• Published 7th Jan 2016
  • 15,691 Views, 953 Comments

Integration - Darth Link 22

Changes are coming to two different worlds, whether anypony, or anybody, is ready for them or not.

  • ...

Ponies V

I really don’t think this is a good idea, Sunset.

Please, Twilight, I can’t tell them yet. I’ve already caused them enough trouble, telling them that I brought the Changelings into their lives isn’t something I’m ready for.

Sunset, they love you, they’ve accepted you. You need to tell them. Keeping them in the dark about this is only going to hurt you in the long run.

Trust me, nothing will happen. I know next to nothing about how the Changelings are operating or where they are, so telling them won’t change anything. Please, Twilight, I’m working on figuring out, just give me a little more time!

Okay. But promise me this isn’t going to take too much longer.

I promise, Twilight. Trust me, everything’s going to be alright.

Fine. So have you cleared the other me for a visit here?

Yeah. That’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about. All the parents got together after her kidnapping. They all want to send their kids over for the summer. All of them.

How many are there?

Not counting me? Fourteen.

And that doesn’t include Flash either, I take it?

You are correct. I can give you an exact list in a bit, but can you take that many?

Yes I can. It might be a bit crowded in the guest corridors, but we can manage. And if it comes down to it, they can stay in other places. I’m sure some of my friends wouldn’t mind taking in their counterparts.

Well that’s good. Because they’re wanting to not wait until the end of the school year.

What? But I thought it was only four weeks away.

It is, but they’re that worried. They’re hoping things will blow over by the end of the summer.

See if you can convince them to hold off on it a little while longer. I know they’re worried, but I need time to set up a cover story on why so many ponies are here.

Is it really that necessary? We were going to tell Equestria of it soon anyway.

Celestia’s already told some of the top tier nobles, but this needs to stay under wraps from the general public for a bit longer. We want to get our full plans in place. This is going to be a lot to take in: a new species making contact, massive technical upheaval, maybe a new prince from a foreign country, there’s going to be a lot of objections to it. It’s better we have everything lined up before we let this loose to the public. It shouldn’t be more than two weeks after they show up, though.

Well, I’ll try to tell them that, but they won’t be happy.

Okay then. I’m supposed to meet Mom today to discuss these things. I’ll bring this up with her there.

Okay then.

Good. Now I’m sorry to end this here, but I’m supposed to meet my friends for lunch. I’ll write again when I get the chance.

Twilight really wished she could enjoy Ponyville’s quaint atmosphere. Even with her ascension into princesshood and her castle springing up, it remained a small town. More ponies were gathering to build in the area, but it seemed to at least be keeping the small town aesthetic.

It was something Twilight had always found charming, and it calmed her down, whenever her friends weren’t acting crazy. Said craziness could come in the form of arguing over Gala tickets, or an improperly administered love potion, or trying to pay back a life debt.

Today it came in the face of five eager faces who wanted to know how her first ever date went.

“Really, girls? Do you really need to know every little detail?”

“Are you serious? Darling, it’s your first date! You simply must tell us how it went!” Rarity was leaning in the most, but they were all eager for details.

Twilight looked to the sky. This cafe was usually so relaxing. “You remember what I told you? Nopony can know I have a coltfriend yet. It’s already going to be news no matter what, let alone that he’s from another world...”

“Twi, nopony is paying attention to us,” Applejack assured.

At that point, the waiter brought them their meal. After he passed of the food, Twilight spoke to him. “Is it okay if I put up a silencing dome around our table?”

“Of course, Your Highness,” the waiter answered.

As soon as he was out of range, Twilight cast the spell, making allowances for the guards who were stationed all around them. Once she was satisfied that it was safe, she spoke to her friends.

“Well, there’s not much to tell. We had dinner with his family, and he drove me home. Simple as that.”

“Oh, come on, you’re hiding something,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Ooh! Ooh! Twiley got smooched! Twiley got smooched!” Pinkie bounced.

