• Published 7th Jan 2016
  • 15,691 Views, 953 Comments

Integration - Darth Link 22

Changes are coming to two different worlds, whether anypony, or anybody, is ready for them or not.

  • ...

Humans IV

Dear Princess Twilight,

Things continue along at a steady pace, though I’m afraid my worry was right that gaining magic has set the Twilight of this world back in terms of progress. She hasn’t slept through the night a second time, and while she is fine using her magic in research and experiments, I can tell she’s deliberately avoiding it in everyday life. I think we were right in thinking your teaching might have to come with some sessions with an accredited psychologist. Both Shining Armor and Cadance said they wanted to send her somewhere already, but can't since no one will believe what happened. So it seems her trip to Equestria will serve two purposes.

Rarity’s taken to it, although she’s continually frustrated that she can’t do anything too delicate yet. I can tell she’s going to take to magic well, at least when it’s where her talents and interests lie. As for the others, still no word on when their magic is coming in. This is a good sign, as we have plenty of time to make first contact.

As for myself, things are going well. School’s winding down, which means finals and parties. The school is organizing their Spring Fling, and we’re getting some bands together for an end of the year concert. Though I’m sure you heard that from Flash.

Hopefully the next month and a half will fly by. I’ll keep you posted. Say hi to Mom for me.

Sunset Shimmer.

PS: Ask her if she has a date set yet for my coronation. My friends all want to know when to be there.

“Are we sure we want to let Trixie play?” Rainbow Dash asked. “She is kind of a jerk, even without the Sirens messing everything up.”

Flash nodded. “We need more acts if we’re going to fill out the roster. Besides, Twilight says the Trixie in her world is a lot nicer these days. Maybe this one can too.”

Rainbow Dash looked at him quizzically a moment before remembering. Princess Twilight was always Twilight to him.

Mrs. Cake came and refilled Flash’s coffee cup as he looked over the list. “These are all the bands playing? Are you sure we can’t get Photo Finish to play...”

“Positive. The only other musical act is Snips and Snails. And you remember their performance...”

A shiver went down both their spines.

Rainbow nibbled at her cupcake. “My sister and her friends can play, but they’re good for only a few songs.”

“The five of us may be enough. Octavia can play a few, but do you think Trixie can? She only had one song...”

“I’ve talked to her about it,” Flash assured. “She only had one during the Battle of the Bands because she was prepared for a talent show. She’s written a few more since then.”

“Then between the five of us, plus Vinyl working the turntables between acts, I’d say we have a show. Still, it looks like our bands will be covering most of it.” She looked over the list, then frowned. “Why are you opening and closing?”

“Because it’s my band’s last show together before we break up,” Flash reminded. “Ringo’s going to work in his father’s auto shop, Brawly’s learning programming at Canterlot University, and I’m heading to Equestria to start my training as a Royal Guard.”

“After lounging around the castle for a bit, I’ll bet,” Rainbow Dash said with a sneaky grin.

“Well, Twilight did insist I spend a summer just enjoying Equestria, so I guess I’m going to live the life of the idle rich for a while.”

“You poor thing,” the girl said with a smile. “So I guess you want your band to go out on a high note. I can see that. It’s just too bad you can’t keep everything going.”

Flash shrugged. “It’s no big deal. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the band, and I’m probably going to relearn to play the guitar when I get to Equestria. But it’s always been a hobby. I wanted to be a cop, which means being a guard in Equestria. Do you think the Rainbooms will make it past your senior year?”

Rainbow Dash looked at her drink. “Realistically, no. I know the others have their own plans after high school... or did, anyway.”

Flash tilted his head. “What do you mean?”

Rainbow Dash bit her lip, as if what she had said before hadn’t meant to come out. “Well... I’m worried. I think the others are too, but I haven’t talked to them. This whole thing with us...” she looked around the restaurant. Nearly everyone nearby was in on the truth, but she still dropped her voice a bit. “...with us getting these powers. And everyone finding out about them.”

