• Published 26th Jun 2013
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Pinkie Pie's Fourth-Wall Breaking Variety Show - Alex Warlorn

Pinkie Pie with one camera and a TV studio all to herself invites her friends over for antics that can't effect the outside world and sneak some peeks at alternate timelines. What fun will the ponies have when anything is possible?

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Pinkie Pie's 4th Wall Breaking Variety Show epi 10 Part 4

"Okay, I have no idea what's happening!" Twilight muttered. "I'm not THAT knowledgable at species altering magic!"

"Well, we could always ask Professor Kabuto," said Pinkie, giving everycreature sun glasses and turning on a TV linked to the sun. "Hey, Professor, can yo-"

"Sorry, can't help, I'm too busy BEING ON FIRE!"

"...Okay then..."

Pinkie tapped her chin. "Okay, so we need somecreature just as smart as him, but good...Ah! Mirror Universe! Duh!"

Pinkie opened her hole in the fourth wall and brought the good Chrysalis and good Kabuto from the other universe. "So, think you can do something, Doctor?"

Kabuto rubbed his chin. "I can try...So she's not supposed to be a unicorn?"

"No. And try not to tell her that...yet..."

"Okay, I can see what I can do."

"Kabuto, please be careful," Chrysalis advised.

"I will try."

Chrysalis then looked to Twilight. "So, did I miss anything since I was last here, Fluttershy?"

"Uh..." Twilight muttered. "I'm Twilight...long story... but you can hear it, uh, if you really really want to." Twilight hide her face a bit behind her mane. Twilight realized what she had just done, and screamed.

The Blank Wolf growl in disgust at the outsiders meddling in another universe's affairs. Applejack in spite of herself, being in her wolf form, felt hostility towards the outer-reality visitors.

"They're wasting their time, this is not a trans-tribe spell. Anymore than when . . . an earth pony merged a pegasus shadow to become a pegasus herself."
Coffee Swirl, still himself and sipping some more coffee, glanced at Maud as the studio continued its slow descent into madness. "This is where it pays to be unimportant. Important ponies are the ones that things like this happen to; all ponies like me have to worry about is dying in the crossfire."
The what if machine meanwhile buzzed to life.

High Heel, the red costumed evil mistress of high crime and high fashion, cackled. High atop Maretropolis' highest office building, the inside converted into a factory and her command center.

"This is it! I've won! Maretropolis is MINE! The city is MINE! I think I'll send that letter to Canterlot about declaring it my own personal city state now."

Acoss the city, robots wearing bug masks and riding on motor cycles terrorized the populace, mindlessly shouted catch phrases.


"Guess again High Heel!" Shouted out a voice using a giant violet light construct megaphone.

"THE POWER PONIES?! How is that possible!? My mind-control bug-helmets had you as my brainwashed-slaves!" High Heel shouted down using her own megaphone at the top of the office building.

"But you didn't brainwash me!" Humdrum declared jumping in front of his team/foster family.

High Heel face-hooved. Her brain threatening to break down. "Why is it that the only time you're useful is when we villains actually ignore you because you're always useless?!"

"Lucky I guess."


"IT'S SHOUT TIME!" The robots all said together.

"Power Ponies Go!" Mask Matter Horn shouted. "Their programming is completely formula! Use the unorthodox!"

"Since when are ANY of us orthodox smarty pants?" Mistress Mare-Velous snipped, using her magic lasso to grab the first bunch of bug masked riding robots right off their motor cycles and smashing them into the stress.

Fillisecond zoomed around the robots, punching them with her super speed, pummeling them into scrap metal.

"TAKE THIS! AND THIS! AND THIS!" One of the robots pointed a huge canon at her. "I'll take this!" She pulled the giant canon off of its harm. "Naw, you can take it back." She placed the canon back on the robot's arm backward, which it still fired, and blew itself up.

One of the robot loomed over Humdrum.

It said darkly, "I'm gonna pull out yer spine with an ominous shadow on the wall discretion shot!" Said the robot reaching for Humdrum, who ducked, causing the robot to trip, and impale itself on a piece of debris, shutting down.

Hundrum looked up in awe. "I GOT ONE!"

Radiance created a construct of a giant fly swatter, flattening the robot army.

"Soulless golems!" Zapp declare, "Ye have threatened the fair ponies of Maretropolis, be smote by our divine retribution!" Lightning rained down from the heavens, short-circuiting the robots.

I still have an army!" High Heel snarled from her perch.

"We still have a Saddle Rager!" Humdrum quipped back.

"Y-You robots drove over that poor defenseless bunny! ME SQUASH YOU LIKE BUG!"

"Yee-haaa! Ride'em Saddle Rager!" Humdrum cheered, riding on top of the beast, directing the berserker pony's fury.

"It doesn't matter how many you destroy! I can produce as many as I want!" High Heel swore.


"uh-oh." High Heel hit a button on her control panel, making a side of the office building slide open, releasing a flood of bug-masked-riding robots, threatening to drown in the power ponies in their sheer numbers.

"We'll play card games on motor cycles!" They shouted.

"Maiden Radiance, I can do not this alone, and neither than you. Shall we work along side each other for the better good of our friends?" Asked Zapp.

"Sounds fashionable to me!" The two combined Radiance's constructs to scoop up the flood of bug-masked motor cycle riding robots, and Zapp's tornados to send them flying off to the city dump.

"BUY OUR MODEL KITS!" The robots shouted as they were tossed into the junkyard.

The heroes burst onto High Heel's command deck.

"GET THEM!" She shouted at her robot body guards.

"Bug-masked-robots-riding-kick!" The Power Ponies, quickly ducked, the robot going over their heads and flying out the windows.

"I never did like that show," Mistress Mare-Velous grumbled.

"I'm not beaten yet!" High Heel declared. She pushed another button on her console.

Out of the floor rose a gold and white bug-masked-motor-cycle riding robot.

