling Fever Got Them Sent Inside Me?"

Discord slammed his head into a support beam in frustration.

"You Know, You're Beginning To Remind Me Of Your Mother, And I Came Here To Take Some Time Away From Her..."

"No Appleboom I am not teaching you how to fly!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Ah already know HOW ta fly. Ah figured that out fast. Ah just need ya ta teach me how ta fly better."

"You're an Earth Pony! You shouldn't be flying at all."

"Ya see these here wings? Ah'm a pegasus now!" Applebloom cheered.

"You aren't supposed to be!" Rainbow Dash pleaded, "Just like Sweetie Belle isn't supposed to be an Earth Pony and Squirt isn't supposed to be a unicorn. Look, I know this might be over your head, but just ditching your normal species is like sayin' you're too good for them!"

"Scootaloo's figurin' out magic just fine when Sweetie couldn't make a spark. And Ah'm helpin' out lot more than Ah did before! Ya don't want me ta help mah family?"

"AAAAGH!" Rainbow Dash felt like banging her head against a wall. And deep down, there was no small part of her that felt hurt Scootaloo didn't want her wings back after this magic accident. And wondered if she was the reason why Scootaloo didn't want to return to the skies. Rarity and Applejack were suffering similar hurt. And while no one was blaming her, Twilight wondered at the misery she had caused three of her friends.


"Rainbow Dash! Come back here!" Scootaloo shouted, flying after the laughing filly as she zipped around the room like a bumble bee on a sugar high.

Over half the Elements of Harmony had been turned into fillies, while the CMC had their ages reversed.

"Rarity! Clean up this mess!" Sweetie Belle said, Rarity had turned her own work room into a disaster area and had been drawing with lipstick on her vanity.

"I don't wanna so there!" Rarity stuck her tongue out at the (currently) adult mare.

Fluttershy was out buying groceries for everypony, while Pinkie Pie had to leave them alone for a while as she baby sat the twins. And that was after she had used whatever tricks Pinkie Pie did to corner and calm down two teleport happy unicorn fillies.

"Now you stay put this time Applejack!" Applebloom ordered, almost pleaded.

"But Ah wanna help!"

"Yer too small ta help."

"No Ah ain't!"

And . . . the spell had done a double mental whammy on filly Trixie and filly Twilight who had declared each other best friends forever and were already working on a secret hoof shake and wanted to introduce each other to their parents.


"I've become a Canterlot pony, I established my own business, I've become a pony everypony should know, I cleaned up and shaped up, I achieved enlightenment and become an Alicorn. All so I'd be worthy of you! So please! Can we go on at least one date?" Turnip Truck begged the speechless Rarity.

Little Spike meanwhile growled at the sight of the stallion from his badly chosen hiding place.


The What If Machine finally powered down. "Alright, everypony! I've got an idea! We're going to have some special guests this time! Well, I guess that's like every time! But some authors are sure already have ideas. Remember the rules! Ponies have to be My Little Pony, but can be from any toy, cartoon, or comic or generation. The camera can't leave the studio. What happens in here stays in here. Only I can see beyond the forth wall. Write something and we copy and past it! And by 'we' I mean the author of course. And what happens here stays in here. Now let's play."
Pinkie was watching a short film on TV. The opening read 'Hoofs Molemane presents Pony Getting Hit by Hoofball. The film featured an elderly looking pony standing outside of his house when all of a sudden a hoofball came out of nowhere and hit him, causing him to go into a fetal position. And then the film ended.

Pinkie chuckled to herself, "Heh. He got hit by a hoofball. What will that Hoofs Molemane think of next?"

"Psst" said a voice, "Pinkie, you're next part is being written."

"What?" said Pinkie, quickly turning off the TV. "Oh, just give me a second."

Pinkie walked over to the camera, "Hi everyone! So, apparently I'm supposed to invite a special guess, and then it occurred to me that Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary is coming up. Yeah, I know that I'm not supposed to invite anyone who's not MLP related, however there is one pony who has connections to this series. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Doctor Whooves!

Doctor Whooves walks onto the stage, he's not entirely sure what this is all about.

"Hi Doctor. Glad you could make it. Did you run into any problems on the way over?" asked Pinkie.

"Well, I did have some problems with the Weeping Alicorns but I took care of it." he answered.

"So, tell me Doctor, what made you decide to hang out in Equestria?"

"Well, it's really just a resting place for me before I go on my next adventure."

"Where did the name Time Turner come from? Also, Where did the Whooves part of your name come from? Aren't you supposed to just be known as the Doctor?"

"Well, the Time Turner name is just the alias I use when I'm just trying to be a normal pony. As for the Whooves thing, long story short it was a misunderstanding that somepony had about my name and it kind of stuck."

"What do you think of the rumors that you and the Master are in a relationship with each other?"

"Ridiculous, The Master and I wouldn't be able to go anywhere with each other without trying to kill each other."

Pinkie pondered her next question, "Well, I can't think of what else to ask to ask. Enjoy yourself while you're here and good luck on the 50th."

"I will and thanks." said Doctor Whooves.

Something occurs to Pinkie, "Who wrote this part?" she said as pulled out a clipboard, "Let's see it was Sherlock-Holmes18. Again?"

"Did someone call my name?" said a pony wearing a deerstalker."

"I wasn't talking about you." said Pinkie.

"Did you mean us?" This time it was ponified versions of a guy and a girl.

"I didn't mean you either, Sherclop Pones. Go back to making Friendship is Witchcraft." Pinkie told them.

After they all left, Pinkie let out a sigh, "Jeez, doesn't this Sherlock-Holmes18 have a life? It seems like he's almost always the first to post something on these things."

Pinkie looks at the camera, "Hey, Sherlock, next time let someone else have the first shot at this."

"Alright, everypony I've got something special in mind!" Pinkie called, giving a chuckle. "Alright, let's bring in our guests!" she called, a portal opening and five rather confused ponies and one adult dragon entering. "Everypony, say hello to our Dark World Selves!"

Twilight the Unicorn blinked. "P-Pinkie? What happened?! Where's Nightmare Paradox?!"

"Oh, this is just a non-canon little thing, consider it a break. And don't mention that big meanie face, the author's tired of dark stuff for awhile!"

