• Published 7th Jan 2016
  • 15,691 Views, 953 Comments

Integration - Darth Link 22

Changes are coming to two different worlds, whether anypony, or anybody, is ready for them or not.

  • ...

Humans IX

By special decree of the Princesses of Equestria: Princess Celestia, Princess of the Sun; Princess Luna, Princess of the Moon; Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Princess of Love; Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, we hereby extend a full pardon to the accused, Adagio Dazzle, in exchange for her cooperation and compliance in the effort of strengthening ties between Gaia and Terra.

In addition, we will extend pardons to the two sirens Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk on the basis of their behavior, actions, and attitudes in the coming months, provided that the above mentioned signee fulfills the conditions of her pardon.

By Royal Proclamation,
Princess Luna
Princess of the Moon


“So, the former criminal is signing pardons,” Adagio said.

Rainbow Dash scowled at her. “You should be grateful that you’re even getting this after everything you pulled.”

“Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy said, her voice that rare tone she reserved when she needed to be firm.

“Right, right,” Rainbow Dash said. She didn’t apologize, though.

“And what do they mean, ‘strengthening ties between Gaia and Terra’?” Adagio asked.

“In this case,” Rainbow Dash said, “it means helping us catch the Changelings and stopping them from using magic, and that includes rescuing your sisters.”

Adagio looked at the pardon. “It’s too vague. Why didn’t they list the full terms? Something’s up.”

“Because no one knows that the full terms will be. We don’t know what’s coming next. They want a promise that you won’t bail after we rescue your sisters. You’re going to be in it for the long haul.”

Adagio read over the text, trying to find a hidden double meaning. There had to be a catch. No one helped out someone for nothing. There had to be a trick.

Then she remembered Stephen Magnet. “It looked like you needed it, sweetie. Hasn’t anyone ever been nice to you? Well, I don’t think you give people enough credit. Not that I doubt your stories. You are a beautiful young woman.”

She felt her face heat up again. Why did that happen? She had been called beautiful before, several times. And not always by men she had allured with her voice.

Or... was that true? She had been complimented on her looks. She had been called “hot”, “sexy”, a “babe”, and a few more terms crude even for her. She even had been called beautiful, but it had been painted with lust. When he had said it... he had meant it to cheer her up.

It had been an act of kindness with no tangible reward.

Was it really that simple? It couldn’t be... there was no way there could be so many goody-goodies.

Her mind was still fighting itself as she signed the agreement.

Twilight woke up in her own bed for the first time in three days on Monday morning. As usual, Sunset was lying next to her, having taken her turn protecting Twilight from her nightmares. It was getting more and more unnecessary, as the nightmares seemed to have randomly stopped, but Sunset didn’t seem to mind.

Spike happily licked her face as she woke up. She scratched his head in response, then looked at the clock.

“What? ...Sunset, we’re running late! We were supposed to be up fifteen minutes ago!”

Sunset muttered. “The clock’s not my master, the bed is.”

Twilight sighed. Even after getting a full night’s sleep, pulling Sunset out of bed was a challenge. “Sunset, come on. You need to get dressed.”

“Uh... no, no...”

She sighed. “Spike?”

Spike nodded, then went over to her, pushed her pajamas up, and inserted his wet nose directly onto her skin.

Sunset shot out of bed with a loud “Yipe!” As she crashed back down, Spike leapt off the bed and made a mad dash underneath it, hopeful this would let him be safe from Sunset’s wrath.

Sunset took a few deep breaths, then glared at Twilight. “Don’t do that!”

“I’m sorry, but we overslept. The alarm didn’t go off.”

Sunset looked at the clock, then suddenly went into panic mode. “We are running late! We better change!”

There didn’t need to be any further discussion. Within a few minutes the two girls were dressed and heading down for breakfast. Cadance had cooked them a meal that they ate in a hurry, then waved goodbye as they left.

The walk down the street was almost a surreal one, because for the first time since they had met they seemed like normal teenage girls. They talked about what was going on in school, what their lessons were that day, and it even went into romance.

“You ever talked to Captain Flash?” Sunset said, playfully pushing Twilight on the arm. She blushed a bit.

“I barely talked to him,” Twilight said. “I tried, but he was so focused on his job.”

“So I guess you won’t be dating him.”

“I never wanted to date him,.” Twilight said, a little too quickly.

“Sure you didn’t,” Sunset said. She gave her a sly smile.

