• Published 7th Jan 2016
  • 15,691 Views, 953 Comments

Integration - Darth Link 22

Changes are coming to two different worlds, whether anypony, or anybody, is ready for them or not.

  • ...

Interlude I: Starlight Glimmer

So, you actually hatched Spike?

Sure did.

And Princess Celestia let you raise him when you were just twelve?

Not full-time. I had the entire palace staff to help me. It was a part-time thing.

So, that’s Spike. What about Starlight?

I can’t tell you here.

Why not?

Because this way would create a written record, and where she comes from is a secret.


I can’t even tell you that. The only people that know in your world are the girls, Spike, and Cadance and Shining Armor, and I probably shouldn’t have even told them. I promise I’ll tell you when we meet alone.

Okay, Twilight. If you say so, I trust you.

Twilight sat at her desk, trying to sign some paperwork. She was glad to finally have more work to do. Now that she had a staff running her castle, the Princesses had all sent her a share of their work, allowing her to finally feel useful.

She was already looking forward to when Sunset could take her own share.

She placed her quill down and stretched her forelegs out. Even as much as such work soothed her, she needed to rest. After stretching her body to pop a kink in her back, she laid back in her seat.

Her eyes drifted to the photos across her desk. Pictures of herself next to Spike after he had hatched, the group after they had discovered the Elements of Harmony and brought Luna home, her coronation, a picture of Flash and herself at the Fall Formal, all decorated her desk. But those were old. Two new ones caught her attention.

The first was of Celestia, Sunset, and herself, all standing together as a family. And the other was Starlight, standing in front of her and smiling for the camera.

She remembered Starlight’s joy and happiness that somepony had wanted to take care of her. Her excitement at wanting to learn new things. The absolute joy that she was considered worthy enough that a Princess would travel through time just to adopt her.

Adopt her... she knew that’s what Starlight wanted. It grew to be what she wanted as well. But she couldn’t.

Sighing, her mind began to drift back to the past.

Starlight looked around, her mind reeling. This was Equestria? But... it was barren... lifeless...

“H-how?” Starlight demanded. “What happened? Everything’s gone!”

Twilight, sitting at her table, just sighed. “I wish I could say I was surprised,” Twilight said. There was no horror in her voice, only a dull acceptance. “Every timeline I visit is worse than before. And all because my friends and I aren’t around to play our parts.”

“Oh, spare me,” Starlight snarled. “Like you’re just that important. You think you’re better than everypony else? You’re not!”

“Then why is Equestria in such bad shape?” Spike asked. His voice had quite a bit more challenge to it.”

“Because...” Starlight searched for an excuse. “because... it’s not! This is all a trick!” She shoved a hoof at Twilight. “It’s some sort of illusion! You’re showing this to try and trick me into giving up!”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “What? How?”

“I don’t know! But you’re the Princess’s pampered little pet, she probably taught you something!”

Twilight was dumbfounded. “N-no! Starlight, this is no trick! You’re only hurting yourself by doing all this! Please, let me set the timeline right and...”

“No! No! You’re just trying to fool me!” Starlight marched up to Twilight, getting muzzle to muzzle with her. “All so you can keep being the privileged, spoiled brat you are!”

“Why are you doing this?” Spike demanded. “Why couldn’t you just leave us alone?”

Starlight turned to Spike, shooting a glare at him that caused him to shrink back. “You want to know why?” She began marching toward him. “You want to know...”

Twilight’s magic engulfed Starlight and pushed her back. By the time Starlight recovered, Twilight had placed herself in between the two.

“Don’t you dare harm him!” she said.

Starlight was back on her game in an instant. She pulled out the scroll and lit up her horn. “I’ll show you why!”

Another portal opened up, and Twilight, Starlight, and Spike were sucked back through time.

The trio landed in a small village. It looked tidy and well-maintained, at least. It could pass for a residential area of Ponyville, with small houses and thatched roofs, all maintained in neat lines.

“Where are we?” Spike asked.

“The village where I was born,” Starlight said. “You wanted to know my story? Well, just look.”

She pointed to what appeared to be a community building. It looked far too big to be another house. Starlight walked up to a window and gestured in. Twilight and Spike took the hint and followed.

Inside there was books, several shelves of them. This had to be a library, Twilight decided. There was nopony in the room except two foals, one of which Twilight recognized right away.