"Aunt Pinkie!" called Apple Pie, running over and hugging Pinkie.

"Hi, Apple Pie. Technically I'm not your Pinkie, but you're still my niece!"

Apple Pie looked to the camera. "What's that?" she asked, having never seen one before.

"That's a video camera, it takes pictures of us and projects it all to our audience! It's a lot easier on everyone else who can't see the Fourth Wall so they have a point of reference to look at!"

"The forth what now?" Dark World AJ.

"So they can see us?" asked the little filly, before giving a laugh. "How can they see us when they ain't in the room?" she asked at the, to her, contradictory nature of the device…her Logic Bomb power causing a crack to go through the lens. "Oh dang it!"

"Ok, while I fix this camera, socialize! I hope we have fun!"
Dark World Derpy wandered around until she spotted a familiar face.


The Doctor, in the middle of building what looked like a tower out of playing cards, wasn't expecting the very sudden and very enthusiastic hug and was promptly squished. As for the makeshift tower, it fell and dumped all the cards on top of both ponies immediately afterwards.

"Oof! They make them sturdy in your universe, don't they my dear?" the Doctor groaned from his new spot between the floor and Derpy.

"Sorry, Doctor," Derpy apologized as she helped him back up, "But I'm so happy to see you! I was so worried, after -"

"Ah," the Doctor said, holding up a hoof, "Let me stop you there. I'm not the Doctor from your universe, so whatever happened to him, I don't know about it. He explained alternate realities to you, right?"

Derpy pouted, but nodded.

"There you go. Though you're just in time, I could use a little help..." he waved at the playing cards, "I'm trying to win a bet I made with a very handsome banana-loving fellow - he bet me that I couldn't build a TARDIS out of playing cards. You can help me put on the ones that go up top!"

The Doctor was gleefully rubbing his hooves together, but Derpy was puzzled.

"...You can make a time machine out of cards?"

"I can try!"

Derpy stared at the Doctor for a moment longer, then smiled and grinned.

"Sure! That sounds neat!"

And so began the construction of the most ridiculous time machine ever.
"Alright, Pinkie, Ah'm here, what's on the schedule this time?" asked Applejack, not completely understanding what the purpose of this show was or how crazy things kept happening, but respecting Pinkie seemed to enjoy it. She then found herself looking into some frighteningly familiar eyes. "Pinkie...what's going on?"

The other Applejack gave a friendly smile. "Ah ain't exactly sure myself, but when yah live where Ah did, yah tend tah roll with things like this..." she admitted. She then showed her glowing Element of Kindness. "Look familiar?"

Applejack gasped. "Yer...the Kind Meh?"

"Yep...Ah was kinda on my own vision quest at the time. Long story short, Apple Bloom came back tah save my soul, took meh tah the Princesses' Pa and they guided meh back tah the light."

"Ah...Ah understand...So yer from a world where...Discord won?"

"We THOUGHT we were...turns out it's a lot more complicated than that..." said Dark World!Applejack. "He won, but then kinda lost and the real baddie is closer tah Nightmare Mirror than Discord...Though Ah did get to purify the Element of Deceit and can still use it. Ah know, Ah know. 'Deceit ain't somethin' 'honest' Applejack should be usin'', but that just ain't how Ah see things anymore."

Applejack put a hoof on her other self's shoulder. "Wasn't gonna say that, actually. Ah may be the Honest AJ, but if there's one thing Ah learned from the Generous Applejack, its that even if Ah don't agree with the path another meh took, that don't mean its wrong. That Element of Kindness chose yah for a good reason, so Ah'm just gonna accept it."

Dark World!Applejack smiled lightly. "Thanks...Funny story, this Element of Kindness belonged tah Applebloom before she gave it tah me. Or Saint Applebloom as the family calls her now."

Applejack's jaw dropped. "S-Saint?! Alright, call meh curious, how the hey did that happen?!"

Dark World!Applejack chuckled. "That's a story Ah'm proud tah tell yah..."
"Hey pinkie! What's going on here?" Spike had finally made his way into the studio without being sprayed by a water gun. It was admittedly a strange experience for him, as he had been spending a lot more time outdoors with the crusaders. "Twilight wants a break from all the craziness that's been going on whenever you put on these shows, so she sent me to say that she should only be called in if it's someone really important. So who's.."

Spike then stopped stock still, staring at both the giant purple dragon that strangely seemed familiar, and a twilight that seemed.... grayer, and with a horn that was white and purple for some reason. Both of them were looking at him with a nostalgic smile and with tears in their eyes.

"Twilight?" Spike asked the pony first. "Er, did you fall in the dust again? And did rarity have you try out that new horn dye that she wanted to experiment with?"

Dark World!Twilight sniffled, then approached. "Spike, I'm not Twilight. At least, not your twilight."

Spike looked at once confused and surprised. Then, he blinked. "Wait, is this like in comic books where you can tell different stories using the same names, but call them horseworld tales that don't affect your story? And then you can get into crossovers with those stories later?"

"In a way." The unicorn replied. "I..." Then She levitated Spike close and hugged him. "I'm Twilight the Unicorn. And I'm a twilight from when Discord broke me before I made it back to you."

Spike looked up at her in shock. "You mean, you never got the friendship letters? (at this, twilight the unicorn got a blank look on her face) Then, then what happened?"

"Chaos." Dark World! Spike finally spoke down to the two, catching Spike's attention. "It was an age of chaos. Few things were logical anymore, and above it all, Discord reigned supreme. He used Twilight and the others as his lapdogs to enforce his reign for 1000 years. Then a miracle happened, and that's where everything changed."

"1000 YEARS!!!????" Spike was in shock. He wanted to reject this idea, but then he looked into Twilight the Unicorn's eyes. And he saw it. He saw the sorrow, pain, guilt, sadness, grief, and acceptance. "No. But, then why are you all here? Aren't you all still elements of harmony? And" Spike now looked really hard at the giant dragon. "Who are you anyways? You look really familiar, but so different at the same time."

"Why Spike, I'm crushed." The great dragon said in mock disappointment. "Don't you recognize yourself?"

