• Published 26th Jun 2013
  • 4,181 Views, 465 Comments

Pinkie Pie's Fourth-Wall Breaking Variety Show - Alex Warlorn

Pinkie Pie with one camera and a TV studio all to herself invites her friends over for antics that can't effect the outside world and sneak some peeks at alternate timelines. What fun will the ponies have when anything is possible?

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Pinkie Pie 4th Wall Break VarietyShow Special Part 4

Pinkie Pie sighed as she replaced the batteries, AGAIN.

"Maybe I should hold a 'before-party' to tied us over until we get to the 'beat back the legions of Tartarus party."

"I'm game!" Said the Earth Pony Interviewer.

"This is complicated enough as is." Said Dusk.

"Come on, it's just Morning Star and some witches left," Noon said. ". . . Most evil witch in history joined with their signature creation, and the two most STUPID witches in history, and Chrysalis, and MORNING STAR . . . okay . . . so maybe this is gonna be a bit of a challenge."


Meanwhile, back towards the battle with Rari-dragon, Flutter-dragon and Reeka-dragon.

"Duchess Rarity, your sister sends us to serve you in battle." Said one of the white changelings.

Rarity turned her head to see a trio of white changelings buzzing nearby. "Sweetie-Belle sent you three to help me? That is sweet of her but...wait Sweetie Belle! She quickly realized what her sister did. "How could she! She promised she wouldn't convert anypony into changelings!

"Um...actually we use to be goblins and we really don't mind. In fact-"

"Doesn't matter she still broke her promise and for that NO DESSERT FOR SIX MONTHS!" The last part of that statement was heard throughout the battlefield. Especially to a young changeling queen, who looked heart-broken after hearing it. Despite the fact she actually didn't didn't break her promise due to converting the goblins before swearing to her sister.

"Oh darn I guess you better release me, and punish her."

Rarity looked back to the fat red dragon that said that. Reeka was currently in a camel clutch by Rarity, while her tail was pinned down by Rarity's own. "Nice try but no. I am not letting you go until you apologize for that little stunt you pulled on Fluttershy. Fake giving up? Have you no shame?

"Not my fault you both fell for it ACK!", Rarity intensified her grip. "I MEAN I AM SORRY! I WON'T DO IT AGAIN. NOW LET ME GO...please?" pleaded Reeka.

"Only AFTER you transform out of that dragon form.", Rarity wasn't about to be fooled again.

"But I don't know how GUH?", Reeka suddenly felt her stomach start to rumble with indigestion. "I...don't...feel...my..best"It might have been the many rat and moldly cheese sandwiches she had earlier or perhaps she over-exerted herself in the fight. Either way, Rarity let out a grasped and promptly let go of Reeka when she realized that was not dragon fire spewing from her mouth.

The other combatants that were unfortunate enough to be nearby, looked away in digest as Reeka emptied her stomach's content on the ground. After being done she wobble a bit and fell in her own waste. Without the dragon potion no loner being in her system, Reeka found herself shrinking. Scales turned into flesh and clothes while her wings and tail pulled back inside her body. Where a fat red dragon stood, was now replaced with a fat human witch covered in her own vomit from head to toe. Even she found this to be too disgusting.

"Nasty" commented Fluttercruel seeing the mess. "I know I said I would sit on her if she returned back to normal but..." She put a dragon claw to covered her nose, and flapped her wings to blow away the horrendous smell into the ever-free forest.

"We should help her." Fluttershy said. while noticing the witch failing miserably to stand up.

"I was afraid you were going to say that." She sighed when she saw the witch was failing to stand up, "Fine but I am not going anywhere near her now." She then got an idea when she sawed the trio of white changelings flying nearby. "Hey, you three said you were sent to help us?"

The changelings looked a tab unpleased. "Um..yes"

"Use your magic to pulled her out of that gunk and keep her restrained. It would really help. She shouldn't be a threat now without her mother but don't let down your guard." She rubbed her head, remembering the headbutt from earlier.

"Also...perhaps give her a bath." added Fluttershy.

"Wait what was that about a bath!" cried Reeka. The changelings nodded and went to carry out their orders. After lifting the witch out of her own mess, they found to their amazement a bathtub full of water with plenty of soap and other bathing equipment. Next to it was a sign that read "in case of bathing emergency" , signed with the initals P.D.P (Pinkie Diane Pie). "Wait I am not THAT dirty. Please no...I RATHER GET THE PHLUME! PLEASE DO- Pfft!" After shoving a soap bar into her mouth to quiet her they dumped her into the bathtub to begin their dirty work.

"As much fun as it is see her squirm we wasted enough time here. Rarity we need to rejoin the others and ACK! Rarity?! GET UP! Where did THAT even come from anyway?"

"Oh my! I didn't know they made couches that big!"
"Rarity! Flutters!" yelled AJ, sighing and trying to ignore Reeka's predicament. "We need yah! And quick! We're really strugglin' with the old hag! but whatever yah do, DON'T touch her!"

Hydia chuckled at Somnambula's fate. She'd naturally been intending to stab her fellow witch in the back anyway, not because she hated her, but because it was the witch way to do things. That and she had Morning Star's favor for creating the 'perfect beast' with the Smooze. The only weakness it had was Flutterpony Magic, which were now extinct, so by that definition, the Smooze was 'perfect' in that it literally had no weaknesses, especially after being merged with her and given sapience from the merger...well, except for the fact that she hadn't been able to get Flume in time.

Her tendrils wrapped around a tree and she flung it at the heroes, Shining's shield being the only thing that stopped them from being squashed, though it did send them flying to the side in a hamster ball.

Hydia-Smooze began pounding away on the barrier with great force.

Morning Star suddenly gave a blink ."That is odd...I sense somecreature...resisting the temptation of evil..."

He was of course attacked before he could progress on it.

Meanwhile with one of the least wicked witches . . .

Draggle focused on the spell she just read, a beam of white magic forming around her hand causing flowers to grow nearby. "This...this is easier than Dark Magic...But...I don't know if..."

"Mind if I'm of help my dear?"

Draggle blinked, looking at the book as it glowed. A small dwarf-like man in a green outfit, a beard covering most of his chest and a large green hat on his head, a staff in his hand, manifested as a translucent spirit.


"Squire's sword isn't the only ancient relic on the battlefield right now, young one," the old wizard replied with a chuckle. "That book is mine, I figured anyone who found it would need a magic tutor, and I'm good friends with the Alicorns you know."

"You...you'd help ME? But...I'm..."

"A person who has done great evil, but has the capacity for great good," the old mage replied, giving a smile. "And what kind of helper would I be if I didn't help you redeem yourself?"


"Think nothing of it," said the Moochick. He then blinked, looking at his staff. "Why did I bring this again? I don't need it...oh! Right!" he said, throwing it towards the battlefield, it becoming solid. As the mage had said, he was on very good terms with the Alicorns. "Now what was the first step again?"