She blushed. “Look... okay, I admit, he was... good looking,” Twilight stumbled over her words, trying to pick them carefully. “But I never really thought about dating him. I... learned the hard way that a pretty face isn’t always for the best.”

Sunset looked at her friend. “What do you mean?”

“Well... around the time Trenderhoof was picking me as his crush of the month, another boy started to show interest in me. His name was Neon Lights. He chased Trenderhoof off... he usually folded if another boy was involved... and then asked me out. I was unsure, but I decided to say yes. So, he said he’d meet me at this restaurant downtown. I went there and...”

Sunset sighed. “Let me guess, he didn’t show up, and it turned out to be some cruel prank?”

Twilight shook her head. “It would have been better if that was all it was. It turned out it was a trap by Fleur de Lis...”

“That girl that we ran into at the record store after the Friendship Games?”

Twilight nodded. “When I was near the restaurant, Fleur and a bunch of her friends grabbed me and dragged me into an alley. They picked me up and...” she trailed off.

Sunset reached over and grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. “Go on, I won’t laugh, I promise.”

She smiled. “They tossed me in an open dumpster. It was filled with rotten food from the restaurant. I came out covered in everything... and they...” Twilight was starting to cry. Sunset pulled her off the sidewalk and into an alley, not stopping to think that might be an ironic action given the story being told. Still, they were out of sight from most people, so she hugged her friend and let her calm down.

“...They laughed. They didn’t take any pictures. I guess they didn’t want to risk Cadance finding out and expelling them. But it was humiliating.”

“I swear, if I ever run into Fleur, I think I’m going to punch her lights out,” Sunset said. She let Twilight out of her grip. “You’re not at Crystal Prep, and if any of those people come and try to hurt you, I’ll make them pay.”

“...That sounds like something Rainbow Dash would say,” Twilight said. “You’re usually not that... aggressive.”

“You don’t deserve any of the horrible things that have happened to you, Twilight,” Sunset said. “And... and maybe it reminds me a little too much about how I used to be.”

Twilight fet like she had been pulled out of a trance at that sentence. Sunset had been a crutch for her in the last few months, always there to help her up emotionally. It was so easy for her to forget that she was someone with her own issues.

Twilight put a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “You’re always telling me I shouldn’t dwell on my past. You shouldn’t either.”

Sunset smiled at her. “Oh, I don’t... not too much, anyway. But no one likes to remember a bad experience. And not liking bullies is healthy, no matter who you are. You don’t have to worry about me.”

The two looked at each other, smiling.

“Kiss already!”

The two of them jumped, and turned to see Pinkie Pie looking at them, smiling.

“Pinkie... how long have you been there?” Sunset asked. Twilight her face heating up.

“Long enough! Now come on, we’re going to be late for school.”

The two needed no second bidding on the change of topic, and they began walking toward Canterlot High, desperately talking about everything except what they had been talking about earlier.

Applejack and Rarity were walking to school in silence, mostly because there was nothing to really talk about. Rarity was sipping a coffee she picked up from the Cake’s cafe and occasionally checking her phone when Applejack spoke up.

“Uh, Rare? I think that Crystal Prep boy is followin’ us. What’d Twi say his name was? Trenderhoof?”

Rarity blinked, then looked back. It was the same boy they had seen a few day earlier. He was about fifteen feet behind them, and he didn't seem to care that he’d been spotted. In fact, he was carrying a large bouquet of flowers in one hand.

“Oh dear, looks like he’s finally going to make his move,” Rarity said. She pulled out a compact mirror and looked at herself in it, fixing up her hair. “I’ll just have to break it to him gently.”

“Oh, brother,” Applejack said under her breath. Rarity heard, but didn’t react. She simply waited as Trenderhoof walked up.

The boy smiled and held out the bouquet. “My fair lady, I’ve admired your beauty from afar since the Friendship Games. I’ve finally found the courage to confess my feelings to you.”

Rarity smiled. “You’re too kind, Darling, but I’m afraid...”

“What? No, not you,” Trenderhoof said. He moved forward a bit, positioning himself right in front of Applejack. “Her.”

“...What?” Applejack said, her face heating up.

“...Applejack?” Rarity asked, entirely out of shock.

“Applejack... oh, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl! Such raw, untamed beauty in one package!”

Applejack felt herself turning red. Rarity just sat there, stunned. “You... you haven’t been following us because of me?”

“Please. You’re a dime a dozen manufactured beauty. Applejack here is all natural! Oh, such heavenly beauty come to grace us with her presence!”