Now spike lit up like a lightbulb. "What? I'm, I'm........I AM AWESOME!!! I always knew I'd grow up to be a great dragon! Who's the dragon? I'm the dragon! But...wait. If you're me in 1000 years, then how is everyone here?" Spike then looked to the side of his future self, where Dark World! Rarity was looking at Spike with an amused look. "And why is there a rarity with lines on her hooves and back looking at me like that?"

The three dark worlders exchanged looks with each other, until they all said in unison, "Spike, we're going to have a LOT to tell you about."

Pinkie chuckled, watching Spike be filled in on the future that might have been. She interrupted Twilight the Unicorn and pulled her over. "I have a present for you."

Dark World!Twilight blinked. "Ok...What is it, Pinkie? I think a lot of this is present enough."

"Come on in!" Pinkie called.

Dark World!Twilight blinked...until a grey unicorn with a purple and white mane walked in. "M-mom?"

Her mother smiled. "Hello, Twilight."

"N-no, I'm not your Twilight...I" Dark World!Twilight started crying. "I...I'm..."

Her mother put a gentle hoof to her lips. "Pinkie already told me...You're poor mare a monster broke and made do awful things, horrible things..." The older unicorn (biologically speaking) hugged the alternate version of her daughter. "But most importantly, you're my baby girl and always will be. I love you, Twilight, don't you EVER forget that."

The mare who had seen a thousand years of horror broke down crying as she returned her mother's hug.

Pinkie smiled to the Fourth Wall. "Happy Mother's Day everypony!"
Pinkie stepped back from Dark World Twilight and this-world's Twilight Velvet, leaving them some privacy. As she did she bumped into DW!Rarity.

"I beg your pardon, dear," the unicorn mare said, "But would it somehow be possible to look at that What If Machine? It's just that, several hundred years ago in our world, Discord decided to take some time looking into other universes to see how he ended up there. Then, after he looked into a world where we all became," she shuddered, "changelings, somehow, he stopped and got very huffy whenever we dared ask him why. Is there any way to use your machine to discover what happened there?"

"Sure, Rarity!" Pinkie hopped over to the What If Machine and gave it a kick. "Hey, what happened to everypony and Discord in the 'Changelings Take Ponyville' world?"

It flickered, whirred, and began to work...

In the royal gardens in Canterlot, a draconequus statue stood abandoned and alone. Discord growled and grumbled within his form of stone. He would have done far more if he could.

So close. He'd come so very close to finding one pony in Ponyville who could be turned to his ends -- and then of all things, she'd been forcibly taken into a Changeling swarm. It was enough to make him wonder if he'd been as clever as he thought when he turned a love-poisoned alicorn minor into the first Changeling Queen all those centuries ago. So really, if it hadn't been for that one little joke...

Bah. Consequences. I HATE consequences! He leaned back in a huff. Well, really, he didn't 'lean' at all since he couldn't move, but you get the idea. Okay, so I lost Little Miss I-Want-My-Mommy. I'm still getting out of this statue, even if it takes a million -- no, a HUNDRED million years!

*One Hundred Million and One Years Later*

"Mwua-hahaha!" Stone shards flew in every direction as Discord stretched and whooped a wild laugh. "I'm free! No deals with human sorcerers or orphan pegasi! No having to beg mom and dad for help! No promising Celestia that I'd be good -- wait, where is my old girlfriend, anyway?"

He looked around and winced. The once proud alabaster and golden walls of Canterlot were not just tumbledown, they were crumbled beyond even his ability to restore. The sky above glowed a ruddy red, probably due to the fact that Celestia's sun was swollen into a red giant. Luna's moon was a broken and shattered ruin, no longer a sphere, held together only by its own gravity. No plant life beyond some nasty-looking fungi, no animal life that he could sense much more developed than amoebas in a nearby puddle, nothing... but a floating butter-yellow gemstone nearby.

Feeling uneasy, Discord reached out for it only for it to explode into a rainbow of light. And within that light hovered, what was her name, that pink-maned and tailed little yellow pegasus, Fluttershy?

But why did she have a horn?

"Oh! Oh, is this on?" The hologram of Fluttershy poked lightly at something out of sight. She looked back at Discord and smiled benevolently. He gritted his teeth and wished he could strangle her.

"So, um, hello. If you're seeing this, that means that somepony finally found the vision stone we left behind in case any Shadows-That-Make or Shadows-That-Watch came here. I have to make this quick -- we're going to be joining G1-G3.5 very soon, so thanks for everything you did for us, we really appreciated it. Umm, most of it..."

A yell from another familiar voice came from offscreen: "Woohoo! My alicorn powers let me delete every copy of that story from the Internet? Yay!"

"Oh, Pinkie," Fluttershy looked off to the side and said. She then looked back at Discord. "Oh! Anyway, don't stay here in Equestria too long; it'll probably be swallowed by Celestia's sun in a few hundred thousand years now that she's no longer there to control it. At least she took it better than Luna. I really wish she hadn't lost her temper over her moon." She sighed. Twilight called from off to the side. She looked dismayed. "Oh, dear, right now? Anyway, have to be going. Thank you for everything, Shadows; you gave us such a good life. But I hear that G5 is going to be even better. Oh, and make sure to leave the ugly statue alone..."

"Ugly!" Discord sniffed. "Hmmph! You wish you were as good looking as me!"

The Fluttergram continued, saying, "Twilight and Pinkie rigged our planet to explode fifteen minutes after he got free. Umm, so maybe you'd better start running."

Again from the side: "Fluttershy, come on! We're keeping everypony in Paradise Valley waiting!"

"Oh, bye!" The jewel went dark.

Discord blinked and then rolled up the scales of his arm to look at a wristwatch. "Oh, I'll be buc --"


"So, that's what he saw?" DW!Rarity blinked. "I suppose I can see why he became so angry; but if we were all turned into changelings, then how did we become alicorns afterwards? Did we all spontaneously become enlightened? And what on Equestria is 'G5'?"