"AAHH! MY EYES IT'S SUCH A FASHION DISASTER!" Radiance covered her eyes and huddled into a fetal position on the floor, whimpering.

"Excellent! My fashion sense could always disable you Radiance! Now defeat the others God-Mode-Dragon-Way-Of-The-Hoof-Rider!"

"KEN-SHEN!" It shouted drawing a glowing gold sword.

"You know gold isn't actually a good metal for a sword," Mask Matter Horn said.

"My justice shall cut through you!"

"Can we just say these police robots were a bad idea now like I said from the start?" Mistress Mare-Velous said but no pony responded to her.

"God-Mode-Dragon-Way-Of-The-Hoof-Rider POWER-UP! FIRE! WIND! WATER! JOKER! HEY! What happened to my power cards?!"

"You mean these?" Fillisecond held up some cartridges make to fit right into the God-Mode-Dragon-Way-Of-The-Hoof-Rider-Robot's belt.

"HEY! Give those back!"


God-Mode-Dragon-Way-Of-The-Hoof-Rider slashed with his sword anyway, slices of light coming from the gold blade, giving masked Matter Horn a close mane cut, and knocking Saddle Rager out, and his punch sent Mistress Mare-Velous through a wall.

"Garish abomination! Be gone!" Zapp zapped.

"Ha! My blade deflects and redirects your lightning!"

"Mistress Mare-Velous! Wake up! Throw your Hooferrangs at the robot!"

"What good is that-"


Mare-Velous did exactly that, the robot caught them with one hoof.

"HA! You can't hope to defeat me!"


Lightning struck twice, this time going straight for Mistress Mare-Velous' hooferrangs . . . electrifying and shutting down the super robot.

High Heel hissed, "It doesn't matter! I'm still producing more bug-masked-motor-cycle-riding-robots than I know what to do with every second! My win is inevitable!"

"Not if I press this button right?" Fillisecond pointed to a big red button marked, 'Robot Army Self-Destruction Button.'





"Just push the button already!" Mistress Mare-Velous exasperated.

"Gee, just tryin' to have a little fun." Fillisecond pushed the button, around the city, the head of the bug-masked-motor-cycle riding robots exploded in spectacular fashion releasing fireworks into the sky.

"Foiled again? Can I ever win, JUST ONCE?! I don't wanna wear that gaudy prison uniform again!" High Heel whined as she fell to her knees. "I just want to rule the city and uplift it to my artistic vision! Why is that so much to ask for?!"

"Because you are selfish, shallow, and care nothing for the tastes and preferences of others," Zapp told her.

"I know fashion better than any of those ignorant sods!" High Heel snapped.

Radiance recovered at the beautiful sight.

"For goodness sake, WHY did you have a giant self destruct button for your robot army?!" Radiance demanded to know.

"Well." High Heel blushed. "If they turned on me, like robots tend to do, I wanted a way to deal with them if they chose to conquer Maretropolis before I could."

Radiance thought about it for a moment. "Alright, I suppose that's makes sense, but you needed some more security precaution on it."

"I was worried I'd forget them in a panic and I'd die an ironic death mere inches from deactivating the menace to pony kind I myself had created."


"No need to be rude," Radiance said.

"How DID you build that army of robots, that WAY'S out of your technical league High Heel," Masked Matter Horn demanded to know.

"Well . . . I sort of made a deal with a dark force that said it liked how petty and spiteful I was, and that the design would get a lot of ponies and cosmic beings offended and trigger the end of the universe. Which is a total lie, me being petty and spitful. I only because a super villain because ponies rejected all of my beautiful shoe designs simply because they weren't main stream and didn't fit the mold of what they considered beautiful! So I vowed to crush the fashion industry that had spurned me!"

Radiance scoffed. "Your shoes failed because of what's always been your failure as a fashion designer High Heel, not making allowances for ponies."

High Heel scoffed. "Whatever. Just take me to jail already."

"Much obliged!" Fillisecond said, dropping her off at police headquarters.

Then Fillisecond was handed a broom and dust pan by Masked Matter Horn. "Here, you can clean up the robot army while you're at it."

"But . . . but . . .but the WHOLE CITY?! That will take like, SEVERAL MINUTE TO DO!"

"Then I suggest you get started." The others laughed.

The what-if machine turned off.

There came a knock on the door. Twilight in the Fluttershy costume opened it to find Cheerilee outside writing grade papers. When the door opened, she trotted forward saying, "Fluttershy," She said to Twilight in the Fluttershy costume, "I had this odd feeling before that somepony was bothering Big Mac, but the door was shut so I was waiting for a chance to talk to him since I remember seeing him come in here."

"Indeed you did, but I'm afraid things might be taking a turn for the worst," Said the one who had been knocking, that Twilight for some reason hadn't been able to notice before, was a dark blue unicorn with a white mane in a ponytale, wearing a pendant. She was wearing a cheap black cape. "Hi. I'm Forbidden Fruit, though I have several other alias. I am an evil Draconequus sealed into Pony form. Only the Elements of Harmony can remove my seal. So I can go back to doing evil. I run a store for evil magic items on the side. In exchange, since as a draconequus I'll be MUCH MORE powerful than an standard Alicorn, I'll be able to safely and peacefully separate Big Mac's night of existence into two, and perform the spiritual surgery needed to separate Big Mac and Red Gala into two souls before Big Mac completely ceases to exist.

"Normally these take a long time to happen, like say two years for a normal adult pony, but with this studio tiering on the forth barrier, and due to Big Mac joining with three shadows at once, and the chaos magic that exists in all Poison Joke that was used in that costume, Red Gala is becoming more real by the minute, and Big Mac will only be a memory in the likes of Cadence, Luna, and magic wolves.

"And just to make this deal more to your liking, I'll do the same for every Big Mac/Red Gala across the immediate neighboring timelines. Oh, and you and your fluttering wolf friend before it starts with the two of you. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. So by releasing me, you're not only saving Big Mac and an innocent mare, you're saving several across the timelines. Equestria is already filled with dark lords, evil monsters, and the like, what's one more gong to hurt?"