Angel hopped out of nowhere and kicked the spirit somehow, then blinked, having no idea why he did that.

"Oh! Right! Taping into the universal source of good magic! It's very simple, dear..."

"Yes Twiley? wait-what-"

"Big SISTER Best Friend Forever: Forgive me for bringing this up now, but did you play as a girl with any of your 0&0 characters?"

Shining Armor blushed. "Well, there was one time when our usual Cleric got sick at the last minute, so I had to fill in for her..."

Twilight smirked. "Cadance?"

"Actually, Cadance was usually the Rogue. Yeah, it kind of surprised me too when she came to her first O&O session with us."

"...So who was the cleric?"

Elsewhere in the battlefield, Moon Dancer suddenly had this odd feeling that somepony was talking about her and her... secret hobbies.
Pinkie was setting up her 'before-a party' when the What If Machine sprang to life. "Uh oh, please don't do something mean..."

The screen activated.

"Like this daddy?"

"No, more ominous."

"But I don't do ominous...."

"Oh, right, you're the Anthropomorphic Embodiment of Hope so I suppose that's a good point..."

Sir Discord, AKA Captain Good Guy, scratched his chin from his Chamber of Goodness, looking at the tiny Alicorn in front of him. The little filly was clearly Diamond Tiara, but had a perpetual goodnatured grin that seemed to almost glow. Her Cutie Mark was an S akin to Superstallion's emblem (she had to continually remind ponies it represented hope).

She was now known properly as Princess Elips Spes Madoka Equestria. Discord was her adopted father after she was forced to flee Ponyville in the wake of an attack by the Princesses there, eventually ascending with his aid.

They were currently practicing dramatic superhero poses. "I guess you can't be the 'fill villains with fear' type sidekick...so we'll have to go with the 'inspires hope in all you see' type."

"Don't I do that just by existing?"

"Yes, but we're superheroes, we have to look the part."

Discord snapped his fingers and Diamond Tiara was in a beautiful silver outfit with a flowing golden cape. Diamond's adorned her outfit in several places. "How's that?"

"I like it! What's my superhero name daddy?"

"Hmm...Hope Diamond?"

"Sounds good to me!"

"Also fits because you're kinda nigh invulnerable, hope is unbreakable and all that."

Alarms suddenly went off. That strangely sounded like the 70s Batmare theme song.

"Trouble is a hoof! To the Good Guy Mobile!"

"Do I get a cool vehicle daddy?!"

"Not until you're old enough to have a drivers license. I'll make sure to get you a side car for the Good Guy Cycle though."

The screen then faded to black.

Pinkie Pie blinked. "Well...that's going to be an interesting trip in a couple seasons..."


Morning Star dodged away from another attack by that annoying pony. He hissed at the feel of blood trickling along his withers and side. This was impossible! He was an alicorn! Greater than the gods themselves! How could he be hurt by some wretched mortals?

'Power,' he thought, reaching out with his senses as he battled the two mortal ponies. 'I need more power to attain my true glory!' For some reason Luna protected his weakened sister Celestia rather than attack him. He considered and rejected attacking either one. Luna was savage enough to destroy him if he hurt her or Celestia; Celestia was weaker in nature, but she would still fight back. Indeed, she looked to be growing stronger as they fought -- OW! Morning Star flew away cursing as glowing golden blood flowed from a new wound along his right foreleg left by that dirty pony with the sword.

'Wait, what?' He checked again. 'I sense, not Cadence, but almost-Cadence?'

He didn't dare wait. He NEEDED that power!

Morning Star vanished into a golden fog and raced away across the battlefield, for a far corner where two oddly bug-like ponies stood.

Just as a snow white she-dragon dropped down between them and him.

# #

"Sweetie Belle! And -- Queen Chrysalis?" Rari-dragon snarled her fury at Chrysalis. The fallen queen bared her own fangs back in defiance as Rarity boomed out, "You witch! You're the reason this happened to my little sister, aren't you? Last time I was forgiving; now I'll do what I should have done then!"

"No, big sis!" Queen Sweetie said. She flew up into the air, not noticing the glowing mist flying right at her 'friend' Chryssy. Rarity looked at her as Sweetie said, "I, this is my second chance to save Chryssy from herself!"

"Sweetie, she escaped from TARTARUS!" Rarity thrust one claw at Chrysalis, who rose into the air herself, her wigs buzzing. "There isn't any good left in her TO save!" She turned and got ready to breathe acid at the fallen queen, only to hold it at Sweetie got in the way.

"Stay out of this, Sweetie Belle," Chrysalis growled. Her horn began to glow as she summoned her magic. "I don't need any help to handle your prissy sister, even if she put on a few thousand pounds..." As Rarity choked on her fury, Chrysalis looked behind Sweetie and saw the mist. "Sweetie, LOOK OUT!"


And Sweetie Belle flew right into the path of the mist so that it enveloped her.

Chrysalis and Rarity both stared in horror as Sweetie screamed like her soul was being burned. They saw her writhe and wriggle in the midst of the cloud, as it covered her, seeming to consume the new Changeling Queen.

"Mother-Majesty!" The changelings with white chitin tried to fly forward and help their queen, but a blast of magic sent them stumbling back.

"Bah, not what I wanted, but better than nothing, I suppose." Morning Star dropped the ground before Rarity and Chrysalis. He looked bigger than before; not at his full power, but stronger and healed save for some bloody scratches along his chest and sides. Morning Star flexed his wings and grinned at changeling and dragon. "You two miserable females can be the first to bow before me. And if you beg properly I may even spare you for my harem of mares..."

A bulge that looked and sounded like Sweetie pressed against the side of his neck, pushing outward as though seeking escape. Morning Star snarled, his horn glowed, and it slowly flattened out.

He leered at Chrysalis and Rarity.

"What say you?"
hough he was panting and more tired than he thought was physically possible from the fight, Coffee Swirl managed to laugh a tiny bit. "Not so perfect after all, are you?"

Morning Star snarled as he parried a blow from Squire and sent the spirit flying away fro the moment. "You mock me still? Can you not see how outclassed you are?" He swung his own blade once more, clashing with Swirl only to shove the pony away after a second. "Somnambula's soul and power, added to mine, and her sins fueling my attacks; you were barely keeping up with me before, what hope have you now?"

"None at all, but that's nothing new." Swirl barely managed to dodge a stab from Morning Star, rolling away while holding onto his (or rather, Squire's) sword. "I'm just a miserable little nobody fighting a god, and we both know your dad doesn't give a damn about me, so I was screwed from the start." Another dodge, this one scraping a few feathers from one of his wings. "But, you're going to lose. It's just how you are; you're a born loser." He outright laughed at this. "Just like me!"

Morning Star let out a shrieking neigh as he reared up, preparing to just crush Swirl beneath his hooves... just as Squire's ghostly form sliced his blade down, cutting off one of the fallen alicorn's wings entirely. The knight's image faded away, his time on the mortal coil up.

'I am sorry, Sir Swirl. I did what I could.'

