• Published 26th Jun 2013
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Pinkie Pie's Fourth-Wall Breaking Variety Show - Alex Warlorn

Pinkie Pie with one camera and a TV studio all to herself invites her friends over for antics that can't effect the outside world and sneak some peeks at alternate timelines. What fun will the ponies have when anything is possible?

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Episode 3

Pinkie Pie's Forth Wall Breaking Variety Show (Again)
By Alex Warlorn
Pony POV Series
Fanfiction: My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic

Pinkie Pie appeared on camera inside an empty TV studio, with the words 'Forth Wall Breaking Variety Show' on a banner in the background.

"HI EVERYPONY! While we wait for the writers to work out which chapter to post next, how about some fun?! It's time for the Pinkie Pie 4th Wall Breather Variety Show! (Yet again!). Here are the rules: What you put in the comments appears in the story. Nopony besides me can see beyond the fourth wall. The camera can't leave the studio. The characters could be from any generation, toy or comic but they have to be from 'My little Pony' Everything that happens here is non-canon.

"Now that we've gotten that out of the way! Let's try the What-If Machine Again and see what it gets us!" Pinkie Pie goes over to an old rabbit ear TV and turns the dial. "What If Machine! Tells what would happen if . . . if . . . I dunno, what would have happened if Sparkle in the Dark World Timeline had become Twilight's dominant personality!"

The screen flickered on.


"Do whatever you want, Twilight." I sighed, skewered upon one of the same great concept-killing rods I'd used to do Cadence in. Like a chicken on a roasting spit.

"How many times must I tell you? The name's Sparkle." She lifted me up with telekinesis, and off we went, bringing me inside the doors of the TARDIS.

"So where's the Valeyard?"

"Ah!" said Sparkle. "Almost forgot." And she levitated a yellow pear to her mouth from a countertop. "Now you see him..." She popped the whole fruit in her mouth, chewing with relish, and swallowed. "Now you don't."

(Let's see him regenerate his way out of THAT one!)

"So what does he taste like? A pony? Or a pear?"

"He tastes juicy."

I snort and glance around. "So... the TARDIS, huh? Cool. What destination did you have in mind, Doctor Sparkle? Skaro? Gallifrey? Namek? Alderaan? Cybertron? Discworld? Cheesequake, New Jersey?"

Sparkle let a long pause follow. Then her horn lit up.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? Tour the cosmos... visit all the different space aliens... corrupt their hearts..."

"Would be a nifty change of pace." I admit, with a rueful sigh.

"I'll have you know that a large part of why I'm doing what I'm about to do is FOR the space aliens' sake."

I perk up. Oh boy. This ought to be good. A door behind Sparkle opened itself. Two strange high-tech apparatuses are levitated into the main control console room, planted beside me. On the left: a modified water heater. One the right: a souped-up jukebox. One by one, she brought out all the Elements of Harmony and wired them to the water heater, while wiring all the Elements of Chaos to the jukebox.

"See this contraption on the left? Developed it with the Valeyard's help. Its purpose is to teleport this entire irredeemable planet into the core of the sun."

"All six sextillion tons of it?" I ask, remembering how it felt being on the planet when I blew it up.

"Yes! By harnessing the almighty power of the Elements of Harmony, the TARDIS..." She popped a suction cup onto my head. "...And you."

The suction cup feels rubbery. "You know... I can understand you wanting to kill me, I can understand you killing the other five members of my Chaos Six, but to send everyone in the ENTIRE WORLD to Hell...?"

Sparkle quivered in fury. So much hate in her eyes. "You've purged the world of goodness, friendship, heroism, and sanity. They're already in Hell. Anything I do can only be an improvement. But beyond even THAT, don't think I've forgotten how I, myself, got discorded! It wasn't even YOU who did it! All I needed to do was interact with my discorded friends for a little while... and THAT'S what turned me into Twilight Tragedy! Do you know what this means?!"

"No," I sigh, trying and failing to scratch my butt, (difficult when you're skewered,) "But I'm sure you're going to tell me."

"ANY BEING WHO INTERACTS WITH A DISCORDED INDIVIDUAL RISKS GETTING DISCORDED! We're not merely diseased, we're contagious! And what's more: there is no cure! Discording doesn't fade even after 1000 years! Discorded mothers give birth to discorded children: they are BORN CORRUPTED!!! This whole world is nothing but a giant Pandora's Box waiting for some unwitting space explorer to land on our planet and contract our illness!"

"Aha! So THAT'S where the space aliens come in!" I say brightly. "So by obliterating one planet, you save every other civilized world throughout the universe. Very pragmatic of you."

Sparkle gives me her acid smile. "It's like with a zombie outbreak: as long as even one survives, all are in peril. But before I even do THAT... first I'm going to activate the contraption on my right, here!" She taps her horn upon the appliance on the right.

"Sure. Great. What's it for?"

"Killing the Shadows."

And then, suddenly, this whole situation got a lot less funny.

"Killing the... Shadows?" I ask, with the slightest tremble in my voice.

"Oh, yes. The Shadows-Who-Make. The Shadows-Who-Watch. I've become aware of the Shadows on a level that I never have during my 'Twilight' years. Heh heh... it's no wonder that this world is so dark with so many Shadows!"


"To be more specific, once I switch this baby on, every Shadow's heart will cease to beat. Makers, Watchers, all the Shadows-Who-Are who're involved: flatline. What's more, this cursed will last indefinitely upon the blasted remnants of our world, so that no other Shadow will even dare approach it after the fact!" She leaned in towards me and whispered, "I got the idea from that old Neighponese horror series about the haunted videotape!"

(Sparkle, you... you don't need to do this!)

"Yes I do. This ugly, awful drama I've been embroiled in... I must not only slaughter the cast and torch the stage, the playwrights and the audience must go, too!"

And then with a jolt from her horn, the machine on the right cranked into life.

"THERE! There, do you feel that?! Do you FEEL IT, you rotten little Shadows?! That pain in your hearts?! That wrongness in your ribcages?! That's from me!"

(Stop this, Sparkle! Shut that machine off! The Shadows... they are all in such pain!)

"I know! Writhe in agony, you two-faced wraiths! You bastardize our world completely, and for WHAT?! So you can demand to see it fixed! While you're at it, you ought to take a sledgehammer to someone's spinal column, so you can perform back surgery on him right afterwards! I'm only sorry I can't look you in the eye when you all croak!"

(But our world NEEDS the presence of the Shadows! Without them, our whole universe would simply... stop!)

"Which is what I'm after. There must be no opportunities for a hokey last-minute rescue, no comic book resurrections, no reboots!"

(But you'll die, too!)

"Of course I'll die." Sparkle said stoically. "I'm about to slay Discord. That makes me the most dangerous monster of all. So for the good of the universe, I must perish with all the rest of my planet. I accept that."

