• Published 17th Nov 2016
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The Mask Makes the Pony - kudzuhaiku

Flicker Nicker has joined the Rat Catcher's Guild. He's rather good at it, but wants to be better.

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Chapter 29

Following along after Spud, Hennessy loped through the woods at an easy pace with Piper on his back. He had been a little irritated with her at first, just climbing up there, but now he could not remember why he had felt irritated. She was hurt, he had watched her legs get gnawed on by swarming rats, and some of those bites had been right down to the bone.

All in all, he liked Piper, she was easy to get along with, she knew his secret, and she hadn’t judged him for it. In fact, she didn’t seem bothered by it at all, which felt pretty weird, all things considered. She had figured it out on her own, and he hadn’t told her anything when she had approached him and asked. In a way, it felt good to talk about his secret.

Hennessy, a colt, wanted to be a filly.

He was happy how he was, he was aware that there were ways and means to actually become a filly, and he didn’t want to change his body; no, he was happy enough being a colt, but he wanted to be a filly tom-colt, or perhaps a coltish tom-filly. It was difficult to explain, or even talk about, and Piper had been the first pony that he had ever said anything to about his secret thoughts and desires.

He suspected that Lentil Pakora knew, in fact, it seemed as though she had seen right through him.

But there was another pony that Hennessy wanted to talk to, to share his thoughts with, but this pony was Lord Death of Murder Mountain, as Piper had called him. Hennessy knew that he was nursing a crush, and crushes were dangerous. His last crush had ended badly, as he had crushed upon somepony who did not reciprocate, or even appreciate being crushed on.

The beating had been savage and he had suffered multiple broken ribs, none of which were ever treated. It was terrifying, having a crush again, especially when one was crushing on Lord Death of Murder Mountain. Flicker wasn’t exactly attractive or good looking, but there was something about him, something worthwhile, if perhaps hidden. There were all those taut muscles and keen, furtive eyes. Everything about Flicker made Hennessy’s twelve year old body, which was deep in the throes of puberty, respond in an animalistic fashion.

“Whatcha thinking about, Hennessy?”

“Not a darn thing.”


Sighing, Hennessy thought about all of the things that he wanted to talk about, but was afraid to. The pressure felt like it might burst open at any minute and everything inside of him would go spilling out, or worse, exploding out. Piper was open-minded, so what could it hurt? She seemed kind enough, and he desperately wanted somepony that he could share his thoughts with.



“Do you know much of anything about puberty and growing up?” Hennessy’s drawl intensified from his nervousness.

“Only a little. My mother would freak out if she found any books about it and she would take them. Got me in some trouble at the library.” After letting out a sigh filled with far too much pubescent angst, Piper added, “You know, you can always ask Doctor Sterling.”

“Oh, I don’t know if I can talk to another stallion about it—”

“And why not?”

“It’s powerful embarrassing.”

“But you can talk to a filly about it…”

“Well, to be fair, you ain’t just any filly, and no, I wouldn’t talk to a filly about it either, but I need to talk to somepony.” Hennessy felt Piper squirm on his back and he screwed his courage to the sticking place, as the old saying went. Perhaps it was just better to let it all out. “Piper, I’m all scrawny and little—”

“Are you kidding? You’re big for your age.”

“No, Piper… lemme finish, okay?”


“Piper, there are parts of me that are scrawny and little, and I keep wondering why.”

Ooooh…” Piper sucked in her breath and held it, causing her cheeks to bulge.

“It really bothers me… my dad and my brothers all said it was ‘cause I’m a faggot and they said it would make parts of me fall off… for a long time I thought that was true, that everything would fall off, and I had nightmares about it. But now, well, ya see, I was one of the youngest, and not being a fighting type, I wouldn’t stop my brothers when they took what little food I got and a lot of times I went hungry. Doctor Sterling says I’m malnourished and he wants me to eat a lot and I’ve been wondering if being malnourished is why I’m all small and shrivelled up back there. I’m scared, Piper… I’m scared and I don’t know how to talk about it.”

“Oh my goodness,” Piper said, letting her held breath out.

“I’m really scared that I’m going to eat better and get food and everything will get better back there and maybe I’ll start growing, and when I start growing, and I start getting that thing that colts have, that thing in the blood and the body, I’m worried that if I start growing, then maybe I won’t want to be a filly anymore and I’ll want to be a colt or stallion and I won’t be gay… and that scares me a whole lot, not being gay, ‘cause it’s become a big part of who and what I am on account of how much I’ve suffered for it and all the pain and crying I’ve done. What if what I think is a lie and I’ve suffered ‘cause I was sick or some no good reason?”

“Hennessy, I’m saying this as your friend, but you need some real help, the kind of help that I can’t give you, and you need a way to sort this out. You need to talk to Doctor Sterling. You need sorting out just like Lord Death of Murder Mountain needs sorting out.”

“I’m so invested in what I am… it defines me.” As he spoke, he felt Piper pat his neck. “If we get Lord Death of Murder Mountain sorted out, what will he become?”

“Prince Peaceful of Happy Hill?” Piper let out a reluctant laugh that was equal parts amusement and discomfort. “Hennessy… for what it’s worth, I don’t think it works the way you think it does. You’re gay… and that’s just fine. As for your problem… well, you shouldn’t worry about it. Anypony that loves you isn’t going to notice, at least, that’s how it should be. Real life sometimes doesn’t quite work out the way it should though. But you shouldn’t worry. If it is just malnutrition, you’ll have a growth spurt or three since you are eating better and everything will get sorted out and everything will be fine.”