Flash tilted his head. “That’s making you nervous?”

“We don’t know how the government is going to react to this,” Dash reminded him. She placed her head in her hands. “At least Fancypants is president now. Can you imagine if Blueblood was still in charge?”

That caused a shiver to run up Flash’s spine. “Yeah. Even at ten years old I was wondering how he ever became President. But this is good, right? He’s a reasonable guy.”

“Even if he is, there may be only seven humans in the world who can use magic if the Princess is wrong in her theory. I don’t think we’re going to have much of a choice in a normal life, even if they don’t keep us under lock and key.”

Flash looked surprised. “Do you think they’d do that?”

“Well, Sunset and Twilight don’t think so,” Rainbow Dash said. “They say there are ethics committees that would stop them from treating us like that. And even if they did, they’d have no way to contain magic, and the Princess had promised she’d break us out if they couldn’t bargain for our release. But if we’re the only humans who can use magic...”

“I’m guessing you’ll be asked to do a lot of things... and that would make living a normal life impossible.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “I’ve always had big plans. Soccer star, rock star... never thought I’d spend my life fighting evil.”

“I never thought I’d move to another country to court a princess. Yet here we are.”

Dash smiled, taking a sip of her coffee. “It won’t be so bad for me. I never intended life to be normal. But I know Fluttershy isn’t going to like the spotlight.”

“Eh, Fluttershy’s handled being a popular girl, I think she’ll manage,” Flash said. “She survived the rumors...”

Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth. “Don’t bring those up. I swear...”

Flash shrugged. “Hey, I never said I believed them. You’re dating Applejack’s brother now, aren’t you? That would put an end to them.”

The cyan girl just grumbled. “It never really bothered Fluttershy too much, she didn’t care. But really, just because I’m athletic and have a raspy voice, everyone just assumes. I guess if you don’t have the body of a supermodel like Rarity, you must be...”

“What do you mean?”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Well, I don’t have the figure...”

“Honestly, every girl in this school seems to have the same body,” Flash said. “Can you name one girl in this school that has any pudge on her?”

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth, then thought. “Come to think of it... other than Snips, I don’t think I’ve seen a fat student in this school. It’s kind of weird now that you mention it. It’s like this entire school was designed to be marketable.”

There was silence for a moment.

“Well... at any rate, I’m sure Fluttershy will handle things just fine.”

Rainbow Dash finished off the last of her cupcake. “I hope so... honestly, the one I’m really worried about is Twilight... our Twilight.”

He nodded. “How is Sparkle, anyway?”

“Well... I think getting these powers knocked her recovery back a few weeks,” Rainbow Dash admitted. “She was pretty freaked out, and now she’s going to Equestria for training... I think she needs it. Sunset is using her powers all the time, and Rarity... I think she’s starting to wonder how she lived without it. Twilight... she almost never uses hers. At least... not outside of research.”

Flash tilted her head. “Research?”

“You know Sunset and the two Twilights are working on understanding magic? Whenever they’re doing that, she can use it no problem. But Sunset says she never uses it for any practical reason. She never uses it to levitate anything to her or anything like that, it’s all when she can measure it. Sunset says it’s some psycho mumbo-jumbo about ‘the only way she can face it.’”

Flash understood. He knew Sparkle was a researcher at heart. Of course, she could block out her fears if it meant finding answers.

“Well... I’m hoping for her. Twilight says the Celestia from her world is teaching her, and she’s an immortal. If anyone can help her get over it, it’s her.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “I’m hoping. For an egghead, she’s pretty nice.”

“Because she got you a little something?” Flash smirked.

“That reminds me, the Princess sent a message to Sunset. She said the first one of us that runs into you should give you something.”

“Oh, really?”

And then Rainbow Dash reached over and lightly swatted Flash’s arm. The rocker jumped, more from surprise than pain. Then he gave a glare to the girl, who was sipping her coffee with a smug look on her face.