“Oh, did you?” Rainbow said, her eyes widening.

Twilight took a bite of her daisy sandwich, hoping this would slow down her friends realizing the answer. Sadly, it didn’t.

The squeals came out in such a wave Twilight thought she was going to go deaf. Twilight didn’t even know Applejack and Rainbow Dash even could squeal.

“Oh, was it wonderful? Tell us!” Rarity insisted.

“Come on, Rarity, you don’t really need...”

“Oh, but I do!”

“Now simmer down there,” Applejack said, pulling Rarity back. “I reckon that’s Twi’s business. If she don’t want to share, then she don’t have to.”

“Besides, I more interested in knowing how much Twilight spazzed out after her first kiss,” Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight gave a “humph” as she stuck her nose up. “I’ll have you know I handled it with all the grace that my station allowed.”

Twilight came through the mirror to find Captain Flash Sentry waiting.

“Your Highness, Master Spike and Miss Starlight were sent off to their rooms to prepare for bed, as your request.”

“Excellent. Anything important come up when I was gone?”

“Nothing but the usual noble petitioning for a personal pet project, or an Elite asking for your hoof in marriage. We followed the usual procedure and rescheduled them all for tomorrow morning. The nobles have all be given rooms, the Elite told to wait in town.”

Twilight found Calibri and looked over who she’d be meeting the following morning. To her great relief, there was only five, two nobles and three elite, all of whom would undoubtedly complain of having to stay in commoner dwellings. She looked over what she would be dealing with, making notes on what to say.

After that was done, she excused herself to head to Starlight’s room. She had bathed and climbed into bed, and was waiting for Twilight to tuck her in and read her a bedtime story. She did so, kissing her on the forehead before turning off the light.

After that she stopped by Spike room, who was just closing his latest comic book and about to turn off the light. He was delayed by Twilight kissing him on the forehead. He protested that he was too old for such coddling, but it was hollow at best and only earned him more kisses.

She walked to her private bedroom and told the guard she was turning in for the night. She stepped inside, closing and locking the door behind her. She then took the moment to cast a sound-proof spell around the room.

She paused.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” Twilight bounced around the room in a way that would make Pinkie Pie proud. “He kissed me! He kissed me! He kissed me!”

Then she calmed down and collected herself. After that, she went off to her private bathroom to clean herself up.

“I have to remain calm if I’m going to be a Princess.”

“Yeah, right. So how much did you spazz out?”

“Cut it out, Rainbow,” Applejack said. “I think the question is when are we gonna be meetin’ that stallion? Cause I can’t rightly figure how a Flash can be was cool as you say.”

“Look, I know Captain Flash is anal, but it shouldn’t be that hard...”

“Twilight, the rod up that stallion’s flank has a rod up its flank.” The table giggled at Rainbow Dash’s phrase. Well, most did. Fluttershy blushed at the saying. And Rarity...

“Rainbow Dash, that was so crude... and accurate, true, but still crude.” She turned to Twilight. “Honestly dear, is this Flash really as wonderful as you say?”

Twilight smiled and nodded. “He is. I’m glad I met him.”

“Gag,” Rainbow Dash said. Applejack punched her.

Twilight giggled, but looked over at Rarity. While she was smiling, there was a sadness behind it. Her mind began racing. Should she ask her what was wrong now or wait until they were in private? She wanted to be careful how she approached this...

“Hey, Rarity, what’s wrong?”

Or Pinkie could just shout it out, whatever.

Rarity looked surprised, but she composed herself. “Oh, well... I suppose this is going to sound silly, but I can’t help but feel a little envious.”

Twilight was surprised. “Envious?”

“I’ve been hoping for a stallion to sweep me off my hooves for a long time. But I haven’t had the best of luck. Blueblood was a brute, Fancypants was taken, and Trenderhoof... well, I’m not sure how to describe him.”

“Annoyin’?” Applejack said, in a flat tone.