"At least he's grounded for now." Swirl stood up, hefting the sword once more. "Any luck on your end, Patch?"

'Just give me a few more moments, I'm still hashing out the limitations with Mortis and Starlight.'

"Okay, but hurry! He's pissed."
Shining Armor shook her head, wincing as Hydia continued to pound on the shield. "I don't see how O&O is going to help right now, Twiley. Unless... Wait, do you remember Trixie telling us about how they beat that invincible changeling general?"

Twilight perked up, her mind already calculating. "It's worth a shot."

Shining nodded. "I'm dropping the shield... now!"

They leapt to the sides as Hydia's Smooze struck at suddenly empty air, smashing the ground. Twilight fired the strongest fire spell she muster. The Smooze stiffened, baked into a charred rock-like substance that muffled Hydia's curses. "Yes!" Twilight fired an ice bolt next, but before she could follow up with another fireball, the whole mass of Smooze shattered, falling to pieces around an unharmed Hydia.

"Fools!" crooned the witch, as the pieces of Smooze started thawing and running back together. "What part of 'Nothing can stop the Smooze' was unclear? No Rainbow of Light... no Flutterponies... you're history! Just give in now!"

A fresh gust of wind blew through their manes as Cadence dropped in for an elegant landing. "That's a nice look for you, Shining," she said, nuzzling her transformed husband. Shining seemed a little weirded out, but she didn't pull away either. "Now, did someone say something about flutterponies?" Blue flames engulfed her, then vanished, leaving a smaller pony with butterfly wings and an elegant, fluffy-styled mane and tail. She lifted her head and began to sing.

Hydia howled, clapping her hands over her ears. "You can't do that! That's not fair!" The Smooze thrashed wildly, shrinking into a little blob that hid behind her.

Shining snorted. "Hey, you're the one who told us how to beat you."

Farther away, Applejack gasped. "Do you see that? What going on?"

"Never mind that," shouted Moochick. "Cast the spell, dear. Cast it now."

Draggle swept her hands dramatically, the light around her growing until it actually lifted her off the flower-covered ground, and then the sunbeam arced across and engulfed Hydia.

"So this is the thanks I get?" Hydia snarled, melting away like a puff of foul sooty air in a strong breeze, flying right back to Tartarus.

"I never really wanted to be a witch in the first place!" Draggle shouted, panting hard. "Would it have been so bad... to just make friends? There, I said it! I... oh my..."

Chrysalis glared at Morning Star. "Let her go. She's just a filly. I'm the one you wanted, right? Take me instead."

Rarity was surprised to see the former changeling queen acting like this. "Chrysalis, what are you doing?"

"It's simple. I'm saving the one pony who I actually care about."

Morning Star said, "An intriguing proposition, but do you promise not to fight? No attempting to escape?"

Chrysalis said, "There wouldn't be much point in me trying anyway, since I'm technically dead anyway, but cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Morning Star said, "Very well. Then you will take her place."

Chrysalis said to Rarity, "Listen, I want you to take Sweetie Belle and run. Make sure she's as far away as you can take her." As she said this, her body started to glow as Morning Star turned into mist and released Sweetie Belle.

Rarity was confused. "What are you doing? You Pinkie Pie Swore not to try to escape."

Chrysalis smiled as the mist formed around her. "But I never said anything about trying to take him with me."

Rarity took Sweetie Belle and ran, the little changeling queen screaming and crying for her friend.

Morning Star realized too late what Chrysalis was scheming. Before he could release her, she forced her magic to overload, causing her to explode while trapped inside Morning Star.

Over in the studio, Pinkie Pie said, "Well, it looks like even the part of Chrysalis that was sent to Tartarus still had some good left in her."

The unicorn said, "But was that enough for her to take out Morning Star?"

Morning Star emerged from the smoke and blast crater, damaged, bloodied, his eyes crossed with rage. "ENOUGH!!! I am the most powerful of all Alicorns ever created! I. AM. PERFECTION! I AM THE IDEA OF PERFECTION! WITHOUT ME THERE IS NO IDEA OF PERFECTION!"

"No wonder everypony who tries to be utterly perfect turns out so awful," Coffee Swirl said.

Twilight finished the little blob of Smooze off with a burst of fire while it was weakened by Cadence's song.

Morning Star cringed as Hydia was returned to the pit, robbing him of yet more evil to feed off of.

Moochick looked to his staff, still not being used. He picked it up. He threw it to Twilight. "Twilight, that staff is a holy object, it should be of use against Morning Star."


Hydia appeared in an all too familiar realm of smoking rifts and barren wastes. She landed with a loud, "OW! Rotten cheating ponies! Hmm, I wonder if that fat ugly slob Havoc noticed we sneaked out on him?"

She got her answer as a giant claw reached down and snatched her up.

"Well Well Hydia It Looks Like You Just Couldn't Stay Out Of Trouble, Could You?" Hydia yelled as it swept her up into the sky to find herself before the face of Havoc, the Greatest of All Fears -- in her case, resembling a giant, mindlessly happy pink party pony. "But Don't Worry! I Won't Put You Back In Your Old Prison!"

"Really?' Hydia dared to relax. She shuddered to remember that place with the endlessly cheery and friendly little ponies, to which her every malicious curse and evil spell seemed like a friendly game. "Y-you won't?"

"Of Course Not, I Found Someplace EVEN WORSE!" And with wild, diabolic laughter (delivered in a voice like Pinkie Pie's) Hydia found herself dropped in a place that looked like it was MADE out of candy and sweets. No sharp edges anywhere in sight, not even on the building stones. The sun shone happily from between white fluffy clouds with rainbows arcing between them.

And they SMILED. It looked like Paradise as put together by someone in Marketing who thought young children were happy idiots who needed to be coddled against so much as a cold breeze.

The Lovecats would have shuddered and left.

Nightmare Whisper would have pronounced it "Too sickly-sweet; umm, I hope that's not a problem."

To Hydia, who thought fever-filled swamps, dungeons filled with racks, and the Smooze the most wonderful things of all, it was nightmarish beyond belief.

"No..." Hydia stared around her in horror. She saw creatures, her new tormentors, coming at her out of the mists: small, rotund bear-like creatures with emblems like cutie marks on their bellies. Pinkie Pie would have winced at the sugary smiles they bestowed upon Hydia.


"Hi Grammy Hydia!" The bears headed for her. The witch shrieked and tried to run, but they caught her and hugged her like lampreys attaching to a shark.

"We wuv you more than candy bars!"

"NOOOO!" And with that final eternal scream, mixed in with Havoc's laughter. Hydia learned --

Tartarus could be the happiest place of all.

"HOW did you get a camera DOWN THERE?!" The pegasus interviewer had to ask.

"Oooooh, I have my waaaaaays," Pinkie Pie grinned.