“Really funny.”

Twilight Sparkle walked down the sidewalk, hoping she was heading in the general direction of the lot where she had left her car. There had been some advantages to getting a car of her own, but she still didn’t like losing the accessibility of the bus, especially since it meant carrying her purchases three blocks.

Spike poked his head out of the backpack. “Twilight, are we almost there?”

“Spike,” she gave a harsh whisper, “get back in there. Or at least quit talking. You remember the rules.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he muttered. “I just hope this trip was worth it.”

“You’re the one that wanted to come along,” Twilight whispered back, glancing at those around her to make sure no one was witnessing this. Fortunately, it seemed her habit of disappearing into a crowd was working to her advantage again.

Spike muttered something before slipping back into the bag.

Twilight continued her walk, carrying her purchases. She was starting to wish she had forbidden Spike coming along. She loved her little canine, but he was making it a bit hard to keep magic quiet until her counterpart said it was time.

As she passed Sugarcube Corner, she let her eyes drifted down to her bags. More paper, pens, tools, and circuits littered them. She was going through her supplies faster than ever, and she was enjoying every minute of it. In the past, she had looked forward to her research as a form of isolation, to be alone with no one but Spike, where the world couldn’t hurt her. Now, it was just the opposite. Having Sunset as someone that shared her interests made the entire process more enjoyable, and having others that cheered on her progress just added to it, even if they didn’t understand it half the time.

She gave a warm smile. She had realized fairly quickly that the same was true in reverse. She loved hearing about what new creation Rarity had made or what game winning move Rainbow Dash had pulled off, even though fashion and sports had always been the lowest of her interests. It was just one more thing about actually having friends she loved.

“Hey there.”

Twilight jumped and looked up. She hadn’t been paying the best bit of attention to where she was going, so she hadn’t noticed that she was walking by a man who was leaning against a red sports car. Black skin, green hair slicked back, and a messy jean and t-shirt combo were the first things that came to her attention.

“Um, hi,” she said as she kept walking.

“Where’re you going?”

“I’m sorry, my brother taught me not to talk to strangers.”

“Cute. Now why don’t you get in the car?”

Twilight froze for a split second. Then she doubled her speed. He wouldn’t try anything here, would he? This was the middle of the day in a public place, surely...

Then hands grabbed her.

It took Twilight a few seconds of panic to realize she wasn’t being pulled into a car, but in an alleyway. There was more than one. Two more, trying to grab her.

In a blind panic, she wrestled free, falling back on a pile of garbage bags. Spike yipped in surprise, leaping out of the backpack. Twilight didn’t see where he went, but hoped he was getting away.

The three advanced on her. Angrily, she lifted up her hand, trying to remember the combat magic Princess Twilight had taught her. A purple aura danced around her palm, causing the three men to jump in surprise.

And then Midnight Sparkle’s face appeared in her vision, and her laughter rang in her head.

Twilight jumped in surprise. Seeing this, one of her opponents was on her, grabbing her arms and twisting them behind her back. She opened her mouth, but before a scream could get out a white cloth muffled it.

“I thought she said she couldn’t do that!” one of them said, as Twilight felt something begin to bind her arms to her side. Tears streamed down her face. This couldn’t be happening.

“I thought so too. But she said this one transformed just like the first one.”

“Whatever, let’s just get her in the van before AAAAARH!”

The kidnapper yelped and swung his leg, trying to dislodge Spike, who had bitten onto his ankle in an attempt to help his master.

“You stupid mutt!”

Spike eventually lost his grip, and seconds later he was kicked as hard as his opponent could muster. With a pained cry he hit a trashcan, and was reduced to whimpering and moaning.

“Shit... I think I’m bleeding.” The thug pulled up his pants leg, and indeed one of his socks was being coated in red. “Stupid mutt.”

“Forget it, we got the girl.” All eyes turned on Twilight again. “Whatever that punk’s planning, it better be...”