“It’s you,” Twilight said. Yes, pigtails instead of a ponytail and no cutie mark, but it was her.

“Very good. You passed your eye exam,” Starlight said flatly. The filly version of her was sitting by a colt, also too young to have his cutie mark. Golden orange coat and a red mane made him stand out from his friend. They were seated at the base of a tower of books, stacked in mismanaged ways.

Twilight nearly had a heart attack seeing books treated that way. The colt was watching Starlight as she pulled a book from the tower with her magic, then placed it on top, being careful as it swayed. Twilight recognized it. It was a precision exercise Celestia had used to teach her to better control her magic.

“You were using that exercise?”

“Sunburst and I loved magic,” Starlight said. She took on an expression that looked rather out of place on the malevolent Unicorn. It was one of fond remembrance. “We always looked to improve our magic.”

“Why not use blocks? That’s what everybody else uses.”

Starlight gave Twilight a glare that made her bones run cold. “Because I didn’t have a princess pampering me throughout my foalhood. I lived in an orphanage that didn’t want to pay for more than one set, and we had to share it. And by share, I mean let the bigger foals have it. We had to come to the library in town to get any training done.”

Twilight winced. “Starlight...”

“Oh spare me, Little Miss Friendship. You’re going to try and say you know how I feel but you don’t. You’re just a delusional pampered princess! You don’t know what real pain is... but I do.”

She motioned back into the room. Sunburst took his turn, moving a book to the top. It was Starlight’s turn again. The filly pulled one out near the bottom.

The whole tower started to fall over. Starlight, scared, curled into a ball, placing her forelegs over her head.

The impact never came, because at that moment Sunburst’s horn lit up, and the entire tower stopped in a orange aura.

Starlight was shocked for a moment, but managed to scramble out of the way before Sunburst lost his grip. Sunburst’s magic lit up, causing the books to circle around before refiling themselves back on the shelves.

The purple filly hugged her friend. “You saved my life! Thank you, thank you... Sunburst! Look, your cutie mark!”

Sunburst’s eyes widened. He looked at his flank. Sure enough, a new picture adorned it. It was a single circle with radiant beams coming out of it.

“I got my cutie mark? I got my cutie mark!” He ran outside and announced to the town, “I got my cutie mark!

That got the attention of everypony. Two of the caretakers rushed up to him. “A cutie mark? In what?”

“In magic!” the boy said proudly.

The other caretaker grinned. “Excellent! Then we better get you right to Canterlot! This could mean big things for us!”

“Maybe a grant so we can actually fix the place up!”

The group carried them off, several of the townsponies cheering and offering their congratulations.

The filly Starlight tried to chase after him, but stopped. Sunburst wasn’t reaching back to her, or even acknowledging her anymore.


She watched the crowd get further away. Tears formed in her eyes.

“You see?!” Starlight said.

Twilight looked back at her opponent. “So he got his cutie mark and then left you alone?”

Spike gave a half-shrug. “What’s the big deal? He ran off for a bit. Didn’t he come back?”

“No!” Starlight summoned her magic again, creating another time vortex. Before they could react, Twilight and Spike were sucked through.

They were deposited on another green, this one in view of a train station. They were in an alleyway with just enough cover to be out of sight.

Sunburst hung out one window, waving goodbye to the gathered crowd. As the train took off, Starlight suddenly came barreling toward the crowd.

“Sunburst! Sunburst!” Starlight cried, trying desperately to make it.

“I didn’t even get a chance to talk to him that night, with everypony around him,” the adult Starlight mumbled. “Then the next morning I overslept. I actually overslept!”

“Sunburst! Sunburst!” she called.

The colt didn’t hear her. Or at least, he didn’t acknowledge her. The train kept going, despite Starlight’s futile effort to catch up.

Starlight was grabbed by one of the orphanage’s caretakers. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“I-I have to say goodbye to him!” the filly said. “He’s my friend!”

“He’s gone, kid. Let it go.”

“But... I don’t want him to be!”

“Well then you’re a selfish filly, aren’t you? You’ll make new friends.”

“I don’t want new friends! I want Sunburst!”

“Talking back, huh? Well, the only thing you’re getting for supper is a few swats! So I suggest you enjoy the rest of your Sunday, because you’re coming home to a red flank!”