(It mustn't end this way! Give yourself a second chance!)

"I DON'T BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES. The very idea is beyond abhorrent! I would not have put slaughtered my way through all five of my former friends like video game bosses if I believed they could be given a second chance. They failed! I failed! The world failed! Celestia failed! And YOU'VE failed spectacularly, didn't you?! YOU haven't solved ANYTHING!"

It was like the whole universe was contracting arthritis. EVERYTHING moved stiffer. And it was getting worse by the second. This was what it meant to wound the Shadows-Who-Make.

"Tolerating failure gets you nowhere! Second chances only wastes time! That's what the past thousand years have taught me! I just want it to END. I don't care about a golden ending! I just want it all to STOP. Bring it to a screeching halt! This is the only way Discord can be decisively vanquished for g---!"

And this was when the jukebox mechanism decided to overheat and short-circuit. There was a tiny explosion from within, and black, shady darkness wafted out into the air.

"WHAT?!" Sparkle screamed. "A malfunction?!"

I chuckle as the arthritic feeling lifted from the atmosphere. "I see what you did there, guys! Well played! I suppose you could call this an umbra ex machina, eh?"

As if in retaliation for that horrible pun, the water heater mechanism spontaneously activated itself, and the world of Equestria was teleported into the heart of the sun.


Pinkie Pie stared dumbly at the screen, "Okay I'm gonna go eat two, ern, three giant bags of candy, buy some plushies and hug them, then play with Pound and Pumpkin and tell them how much I love them, and then send more 'I love you letters' to my parents and sisters.' Erm. The court is open, write and post bronies!"


A letter floated into the window. Unfortunately, as Pinkie was busy writing the letters to her parents at the time, it landed on the desk instead of in her hooves. Thankfully, since time is compressed when nothing important is happening, Pinkie zipped over to the letter only 5 seconds later.

"oooooooh. This one's from a new face. It says, 'What do you think of season 3?' Well, I think...."

(The fic suddenly goes blue, with only this noice shown onscreen)


"And that's why....wait......Did I just get censored?"

A very irritated voice from nowhere booms, "Pinkie! I thought we went over this. No season 3 until the story's over. I even wrote a whole chapter and a half on why I didn't need to bow to the wishes of the heart world."

"Aw, but I wanted to talk about my favorite episode! And besides, with some good writing, you could work around anything."

"I said NO Pinkie! And that's that."

Pinkie frowned. "Fine, Mr. Grumpy Pants." Suddenly, a lightbulb appears above her head, which then sprouts wings and flies off. Pinkie looked at someone other ponies couldn't see. "Isn't that plagiarism from our recursive fanfics? Aw well. Anyhay..."

Just then a second letter landed in pinkie's mane.

"Uh oh."

Pinkie slowly began digging through her mane, pulling out a toaster, a drill, a "jaws of life", a picture of her friends having a picnic where nothing scary or important to the plot happened, and a q-35-b uridium space modulator.

"I know it's in here somewhere."

Finally, she pulled out the letter. "Ah, here it is. Ahem...Dear Pinkie, has that Doozy of a Doozy happened yet?" Pinkie assumed "The Thinker" pose for a few moments.

"Hmmmm, well, I think it has. I mean, none of us would have expected Fluttershy to become a nightmare. That was pretty Doozyish. Or maybe it was when we broke off from the heart world. That could have been the doozy. So.....I guess so."

*Oh, if only you knew Pinkie. But then you'd have to see the script, and this is one script the author will never give up.*

"What?" Pinkie looked around confused for a minute. "Ah well...next question."

"Well, everyone, it's great to be back!" said Pinkie waving to an audience that only she could see.

"I just know we're going to get many great story segments from all our wonderful writers, just like the last two variety shows." Pinkie continued, "And now, even though no one was demanding, but I don't think anyone will complain about it; ladies and gentlemen please welcome back Megan!"

A twenty something year old woman wearing a plaid shirt, a vest, jeans, and cowboy boots appears on stage.

"Oh, hello" she said to Pinkie.

"Hey, you don't seem as confused as you were last time. What's up with that?"

"Well, the last time you brought me here I hadn't met up with any of you ponies in years, so when I was all of a sudden back in Ponyland..."

"Equestria" Pinkie interrupted.

"What?" asked Megan

"We live in Equestria now. The place you knew as Ponyland was turned into a frozen wasteland by the windigoes."

"Frozen wasteland? Hang on! What about all of my friends! Are Twilight and Firefly and others still safe!?"

"Oh, those guys passed away millenniums ago."

"Millenniums? How long have I been gone!?"

"Trust me, a very long time."

"I can't believe it. All the ponies I had befriended are dead? Can you at least tell me where they're buried so I can pay my final respects?"

"Well, I suppose they were buried at Paradise Estate, but that place has been lost for centuries." Pinkie notices the distraught look on Megan's face, "But don't worry, I'm sure Star Catcher probably knows where it is."

"Star Catcher?"

"Yeah. Well, actually her name is Princess Celestia but I call her Star Catcher, because well... it's a long story. Anyway, she and Princess Luna were friends with some of the same ponies as you."

"Do you think they would allow me to visit my friends' graves?"

"I don't see why not. I'll go call Star Catcher after this segment is over."

"Thank you. So, why did you bring me here? Is there some evil villain threatening to destroy Ponyla... I mean Equestria?" Megan asked hoping to change the topic away from the news of all her friends' deaths.

"Nope. Me and my friends usually take care of most of the really evil bad guys around here with the Elements of Harmony. You're here to just hang out, interact with me and the others, and do whatever the Shadows-Who-Make tell you to."

"What was that last one?"


"Hmm. By the way, I was wondering something why did send me back so soon during our last encounter. I would have loved to have stayed a little while longer."

"Oh, that's because when the guy who wrote that section was writing it he felt like there wasn't much more he could do with you. However after he posted it he felt like he had made the wrong decision by having you leave and that others could have used you in their scetions, but he felt like it was too late due to other segment writers adding their sections. So he made the decision to bring you back during the next variety show."

"I did not understand any of that."

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash flew up to Megan and looked her in the eye.

"Um... Can I help you?" Megan asked, somewhat nervous.

"Yeah, you can drop the act, Lyra." said Rainbow Dash.

"Lyra? What are talking about?"

"I'm talking about that stupid mask you're wearing!" said Rainbow Dash as she started tugging on Megan's hair with her hooves.

"OW! Stop that!" Megan yelled in pain.

"Wow, this thing is on really tight."

"Rainbow Dash, what are you doing!?" Yelled Pinkie, "This isn't a Scooby Doo plot!"

"This thing is on really tight. It's almost as if..." suddenly Rainbow Dash had a realization, "It's real."

"Of course it's real." said Megan still in pain, "Why wouldn't it be?"

"Then that means... you really are a human!?"