“Hilarious?” Everypony looked at Pinkie. “What? You gotta admit, seeing Rarity act like Applejack and Applejack act like Rarity was funny!”

“Yes, well...” Rarity said, trying to hide her embarrassment, “I’m very happy for you, Twilight, don’t think I’m not. But I’m a little miffed that you got your fairy tale ending long before I did, and you weren’t even looking for him.”

Twilight’s mind began reeling. “Oh, Rarity, I’m so sorry, I didn’t even think about that...”

“There’s no need to apologize,” Rarity assured. “You shouldn’t have to hide your love like this. My problems shouldn’t get in the way of your happiness.”

“Maybe you’re trying too hard,” Rainbow Dash suggested. “Twilight just stumbled across Flash, maybe you just need to quit looking for somepony and just let him come to you.”

“That is actually what I’ve been doing,” Rarity said. “Between opening up new shops and all this business with first contact, I scarcely have time for a relationship right now anyway.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Oh, yes, didn’t you say you were opening a shop in Manehattan soon?”

“I am!” Rarity said, clearly glad for the change of topic. “I’m actually planning to go up there in about two months and look for a location! Coco has already agreed to be my Sales Associate for the shop.”

“Ooh! A month?” Pinkie said. “I’m supposed to meet Maud up there at that time for a Pie Sisters Secret Swap Day!”

“Pie Sisters...” Rarity started, confused.

“It’s a day where a meet-up with one of my sisters, in this case Maud, and we spend the whole day sightseeing and looking around, and at the end...”

The conversation continued for some time on the subject of family traditions. Twilight leaned back and enjoyed. If it weren’t for the royal guards watching them on all sides, it could almost be like old times.

She smiled, her eyes drifting over to the Sweet Shop just across the sweet. In the window, she saw Bon Bon flip the closed sign to open. She had apparently gotten back from her own lunch break.

It was at that point that Twilight remembered what had come up at her dinner with Flash’s family. The other Bon Bon...

“Can you all excuse me a moment?”

The others looked at her. “What’s wrong, Twi?” Applejack asked.

“It’s nothing, really. I just learned something about the other Bon Bon and I wanted to ask this Bon Bon about it. I’m just going across the street, I’ll be right back.”

With a few quick goodbyes, she stepped out of the bubble and began crossing the street. Sugarcoat followed, meeting her duty as acting captain in Flash’s absence.

They entered the shop to the pleasant ring of the bell. Bon Bon, behind the counter, looked up. “Twilight! Er, Princess Twilight!”

“Please don’t call me Princess. You knew me way before then.”

“Of course. What can I get you? I have some of those chocolate-covered roses you like, and I think I can whip up a few glazed gems for Spike.”

“I’ll take some, but I really just wanted to ask you a question real quick.”

“Of course. Name it.”

“This might sound strange, but does the name Sweetie Drops mean anything to you?”


“Well, it might be nothing, and it’s a long story, but...”

Suddenly, with a loud boom, smoke filled the little shop. Twilight jumped in surprise, then began to sputter and cough. There was instantly sounds of a scuffle filled her ears. Finally, getting her bearings together, she lit up her horn and cast a spell which tore through the smoke like tissue paper.

What she saw first shocked her.

As Sugarcoat would later tell her, Bon Bon had tried to run toward the back entrance. Sugarcoat had managed to intercept her and had began sparring her by the time Twilight could see again. Twilight was greeted to her elite guard swinging her spear at the candy maker, who was dodging every attack with the grace of an acrobat.

Eventually Bon Bon leapt into a flip, driving her hind legs into Sugarcoat’s chin. As the guard stumbled back, the candymaker flipped around to land on her hooves.

Twilight reached out with her magic, grabbing her in midair. Bon Bon was stopped for all of half a second before something suddenly pushed the magic away, allowing her to hit the floor.

“What the?”