The caretaker pushed her away, and filly Starlight ran off crying. The trio watched as she ran, running up a hill toward a lone tree. Once there she ducked behind it, away from where the three were facing.

“A few swats?” Spike asked.

“That was the orphanage,” Starlight said, bitterness in her voice. “Step out of line, no food and the paddle.” She glared at Twilight. “Not that you’d know anything about that.”

Twilight winced. “Starlight...”

“As long as Sunburst was there, it was bearable! But the caretakers sent him away to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. I was left behind. I never saw him again! I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye!”

“Starlight... I’m sorry your friendship with Sunburst didn’t work out. But that doesn’t mean the cutie mark is to blame.”

“Oh, it’s entirely to blame!” Starlight said, smashing her hooves against the floor. “He moved on, and I didn’t! He did great things, and I didn’t!”

‘Starlight, please...” Twilight said, trying to approach her. “This friendship didn’t work out. That’s painful, I know. I’ve seen firsthoof what that kind of pain can do to a pony,” she said. She took a deep breath. “But I also know that you can move on.”

“You’re just saying that!”

“No, really. I have a friend called Moondancer. I hurt her really bad when I left for Ponyville. But I helped show her that there were still plenty of opportunities to make friends. And now she has a better life. You can too!”

Starlight seemed unsure.

“Starlight. I’ve seen what friendship can do. Harmony didn’t ascend me for nothing. Let me show you! Let’s put the timeline right, then we can talk.”

“...Well...” She looked like she was considering it. “Well... no. No, you’re just trying to trick me!”

“What? No, Starlight, I want to help you!”

“No, you want to win! That’s all you want! Once I step down, you’ll slap a seal on my horn and toss me into jail!”

Twilight felt herself start to panic. She needed to diffuse this, all of Equestria was counting on her. “Starlight, please calm down. I want to help you.”

“I. Said. Stop. Lying!”

“She’s not lying,” Spike said. “She really...”

Starlight got right into Spike’s face. “Shut up, you stupid little...”

Twilight acted without even thinking. In a flash, Starlight was encased in crystal. Her mind raced into overtime. She had a plan. It was radical, but she saw no other way.

She grabbed Spike in her aura and flew off, heading toward the tree she had seen the filly Starlight run to earlier. She only stopped to turn to her charge and say, “Play along.”

She flew around the tree, spotting the sobbing Starlight burying her face in her hooves. She flew up, took a moment to collect herself, and placed Spike on her back. Then she gently flew down.

“Hello there, little one.”

Starlight jumped, looking up and through the tears in her eyes. Twilight landed gracefully, hoping she looked every bit as regal and graceful as Princess Celestia had always looked to her.

Starlight gaped. “You... you’re an Alicorn... but how?”

Twilight smiled. “Harmony ascended me, how else?”

“Are... are you a Princess? I thought Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance were the only Princesses.”

Twilight smiled. “I am a Princess, the Princess of Friendship. Twilight Sparkle. And this is my number one assistant, Spike.”

Spike gave an unsure wave. “Hello.”

“Is... is he a dragon? I’ve never seen a dragon before! Can they really breathe fire? Do they really live for thousands of years?”

“Yes and yes,” Spike said, blowing out a breath of green flame. Starlight, her previous woes temporarily forgotten, clapped her hooves happily.

Twilight gave her a warm smile. “Starlight, I’m not quite a Princess yet, but I will be one, over a decade from now.”

Starlight tilted her head. “You’re from the future?”

“I am! I came back using a very rare time travel spell. It’s dangerous to use, but I needed to do so in order to meet you.”

“M-meet me?”

Twilight nodded. “As the Princess of Friendship, it is my duty to fix friendship problems, and my are you having a hard one.”

At this Starlight started tearing up. “Oh boy, am I! My best friend left me! He didn’t even say goodbye! He just left, and all because of that stupid cutie mark! I... I...”

Twilight wrapped her wings around her as she started crying. The filly threw her forelegs around the Princess’s neck, burying her muzzle into her barrel.

Twilight held the filly close, then dared a look at the town. The adult Starlight had lifted herself into the air and was looking around, trying to find her.

She needed to move.

“Starlight, do you like magic?”