That was when the what-if machine turned on . . . except it had the time in one corner, a battery life in another, and user name 'CloudsMeanRain' in another corner. The picture of a blue furred bear with a heart shaped nose, looking not too happy appeared on the screen. His belly badge was of a raincloud with raindrops and tiny hearts.


"Oh! Hey!" Pinkie Pie looked at the what if machine, apparently now functioning as a live-chat between universes. "Sorry, we didn't mean to bash anypony. You are?"

"I'm Grumpy Bear, go ahead guess how I got my name!"

"OOOH! OOH! CAN I SEE? CAN I SEE? IS IT NEW FRIENDS? ARE THEY HAPPY?" Shouted a voice that sounded suspiciously like Pinkie Pie's, and Grumpy was pushed out of the way of the screen and displayed a pink girl bear with a rainbow belly badge. "HIIIII! I'm Cheer Bear! I love to give people cheer! It's nie to meet you! Can we have a party sometime?"

"YOU'RE MY NEW BEST FRIEND! WELL! I also have Dashie as my best friend too! And Fluttershy! And-"

"Yes yes! Isn't it great to have lots of best friends?"

"You can say that again! The only thing that really gets me down is when I can't get them to smile."

"Same here! Hey! Let's trade interdimensional coordinates!"

"Sure thing!"

Half-Light Noon, who was, of course, while a part of Twilight the Alicorn, was also based on Rainbow Dash, took one look at the screen, and saw Grumpy was reflecting Noon's expression.

"On three!" Noon said.

"THREE!" They said together, and turned off their respective what-if machines.

"What was that for?!" Two pink party nuts said across the universe.

"I don't want to think about how it would be with TWO OF YOU AROUND!" Grumpy and Noon said across universes.

"Guess we're more alike than we thought."


Untamed and wild, the Iblis to Morning Star's Mephiles The Dark, THE REST of Morning Star tried to join with the part of him in Ponyville.

Except Seven Ponies still in his way.

"So we're fighting him on this plane of reality and on the mortal plane of reality at the same time? This gives me a headache."

Starlight said, "Don't worry, we just need to hold him until the Morning Star is beat, then poof, he'll snap back into his prison like a rubber band . . . and we've got a gazillion Alicorns and Draconequi waiting behind us. But given all the sin and selfishness he's inspired with so many ponies, they thought we'd want first crack at him."

"Works for me!" Patch grinned, holding a spiritual double of Squire's sword.

Bright Eyes used a rapier and her butterfly sword, the fighting style of Lance's family for centuries.

It was very ironic according to their friends, that Sweetheart was wielding the bow and arrow, while it was Bon Bon carrying a large shield to protect her friends.

Melody held . . . yeah, a double guitar axe, what did you expect? And it could work like a normal axe too. "I paid 15,000 for thi thing! It better be worth it!"

"You had way too much money as a rock star Melody," Clover said, with skating horse-shoes sharpened to be as sharp as knives.

"Says you miss ballet star."

Starlight created a large scythe to fight with. "Let's do this! Melody! Would you have the honors?"

"With pleasure! Ahem!" Melody sang.

"You see us as small and helpless.
You see us as just foals.
Be Surprise when you find warriors inside who will gallop wild.

Prepare for our greatest moments.
Prepare for our finest hour.
The dream that Patch always dreamed is suddenly about to flower.

We are lightning:
Straying from the thunder,
Miracles of ancient wonder.

This will be the day we've waited for.
This will be the day we close your door.

Once we accept evolution!
We'll be ready for revolution!
Victory is our simple souls."

"TO DUST WITH YOU!" Starlight declared as the seven attacked Morning Star all at once. They didn't need to win, they didn't plan to win, they just needed to keep him busy long enough the heroes to finish things with Morning Star.

Twilight looked at the staff trying to figure out HOW to make it function and WHAT its function was! Why couldn't that weird elf be more precise? "I guess I now know how Megan felt when SHE was trying to get the Rainbow of Light to do something to stop Tirek . . . "
"Just hit the bastard with it!" Coffee Swirl blocked with the physical copy of Squire's sword, then spun on the spot and managed to open a gash on Morning Star's leg.

The fallen alicorn screamed, blasting him back with another of his despair shot, which were getting harder to shake off. "Can't do any worse than I have against him."

Spike gasped, finally waking up. "What? What did I miss?"

Shining Armor leaned over him. "We beat the witches, so now it's just Morning Star over there... but a lot of us are exhausted." She smirked. "This might be a good time for you to get greedy."

Spike hopped to his feet, grinning as he strode towards the spot where Coffee Swirl was locked in battle with the fallen alicorn. "That's my secret, Captain Sparkle. I'm always greedy." The little dragon's snarl became a earth-shaking roar as he grew, looming over the battlefield.

Flutter-dragon and Rari-dragon swept overhead, then landed on Spike's right and left, with Flutters taking a moment to drop a subdued human Reeka on the ground beside the Twilight and the others. "Need a hoof?" said Rarity slyly.

"Paw," Spike corrected her, wiggling his talons.

"Brute force now?" said Morning Star. "Pathetic. Bring a hundred dragons against me if you like... it matters not."

"Oh yeah? Well, try this!" Spike spat a fireball.

Coffee Swirl hastily leapt away, but Morning Star took it head on, then rose out of the blast, trailing flames but unharmed. "Also useless!" He looked disdainfully past the dragons, down at the other three Alicorns lined up to oppose him. "I burn hotter than the Sun!"

The dragons looked at each other, then charged, thundering towards him from three sides... but Morning Star somehow seized Spike's thumb and whirled him about, using the dragon's own momentum to toss him aside. "I am more resolute than the Moon!" Then he rammed into the Flutters, knocking them into Rarity so that both went down in a heap. "My harmony is more perfect than Harmony's own! I will correct the mistakes of my Parents and make this world Paradise!"

Fluttercruel groaned. "He's monologuing AND kicking our flanks."

Spike winced. "We just volunteered to be punching bags until Twilight thinks of something clever, didn't we?"

"Wouldn't surprise me," said Coffee Swirl, wiping some of the blood off his sword.

"But you can take it, can't you?" said Rarity, leaning over and kissing Spike on the cheek. "My big strong Spikey-Wikey."

Spike stared, cheeks glowing red, then sprang to his feet again. "Let's do it! No more getting left home with the fillies for this dragon!"
Moochick sighed, seeing this would take longer than he thought for Twilight to figure it out. He looked over the battlefield and found a certain blue unicorn that'd been part of the battle the entire time but not gotten any focus. He turned to Draggle. "Say this spell here, that should by them some time."

Draggle nodded slowly. "Okay...'Potential hidden is potential waiting to be accessed. Allow the Fool to lend potential repressed.'"

A portal opened an a ethereal Alicorn emerged. He was green in color, his barding making him resemble a jester. He then flew into Trixie.

'Hey potential sister! Let me 'unlock your true potential' for a little bit okay?'

'Trixie has no idea what's going on!...But Trixie would like to see what potential she could have to aspire to...'