A cyan leg to the man’s side prematurely ended his sentence and he fell to the ground, Rainbow Dash grinning in triumph.

His two companions turned. One was just in time to get Flash’s palm in his face. He stumbled back and fell into a wall, blood dripping down his face.

The third, and the last one still standing, pulled out a knife. “You little brats, I’ll teach you...”

That man learned two things that day. The first was that years of athletics had made Rainbow Dash a lot faster than she looked. The second was that few things hurt more than being kicked in the crotch by a seasoned soccer player.

With a moan he fell to the ground, clutching his delicates in both hands. Seconds later he vomited all over the ground.

The sound of screeching tires filled Flash and Rainbow Dash’s ears. They turned in time to see a black van driving past the alley at top speeds.

Rainbow Dash’s first target was recovering at this point, but Flash didn’t give him a chance to get up, delivering a kick to the stomach. He fell back down, wheezing. Then, the boy went right to the kidnappers’ attended target.

Twilight had experienced a bit of shock before her survival instinct kicked in. She pulled the thankfully not fully tied ropes and had yanked off her gag by the time Flash had gotten to her.

“Are you alright?”

Twilight nodded, still too stunned to speak.

“Come on, we have to get out of here,” he said, lifting her up and helping her out.

“Spike...” she said weakly.

Flash saw the young pup, limping away from the wall and whimpering in pain. He stopped only a moment to scoop him up. He gave a cry of pain at having his sore spot roughly handled, but didn’t resist as he was carried out.

Flash called over his shoulder. “Rainbow, come on.”

Rainbow Dash had just used a brick to smash the man with the broken nose on the side of the head. Hearing this, she ran out of the alleyway, leaving the three injured men nursing the wounds.

The one who was kicked in the crotch couldn’t get up for weeks afterward. The one who took a brick to the side of his head was later diagnosed with a concussion. The last one had just managed to get up when the police showed up.

Sunset Shimmer lay on her stomach, doing her homework. The answers flew off her mind and onto the page. Math had always been her second best subject after science, and while not quite as good as Twilight she was quick.

As she scribbled her next answer, a noise entered her ears. She looked to the doorway and saw it empty.

After a moment, she turned back to the work. She had finished another problem when she heard another thud. She looked at the door. Nothing.

She glanced at the door again. Nothing. She scanned the room, expecting to see something. Again, nothing.

After convincing herself it was just the house settling, she returned to her work. Seconds later, two large masses tackled her.

“Huh, wha...” and then two sets of fingers dug into her sides.

She shrieked and howled as Applejack and Apple Bloom continued their assault. “Sister attack!” the younger sister proclaimed.

“Wha... you better... ha, ha, no... I’m warning you AHH!”

Apple Bloom redoubled her efforts, much to Applejack’s amusement.

Seconds later both found themselves hanging upside down, their ankles gripped in Sunset’s magic.

“Hey, no fair!” Apple Bloom protested, wiggling in her surrogate sister’s grip.

“You’re one to talk, little miss sneak attack,” said Sunset, but she was grinning. She still lay on the bed, her stomach to the covers and her head propped on one of her hands. “Anyway, it’s your fault for attacking me before you got your magic. Every pony has an inherent magic field they could use to wiggle out of a Unicorn’s magic. But since you don’t have it...”

Suddenly magic danced across their sides, and they both started laughing.

Thankfully, they were saved by Sunset’s cell phone ringing. The tickling stopped as she reached for her phone.

“Uh... Sunset? Ya gonna let us down?” Applejack asked nervously.

Sunset gave a friendly smile. “Nope.” And she answered her phone. “Hey Cadance.... Whoa, whoa, slow down, I... what?

Both Applejack and Apple Bloom hit the floor as Sunset’s magic dissipated.

“Ah, geez, Sunset, we could have broken...”

“We have to get to the police station!” Sunset said, cutting Applejack off.

Applejack blinked. “Wha?”

“Someone tried to kidnap Twilight!”

