• Published 17th Nov 2016
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The Mask Makes the Pony - kudzuhaiku

Flicker Nicker has joined the Rat Catcher's Guild. He's rather good at it, but wants to be better.

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Chapter 67

“Ye look well rested, Lad. Ye finally got the shuteye that ye’ve been lacking. Yer gonna need it, Moonlit Gambit is lookin’ to be at the top of ‘is game, Lad.” Wicked’s voice was subdued at this early morning hour, which was odd to anyone that knew him. Wicked was a big, boisterous pony, and when he went quiet, those that knew him best could tell that something was wrong. His accent was also heavier than usual, an ominous omen indeed.

And Flicker knew him.

“Sir, I had a good night’s sleep. It’s been awhile, since the purge of Ponyville.” Flicker went rigid and he looked Wicked in the eye. “Have we learned anything, Wicked?”

“Aye, we’ve learned a few things lad, and I’m gearing up to move soon. Doctor Sterling and I ain’t seeing eye to eye at the moment, and even though I’m never gonna admit it, ‘e’s right.” Wicked drew in a deep breath, which escaped as a groan, and his eyes revealed just how tired he was. “Flicker, sometimes, yer friends’ll be right and it’ll suck. But ye gotta remember, they’re still yer friends. A good friend will be right and be quiet about it. A great friend will be right and be a big windy asshole about it.”

Narrowing his eyes, Flicker dropped his voice into a whisper and asked, “Is Doctor Sterling an asshole?” He felt wrong for even saying it, it left an awful taste upon his tongue, but there was no doubt a lesson to be learned here.

“Aye, ‘e is, and that’s why I love ‘im like a brother. Sterling, ‘e keeps me ‘onest and keeps me ‘ead from being too puffy.” Wicked smiled, a bittersweet, wry grin, and he gave Flicker a nod. “I think Piper’ll be yer asshole, if you let 'er. Let 'er blow ‘er ‘ot, stinky opinions over ye and learn to be ‘umble, Lad. In this business, this little guild of ours, being a right almighty bitch is just what’s needed. If somepony ever tries to shut ‘er up, ye have my permission to cut ‘em down. We need to cultivate ‘er bitchiness, it’s an asset like any other, and I aim to exploit it when the time comes. I’ll teach ye to do the same, ye little cuss. Leave no asset unexploited.”

“Cut them down, like, head comes off, or just cut them down, break their legs?” Flicker, his eyes wide, and his body stiff from concentration, waited for clarification. Orders had to be followed to the letter, Wicked’s orders most of all. Wicked’s word was law, second only to the princesses and princes.

“Aye, Lad, breakin’ their wee legs might be a bit much, but ye have my permission to leave ‘em ‘umbled in a bloody ‘eap on the floor.” Reaching out his good leg, Wicked gave Flicker an affectionate cuff on the neck. “Best o’ luck, Lad. I want a good clean fight today between ye and Moonlit. I know ‘e’s yer friend, but yer gonna ‘ave to lay ‘im low. Right now, Mister Balister is no doubt giving ‘im some last minute pointers on all of yer weaknesses. Ye’ll have to cripple ‘im, Lad, because Mister Balister made him tough.”

“I have a lot of weaknesses,” Flicker admitted.

“Aye, Lad, we all do, we all do… but admitting them is a strength.”

Puberty was giving him fits, Octavia had assaulted his senses, Princess Cadance had stripped his soul bare, and the dark spaces beneath Canterlot made Flicker’s skin crawl. It was as if the entire universe was conspiring against Flicker, trying to lay him low, and springing puberty on him was just plain dirty. Today was not a good day for a fencing exam, which was why it was a perfect day for a fencing exam. While Flicker had a lot of confidence, he suspected that Moonlit was going to mop the floor with him.

Moonlit was just faster and more nimble. Being older, he had more training and skill. Yet, the masters of the guild seemed to think that he and Moonlit were evenly matched, so Flicker wasn’t sure of the outcome. He wanted to trust in the judgment and the wisdom of his elders, because doing so made the world make sense, and now, more than ever before, with everything being so uncertain, Flicker needed the world to make sense.

He thought about the touch and feel of Hennessy against him, and there was something comforting about that. That made sense, even if he didn’t understand how it made sense. Flicker acknowledged that his interest in Hennessy was growing, becoming something greater, better, and he wanted to know more. Flicker wanted meaning and purpose in his life that wasn’t related to his cutie mark. The colt had no idea what might happen, but he was willing to explore the possibilities presented.

His relationship with Piper was different, but no less significant. She, like Flicker, was a budding ascetic sort, Flicker had learned what the word ‘ascetic’ was from Doctor Sterling and he decided that it suited him. It was a word that he could make work for himself. A word, like a mask, could hide all manner of sins if one wore it properly. As a word, it worked for Piper, too, to some degree. Not everypony could share his own zeal and fervency, nor did they need to. It wasn’t a contest.

At least, it shouldn’t be a contest, but Flicker took secret pride in being zealous and he most certainly had more fervency than most of the ponies around him. Already, his subconscious mind was gearing up to make sure that Princess Cadance knew that he was her most dedicated, most ardent follower. He would show her… he had to show her. She would love and adore him because he would lavish her beloved artists with protection, care, and funding.