Trixie was wrapped in numerous glowing tendrils, transforming her into a cocoon which then exploded outwards. In it's place was a blue Alicorn with a mane and tail flowing and translucent like an invisibility spell with silver barding.

Trixie panted, looking at herself in awe. "I'm...I'm a..."

'Yeah, you CAN become an Alicorn someday. I unlocked your hidden potential. Feels good to know you have this potential huh?"

"Yes! This is amazing! Trixie is-"

'Enough bragging little potential sis, Alicorn on the rampage!'


Trixie, or rather Anasi, joined in the battle with several fireworks spells and illusionary copies directed at her potential elder brother.

Draggle blinked. "That felt like it was easier than it should have been."

"It was, but that's because me and Puerilis are on VERY good terms with each other," the Moochick replied jollily.

"Oh...yeah, that makes sense..." she replied, looking at the wise fool.

A short distance away, Sweetie Belle was crying. Applebloom and Scootaloo huddled beside the white changeling queen with sad faces, but Sweetie buried her face in her hooves. "Chryssy's... gone..."

The timber wolf nuzzled against her. "There's nothing you coulda done."

"I lost her again!" she insisted. "She blew herself up, and that bucking jerk didn't even feel a thing! It was all for nothing!"

Her friends pulled away, shocked by her language. "Don't say that!" said Scootaloo. "She did it to save you, didn't she?"

Sweetie Belle gasped. "She... She did." She stared into space. "Thank you, Chryssy. I guess it's up to me, now." Her eyes narrowed. "Stand back."

Her friend were confused, until she exploded in pale green flames, and a fourth dragon reared up and roared, stamping towards the front. Her dragon form had gleaming white and pink scales and iridescent wings, with jade green eyes, and a light purple underbelly.

Trixie pulled back, assessing the new situation, but Morning Star seemed almost amused. "What's this? Your passions betray you. You don't have enough 'love' to hold that shape."

It was true, Sweetie Belle realized, already swaying on her paws before she'd even gotten to fight the monster. And then, all of her transformed drones rejoined her, perching on her back. She felt a little stronger.

Applejack, Scootaloo, and Applebloom galloped to her side, nuzzling her flank, and Zecora joined them, still hobbling. Spike gave her a proud nod and clapped a paw on her shoulder, followed by Fluttershy, then Rarity. "Maybe we'll talk about your grounding later," big sis said, with a wink.

"Very dramatic!" said the temporary alicorn. "Trixie gives it an eight out of ten."

Sweetie Belle reared up straight and tall, sparks crackling around her horns. "With love like this... love that's shared, not taken... I can do whatever I need to do!" A blinding stream of lightning shot from her horns, carrying Morning Star away and smashing him into a mountain in the distance, then holding him pinned until the mountain itself fell on him.

"Did I... get him?" she panted, flanks heaving.

The mountain began to rumble...

Griffin Dash signed, "Can't this guy stay down already?"

Four nopony ponies, nothing ghosts, one a bat version of Fluttershy, what looked like Rarity with green magic and eyes, Cheerilee and Big Mac, all tackled the fallen Alicorn at once.

"Are you mad?! Do you seek your own destruction!? You can't hope to hinder me!"

Flutterbat just hissed in his face.

"STOP!" Shining Armor shouted as he rushed in and pounded Morning Star in the back of the head with his hammer. He grinned. "Hammertime."

Coffee Swirl didn't speak as he stabbed at Morning Star, he had no illusions that even that would be fatal for the alicorn, but it was something to do some damage to his physical form and slow it down some. "Enough with the damned jokes! Not all of us have narrative armor, Shining!" He was, of course, blasted away and into a very painful tumble for his troubles. At this point, though, he was starting to get used to it.

"I really hate my life most days." He grunted as he stood up once more, spat out some blood (As well as a tooth) and flew back into the fray with Morning Star.

Applejack, falling back to take a breather, noticed Princess Luna staying out of the fight.

"Excuse me, Princess, but why ain't ya helping out?"

Princess Luna said, "Believe me, we would normally be one of the first to do so, but if we were to do that now, it would leave our sister defenseless. And after what that witch did to her, it would be all too easy for some fiend to exploit her weakened condition. We shall contribute if we are able to do so, but right now our sister's safety takes precedence."

Applejack said, "That does change things quite a bit. All right, keep protecting her. I'm gonna get back in there, now that I've gotten my second wind."

Morning Star hissed back at Flutterbat, and with a roar let his jaws expand, his equine teeth becoming wolfish fangs. Flutterbat tried to flee, but with a lunge and snap he sank his fangs into her ghostly form. She gave one despairing squeak and fell into 'shreds' of spirit, consumed forever.

"No! Flutterbat!" Ghost-Rarity gasped and then hurled herself at Morning Star. Her horn glowed green as she called upon the magic she'd once used. "I'M MAKING A CAGE FOR YOU, MONSTER!" Golden bars appeared around Morning Star. With a sneer and a wave of his wings he shattered them.

"Foalish mare!" He lunged at Ghost-Rarity, who created and hurled razor-sharp diamonds at him. He winced where they cut his 'perfect' flesh, but forced is attack through. "You wretched ghosts do nothing but make me stronger!"

"No, Rarity!" A moment before his jaws closed on her, Ghost-Cheerilee hurled herself in the way. She whinnied in pain and terror.

Once. Then she was nothing but strands of ethereal 'matter', shadows of a shadow passing on the wind.

"Idiot ghost," Morning Star said, licking the taste of her love from his lips. "All you did was slow me down." He turned and leered at Rarity, but before he could sink his fangs into her, a mammoth red mountain of a stallion slammed into his side. The Fallen Alicorn whinnied in fury. "Now which fool do I --" His voice broke off as a heavy hoof cracked into his jaw.

"YOU KILLED MA SHMOOPY-POO!" Rarity dove in as well, and the last two ghosts battled Morning Star hoof to hoof.

Twilight saw what was happening and gasped. "Big Brother, er, sister!"

"Umm, Miss Pony?" Draggle tried to get her attention. Twilight waved her off. As she did the four dragons on the battlefield flew up and spewed fire (Fluttershy and Spike), acid (Rarity), and what looked like arctic cold (Sweetie-ling) on Morning Star. It distracted him from the ghosts, and he roared in pain.

"I see it," Shining replied. She hefted the hammer she carried in the grip of her magic. "Morning Star's replenishing himself from those ghost ponies and destroying them at the same time; we've got to stop him now!" She looked at the hammer in dismay. "I think we may need a better weapon, though."

"Yeah, about that..." Draggle began again.

"I know," Twilight said, wincing as she saw Morning Star send another of those 'despair blasts' at the dragons. They dropped, shivering, all save Sweetie who kept attacking even as she shook with grief and pain. Applejack and Silver Spoon and Apple Bloom ran to them. As they did a stray blast of magic from Sweetie was deflected by Morning Star right into Applejack. The palomino vanished with a yelp, only to reappear as a golden-furred wolf.