Twilight stood in front of the sink, washing her face off. The police had given her a private bathroom to clean herself up in. Flash and Rainbow Dash were telling the police what had happened. Spike had been wheeled to the vet, and she was waiting, hoping he hadn’t broken anything.

Emotions jumbled around inside her. She felt fear, anger, and shame. She shouldn’t have had to be rescued. She had magic, the Princess had taught her to use it... what had gone wrong?

She splashed more water on her face, rubbing her hands over her eyes. She looked in the mirror.

Midnight Sparkle looked back.

She gave a yelp and stumbled back. She brought her hands up to her eyes, rubbing them hard. After a few seconds, she dared to look again.

Midnight Sparkle was still there.

“What? Did you think that would work? That I’m just a figment of your imagination, and that if you closed your eyes and wished hard enough, I’d just go away? Grow up, you’re not a child anymore, and I’m not a monster in the closet.”

“But... but you’re not real.” The words came out weak as Twilight fought off tears.

“Please. Tell that to everyone who was there that night. I’m every bit as real as you are, and I’m not going anywhere, no matter how many times you get hugs, telling you that everything's going to be all better.” Those last words were in a mocking tone that caused Twilight to blush.


“Oh yes. I think today proved it’s inevitable. You need me. You’re useless without me. All that magic at your fingertips, and those two still had to save you. Spike put up a better fight than you.”

Twilight shrunk back, shame welling up in her.

“Twilight...” Midnight Sparkle placed her hand on the surface. “Quit running from me. You tried today, and all that you accomplished was getting Spike hurt. I’m not a boogeyman, I’m your salvation. I can make you strong.”

She lifted her other hand, and magic danced on her palm. “All it takes is a little bit of this, and you could have stopped Spike from getting hurt. Sunset, Shining Armor, Cadance, the others... they won’t be around forever. Sooner or later, you’ll need me. It’s just a matter of time. Why fight it?”


Twilight jumped and turned. Her brother stood in the doorway, his uniform looking slightly disheveled from the last hour of doing everything in his power to find out why his sister had been attacked.

Twilight blinked and looked back at the mirror. A regular reflection looked back at her.

“Are you okay?”

Twilight looked back at him, her mind racing.

Be careful, one wrong word and you could end up in a padded room and a straitjacket.

Actually, contrary to popular belief, those things aren’t really used any more. Psych wards are hospitals, not prisons, and treating someone like that...

Whatever, do you want to end up in an asylum?

“...I guess I’m shaken up.”

Shining Armor hugged her sister. “Don’t worry, we’re doing everything possible to find out why they attacked you. We have those punks in interrogation right now. Well, one of them anyway. Rainbow Dash got those other two pretty good, but officers are waiting by the hospital. You’re safe.”

Twilight hugged back. “...And Spike?”

“We got a call from the vet. He’ll be sore a bit, but he’ll be okay. Fluttershy went to go get him.”

She blinked. “Fluttershy knows?”

Shining Armor smiled. “All your friends are here except her. They’re all waiting to see if you were okay.”

Indeed, except for Fluttershy who was bringing Spike, the whole group was there, with Apple Bloom added on. They all dotted and fussed over her, asking is she was okay.

“They didn’t hurt you none, did they?” Applejack asked.

Twilight smiled. “No, I’m just shaken up a bit. I’m fine.”

“Oh, but your skirt got a rip,” Rarity said, and Twilight finally noticed that her clothes had indeed gotten damaged. “And that was some of my best work.”

“Jeez, obsessed with fashion, Rarity?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Well, yes,” she said. “And of course the more important thing is that Twilight’s safe. I’m not that bad.”

“Rarity, when you found out Twilight only had her school uniform, you literally carried her out of my house, screaming like you had lost your mind,” Rainbow Dash said. “I didn’t think you were strong enough to lift someone over your head.”

“Yes, well... it was an emergency.”