"I dunno how you became alicorns," Pinkie said, trying hard to look innocent. With one rear hoof she kicked her Reverse-Nightmarification Ray from an earlier show behind Time Turner's funny blue shed. "And as for G5 -- sorry, Rarity, but there are some things ponies weren't meant to know. Yet!"
Pinkie watched as the two Twilights hung out with Twilight Velvet, Spike learned about the could-have-been future from his older self, and Dark World!Derpy helped Doctor Whooves build a time machine out of cards. It always made Pinkie happy to see these things. It was part of the reason she had these variety shows so often.

"Excuse me." said a voice.

"Yes? What is it?" asked Pinkie as she looked to see who it was, but there was nobody there.

"Down here." the voice said.

Pinkie looked down and saw a small furry ball with little hands and feet and two eyes, "Oh, wow, a bushwoolie! I was wondering when one of you guys would appear on the show."

"Yep, that's me, I'm a bushwoolie. My name's Eager." the bushwoolie said.

"Well, what brings you here, Eager?" Pinkie asked.

"I got this note telling me to come here." Eager said as he pulled out a letter.

Pinkie looked at the letter, "Wait a minute, this is my hoofwriting! I don't remember writing this."

Derpy came by with a letter and gave it to Pinkie. Pinkie opened it up, and read it aloud:

Dear Pinkie,
I thought that you might enjoy having a bushwoolie on your show, so I decided to invite one over.
Sincerely, one of your many alternate reality selves

"Aw, that was nice of me." Pinkie said as she put down the letter.

"I don't get it." said Eager, "What does it mean by 'alternative reality selves'?"

"It's kind of hard to explain." said Pinkie, "In the meantime, just enjoy yourself while you're here."

"Can do!" Eager said as he went off to talk with the ponies and accidentally knocked Doctor Whooves card time machine down again.

As Pinkie watched Eager help the Doctor and Dark World!Derpy set up the time machine again, she pulled out a clipboard labeled 'Obscure Characters to invite to Variety Show' and crossed bushwoolie off the list. "I think next time I'll invite a G2 pony." she said to herself.
Pinkie Pie looked down her list. "Okay, we've got Dark Twilight getting quality time with this Twilight's mom. Spike is checking out how cool he is as an adult dragon. Darkness Derpy is still trying to build that time machine out of playing cards. AJ and dark AJ are getting along just fine. Apple Pie's cute like fillies often are. And I finally have my own Bushwoolie!" Pinkie Pie gave Eager a quick hug. "We've avoided any kind of conflict in their variety show what so ever except for the what if machine but that goes without saying. How can it always show depressing stuff? But the point is that this variety show has been perfect! So it hasn't had any much overwhelming success as the previous one. This is fun and simple too!"

"Out of my way!" "You get out of my way!" Came the shouts of two older mare's voices.

Pinkie Pie went pale, "The author just had to, didn't he?"

Sue Pie and Cup Cake were trying to squeeze into the studio at the same time. "Ugh! let me through first you pudgy mare!" Sue Pie said.

"Pudgy? I've given birth to twins!" Cup Cake retorted.

"I've given birth to three fillies!" Said the much thinner mare, her glasses coming loose.

A panic Pinkie Pie quickly built cheap wood walls between her, her mother and foster mother, and all her guests and friends. Just because they couldn't see beyond the forth wall didn't mean Pinkie wanted to have to answer uncomfortable questions about there being a giant dragon in the room along with questions of where the identical ponies had come from, and where a filly with a the Pie and Apple name was doing here and the furry ball with a most agreeable attitude.

Hopefully Clyde Pie and Carrot Cake wouldn't clash so much comes Father's Day.

"Mom! Mrs. Cake! It's wonderful to see you both!" Pinkie Pie grinned.

"I'm sorry I'm late honey," her biological mother said, "It seemed like somepony kept giving me wrong direction on how to get here. I so badly wanted to spend mother's day with you for a change."

Her foster mother said, "Well, I just thought Sue would like to see the sights having come to Ponyville."

"Well, I wanted to see all the rock candies you told me you've been making."

"Oh you mean those candies Pinkie Pie made once? I think we still have some of the first batch in storage." Mrs. Cake said.

Pinkie Pie groaned.

"What? You have no idea what you're missing out on! There is nothing wrong with rock candy."

"There is when you try and make it out of rocks."

"Here mom! Mrs Cake! Cupcakes! With rock sugar on top! Enjoy!" Pinkie Pie pushed between them hoping the distraction held and so did the wooden walls. One thing about being sane meant you CARED what your parents (both sets) thought of you.

"These are very nice Pinkie Pie, but when are you finally going to come home? Your father and I are getting older and can't run the farm forever. Octavia left sooner after you did.
And your other sister doesn't even return our letters!"

"She is home." Mrs. Cake said before Pinkie Pie could.

Sue Pie glared at her.

Pinkie Pie had a feeling this wasn't going to be easy.

"Auntie Pie Pie why are ya-" Apple Pie tried to poke her head through a tiny hole in the wooden wall, Pinkie Pie gently bucked her back out.

"I'll have an apology party for that later." Pinkie Pie said and closed up the hole fast.
“Hey, is somepony partying here without us?”

The present ponies looked at the two new pegasi: Fluttercruel and Rainbow Dash. Instantly the body language of the ponies and the one dragon from the Dark World got tense.

But as they took a closer look and saw Fluttercruel’s expression and Dash’s relaxed stance, they calmed down very soon, Rarity as the Element of Honesty first.

“Ah can’t believe it, this is what Fluttercruel would have been if she was raised by Fluttershy?”

“Believe it, yah can trust mah and she even got her own Element of Kindness.” The apple-farming Element of Honesty said with a proud smile. Both proud on Fluttershy for raising her daughter and for what Fluttercruel had managed to do. In turn the mouths of everypony and the one dragon from the Dark World hit the floor. The younger Spike narrowly dodged the mouth of his older version.

Briefly Applejack wondered if the time she had spent with Princess Celestia had turned her into somewhat of a troll herself.

Slowly Rarity from the Dark World approached the daughter of Fluttershy while Rainbow Dash enjoyed the shock of the visitors and the snacks Pinkie had prepared.

“I can see it, there is something special with you two… Fluttershy?”

Instantly the mare before shifted back to the timid Pegasus.