Starlight broke away, wiping her tears and nodding. “Y-yes. I wanted to go to Princess Celestia’s School, but now I’m scared. I... I don’t want to run into Sunburst again!”

“Oh, sweetie, you shouldn’t worry. Even if Sunburst didn’t turn out to be a good friend, you could always make more.”

“But... I’m scared.”

“Well...” Then Twilight saw it. The adult Starlight had put two and two together and was now flying toward the tree, looking panicked.

Twilight panicked too. She needed to end this, fast.

“Well, what if I teach you?” Twilight said quickly.

“Huh?” Starlight asked. She didn’t see it at the time, but Spike was giving her a questionable glance as well.

“I know a lot about Friendship and Magic, and I happen to be short one personal student. Interested?”

Starlight blinked. “You... you really know about magic?”

“You bet,” Twilight said, seeing Starlight get too close. “In fact, watch!”

Twilight lit up her horn. In a purple flash, the three were suddenly on top of a cloud, high in the atmosphere. A quickly cast cloudwalking spell allowed Starlight to interact with the new surface.

“W-wow! We teleported! And I’m on a cloud! Like a Pegasus!” She jumped on the soft surface, happily laughing.

“I know there’s a lot of potential in you, Starlight. I can bring it out, help you do great things. Just become my student.”

Starlight looked at her. “Would I get to live with you?”

“Yes. In fact, I’d be taking you to the future with me. It will mean no more orphanage, but it will also mean no chance to reconcile with Sunburst. In fact, once you say yes, you can never come back to this time.”

Starlight looked at her. “Why not?”

“Messing with the timestream is dangerous. I’m risking a lot just to bring you along, but I think you’re worth it. So, do you want to come...”

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” the filly Starlight hugged the Princess again. Twilight returned the hug.

She froze when the adult Starlight came through the clouds. Starlight, hugging her new teacher, didn’t notice.

Twilight lit up her horn, but her surprise, the adult Starlight just floated there, looking at her. For a few moments, the two stared at each other, each wondering what to make of the other.

Then the adult Starlight started to fade. Like a ghost, she simply became transparent. Twilight tensed, holding the filly Starlight tighter. That earned her a snuggle, the young one believing it an act of affection.

Twilight looked into the adult Starlight’s eyes once more, and she saw it.

Tears on her cheeks. And a smile on her face.

That last image haunted Twilight as it faded out of existence.

Twilight could only look for a moment, pondering what had just happened. The old Starlight was gone. For good.

She was gone forever. There was no going back.

And she seemed happy about it.

Did I just... did I just help a pony commit suicide?


Twilight’s ears perked up. She looked down at her student... yes, she was her student... and gave a smile. “Yes, sweetie?”

“When are we going back to your castle?”

“Very soon, sweetheart. Is there anything from your orphanage you want to take with you?”

Starlight shook her head. “I didn’t have anything, Princess. I had nothing. Not even anything to remember my parents from.”

Twilight felt her heart tighten. “Well, we’ll have to do something about that, won’t we?” She pulled out the time travel spell. “Let’s see if I can get this right on the first try.” She looked over the spell again. After adjusting a few things, she lit up her horn.

In a flash a new portal popped up, and the trio was sucked through.

The other members of the Friendship Council just gaped at Twilight.

“Well... ain’t that somethin’,” Applejack said.

“Something doesn’t even begin to cover it,” Rarity said. “Really, Darling, are you telling us about a village that no longer exists where we had our cutie marks removed? That sounds like a horror story more than anything.”

“It’s the truth,” Twilight said, placing a hoof on her forehead. “And trust me, I know how crazy it sounds. I’m getting a headache just thinking about it.”

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I mean, you are raising a filly that grew into a sociopath.”

“But that was because she grew up all alone in a bad orphanage,” Pinkie said. “Now she’s growing up in a big castle with a princess as a mommy and another princess as an aunt and me as another aunt! Twilight’s really going to have to be strict for all the times I’m going to spoil her!”

Twilight grimaced. “I can’t be Starlight’s mother.”

“Why the hay not?” Applejack asked.

“I...” she trailed off as her thoughts left her. “I just need some time to think,” she said at last. “You're all up to date, and I have a lot to do. I need to look up some of the citizens of Starlight’s village, find out what happened to Sunburst, see if that orphanage is still open and lay down the law if it’s still run as badly... I’m going to be booked.”