"What is going on?!" Cheerilee demanded.

Forbidden Fruit told her the brief version.


"Cheerilee listen to yourself!"

"There's lots of good goddesses in Equestria! You can keep her in line!"

Forbidden Fruit continued. "By the way: your wacky professor from the reverse world by the way WON'T be able to figure you a way to help him, he's a expert in biology, chemistry, alchemy, but soul surgery is well beyond him and his queen. I suggest you free me soon before Big Mac is completely absorbed by Red Gala. Already she's more real than he is."

"You say can help Big Mac? Name your price," Cheerilee said.

"Blech. Normally I'd take you up on that offer, but I CAN'T because I need to be at my full divine power TO be able to do it. So sadly, as much as it angers me, I CAN'T accept your trade because I can't honor my end of the bargain," Forbidden Fruit complained.

Still in the threshold, Cheerilee begged Twilight in the enchanted costume, "Fluttershy, please do it."

"Cadence is on her way back with Princess Luna, they'll think of something!" Twilight said.

"They don't know as much about souls, or how to alter and manipulate them as I do. You need me," Forbidden Fruit said matter of fact.
"Well...there are other Draconequi..." Twilight grasped at straws.

"Let me stop you there," the sealed Draconequus replied, doing a 'tisk tisk' motion. "Strife? She doesn't give a darn so long as the end result is life. Anarchy considers Red Gala as worthy of a freedom to live as Big Mac is. And Pandora? She might be a nice gal, but even she can't deny there's a certain beauty to this happening and a LOT of imagination to it. Discord? Good luck getting HIM to help you. Not to mention I'm the one who spends a lot of time playing with souls. I'm the only one with the skill, power, and motivation to do what you need."

Twilight groaned, putting her hooves to her head.

The Draconequus looked to the Wolves. "And if you're hoping I'll just disappear by some cosmic force and take the choice away from you? Don't count on it."

The Blank Wolf snarled. "She's right...she's not from the timeline, but she's still a God, and she's here in person this time, not an Avatar."

"Your choice," Forbidden Fruit said with a shrug. "Let him fade away into nothingness or set me free and have him back."

"...How do we know you won't just stab us in the back anyway?" Twilight asked in a tone that made it clear she was more looking for a reason to not take the deal than consider it.

"Haha!" Forbidden Fruit laughed. "I ALWAYS keep my end of the deal. If you're so doubting, ask your little What If machine 'what if somepony helped me take over the world'. You'd find them given the world on a silver platter."

"Ugh! There has to be another way!"

"Why go looking up and down for the HARDER path?" Forbidden Fruit asked. "It's so much easier to take the easy way out. Just say the words 'I, Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, release you from your bonds'. Isn't one sentence so much simpler than all this trouble?"

The sealed deity turned into a serpent-like shape of purple smoke with orange eyes. She snaked around Twilight's head. "Or does little miss FRIENDSHIP want to let a friend lose a brother?"

She then snaked around to Fluttershy. "And how KIND is it to let someone lose something they love dear?"

She was then with Rainbow Dash. "Or LOYAL to know you can help a friend but stand by to do nothing?"

"And isn't GENEROSITY all about helping others? Why so hesitant to help so many Big Macintosh's?" she asked Rarity. "Not that I get WHY," she muttered to herself.

"Or maybe you want to LAUGH as you see a friend remade into somepony else they were never supposed to be AGAIN," the snake whispered in Pinkie Pie's ear.

Forbidden Fruit curled around Cheerilee's neck and put a claw like tendril of smoke on her head in a there there gesture. "And do you really want to break a poor mare's heart in two?" she asked, orientating herself in such a way that she emphasized Cheerilee's desperate expression. "You don't want that, do you Cheerilee?" she whispered with a tempting tone that only Morning Star could rival.

The temptress reformed into her default form back where she'd started. "So, what's it gonna be? I'm a very busy mare and I haven't got all day. And neither does Big Mac."

Twilight paced back and forth in her Fluttershy suit, increasingly agitated. "I... I can't decide! There's no time!"

The orange and gold wolf snarled, then stepped in, pulling Twilight in between moments. "There, now. Take all the time ya need."

Twilight gasped at the grey fog, then slumped with relief. "Applejack, thank you!"

She blinked. "You recognize me too?"

Twilight smiled. "Well, of course I do. Don't you remember? After I found the symbol from your cutie mark in one of my books, I Pinkie Pie Promised to keep your secret."

AJ scratched at her mane with a forepaw. "It wasn't like that before. Ah wasn't supposed to the wolf in charge of protectin' this world. Blanky was. You've probably never even seen him."

Twilight grew still. "Our history has been distorted for that long, and we had no idea?" She shook herself. "What else can you do? If she turns on us, can you fight her?"

Now the wolf was the one taken aback. "Ah..."

"What's this, now?" cried Forbidden Fruit, suddenly there in the fog with them. "Intolerable, absolutely intolerable."

"What's your hurry?" demanded Twilight. "You'll get your answer."

The dark unicorn laughed politely. "Indeed I shall. But you!" She leveled a hoof at the Wolf. "You are meddling where you have no business, AND taking sides. I demand that you cease at once..." She smiled coldly. "Or I shall request disciplinary action from higher authority."

Twilight nearly laughed. "That's your idea of a threat?"

But Applejack shuddered, then hung her head, ears and tail drooping.

"A... Applejack?" Twilight looked scared now. "Don't tell me..."

"She has the right of it," growled Applejack. "Ah know, Ah can feel it right down to mah bones. Ah'm sorry, Twi. Ah done screwed up. This has nothing to do with hunting Sues or restoring the proper course of fate in the world."

Twilight shook her head, while Forbidden Fruit looked on haughtily. "Applejack, your BROTHER'S fate is at stake!"