Love was service and Flicker wanted so desperately to serve. He lived to serve.

Moonlit had chosen the mess hall as the location of their duel. It was a good location, lots of obstacles, differing elevations because of tabletops, and yet still a wide-open space. Flicker thought it was as good of a place as any. The room was crowded and ponies pressed against the walls, apprentices and masters alike.

As he stood in the door, he eyed them. He stepped into the room, taking a deep breath as he did so, and he heard some hooting and hollering. Turning his head, he saw that Piper, Hennessy, and Doctor Sterling were all sitting together… and… he had trouble registering what he was seeing. All of them had bright yellow shirts and in garish, bright pink letters, the words LORD DEATH OF MURDER MOUNTAIN FAN CLUB was emblazoned upon them. He thought of the paper-wrapped package that Piper had brought back with her to the room, yesterday. Something in Flicker’s soul ignited and blazed with fierce intensity.

Doctor Sterling in particular looked rather silly.

Great. After all that trouble, Flicker was going to have to work extra hard to make sure that he didn’t let them down. Lifting his wooden sword, he raised it in salute to his companions and his mentor. The idea that Doctor Sterling was having fun caused Flicker some distress. This was an exam, a serious, studious time. Yet, there was this festive, playful atmosphere, like a carnival.

Flicker didn’t know what to think.

“I want a good, clean fight. Both of you know the rules!” Mister Balister stood in the middle of the room with a silver bell held in his telekinesis. “This is a no holds barred match! Hits will be graded on both technical merits and severity! There will be blood! There will be pain! This is our ancient tradition that we hold near and dear to our hearts!”

Hooves stomped and Flicker’s ears were filled with the roar of applause. Still holding his sword aloft, he held it out to Moonlit to salute him. Moonlit was on the other side of the room, in the corner, with Beryl Waltz beside him. Flicker saw Moonlit’s own wooden sword raise up, and the solemn salute was returned.

“Blood and pain!” an apprentice shouted, and he was soon joined by others.

“BLOOD AND PAIN!” The words were barked out to the cadence of stomping hooves. The air became electric and Flicker could feel the coarse hairs along his spine standing up as his dock went tense. “BLOOD AND PAIN! BLOOD AND PAIN!”

It was having an odd effect upon Flicker, and he felt a little euphoric. Was he having fun? He couldn’t tell. Lifting his sword, he saluted the crowd with a broad sweep, then began his slow march through the mess hall. If they wanted a show, he would give them a show. Thinking about this, he had a sudden understanding of why this was happening; Wicked wanted the guild to blow steam off before launching any serious offensives into the sewers.

All the more reason to trust Wicked and obey his every command; Wicked was wise and knowing.

Gritting his teeth, Flicker was ready to do his part. Moonlit was crossing the room now, moving with slow, measured steps. The crowd was still chanting, “BLOOD AND PAIN!” Flicker, after a year of intense, brutal training, was no stranger to either, and was prepared for both. All those hard, merciless strikes by Mister Balister were just preparation, love taps, a warm up for the real thing.

A broken leg would mean a swift, brutal end to the match, most likely, and broken legs could be healed. Time spent in bed recovering was time that could be spent studying. A broken leg was really just a favour between friends. Yes, a broken leg was the best way to end this. A good clean break.

Sure, there was the muzzle strike, and letting your opponent drown in their own blood as the match lingered on. One good hard hit on the muzzle would shatter it, and there were many masters within the guild that had crooked, misshapen muzzles. Flicker understood the meaning behind a mooshed muzzle, but he was still curious as to how friendship survived something like that.

He was about to find out.

When Mister Balister raised the bell, the crowd went silent and the chanting ceased.

“Both of you are exceptional,” Mister Balister said to the colts. “But only one of you can succeed. The winner will begin advanced arms training with me right away. The loser will spend a year in remedial arms training just to make sure they understand the concepts of swordplay and which end of a sword goes where. It will be humiliating and degrading. You will know shame for your failure, and I will carve away your weakness. Am I understood?”

Moonlit nodded first, and then Flicker, always a little slow, joined in.

“Mister Nicker, best of luck.” Moonlit bowed his head in reverence.

“Mister Gambit, to you as well,” Flicker replied as he felt the pressure building.

“This is one of our oldest traditions.” Mister Balister’s eyes had a hard, menacing gleam. “Any sort of interference from an apprentice will earn you nineteen lashes and your walking papers. Stay out of the way, because I believe this fight will get ugly. Prepare yourselves.”

How was this going to end? What might Moonlit do? Would he go for a muzzle strike? Flicker wondered what he might look with a mooshed muzzle. A broken leg? A direct strike to the windpipe? A single mistake on Flicker’s part would allow any of these things to happen. Blood and pain indeed. There was no room for failure and any moment of weakness would be exploited.

With a predatory grin, Mister Balister rang the bell.

Author's Note:

I'm sad. This story approaches its end. I had to cut some stuff to keep it from running on too long. I have regrets.

Still, I'm looking forward to Underwatch.

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