Those two words were all Twilight had time to get out before Bon Bon scrambled for the back door. In a flash Twilight followed, with Sugarcoat right behind her.

She caught up with Bon Bon just as she was throwing open her back door to run out. She got only a few gallops before Indigo Zap and Sour Sweet tackled her to the side. The three went rolling across the grass before pinning her to the ground.

Twilight briefly wondered how they caught up so fast, but pushed it back for more immediate concerns. “Hold her down.”

The two Pegasi complied, pinning the protesting Earth Pony to the ground.


The Princess’s ears perked up as she turned, seeing her friends come running after her, with the rest of the guards that were watching them.

“How’d you guys know I was in trouble?”

“Uh, kind of hard not to. The shop filled with smoke and there were some loud noises.” Rainbow Dash’s words caused Twilight to mentally kick herself for not realizing this.

Pushing that aside, she turned back to Bon Bon. She was thrashing wildly against her captors now, but she stopped when Twilight set her gaze on her.

Without saying a word, Twilight scanned her with her magic. In seconds, six strange objects jumped out of her sides, each being levitated in Twilight’s magic.

“What in tarnation?” Applejack said.

“Runes,” Twilight said, holding one of the objects up. It looked to be a simple stone with a simple symbol carved into it, three dots connected into a triangle. “These are specially made to ward off a Unicorn’s levitation.”

“Why in Celestia’s name would Bon Bon be wearing those for?” Rarity asked.

“Why indeed,” Twilight shot a glare at the candymaker.

“...I can explain.”

“Oh, I can’t wait to hear this,” Twilight said.

Celestia arrived at Twilight’s castle via chariot, that much was expected. What wasn’t expected was that Twilight herself was not present on the balcony to greet her. Instead, Captain Flash was the only one waiting, his face not quite as stoic as it usually was.

“Your Highness, Princess Twilight has requested that you meet her in her office at once.”

Celestia looked at the young captain. There was a crack in his usual stoic demeanor. It was just a crack, but years of living had taught Celestia how to read ponies. He looked a bit worried.

“I’ll go at once,” she said, stopping only long enough to add “Thank you, Captain.”

It took all of Celestia’s willpower not to charge for Twilight’s office. If there was something bothering Flash, that meant there was something bothering Twilight, and she wanted to know what.

She was relieved when she reached Twilight’s door. The two guards that stood at either side bowed her in.

As soon as she entered the room, she felt tension surround her. Ever fiber of her told her this wasn’t going to be a pleasant talk. Twilight sat at her desk, her quill to several different things at once.

“Twilight, are you okay?”

When Twilight looked at her, Celestia had to step back. While she had known Celestia for years, the one thing she had rarely done was look at her with anger in her expression. Sure, she had been angry, but only once before had it been at her. And that time...


“Do the names S.M.I.L.E. and F.R.O.W.N. mean anything to you?”

Celestia’s eyes widened, her pupils shrinking. “How did you find out about that?”

Twilight grimaced, almost as if Celestia had slapped her. Celestia winced as her last remnants of hope that this was going to be a pleasant conversation went out the window.

Twilight turned to behind her desk. Celestia realized that there were other ponies in the room with her. A cream colored Earth Pony and a mint-green Unicorn. She was just recognizing the Earth Pony as a high-ranking S.M.I.L.E. agent whose exact name and position escaped her when Twilight spoke.

“Bon Bon... or Sweetie Drops, or whatever your name is... It looks like your story checks out. You can go home. Remember the cover story.”

“There was a Changeling impersonating me that you caught,” the Earth Pony answered. Her tone was so nervous and robotic that one would never believe she was an agent. The Unicorn, Celestia wondered if she was her partner, led her companion away. They stopped when they crossed Celestia’s path. “I’m sorry, Your Highness, she caught me and I couldn’t...”


The two ponies dashed out of the room at Twilight’s command, throwing open the double doors and barrelling out.

