• Published 7th Jan 2016
  • 15,691 Views, 953 Comments

Integration - Darth Link 22

Changes are coming to two different worlds, whether anypony, or anybody, is ready for them or not.

  • ...

Ponies IV

Well... that’s not good news on any level. And you have no idea who these guys that tried to grab the other me are?

I have a theory, but I’m not sure I want to tell the Humans just yet. It might worry them.

It also might put them on their guard. I think you should tell them.

They’re already on their guard. We agreed: no going out after dark, travel in pairs, the whole shebang. We’ll be okay until the summer, though now all the parents want to send them over there for the whole summer.

Sunset, you haven’t told me something. Why don’t you want to tell the others about this?

Twilight, this could be nothing, and I don’t want to worry anyone. Just let me look into it and

Sunset, as your BSBFF, I demand you tell me what’s bothering you.


Big Sister Best Friend Forever

That’s corny.

Tell me what’s wrong or I’m going to tell Mom.

What are you, five?


Fine. Do you remember what I told you about Terra’s version of the Changelings?


When I first came here, I paid them for the papers I have now. I think there’s a good chance that they might be behind it. They’re a powerful organization that specializes in all kinds of crooked deals, I wouldn’t put wanting to harness magic past them.

That’s a good theory. But why keep it from the others?

Twilight, if I’m right then the Changelings know about magic because of me. This is another problem I’ve caused. I don’t want to bring this up if it turns out to be nothing.

Sunset, you can’t be afraid of admitting your mistakes to your friends. You know they love you.

I know. Just... you’re coming here in two days for dinner with Flash and his family, right? Well, I’m going to look into this on that night. If what I’m worried about turns out to be true, I’ll tell everyone then.

Okay. But don’t do anything rash, okay?

There’s another thing I wanted to talk to you about. The other Twilight was unable to use her magic when she was kidnapped. Her fear of becoming Midnight Sparkle is that strong. She’s not going to be able to use magic properly until she gets some real help. And since we can’t get any for her here, I was hoping you could find somepony there.

Are you sure any doctor we get her will be compatible? We don’t know how the two species’s psychologies match up.

Don’t worry, I’ve done a bit of research. Humans have many of the same psychoses, OCD, PTSD, schizophrenia. There must be at least some match in mental processes.

Well, I could ask Dr. Heart. He’s the leading psychologist in Equestria.

Do you know him?

Yes. A bit better than I’d like to admit. He’s the head doctor of Canterlot’s Mental Health Board, something Celestia oversees herself.

Yeah, I remember Celestia was in meetings with them quite a bit when I was learning from her. It seems kind of strange she took so much interest in it.

Ask her about it when you visit next. I’ll contact him and explain the situation. I can’t imagine he’d refuse.

Excellent. Then the best we can do is go ahead with our plans, maybe try to speed things up a little.

Understood. I’ll try to speed things up, but there’s a lot to do. Mom’s in Canterlot right now telling the Nobles everything so they can start working on who will have what responsibility. There’s a lot to do, and I’m not sure how quick we can move our timetable.

“So, as you can see, Equestria would very much like this area settled in the coming years.”

Twilight tried to keep her composure as the four ponies in front of her looked at the map where she had marked the future location of a new village, one that no longer existed in this timeline.

“What’s so important about this land that it needs to be settled?” Double Diamond asked.

“Well, first off we’re hoping to send some excavation teams into the mountains very soon to check and see if it has natural resources we can mine, and they’re going to need a base of operations. And secondly, we hoping we can limit expansion to the southwest so as to avoid any more skirmishes with the Buffalo, so if we can establish settlements elsewhere it would be a big help.”

“But why us?” Sugar Belle asked.

“A bit of a social experiment, I guess you could say. We selected ponies from around the area to start this village to see if ordinary ponies could come together. You’ll receive a squad of Royal Guards as overseers, but for the most part I’d like to see what you can do.”

The ponies looked at the map again, Party Favor whispering something to Night Glider. After a pause, Double Diamond spoke. “Okay then. I’ve got to say, Equestria must really want this if they’re willing to pay us so much to uproot.”

Twilight grinned, hoping she didn’t seem nervous. “Well, like I said, this settlement is pulling double duty.” She handed each of the four ponies a packet of information. “There’s everything. If you have any questions, my secretary should be able to handle everything.”

