• Published 7th Jan 2016
  • 15,691 Views, 953 Comments

Integration - Darth Link 22

Changes are coming to two different worlds, whether anypony, or anybody, is ready for them or not.

  • ...

Humans III

Research Log 3/25

Sunset’s return from Equestria has given us a new piece of the puzzle, and yet we’re still no closer to getting a whole picture. The most incredible change that has occurred so far is the fact that Sunset mysteriously ascended into an Alicorn at some point, likely during her transformation into Daydream Shimmer. This is opening the door for several possibilities: will humans also gain the power to ascend if they do indeed gain magic? If so, will our government be rewritten to accommodate them as rulers the way pony society has?

Current progress on the growth of magic is slow, but steady. Rarity can now lift two objects at once, though there is little she can do with them in terms of precision. I am doing better in both fronts, though still rather crude compared to what Sunset or Princess Twilight can accomplish.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash continue to show no signs of Pegasus magic. Applejack and Pinkie Pie show no notable change in physical strength. Our top three candidates for other magic users also have not reported anything.

We still have had no luck finding a natural source of magic that isn’t a living thing or the portal. Fluttershy has offered to donate some, especially after Sunset let it slip that the same blast of magic that gave Spike the ability to speak might do the same for Vinyl Scratch, but all three of us refused. There’s no telling the long-term effects of draining magic on the human body.

Tonight Sunset will be staying with my family. She’ll be filling me in on Equestria’s history, including the formation of the Elements of Harmony. Perhaps it will provide some clue on how magic could grow on Terra.

“And so the three tribes all came together and called their new land Equestria.” Sunset said, dipping another carrot stick in the dip and popping it in her mouth.

Twilight sat across from her, Spike in her lap, sound asleep. Sunset had been taking advantage of her turns as Twilight’s emotional crutch to catch her up on all kinds of Equestrian topics. History had been her decided subject this time. She scribbled the last of it on the clipboard she was carrying. “Well, if that’s how Equestria was founded, I guess Princess Celestia and Princess Luna came in later?”

“That’s the next story,” Sunset promised, taking a sip of soda. “I just got the story told to me when I was back in Equestria. It seems Starlight was curious.”

Twilight smiled. “So am I... do you really think humans can ascend?”

“I hope so. I want at least one of you with me,” she grinned. “I think you’re a good candidate.”

“Me? After Midnight...”

Sunset placed a finger over her lips. “Come on, I did a lot worse than you, even without magic.”

“You keep saying that, but I can’t picture it. You’re so nice...”

Sunset looked away for a moment.

“Oh, I’m sorry...”

“No. No, you’re right. I think I need to tell you more about what I was like before you met me. I think it might help you.”

“Sunset, if it’s hard to talk about, you don’t have to.”

Sunset smiled. “It is hard... but it’s worth it to help someone I care about.”

“Hmm... that has nothing to do with the mirror, but I’ll have to remember that one for later,” Sunset said, quickly scribbling a spell down. She needed to be quick. The restricted section of the Archives was forbidden even to her, if she was caught...

Well, no matter. She had finally found what she was looking for. It was the book that had all information on the mirror. She read, and learned.

And then an invisible force tore the book away.

“Sunset,” Celestia said. Her voice was even, but still angrier than Sunset had ever heard. “This is forbidden information. What are you doing here?”

As a filly, this would have made Sunset slink back. But not now. She was so full of anger that she stood tall. “I’m getting the knowledge that I deserve! You’ve been holding me back!”

“You aren’t ready for this responsibility!”

“Yes I am! I’ve aced every test you’ve given me! I know more about magic that any other mortal still alive! You’re just afraid of me becoming too powerful!”

“No, I fear you becoming too power-hungry. You know much of Unicorn magic, but you know nothing about Friendship.”

“I don’t need anypony else! I deserve to rule as your equal! I...”

”Enough!” Celestia raised her voice. It actually got Sunset to scurry back in fear. “I think you need a bit of humility. Until further notice, your lessons are suspended so you can scrub dishes in the royal kitchen. Maybe a little hard work will remind you that you aren’t royalty!”

Sunset’s eyes bulged. He knees actually felt weak. “You can’t! You won’t degrade me to...”

“I’m not degrading you, you're degrading yourself be behaving so foalishly. So you’ll be treated like a foal. Guards, escort Sunset to her chambers, and do not allow her to leave until it’s time to work tomorrow morning! Put a horn ring on her if she resists.”

The guards flanked her and led her out. She shot one last dirty look at her teacher before leaving.