"Aw, horseapples," she growled. As she did Sweetie roared at full volume:


Twilight said, "If only we had something that could counter -- HEY!" She wheeled and gave Draggle a dirty look. Her rump still throbbed where the witch had given her a good hard slap.

Morning Star hurled both fire and freezing cold at Sweetie all at once. The poor young mare-Changeling Queen fell back, blasted down.

"Sorry, but I had to get your attention somehow!" Draggle pointed at her staff. As she did, Anasi and Luna and even the weakened Celestia attacked their mad brother, magic against magic. Anasi spun illusions to confuse, Luna pulled a several-hundred-pound micrometeorite down from low orbit atop him, and the exhausted Celestia called a ray of the sun's own searing light down on him. When he got back up from that, Crunch the Rock Dog leapt on him with a roar like a mountain sliding into ruin.

"Listen, Miss Twilight," Draggle said. "This staff, it's holy magic, okay? A source of power, like a battery. It connects right to the Father and Mother of the Alicorns..."

"That's all well and fine, Draggle, but..."

"Now listen!" Twi jerked back as Draggle hurried on with, "It's a container of holy power, or whatever you want to call it. Morning Star is full of the power too, but corrupted. He's like..." Draggle frowned as she searched for the words. Meanwhile Morning Star cursed and sent Crunch flying with a pained yelp.

"It's like matter and antimatter," Twilight said, suddenly realizing. "Thank you, Draggle!" She turned to Shining. "I think we have a chance!"

"Okay, how?"

"Just this," Twilight said as she suddenly charged right at the monster who had just laid out four dragons, three alicorns, and a giant Rock Dog.

"Little sis!"

"Cover me!" And with that, holding the staff in the grip of her magic...

Twilight charged right at Morning Star.

"You do realized that since Morning Star absorbed the witch's essence, that is why Rarity has remained a dragon. While Sweetie Belle and her friends, are still effected by poison joke and STILL just poison joke even if the wild magic continues to increase the force of the changes on them."

"Thanks for the expo', but Ah don't need it right now!" AJ said.

"Just explaining why, so reality doesn't reach critical mass more than it already has. Rainbow Dash's transformation spell, needs to be purposely undone, a pony will only become her natural state again after a pony TF spell is cast upon her. This details needed to be shared. For instance, Reeka is not dead, nor has she cast a counter-spell, that is why Fluttershy is still a dragon."

"Ya got somethin' use to say right now barky?"

"Your sense of purpose and thread of fate about to be commandeered for the sake of the universe, don't worry, you'll snap back to normal as soon as Morning Star, and the remaining witches are sent to their proper places in the hereafter. That includes Draggle, she's already dead remember? And the cat-witch who led to your sister becoming a timber wolf is still alive, and trying to turn Zecora's pot into witch weed."

"Ah ain't got a choice do I?"

"In a situation like this, sadly you can't be afford to. Welcome to why the status of Chosen One is only sought by the foolish."

"Ah want yer word that Ah'll be back to a pony, and rest of this craziness will be fixed up after Morning Star is kaput."

"Those effect by poison joke still need just a bath. The goblins . . . well, technically they're now changelings, that is a gray area. But yes, you'll be able to clean up the mess after Morning Star is done. Now there are seven ponies fighting in the spirit world to keep him from rejoining with the rest of himself on this plane of reality. Don't worry, it won't be unpleasant. In name of my mother, the goddess of consequences, better known as fate, Rota Fortuna."

"AJ . . .who are you talking to? The invisible mare?" Griffin asked next to the totally cool griffin Scootaloo.

Applejack startled, the orange colored wolf doubled in size, became semi-transparent, and gave a feral growl. Her eyes glowing white. She didn't matter. Nothing mattered save the stability of the cosmos, and Morning Star, was the big source of ALL this destabilization. IN the name of the greatness of Mother Rota Fortuna, Applejack would obey. The orange wolf gave a howl, and charged, it wouldn't have harmed the ghostly Big Mac, he already didn't exist.

Morning Star saw the beast and fired several spells at it, but then it was like he had fired nothing at the Orange Wolf the entire time as the blasts were erased from existence as they hit. This Orange Wolf, until her brother, the Blank Wolf, was not forbidden to harm deities, and she was, in fact, created explicitly to deal with gods who had become a threat to creation and needed to be sent back. She would make Mother Rota Fortuna proud.

In the back of her mind, she knew she had been created from a Pony named Applejack as raw material, and held all her memories, and the Orange Wolf knew her own existence would come to an end and Applejack's would resume as soon as her purpose was fulfilled and Morning Star was back in his prison. But the Orange Wolf didn't care, it was the will of Mother Rota Fortuna, her brother the Blank Wolf was the left wing of fate . . . she was the right wing of her mother.

The Orange Wolf told Twilight Sparkle, ".thE stafF won'T bE ablE tO harM hiM directlY . . . strikE hiM wherE he'S bleediN' geT underneatH hiS skiN, anD usE A sparK oF magiC oN thE stafF, anD it'lL canceL ouT everY droP oF corrupT magiC iN 'eM, anD he'lL havE LESS magiC thaN a rocK. TheN finisH eM ofF likE yA woulD A maD doG"

" . . . thank for the instructions Applejack."

".ah'M noT aJ, aH aM thE orangE wolF, jusT hurrY"

Twilight was befuddled but nodded. "Coffee Swirl! Cut me an opening! Then let me handle the rest!"

Ghost Rarity looked to her grieving friend. "...Without our family, we've not got much reason to exist..."


"...But we still do...for now darling...remember how we did the one thing no creature had ever dared to do in Entropy's Realm?" asked Rarity.

"Eeyup...we brought Hope there..."

"...That means our Hope is an 'imperfection' so to speak, doesn't it? Disrupting the 'purity' of Entropy's Realm?"

"That'd make sense."

"And a Shadow feeling Hope couldn't be more imperfect, correct?"


"...You know what we can do to help them truly?"


"Then let's do just that..."

The two ghosts focused on the Hope they'd brought to the hopeless abyss of Entropy's realm. The hope they'd kept alive in that dismal endless frozen area.

The two ghosts erupted into a golden light that seemed to take the place of the shadows.

The rushed Morning Star. "You want to eat us?! Here we are!"

Morning Star looked up just in time for the two spirits to connect with him, dispersing into his body in a shower of golden energy.

"What heroic nons-"

Morning Star gasped, suddenly looking like he was gravely ill, like his body weighed a ton more than he could lift. "You...what did you do to me?!" he asked, stunned for the moment by an 'impurity' being introduced to his body. Instead of perfect nothingness the ghosts should have represented, the energy was 'tainted' by a flood of something the OPPOSITE it was supposed to contain. A light that had been born were light should have been IMPOSSIBLE. An imperfection on the Perfect Nothingness. "You've tainted my perfection! You've polluted my Evil!" he yelled in disbelief, trying to 'vomit up' the 'infection' he'd absorbed, but being left open for the time it'd take to do so.