“Oh my Rarity, you look different but I think you really make this new look work. These cursive markings could become the next Canterlot fashion… is there something wrong?“

The eyes of the unicorn before her were misting up.

“Fluttershy, it… it is so nice to finally see you again.”

Without hesitation the white unicorn hugged her dear friend who she would never be able to embrace in her own world anymore.
Twilight blinked, looking to her alternate self. "So...your Fluttercruel was...different..."

Dark World Twilight shuddered. "Different is putting it mildly..."

"What did sh-"

"You don't want to know, believe me you don't."

Twilight wanted to push it, but saw from the look in her other self's eyes that she probably shouldn't push it. "So...besides the obvious, how was Discord as a ruler?"

"You mean how did he run the country? Well...I ran the country pretty much, he just did what we thought where his whims...I guess they actually were, since Paradox copied them from previous cycles...He may have been a manipulator, but that doesn't mean he was always as smart as he should've been..."

"What do you mean?"

Dark World Twilight took the What If Machine over and turned it on. "What happened if Discord tried to create the ultimate natural disaster for his amusement in our universe?"


"Master. Why did you include avalanches and blizzards in something only you were powerful enough to stop?"

"In hindsight, it wasn't my brightest idea! Probably shouldn't have cast spell so even I can only refer to the Torcanoquake Blizvalanche Fireicanebees by the full name! Now run!"


Both Twilight's couldn't help laughing. "I think he was just overconfident of his own abilities."

Twilight nodded. "Yeah...That sounds like Discord alright."

Then she struck by a huge headache.

"How did I get here again?" Twilight said shaking her head, "I told Spike to tell Pinkie Pie that I was done with this craziness. And . . . who are you anyway?" Twilight said pointing at her dark self. "And how were we suddenly in a discussion about different Fluttercruel?!"

The Doctor Timey-Whimy Detector Meanwhile (With the Pinkie Pie Filter installed so she wouldn't cause it to explode just by being in the same room) began to wail like crazy.

"I think someone tried to copy and paste an event from other proposed timeline into this one." He said to Darkworld Derpy. "And Twilight being a clever girl is noticing. She told Spike to tell Pinkie Pie she wouldn't be coming. But suddenly here she is talking with her alternate self. Someone's been doing rather sloppy work with the timeline."

Pinkie Pie on the other side of the wooden wall with her mother and foster-mother, felt a chill go down her spine. It reminded her of the terror she felt as she watched the G3 universe die around her.
Pinkie Pie felt that she needed to be outside of her wooden wall but how could she distract her two mothers long enough? Then a lightbulb appeared briefly over her head before using its wings to flutter back to its hiding place.

“Accidently” she dropped an old book with a collection of pictures of her as a filly.

After a few seconds Sue Pie noticed the familiar book. Almost instantly she opened it and began to go over the pictures one by one. Mrs. Cake soon joined her as well, trying to keep her distance from the rock farmer yet at the same time being unable to resist seeing pictures of the younger Pinkie Pie.

Carefully Pinkie Pie snuck out of the wooden wall and noticed Twilight looking worn out and exhausted. The adult version of Spike had placed her on a couch and AJ stood next to her. Now she realised that there were two versions of Twilight, Spike and Applejack in the same room.

The Doctor was talking something about stabilizing the situation for as long as possible with his sonic screwdriver. Even he looked stressed.

“Calm down. I… I got this. The studio is a pocket dimension that exists outside time and space. We had established that earlier. So we still… we got the time to fix it. But how? The very laws of the universe would need to change to allow two versions of them to be so close…”

Frustrated the earth pony slammed her head into the wooden wall.

“Pinkie, your friends are getting very loud, could you ask some of them to leave?” Sue Pie asked from the other side of the wooden wall.

The lightbulb fluttered next to Pinkie Pie.

“I already got it.”

There was no need for anything drastic. The solution was simply to accept that it was impossible and act accordingly. Quickly Pinkie Pie walked over to Twilight’s couch while the younger Spike and the apple farming Element of Honesty were standing next to it.

“AJ, I am very sorry to say this but Twilight is not feeling well, could you bring her and Spike back to her library while I take care of the other guests? Please, it is really important.”

Now this was most certainly something new for Applejack: Pinkie Pie actually asking somepony to leave her party. She wanted to talk more with the other version of herself and that AJ still hadn’t gotten to the part where Applebloom would gain her cutie mark and the title of Saint. But the earth pony trusted her friend and soon the party had three guests less.

Finally Pinkie Pie felt her senses return to normal.

“Wait a minute… we already had multiple versions of the same pony here in the same room and nothing went wrong… It was really hard to think clear with this migraine.”

“Sorry! I misread the problem. The real problem was that Twilight was not written into the story and what Spike said when he arrived actually contradicted her being here.” called a voice from offstage.

Pinkie Pie looked around herself and noticed that Fluttershy and Rarity were discussing everything from fashion trends to how to raise children with Fluttercruel emerging from time to time to add something as well. Rainbow Dash was taking Apple Pie on small but fast-paced joyrides around the studio and the giant Spike. Twilight Velvet and the Twilight from the Dark World were still taking to each other, apparently about some kind of romance in space. Meanwhile the Applejack that had the Element of Kindness was looking for a safe place for the Bushwoolie. And somehow Derpy and the Doctor had finished their time machine and were now painting it blue.

“I could use the time machine build from cards to travel back in time… or I could just bring them back from canon to non-canon. Then Twilight will have a normal introduction into this story… Hmmm…”

Dark World Twilight asked Pinkie, "What happened to you and Fluttershy from our timeline after you died?"

Pinkie Pie thought about this for a moment. 'Well this is non-canon anyway.'

"Well, the me from your timeline is in Pony Heaven with all of the foals she raised, including the ones she raised as Angry Pie. As for your timeline's Fluttershy, she became the Queen of Cups, and is so powerful that she was able to visit Havoc and Entropy, the parents of all other Draconequi, and make them let her take your timeline's Fluttercruel from them, on the grounds that they wouldn't be able to teach her anything new, since they were just teaching her about pain, while Fluttershy could teach 'Cruel about things that would allow her to be more then just a one-dimensional Concept. Then as she was leaving, she warned them that if any of them besides Discord came for 'Cruel before she was ready, they'd have to face Fluttershy's Tarot as the Queen of Cups."