Once alone in her room, she moved fast. She gathered up her stash of gems and rubies and headed for her goal.

The guards watching her door were a joke to somepony as magically inclined as her. A quick sleeping spell and they were out. She moved with ease to the mirror. Taking a deep breath, she went through.

Sunset watched as Rarity left the room. She looked over her notes for her first article in the school newspaper. These five managed to completely decimate the school’s social order to become friends? That wouldn’t do. They were too much of a wild card socially. They needed to be separated if she was going to make any progress.

She gathered up her supplies and made her way out. She didn’t get far before she bumped into someone.

“Um, hey Sunset,” Flash said, giving a smile.

“Hey,” she said, waiting patiently. Ordinarily, she’d blow off people who interrupted her. But not Flash. He was far too popular to just toss aside.

“Uh, listen... I don’t suppose you have a date for the Spring Fling, do you?”

Sunset stopped breathing for a moment. For most girls, this was a dream come true. It was for Sunset, but for a different reason than most girls.

“I don’t.”

“Well,” Flash actually looked nervous. How pathetic. “I don’t suppose you’d like to go with me, would you?”

Sunset put on her best winning smile. “Sure.”

“Great,” he said. He was clearly trying to restrain his joy. What a dork. “And... I don’t suppose I could treat you to dinner this weekend?”

“Well, it would be nice to be treated by a handsome man,” she said, putting a seductive edge in her voice. Flash blushed. “I suppose we can. Saturday, 6 o’clock.”

“S-sure. Where do you live?”

“Just pick me up in front of the school,” she said. “I have something to do here that day anyway.”

He nodded. “I’ll see you then.” He said. He walk past her, continuing to the music room.

She watched him go. The guy was such a dork underneath that cool persona, but he was well liked. Dating him would be a sure fire way to win Spring Fling Princess. Smiling at another victory, she headed back to the newsroom.

“I introduce to you, the Princess of the Spring Fling, Sunset Shimmer!”

Sunset stood on the stage as the crowd applauded. She had been waiting for this, and now she actually felt a bit overwhelmed. All these people, clapping for her.

Winning had been so easy. The only other competition had been Trixie, who many found obnoxious. Rarity had dropped out, still nursing the wounds of her destroyed friendship.

“And your Spring Fling Prince, Flash Sentry!”

Flash took his place at her side. It was an annoyance, having to share the admiration, but she put on a happy face. Flash took her hand. She didn’t resist.

The music started up again, and the two were on the floor. She moved with the music perfectly. He had taught her to dance. It was fun, kind of. The tune was a slow dance. She knew many teens, Flash included, were finding this romantic.

He kissed her. She kissed back. She was good at faking it.

“Come on, you’ve got this.”

If Sunset had to give Flash credit for anything, it was that he was a good teacher. She had picked up the guitar rather quickly after she had learned to use her fingers. Of course, that was the point of learning to play: learning to use her fingers like a normal human.

Canterlot High’s music room was empty except for the two of them. This was their latest “date”, many of them lately revolved around these lessons.

Their time ran out and Trixie came in to claim hers, so they packed up and walked out. Flash took Sunset’s hand. He did that a lot. Sunset didn’t mind. Flash had made her popular. It was his privilege to hold her hand.

They were out the front door when they saw it. The Diamond Dudes, in a circle, pushing Snips and Snails into a mud puddle.

“I saw you look at me funny,” Rover said. “You need some respect.”

“N-no, we didn’t, honest!” Snails said.

“See that mud puddle? Eat some of it,” Fido laughed.

“What?” Snips said, his eyes widening.

“Eat it!” Spot demanded.

Flash released her hand and stepped forward. “Hey, lay off them!”

The trio turned and shot a threatening glare at him. “You think we’re afraid of you?” Spot asked.

Flash smirked. “Are you?”

There was a moment of silence.

“They’re not worth it,” Rover said at last, motioning for the others to follow them. They shot another glare at Flash before they left.

Flash helped Snips and Snails up. “Any reason they were messing with you?”

“Same reason everyone does,” Snips said, trying to brush mud off his pants, “cause we’re the school’s dunces.”

“Don’t be like that,” Flash said, trying to sound reassuring. “Let me know if they mess with you again.”

They stayed a while longer to help them. Flash missed the calculating look in Sunset’s eyes.

“Hey, tell me, do you two hang out together because it takes you both to have the IQ of a normal person?”

Silver Spoon laughed at Diamond Tiara’s joke like it was actually funny. Snips and Snails did their best to ignore her as they left the cafeteria.