“I... I have to go,” Applejack said running off. Rarity, in her anger, followed right behind her, leaving Trenderhoof alone with his bouquet.

Rainbow Dash waited while Fluttershy went down the alleyway and handed the tramp his daily sandwich and coffee. The bum thanked her by launching into a rendition of My Way. Fluttershy politely listened to the first two verses before exiting and joining Rainbow Dash back on the walk to Canterlot High.

“So, it looks like Adagio’s on board, but do you think she’ll keep her end of the bargain?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I think so,” Fluttershy said. “She sounds like she really wants her sisters back.”

“I’m not doubting that,” she said. “I have no doubt that she cares for her sisters. What I’m doubting is that she cares for anyone else. How do we know she won’t turn right around and betray us the moment her sisters are safe?”

Fluttershy looked like she wanted to argue, but stopped at the last moment. She was silent for a bit, like she was mulling over what to say. Finally, she spoke. “Maybe she will, and maybe she won’t. But we gave Sunset a second chance, Adagio should get one too. She’s been through a lot. I don’t think... I don’t think she’s told us how bad the Changelings treated her.”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t argue with that, so she settled for looking sulky.

“Besides, Princess Twilight seems to think it’s a good idea, and she hasn’t been wrong yet.”

That made even looking sulky impossible. “Yeah, I guess... she is ‘Princess of Friendship’ for a reason.”

There was a bit of silence as the duo kept walking.

“Principal Celestia is a princess in the other world too, isn’t she?”

“That’s right,” Fluttershy said.

“Then why isn’t Celestia a politician over here? I guess things don’t translate exactly. Scootaloo isn’t my sister...”

She trailed off because she noticed that Fluttershy was giving her an odd look.


“Rainbow Dash... I know you don’t really keep up with things, but don’t tell me you really didn’t know that.”

“...Know what?”

“Principal Celestia was a politician. She used to be the mayor of Canterlot.”

“Can you believe him?” Rarity said, practically snarling. “Dime a dozen... I put a lot of effort into this look! I'm not manufactured, I'm hand-crafted! Oh, if I ever see him again, I'll... Applejack?”

Rarity had been too angry to notice, but Applejack hadn’t said a word the entire time they had been walking. Rarity felt ashamed not noticing before. “Did... did he upset you?”

“...No, he didn’t,” Applejack said. She stopped walking. Rarity stopped as well and waited a moment. She had decided that Applejack wasn’t going to speak and started to open her mouth when she finally spoke.

“Rare... I’m pretty, aren’t I?”

Rarity was stunned for a moment. “Of course you’re pretty, Applejack. Why on Terra would you think otherwise?”

“Boys don’t usually talk to me they way they talk to you... or Fluttershy... or Twilight an’ Sunset...”

Rarity’s jaw was hanging open. “Applejack... since when have you ever cared about that? You’re always going on about my preening...” She stopped before she got into a rant, because it was true. Applejack’s appearance was always a low priority for her before... well, that wasn’t true. She cared about not looking like a slob, and about being in shape, but caring about being pretty? That just wasn’t her.

“I am a girl, Rare. I... I don’t know. I doesn’t bother me mostly, but it’s nice being the center of attention for once.”

Rarity tensed, caught between wanting to comfort her friend and wanting to stay away from Trenderhoof. “Applejack...”

“I ain’t plannin’ on datin’ that boy, if that’s what yer worried about,” Applejack said. “Not after what he said to you.”

Rarity breathed a sigh of relief. “You wouldn't want him. From what Twilight said, he moves on to another girl before too long. But honestly, Applejack, you’ve never said anything about all this bothering you before.”

“I said it don’t. I guess... I guess he caught me off guard, that’s all. I’m sorry, Rare, talkin’ about this was stupid... I let that creep get to me. Let’s just get to school.”

Applejack started to walk away, but Rarity wasn’t having it. She grabbed her friend by the wrist and pulled her into a hug. There was only a moment’s hesitation before Applejack hugged her back. They stood like that a moment, with Rarity half-expecting her friend to start showing showing some stronger emotion, but she remained stoic.

When they broke apart, Rarity looked her in the eye. “Applejack, you’re very pretty, and trust me, there are boys interested in you. Remember, almost no one could have a relationship back when Sunset was... evil, for lack of a better word, and boys have been having a hard time approaching us with all the magic going on. But trust me, I see plenty of boys looking at you. You’ll get one a million times better than that loser.”