As she watched the four ponies leave, Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. She was now grateful for all those hours she had poured over the record to Starlight’s village. She had remembered enough of them to recreate the town from scratch. It wasn’t going to be exactly the same, but hopefully the friendships in the first timeline could be reforged. The benefits she had disguised the offer with was just a bonus.

Taking a deep breath, she turned to Spike, who put down the Power Ponies comic he had been reading and picked up Twilight’s schedule, following his caretaker’s unspoken request. He looked over the schedule. “Okay then, according to this, the next thing we have to do is inspect the troops. Which means...”

Twilight sighed. “Captain Flash. Honestly, Spike, you’re lucky you never had to put up with somepony who’s as anal retentive as he is.”

She didn’t see it, but Spike gave a glance to an unseen viewer.

“Well, we better be off then,” she said, walking to the base of the stairs. The two guards there, wearing the standard-issue armor that made them appear as big, white ponies, saluted, then flanked her on either side.

At least she had convinced them not to follow her to Terra anymore.

It was a long walk from the throne room to the bottom of the castle where the guard barracks rested. Once inside, she saw Flash Sentry with three-fifths of his elite guard. Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, and Sour Sweet stood at attention, while several other guards stood behind them, in full formation, an orderly sea of white and gold.

“Your Highness,” Flash saluted.

“At ease,” Twilight said, causing the Pegasus to relax as much as he ever could. Twilight looked over the guards. “I take it Sugarcoat and Sunny are at Ponyville Elementary?”

“Yes ma’am. They were assigned to watch Miss Glimmer.”

Twilight nodded. “Very well. Spike, the checklist.”

The baby dragon obediently handed Twilight the requested item. Unfurling the scroll, she brought a quill up to the first checkbox. “Alright then, first things first, I believe the elite are to show me their formations.”

After school playing had undergone a bit of a transformation ever since Starlight Glimmer started to attend Ponyville Elementary. While the same games were played, it had been a bit awkward for a while having two elite guards with their eyes locked on Starlight the whole time when she was outside, especially since they spent all of their time patrolling around a perimeter when she was in class.

Still, by now they were a mild curiosity, which meant that nopony was really paying much attention to them during a game of tag. Scootaloo was currently it, and was in the process of chasing down Diamond Tiara, who was shrieking and laughing.

Starlight Glimmer still couldn’t believe it when Silver Spoon had admitted to her that, just a few months before she came to Ponyville, they hadn’t been the nicest ponies. Those two had been friendly to her right from the start. The whole school seemed to like them.

When she had pointed this out, Silver Spoon just said “Well, we learned our lesson. When you’re nice, ponies want to be nice to you. When you’re mean, they don’t even want to be with you.”

“And why were you mean in the first place?”

Silver Spoon sighed. “I was friends with Diamond Tiara since we were little, and... I guess I stood by here because I thought it was the right thing to do.”

“Miss Rainbow Dash said loyalty is important.”

“Only if it’s to somepony who deserves loyalty.”

Starlight had repeated this to Rainbow Dash later, and the cyan Pegasus had nodded in approval. “That’s true, kid. Loyalty is a two-way street, and anypony who doesn’t have your best interests in mind isn’t being loyal to you.”

“Ooh, Starlight!”

Starlight blinked, coming out of her stupor. She had been so busy reminiscing that she hadn’t noticed Diamond Tiara had been tagged, and had singled her out as the next target. Feeling the adrenaline pumping, Starlight Glimmer ran, her legs going at full gallop.

Twenty feet away, Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat visibly tensed, ready to step in on the chance something went wrong.

Starlight led Diamond on a merry chase, ducking under the jungle gym, leaping over the see-saw, and running past the swing, but eventually the Earth Pony caught up to her and tackled her. The two rolled a bit in the dirt, both giggling and playfully prodding each other.

They came to a rest and both laughed, Diamond Tiara getting her words out. “You’re it...”

“Diamond Tiara Rich!”

Suddenly Diamond Tiara tensed up. Starlight looked around in confused until she saw another Earth Pony coming up to them.

Right away, Starlight didn’t like this pony. She could tell she was bad, like she thought the rest of the world was beneath her.

“Just what do you think you’re doing? Rolling around like a pig in the mud!”

Diamond Tiara flinched. “Mom, I was just...”

“Don’t talk back to me! I told you not to get yourself dirty!” She turned her gaze to Starlight Glimmer, who flinched a little at the mare’s intense glare. “And what do you think you were doing with my daughter?”

“I... I was just playing tag.”