"One pony," said AJ harshly. "His choice, and the consequences of his actions. Sorry Ah had to be so thick-headed, Snow Bound. The Opaque Wolf... cannot interfere."

Time resumed... and Applejack trotted out from behind a curtain, once again a pony. Unseen, the Blank Wolf gave her a very dark look... AJ bowed her head for a moment, then walked on past him. Finally, she took a long look at the hat in her hoof, and fixed it onto her head. Let everypony wonder how she got out of the "wolf costume" later, it would work out somehow. "She ain't told us any fibs, Twi. She meant everything she's *said* and *promised*. Ah... Ah want you to save my brother, but Ah'm too close to think about what's best for Equestria. It's gotta be you."

Cheerilee only looked desperate to 'Flutterlight' (where did that name come from?), and at Forbidden Fruit. Only knowing Big Mac's time was going to run out.

And Forbidden Fruit feed from Cheerilee's pure desire to take her offer, any offer that would save him. It wasn't as big a meal as from Sweetcream's lust, but it had more substance to it to Sweetcream's shallow primal needs.

The look in Cheerilee's eyes, she truly would make any bargain, to save the stallion she was terrified to admit she now felt feelings for, least she justify what her little ponies had done, not sure if the feelings had been there before or after. She had Big Mac had been friends before . . .

An eager and willing customer and Forbidden Fruit couldn't give her what she wanted (a very VERY VERY rare occurrence for her). Dangit.

Meanwhile there was one thing for certain, Applejack wanted HER cutie mark back, the one that marked that the future she had chosen for herself, the one truth she embraced above all others, was her family. Not with the ring of Rota Fortuna herself encircling them.

Applejack DID want Twilight to save her brother, so badly. But at the same time, her recent experiences did tell her so was too close to consider what the REAL PRICE of saving her family would be. AJ remember with crystal clarity, what ONE rogue Draconequus had done to the world, more than most, having shared their suffering with them when she looked into truth, what harm would ANOTHER renegade Draconequus do?

But simply LETTING her brother vanish like eggs being mixed into cake batter? AJ felt pain in chest though she suffered no injury.

But the Opaque Wolf, couldn't meddle, her brother had made his choice, and the Opaque Wolf couldn't meddle in the consequences to save him. And Applejack didn't dare. She had to leave this in Twilight's hooves no matter how much she wished it otherwise.

"Darlings, don't I get a say in this? After all, I'm standing right here! And will everypony PLEASE stop calling me 'not real?'" Red Gala stomped her hooves.

And AJ did not believe it, but she saw SYMPATHY on the blank wolf's face.

"You are standing right here," 'Flutterlight' agreed. "The problem is, we're not sure just which 'you' is standing right there; and we have to save Big Mac -- somehow!"

Red Gala snorted. "Go look for him at his orchard. He should be there." She looked confused, her eyes flashing from clear blue back to deep green momentarily. 'Flutterlight' gasped to see it. Red Gala said, "Shouldn't Ah -- I mean, shouldn't he be there?"

"Big Mac?! Ya in there?!" AJ zipped in Red Gala's face. The white and red unicorn trotted back some.

"N-no! Rarity is my sister! So is Sweetie Belle! I'm a jeweler! Not a dirty farmer!" Red Gala said, soundingly genuinely scared. She felt a slight headache. "And I am NOT a cowpony ranger, a racer, or a sailor!!! I'm Red Gala!"

AJ startled back a bit. Remembering the not-names of the shadows the wolf had listed off. Red Gala, was apparently determined to fight for her existence.

Across town at Sweetie Apple Acres, Granny Smith didn't even notice the memories of her grandson fading.

Shining Armor looked at Red Gala. He still remember Big Mac, for now, but now he had memories of the mare being there for his wedding, she operated Rarity's second shop there in Canterlot after all.

And how AJ had described her . . . going backwards through life . . . in other words . . . she was exactly like him. And he never dared tell his little sister. Even in this place, even this 'non-canon' world, he wouldn't, he couldn't, he'd never, he chose of his own free will that simply couldn't, And he vowed to never forgive and never forget ANYONE who dared reveal so to his little sister, he swore it. He knew how certain cosmic forces liked a challenge, but he promised to make them regret that challenge if they tried to make Twilight find out about the cousin who had been erased from time and her uncle dying early, all to let her big brother into the universe. It sickened and shamed Shining Armor to this day.

"Hey, Forbidden Fruitcart or whatever your name is . . . as long as you're here . . . I have a bargain I'd like to make too."

"Oh . . . and what would that be?"

"There's a mare who was erased from time, she was related to somepony very dear to me . . . I want you to restore her to reality. Can you do that?"

" . . . THAT'S EASY! All I need to do is bring her shadow of existence from nothingness, and grab where her light of existence has gotten to, and push them together, and BOOM! She's back! No fuse, no mush, though she'd have to adjust to reality due to . . . well, her original window being gone, but she's still be related to your dear friend, and yes she'd have the same personality she would have had before."

"Alright then." Shining Armor said.

"BBBFFF what are you doing?! . . . If you don't mind me asking that is?" Flutterlight asked, then felt a headache.

"Trying to make things right." Shining Armor said.

The Flutters felt shocked and alarmed at seeing Twilight's growing behavior. However, ALREADY HAVING two separate souls in one body, one a sealed goddess, the other a demi-draconquus, the suit was finding it MUCH MUCH HARDER to try and effect them and their existence like it had Big Mac and was beginning to effect Twilight.

Rainbow Dash didn't get WHAT she was supposed to! Though she did feel the urge to pat Flutterlight on the back for having so much on her shoulder. Pinkie Pie was even more lost, this was't comedy at all.

And Rarity felt new memories of Red Gala fading into her mind, even as her few memories of Big Mac faded OUT, and unlike Uniquely Belle, she didn't feel like blindly idolizing this Big Sister, she had felt a bit agitated being the middle filly growing up, but this in fact had helped her better understand and better befriend Trixie who had suffered a similar problem. Ugh!