Applejack smiled. “Thanks, Rare. I... I needed that.”

Rarity smiled. “Come on, let’s get to class.”

Starlight could only look at what she had built. What was it? She wasn’t even sure herself. It looked like a big white circular stand on the ground with three prongs around its diameter, curling up like fingers clutching an invisible sphere. It wasn’t the most creative design, but it wasn’t made to look good.

Everything she knew, everything she had learned over the last few months had gone into it. The readings from ther portal at the base of the statue in Canterlot High, the information Cinch had given them, what their spies had figured out. The whole thing had flown out of her head and onto the page... it was amazing. It was like someone was whispering into her ear, telling her exactly what she needed to know.

Then came the building. The whole thing had been constructed in a matter of days. One worker had asked what they were building. She had responded by punching him in the gut for wasting time asking questions. No one had dared ask her anything after that outside of clarification on instructions, which she answered so calmly, like an automated machine, that it honestly creeped the workers out.

Miss Chrysalis had come down with two armed guards at one point, demanding that Starlight stop and tell her what was going on. She didn’t, she didn’t even stop working, even yelling at anyone who dared slow down. It was so audacious that, for once, the Changeling leader had no clue how to proceed. Starlight was too valuable to truly punish, but such an act of insubordination going without comment would make her look weak. She swallowed rage and told her that there would be consequences if this project yielded nothing.

Starlight had hated being called a mad scientist, but she was starting to look the part. Her hair was becoming more wild, she hadn’t been sleeping, and she was becoming more and more incoherent. But it had been worth it.

“How long until we have enough power to begin?” she asked. The lab assistant sitting at the console.

He looked at the reading. “It should be about forty-five minutes.”

She nodded. “Yes, good... good.” She was silent for a moment. “I... I think I’ll go shower off. When I get back, we’ll begin.”

The worker shifted like he was sitting on a tack. “Um, do you think we should be doing this? It remains untested...”

It has to happen today! Today!” she said, causing the worker to jump. “We do this now, and nothing is going to stop us!”

“...If you say so,” the worker said.

“I do say so. I’m in charge. Now, keep an eye on everything. I’m going to go get cleaned up. Call me if anything happens.”

Starlight departed for her quarters, leaving behind a worried worker.

When Twilight, Sunset, and Pinkie arrived at Canterlot High, they found Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy in front of the Wondercolt statue. Rainbow Dash was on her phone, looking shocked.

“Hey guys, what’s going on?”

“Did you all know Celestia used to be mayor?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Uh, yeah, I made it my business to learn everything about everyone,” Sunset reminded her.

“Sure. Principal Cinch tried to bury it around us, but we all knew,” Twilight said.

“Of course,” Pinkie said. “Why? What are you looking at?”

Rainbow Dash showed them. She was on some news site, a scan of an old headline saved in the archives that read “CELESTIA SWORN IN AS MAYOR” Principal Celestia was in a formal suit with her hand on a book, getting sworn in. Luna was at the side, also dressed up.

“You didn’t know that, Rainbow?” Pinkie asked.

She shook her head. “My family wasn’t from Canterlot, they moved here, so my parents never mentioned it, and no one ever brought it up to me.”

“Well, she was mayor,” Sunset said. “Was a really good one, too. They wanted her to run for a third term, but she was tired of politics and decided to become a teacher. Luna was her Deputy Mayor, and she followed her right to becoming a teacher. She was made principal pretty quickly...”

“Wait a minute,” Twilight said suddenly. “This... this article was from thirty years ago! How... how old is Principal Celestia?”

Sunset couldn’t help but smile. “She’s fifty-five.”

Twilight felt her jaw drop. “Fifty-five? I wouldn’t have guessed any older than thirty! In fact, she barely looks any older than her twenties!” She stopped. “I remember Cinch never letting us research anything about Celestia... maybe she was jealous on how gracefully she ages.”

“It is weird,” Sunset said. “I had this theory it had something to do with the Celestia and Luna of my world are immortal... Vice Principal Luna is fifty, believe it or not.”

“But that doesn’t fit in. There was no overlap in magic before the Elements were used, you said so yourself,” Twilight pointed out.

“But ascending, becoming an alicorn, comes from Harmony. The normal rules don’t apply to Her. I don’t think the Terra versions of Celestia and Luna are immortal, but they are definitely going to have a long life span.”