“Tag? A ruffian's game? Why are you doing spreading your plebeian games to my daughter...”

“Hold it,” Sunny Flare said, running up to the scene with Sugarcoat next to her, both readying their weapons.

“Ah, good, the royal guards. This little brat...”

“Happens to be Princess Twilight’s personal student,” Sunny Flare said in an even tone. “So I would suggest you quit harassing her.”

Spoiled Rich’s eye widened, her face turning white in an instant. “Her? But... but...” She took a deep breath before speaking again. “I apologize. I wasn’t aware that the Princess would have picked a filly who hadn’t discovered her special talent yet.”

Starlight winced a little. Sunny, seeing this, placed a foreleg around her and glared at the other mare. She seemed not to notice and went on.

“I assumed the Princess would take a pupil who had already proven herself skilled at magic, so I was caught off guard by the blank flank.”

“Congratulations, you passed your eye exam,” Sugarcoat said. “Honestly, you’re better at that than keeping up with current events.”

“Ah, I think I understand now, the princess wants to mold a mind young, very useful,” Spoiled Rich said, her moxy returning. “You’ll have to forgive me, my daughter’s taken up with dealing with some... less than desirable foals.” She shot a glare at the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “I’m sure the princess’s pupil would make a suitable playmate.”

“Mom,” Diamond Tiara moaned. “Apple Bloom and her friends are nice, and friendly.”

“They’re...” She looked at the two royal guards, then swallowed her original words. “They’re... nice, I suppose. But I think there’s more to be said about getting in well with the Princess. There are several doors she could open for you.”

Starlight tilted her head. “Then why would you want to stop her from playing with Apple Bloom and her friends? They get lessons from the Princess too.”

Spoiled Rich’s eyes widened in shock. “Wh... what?”

“Yeah, they still have Twilight Time over at the castle once a week. Didn’t you know? In fact, they’re the little sisters of three members of the Friendship Council, so they’d be in good with the Princess no matter what.”

Spoiled Rich was left there, her mouth hanging open and her mouth wide. “Well...”

Starlight spoke again. “You’re not very bright, are you?”

The rest of the foals laugh, though Diamond Tiara was trying to hide it. Sunny bit her lip to stop her own snickers. Sugarcoat, however, didn’t change expression as she spoke.

“That was a horrifically blunt statement with no regard to tact. I don’t think I’ve ever been more proud than I am at this moment.”

Spoiled Rich turned red, angrily sputtering. “Now see here...”

At that, Sunny Flare stopped looking amused and advanced toward Spoiled Rich. “No, I think you need to see here. You’ve insulted Princess Twilight’s charge, then tried to butter her up. Given that she’s asked us to keep Starlight away from social climbers, we think you should leave.”

Spoiled gritted her teeth, but took a deep breath. “Fine. Diamond Tiara, come.”

“But Mom...”

“I said, come. Now.”

Flinching, the pink Earth Pony got to her hooves. “Yeah... okay. I’ll see you guys later.” There was no anticipation in her voice.

The foals began waving goodbye as Diamond Tiara left with her mother, who was trying to act like she was leaving on her own good time.

Starlight watched her go, then realized Silver Spoon had come up beside her. She quietly whispered, “What was that all about?”

Silver Spoon shook her head. “That was Spoiled Rich. She’s really bad news.”

“She was the reason why Diamond Tiara used to be so mean.” Apple Bloom said.

Starlight watched Diamond Tiara as she got smaller on the horizon. “Then why hasn’t anypony done something about that?”

“Dunno, we told Twilight about it,” Scootaloo said.

“She told us that she’d look into it,” Sweetie finished for her friend.

Spoiled Rich was just a dot on the horizon now, but Starlight could still remember her face as clear as day.

”I think there’s more to be said about getting in well with the Princess.”


The purple filly shook her head. “Sorry, Apple Bloom. I was just thinking.”

Twilight went through another stack of proposals.

“Let’s see... an increase in patrols out west... denied. The buffalo haven’t caused any trouble, and we’re spending enough of our military budget occupying the Changeling Kingdom. Now let’s see... marriage proposal from another noble. Spike?”

“Got it,” he said, pulling out the form letter.

Dear suitor:

No. I don’t accept marriage proposals through the mail. If you demand my hoof in marriage again without seeing me in person, you will be placed under house arrest for a week.