“Oh dear... I hope no other foals got hurt,” Fluttershy said. “Why wouldn’t the Princesses do anything about it?”

“The Princesses aren’t all knowing, and Equestria’s a big place,” Twilight said. “And remember, back when Starlight was a filly, Celestia was doing most of the work. Cadance had just been crowned at the time and was still learning politics.”

“Well, if ya need anythin’, you let us know,” Applejack said. “I suppose we better get goin’...”

“Nuh-uh,” Pinkie said. “I’ve got to really meet that little filly! She went ten years without a mommy or daddy so she needs a lot of family affection to make up for it!”

Twilight opened her mouth to object, but stopped and thought. “Well, that actually sounds like a good idea,” Twilight said. “But please, don’t overwhelm her. This whole thing is a bit much for her as it is.”

“I must agree,” Rarity said. “That poor thing is going to need some affection. Before we meet her, how much does she know about the truth?”

“Nothing yet,” Twilight said. “I’ll tell her one day, but not yet. I’ll let her settle in a bit and take everything in before putting something else on her.”

“I don’t know about that, Twi,” Applejack said. “Maybe lyin’ to her ain’t the best idea.”

“I’m not lying to her,” Twilight said. “I told her I’d tell her everything at a later date. She knows I’m not telling her something, and at the moment she’s accepting it. No deception involved.”

“And what if she presses you on it?” Rarity asked.

“I... I don’t know,” Twilight admitted. “Part of me is saying that that’s the time to tell her, but… I don’t know. I’m going to ask Princess Celestia about it. For right now, keep it quiet. Let’s let things simmer a bit.”

Starlight was bouncing up and down at Twilight’s side. This had been her best day ever, as far as Twilight could tell. She had been able to leave her horrible orphanage and live in a big castle. She had a princess as a mentor and a dragon as a friend, and there were five other mares who wanted to love her, including one who insisted she be called “Auntie Pinkie”.

Now was the coup de grace.

Twilight opened the door, revealing a large bedroom. It was simple at the moment, just a bed, a nightstand with a lamp and a book on it, and an empty bookshelf.

Starlight’s eyes widened as if it were plated with gold.

“This... this is really my room?”

“It’s yours. I’m sorry it’s so sparse now, but I’ll let you decorate it more. We can start going through my library tomorrow to pick out a few books...”

“I don’t have to share it with anybody?”

“Of course not. This is a big place, there’s hardly anypony left here to share with.”

“...I never had my own room before,” Starlight said, tearing up a bit. Before Twilight could say anything else, she galloped to the bed and flopped on, jumping happily.

“Hey, now Starlight, that’s bad for the bed,” she used her magic to stop Starlight, laying her gently on the bed. “Besides, it’s late and you’ve had a long day. It’s time to go to bed.”

“But Princess...”

Twilight shook her head. “Sleep is good for little ponies,” Twilight said. She pulled the covers over her new charge.

“I’m not tired!”

“That’s just because you’re riding your adrenaline. I understand today was very exciting for you, but once I read to you a bit, you’ll start feeling sleepy.” She levitated a book off the nightstand. “I think we’ll start with the Daring Do series, then move on from there... Starlight?”

Starlight was trying not to cry. “You... you’re going to read me a bedtime story?”

“Of course... unless you don’t want me to, I guess nine years old is a little too...”

“No!” she said quickly. “I mean... I don’t think I’m too old.”

Twilight smiled, but there was pain behind it. It was another reminder of just how much had been denied to the young filly.

She read. It had been a book she had read several times, and Starlight hung onto every word. The promised one chapter became three, as both filly and mare became invested in the story.

A yawn from Starlight reminded Twilight of the purpose of reading the tale in the first place. She closed the book, ignoring Starlight’s protest, and readjusted the sheet covers. “Good night, my little pony.” Then, after some consideration, she leaned in and kissed Starlight on the head.

As she pulled away, Starlight suddenly shot out, wrapping her forelegs around Twilight’s neck. The princess was stunned. She opened her mouth to say something, until she felt it. Starlight’s little muzzle placed a kiss on her cheek.

“Thank you.”

Twilight just hugged the little filly. So many thoughts were going through her head, but there was one she couldn’t deny. This filly needed affection, and she was going to give it to her.