"Applejack . . .how did you get the wolf costume off?" The Flutters asked in the wolf costume of Fluttergale, her wolf incarnation.

"I think it just slipped off me, I think maybe it didn't think I was a good fit." Hopefully two cursed costumes was all that had escaped from that damn trunk.

"So lady, there anything I got that you want for that? Can we haggle while my little sister decides whether or not to take up your sick sick SICK trade?"

"Well, now that you mention it . . ."

"DO NOT MAKE THAT BARGAIN SHINING ARMOR!" Princess Luna appeared in a swirling dark blue, almost black tornado that tore through the skylight and landed on the floor, the room wailing with wind as it died down, revealing the night princess.

"We were pulled out of astral projection and seeking audience with Fate to speak on behalf of Applejack . . . impressment for services not originally part of her destiny. But when Cadence spoke of what was transpiring, we were forced to cut our discussion short. Since we knew time was of the essence. We certainly did not expect to find YOU HERE, invasive goddess."

"I am here because I was called. This place exists on the edge of existence and non-existence, what is here and what is beyond. The ponies' heart cried out so desperately for a way out, that I was compelled to come here."

"You ALWAYS lay traps of some sort Temptation!"

"Correction. When it is someone who embraces that they are bargaining with me for completely and purely selfish reasons, with no thought to any but themselves, but I leave no such barbs. And further more, I my bargains are always no more and no less than what is agreed upon. And even further, my seal forces me to hide no details when it is a bargain directly and immediately related to my release."

"We got, she's an evil nag, I got that figure that five seconds after she opened her mouth." Shining Armor said. "If you're the spirit of temptation, you really aren't good at hiding your motives."

"IT'S THIS DAMN SEAL!!! MY LYING SKILLS ARE GOING TO BE DOWN THE PIPES WHEN I FINALLY GET IT BROKEN!" Forbidden Fruit hissed. "Now as I was saying, in exchange for restoring the being your choice to spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, and temporal completeness, I just want to be able to teach when your children black magic when they come of age."


"With one of them practicing black magic, ponies won't so quick to think my bargain are bad just by necessity!"

Shining Armor knew what Cadence would think if he DARED accept tis kind of offer without her, and she'd never forgive him. He'd lose her. But, his cousin, no, Twiley's cousin, he had never known her, TWILEY had known her, and he had stolen Twiley's experiences and memories of that filly in favor of his own existence. How the bloody Tartarus could he say that there was any difference between himself and Red Gala anyway?

"They'd have be magic approved by my wife, our foals are both our responsibility, I can't give you what's also Cadence's."

"True, but I'm sure you EXPLAINED IT before hoof-"

"PRINCE SHINING ARMOR!" Princess Luna boomed. "DO NOT ACCEPT THIS GODDESSES GIFTS! It will lead to ruin! In ancient times, in her own world line, she was known as the Goddess Of Gifts, but those who accepted her gifts rarely found happiness!"

"This isn't for my happiness."

"EXACTLY! And thou know NOT TRULY what thou art bargaining for!" Luna stomped her hooves twice, and her horn glowed. She touched his horn to his.

"Thou shall have quite the headache in the morning. But we felt this was the most effective way for us to converse. Shining Armor . . . when a pony's existence is undone or removed . . . as you know by now . . . their shadow of existence enters Nothingness. Where it is either eaten alive by an infant Draconequus, their various traits adding and combining into the Draconequus' new psyche and self. Or they are obliterated completely for acting outside of their context. Or simply dwell in the peaceful if silent world that is Nothingness. Others still, when time changes or reality changes, become one with ponies whose existences are in flux, enabling them to exist in some form again. . . . Their light of existence however . . . it returns to Fauna Luster but not for long. Once time or fate, reaches the point they SHOULD HAVE been born . . . they once again enter the world, but with a new shadow, creating a new soul. . . . Shining Armor . . . your cousin's light of existence has long since been join with a new shadow and enter life again."


"Does it matter?"

" . . . I want to know."

"The knowledge will bring thou nothing but pain."

"What else is new?"

"Very well."

An image appeared before Shining Armor. He gasped in shock.
"I . . . I . . I had no idea it would be her. It never dream it could be her." It wasn't Cadence. Nor was it a changeling. Nor was it any member of Shining Armor's family. Nor one of the royal guards. And it wasn't Spike.

But Shining Armor knew this little pony. They had helped save Canterlot during the wedding after all, even if he had been under mind control at the time, he had learned of her contribution well. She had been brave for one so young.

"If your bargain came into being, it would mean DESTROYING her soul, ending HER existence, so none had ever known she even existed. And sending her shadow to take the place of Althena's in Nothingness. All to bring back the memories and happiness Twilight Sparkle knew for a cousin she no longer even had."

"Like me, and like Red Gala."

"Ispita is indeed an evil creature. But there is no good or evil for Big Mac or Red Gala. Though I do indeed fancy the stallion, I know a goddess MUST NOT play favorites, I've been down that path, and it only led to suffer for everypony. If nothing is done, Big Mac is doomed to less than Nothingness for an action he could not have possibly predicted the outcome of nor had time to even THINK about. If something is done, Red Gala is doomed to less than Nothing for things beyond her control and she had no say in. Ispita is a great evil, but neither the infant Red Gala, nor Big Mac deserve LESS to exist. For a soul, to exist, is have a right to exist, after all. And you only live once."

"Dammit." Shining Armor resisted crying.

"And . . . let me show you one last thing." She stomped her hooves again.

Suddenly they were in a place with a black sky, with a landscape that was like frozen charcoal, no wind, but so incredibly cold.

"Shining Armor."

" . . . cousin." Shining Armor sighed, now crying a the sight of the empty shadow of the family he had pushed out of existence. A unicorn mare, wearing the armor of the royal guard.

"Shining Armor, I'm told you wish to do something foolish."

"I . . . I didn't know."