Pinkie giggled. “Well, at least we had fun. Unlike those meanies. I hear Dashie sent some of them to the hospital.”

“Well, that’s what happens when you hit below the belt,” Rainbow Dash said, causing a passing officer to wince.

Apple Bloom noticed this. “Um, Dash... I remember Dad sayin’ that’s somethin’ you never do to a guy. He says it ain’t fair.”

“Kid, fair and unfair don’t exist in a street fight. There’s only smart and stupid. Besides, if I hadn’t done it there’d be a knife in my gut and Twilight would be who knows where, and that would be massively unfair.”

Apple Bloom looked uncomfortable, but nodded.

Rainbow Dash looked around to make sure no one was watching, she said in a lowered voice. “Um, Twilight... why didn’t you use your magic to fight those guys off?”

Twilight felt her face heat up. “Um.. well...”

“I think I get it,” Sunset said.

Twilight felt herself tense slightly. “You do?”

Sunset nodded. “Yeah. Magic is so new to you, you probably forgot you had it. Especially under such a scary situation, you probably couldn’t think straight. Nothing to be ashamed of.”

Twilight gave a relieved smile. “Yeah, that was it.”

Applejack scratched her head. “I guess that makes sense... but I figured you didn’t want to risk bein’ seen doin’ magic.”

Rainbow Dash arched an eyebrow. “That’s worth bein’ kidnapped? Shining Armor thinks those guys were in human trafficking...”

“Hey, with what magic can do, once she was in the van she could have taken ‘em out no problem. Not like anyone would believe...”

“They knew.”

All eyes turned to her. “What?” Sunset asked.

“They knew. They talked about what happened at the Friendship Games... they knew I had become Midnight Sparkle... they wanted me for magic... I think.”

Everyone gaped.

“What? How?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Ooh! Conspiracy time! Maybe they’re secretly like Sunset and the sirens, their exiles from Equestria who are trying to take advantage of magic coming here to take over the world!”

Applejack sighed. “Pinkie, that’s... actually a pretty good theory.”

“Whatever this is, it only complicates things,” Sunset said. “I need to tell Princess Twilight what happened. If something else on Terra wants magic, it’s going to make first contact even more awkward.”

Rarity sighed. “So, is there anything you want us to do?”

She shook her head. “Not yet. We still have no idea...” Sunset drifted off. Her eyes widened as if she had just realized something.

“Sunset?” Pinkie asked.

The orange girl shook her head, as if brought back to reality. “Sorry, it’s nothing... at least, not yet. But if they’re trying to get Twilight because of her magic, they might try to get the rest of us. So, don’t go out after dark unless you have to, stay in groups, lock your doors at night.”

They all nodded.

Then Rainbow Dash tensed. “Fluttershy’s all alone right now...” She pulled out her cell phone and started dialing. “I’m going to go get her. Knowing her, she rode the bus to the vet, she doesn’t like cars. A ride in my truck will be safer.”

“I’ll go with ya,” Applejack said. “Two of us together is safer than one. Sunset, you can get Apple Bloom home, can’t ya?”

“No problem,” Sunset said. “I doubt we’ll leave before you get back anyway.”

Apple Bloom looked at her newest big sister, and couldn’t help but think she was distracted somehow.

“Sunset... you okay?”

The older girl nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine... I just have a lot on my mind. Look, why don’t we talk about something fun while we wait for the others to get back?”

Flash watched the girls talk from a distance. He had finished answering all the chief’s questions and had come out to see Twilight surrounded by her friends. He thought about going over to talk to her, but remembering the looks Shining Armor had given him convinced him to stay away. They weren’t threatening or suspicious looks, but it still seemed like he was trying to determine something about him.


Speaking of which...

He turned to see Shining Armor. He was no longer sizing him up, and looked rather amiable.

“Oh, hello Mister...”

“I’m Twilight’s brother, not her father. I’m not old enough to be a ‘Mister’ to you.”