Celestia was too stunned to reprimand her student. Twilight shut the doors with her magic, then cast a sound-proof spell on the room. That worried Celestia more than anything. That meant Twilight expected to be yelling.

“So... S.M.I.L.E. and F.R.O.W.N.?”

Twilight actually made Celestia look at the floor like a scolded filly. She found herself speaking the full names of those organizations. “Secret Monster Intelligence League of Equestria and Friendship Ranger Organization of Worldwide Negotiations.”

“Yes, that second one would be me and my friends, wouldn’t it? A secret branch of the government so secret that not even the actual agents know of its existence.”

Those words hung in the air for an uncomfortably long time. Finally Twilight spoke. “I take it your friends aren’t too happy with this either.”

“They don’t know yet.”

That caught Celestia truly off guard. “They don’t?”

“They don’t. Because despite this, I’d like to think you had a good reason for keeping this from us. Though for the life of me, I can’t think of what it is. Honestly, were you expecting any of us to refuse?”

“No, that’s not it...”

“Do you think we’re incapable of keeping a secret?”


“Then what? What? Why have you been lying to me about this? Why have you been keeping an entire branch of the Equestrian government a secret from me?”

“Twilight, you know I can’t tell you everything. You don’t tell Starlight everyth...”

“Don’t even try to compare this to that!” Twilight’s voice actually rose. “You can’t compare the situations! You might as well be telling me Moondancer becoming a shut-in was the same as the old Starlight’s equalization! Starlight’s still a filly under my care, and I’m always upfront when I can’t tell her anything! I don’t even mislead her on that! I haven’t spent the last few years saying we were equals while shutting her out of something so important! Were you lying about that, too? Do you really see me as an equal, or am I just somepony you can push excess paperwork on?”

“I wanted to keep you safe, okay?!”

Those words, actually shouted from the normally collected monarch, hung in the air, and Twilight went from angry to confused.

“What are you talking about? I’m an Alicorn, the same as you. I can’t be killed.”

“No, not your body, Twilight.” Celestia was crying. Twilight suddenly felt the rest of her anger evaporate to shame. She had made her mother cry. “I meant you. Your spirit. Your innocence.”


“Twilight, I’m amazed that, in many ways, you’re still the same pony I took up as my student. You have a loving heart, you see the best in everypony, and... well, you’re a great leader and friend. I’ve sent you out to do dangerous work several times, and only under Changeling influence did you ever blame me for it. You weren’t mad when you learned I had planned for you to battle NightMare Moon since the day you hatched Spike. You weren’t mad when going up against Discord cost you your sanity. You weren’t mad when I insisted the same being that hurt you so badly be given a second chance. You weren’t even mad when I chose Discord over you to hunt down Tirek, even though that decision nearly cost us dearly.

“But I’ve seen what the burden of leadership does to a pony, especially where war and secret operations are concerned. I saw it turn my sister from a wonderful, loving little filly into NightMare Moon. Jealousy would have never had such a grip on her if seeing the horrors of the world hadn’t eroded her good will. I’ve lost several students because they ended up no better than the monsters they fought. And those that managed to keep their sanity... well, they lost their innocence.

“I’ve already seen its effects on you. You’ve lost so much in your quest to keep Equestria safe. That’s why... I didn’t want you any more involved in Equestria’s defense than I had to. I wanted to keep you the same, just for a little while longer. I’m... I love you, Twilight, like you were my own. And that love was as much a curse to me as it was a blessing. Because even though I loved you, I knew you had to be risked for the greater good. I knew you’d be out on the front lines instead of in the castle, where you would be safe and under my care. I know one day you’ll have to face all those horrible things, but... I just wanted you to stay my sweet little daughter for a bit longer.”

Celestia simply cried after that. In a flash Twilight was in her forelegs, and Celestia wrapped her wings around her so tightly Twilight could hardly move.


“It’s... it’s cost you greatly. It influenced my decision to send Discord against Tirek. I wanted to keep you safe. Instead I put more on you than ever. Oh Twilight!” She kissed her face, over and over.