"Well, I can see you two have a lot to talk about." said Pinkie to the both of them, "I'm going to go contact Star Catcher now." And with that she left.
"So...you're related to the Twilight I knew?" asked Megan, looking to Twilight Sparkle.

"According to Celestia, I'm her descendant...and kind of her reincarnation if you think about it a certain way...long story. Pinkie's Surprise's and Rainbow Dash is Firefly's. Don't tell them that...From what we know, we may ALL be descended from your friends. My Spike is the direct descendant of yours."

Megan gave a small smile. "Well...it's good to know their descendants are still protecting the world...Even if they're gone."

"I just don't know what to say...it looks like when the rainbow bridge was destroyed to contain Discord, time went out of sync between our worlds. Only a few years passed by your time while several thousand passed in ours, and when the Rainbow of Light was destroyed, so was the immortality it gave them...For what its worth, from what Celestia says, their spirits are with her father now, watching over us..."

Megan gave a smile. "Yeah, they earned heaven...Still, part of me can't help feeling like I ran away...instead of helping stop Discord, I just helped lock him out...Part of me wishes I'd stayed on your side and helped stop him..."

Twilight put a hoof on her shoulder. "You did the best thing for your world, your life was there and thanks to you Discord could never reach Earth...They were barely able to beat him once before Galaxia made the mistake of shattering him..."

"If it wouldn't free him, I'd take a sledgehammer to his statue for what he did to Wind Whistler or Galaxy...But your right...thank you."

The two shared a smile.

When Rainbow Dash suddenly burst in with a green pony. "There, you happy now?"

Lyra rushed up, looking Megan over. "A...a human...a real human...You're real..."

Megan blinked. "Yeah, that's the second time I've been asked that."

Lyra promptly fainted, landing on the arriving Rarity's fainting couch.
Lyra just as swiftly rose from the couch, almost dancing for joy. "She's real! She's real! It's not a trick or one of those weird costumes Rarity makes or me eating too many of those spotted mushrooms again! Weee!" She hugged Rainbow Dash. The multi-color maned pegasus grinned weakly as Lyra yelled in her ear, "THANK YOU, DASH! Omigosh, I have to show this to Bon Bon!" She almost teleported out of the room.

"Well, at least Lyra's happy," Twilight said. Turning back to Megan, she added, "So, if you can spend some more time here, I'm sure that Princess Celestia and Luna would be delighted to meet you again..."

"I wish I could," Megan responded with a sad and weary smile, "But I'm afraid that your pink friend yanked me right out of my kindergarten classroom just before the students started to come in. I can drop back in again, later, but right now I have to get back to those kids before they get into mischief."

"Heh," Twilight said. "I once substituted for Cheerilee when she needed some time off. I can remember what it was like dealing with foals." She shuddered at the memories that rose up before nodding at Megan. "Still, it was a joy to see you again. I hope we meet again, and, and thank you for everything you did for our ancestors and the Princesses." Twilight lowered her head in a bow for royalty, her mane almost sweeping the floor. "Equestria wouldn't exist if not for you."

"Don't sell yourself short," Megan said. She dropped and hugged Twilight by the neck. "You and your friends doing as much for this place as I and my friends ever did." She stood back up and gave a wistful wave farewell as she vanished in a violet glow, restored to her own worldstream... just as Lyra charged back in, dragging a struggling Bon Bon along with her, surrounded by the greenish glow of Lyra's magic.

"No! Don't leave, not now, I -- arrgh!"

Lyra dropped to her knees and banged her head against the floor. "No! No! No! I finally had proof!" She looked at Bon Bon, her eyes almost crazed. The earth pony mare returned a sickly smile as Lyra said in a brittle voice, "Bon Bon, sweetie, dearest friend, you DO believe there was a human here, right?!?"

"Uh, sure, Lyra," Bon Bon said with a somewhat forced grin. She gave a knowing wink to Twilight, Pinkie, and Dash before saying, "There really was a human here. I believe you." Her face went slack with horror when they spoke.

"There sure was!" Dash nodded. "Heck, I thought it was Lyra in one of Rarity's costumes before I found out different..."

"Oh, sure! I brought here here before, and maybe I''ll do it again!" Pinkie said as she bounced in her usual manic gleeful fashion.

"It's the truth, Bon Bon. Pinkie Pie brought a human here from another worldstream. She knew Equestria back when it was threatened by monsters and sorcerers all the time - well, more so than now." Twilight pointed at the ground where Bon Bon stood. "And she was standing right there! -- Bon Bon? Umm, does anypony have any smelling salts?"
Pinkie looked at space where Megan was, "Wow she's gone already? Oh, well, at least she got to stay a little while longer."

Just then Peachy Pie came rushing in, "Hey cousin Pinkie, I'm sorry to interrupt your... whatever this is, but there's this really creepy clown that keeps following me."

Pinkie gave a little chuckle, "Oh, Peachy, clowns aren't creepy. They're meant to be fun. Now tell me where this clown is, and maybe we can sort this whole thing out."

"He's right over there." said Peachy pointing in a particular direction.

Pinkie looks and is instantly horrified by what she sees, "Oh my Faust! It's Ponywise!"

"You know him?" asked Peachy.

"Yeah, he's Ponywise the clown. Alright, listen Peachy, I'm going to need you to gather up as many of your friends together as possible and stay together until I get this settled. And stay away from creepy clowns!"

"Didn't you say that clowns weren't creepy?"

"I meant to add except for one! That one being Ponywise!"

In an alternate dimesion:

Pandora approached Havoc, "Dad, I've been meaning to ask, why did you make your avatar on the mortal plane into a clown?"

"Oh, That's An Easy One. I Enjoyed The Irony Of It. All Those Ponies Being Terrified Of Something That's Supposed To Make Them Happy Is Just Hilarious." Havoc explained.

Back at the studio:

Pinkie took out a missile launcher, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an evil clown to take care of."


Both Rainbow Dash and Twilight looked outside, almost unable to believe what they were seeing.

"Wow, now this is an epic battle! First a rocket launcher and now this! And I was worried they would do something weird like trying to fight an evil demonic clown with a slingshot."

The pegasus pitied anypony who was unable to see this exiting showdown. This would surely be in the top 10 of the most epic confrontations in Ponyville this year.

"Dash, don't you think we should help Pinkie and Peachy's group right now?"

"Sure, we surprise attack the clown when he gets the upper hoof in battle."

Twilight was impressed how well the pink was fighting by her own. But the clown constantly talking about floating things was slightly strange. So many could float on this world: pegasi, dragons, griffins, unicorns (with the right spell) and even Cloudsdale itself.

But she didn't like the choice of words of her friend.

"Don't you mean we will surprise the clown 'if' he gets the upper hoof?"

"You know how these battles go. I read enough Daring Do Books to know. At first the evil is much stronger, then the heroes slowly get more powerful and then the evil will either reveal its horrible true form and power or the true mastermind will appear. Then they will need backup."