"Shining . . . I told you before . . . the reality I came from, the one I existed in . . . was horrible. It was a nightmare beyond words, and I say my cousin, and her fear friends, turned into a monsters BY a monster. I took a vow that take, that no matter that price I'd have to say, I'd save her and her friends from that fate. . . . And a royal guard, I'd protect Equestria regardless of personal cost, so others would not have to. . . . "


"Yes . . . but Shining . . . I'm GRATEFUL for what your presence had brought."

"Your father is dead because of my mistakes."

"He was a royal guard, he accepted the price as well. He hated it even more than you, but he accepted that I saw this as my DUTY . . . and shall REMAIN my duty, till time itself ends. I will remain on guard here. In Nothingness. I consider this my permanent assignment."

"I'd take you with me if I could." They hugged. Shining Armor gasped, and he felt within him, her love for her family he devoted to her duty, her dauntlessness, her courage, her commit stronger than iron . . . her strength of heart . . . in a moment . . . they peacefully became a part of him.

"Shadows . . . can PEACEFULLY assimilate as well, as WOULD HAVE happened with the shadows of the three big brother ponies and Big Mac if not for that damn costume, but that is in the past. You must face the future." Princess Luna stomped her hooves again.

Not a second had past in reality, but suddenly Big Mac was back at the studio. Luna disconnected their horns.

"Who says filler can't have character development." Pinkie Pie said, stamping 'emotionally canon, whatever that means' on a transcript.

Shining Armor glared at the sealed goddess. "DEAL'S OFF!"

Forbidden Fruit growled. "HOW DARE YOU INTERFERE MOON!!!!"

" . . . We merely allowed him to make a fully informed decision. Nothing more, nothing less. Save your whining Ispita. Twilight still holds the destiny of TWO innocents ponies in her hooves."

"BBBFF . . . please," Flutterlight asked, "Who was the friend whose cousin got erased from the world? I'd like to help them." She asked with puppy dog eyes only enhanced by her current costume form.

"I'm sorry Twiley," he nuzzled her, "I took a promise I'd NEVER tell."

"Auntie Luna," Cadence panted coming through the door, having wing cramp, "Please, next time don't teleport off without-- CHRYSALIS!!!" Cadence shouted, firing a beam at full power at point blank range at the benign reverse Queen Chrysalis. The loving queen brought up a barrier just in time . . . behind her now was a giant hole int he wall shaped like a heart.

" . . . there goes my security deposit." Pinkie Pie sighed.

"KABUTO!" Cadence fired the deadly beam again. Then time the loving queen teleported in front of Doc Kabuto and created a barrier before him.

Cadence startled at this . . . since when did Chrysalis shield again with her own body? Since when did she put herself in danger for SOMEONE ELSE'S SAKE? (Sweetie Belle, but still..) Let alone somepony that all her subject told her that Chrysalis had just been waiting for an excuse to execute?

"What's your game Chrysalis?! I don't how you returned! But I'm never letting you or your minion hurt any more innocent changelings or other ponies EVER AGAIN!"

"Princess Cadence . . . I suppose if myself on this world was wicked, it would make sense that here that you'd be selfless and protective."

Cadence's jaw dropped. Finally taking in details.

"I'm Queen Chrysalis from another universe. Of the Virtue of Love."

Cadence sighed. "This studio just gets more and more insane."

"Pinkie Pie of this world brought us here to try and help Miss Red Gala, but it seems we might be out of our league."


"I love you." Cadence said sincerely, a show of truth love the power that broke a changeling's magic. So she knew that he was in his right mind when he repeated his defense of the two alternates.

"In this chaos . . . I'm surprised any of us are managing to stay sane." Cadence said.

Back at the table, Coffee Swirl set his thermos down, staring bitterly at the container.

As much as he claimed otherwise, he was still a good pony, and one that hated seeing something wrong when he couldn't do anything about it. He hated that he couldn't help Big Macintosh, or Red Gala for that matter, but he just had two things to his name: His coffee making, and a haunted sword that wasn't even really his. And neither of those could do anything.

...could they?

At the bar, Maud Pie said to Coffee Swirl, "If you're not going to do something. I think it's best you get out of here. Go entertain Fleetfoot and Gilda at Sugar Cube Corner. I'm SURE Pinkie Pie will pay you in full for your commence, I'll reimburse you if she doesn't."

"What do you care? You don't have a heart. Stop pretending you do already." Coffee Swirl said.

Maud slapped him. And when it's a slap form Maud Pie, IT HURTS! "Shut up. You brat. You bury your head so far up your flanks saying you don't matter, yet when something violates who you are and what you are, you're ready to fight to the death to protect the core of your. If you really didn't matter, you'd accept the winds of fate twisting you into something you weren't before. You matter to yourself at least. And that's something you should remember little pony." Maud Pie picked up Coffee Swirl, AND HIS ENTIRE BAR, and shoved him, and the coffee bar, out the giant hole Cadence had made. "Now get galloping. I'm sure the cakes can set you up. Just explain that Pinkie Pie is busy so it's after to bring out the coffee machine. Now go! Come back if you chose to do something about things."

For once, Coffee Swirl didn't feel like arguing, and turn and flew.

'You matter to yourself at least.' Maud Pie's words echoed unbidden.

Maud Pie meanwhile looked at Princess Luna and whispered, "You . . . were inside me for a moment weren't? I feel like something is missing now. But I don't understand what."

"Understand the world Maud Pie, understand ponies, believe when we say that shall be a much greater use for thou time among mortals."

Flutterlight looked to Cadence and Princess Luna. "Sister-In-Law, Auntie-In-Law. Please. Help me. Somehow. Take this cup away. Tell me what I'm supposed to do!"

"Twilight Sparkle, we are truly sorry, but now that Ispita has made her offer, you must accept it or reject it of your own free will. Myself and Cadence can not intervene. We can not take this choice from you. She does indeed surpass manipulation and effecting of souls with her magic than we do with ours.