He grinned. “Well then, hello Shining Armor. I take it whatever you were suspicious about has passed.”

The police officer shrugged. “You saved Twiley’s life, and I’m grateful, but every boy needs to go through inspection.”

“I’m spoken for anyway, or didn’t they tell you?”

Shining Armor blinked. “What?”

“Well, you had Princess Twilight for dinner. I thought she might have mentioned we were dating.”

That caught Shining Armor off guard. “You... and the Princess? Wow... are you... how is that even going to work?”

“I graduate in two months, and then I move to Equestria to begin training as a Royal Guard. Was going to be a cop, but apparently they don’t have many of those outside of big cities.”

He nodded. “It just... wow. You bagged a princess. Lucky you. And a bit of a disappointment.”

“Why’s that?”

Shining Armor sighed. “Look, I worry a lot, but I know Twilight’s going to want to date sooner or later. I’d rather it be with a boy I know I can trust, and saving her life put you in that category.”

Flash smiled, then looked over at Twilight. She was enjoying laughing with her friends until Cadance had entered. It was clear the older woman had been crying in fear, and immediately pounced her charge, wrapping her in a hug and showering her forehead with kisses, much to her embarrassment.

“Honestly... I considered asking her out.” Seeing Shining Armor look at him neutrally made him go on. “During the Friendship Games, I was beginning to think things wouldn’t work out between me and Twilight. So, when I found out there was a human Twilight, I wanted to give it a shot. But... it didn’t take long to figure out they’re not the same.”

Shining Armor nodded. “Yeah. Just having dinner with them both. The other Twilight’s more... perky, I guess is the word, and more confident.”

Flash smiled. “Who knows, maybe this Twilight will end up with the other Flash.”

Shining Armor nodded absently. “...Wait, what?”

Twilight held Spike in her arms as Cadance led her into the car. As she sat down, placing Spike in her lap, Sunset came up to the door.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay over tonight?” she asked.

“I appreciate the offer, but tonight I’ll be looking over Twilight,” Cadance said. “I’m not letting her out of my sight.”

She nodded, but turned back to Twilight. “Listen... was there something you didn’t tell us?”

Twilight tensed. “What do you mean?”

Sunset gave her a look. “You remembered you could use magic, couldn’t you?”

Twilight gulped, but gave a little nod.

Sunset gave a sigh. “Twilight, I understand this is hard, but we need to move through this. Now that we know someone’s after us, we don’t have the luxury of time any more.”

“I know, but... what can I do? I’m so scared!”

“We work on getting you past the block. I’ll write the Princess and ask her for advice on how to do it, but we can’t take our time anymore.”

Cadance spoke up. “If I thought we could get away with it, I’d be sending Twilight to Equestria tonight. She’d be safe there. In fact, maybe that’s not a bad idea.”

“But... I’d miss school.”

“Worth it to keep you safe. I’m sure we could work something out with Principal Celestia...”

Sunset shook her head. “Let’s not panic just yet. Tomorrow after school we can start figuring this out.”

“If you want to go to school,” Cadance added. “If you want to stay home, I can arrange that. I’m sure Miss Sykes can cover for me.”

Sunset blinked. “Who?”

Twilight answered for her sister-in-law. “The new Dean at Crystal Prep.”

“She can take over while I stay home with Twilight.”

“I appreciate the offer, but I think school would be better for me.” She looked down at Spike. He was still whimpering slightly, but when he looked up at his master he smiled. Twilight placed a kiss on his forehead. “I think we need to sleep before we do anything else.”

As Cadance started up the car, Sunset gave her friend one last hug. “Rest up, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Twilight returned the hug. As they broke apart, she spoke. “Um, Sunset?”


Twilight opened her mouth, but the words failed to come out. “Nevermind. We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I... I need some time to think about it.”

“...Okay, Twilight. I’ll see you in the morning.”

As the car drove off, Twilight wondered how to explain her hallucinations without sounding crazy.