Somehow the purple unicorn was unable to argue with that. Pinkie Pie was doing this really well and dodged any attack the clown could do.

"I still can't believe how normal all of this seems by now. Look! Ponywise is transforming into a giant...spider?"

"That is our clue. For Pinkie Pie!"

"For Pinkie Pie!"
In an alternate dimension:

Havoc was watching the battle between Pinkie and Ponywise, "Ha! These Ponies Never Cease To Amaze Me! They Really Are Amusing Creatures!"

"Really, Dad? A giant spider?" asked Strife.

"Hey Spiders Are A Very Common Phobia. Plus I Had To Have Some Way Of Spicing Things Up, Didn't I?" Havoc responded.

"So who do you guys think is going to win?" asked Pandora, "I sure hope it's the ponies. I love those guys."

"I don't pick sides" said Strife, "Who ever wins wins, and is more fit to survive than the other. It's as simple as that."

"Well, considering that the ponies are the underdogs at the moment, I'm pretty much obligated to root for them." said Anarchy.

"Figures That None Of My Own Children Would Root For Me."

"Hey, Rancor, what about you?" Pandora asked another draconequui.

Rancor looked up, "Well the ponies obviously have a lot of passion in their fighting, but Ponywise uses a lot of violence. I honestly don't care who wins as long as I get to see a lot of both those things in the fight."

"Hey, Honey, You're Missing Out On The Action." Havoc called out to his wife.

Entropy looked at the ensuing battle, "THIS IS POINTLESS."

"You Really Need To Lighten Up, Dear."

"YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD DO?! YOU DO NOT EXIST!" And with that Havoc disappeared from existence.

Havoc snapped himself back into reality, "Just Look What You've Done, Honey. You Made Me Miss Part Of The Fight."
Flluttercruel lifted up her head from where she laid under a giant boulder nearby. "Hey, doesn't anyone care who the new draconequus thinks is going to wi --"

Out of nowhere, an even bigger rock materialized and dropped onto her.

"Guess not," Fluttercruel's voice called weakly from under the rock, and then added in a mutter, "I hate all of you jerks --" And a third rock dropped down; and when this one hit, it cracked open and rabid monkeys ran screeching out and under the first two to start tormenting what they found there. "AUUUGGGHHH!"

"Manners Dear Manners," Havoc added with a chuckle that sent an entire planet in another universe into a mass panic, "Your Grandfather Is Trying To Watch The Show."

The rest of Havoc's children watched silently, and Pandora leaned over to whisper into Anarchy's ear, "Wow... I guess Dad really MUST like Fluttercruel if he's taking it so easy on her."

The tiny gem sliced through the air with the coldest sound Equestria had heard in millenia. Rarity screamed as the gem struck its target. Sweetie Belle screamed in unison as she brought her hooves up to her eyes. In another part of Ponyville an Earth Pony filly convulsed on her bed while holding her head. Onyx Tiara ran in to comfort his daughter and instantly scooped her up in his hooves. Diamond Tiara tried to squirm away and her father realised that he didn't want to lose another pony so close to him. He wouldn't let anything harm the only thing he had left to remember his princess.
Meanwhile at the boutique Sweetie Belle was screaming in the way that nopony, no matter how good an actor they were could copy. Rarity ran over to her sister and began crying in regret. She got up and looked around for anything to dress Sweetie Belle's injury. She stared at the gems that she had destroyed. The gems that had aided her in maiming her sister. Shadows crept from the gems wrapping around her and the dress restitched itself in a way not even Fluttershy could fault. The shadow's covered Rarity's figure and she began to whisper. "The ones who are surrounded in wealth and don't give a fraction to those who have nothing," the whispering grew louder, "the ones with so many strengths who refuse to help the ones shackled by weakness." Sweetie Belle curled into a corner trying to make herself as small as possible. "THE ONES WHO HAVE EVERYTHING AND GIVE NOTHING!" Rarity yelled as the shadows disappeared and she looked at Sweetie Belle. She looked like an alicorn but her mane was thinned and dull, her bones showed, her tail was cut short and her wings were missing almost all of their feathers. Sweetie Belle looked at her sister as she walked towards her. As they neared each other Sweetie Belle closed her good eye and curled up in a ball. She couldn't see what Rarity was doing but she felt her sister's bony hoof touch her face. Sweetie Belle looked at the mirror in the room. The first thing the noticed was that she had two eyes again. Then she realised what colour her new eye was. It was the same blue as Rarity's. She looked at her sister and saw a veil covering her face. "Rarity?" Sweetie Belle asked. "No, I have no right to that name, I have two possessions now, my goal of giving to those who have nothing and making those who have everything see my vision. And my new name, Nightmare Poverty,"

"AH!" Rarity gasped as she sat up! She looked madly around, she was back in the studio, with a giant spider shaped hole in the wall that was being quickly repaired. Rarity looked right at the cameras, "NiGHTS Into Vision?' What's that mean?" Rarity saw she was on her chaise lounge.

"Oh thank goodness you're awake!" Fluttershy nuzzled her friend. "You got hit by that big nasty Spider, Pinkie Pie said you were stuck dreaming your worst fear."

"My . . . my worst fear? No, she's wrong, that wasn't my worst . . . sorry but Pinkie was off, though I won't say it didn't completely terrify me. Where is that monster clown now? Erm, spider, whatever."

"Oh, after you got knocked out I might have . . . erm, lost a little control and used the Stare. And told it go away . . . it kinda exploded, then imploded. Then Rainbow Dash hit with a Sonic Rainboom."

Rarity breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, at least that's over. So what's Pinkie Pie up to now?"

Pinkie went back to the stage carrying a book titled "Daring Do Kingdome of The Chrystal Skull".
"I think it time we get our next guest ouit here and this ones going to be a real Doosie."
Pinkie then reached a hoof in the book and actually dragged Daring Do from one of the pages.

Daring looked around obviously confused at what the hay just happened.
"What where am I and wheres the skull and where did that freaky alien thing go?"
Rainbow Dash came back on staged and looked shocke that her favourite book heroe is standing right in front of her.
"ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" "I cant believe the real Daring Do is standing right in front of me!"
before Do could respond Dash began to bombard her with Questions.
"How did you get here? Whats your favourite adventure you went on? Can I be in one of your books?"
Daring being rightfully confused interrupted her. "Uhh who are you, and why do you look like me if i died my mane a rainbow color?"
Rainbow Dash responded with pride in her voice "I'm Rainbow Dash best and fastest flyer in all of Equestria!"
Daring looked at her and responded with a competitive edge to her voice. "Fastest? Well why don't we don't we see whose the fastest by having a little race around here."
"Your On" Rainbow responfed. They both crouched down and in seconds flew off stage in seconds.
Dash coulld be heard before they left saying. "SO AWSOME!!!!"
Twilight just comin and seeing Daring Do asked " shouldn't we get Do back in her book before something bad happens?"
Pinkie thought for a momment before shrugging it off saying "We can Worry about that later let Dashie have fun with her race."
Fluttercruel looked at the hole being sealed up. "That was pretty badflank though, and thanks for letting me finally put those combat books to good use, mom."