"He's vulnerable!" yelled Twilight to Coffee. "Do it now!"
The Orange Wolf landed lightly, then slipped into shadow, stalking the traitor, watching his fate unfold. Coffee Swirl shouted savagely and slashed the distracted Morning Star's flank with the sword. He was bucked aside, but Twilight teleported in next, using her magic to fire the staff like a crossbow bolt, burying it in the wound.

Morning Star fell, suddenly just an ordinary pony facing a whole flight of angry dragons and more. "No! This isn't how it was supposed to be! You cannot! I defy this fate..."

The Orange Wolf ignored the meaningless prattle and paced faster, moving in to deal the final blow, to End the traitor's avatar...

The world shifted, growing strange and indistinct. The Orange Wolf and the Blank Wolf Pup stood alone atop a snowy mountain, in cold still air beneath a crisp starry sky. "whY dO yoU draW ouT thiS momenT... brother?"

The Blank Wolf padded closer, paws crunching the snow, and nosed her flank lightly. "If I do not, I shall never have had a chance to know my sister."

The Orange Wolf snorted. "What does a Wolf need with memories like that? Ah was created for this moment. Ah will perform the duty that mother Fate gave me, strike down my prey, and then Ah'll be no more."

The Blank Wolf held out a paw towards her, unaccustomed emotion in his golden eyes. "We are the tools of Fate, yes, but we are more than that. We are living creatures, sister, and living creatures can learn... and change!"

"Why are you tellin' me this now? What would you have me do different?" She growled faintly. "Mah fate is important... Ah won't run away from it."

"No! No, I don't expect you to..." The Blank Wolf turned away, seeming a bit lost. "Forgive me. I'm being selfish. You... Applejack, the you that you will once again be... might not remember any of this, but I surely will."

The Orange Wolf paced, snarling now. "You *have* changed since you were reborn, brother. You've strayed far from mother's design. Do ya think ya know better than her, now? That you should decide the fates of mortals yourself? Are you another Morning Star that needs ta be put down?!"

"No!" howled the Blank Wolf, tail lashing. "Ever since I changed, I've been expecting mother to call me to heel. I stand ready to accept her judgment at any time, to stand aside for another more worthy to be the Blank Wolf... but thus far, she has let me choose!" He leaned close again, nose to nose, though her teeth were still bared. "I was so very stubborn, sister. I had to die before I could change. It saddens me to see you like I was... but it's for just this moment, so I suppose that this is how it must be."

The Orange Wolf stood there, quiet and thoughtful, before she finally spoke. "Ah... wish you well in finding your own fate, brother. Me, Ah've got a job to do."

And then the Orange Wolf was back on the battlefield with not a moment gone by, howling at Morning Star and leaping, claws flashing...

Tired to the point of near death, Swirl dropped the bloodied sword and fell flat next to it, his body finally reaching it's limit after the battle.

But, a breathless chuckle escaped his mouth as he watched Morning Star's fate unfold. "That's for those ghosts, you bastard! Go back to Hell, and stay put this time!"

Rari-dragon said, "That witch's illusions-to-reality magic may have turned me into a dragon, but right now, I'm still inside regressed to a filly, and have the poison joke curse having turned me into Greedity, which means, MINE!" She stepped on him. And crushed half the bones in Morning Star's body. She felt Morning Star squirm. "There Applejack, you can rip his throat out and end his suffering now."

".it'S orangE wolF" And the Right Wing of Rota Fortuna's will did exactly that.
A severed wing, long forgotten on the battlefield, began to stir. Quickly taking on the form of a long white glowing serpent, it slithered away.

The orange wolf claws found their mark and slashed at the helpless Morning Star, giving him two large burning gashes across his crest. He yelled in agony, kicked the wolf away and was shocked to find his already bloodly leg was melting from the blow. "Impossible... how can this be...I am only one who can bring order to this world and thousands more. I am a god! You shouldn't be able to harm me!"

"I waS borN froM motheR rotA fortuna'S righT winG foR onE purposE."

"Shut up!"

"tO hunT thE onE whO threatenS thE stabilitY oF thE cosmoS anD brinG hiM bacK tO hiS fierY prisoN. thaT individuaL iS yoU!"

"I said shut up! Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" Don't you talk down to me! I am perfection! I cannot be beaten by a lesser being such as you!" snarled the mad god.

Morning Star attempted to blast, teleport or shield himself from the wolf but found all his magic gone. The wolf wasted no time and pounced on him shedding him further and melting off his remaining wing. The fallen alicorn pounded against the predator and somehow managed to tear off the canine from him. His body now deformed, was melting rapidly, and hardly recognizable from his former glory. He limped away, desperate to escape until he found himself stopped by his fellow alicorns.

"Little sisters," he said, stumbling forward. "Please aid me... I see now how wrong I was, I want to beg Mother and Father's forgiveness, and that of the other alicorns as well... Please, little sisters, don't turn me away, don't send me back to that monster's chariot..." His voice faded in and out.

Celestia grasped at the familiarly of the words. "It is too late for that. Thou brought this upon thyself brother,", said Luna with her horn glowing. "Make sure to say hello to Havoc for us" A white wing stopped her and she looked to see her sister walking up to their brother, much to her dismay. "Sister don't, he is merely trying to deceive us!" The sun goddess continued on until she was standing right in front of her fallen sibling.

"Sister... thank you...I knew you would-" A blast of solar energy flew past his head and completely obliterated a nearby bush. He growled as out of the flames a giant white python was revealed before burning away into nothingness. With a tear in her eye Celestia grabbed Morning Star with her magic and moved him within range of the Orange Wolf.

"Goodbye brother." With one mighty slash, the wolf split him down the middle, followed by several hundred swipes of her claws to shred the remains of the avatar until nothing was left. The alicorn's spirit was sent screaming and cursing back to his prison all the way in Havoc's domain.

With her purpose done, the orange wolf let out a victorious howl.

"Thank you. You have done well. Now as promise I return you to your former self."

The wolf bowed and was transformed back into being a simple farm pony.
The farm pony was oddly still, in that moment after her transformation. A tear ran down her cheek. The Blank Wolf Pup flashed to her side. "Applejack?"

She gave him a sad smile. "You finally said it. Was that so hard?"

"Are you alright!?"

Applejack took a deep breath and looked around, mindful of the others approaching. "Tell you about it later, okay, sugarcube?"

Huge ripples of magic were spreading through the sky overhead. "It looks like the rest of the witches' spells are coming undone," said Twilight, fascinated by the display.

Flutter-dragon began to glow, then shrank rapidly, becoming the familiar pink and yellow pegasus. "Finally! It's so good to be back to normal." "I'd totally do it again!" "No we wouldn't! No, we wouldn't!"

"My queen!" the changelings urged Sweetie Belle. "You must change back, before you put yourself in a love-coma!"

"Oh, right! Thank you!" She nosed one, then began to transform as well.