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight gave it the royal stamp. She thought about adding that she currently had a coltfriend, but decided against it. There would be plenty of time for dealing with the inevitable media frenzy later.

Placing it in her outgoing mail, she was reaching for the next form when the door to her office opened and another pony stuck her head in.

“Excuse me, Princess, but your next appointment is here.”

Twilight perked up. “Thank you, Ms. Calibri. Please send him in. And ask him if he wants anything to drink.” She turned to Spike. “You can go on break. I think this needs to be private."

A few minutes later a Pegasus stallion with a tan coat stepped in. Besides his mane which was neatly sculpted in place and a necktie stained with coffee, the only thing remarkable about him was his cutie mark, a question mark inside a heart. And instead of bowing, he greeted Twilight with a smile.

“Twilight! Good to see you!”

“It’s good to see you too, Doctor Heart,” Twilight said as he took a seat.

“So, have you been feeling? Do you think we should...”

“We’re not here about my health, doctor,” Twilight said, lighting up her horn. She opened a safe in the corner of the room and extracted a magical contract. “You need to sign this first. Standard royal non-disclosure agreement.”

The doctor tilted his head. “Twilight, I’m already bound not to reveal patient information...”

“This goes beyond that. This involves something huge politically we are not yet prepared to get out.”

The doctor hesitated for only a moment before signing. “Okay, but if this is anything as crazy as Starlight, I don’t think I’ll believe it.”

Twilight spent the next thirty minutes telling him about Terra, about the Humans, and about her counterpart. The growing concern with the rise of magic in a previously unmagic world, and of her counterpart’s near kidnapping just a day ago.

By this point, Calibri had brought the drinks, tea for Twilight and coffee for Doctor Heart. It was a testament to how much of a coffee addict he was that he even drank during his surprise.

After Twilight spoke, Doctor Heart nodded. “So... let me see if I have this right. You want me to offer guidance to a creature that might not even have the same psychological processes as a pony?”

Twilight nodded. “That’s why I was hesitant to offer it to her. I know this is asking a lot from you, but this needs to be done. And from what Sunset told me and from what I’ve seen personally, humans act like ponies in several ways.”

Heart rubbed his chin. “Actually, this other Twilight does seem to have a classic mental block. Perhaps I can do something for her. When will she be here?”

“Sunset says that human school lets out in one month’s time. She’ll be here almost immediately afterward. In fact, after the kidnapping the other Shining Armor and Cadance wanted to send her over here immediately where they thought it would be safe, but my other talked them out of it.”

“I suppose that would work. Still, is there any chance she can pop over here for a day so I can meet her?”

Twilight thought. “Next weekend could work.” She took a scrap piece of parchment and wrote a reminder to herself to change her schedule for next Saturday.

“Excellent. I’ll add to my schedule.” As he pulled out a planner and wrote down the information himself, he spoke. “And while this might not have been about you, I still must ask: are you doing okay? Any relapses?”

“I think I’m doing fine.”

At that tone, Doctor Heart looked up from his planned and have Twilight a gently prodding look.

Twilight shifted. “Well... I did kind of have a... a ‘Booksortcation’...”

The doctor gave a sad smile. “How long?”

“Three days,” she admitted. “And... well, when I sat down at the table last night, I might have worried a little too much about how silverware was placed.”

“Would you like to arrange another session then? Maybe make it weekly?”

“...That might be a good idea. I’m sorry, doctor, it’s just been so long since Discord, I thought that I would be past all this...”

“Remember what I told you, Twilight, there’s no shame in needing help, especially not when you faced him down. I’m a little surprise he’s still allowed to run around.”

“Well, other than Tirek he behaves himself... mostly.”

“I suppose. Now, when can I pencil you in?”

“You’ll have to talk to Calibri about that, she knows my schedule better than I do.”

That caught Doctor Heart off guard. “Not knowing your own schedule? Maybe you are improving.”

Twilight shook her head. “It’s out of my hooves. So many ponies reschedule, cancel, and demand sudden audiences on top of having a student to teach and all the things I have to arrange with this first contact that I have no choice but to rely on Calibri.”

Doctor Heart shrugged. “Things change eventually. Look at you, a princess. Can’t say you don’t deserve it.”

Twilight blushed. “Doctor...”

He shrugged. “It’s the truth. I can’t say that you didn’t earn it either.” He thought for a moment. “Do you think this new Twilight will become a princess as well? I could pull a hat trick then.”

“What’s the point? It’s not like you can brag about it.”