Fluttershy took control again. "You're quite welcome...I suppose...I don't like fighting, but it did help."

"Pinkie did give me a mace..."

They then blinked, looking to the What If machine. "Oh, I hope its not as scary as the last one," Pinkie said, coming over with Peachy still praising her for dealing with the clown.


"Well, Discord, I must say, your daughter is absolutely lovely," said the red devil like creature as he took a drink of tea from the cup in his claw. "She's so VIOLENT."

Discord shrugged, taking a drink of chocolate milk. "Eh, I guess, but there's more to chaos than violence, Him."

"So true," Him replied. "Those Shadows Who Watch expect us to ALWAYS be up to something evil, that takes all the fun out of it. I mean there was that one time I had the girls running themselves ragged with my games because I said their dear papa would pay..."

Discord gave a laugh. "Yeah, for lunch! That was classic!"

Him nodded. "Yes, the looks on their faces were priceless. I mean don't get me wrong, I love my games, manipulating them until THEIR LITTLE MINDS ARE ON THE VERGE OF SNAPPING, but if that's all I did, where would the fun in that be? Evil isn't just the big 'end of the world' stuff, it's petty little things."

Discord shrugged. "If you say so, I still don't know why guys in your universe consider themselves evil, but to each their own."

"Yes, personal preference I suppose...Still, your little Cruelty is a wonderful daughter, I wish my boys were as committed to causing suffering instead of just playing games," Him replied, taking another sip.

"Yes, I do wonder how their little playdate is going," said Discord, tapping his chin.

An explosion nearby answered that. The Rowdyruff Boys were laughing their heads off with Fluttercruel.

"Wow! I never saw anyone use a sword like that before!" Boomer laughed.

"Yeah, those rebels didn't know what hit him!" Brick continued, giving a smirk.

"Yeah, but I don't think they knew what to make of you!" Fluttercruel replied, smirking. "Though you didn't kill anyone."

"Eh, killing ain't really our thing," Butch said, not really disturbed, but not approving either. "But the rest was fun!"

Brick patted Fluttercruel on the back. "You're alright for a girl! I wish girls were as tough as you back home!"

"Alright, boys, I think we need to be going," Him said, standing up. "There's much to do."

The boys complained, but followed.

Him looked to Discord as they headed back to the Vortex of Inverse Infinity to take a detour through Ponythulhu's realm. "You sure you don't want to come? I'm sure it's be a blast."

"Tempting, but I'm kind of trapped in this universe, there was a Rainbow Bridge that got destroyed, kind of made it so I can't get to your world," Discord replied. "Besides, I've got a rebellion to deal with."

Him nodded. "I understand, see you at the next family reunion."

Fluttercruel blinked, watching the strange creatures vanish into the Vortex. "How ARE we related to them anyway?"

Rancor twirled her spear. "I think we're cousins...or half siblings, I'm not sure which."


Despite the relatively comical scene, Fluttercruel shuddered. "Geeze...could I REALLY have been like that?"

Pinkie put a hoof on her shoulder. "Hey, I could've been a REALLY big meanie too if things where different! But we're not!"

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes, you're nothing like her, don't you ever think you are."
Fluttercruel blinked as another entity emerged from a hole in the Fourth Wall. Namely a version of her that had a bat wing, a yellow feathered wing (despite her gray coloring), an eagle claw for one leg, and a dragon claw for a hind leg. Her Cutie Mark was a butterfly with a green body, grey wings, and a red vortex surrounding it.

"Uh...please tell me you're a good alternate me," Fluttercruel said, rather uneasy, considering the appearance of the other Fluttercruel.

"Yeah, my dad visited here awhile ago," the hybrid said. "Said I should go meet the other good me."

"Oh...ok..." Fluttercruel replied, looking at her alternate self's strange limbs.

The other Fluttercruel sighed. "Yes, I get it, I look weird. The old man had to give me a chaos transfusion to save my life, ok?" she asked. "Long story...Where's mom?"

"Oh...hi, other Fluttercruel," Fluttershy replied, taking control.

The other Fluttercruel blinked. "Wow...you share a body with mom still..."

"Oh like you aren't weird."

"Yeah, I walked into that," said alternate Fluttercruel, manifesting some chocolate milk. "You like bitter chocolate?"

"Yeah, of course," Fluttercruel replied, getting a glass from her other self.

"So, you know mom too?"

"Yeah, visit her dreams, we get along well, I think I'm the only Fluttercruel that gets along with BOTH her parents. I mean the bad future one thinks she does, but..."

"Yeah, I know...So...want to play some violent video games?"

"You bet! Mortal Kombat sound good?"


"You ok?"

"Yeah...mom just almost fainted, that happens when she thinks about blood."
Then suddenly techno music started to play and it started with some one yelling MORTAL KOMBAT!!!
Twilight who was annoyed by the song yelled. "Pinkie turn that music off and Stop using that voice."
Cruel frome this universe dissapointed said "But I liked that music." "Me too." The other Cruel said agreeing with her otherself.
As the two Fluttercruels were busy with an arcade game that appeared out of nowhere, Rarity was still slowly recovering from the nightmare.

"Am I seeing double?"

AJ brought her some water.

"No, Ah can tell you that there really is a second 'Cruel here."

"I wonder if I could interest her into modelling as well..."

Suddenly there were two pegasus-shaped holes in the repaired wall that had the spider-shaped hole before.

Pinkie Pie had her camera ready and noticed another camera with wings floating next to it. Both Rainbow Dash and Daring Do stood instantly before her and asked in perfect union.

"Who won?"

The pink pony took a look at the image the chaotic camera had printed out.

It showed an imaginary finish line and Fluttershy crossed it while both Daring Doo and Rainbow were just behind her. Pinkie suspected that it was not entirely true. The camera with wings snickered before vanishing.

A look at her own picture showed her the adventure and the weather patrol pony at exactly the same position.

"It is a draw between you two."

"WHAT? That can't be! Stop saying the same thing..."

Both pegasi looked slightly annoyed at each other before both broke into laughter.

"Can I still get your autograph?"

"Sure, but you know you all remind me at a very popular book series from where I come from. It is called the Elements of Harmony. I got the first few books but I had so many adventures in the last months that I didn't get the chance to read them."

"Yeah! I won! HAH!"

Meanwhile the Fluttercruel they knew had beaten her chaotic counterpart at the videogame.

"It was one of the better games I played for awhile."

"You just lost and take it so easy?"

"What would be the point of a game that you can't loose?"