Dark World Twilight blinked as she processed this information. After a while, she said, "Wow, I guess it's true what they say: Beware the quiet ones."

Dark World Applejack said, "Ah'll say! Kinda makes me wish she could come and help us out against them Nightmares! She'd be able to turn the tables in a hurry!"

"I'll be borrowing this doc' thanks bye!" Pinkie Pie hopped into the time machine made of playing cards.


"She's taken a time machine from you before?" Derpy asked.

"She's taken a machine of mine for a joyride twice! That isn't supposed to happen!" The Doctor lamented.

Pinkie Pie quickly painted herself the same colors as the walls of the studio inside the the playing card time machine (powered by the legendary Blues Eyes White Spike card of course).

'Okay Pinkie Pie, all you need to do is see how AJ and Twilight got to visit in the first place, then that'll fix any plot holes. I think the author really needs to edit these things better, or be a bit more stern in what ponies, I mean shadow submit.'

She quickly put the time travel sound effect in a tupperware container so the other points wouldn't notice her stealthy arrival, hopefully the doctor wouldn't notice or at least let her be to prevent the universe from imploding.

'Okay Pinkie Diane, here we go. You don't need to see … you don't need to see . . . you don't need to see another world you love die.'

"Alright, Pinkie, Ah'm here, what's on the schedule this time?" asked Applejack.

Pinkie Pie laughed to herself, AJ HAD her introduction, she had announced she had just arrived, which was normal since she pretty much sent out invites left and right to her friends or The Script drew them unconsciously to the studio.

But that still left Twilight Sparkle.

Skip forward a bit in the mind machine and there was Dark World Rarity, hugging the Fluttershy of this world, even if she wasn't HER Fluttershy. The Element of Honesty Rarity didn't care. She was an a Fluttershy, one who embodied everything Fluttershy should be. Kind, selfless, and with love and compassion as weapons.

"Spike!" And right on cue. "What are you still doing here? I told you deliver the message and come right back! Did you get kidnapped and/or brainwashed?" Twilight trotted in.

"Hi Twilight! Great for you to visit after all!" Pinkie Pie of this timeframe cheered.

"I'm not staying Pinkie Pie, I have organization to do-"

"You always do."

"-yes I do. But the point is that it needs doing and I need my number one assistant to do it, and-- what is this?" Twilight's voice died away. She noticed there was two Applejacks (one grayish, one normal) chatting with each other. A winged purple and green dragon that Spike was gushing over.

A grayish Rarity was hugging Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash was playing with an Earth Pony with an orange slice and apple slice cutie mark.

"DISCORD'S ESCAPE!" Twilight yelled at the top of her lungs! Everypony and dragon looked at her. Then she snarled at her miscolored double, "AND WHAT IS THAT IMPOSTOR DOING WITH MY MOTHER?!"

"No no no no no!" Pinkie Pie covered Twilight's mouth. "It's not that! We're just having a short visit from an alternate universe. Ya know . . . nothing bad."

"Al-alternate . . ."

"Pinkie Pie and the others explained dear," Starlight Sparkle said to her daughter (how Twilight Velvet ended up on her ID card that one time was beyond her). "She's not you dear, but she is a filly who doesn't have her own mother right now, and she's been hurt and made to hurt others. I felt she needed some love."

"Oh . . " Twilight felt dizzy.

"Hello. I'm Twilight… Twilight The Unicorn. It's . . . " She lowered her head, "It's an honor to meet you, Twilight Sparkle. You look wonderful, you look happy, you . . . you succeeded where I failed." She broke down crying.

Starlight Sparkle hugged the Dark Twilight. "Let it all out dear, just let it all out."

Twinkle Sparkle looked at herself in fear, how could there be a world where . . . where she had failed her friends?

"You got your friends back didn't you?" Her mother spoke.

"I . . .guess . . . I guess. But-"

"Dear, please tell us." Twilight couldn't help herself, her curiosity got the better of her, she had to know.

Pinkie Pie Of the future smiled. Everything was as it should be. She took the time machine back to her own time.

"You now here you pink filly! That was rude! Very very-" She ignored the Doctor, something he was not used to. She had to get back to Cupcake and Sue Pie.

"Pinkie Pie!"

"Twilight?! What are you doing here?!"

"I couldn't leave a friend in need, no matter how I was feeling, Spike and AJ can't keep me from teleporting."

"BUt you really should be-"

"Pinkie Pie, I know what it's like having to balance things between two mothers."

Pinkie Pie blinked, "It's that obvious?"

"Pinkie Pie why did you just blink in Horase Code?"

"Oh just a typo! But seriously Twilight, you knew?"

"Pinkie Pie, I have to balance between my mother and . . . and Princess Celestia. She practically raised me after she made me her student. Of course I know what it's like to have two mothers you have to honor and . . . how it can be hard if they're not perfectly aligned with each other."

"Dearie I'm right here." Starlight Sparkle said.

"OH, right mother!"

"And you're right . . Princess Celestia and I . . . aren't flawlessly friends. No two mares are with a vested interest in a filly like you Twilight. But that doesn't mean we can't get along."

"And do you have to hide your hobbies from them?" Twilight asked.

"OH, the wood wall? I just . . . I just want to live a normal life with them. I love my games and hobbies but . . . I just want to be their daughter."

"Well, it seems it's time for Twilight Sparkle to tackle this friendship problem!"

Pinkie Pie looked at the camera, "Your cue! And I think I might make this a two parter to make up for all this paradox confusion so we can get all the warm and happy relief for the dark worlders."

"Pinkie Pie who are you talking to?"

"Oh nopony!"

"Pinkie Pie you're so . . . well, here you seem to be."

"I just see some things you don't, like there are things about magic you understand that I don't."

Twilight was stunned. "That . . . is logical."
“Okay, now let us not waste any time…” Twilight proclaimed.

“… or file size…” her pink friend quickly added.

“Now this friendship problem is going down!”

“Have you been practising with Dashy?”

“Yes, she meant I should try to be more dramatic from time to time to boost morale. How was it for the first try?”