Twilight allowed herself to be held for a bit, but finally she pressed a hoof onto Celestia’s chest. With great reluctance, the Princess of the Sun released her former charge. Twilight looked into Celestia eyes, still brimming with tears.

“Mom... I’m not the same pony anymore. Too many things have happened to me for that to be true. But I think I’ve only changed for the better. You remember what you told me as a filly? ‘A gem cannot be polished without friction...’”

“‘...nor a pony perfected without trials,’” Celestia finished with a smile.

“I promise, I’ll always be your daughter. I’ll have you, and Luna, and Cadance, and Sunset, long after my other friends are gone. I’ll have plenty of ponies to lean on. But that’s not going to work if we continue keeping secrets from each other. I’m not going to do anything less than my best, and I want your help on that.”

Celestia gave a smile, a true, big smile. “Fine... but I’m going to remember this when it’s Starlight’s turn to get into the real world.” Twilight opened her mouth, but Celestia cut her off. “Don’t even try to tell me you don’t feel that way about her. I can tell, and I have Luna and Cadance to back me up. They say the look of pride you give her when she does something great is the same one I give you.”

Twilight blushed and fidgeted, and quickly decided to change the subject. “So, can I expect all the information on S.M.I.L.E. on my desk tomorrow? And any other branch you’ve been hiding from me?”

“...Yes. I promise.” Then she thought a moment. “Well I’ll give you the basic information. S.M.I.L.E. is a big organization, and I don’t let files on it travel around easily. If I leave anything out tomorrow, it’s simply because even I can’t cut through all the red tape.” Celestia was regaining her composure quickly. Years of wearing her queenly mask had done so. “There is plenty about running the government I haven’t told you yet, simply because there is so much of it that telling you all at once is impossible. Now, I’m sure there’s a real reason you called me here?”

Twilight grinned. “Yes. It seems that after my alternate’s attempted kidnapping, every parent in the other world wants to send their children here. And that means all of them. My castle might get even more full than I thought.”

“Oh dear. How many?”

“Fourteen, not including Sunset or Flash. There’s the other Twilight and Spike, Applejack and Apple Bloom, Rarity and Sweetie Belle, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, Fluttershy and Zephyr Breeze, and Pinkie, Marble, Limestone, and Maud. If the races march up across worlds, that’s three Unicorns, four Pegasi, six Earth Ponies, and one baby dragon. And we’re going to need teachers for all of them.”

Celestia thought a moment. “I was already preparing a flight instructor for Sunset, I think he can teach a small class. And I suppose I could spare a basic instructor from my school to come here and teach the new Sweetie and Rarity if it becomes a problem, though they will likely get lessons with me while I’m teaching this new Twilight.”

“I don’t think the other Rarity will need it. According to Sunset, she had a pretty good grasp on levitation already.” Twilight looked up with a grin. “Are you hoping to have another student? One last one before you retire from teaching?”

“What do you mean, Twilight? I’m not planning to stop taking students anytime soon.”

That surprised the lavender Alicorn. “What? But... you found the wielders of the Elements of Harmony and got your sister back. Wasn’t that the whole point of you taking on students?”

“Initially yes. However, I found over the years that it had a second, equally as important function.”

“What’s that?”

Celestia looked out window. “Will you take a flight with me, Twilight? I think it’s best I show you this personally.”

Twilight tilted her head, but nodded. “Okay. Let’s get going then.”

“Don’t you want to alert Captain Flash that you’re departing?”

“Then he’ll want to come with us, and I don’t want that. Besides, we’ll only be gone a few minutes, right?”

Twilight opened the door to her office to find Captain Flash waiting for her there. “Your Highness, I heard you were leaving. I’ll prepare an escort.”