"I guess it would be as pointless as a game that you can't win. So what can you do with chaos?"

"A lot of things as long as I do it right. I won't bore you with the details but trust me it is MUCH harder then it looks. But just like it was with dad the last time, I can only use a fraction of my true powers here."

"Is there anything that would be good for party games?"

Out of nowhere Pinkie Pie stood next to the two Fluttercruels.


"I case somepony asks..."

"Yeah, I won't tell anypony that you two screamed like little fillies."

Then she whispered something into the ear of the chaotic Fluttercruel. A smirk appeared on her face as the lightbulb that flew off earlier returned to her and glowed a bit above her head before flying off again.

"I could do that."

"Great and we can all play... except Dash, I guess she will be busy with Daring for a while."

Cheerfully the pink pony pushed the young chimera towards the center of the room. The other ponies wondered how long this stage was already there.

"Okay now this game is called "Spot The Imposter" and the rules are simple. Fluttercruel here will take the shape of somepony and you will have to guess which pony is the original. Are there any volunteers?"

Suddenly the ponies in the room were surprisingly silent. Then Twilight walked forward.

"Try me."

Pinkie Pie hopped off the stage and suddenly it started to spin. Fluttercruel started to change: her wings vanished, the eagle claw and the dragon leg were replaced by pony legs, a horn grew out of her head and suddenly a grey cloud enveloped the entire stage.

As the other ponies could finally see something again two dizzied versions of Twilight stood next to each other.

"Never do that again."

"What? It was your idea!"

"Don't act like I did that."

Both sounded absolutely identical but the Fluttercruel standing next to them had an idea for an easy victory.

"AJ, what do you see?"

"Ah see a big flashing sign saying 'Nice Try' blocking my view on both of them."

"There goes the easy option..."

Suddenly Pinkie Pie pulled out several pages of paper. Both Twilights smiled widely and talked at the same time.

"Are you going to lecture me?"

"No, I have some questions prepared for you two. But first I need to make it easier to tell you two apart."

Without warning she placed two cards saying "Hi, my name is Twilight Nr. 1" and "Hi, my name is Twilight Nr. 2" on them.

"One question to Twilight Nr. 1: What is Spike for you?"

"He is my number one assistant and little brother," the unicorn said with a slight blush.

"A question for Twilight Nr. 2: How did you meet me for the first time?"

"It was at the Summer Sun Celebration, you gave a GASP and rushed off to prepare my party."

"Hm. This one is for Twilight Nr. 1: What do you think of shipping?"

"The service is very expensive especially if airships are involved."

"Twilight Nr. 2, what do you think was the weirdest thing that happened in Ponyville after the day of chaos?"

"Weird? I guess these 'Fourth Wall Breaking Variety Shows' take the cake."

"Sugarcube, Ah don't think that are the right questions..." Applejack added while walking around the two unicorns in a circle but the sign moved with her and didn't allow her to see who the real one was.

"Maybe... Twilight Nr. 2 what did you think of your counterpart in the Dark World?"

"I am very happy that Tragedy managed to finally escape her corruption and started to fight back against that Discord. But there is something very wrong with..."

"OBJECTION! How do you know anything of this? "

"No need to scream! It is because... damn... very good. You should have been a detective."

Pinkie Pie adjusted her deerstalker cap and bubble pipe with a proud smile as the chaotic Fluttercruel changed back to normal.

"Does anypony else want to play this game?"
Applejack went up to challenge chaos Fluttercruel next while Pinkie went up over to talk with Peachy.

"So how are you holding up?" Pinkie asked.

"Pretty good, I guess. I still can't believe that I was almost eaten by a clown." Peachy responded.

"Yeah. Luckily we won't have to deal with that mean ol' Ponywise ever again."

In an alternate dimension:
Mortis escorted Ponywise (now back in his clown form) to Havoc's domain.

"I believe this one belongs to you." he said to Havoc.

"Thanks, I'll Take It From Here." Havoc said. And with that Mortis left.

Havoc turned to Ponywise and smiled, "Welcome To My Home. I Just Know You And I Are Going To Get Along Just Fine."

And for perhaps the first time in his existence, Ponywise felt fear.

Back at the studio:
Pinkie and Peachy turned back to look at the stage. Twilight had manged to figure out which one was the real Applejack by asking them both to tell a lie. Chaos 'Cruel failed because of how good she was at it.
Chaos 'Cruel frowned at Applejack, who grinned at her. "Man! I'm losing two for two here!" She sighed. "So, anyone else want to try?"

Pinkie Pie began to jump up and down, waving her hooves in the air. "OHHH! Do me! DO ME!"

She jumped up onto the stage and sat next to Chaos 'Cruel.

Chaos 'Cruel smiled. "This is going to be fun!"
"Come on, do the spinning thing again!" Pinkie Pie said smiling from ear to ear.

"Here goes nothing! The third time is the charm."

The stage started to spin again but it was much faster this time. Fluttercruel's shape changed again. Wings vanished as her Draconequus parts were replaced by pony legs. Finally her mane became ballooned. Without warning a pink cloud covered everything.


As the remaining ponies could see the stage again two giggling pink earth ponies stood before them. Both looked at each other curiously.

"Your disguise is pretty good."

"Yours isn't too bad either. Here take a card."

"They all say 'Hello, my name is Fluttercruel Nr. 2'... I think you got them mixed up."

"Oh... wait here it is..."

Soon both pink ponies had cards saying "Hi, I am Pinkie Pie Nr. 1" and "Hi, I am Pinkie Pie Nr. 2."

Twilight smiled and walked forward. She was sure that this Fluttercruel could not sing along with a certain song.

"My Little Pony, My Little Pony, I'm so glad you're my friend..." Twilight began to sing.

"We'll plan a party with Pinkie Pie, a bunch of balloons lift her up in the sky..." the first Pinkie Pie joined into

"Scootaloo will show us games to play..." the second Pinkie Pie continued.

"You know this song?" the unicorn said in disbelief and in the hope that Fluttercruel would give herself away with a smug explanation.

"OH! OH! I get it! You had a mirror of Truth in your world! You took a look, didn't you?"

Pinkie Pie Nr. 1 hopped up and down happily.

"Nice try, you work really really hard this time. Your dad showed you some other worlds, didn't he?" the second Pinkie Pie mused.

Twilight groaned in slight frustration. Her idea was so good, how could that have failed to show her who the imposter was. But by now Rarity had recovered from her nightmare and walked towards her friend.

"Let me try something. Can anypony of you two explain how the Pinkie Pie Sense works to Twilight?"

"Sorry, she won't understand."

"The author would not like that."

"Wait, we could try it together!"

Both pink ponies smiled slightly too wide, instinctively the other ponies took a step backwards.

-- one VERY confusing hour later --

"... and that is the Pinkie Pie Sense in a nutshell."