Pinkie Pie held up a sign reading “8.8” while the adult Spike mumbled “Needs work.” as Rarity from the Dark World choose not to say anything. Rainbow Dash was still busy playing with Apple Pie but muttered “Good for the start, but make it about 20 % cooler.”

“Now for the details, how long will your mothers be busy inside the wall?” Twilight continued as she teleported a check list next to her.

“I guess considering what would be the most ironic… they will wonder right now what I am doing and what they are hearing behind this wooden wall.”

“May I help you?” the grey Twilight walked up to her counterpart.

“Of course! Just think of all the organisation we could do together!” the brighter Twilight squeed with joy.

Soon the two unicorns gave orders to everypony and Spike. The Applejack from the Dark World used her Element of Deceit to turn herself into one of the many members of the Apple family, Apple Fritter. Rarity used the powers of the six Elements of Chaos to change her appearance back to her old bright unicorn self and to hide the adult Spike under an illusion.

He didn’t complain but Rarity did regret having to hide such a magnificent sight. They all knew that the other Spike and AJ could walk back in any minute.

Eager was told to play a game with Apple Pie were he had to pretend to be a plush toy and finally the child was told to not tell her real name in case she was asked. Twilight The Unicorn noticed that she still had to change herself and as the wooden wall crashed down she quickly took the shape of the first unicorn that came into her mind: Trixie.

Pinkie Pie took a deep breath. Now they could avoid all the uncomfortable questions this strange looking scenario would have caused and she would have the chance to speak with her mothers. The pink earth pony had to smile how all the ponies from the other world didn’t even hesitate for one second to help her.
Before they could confront the mothers Twilight Sparkle asked Twilight the Unicorn, "Why did you turn into Trixie?"

The other Twilight responded,"She was the first unicorn I could think of, Why? Is she still mad at you over that Ursa Minor?"

Sparkle answered, "No, we actually became close friends after I manage to save her from Discord's corruption."

The other Twilight with a sad look on her face looked down on the floor and said "I wish I could of been friends with her before Discord took over."

Sparkle replied "You would of been great friends I'm sure."

"I know and I'm pretty sure we are now." the trixie lookalike responded.

Sue Pie and Cup Cake briefly looked over the mostly normal appearing group of friends their daughter had with her. Sue Pie had seen much stranger from Pinkie Pie while this was almost suspiciously mundane for Mrs. Cake’s tastes. After all she had witnessed Nightmare Moon, Discord, the entire ruckus Rainbow Dash had caused in Sugarcube Corner after Pinkie reawakened and Princess Gaia’s short reign.

“Now it is finally time to spend mother's day with your mother!” Sue Pie said.

“And what am I? The fifth horseshoe?” Cup Cake snapped back.

“No, you are her foster mother but you already had her in all these years at mother's day and now it is simply my turn.”

“Maybe we really should take turns from one year to another…”

Apple Pie opened her mouth to tell the two mothers how her family was able to get along even when the differences between ponies, dragons and stone statues made it sometimes hard for them. But in the last minute the child closed her mouth again. She was sure that what happened here wasn’t that strange but if the two Twilights worked so hard to make this place look so not-chaotic then the filly wouldn’t be the one who would interrupt it again.

“She needs to return home anyway. Pinkie needs to learn more about rock farming if she is going to inherit the farm one day.” Sue Pie added calmly.

“Are you kidding me? She will never want to go back there! Did you never realise how unhappy she was?” Cup Cake glared at the biological mother.

“I am not letting this proud family tradition simply die!”

“Do you even care that ALL three of your children did escape this miserable place as soon as possible?”

“We really should separate now before I say something that I will regret later.” Sue Pie finished with eerie calmness.

Pinkie Pie signed. Was this really the only thing that would bring peace to her two mothers? Did they have to separate themselves completely?

She could already see Twilight drawing a time sheet while the Trixie-lookalike shook her head sadly. Then the disguised Twilight walked over to her other version and whispered something into her ear. Quickly Twilight made a few changes to her time sheet and slowly walked over to the two bickering mares.

“Now there is no need for any discord. Mrs. Cake could move back to Sugarcube Corner and Mrs. Pie could move to the local library and then Pinkie simply runs between the two places at this established plan ensuring a maximum of fair motherly interaction.”

With her telekinesis she unrolled the time sheet and it hovered before the two mares. Both eyed the plan and seemed to approve of it, especially if it meant that they wouldn’t have to see each other ever again.

But on the other hoof they were bothered by all the running their Pinkie Pie had to do according to the plan and how emotionless the sheet made everything sound. Neither noticed that both Twilight and the Trixie-lookalike were looking at them eagerly.

The two mothers looked up to Pinkie Pie and froze simultaneously.

The pink pony... their daughter seemed a bit less colourful, somewhat… sad.

“Honey, are you not feeling well?”

Both mothers looked at each other.

“How about we call it a truce for Pinkie’s sake?” Cup Cake whispered to the other mare.

“I agree, mother’s day is about both mother and child having fun together… we can work something out…” Sue Pie quickly answered with a low voice.

“Maybe we could bake a traditional Pie recipe? What do you think Pinkie?”

“That is a great idea! With rock sugar!” Pinkie Pie said happily while bouncing to her two mothers.

“And frosting!” Cup Cake added with a smile.

“And sprinkles!” Sue Pie said with her best smile.

And for once the two mothers and their child began to talk happily about an old baking recipe of Granny Pie. The recipe was ancient and some said that it belonged to the very first rock farmer whose name was long lost in history.

Twilight and the Trixie-lookalike gave each other a hoof bump.
"Hey Pinkie!" The voices of three excited and familiar little fillies came from outside as the Cutie Mark Crusaders barreled through the door. None of the trio noticed how Rarity and Apple Fritter both stiffened upon seeing them. 'Trixie' stared in shock. The fillies trotted past them and up to Pinkie, all three talking at once: "Hey! We heard you were doin' another one of your shows, and we wanted to get in one this time..."

"Huh? Oh, sure, okay! Mom, and, er, mom, can ya pardon me just for a moment?" Sue and Cup nodded and returned to discussing old family recipes. Pinkie took the girls to the side checked a list that suddenly appeared in her hoof. Unnoticed to any of them, Trixie, Apple Fritter, and Rarity followed them as Pinkie checked the list and read, "Hmm, no, nothing here about the CMC I can see..."