“Lucky them,” Rainbow Dash said. “But anyway, I guess you want Adagio’s pardon?” Rainbow Dash said. She reached down to her backpack and pulled out the document, signed by the siren who was currently hiding out at Fluttershy’s house.

Sunset took it. “Great. I’m going to get to the library so I can send it to Princess Twilight.”

“What? How?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“The journal. I can send documents through it. I can show you how.”

“Eh, whatever,” Rainbow Dash said.

“I want to see that,” Twilight said, surprising no one. She always wanted to learn more about how everything worked.

Sunset and Twilight started to leave, but Pinkie spoke up. “Ooh! Look, Applejack and Rarity are coming!”

Pinkie’s announcement got the two to wait as the remaining two members of the Rainbooms walked up.

“Well, you were right, Twi. Trenderhoof ended up trying to flirt with me.”

Twilight buried her face in her hands. “Oh... I’m sorry, Applejack. Give him a few days and he’ll probably be interested in someone else.”

“Ooh! Did he ever try and hit on you?” Pinkie asked.

“Pinkie! That’s an inappropriate question to ask... but one I want to know the answer to.” Rarity turned to Twilight. In fact, everyone was looking at Twilight now.

She felt her face heat up. “Yeah, once... because Fleur thought it would be funny if he hit on me, so she manipulated him into going after me.”

“I swear I’m going to punch that bitch in the stomach if I ever see her again,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy said, her voice showing strength she rarely displayed.

“You’ll have to get in line,” Sunset said. “But I don’t think we will. I think we scared her off at the record store. She didn’t look like she was expecting any resistance.”

“I hope so. I’ve had enough of Fleur to last a lifetime. Well, we better send the Princess that pardon.”

Twilight started off to the library. Sunset followed not long after, guessing that Twilight really wanted to avoid talking about her time at Crystal Prep any more.

Starlight felt better than she had in days. She was excited for what was about to happen, but the sheer drive was starting to wear off, and she felt the hygiene she had been neglecting. A shower to remove the stink, a brush through her hair, a razor to her legs, and she was feeling as good as new.

She brushed her teeth, then looked at the clock on the wall. It was ten minutes until the machine was supposed to be powered up. Wasting no more time, she grabbed the white coat hanging on the the wall and put it on. After feeling in her pocket to make sure nothing had fallen out, she began walking back down to her lab.

It was a rather uneventful walk, which is why it didn’t occur to her that something was off until after she had gotten through the door. If she had been paying more attention, she would have noticed that the two guards standing on either side of the entranceway were out of place. There was no need for a guard this deep, let alone ones that looked so ready to fire.

It was when she entered that she saw Miss Chrysalis, standing there with even more guards. When Starlight entered, she moved from looking at the machine to looking at her.

“Miss Chrysalis, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Starlight said. She said the words of mocking politeness that she always put on with her boss so she could hide how nervous this was making her.

“What have you built?” Chrysalis asked.

“A machine,” Starlight answered. She always made sure to push some of Chrysalis’s buttons a bit, just to show the woman that she knew she was irreplaceable. She wasn’t sure it was a good idea now, but old habits die hard.

Chrysalis didn’t rise to the bait, she only shot her a glare.

“A machine that I put all our knowledge in. All the information gathered from the portal near Canterlot High, the one we’ve been watching ever since that Sunset girl first transformed.”

“None of the other workers can make heads or tails of what you’ve been making,” Chrysalis said. “They can’t find out where you got your numbers and can’t follow your calculations. They’re even telling me they think this machine is dangerous, that it might explode. So I take it you’ve built this for some purpose.”

She opened her mouth to answer, “Because it’s important,” but stopped herself. She really thought about it. Why was it important? She knew it was, but...

“I put all the information we had on the portal into it. If it works... and it will... I think it could be possible to bridge the gap into this other world.”

Starlight hardly believed the words coming out of her mouth, but realized it was true. Of course that’s what it was for, why couldn’t she remember it earlier?

Chrysalis softened a bit, but just a bit. “That would be pretty good, since you’re not getting anything out of the sirens... but your assistants and your workers say you’ve become more and more unhinged.”

“They may work with me, but they’re nowhere near my level,” she said. “They don’t understand the rush that comes with brilliance.”

Chrysalis looked annoyed, rolling her eyes. That was a good sign, she was getting back to normal.

“Even so, I don’t want this online. I’ll contact one of the other cells and have them send their tech person to look it over and we can start it up once they...”

“You can’t!” Starlight said. “This has to be started now!” She reached over and grabbed Chrysalis by the arm. “Please, I...”