The other ponies present looked speechless at the giant nutshell containing an oversized blackboard completely filled with seemingly nonsensical writings.

"And I thought the search for the skull was weird..." Daring Do managed to say.

The first Pinkie Pie looked at the confused listeners with a thoughtful expression.

"I guess we didn't manage to explain it..."

"Well it was worth a try. Even the cow analogy didn't help. Oh, I almost forgot! Thank you very much for your help Mooriella."

"Anytime, but you could have told me earlier about your twin sister. Now I get why you seem to be everywhere." the cow muttered as she left the studio.

"Fine! I give up." Rarity said calmly and sat down again.

"This is a hard nut to crack." Twilight said lost in thought.

The blackboard and the nutshell vanished into nothing.

"No pun intended."

"Then just give up and let her win at least once!" the Fluttercruel standing next to them said somewhat annoyed. Then her colors switched back to Fluttershy's.

"If Pinkie Pie is okay with that."

"Sure!" Both pink ponies said in unison.

"Fine, you have won this round," Twilight proclaimed.

"WHOO!" the first Pinkie Pie jumped into the air and flew a small circle while changing back into the chaotic Fluttercruel as confetti rained down on the other ponies. Soon she hopped off stage and continued to chat with Fluttershy and Fluttercruel.

Meanwhile Rarity smiled innocently at Rainbow Dash and Daring Do.

"You know that you two could go as each other if you just changed your mane and coat?"

"NO CHANCE!" Both pegasi screamed in perfect sync as the white unicorn kept smiling.
"Hey Everypony!" Pinkie Pie waved at the camera, "Here's a special something to get all of your attention!"

"Pinkie Pie what are you doing?" Twilight tilted her head.

"Just sharing a plug for somepony."

"Uh, okay?" Twilight said having no clue what she was talking about.

Pinkie Pie plugged in a power cord and a neon sign flashed:
" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmqhaytFQKs " then flashed "Pony POV Series Gaiden 7 Dreams And Nightmares Audio Adaption"

"So if you're interested, be sure to take a look! These guys need all the help they can get!" Pinkie Pie said smiling.

Rarity said, "Pinkie Pie dear that's just a jumble of random letters, and a nonsensical random combination of words."

"Oh Rarity, don't worry about it." Pinkie Pie smiled, the neon sign still flashing behind her.
"Well now what else can we do?" Rainbow asked.
"Ooh I know we can get those suits from last sh.."
"NO!!!!" shouted everyponyelse not wanting to have a repeat of last time.
"Good job," said Fluttercruel to Chaos!Fluttercruel.

"You two," the demi-goddess replied with a smile.

"How did you know my friends so well though?" asked Fluttercruel, confused. "Have you met them too?"

Chaos!Fluttercruel looked sad.

"What's wrong, darling?" asked Rarity, looking worried.

"Oh...nothing...Part of it is from mom telling me about them...but part of it is I kind of grew up with...well, clones of you five," Chaos!Fluttercruel admitted, looking sad. "They weren't exactly the same, kind of like me and your Fluttercruel, they ended up developing into separate beings. They even disobeyed dad when he told them to do some things. They were my friends...And I couldn't save any of them."

The group all looked shocked. "You mean..." Twilight said, her blood running cold.

Chaos!Fluttercruel nodded solemnly. "This monster named Nightmare Phobia showed up...they all sacrificed themselves to help me and dad defeat them. We stopped her in the end, but..." Chaos!Fluttercruel started to cry. "They're all gone...dad recreated our world and the new sentient constructs are my friends...but we couldn't recreate them..."

The others simply didn't know how to respond. What to say...so they all gave the demi-goddess a hug and she returned it. "...Thanks..."

Fluttercruel smiled. "What are friends for?"

Before the conversation could continue, the hole in the fourth wall suddenly reacted and someone walked out.

"Hello," said the alternate Fluttershy. Fluttershy felt...strange around her, and not just because they were alternates of the same pony. Something about her felt...familiar, something other than her face. She was covered in scars as well. That's when they noticed a tiny, badly scarred half-draconequus version of Fluttercruel holding her hoof, looking scared. The demi-draconequus had a collar on, designed to suppress most of her powers for both her safety and others. "I saw you two playing and wondered if my Fluttercruel could play with you. She's trying to learn to be a good girl."
"Glad everyone could make it!"

Rancor, The Valeyard, Traitor Dash, Fluttercruel, Rarigreed, and the amagalated crow monster-thingie stood opposite to Twilight and friends. Discord watched furtively off to the side, attended to by those two music-box ponies. Tom couldn't make it, he and Spike were busy settling their affairs like gentlecolts. Yeah, that's everyone.

"Pinkie, we could have barely handled one of them," panicked Twilight, "How could you possibly invite all-of-them-AT-THE-SAME-TIME!?"

"Herp derp," called Rancor.

"Yes?" Derpy answered.

"Oh, Ah saw that in a comic book once!" cheered Apple Pie, "The bad guys get too busy fightin' each other fer the chance ta get at the hero, that they completely forget fightin' the hero!"

The Valeyard said, ever so serious, "A foolish lot you twats are, thankfully soon to be foolish and dead."

"Don't worry Twilight, everything can be fixed with this." She gestured off to the side, glances following. Discord turned around, eager to see what everyone else was looking at.

Staring right back at them was the barrel of a truly enormous cannon. The Mother-Of-All-Party-Cannons. The Party-Cannon-to-end-all-Party-Cannons. It would have made his old man proud, if not a teeny weeny bit insecure. It was the Happy Howitzer Mark II, and somehow, he had been sitting right in front of it the entire time.

Pinkie's smile crept uncomfortably wide.

"And that's how Equestria was made. Hey, can you guys keep each other entertained for a bit? This'll be good, I promise!" She mimed a cross and covered an eye.

"This is crazy..." Twilight sighed, before letting out a soft laugh, "I guess that means crazy enough to work."
The smaller Half-Draconequus looked slightly disappointed at the still smoking opening in the fourth wall where the latest guests had been blasted through.

"Just when I thought mama and papa finally had a chance to talk."

Her mother hugged her.

"Don't worry to much. He is chaos, he will probably just show up one day without any warning. Then he has some explaining to do."

The chaotic Fluttercruel slowly approached the two of them.

"So since this is over, how about a few games while we still have the chance? We have almost anything."

The small filly looked over to her mother and decided after playing pretty much every single violent videogame in existence (and a few that didn't exist) to try something new for once.

"How about Pony Cart Double Rainbow Dash? Mama and I will play against you two."

"It Is On!" Suddenly a console and a TV appeared out of nowhere.

Soon Pinkie Pie took a look at the bright and colourful game the four ponies played.

"Now this brings back memories..." the pink pony said to herself the colors reminding her on the forgotten world.

"SHE HAS A BLUE FEATHER! RUN! AHHHH!" the chaotic Fluttercruel proclaimed in an over the top manner.