“They’re not going to stop, you know.”

They both were surprised. Sunset was leaning against the wall with a smooth expression.

“Everyone’s going to keep making fun of you if you never do anything about it.”

“Yeah, well, what are we supposed to do?”

“You don’t need the biggest muscles or a quick wit if you know how to be sneaky about it. I can help you, let you get back at everyone who makes fun of you. All you have to do is a few things for me...”

Rarity sat in the bleachers of Canterlot High’s soccer field. There was an outdoor assembly where the candidates for the Fall Formal Princess were going to make their campaign speeches. Sunset was currently on the stage, taking her turn.

She was so caught up in watching she didn’t notice Snips under the bleachers, or feel the clamping connectors down on the loose parts of her top and skirt.

When it was her turn, Rarity stood, and Snips gave the signal to Snails before dashing away. As Rarity stood, Snails took off on his bike behind the seats. The bike tugged at the ropes, which were attached to the clamps Snips had placed.

As Sunset had predicted, Rarity’s top-designed clothes were made of a very delicate fabric, and after pulling her back into the seat, it ripped off everything, revealing her bra and panties to the entire crowd.

Laughter filled the air as Rarity ran off, red-faced and in tears. No one noticed Sunset’s smile.

The Fall Formal went off without a hitch. With Rarity gone, she ran unopposed. The next day at school, Flash took her aside.

“How could you do it?”

“...You’re going to have to be more specific.”

“I heard Snips and Snails talking about it. You did that to Rarity! How could you?”

Sunset made a mental note to berate those two dunces. “She was running against me. I couldn’t have that.”

Flash just gaped. “But... it was horrible! Rarity still refuses to come to school! How can you be so casual about it?”

“Easy: I won. It works out for me.” Flash gave her a look that actually caused her to flinch. It was like he was seeing her for the first time and realizing how ugly she was.

“We’re done.”

Sunset blinked. “What?” There was no outrage in the voice, merely a request for clarification.

“I said we’re done. I don’t want to date anyone as horrible as you.”

“Oh.” And then she shrugged. “Fine. Whatever.”

Flash looked like a knife had gone through his heart. “What? Just like that? This whole thing meant nothing to you?”

“Sure it did: a one-way ticket to popularity. I have that now. If you’re stupid enough to dump me, you...”

She trailed off when she saw the tears. Tears. Flash was actually crying. She had never seen him cry.

He turned around and walked out, leaving Sunset alone. She stood there, trying to process what she had just seen.

He was crying... I actually made him cry...



Huh... what a wuss.

It had been the single worst night of her life. It had seemed like a sure thing. The second Spring Fling had her running unopposed again, as no one had even signed up to run against her. They all knew what she had done. Flash had told everyone, and everyone believed him, even if no one could prove it. They all feared her.

The second Fall Formal should have been a breeze. She had made sure she could get the crown back, even if she lost it. She could take down Twilight Sparkle no problem.

And then she had felt the Crown’s magic. It hurt. And it showed off the real her. A monster.

Twilight had won. She had reduced her to a crying mess in a crater. But that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was, instead of leaving her there to die like she had wanted, Twilight offered her hand. She wouldn’t let her just waste away like she deserved. She made her face the consequences. She banished her here, and made her learn Friendship.

Celestia and Luna set her to work while everyone else had fun. Mere hours ago she had wanted power. Now all she wanted was to be in there, dancing and laughing.

Then Snips and Snails broke the news. They were finished.

“What! But...”

“Flash got everyone to apologize for how they treated us,” Snips said. “And, well... you’re kind of a liability right now, so...”

“But... I thought…”

...we were friends... No, that was stupid. She had no friends. They walked out. They never spoke again.

Sunset entered her abandoned apartment, shining her flashlight over the bedroll, the non-perishable food, the few books, and the clothes. She needed to budget the rest of her money. It would be at least another two months before Twilight would let her come home.

She cried. She didn’t want to be here. She wanted to go home. She wanted to crawl into Celestia’s forelegs and cry. Why did she leave? Celestia had given her everything, and she had thrown it away for this. The Princess would never want her back now.

The door behind her creaked open, causing Sunset to jump out of her skin. She whirled around, ready to defend herself against any intruder.

Granny Smith was was there, flashlight in hand. Everyone in school called her Granny. She wasn’t looking too happy, and Sunset couldn’t blame her. She had probably come to give her another beating for nearly killing her granddaughters. Applejack was right behind her, Apple Bloom trailing behind her, hiding the best she could from Sunset.