He shrugged. “Personal pride is important, Twilight. We’ve discussed that.”

“I know. To answer your question, I’m not sure Humans can ascend. Well...” she trailed off. “Well, the data on that is need-to-know, and you don’t need to know yet. I know it’s inevitable, given your clients, but...”

“I understand,” he assured. “I won’t press. Still, I’m hoping you won’t hesitate to tell me anything that would allow me to help you.”

Twilight smiled. “Trust me, after all you’ve done for me, that will never be an issue.”

The pair chatted a bit more before Doctor Heart was forced to go back to his patients. Twilight returned to work, signing off on more requests before her office door opened.

“Princess?” Starlight asked, dashing up to her. Sunny Flare was right behind her, dutiful as always.

Twilight smiled, setting down her quill. “Hey, sweetheart,” she said, taking up her pupil in a hug. “How was school today?”

“Well, I had fun in class. And I had a lot of fun playing with the other foals. But...”

“What’s wrong?”

“Princess... did you know about a mare named Spoiled Rich? The Cutie Mark Crusaders said they told you about her.”

Twilight blinked. “Yes, they have. Why, did you have a run-in with her today?”

Starlight nodded. “She was being mean to Diamond Tiara!”

“Oh, was she?”

“I can confirm that, Princess,” Sunny Flare said. “Those fillies said that you promised to do something about it.”

“I did indeed. I had Foal Protective Services pay her a visit. They informed her that if the situation didn’t improve soon, there would be consequences. What did you see?”

“She was yelling at her for playing with me, then when she found out I was your student she tried to butter me up.”

Twilight let out a sigh. “Figures. Stay away from her, okay? At least for right now, until her probationary period is over. I suppose I’ll ask FPS to keep a closer watch on her.”

“Is that all you can do? She’s hurting Diamond!”

“Sweetheart, we don’t know that for sure. What we’ve seen might amount to just one bad incident. Every other report I’ve received from them is positive, saying that Spoiled Rich has been improving.”

“But she was so mean!”

“I know. But if we just go off what seems obvious, innocents could suffer. A loving mother might lose her child due to a misunderstanding.”

“But what if they’re right? Then a child gets hurt!”

Twilight gave a sad smile. “And that’s one of the most painful lessons you’ll ever have under my tutelage: there are sometimes no easy answers. In this situation, every move has its risks.”

Starlight looked to the ground. “I wish I knew how to help Diamond.”

“It’s very easy: just be there for her. Even if Spoiled Rich is improving, her relationship with her mother is certainly going to be strained. Her exposure resulted in her suspension from the school board, and it has also strained her marriage with her husband. Even the most kind pony would be stressed under those conditions.”

“Why are you making excuses for her?”

The sentence hung in the air as Starlight turned white, realizing she had yelled at her teacher. “Princess... I... I didn’t mean...”

“I think you certainly did,” Twilight said simply. “And I’m very proud of you for doing so.”

Starlight blinked. “R-really? But... I don’t understand...”

Twilight levitated Starlight into her large chair and draped a wing around her. “You questioned me because you’re worried about your friend and want to help her. How could I ever be mad about that?”

Starlight blushed. “Friend? N-no, Diamond Tiara isn’t a friend.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, which went well with her knowing smile. “Really? Then why are you so worried about her?”

“You said that we should care for all ponies, even if we don’t like them.”

“Hmm... caught in my own lesson. Very good. I’m getting more and more proud of you every day.”

Starlight blushed. Twilight took her in a hug.

“Starlight... I’m sorry you had to be exposed to something like this so young. This wasn’t something I wanted in your lessons so soon. I’m about to tell you something that I know all foals hate hearing, but it’s the truth: you’ll understand when you’re older. The reason so many parents tell their foals that is that there are some things that simply can’t be understood without learning and experience. You want the answers to all the hard questions? That’s good, because that’s what I’m teaching you. Every day, when I tell you to make friends, or read a certain section of something, or give you an assignment to complete, I’m trying to give you the answers. It’s a hard road, not many adults have the answers. But I have faith in you.”

There was a silence as Starlight curled up with her mentor.

And then Sunny Flare spoke.

“And I think Starlight would like to share something she said to Mrs. Rich.”

Twilight perked up. “What’s that?”

“Um... it’s nothing,” Starlight said, but a stern look from Sunny pressed her into speaking. “Well... Mrs. Rich’s plans to climb higher on the social ladder didn’t make sense to me, and... I...” She paused, but a look from Twilight made her go on. “I said ‘You’re not very bright, are you?’”