"No... just before the finish line!" the Fluttercruel they knew added.

"Shows you NOT to mess with mama!" the scarred Half-Draconequus said smugly, her mother smiling at her daughter having some good normal fun.

"How about a rematch?" the mother suggested in a calm tone.

"Ah think that might take a while." Applejack remarked dryly.
Pandora, Anarchy and Strife were trying to pass the non-existent time in the expansive reality they called home. Havoc had taken a liking to Rancor, not to mention she could take any two of them in a fight and Discord still hadn't returned from his escapade in Equestria.

"Do you really think Dad'll mind if we go down there for a bit?" Anarchy asked. Strife gave a disinterested shrug and Pandora's eyes gleamed with excitement.

"And we can bring back Discord so that Dad might get preoccupied with punishing him and he'll forget about us," Pandora added.

"I Wouldn't Be So Sure About That Dear," Havoc's voice boomed. Pandora chuckled weakly.

"Oh, uh you thought I was serious? I never thought you'd actually fall for it," Pandora lied.

"Fine, Go On, But Pandora, I'll Need To Give You A Stern Lesson On Underestimating The Intelligence Of Your Parents," Havoc told her.

"Smooth," Anarchy smirked as the three draconequui descended.

Meanwhile down at the studio.
Pinkie took a moment to summarize what was currently happening. Her world's Fluttercruel was playing the multi-functional, backward and forward compatible N-sixty-super-cube-boy-U-station-box with Chaos!Fluttercruel and the half draconequus Fluttercruel. Rainbow Dash was flying around with Daring do trying to see who could pull off a sonic rainboom the fastest. Pinkie thought about bringing Megan back again only to have her train of thought derail, crash, and spill the party supplies it was carrying all over the side of the mountain it was currently climbing as part of its track when three Draconequui walked through a portal. Pinkie decided in that moment to run to the main room of the studio where Applejack and Twilight were listening to Rarity trying to tell them the contents of her nightmare.

"Twilight, Applejack, Rarity! Big problem, three draconequui!" Pinkie told them between breaths.

"It's not nice to leave guests at the door," A male voice called. They walked in and the other guests stopped what they were doing to find out what had happened. Rainbow Dash and Daring Do stopped racing and the three Fluttercruels looked in from the room they were in. On seeing Strife the half-draconequus Fluttercruel whimpered and Strife turned to look at them.

"What are you doing," she asked.

"We were just playing Pinkie's whatever-it-was," The only Fluttercruel that hadn't heard of Strife told her.

"That's cool but, I'm wondering if you three could beat me in any game on that thing," Strife smiled.

"Any game?" Fluttercruel and Fluttershy said in unison. Strife looked confidently at them. Chaos!Fluttercruel pulled out a game and Strife's jaw hit the floor.

"B-b-but, no, what the, how did you even get that!" Strife yelled referring to the Pony Party 1 cartridge Chaos!Fluttercruel was holding.

"You did say any game," Anarchy pointed out. Pandora was a rolling in the air laughing at her sister's predicament. Strife moaned and walked in with the three Fluttercruels to play the game they had chosen. Less than five minutes later they heard her yell a scream of undiluted rage at the dinosaur turtle that had stolen her 20 coins.
The ponies and draconequi turned around to see Strife throw her controller at the screen.

"This game is stupid!" she yelled.

"Being a sore loser, are we?" said Anarchy with a sly grin on his face.

"Shut up!"

Pandora turned to Pinkie, "By the way, dad wanted to thank you for helping to send Ponywise to him. I don't think I've ever seen him have that much fun with one of his condemned souls."

The alternate Fluttershy shuddered at this, trying not to think of what kind of fun Havoc might be having with somepony's soul.

"Tell him he's welcome." said Pinkie also trying not to think about it.

"Does anyone else want to play?" Called out chaos Fluttercruel.

"I'll play." said Rancor, "But it will be a game of my choice." And with that she pulled out a copy of Epic Pinkie.

"You have got to be kidding." said Fluttercruel.

"Hey! I'll have you know that this is a very entertaining game." said Rancor with a hint of pride.

"Eh, why not. Couldn't hurt." said chaos Fluttercruel.

the small half-draconequus Fluttercruel backed away from Rancor, "I'm not playing against her." she said pointing at Rancor.

"Fluttercruel, try to be reasonable." said the Fluttershy that was her mother.

"No! Not after what she did to papa!"

The other two Fluttercruels stared at Rancor.

"Alright, I may have stabbed my brother with a spear." she said shrugging her shoulders, "I didn't have anything against him, but I do have to follow my parents' orders."

Pinkie looked at the little Fluttercruel, who was stubbornly refusing to play against her aunt, and a light bulb literally appeared above her head, "I've got an idea. Hey, Peachy do you have a second?"

"Yeah?" said Peachy.

"Would you mind hanging out with Fluttercruel here?" said Pinkie motioning towards half-draconequus Fluttercruel.

Peachy looked at the Fluttercruel and was initially taken back by her appearance but got over it since there had been stranger things in Ponyville, "No, I suppose not."

"Great, have fun you two!" said Pinkie.

"So, do you like peaches?" Peachy asked.

"I've never tried one before." said little Fluttercruel.

"Never tried one!? We've got to fix that! Also, I should introduce you to Sunny Daze. Oh, and her brother, Shady Daze. Actually forget, Shady Daze, he's a no-nothing know-it-all." Peachy said excitedly.

"You know, I had a grandma named Shady." said little Fluttercruel.

"Really?" asked Peachy.

"Yeah, but I've never met her. Although, mama says that she met her and that she'll take me by to see her after this."

Pinkie and alternate Fluttershy watched as the two young ponies seemed to get along. In the background Fluttercruel was playing against Rancor. It was a two person only game, so it was decided that chaos Fluttercruel would play against the winner.

"Thank you for that." said alternate Fluttershy.

"No problem." said Pinkie. That a beeping was heard form the camera. "Oh! We're out of film! Thanks for everything everypony! Hope you enjoyed the show! I'd say a lot more if I had room, which I sadly don't, so I'll just say thanks for visiting the Pinkie Pie Forth Wall Breaking Variety Show!"

Author's Note:

Originally posted between Shining Armor POV Part 10. And Starlight 7 Dreams/Nightmares.

First What If Scenario involving Discord, Sparkle, and the TARDIS written by Louis Badalament.

Parts Added:
Sherlock-Holmes18 (again)
Sherlock-Holmes18 (third post)
Kendell2 (again)
sonicandmario826 (again)
ItsFromPeople (again)
Sherlock-Holmes18 (forth post)
ItsFromPeople (once again)
Alexwarlorn (me again!)
sonicandmario826 (once again)
ItsFromPeople (and once again too)
Snivyshadow (again)
Sherlock-Holmes18 (fifth post)

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