“What are you doing here?”

Sunset blinked at the woman’s question. That was not what she was she expecting. “Um... I live here...”

“Here?! No, you can’t live here. Look at this place, yer all alone!”

“I can take care of myself...”

“This ain’t takin’ care of yerself, Missy. Ya got no electricity, no good food, do ya even have runnin’ water?”

“I shower at the school...”

“Ain’t havin’ it. Pack yer bags, yer comin’ to the farm.”

Sunset blinked. She knew Granny Smith had seen her for what she was. She knew she knew the truth. “I... I can’t...”

A hand grabbing her ear and twisting it cut off any more complaints. “Ow, ow...”

“Applejack, Apple Bloom, round up her things,” Granny Smith ordered as she began to pull Sunset away.

The ride home had been an awkward affair, given that she was riding with one of the six that had defeated her and a freshman that was still hiding behind her sister the best she could. Sunset was starting to realize this was no new reaction. Everyone always gave her a wide berth.

The only one that you exposed your real self to was yourself. Everyone else already knew you were a monster.

Applejack’s parents had been shocked, not only by Sunset’s appearance in their home but by her bruises and ripped clothes. When they had tried to protest they couldn’t just take in another child, Granny had given them a full lecture on Apple Family hospitality.

After a shower, she got in bed. She lay there with the light off, trying and failing to get asleep.

The door creaked open, spilling hall light onto her back. She became very still.

“Sunset?” Granny Smith said, her voice just above a whisper. “Are you asleep?”

Sunset feigned sleep. She didn’t want to talk to anyone right now. She just wanted to try and sleep.

Granny Smith left, leaving the door open. She continued to lie there, wondering when it was long enough to get up and close the door without risking running into anyone.

Then Granny Smith was back. She was coming into the room. Why?

Then she felt a thicker, heavier blanket drape across her. She went rigid in surprise before cuddling into it. She hadn’t realized how cold she had been.

Then Granny Smith wrapped her in a hug. It was at that point Sunset realized she had started crying again after feeling the simple kindness of an extra blanket. The old woman’s embrace she cried the last of her tears out. Once they were gone, she finally fell asleep.

Sunset was glad that she had managed not to scream. The horrible vision of her true self chasing her through her dreams, trying to rip her to pieces, the students of Canterlot High giving her the beating she deserved... it was all too much.

The Apple Family served her breakfast before she had to report back to school to finish the repairs. She worked with Snips and Snails in awkward silence.

Lunchtime saw the work almost finished. It was then that Fluttershy came by with three packed lunches. Snips and Snails took the ones offered and went off, away from Sunset.

Fluttershy tried to make conversation, but Sunset only gave small acknowledgements of what was being said as she ate her meal. After she finished, she just looked at the ground.

Fluttershy suddenly put something white in her vision. “Here, hold this,” she said, presenting a white rabbit. Of course, this was Fluttershy. She had animals in her backpack.

Sunset took it. “Why?”

“Holding a bunny always makes me feel better.”

Sunset looked at the little creature, who was looking at her with big, sickeningly cute eyes. Like this was going to make her feel any better.

And yet, when the bunny nuzzled into her, she found herself nuzzling back... and crying again.

Fluttershy placed an arm around her and pulled her in close.


“I’m sorry?” Fluttershy said.

“Why are you being so nice to me? I was horrible to you. I’ve been horrible for years! Is it just because the Princess told you to?”

“Well, the Princess telling us did help. But remember what Snips and Snails said? They were mean to everyone because everyone was mean to them. Being cruel doesn’t accomplish anything. I mean, look at you. You’ve been so cruel for so long you cry at getting any kindness. Oh, but don’t worry, we have enough of that to go around.”

Sunset cried.

Twilight looked at Sunset.

“Surprising, isn’t it?”

“Yeah... it’s so surreal, imagining you that mean... and you crying. You seem so strong.”

Sunset blushed a bit. “It’s something you need to understand. We all have our issues.”

“And what you did to Rarity? I... you two seem to love each other. I never would have guessed...”

“That’s the sign of a good friend. They’re willing to forgive.” There wa quiet for a moment as Sunset mulled over something in her head. “I think it’s finally time I told you about Anon-a-Miss.”

That got Twilight to perk up. She had wondered what this event was that meant Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo would be doing Sunset’s chores months later.

“It all started last Christmas...”

Twilight just gaped at the story Sunset had told her. “What? But... how could they do that? Just abandon you without a second thought?”