As Hennessy and Piper came into a copse of beech trees, they noticed the hunched over form of Flicker, and he was not alone. A pink pony sat on the soft forest loam beside him, and she had a foreleg draped over his withers. The muted sound of weeping made both Hennessy and Piper’s ears prick up. Hennessy came to a halt and Piper had to hold on to keep from falling off from the abrupt stop.

“How… how did she...” Piper started to ask, but it was no use, and her words trailed off even as she thought about how useless it was to say them. There was no explaining Pinkie Pie, even to a fellow Pie. It was a lot to take in; somehow, Pinkie had passed them, found Flicker, and had tried to comfort him. There was also the fact that Flicker had feelings, and he was crying. Even after being blown up, after much pain and abuse, he hadn’t cried. So it was obvious that something had hurt him, and hurt him badly. It was something that hurt worse than being mauled by a bear and getting exploded with dynamite, which made Piper ache just thinking about it.

“I think Lord Death of Murder Mountain needs a hug,” Hennessy whispered.

“He’s getting one,” Piper replied, also whispering.

Pinkie Pie sprang up, bounced a few times in a circle around Flicker, and pronked over to where Hennessy and Piper stood. She paused, mid-pronk, suspended in the air right in front of Hennessy, and she reached out to pat the surprised earth pony colt on the cheek. “He’s all yours, I’ve softened him up a bit for you, but he really needs his friends. He’s a tough nut to crack, maybe even tougher than Cranky Doodle Donkey. There wasn’t much I could do for him.”

Then, Pinkie Pie unpaused her pronk, bounced, and pronked away, her tail bobbing, and she began to sing, “‘Cause I love to make you smile, smile, smile… yes I do… it fills my heart with sunshine all the while… yes it does… ‘cause all I really need's a smile, smile, smile… from these happy friends of mine…” And then, without warning or explanation, Pinkie Pie vanished behind an oak.

Spud, his stubby, sausagy, hairless tail held high, crept through the loam to where Flicker was sitting, climbed up his back, and then somehow sat down upon Flicker’s hunched withers. He meowed once as he reached out his paw and began swatting at Flicker’s ears, and then meowed for a second time.

The second meow was when Hennessy found his get-up-and-go, which for a moment there, had got-up-and-went. Pinkie Pie had that effect on ponies. Hennessy walked to where Flicker was, sat down, and Piper slid off of his back. Piper wobbled around on her legs, not steady, and somehow made it to the other side of Flicker, where she sat down.

“We’re a messed up, rag tag group of heroes with a crazed, maybe even psychotic loner, a cat-creature made from nightmares, a fabulous hick from some alicornless backwater, and a scrappy, plucky leader that doesn’t have a clue what she is getting into.” Piper looked over at Flicker, who sat sniffling beside her. “This would make for a fantastic comic book or even a movie.”

“My mother’s right.” Flicker’s voice was strained and scratchy. “I don’t know how to fix myself. I’m a pony with built in blinders.”

“Oh, it’s not that bad.” Piper tried to smile, but failed, and the corners of her mouth fell. It was pretty bad, and it was difficult to lie about it. “You are just single minded in your direction and your purpose. But we can fix that.”

“Doctor Sterling has tried exposing me to art, music, and culture.”

“Well, maybe you need to be exposed to friendship,” Piper replied. She almost added, Or maybe even love, but thought better of it and kept it to herself. “You need a hobby, something that isn’t work related—”

“I have a hobby, something I keep secret. I don’t want other ponies to laugh.”

“What is it?” Hennessy asked.

“Never you mind,” Flicker replied in a brusque manner. “Pinkie Pie already blabbed about it.”

“We don’t want to laugh at you, but it is okay if we laugh just a little bit at each other, isn’t it? I mean, we’re all going to be working together for the rest of our lives, right? We’ll know all of the embarrassing bits and the secrets that each of us have.” Piper gave a pointed stare to Hennessy, but he was oblivious. “I have a stash of simulated alicorn porn that my mother never found. Rather saucy images… I keep them because every time I look, I bust out laughing because of how ridiculous it all is.”


“No, Spud, you don’t want to see that.” Flicker drew in a shuddering deep breath, held it, and then shook his head. “Once upon a time, I was different. I can remember being different, but it’s all growing dim now and I remember less and less of it. Sometimes, sometimes it feels like my cutie mark is consuming me, and I don’t want to make it stop. I just want to exist in the moment and fulfill my purpose. Just be rid of all the complications, the doubt, and just exist purely in the moment with no fear of the future and no worries about the past.”

“If you did that, you’d just be your cutie mark and you’d stop being Flicker… that’d be bad.” Hennessy scooted a little closer to Flicker and his ears angled over his face in concern. “Your cutie mark, your purpose, it shares your body with you. Flicker, you have to hold on to who and what you are.”

“Who am I?” Flicker asked. “Does it matter? The only time I feel whole is when I am wearing the mask, and why does a pony in a mask need a name? The mask is perfect uniformity and order. We all look the same. When the mask is on, I’m not the weak little colt that used to be scared of everything. I am the faceless slayer of rats. I have power and authority. I’m no longer afraid of what is under the bed, or in the closet, or of the scritchy-scratchy sounds in the dark corners of the house at night. The mask has made me the nightmare of rats.”

“There is still a face, a voice, and a heart beneath the mask…” Piper felt a tightness in her throat, as this hit close to home. She too, felt the dangerous allure of the mask, and she worried if she might also succumb to the seduction of anonymity within faceless servitude of purpose. “We are more than the masks we wear.”

“But what if I don’t want to be?” Flicker asked.

Piper found that she didn’t know how to answer.

Author's Note:

Ah yes, the chapter where people begin to squirm. Good... good.

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