Twilight tensed. “What? My spell...” Then she kicked herself. She had forgotten to set it to block out the guards as well. It wasn’t too much of a problem, the guards were all under magically binding contracts to not speak anyway, but it was proving an annoyance. “That will not be necessary, Captain. I’ll only be gone a few minutes.”

“Princess, a lot can happen in a few minutes. Even an Alicorn can’t keep her guard up at all times.”

“That’s true, but we’re two of the most powerful creatures in existence. I think we’ll manage.”

“I’m sorry, Your Highness, but something could catch you off guard. Protocol states...”

“Flash, if I really wanted to stop you from following me, do you think I could do it?”

“...Yes,” he admitted.

“So why don’t we save ourselves a step? Princess Celestia and I are stepping out for a few minutes, kindly hold the castle until we get back.”

“...At least let me send a squad to watch you.”


“Twilight,” Celestia interrupted. The young Princess silenced as her mother stepped forward. “Captain, you may send out a team, but they’re to remain at a long perimeter. I want this to be a private moment, so you are only to move in if an unidentified object enters the vicinity, understood?”

Captain Flash smiled. “Of course, Your Highness,” he bowed to the floor. “I’ll only need minutes to summon a team.” He was out the door before Twilight could blink.

The lavender Alicorn moaned. “Mom...”

“I know it’s annoying, Twilight, but these protocols are in place for a reason. Believe me, it took me a while to get used to them as well.”

“Yeah, but I’ve had almost no time away from them outside the castle. I can’t even sit in the cafe without at least five guards around.”

“I know. Trust me, it’ll get better. And try not to be too hard on Captain Flash. I know he’s a little overzealous when it comes to his job, but he means well.”

Twilight smiled. “You should have seen him when I told him what happened today, me catching Bon Bon in the act. He flipped that he wasn’t there when the guards were really needed. He double- and triple-checked everything to make sure it was done right. I had to practically protect Bon Bon from him.”

“That’s the mark of a good soldier, always trying to improve his performance. Well, maybe he’s a bit too eager, but you’ll be glad for it in times of crisis. I know it’s hard now, but trust me, in due time you’ll appreciate his hard work.”

Twilight could only give a rueful smile. “I hope that day comes soon.”

Arriving where Celestia told them only took a few minutes, but it was a bit further away than Twilight had expected. Not that they moved until the castle was a mere dot on the horizon. It was the fact that they moved up, high into the air, higher than most of the clouds. When the castle was a mere dot on the ground, Celestia stopped.

“Have you ever been this high up before?” Celestia asked.

“Yes,” Twilight answered. “After the incident with the Plunder Vines. Rainbow Dash told me I had to fly this high up and see everything. It’s quite the view.”

“Yes, it is. But I’d imagine it means something different to Rainbow Dash than it does to me. Look at Ponyville. What do you see?”

“Right now? A small area with a bunch of dots.”

“Look across Equestria. What do you see?”

Twilight looked, turning in all directions. “I see Canterlot... I see Manehattan and Las Pegasus. I see the desert...”

“And how do they all look to you from up here?”

“Small. Tiny.”

Celestia nodded. “They look that way to me too, even when I have all four hooves on the ground.”

“What?” She looked at her mentor. “Why?”

“Twilight, think of how long I’ve lived. I’ve seen empires grow and crumble. I’ve seen dynasties begin and end. What most creatures think as a great, once in a lifetime event is merely another time it’s happened for me. When you live as long as I have, it’s easy to get... well, detached. When you’re always having to think of the greater good, it can be easy to forget those individual lives matter. Like I’ve told you before, I’ve made several hard choices as Princess where I sacrificed others for the greater good. If you do that long enough, you can forget why losing a life is such a sacrifice.

“That’s why I needed my students. That’s why I needed Sunset, and you. I need somepony to care for that won’t live forever. It keeps you grounded. I need a little one whose eyes will light up at the fact that they’ve succeeded in something as simple as levitation, or who will think a simple ride over Canterlot on my back is a fun time, or that considers sneaking cookies with me before dinner was exciting. I even need that feeling of loss when they’re gone, to remind me why life is so precious.”