When Starlight let go, Twilight tucked her back in, giving her a warm smile.

“Goodnight M... Princess.”

Twilight froze for a split second, then put on her widest grin. “Goodnight, Starlight. Remember, m-my room is just two doors down, right past Spike’s. If you need anything, don’t be afraid to call me.”

She calmly turned off the lantern, exited the room, and closed the door.

And then the panic took over.

“Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh, what do I do?”

She started pacing down the hall. She nearly called me Mom... She nearly called me Mom! No, no, I can’t...

Twilight quickened her pace, as if trying to outrun her thoughts. She had killed the old Starlight Glimmer. She had taken in this new one in a cold-blooded act out of practicality. At the time, it had seemed so easy, but now...

Sweet Celestia, the old Starlight had smiled at her death. Smiled! Was... did she... just how much hurt had the old Starlight carried? Was she that welcoming? Oh Celestia... And this wasn’t even getting into the damage she might have done to the timeline.

What if I really changed something in the timeline? What if Starlight had done something that saved lives? What if I’ve set into motion events like the ones in any of the other timelines and it just hasn’t finished happening yet? Oh, Celestia...

Her stomach hurt. Starlight wanted a mother. She wanted the pony who had killed her and maybe caused a disaster to be her mother. No.. no...

She needed to write a letter.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have a lot to tell you about. Most of it I need to tell you in person, as I don’t want to risk having a written record of it that can be traced. If you can, I need to meet with you tomorrow, and maybe the other Princesses, about a matter that might have had serious consequences.

The center of this is that I’ve taken on my first student: a filly named Starlight Glimmer. I understand you asked me to inform you ahead of time and get your blessing on my first, but circumstances prevented that, and I’ll explain why during our meeting. I’m asking you to trust me on this.

She sighed, rolling up the scroll and handing it to Spike, who sent it off in a puff. “That’s that,” Spike said, yawning. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to turn in.”

“Of course, Spike. You must be exhausted. But be ready tomorrow, this has left a lot of mess to go through.”

Spike rolled her eyes. “Of course. Well, at least I’ll be able to...” He was interrupted when he burped up a reply letter. While the dragon moaned in annoyance, Twilight took the letter and read it.


Luna has agreed to take over court tomorrow while I visit. I trust you. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Twilight gave a sigh of relief. Celestia had agreed to meet with her. Now she only had to tell her and she’d know what to do.

Twilight allowed Spike to leave, and then went to her desk. She intended to start her research into what in the timeline had changed. However, as she sat down, exhaustion caught up with her all at once. She instead went to her bed. She was asleep seconds after hitting the pillow.


Twilight’s eyes opened. How long had she been asleep? That question was pushed out of her mind when she saw Starlight at the side of her bed. She was looking at her teacher with a look of supreme worry.

“Starlight? Is something wrong?”

Starlight rubbed her hoof along the ground. “Princess... I’m sorry. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me, it’s just... I can’t sleep!”

Twilight blinked. “Why?”

Starlight cringed a bit. “It’s just so big and empty! I’m sorry, Princess, that must sound silly to you, but it’s just so big and empty and I can’t sleep and... oh!”

Starlight was cut off by Twilight’s magic lifting her. Despite the suddenness it was quite gently, placing her on the bed at the princess’s side.

“Starlight... it’s okay. I understand exactly how you feel. When I first got my castle, it seemed big and empty to me too.”

The young filly gaped. “But you’re a princess!”

“I wasn’t born a princess. Back when I was an ordinary Unicorn, I lived in a library. It was small, but it was mine. When I had to move in here, it seemed cold and empty to me, too. I use to make excuses to stay with my friends instead. It wasn’t until they helped decorate it a bit that I felt at home.”


Twilight nodded. “You bet. There’s no shame in finding this place a bit scary.” She placed a wing onto her student and pulled her into a hug. While the filly cuddled up to her, Twilight thought about her next move. On one hoof, she needed to keep her distance... but the filly needed this. Her health and happiness would be hurt far more if she refused.

“How about this: tonight, you can sleep with me. Tomorrow Spike or one of my friends can take you into town to buy a few things. Sound good?”

She felt the filly’s head nod. “Yes, Princess.”