"NO! Not again!" The three mares charged forward. Trixie's horn glowed and magical light played over the three stunned Crusaders. She sighed and slumped in relief. "Okay. They're not Changelings, or fillysuited colts, or," she gulped, "Something worse." Noticing Pinkie's confused look, she leaned in close and whispered, "Once a few hundred years ago Discord decided decided it was so funny he changed us around. Into each other. Randomly. For a decade. He finally got tired of that and took turns changing Rarigreed into thinking she was Applebloom and AJ into thinking she was Sweetie Belle and restore the other's sanity's briefly, and then watch the show."

"Oooh, okay," Pinkie said. Next to her, Scootaloo looked on in confusion at her friends. Sweetie Belle was wrapped in a tight embrace by Rarity, and Apple Fritter was doing the same with Apple Bloom. Both squirmed frantically to escape.

"Geeze, big sis! You saw me just an hour ago when you told me to get out of the Boutique and stop bugging you..." Sweetie fell silent as Rarity held her close.

"Little sister," she said, grief in her voice, "Never, ever believe me when I say I don't want you around. You are THE most precious thing in the world to me."

"An'..." Apple Fritter swallowed a rather large lump in her throat. "An' listen ta me, Apple Bloom, ta your... cousin. Yer gonna be the bravest, kindest pony in Equestria one day. Yer gonna be so brave and kind that yer gonna save damned souls from that village in the Everfree." Apple Bloom blinked at that, but before she could speak, her 'cousin' added, "Jest try not ta burn th' barn down makin' fireworks like ya almost dd that one time, okay? An' if ya do, don't go lyin' ta yore poor big sis, no matter how mad she gets." The two confused little fillies finally returned the hugs of their sister and 'cousin'.

Pinkie looked on and sniffled, wiping a tear from her eyes. 'Trixie' looked down and saw a confused and somewhat envious Scootaloo. She leaned down and said, "Just so you know, one day you'll be a brave and happy pony who never HAD to be a hero or lose her life fighting tyrants and their servants. And that's wonderful news, Scootaloo." Scootaloo gave her a confused look. 'Trixie' just smiled at her.

"Huh? Make fireworks?" Apple Bloom spoke up. All three of the mares froze at her next words. "We were thinking o' trying for cutie marks in beekeeping, but firework makin' sounds even more fun. Thanks for the idea, cousin!" All three of the fillies cheered, "CUTIE MARK CRUSADER FIREWORK MANUFACTURERS! YAY!"

Apple Fritter watched them tear away and race out the door, already sharing ideas on where to get several tons of black powder. She summed up everypony's thoughts in just two words: "Ah, horseapples."
Twilight and her Dark World counterpart got some alone time while everyone was interacting. "So...your world must be pretty horrible..."

"Actually it's not as bad as you'd think...yeah, I wish it'd just rain water, but Discord actually made some good things," Twilight the Unicorn, still disguised as Trixie, replied.

Twilight Sparkle blinked in disbelief. "What? Discord can do that? No offense to Fluttercruel, but from the sound of things she's only a good pony because our Discord didn't raise her."

"Well...wait, why'd you specify Discords?"

"Long story short in previous episodes of this show of Pinkie's we had an alternate Discord and his Fluttercruel over and they were actually good guys..."


"And a third Fluttercruel with a Fluttershy...Oddly both alternate Fluttercruels were half draconequus, and the second one was a baby..."

"...Are we SURE my world is the crazy one? Anyway, he remade the Sea Ponies, and they're beautiful, and so innocent. And Pegasi and Griffons have lost their racial tensions and merged into one race. And of course there's Apple Pie."

"...That filly is important to you, isn't she?"

Twilight the Unicorn smiled under her disguise, looking to the filly. "Yeah...she's like my little sister."

"Reminds me of my relationship with our Trixie."

They say 'speak of the devil and he shall appear', and at that moment, the door opened and in walked Trixie. "Pinkie, you sent Trixie an invite, correct? Well she has...arrived..." she said, blinking and staring at her impostor.

Pinkie couldn't resist producing a baby grand piano and playing a 'Dum! Dum! DUUM!' on it.
Pinkie Pie held up a mouth-written sign to the camera,

Okay everypony! There's still no sign of the normal other editor for the next chapter! So the author has chosen to subject himself to an unspeakable torture, READING HIS OWN ABSURDLY LONG FANFICTION! And do a second round of edits himself. Which is too bad since it's normally Louis' job to cut out excess spot, spot continuity errors, and do a second check on grammar errors (yes, the author's grammar IS that bad). So sorry that the next chapter is gonna be super duper ultra mega WAY LONG. But first! The pony who put the 'that's all folks' link? Go sit in the corner for five minutes without cake. Due to this twist, we need to do the unthinkable! And.. BREAK, THIS, INTO -TWO- PARTS! So get ready! Get set! And here we go!

Pinkie brought up another sign. Part two.

Author's Note:

Pinkie Pie cheers "Time again everypony. For those of you new here. This is as the title says Pinkie Pie's 4th Wall Breaking Variety show! You write down a piece of story in the comments and it's copy and pasted into the story until the file size, that little number off the side that says sixty-Kay! What happens in here stays in here!
Now remember the rules everypony!

1. What you put in the comments appears in the story.
2. Nopony besides me can see beyond the fourth wall.
3. The camera can’t leave the studio.
4. The characters can be from any generation, toy or comic but they have to be from “My little Pony”
5. Everything that happens here is non-canon.

Now let loose and have fun with it!"

Parts Added:
Kendell2 (again)
Kendell2 (yet again)
Kendell2(and yet again)
jmcdavid (removed cause it was pointed out that it violated one of Da Rules)
Alexwarlorn (that's me)
Kendell2 with some stuff from me at the end
ItsFromPeople (again)
IntsFromPeople) (and once again)
Alex Warlorn (that's me again)
ItsFromPeople (yep, him again!)
Ardashir (again and welcome!)

MLP FIM Copyright Hasbro

Preview image by Kendell2

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