Rarity shank next... unexpectedly becoming a Discorded little filly. "How bothersome! I'd forgotten about that." Then she twitched and poofed into the adult version of Rarigreed. "Well, that's more like it!"

"How do I look?" rumbled Spike. The one dragon who'd actually been a dragon to start with had transformed on his own... not back into a baby dragon, but into a mature form that kept the wings and horns and stood about half again as large as the ponies.

Rarigreed glomped him so fast, she nearly bowled him over. "Mine! Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!"

"Oof! Okay, I'll take that as a vote in favor," said Spike, grinning and not trying to fend Rarity off very hard at all.

Shining hoof-shrugged. "I guess it's better than her demanding to know much loot and XP a god was worth."

Twilight giggled. "You can keep her busy while we get the poison joke bath ready."

Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo, still a changeling queen, timber wolf, and griffon, all awwwed together. "Do we have to?"

Anarchy appeared behind them with a bang and a flash, startling a lot of ponies, until they realized it wasn't Discord.. and that didn't reassure them very much. "Yeah, man, why should they have to, if it's what they want?"

Zecora approached, still keeping her weight off her wounded leg. "Nothing doing, it's a bath for you. And for me, some healing brew."

Applebloom pointed. "But, but... Spike's a BABY dragon, and nobody's tellin' him to stop having fun."

"If you call that fun," said Scootaloo, making a face.

"They have a point," said Anarchy, winking.

Applejack gritted her teeth and straightened her hat. "You... git! There's always room for one more at the statue garden."

The Spirit of Freedom blinked. "Well, duh, there's lots of room now that Dis-"

Pandora appeared in another flash and muzzled him with a paw. "Ooh, gotta go! Bye, Shining, it was fun!" She quickly teleported them both away.
While everypony else was having an impromptu get together following the battle, Coffee Swirl, sword held in his mouth, trudged back to his coffe shop.

Other than the tiny piece of Morning Star, which was likely long gone by now, the threats had pretty much been neutralized. There were a few loose ends, but nothing super dangerous. It was time to let the others know.

He broke the line ot the protection circle around his shop, releasing the spell and opening it to the world again.

"Okay, things have calmed down, you can leave now. I'll join the salvage crew in a bit, just as soon as I can feel my wings again." He set the sword on the counter and watched as the patrons filed out to start rebuilding the town.

As Lily passed, however, he smirked at her. "Told you you'd do fine."

She paused, then gave him a small smile. "Yeah, you did." And she finally left, humming a half remembered song to herself.
Squirk hissed in pain as Draggle dehydrated him with a powerful light spell and sent him back the Tartarus. She painted, feeling exhausted from all the mana she'd expended during the fighting.

She walked back over to the heroes. "I took care of Squirk. Anyone else I can help put back?"

Twilight looked to the Witch, noting how different she looked now. The fact she was actually happy for one. "Can you help find Katrina? I know she's around here somewhere. She keeps getting aw-"


Twilight blinked, turning to see the Diamond Dogs, still reformed from Rarity's early reharmonization, helping Crunch chase the tiny cat woman. "Oh yeah...I forgot certain groups of Diamond Dogs worship him."

Meanwhile . . .


Rarity blinked her eyes awake, looking around the battlefield. She gasp at who'd woke her up. "Flutterbat!" she called, hugging the bat pony. "But I thought you were...we were..."

"So did we."

The unicorn gasped, hugging Cheerilee and Big Mac. "How are we..."


The four blinked, turning to see a white Alicorn with a nebula for a Cutie Mark standing before them, flowers sprouting at her hooves. Life seeming to flow from her. Even a small piece of the Mother of All was a piece of eternity.



Rarity blinked in amazement. "You...you said we..."


Rarity blinked, looking at herself and her 'family'. They were solid...sort of. She was pretty sure they were still spirits (and in the spirit world) but they seemed...more real. She then gasped. "That means...something without a soul...if it feels empathy...that little piece of you...can become a soul?!"

The Mother of All clapped her hooves. "VERY GOOD MY LITTLE PONY!"

Cheerilee blinked. "So...we're still here because we have souls of our own now?"


"But how did we..." Cheerilee asked, thinking.


Flutterbat gave several hisses to the others.

Cheerilee nodded. "...We attacked a God to protect ponies we didn't even know...knowing we could cease to be..."

"And then meh and Rarity sacrificed ourselves tah weaken that devil," Big Mac added.

Rarity nodded. "So...by sacrificing our lives to save another...we earned a soul?"


Fauna Luster teleported over and put her wings over the group. "AND I AM SO PROUD OF YOU, MY LITTLE PONIES. SO VERY PROUD."

"t-thank you..." the dumbfounded former shadows replied.

Rarity looked up at eternity. "...Miss...if you don't mind me asking...what happens now?"


The Alicorn of Death appeared before them. "Yes, mother?"


Mortis smiled. "Gladly, mother."

Rarity looked to her friends. Big Mac and Cheerilee held hooves and kissed. Flutterbat was imagining what heaven would be like. Probably involving tons of apples.

The group of friends stepped out of limbo and into Heaven.

And in the living world.

Princess Anasi, Trixie's Alicorn self, laughed as she trapped what little remained of Albus in a tiny jar. Also in two tiny jars was the two royal usurpers, the woman Suzzete and her daughter Margette. And the giant spider monster Ahgg. "This is fun!"


Pinkie Pie sighed, "There goes the batteries again, I wonder if Tartarus is willing to pay, those batteries don't come cheap."

Author's Note:

Pinkie Pie, "FOUR SETS OF BATTERIES! This sure is taking a long time. You think it would be easier to round up the devil and an army of the damned who had escaped the pits of hell."

4th Wall Breaking Variety Show Gallery. http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/gallery/42867862/Pinkie-Pie-Forth-Wall-Breaking-Variety-Show

1. What you put in the comments appears in the story.
2. Nopony besides me can see beyond the fourth wall or interact with it and I can't spill the beans about us being out-and-out fiction to the others.
3. The camera can’t leave the studio.
4. The characters can be from any generation, toy or comic but they have to be from “My little Pony”
5. Everything that happens here is non-canon (except the Tartarus break out thingie, but not the big battle).
6. Have Fun
7. Keep the number of characters in the studio in the single digit range. Seriously. Don't let it overload. TERRIBLE THINGS will happen if you do.

Banner by Kendell2.

MLP FIM Copyright Hasbro

Alex Warlorn and Yoshiegg64
Alex Warlorn (by me)
Kendell2 and Ardashir
JMCdavid, Kendell2, Ardasir, and (me) Alex Warlorn all at once.
dragon-of-twilght and Mtangalion
Ardashir Mtangalion and some of me
Jarkes dragon-of-twilght jmcdavid Ardashir and Alex Warlorn, all at once, in that order.
Mtangalion and dragon-of-twilght
Alex Warlorn (me!)
Kendell2 with a tiny bit by Alex Warlorn at the end
Yoshiegg64 Somerandomminon Alex warlorn and Ardashir

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