“Mom... I had no idea...”

“That’s why I wanted to have this conversation with you before you took on a student of your own. I know the circumstances around Starlight was unexpected, so I wasn’t angry, but it saddened me that you took her in without knowing what you were getting yourself into. The day you lose her will be one of great sadness, but it will be worth it.

“That’s why Luna will eventually take on a student of her own, once I feel she’s completely settled. That’s why Cadance will as well, after the grief of losing Shining Armor has calmed. And it’s why this new Twilight will not be my final student, even though I’m sure the day I lose her will be as painful as any other. Ponies are important, Twilight, and you’ll need reminders of that.”

Twilight was silent for a moment. “I... thank you, Mom. I... I guess I need to think about this a bit.”

“I understand. Come on, let’s head back.”

As the two flew down, Celestia spoke up. “How did you find out about S.M.I.L.E., anyway?”

“Oh. Bon Bon’s alternate goes to Canterlot High. Flash... the fun Flash... said her name was Sweetie Drops. I asked her about the connection, and she flipped out.”

Celestia nodded... and then froze in mid-air. “Oh my... I haven’t even considered that. Our agents will have to be re-evaluated. They might all need new identities... oh, this is a mess.” She put a hoof to her forehead. “Well, congratulations, Twilight, you wanted to know all about S.M.I.L.E.. Now it’s going to give you all kinds of new paperwork.”

“Really?” Twilight said, her eyes lighting up.

“...Right, I forgot who I was talking to.” Despite herself, Celestia smiled. “Are you sure Captain Flash isn’t the Flash you should be going to?”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Oh, nothing,” Celestia smiled.

Once safely back in the castle, they were able to enter Twilight’s office and be in private again.

“Well, I suppose we should get on with our meeting. I know you have to get back to Canterlot...”

“Actually, I can stay tonight. I made sure of it, in case something came up.”

Twilight nodded. “I’m glad, but I don’t think it will take that long.”

“Maybe not, but... Twilight, do you think I could stay tonight? After that fight we had, I... I just want to spend time with you.”

Twilight blushed, but allowed herself to be wrapped in Celestia’s wings. “Of course, Mom.”

“And... maybe we could have another slumber party? I want to have one more before this new Flash comes by and he’s the only one you’ll be wanting to share a bed with.”

Twilight blushed. “Mom,” she moaned, but she nuzzled in closer to her.

“I’m sorry, Twilight. I promise no more secrets between us. Keeping things quiet has only hurt us.”

Twilight smiled. “Well, I’m hoping.”

Then she stopped.


Twilight pulled away. “I’m sorry, Mom, but I just realized there’s something important I need to deal with, and it needs to be dealt with tonight.”

Celestia was caught off guard. “Whatever is it?”

“I’ll tell you at dinner, but I need to do this now. Please?”

Celestia was only silent a moment before nodding. “Okay.”

“Thank you. Please, go off to the library or somewhere. I’m going to need a few hours. And please tell Calibri to cancel all my other appointments for today.”

Celestia nodded and headed for the door. As soon as she was gone, Twilight went to her bookshelf and pulled out her diary to Sunset. In a flash she was opened to their latest conversation, the one begging her to keep quiet about her suspicions. She grabbed her quill.

Sunset, are you there?

There was a few minutes of quiet before the next writing appeared on the page.

Yeah, I’m here. What’s up?

Are you at home?


I’m coming to Terra. I want to meet you at Sweet Apple Acres, in one of the far fields in about an hour. We need to have a talk.

Author's Note:

In case you don't read the books, SMILE and FROWN are from Lyra and Bon Bon: The Mares From SMILE. And yes, it established the Mane Six were part of a monster hunting squad without their knowledge. This ended up working out great for the story, so I added it in.

Next chapter's one I've been waiting for since I started writing this.