"She speaks the truth when she says she can exempt no detail in any trade that has to do with her the seal on her true power being undone. If she has agreed to restore Big Mac, while allow Red Gala to continue to exist as her own pony, and saving you and Fluttershy from a similar fate, along with those versions of you from the surrounding timelines . . . she has no choice but to do so upon her freedom. But know that she IS dangerous, that is why the seal was put on her to begin with. She is not the SAME kind of dangerous as Discord, nor is she quite as powerful, but she is indeed dangerous.

"If Ispita says she can safely make Red Gala and Big Mac into two COMPLETE souls and two independent existences she will do so. But she will be free to bring her evil once again."

Shining Armor meanwhile, was comforting Red Gala, and somewhere in her, Rarity felt disgusted and ashamed of herself for not doing the same. Red Gala was her sister wasn't she? She couldn't stitch to save her life, but her jewels did enhance Rarity's own dresses.

"Are my memories a lie?"

"No." Shining Armor replied, remembering his own doubts and fears when Celestia had revealed the truth to him.

"Am I a person?"


"Am I a mistake?"

" . . . You're your own pony, you'll decide what you are."

Rarity signed and hugged her big sister.

Applejack's heart cracked. Looking at the wheel of fate around her cutie mark. Was she doomed to have that forever? She remembered her beloved big brother still with crystal clarity, but also now remembered Red Gala being there at the Canterlot wedding. She didn't want to think about HOW MUCH MORE of a workaholic mare she'd be without her big brother there to shoulder the burden. Would she even have the TIME to make friends? Would she have cared enough about others outside her family to venture into Everfree for the Elements? Would Granny Smith have worked herself to death without him? Would Applebloom have even had a chance for a foalhood with having to help upkeep their farm all the more? Would the cutie mark crusaders even exist?

Forbidden Fruit tapped her hoof. "Make your choice Twilight Sparkle, or will it be Flutterlight soon? You are running out of time, but Big Mac is running out of time much much faster . . . I suggest you make the decision while there is still a Big Mac to save. Unless you want to murder an innocent mare to save him. Oh, and yes, murder for the greater good, IS STILL MURDER. Don't think that'll be cleansed from your soul so easily. So are you going to make your choice? Or shall we watch Big Mac's existence fade away completely together? And then watch you become Flutterlight? And see how long The Flutters can hold off the effects of their costume? Oh, and as ANOTHER bonus, I'll take that trunk and any cursed costumes inside it off your hooves, I promise they'll never bother any branches of your reality again. IF you unseal me."
Forbidden Fruit gave a smirk, looking around the group. "While you're thinking about that, anyone else have something they want?"

She looked to Cheerilee. "Like perhaps a major run of bad luck to the mare who scared old Big Mac into that suit in the first place?" she whispered in her ear, her voice like honey. "A simple bad luck curse to pay her back for causing this mess? All I ask for in return is one day from your life. I give her the worst day imaginable to pay the witch back, I get any old cruddy day from your life in return. You won't even miss it! Literally. Then if nothing else, the one who did this to Big Mac pays the price. Fair trade?"

Cheerilee scared the ponies by the look on her face by clearly thinking about the sealed goddess' offer.

Luna said, "Do not trust her Miss Cheerilee! She may appear as a pony, but she is something far more dangerous and dubious! She WILL leave a barb in your exchange for her own amusement or advantage."

Cheerilee sighed. "One day of bad luck, wouldn't be an equal exchange for her selfishness making Big Mac accidentally erase herself. I mean himself! Ugh! No." Forbidden Fruit grinned at Flutterlight. 'Tick-tock-tick-tock' she mouthed. "I . . . you say this, 'inner light' . . . Big Mac needs a new one right? What if you used mine?"

Forbidden Fruit took a trot back in alarm.

Everypony gasped.

"Miss Cheerilee! You would not simply die! You would cease to exist!"

" . . . Very noble Miss Cheerilee, making your sister and niece never having their big sister and aunt instead of Big Mac's family losing him."

"YOU HAVE A SISTER?!" Everypony shouted.

"YOU SAID YOU DIDN'T HAVE A SISTER WHEN . . . after . . . after we fought in Everfree when Fluttershy was having . . . issues." Rarity said.

Cheerilee hung her head. "We . . . were unhealthily estranged for a good while."

"However." Forbidden Fruit grinned, "As a business mare, I am within my legal right to refuse service."

"BOOO!!" Everypony shouted. They all now decided did not like this mare.

Cheerilee's jaw dropped at her self sacrifice being torpedoed.

"I can see it." Fluttercruel padded closer and peered at Red Gala more closely. "I can see how they go together. I bet I could slice them apart!"

Red Gala backed away in a hurry. "Excuse me! No pony or wolf is going to..."

"And I could mend them again," said Fluttershy in the same wolfy growl.

"Cruel to be kind."

"But, but... if we did that, we wouldn't be a pony any more. We wouldn't be *together* any more."

"Aw, mom, you know we can always be together, even if we're not in the same body. Hey, don't cry like that! You're getting the suit wet."

Forbidden Fruit scoffed. "You're never going to get what you want without a little sacrifice, but do you really want to sacrifice *that*? And then trust your family to a couple of rank amateurs?" She gave Rarity her most charming smile. "Take the sure way."

Rarity frowned, though, and walked past her, over to the What-If Machine. "What would happen if the Flutters did what they're thinking of?"

The screen lit up, showed them a silent view of Princess Gaia and a young, unfamiliar draconequus swirling around each other in a complex spell, but then it glitched several times and showed only a blue screen with cryptic white letters.

"Huh. Did you break it?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Forbidden Fruit trotted whimsically in a circle. "Maybe they did. Maybe they broke Big Mac and Red Gala. Or worse! Who knows?"

Rainbow Dash got right in her face. "I bet you know, you being such an expert and all. Can they do it or not?"