Twilight snickered. “That’s... that’s not f-funny,” she said. “I... I can’t condone such behavior. Remember, being cruel to a pony isn’t acceptable just because they aren’t nice.”

“Then why are you laughing?”

“...You know, I think we should begin today’s lesson. I believe that we were supposed to start basic transmogrification today…”

Dinner at Twilight’s castle usually consisted of Twilight, Spike, Starlight, at least one member of the Friendship Council, whatever member of the elite who wasn’t on duty, and Captain Flash. Tonight, Pinkie Pie was at the guest seat, regaling Starlight with another story.

“And that’s why the colt will forever be afraid of noodles,” Pinkie said.

Starlight stared at Pinkie, eyes wide. “Wow... that’s amazing!”

Twilight sighed. “That colt always did say he was framed...”

Pinkie giggled. “I think I believe him! He’s usually such a nice boy...”

Starlight took one last bite of her meal. “Princess, may I be excused?”

“Did you eat your alfalfa?”


“Okay. You go have fun.”

Starlight left as a servant picked up her dishes. As Twilight took another bite of her meal, she continued talking to Pinkie. “Thanks for taking the time to entertain her. I think having a big support network is doing her wonders.”

“It sure is! I can’t believe she was ever that meanie that you said she was! She’s just a little sweetheart!”

Twilight grinned. “Sometimes I forget myself.”

“So when are you going to let me tell her the story of how we all got her cutie marks? It’s a doozy!”

And that felt like a kick in the stomach. She never truly forgot how she used to be. That was another thing she was keeping from Starlight. Never lying, never manipulating, and never misleading. Simply not telling her things. Not when it didn’t suit her schedule.

“Actually... that will be in next week’s lesson plan.”

Pinkie blinked. “Really?”

Twilight nodded. “I’m tired of keeping things from Starlight, and this one is extra pointless. We have kept the time travel spell under better lock and key this time, and with my lecture at the school a few weeks ago, the general public already knows anyway.”

The pink Earth Pony nodded. “That sounds right. Why'd you even keep it from her in the first place?”

Twilight tapped her hoof a bit. She glanced over Spike’s head and a few seats down, where Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare were eating their dinner. She dropped her voice whisper.

“I guess I was getting in one of my moods again.”

Spike stopped eating and looked up. “Because of this? Twilight, Starlight’s a delicate matter, you freaking out should be normal.”

“I know, but... I just worry. And I think I’m going to be worried a lot more before this is all over.”

Pinkie giggled. “Maybe, but everything is going to be okay. Starlight has you now. What’s the worst that can happen?”

Starlight sat on her bed, deep in thought.

I can’t condone such behavior. Remember, being cruel to a pony isn’t acceptable just because they aren’t nice.

Why? Was she just supposed to let herself be walked all over?

She thought back to Spoiled Rich. Apparently, from what the Cutie Mark Crusaders had told her that was the tip of the iceberg. Why had so little been done? Why wasn’t Diamond Tiara in a better home?

She shivered when she remembered that this mare had once been on the school board. Apparently, the other foals believed that she had been threatening Cheerilee if she ever got Diamond Tiara in trouble. Only one incident resulted in punishment, one involving a gossip column in the local paper, and that seemed to be because once word got out that she was responsible Mrs. Rich couldn’t be seen not punishing her.

This horrible lady had gotten away with everything for a long time. Nopony had stopped her. The Princess said that Princess Celestia had improved their way of doing things over the years.

And yet Diamond still suffered. Celestia had over a millennium and things like this still happen.

Her mind drifted back to the first time she met Aunt Cadance.

Princess Twilight is indeed a wise ruler, and she knows Friendship, but she’s young compared to even me. She doesn’t know her full self yet.

She doesn’t know her full self yet. Do any of the Princesses?

So why learn from them? Twilight doesn’t know everything. Neither does Celestia.

Starlight was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Starlight? Do you want your bedtime story?”


Twilight came in and tucked her in. She read more chapters of Daring Do. They were halfway through the second book. Afterward, Twilight kissed her on the forehead and turned out the light.

Starlight lay in bed, thinking hard. She had so many questions. So much she wanted to know.

When she got some free time, the castle library would be the next stop.

Author's Note:

Well, here we are.

...Dinner with Flash and his family next time!