“Are you really asking? Even after hearing about how I used to be, do you really think they were so unjustified in thinking I had gone back to my old self?”

“This was after the Sirens, right? They should have known, they should have... oh, I don’t know.” She placed her face in her hands. “I’m just... this only happened months ago, and... now it’s like it never happened between all of you...”

“Well... this is part of being friends. Your friends are going to mess up and hurt you... and you’re going to mess up and hurt them. That’s when you find out who your real friends are.”

Twilight looked down for a moment. “That sounds... a little scary, actually.”

“Yes... it can be hard, but after hearing this, do you want to give up your friendships with any of us?”

“No, of course not!” Twilight answered.

“Good. Then you think it’s worth the pain?”

“Well... yes. But, I’ve never felt it. What if it comes and I can’t handle it?”

Sunset placed a hand on her shoulder, giving her a warm smile. “You will. The next time you see Princess Twilight, ask her about her brother’s wedding. Trust me. We were supposed to tell you that together, ”

“Well, she was reluctant to talk about that... but I’m not the other Twilight! She’s strong, and open, and... well, a Princess.”

“She wasn’t always like that. She had her own challenges. Everyone does.” Sunset levitated another baby carrot into her mouth. “Now, I think I need to tell you one last story...”

Sunset was halfway in bed when her door opened. Apple Bloom was on the other side.

“What’s wron... oof!”

The young girl practically tackled Sunset in a hug, crying into her. Stunned, she nonetheless wrapped her in a hug. “Apple Bloom...”

“I’m... I’m sorry.”

“I know, you said so at Sugarcube Corner...”

“Yeah, but...” Apple Bloom sobbed. “But... all that time I thought you were a monster... and I’m worse than you are.”

Sunset lifted the young girl onto her bed and started wiping the tears from her eyes. “Don’t talk like that,” she said. “Why would you think that?”

“I... we did everythin’ just ‘cause we were jealous. We hurt our sisters just to hurt you! An’ then we just kept hurtin’ people just because we liked bein’ popular.”

Sunset held the little one close, gently stroking her hair.

“Wh... when ya didn’t come home last night, I knew we had messed up...”

“An’ that means yer better than me.”

The two looked up to see Applejack in the doorway. She wasn’t crying, but it looked like she wanted to.


“When ya didn’t come home, I just thought ‘good riddance,’ I never...” She sat on the other side of Sunset and hugged her. For a few minutes, the girls sat there, holding each other close.


“Yeah, Apple Bloom?”

“Do ya think... we could... like we used to when we were little?”

“That sounds like a mighty fine idea.”

Sunset looked back and forth between the two. “What do you mean?”

“Apple Bloom used to crawl into mah bed when she was little an’ couldn’t sleep,” Applejack explained. “Sister Slumber Parties, we called them. Figure havin’ one more sister there is a mighty fine idea.”

Sunset blushed. “I... I think I’d like that.”

“The bed was kind of cramped with the three of us, but... it felt good. After that, I never had a nightmare again.”

Twilight wiped away the tears in her eyes. “That’s... wow.”

“I had to share it again after the Games. Applejack and Apple Bloom freaked out when they found out I had nightmares and didn’t tell anyone. They insisted on staying with me to make sure I was telling the truth about not having them anymore.”

Twilight smiled. “That doesn’t sound so bad.”

“It wasn’t. But I’m glad you got something out of all this.” She looked at her phone. “It’s getting late. We better get to bed.”

Midnight Sparkle was in her dreams again. It was almost getting to be routine, though that didn’t make her any less frightening.

When she woke up, breathing heavily. As the tears came out, Sunset had her in a hug.

“Shh, it was all a dream. I’ve got you.”

Twilight snuggled into her friend, feeling better almost immediately. Even with her past, Sunset was still the one who had saved her.

“Like a phoenix burning bright in the sky,” Sunset sang softly, stroking her hair. “There’s another side to you you can’t deny. You don’t know what the future holds, but hear me when I say, that your past does not define you, because your past is not today.”

The next morning, Twilight would be amazed how quickly she fell back asleep to the rock song turned lullaby.

Author's Note:

Whoa, did this chapter proved harder to write than I thought.

So yeah, Sunset's past. For the record, here does not equal anything I do in Through the Mirror, and vice-versa. Thus why the differences in how Sunset humiliated Rarity. I didn't want to do the same thing twice.

And in case you don't read the comics, Sunset interviewing Rarity for the school newspaper happened in the 2013 Annual. Since the HuMane Five had ended the school's clique system, I figured Sunset would see them as a threat and eliminate them.