“Good.” She lifted the blankets and allowed Starlight to get under them. Once they were cozy again, Twilight uttered her last words. “Good night, my most faithful student.”

Celestia blinked. “That... is quite a tale, Twilight.”

Twilight looked away, ashamed. “Do you think I made the right choice?”

“You said you saw no other way, and I trust you enough that I believe there wasn’t one. You did your best with Equestria’s best intentions in mind. And as for the consequences... well, there’s no use worrying about what was, let’s only focus on what will be. You say you’ve already made a plan to look into everything, and I want to hear it.”

“And what about when to tell Starlight?”

Celestia gave a warm smile. “You tell me, Twilight. She’s your student, you know her better than me. I’m sure you’ll know when the time is right.”

Twilight winced. “I’m not sure.”

“Twilight, you aren’t the little foal I took in anymore... even though I truly miss those days. Trust yourself, Twilight, and don’t doubt your decisions. I’ve doubted you before, and it ended in disaster.”

Twilight felt her face heat. “Princess...”

“You know, you really should be calling me Celestia. We’re equals now...” She looked around the room. “Of course, it would help if you actually had a palace staff. Seriously, Starlight should not have been able to get so close. I’m starting you a guard tomorrow. The other nobles are just going to have to take a pay cut...”

Twilight sighed. A lot had happened since that day. She had found the orphanage and truly laid down the law. The entire staff found themselves in legal trouble for the terrible conditions, and a new one had been hired in its place. Her palace had received its own guard, headed by this world’s Flash Sentry, a choice Twilight made in earnest, only to be disappointed when she learned it wasn’t the same Flash she loved.

She couldn’t hold it against her Flash for trying the same with his world’s Twilight.

Ever since that conversation, Twilight had thought long and hard about when to tell Starlight. She eventually decided that when Starlight really started to press would be as good a time as any. If she was old enough to really want the truth, she should get it.

And then this came up.

She looked at the fatality report again.

The old Starlight said that the Sunburst in her timeline went on to do great things. Did that mean her meddling had killed him? Or did Starlight simply refuse to ever look into what Sunburst did in the old timeline as it was too painful for her? She prayed it was the latter. She hoped. In all her research on Starlight in the old timeline, Sunburst had never come up. That hinted that Starlight’s assessment was wrong.

And now, there was a new wrinkle in the whole mess. Decisions, decisions...

She sighed, putting the report away. This was supposed to be an exciting time. Her relationship with Flash blooming, the humans seeing her world, two species coming together...

But all she could think about was this.

What was she going to do?

Starlight floated through the Ether. She would soon be in Harmony’s embrace.

And she smiled.

Images flashed in her head. Ones of a timeline she had not had the chance to live, but could see clearly.

Images of herself growing up, getting her cutie mark, and seeing two worlds come together. Images of her making friends and doing great things. Images of her growing up with Twilight and getting close to her.

Mom... you don’t need to worry. I’ve seen how this story ends. When I saw, I finally understood. I understood what I was doing and thinking was wrong. And I saw... where the new me would be at my age.

Your actions aren’t going to be consequence free, but you’ll make it through. It may be hard at times, but trust me... there’s a happy ending coming, and it’s well worth the wait.

Author's Note:

Well, here you go.

I was going to make this a separate one-shot, but I decided this needed to be in the main story. It also needed to be told soon, based on the fact that it's probably the biggest difference from canon. There are some other changes in the timeline I haven't written down yet (Lesson Zero and A Canterlot Wedding happened a bit differently) but this is the big one, and it needed to be told.

I'm a little iffy on the last scene, showing that the old Starlight welcomed the change. I don't want this story getting a dark tag, but unlike Raising Spike, I wanted this Starlight to be sympathetic, and I think realizing the new timeline will be happier would cause her to accept her fate. Despite Twilight's worry, Starlight wasn't trying suicide by cop.

Not that removing Starlight will be consequence free, but I'm not one for sad endings, even if the heroes have to earn happiness.

There will be other Interlude chapters that will go into some more backstory, one for Human Twilight and Dog Spike, one for Princess Celestia and Luna, one for Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, one for Sunset, etc.

And since this came up in this chapter: Sunburst died in the timeline with Starlight as well. That wasn't a change brought on by Twilight's meddling. Nothing in season 6 is canon to this story.