The sealed goddess started to say something, then remembered Applejack with her Truth, standing nearby. "That doesn't relate to a deal to free me. I don't have to say anything to you."

"Oh I can MAKE YOU talk!"

"OoooOOOooooh!" Forbidden Fruit grinned like a shark. "You don't want to try that little pony! I may have my true power sealed, but I PROMISE YOU, like any business, I still have the legal right to DEFEND MYSELF, and I have many, MANY MEANS of that."

The old black and white video camera at Sweet Apple Acres meanwhile, held by Silver Spoon, recorded Applebloom looking at the family portraits confused, the image of Big Mac fading away rather quickly from all of them.

Red Gala now remembered when she had been jealous of her little sister skyrocketing to the top of the Canterlot pecking order during her birthday week when she was the one who had spent years in Canterlot, but ultimate the two reconciling.

The invasive goddess settled down next to Twilight Sparkle. "You're time is just about out Twilight Sparkle. No ex machina. No last second rescue. No sure fire way to torpedo what I'm offering. And after Big Mac is gone, you, and eventually sooner or later, the Flutters will be next. Now either bucking release me, or let me be on my way. My deal is dissolving along with Big Mac's existence, which . . . is just about at the point of no return . . . so make your buckin' CHOICE already!"

Red Gala's large muscles were fading from her body, becoming those of a slender graceful mare. And certain, other biological traits were already well on their way to finishing their transition.
"Make her swear by her Mother's name!" Maud suddenly spoke up. They all turned to stare at her. "If she swears by her Mother's name, she'll HAVE to keep her word."

"How do you know that?" 'Flutterlight' asked.

"I honestly don't know, but I'm sure of it," Maud said. "But she has to be specific enough so she can't make a loophole."

'Flutterlight' thought about it. "Okay. Forbidden Fruit, do you swear by your Mother's name that once freed, you will separate Red Gala and Big Macintosh without harming them, and without any hidden catches or loopholes? And do you swear that after you do this, you will never use your powers to do harm to another pony, directly or indirectly, or even unintentionally?"

The sealed Draconequus laughed out loud. "Fine, I'll swear to my COMPLETELY MORTAL mother who is long dead and in NO WAY capable of enforcing that swear."

Twilight's eyes widened. "What?!"

"Oh how I bucking wish I wasn't cursed right now, it'd have been so DELIGHTFULLY EASY to twist that one back on you," Forbidden Fruit replied. "My full name is Ispita Lilith SET, not TYPHON. I don't even know if I'm from a universe were the Elders EXIST. And why would I raise the stakes THAT high? YOUR the ones with everything to lose if you don't take my deal."

Twilight's face drooped.

Luna put a hoof on Maud's shoulder. "With all due respect, your knowledge is valuable, but you must be wise in interpreting it."

"Let me make this perfectly clear," the sealed Draconequus stated. "You're wasting your time trying to find a loophole because I LITERALLY INVENTED LOOPHOLES!"

Luna sighed. "Twilight, she's correct. As Spirit of Temptation, Ispita's purpose, though she long strayed from it, is to tempt mortals resolve and will. It's part of her EXISTENCE to be able to ensure those who give into temptation must live with the consequences of doing so. You're trying to beat her at a game that her entire existence came into being to play. She isn't like Discord who's mind games are a LEARNED capability, her deals are literally what she was born to do."

Ispita summoned an hour glass that had almost ran out. "This is how much time you have left before Big Mac is no more to the point even I can't save him."

The sealed deity smirked. "But how about another deal?"

Her horn glowed and a cloak appeared on her and a mirror hovored before her face. "I can still do a little spell to buy you a few minutes by delaying the inevitable, I'll buy you time...but in exchange, each minute I buy you, another Pony gets turned into glass."

"...That's a version of Porcina's cloak," Luna stated, pulling the ponies back slightly.

"Yes, I GAVE HER the instructions in my world in exchange for a lovely glass managery I still have to this day," Forbidden Fruit explained, giving a pose that'd make any stallion's heart race.

"You're crazy!" Rainbow Dash spat.

"No, I'm being honest: the spell to buy time would doesn't come easy, the price is actually CHEAP for what you're getting. So your choice Twilight Sparkle, or should I say Flutterlight, make the deal NOW, turn me down, erasing Big Mac from existance and causing goodness knows how much collateral damage, or buy yourself time by sacrificing others trying to find a third option that DOESN'T EXIST. What will it be?"

The witch materialized a contract and stabbed Twilight with a quill, presenting the bloodied quill to her. "It's time to choose."

The sand in the hour glass was nearly out.

Cheerilee looked to Twilight. "Twilight...if you need another minute, she can turn ME to glass first..."

Author's Note:

Pony POV Series
Pinkie Pie's 4th Wall Breaking Variety Show episode 10
By Alex Warlorn

Pinkie Pie, "Automatic changing batteries AGAIN, whoa. And onto the froth part. This is gonna be a long one."

Parts added by:
Kendell2 (with a bit by Alex Warlorn at the end).
Alex Warlorn
- Parts by Kendell2, then MtangaLion, and then with parts by Ardashir, and Dragon-Of-Twilight, and lots of parts by Alex Warlon
-Kendell2 and MtangaLion with parts by Alex Warlorn between and after
-Jarkes and Kendell2
-Ardashir, Kendell2, MtangaLion, Alex Warlorn, and inspiration from Dragon Of Twilight


Pinkie Pie, "And here they are again, and again, for a forth time, Da Rule!
1. What you put in the comments appears in the story.
2. Nopony besides me can see beyond the fourth wall or interact with it and I can't spill the beans about us being out-and-out fiction to the others.
3. The camera can’t leave the studio.
4. The characters can be from any generation, toy or comic but they have to be from “My little Pony”
5. Everything that happens here is non-canon (except the Tartarus break out thingie, but not the big battle).
6. Have Fun "

Cover by Kendell2
MLP FiM Copyright of Hasbro

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