“So, you came back not only without the girl, but without three of your companions?”

The man shifted at Chrysalis’s glare. He glanced from Chrysalis sitting at her desk, to Starlight in a comfy seat to one side, her feet up on a small table that the Donna usually had for drinks, her attention on the tablet in front of her.

“It... it wasn’t my fault. The girl could use magic and...”

“And that’s not what caused you to mess up,” Starlight said, holding up her tablet. There, in clear, HD footage, was the feed in each of the men’s security cameras. “You lost three men, which means three cameras I had to destruct, to a pair of teenagers.”

“Hey, that was them, not me. I saw there was no way we’d get her now, so I booked and left her there.”

Chrysalis glared, but she eventually softened. “Yes... I suppose the blame isn’t on you. Very well, you’re dismissed.”

The man looked nervous as he left as quickly as he could without actually looking like he was in a hurry.

Chrysalis watched him go, then sighed and looked at Starlight. “And what about you? I thought you said she shouldn’t have magic anymore?”

“Right. I said shouldn’t, meaning that there was the possibility my guess was wrong. Which was very likely considering that I have absolutely zero instances of studying whatever this energy is before that Fall Formal.”

Chrysalis sighed. “So we couldn’t bring you the girl. Any luck with the subjects?”

“You’d be the first to know if I had. The purple and blue one aren’t responding to stimulants, and I don’t dare give any to the other one with the tranquilizers we had to put her on to keep her quiet. Hopefully, she’ll start behaving herself soon.”

“So, they might have been telling the truth about their gems?”

“They think they were telling the truth. But remember, their abilities came from within the other world, they admitted as much. Something has to be able to bring out their true powers.”

“Well, hurry up and find it. I’m getting sick of no progress, and we’re never going to get close enough to the girl to grab her now.”

“Then we go back to observing,” Starlight said. “I have a new round of drones ready. We observe closer, find out how to get into the other world. Maybe if we start tailing that Sunset girl again, she’ll lead us to something. All these new readings lately... something has to be going on.”

“Fine, but I’m getting sick of the lack of progress. Are you sure there isn’t anyway we can get the first girl?”

“We had an opportunity, but with that hick family taking her in she became harder to get to. And if she has magic, she probably has the most. Until I can figure out some way to restrain them and block it, there’s little we can do.”

Chrysalis groaned, downing another glass of wine. “There better be progress soon. The other Dons are breathing down my neck on this project. They want results.”

“Science takes time,” Starlight said. “Besides, once we crack this, we’ll be running the underworld unopposed. Trust me, it’s worth the wait.”

“Fine, fine. Just hurry up. With this operation botched, this sets us back, hopefully not for long though.”

Twilight nuzzled Spike, who was laying next to her on the bed. He still whimpered quietly, but the nuzzles from his master had soothed him quite a bit.

“Oh, Spike... I hope you feel better soon.”

The dog gave a weak smile. “The vet said I’ll be healed in a week. It’s no big deal.”

Twilight kissed him on the forehead, then held him as close as he could without hurting him.

She felt Cadance’s hand on her shoulder, and turned to look at the older woman. She was sitting in a chair by her bed, smiling comfortingly, and holding a large baseball bat in one hand.

“Um... Cadance? I don’t think you’re going to need that...”

“I’m not taking any chances. Anyone else wants you, they’re going to have to go through me. Now you get some sleep, alight?” She kissed her on the forehead for what had to be the hundredth time in the last hour.

Twilight sighed and snuggled into bed. She thought back to the alleyway. Almost getting kidnapped, Spike getting hurt, Midnight Sparkle.

”Now that we know someone’s after us, we don’t have the luxury of time any more.

It took her nearly an hour to fall asleep, with all the thoughts and worries in her head. That night, Midnight Sparkle wasn’t in her dreams.

For some reason, that worried her.

Author's Note:

Sorry for missing the last update. I hope the fact that this is the longest chapter yet (by a few hundred words) makes up for it.