She stopped because Chrysalis, in a flash so quick that she didn’t see it, pulled a knife out of her pocket and pressed it against Starlight’s throat. The young scientist released her and stepped back, but Chrysalis kept the tip of the dagger on her skin. It pierced slightly, and Starlight felt the small trickle of blood.

Chrysalis pulled the blade out slightly, but then put it under her chin and pressed it again, forcing Starlight to raise her head.

“Be careful. You’re invaluable to us, but there are worse fates than being killed. Much, much worse.”

Chrysalis pulled the blade back as quickly as she had brought it forward. She began spinning it in one hand. “Now, why does this need to happen now?”

“I did some calculations and found that there are different fluctuations in the portal at different times,” she said, the words popping into her brain and pouring out immediately afterward. Her voice was slightly distorted as she rubbed the small amount of blood off her neck. “It will be in flux in just a minute. We must...”

“No. It’s too risky. End of discussion. You could blow up this building if this goes wrong. I’ll need to double-check your work.”

Starlight sighed, reaching into the pocket of her lab coat. “I understand.” She felt around for the object. She felt the cold metal, and the button.

“Good. I’m glad you understand that what I say goes.”

She pressed the button.

There was a small spark. The sound got everyone to turn in that direction. This was a bad mistake, as seconds later a white flash blinded everyone, and the shockwave knocked everyone, Starlight included, off their feet.

Adagio saighed, flipping through the channels. There was nothing on, but catching little bits was at least entertaining.

“Now what I’m going to do, is I’m going to take my thumb, and...”

“...Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when we’re part of a team...”

“...Senator Sombra cast the deciding vote in turning down the proposal, which would have...”

“Now we let it sit in the oven for thirty-five minutes...”

Adagio sighed and switched the television over to the auxiliary and picked up the game controller. As obnoxious as Zephyr Breeze had been, he had offered to let her play any of his games, and they were often better distractions than the television.

As she booted up the shooter that had become her favorite (or the one she found the least horrible) she suddenly felt a shiver run down her spine. She stopped and looked around, half expecting something to jump out at her.

After a moment, she started playing. But for the rest of the day, she had an uneasy feeling. Like something bad had just happened.

Starlight was the first on her feet, her vision clearing at a rate that surprised her. There was a thick blanket of smoke, and things were scattered everywhere, but nothing seemed damaged.

Then she heard it. Crying. Someone was crying. No... sobbing. And it sounded like a child. This was not the expected finding, but it seemed to point toward the machine being a success.

She began to move toward the sound, but only made it three steps before Miss Chrysalis stepped in front of her. “What have you done, you bitch!” Her normally near hair was wild, and she looked angry. “How did...”

Starlight put a hand on her mouth. Enraged, Chrysalis reached for her knife, but stopped. She heard it too.

Seeing that she was calm, Starlight released Chrysalis and began making her way to the source of the noise. Chrysalis followed, taking a comb out of her pocket and working to get her locks under control.

They stepped forward slowly, and when the smoke cleared, they saw it.

It was a pony. A very small pony, with a horn on its head. It had bright orange fur with white markings, and looked absolutely terrified. Especially after it saw the two strange creatures coming toward him. It let out a cry and backed up.

“Easy there,” Starlight said. “We won’t hurt you.”

“Wh-where am I?” it said in the voice of a young boy. “Where are the other ponies?”

“There are no other ponies here,” Starlight said. “You’re the only one.”

“But... but I was just at Princess Celestia’s school! And there was a huge explosion, and... where am I?”

“You’re in my home,” Chrysalis spoke up, stepping forward. “My name is Miss Chrysalis.” She smiled, and it actually surprised Starlight how warm it actually looked. It might have fooled her, if she hadn’t known better.

“What’s your name, little one?” Miss Chrysalis asked.

The tiny colt gave a sniff before answering. “It’s Sunburst.”

Author's Note:

Okay... this chapter. I have some things to say.

I'm worried about the reveal. I think it's been sufficiently foreshadowed, but Families taught me I'm not as good at that as I thought. If you have questions, don't worry. All will be answered if due time.

And Trenderhoof... I was originally going to play the whole thing for laughs, but as I wrote the scene, I suddenly thought a younger Applejack might have more issues with boys being attracted to her. I don't intend this to be a separate plot line, just a look into the characters that are inhabiting this world. They all have their own issues.

I'm hoping the next chapter won't take nearly as long to come out.